<?xml version="1.0"?>

  <markup ext=".qml" reporterrors="false" aftercode="true">

    <!-- keywords in QML code to ignore -->
      <keyword name="if"/>
      <keyword name="while"/>
      <keyword name="typeof"/>
      <keyword name="for"/>

    <!-- code blocks are meta-code/pseudo code placed in the library
         that is used/called by the native c/c++ code -->
      <!-- need to add all the QML function names below -->
      <block name="onClicked"/>
      <block name="onFinished"/>
      <block name="onTriggered"/>
      <block name="onRetrieveTriggered"/>
      <block name="onPressed"/>
      <block name="onTouch"/>
      <block name="onFocusedChanged"/>
      <block name="onSubmittedNewStatusChanged"/>
      <block name="onCreationCompleted"/>
      <block name="onFileSelected"/>
      <!-- code block structure in QML is:
            onClicked: {
            } -->
      <structure offset="3" start="{" end="}"/>
      <!-- the start block is '3' tokens after the
           name token so we skip them -->

      <block name="function"/>
      <!-- code block structure in QML is:
            funnction x(args): {
            } -->
      <structure offset="2" start="{" end="}"/>

    <!-- Qt Properties have the format :
           Q_PROPERTY(<type> <name> READ <func> WRITE <func> NOTIFY <func>)
           the READ/WRITE/NOTIFY parts are optional -->
      <exporter prefix="Q_PROPERTY">
        <suffix>READ</suffix> <!-- catch the element before READ if present -->

    <!-- qml files can call connect on the c++ code -->

  <!-- qt can call methods as strings using invokeMethod -->
    <call arg="2">invokeMethod</call>

  <!-- the SLOT/SIGNAL methods can be cause false-positives for pure
  virtual functions being called in the constructor because it sees
  the macro as a function. -->
  <function name="SLOT">
  <function name="SIGNAL">