/* * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis * Copyright (C) 2007-2019 Cppcheck team. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "checkfunctions.h" #include "library.h" #include "settings.h" #include "standards.h" #include "testsuite.h" #include "tokenize.h" class TestFunctions : public TestFixture { public: TestFunctions() : TestFixture("TestFunctions") { } private: Settings settings; void run() OVERRIDE { settings.addEnabled("style"); settings.addEnabled("warning"); settings.addEnabled("portability"); settings.libraries.push_back("posix"); settings.standards.c = Standards::C11; settings.standards.cpp = Standards::CPP11; LOAD_LIB_2(settings.library, "std.cfg"); LOAD_LIB_2(settings.library, "posix.cfg"); // Prohibited functions TEST_CASE(prohibitedFunctions_posix); TEST_CASE(prohibitedFunctions_index); TEST_CASE(prohibitedFunctions_qt_index); // FP when using the Qt function 'index'? TEST_CASE(prohibitedFunctions_rindex); TEST_CASE(prohibitedFunctions_var); // no false positives for variables TEST_CASE(prohibitedFunctions_gets); // dangerous function TEST_CASE(prohibitedFunctions_alloca); TEST_CASE(prohibitedFunctions_declaredFunction); // declared function ticket #3121 TEST_CASE(prohibitedFunctions_std_gets); // test std::gets TEST_CASE(prohibitedFunctions_multiple); // multiple use of obsolete functions TEST_CASE(prohibitedFunctions_c_declaration); // c declared function TEST_CASE(prohibitedFunctions_functionWithBody); // function with body TEST_CASE(prohibitedFunctions_crypt); // Non-reentrant function TEST_CASE(prohibitedFunctions_namespaceHandling); // Invalid function usage TEST_CASE(invalidFunctionUsage1); // TODO TEST_CASE(invalidFunctionUsageStrings); // Math function usage TEST_CASE(mathfunctionCall_fmod); TEST_CASE(mathfunctionCall_sqrt); TEST_CASE(mathfunctionCall_log); TEST_CASE(mathfunctionCall_acos); TEST_CASE(mathfunctionCall_asin); TEST_CASE(mathfunctionCall_pow); TEST_CASE(mathfunctionCall_atan2); TEST_CASE(mathfunctionCall_precision); // Ignored return value TEST_CASE(checkIgnoredReturnValue); // memset.. TEST_CASE(memsetZeroBytes); TEST_CASE(memsetInvalid2ndParam); } void check(const char code[], const char filename[]="test.cpp", const Settings* settings_=nullptr) { // Clear the error buffer.. errout.str(""); if (!settings_) settings_ = &settings; // Tokenize.. Tokenizer tokenizer(settings_, this); std::istringstream istr(code); tokenizer.tokenize(istr, filename); CheckFunctions checkFunctions(&tokenizer, settings_, this); checkFunctions.runChecks(&tokenizer, settings_, this); } void prohibitedFunctions_posix() { check("void f()\n" "{\n" " bsd_signal(SIGABRT, SIG_IGN);\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (style) Obsolescent function 'bsd_signal' called. It is recommended to use 'sigaction' instead.\n", errout.str()); check("int f()\n" "{\n" " int bsd_signal(0);\n" " return bsd_signal;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("void f()\n" "{\n" " struct hostent *hp;\n" " if(!hp = gethostbyname(\"\")) {\n" " exit(1);\n" " }\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (style) Obsolescent function 'gethostbyname' called. It is recommended to use 'getaddrinfo' instead.\n", errout.str()); check("void f()\n" "{\n" " long addr;\n" " addr = inet_addr(\"\");\n" " if(!hp = gethostbyaddr((char *) &addr, sizeof(addr), AF_INET)) {\n" " exit(1);\n" " }\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:5]: (style) Obsolescent function 'gethostbyaddr' called. It is recommended to use 'getnameinfo' instead.\n", errout.str()); check("void f()\n" "{\n" " usleep( 1000 );\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (style) Obsolescent function 'usleep' called. It is recommended to use 'nanosleep' or 'setitimer' instead.\n", errout.str()); } void prohibitedFunctions_index() { check("namespace n1 {\n" " int index(){};\n" "}\n" "int main()\n" "{\n" " n1::index();\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("std::size_t f()\n" "{\n" " std::size_t index(0);\n" " index++;\n" " return index;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("int f()\n" "{\n" " return this->index();\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("void f()\n" "{\n" " int index( 0 );\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("const char f()\n" "{\n" " const char var[6] = \"index\";\n" " const char i = index(var, 0);\n" " return i;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (style) Obsolescent function 'index' called. It is recommended to use 'strchr' instead.\n", errout.str()); } void prohibitedFunctions_qt_index() { check("void TDataModel::forceRowRefresh(int row) {\n" " emit dataChanged(index(row, 0), index(row, columnCount() - 1));\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:2]: (style) Obsolescent function 'index' called. It is recommended to use 'strchr' instead.\n", errout.str()); } void prohibitedFunctions_rindex() { check("void f()\n" "{\n" " int rindex( 0 );\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("void f()\n" "{\n" " const char var[7] = \"rindex\";\n" " print(rindex(var, 0));\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (style) Obsolescent function 'rindex' called. It is recommended to use 'strrchr' instead.\n", errout.str()); } void prohibitedFunctions_var() { check("class Fred {\n" "public:\n" " Fred() : index(0) { }\n" " int index;\n" "};"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); } void prohibitedFunctions_gets() { check("void f()\n" "{\n" " char *x = gets(a);\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (warning) Obsolete function 'gets' called. It is recommended to use 'fgets' or 'gets_s' instead.\n", errout.str()); check("void f()\n" "{\n" " foo(x, gets(a));\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (warning) Obsolete function 'gets' called. It is recommended to use 'fgets' or 'gets_s' instead.\n", errout.str()); } void prohibitedFunctions_alloca() { check("void f()\n" "{\n" " char *x = alloca(10);\n" "}", "test.cpp"); // #4382 - there are no VLAs in C++ ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (warning) Obsolete function 'alloca' called.\n", errout.str()); check("void f()\n" "{\n" " char *x = alloca(10);\n" "}", "test.c"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.c:3]: (warning) Obsolete function 'alloca' called. In C99 and later it is recommended to use a variable length array instead.\n", errout.str()); settings.standards.c = Standards::C89; settings.standards.cpp = Standards::CPP03; check("void f()\n" "{\n" " char *x = alloca(10);\n" "}", "test.cpp"); // #4382 - there are no VLAs in C++ ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("void f()\n" "{\n" " char *x = alloca(10);\n" "}", "test.c"); // #7558 - no alternative to alloca in C89 ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("void f()\n" "{\n" " char *x = alloca(10);\n" "}", "test.c"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); settings.standards.c = Standards::C11; settings.standards.cpp = Standards::CPP11; } // ticket #3121 void prohibitedFunctions_declaredFunction() { check("int ftime ( int a )\n" "{\n" " return a;\n" "}\n" "int main ()\n" "{\n" " int b ; b = ftime ( 1 ) ;\n" " return 0 ;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); } // test std::gets void prohibitedFunctions_std_gets() { check("void f(char * str)\n" "{\n" " char *x = std::gets(str);\n" " char *y = gets(str);\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (warning) Obsolete function 'gets' called. It is recommended to use 'fgets' or 'gets_s' instead.\n" "[test.cpp:4]: (warning) Obsolete function 'gets' called. It is recommended to use 'fgets' or 'gets_s' instead.\n", errout.str()); } // multiple use void prohibitedFunctions_multiple() { check("void f(char * str)\n" "{\n" " char *x = std::gets(str);\n" " usleep( 1000 );\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (warning) Obsolete function 'gets' called. It is recommended to use 'fgets' or 'gets_s' instead.\n" "[test.cpp:4]: (style) Obsolescent function 'usleep' called. It is recommended to use 'nanosleep' or 'setitimer' instead.\n", errout.str()); } void prohibitedFunctions_c_declaration() { check("char * gets ( char * c ) ;\n" "int main ()\n" "{\n" " char s [ 10 ] ;\n" " gets ( s ) ;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:5]: (warning) Obsolete function 'gets' called. It is recommended to use 'fgets' or 'gets_s' instead.\n", errout.str()); check("int getcontext(ucontext_t *ucp);\n" "int f (ucontext_t *ucp)\n" "{\n" " getcontext ( ucp ) ;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (portability) Obsolescent function 'getcontext' called. Applications are recommended to be rewritten to use POSIX threads.\n", errout.str()); } void prohibitedFunctions_functionWithBody() { check("char * gets ( char * c ) { return c; }\n" "int main ()\n" "{\n" " char s [ 10 ] ;\n" " gets ( s ) ;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); } void prohibitedFunctions_crypt() { check("void f(char *pwd)\n" "{\n" " char *cpwd;" " crypt(pwd, cpwd);\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (warning) Return value of function crypt() is not used.\n" "[test.cpp:3]: (portability) Non reentrant function 'crypt' called. For threadsafe applications it is recommended to use the reentrant replacement function 'crypt_r'.\n", errout.str()); check("void f()\n" "{\n" " char *pwd = getpass(\"Password:\");" " char *cpwd;" " crypt(pwd, cpwd);\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (warning) Return value of function crypt() is not used.\n" "[test.cpp:3]: (portability) Non reentrant function 'crypt' called. For threadsafe applications it is recommended to use the reentrant replacement function 'crypt_r'.\n", errout.str()); check("int f()\n" "{\n" " int crypt = 0;" " return crypt;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); } void prohibitedFunctions_namespaceHandling() { check("int f()\n" "{\n" " time_t t = 0;" " std::localtime(&t);\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (portability) Non reentrant function 'localtime' called. For threadsafe applications it is recommended to use the reentrant replacement function 'localtime_r'.\n", errout.str()); // Passed as function argument check("int f()\n" "{\n" " printf(\"Magic guess: %d\", getpwent());\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (portability) Non reentrant function 'getpwent' called. For threadsafe applications it is recommended to use the reentrant replacement function 'getpwent_r'.\n", errout.str()); // Pass return value check("int f()\n" "{\n" " time_t t = 0;" " struct tm *foo = localtime(&t);\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (portability) Non reentrant function 'localtime' called. For threadsafe applications it is recommended to use the reentrant replacement function 'localtime_r'.\n", errout.str()); // Access via global namespace check("int f()\n" "{\n" " ::getpwent();\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (warning) Return value of function getpwent() is not used.\n" "[test.cpp:3]: (portability) Non reentrant function 'getpwent' called. For threadsafe applications it is recommended to use the reentrant replacement function 'getpwent_r'.\n", errout.str()); // Be quiet on function definitions check("int getpwent()\n" "{\n" " return 123;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); // Be quiet on other namespaces check("int f()\n" "{\n" " foobar::getpwent();\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); // Be quiet on class member functions check("int f()\n" "{\n" " foobar.getpwent();\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); } void invalidFunctionUsage1() { check("int f() { memset(a,b,sizeof(a)!=12); }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:1]: (error) Invalid memset() argument nr 3. A non-boolean value is required.\n", errout.str()); check("int f() { memset(a,b,sizeof(a)!=0); }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:1]: (error) Invalid memset() argument nr 3. A non-boolean value is required.\n", errout.str()); check("int f() { memset(a,b,!c); }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:1]: (error) Invalid memset() argument nr 3. A non-boolean value is required.\n", errout.str()); // Ticket #6990 check("int f(bool c) { memset(a,b,c); }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:1]: (error) Invalid memset() argument nr 3. A non-boolean value is required.\n", errout.str()); check("int f() { memset(a,b,true); }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:1]: (error) Invalid memset() argument nr 3. A non-boolean value is required.\n", errout.str()); // Ticket #6588 (c mode) check("void record(char* buf, int n) {\n" " memset(buf, 0, n < 255);\n" /* KO */ " memset(buf, 0, n < 255 ? n : 255);\n" /* OK */ "}", "test.c"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.c:2]: (error) Invalid memset() argument nr 3. A non-boolean value is required.\n", errout.str()); // Ticket #6588 (c++ mode) check("void record(char* buf, int n) {\n" " memset(buf, 0, n < 255);\n" /* KO */ " memset(buf, 0, n < 255 ? n : 255);\n" /* OK */ "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:2]: (error) Invalid memset() argument nr 3. A non-boolean value is required.\n", errout.str()); check("int f() { strtol(a,b,sizeof(a)!=12); }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:1]: (error) Invalid strtol() argument nr 3. The value is 0 or 1 (boolean) but the valid values are '0,2:36'.\n", errout.str()); check("int f() { strtol(a,b,1); }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:1]: (error) Invalid strtol() argument nr 3. The value is 1 but the valid values are '0,2:36'.\n", errout.str()); check("int f() { strtol(a,b,10); }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); } void invalidFunctionUsageStrings() { check("size_t f() { char x = 'x'; return strlen(&x); }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:1]: (error) Invalid strlen() argument nr 1. A nul-terminated string is required.\n", errout.str()); check("size_t f() { return strlen(&x); }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("size_t f(char x) { return strlen(&x); }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:1]: (error) Invalid strlen() argument nr 1. A nul-terminated string is required.\n", errout.str()); check("size_t f() { char x = '\\0'; return strlen(&x); }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("size_t f() {\n" " char x;\n" " if (y)\n" " x = '\\0';\n" " else\n" " x = 'a';\n" " return strlen(&x);\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:7]: (error) Invalid strlen() argument nr 1. A nul-terminated string is required.\n", errout.str()); check("int f() { char x = '\\0'; return strcmp(\"Hello world\", &x); }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("int f() { char x = 'x'; return strcmp(\"Hello world\", &x); }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:1]: (error) Invalid strcmp() argument nr 2. A nul-terminated string is required.\n", errout.str()); check("size_t f(char x) { char * y = &x; return strlen(y) }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:1]: (error) Invalid strlen() argument nr 1. A nul-terminated string is required.\n", errout.str()); check("size_t f(char x) { char * y = &x; char *z = y; return strlen(z) }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:1]: (error) Invalid strlen() argument nr 1. A nul-terminated string is required.\n", errout.str()); check("size_t f() { char x = 'x'; char * y = &x; char *z = y; return strlen(z) }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:1]: (error) Invalid strlen() argument nr 1. A nul-terminated string is required.\n", errout.str()); check("size_t f() { char x = '\\0'; char * y = &x; char *z = y; return strlen(z) }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("size_t f() { char x[] = \"Hello world\"; return strlen(x) }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("size_t f(char x[]) { return strlen(x) }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("int f(char x, char y) { return strcmp(&x, &y); }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:1]: (error) Invalid strcmp() argument nr 1. A nul-terminated string is required.\n" "[test.cpp:1]: (error) Invalid strcmp() argument nr 2. A nul-terminated string is required.\n", errout.str()); check("size_t f() { char x[] = \"Hello world\"; return strlen(&x[0]) }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("size_t f() { char* x = \"Hello world\"; return strlen(&x[0]) }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("struct S {\n" " char x;\n" "};\n" "size_t f() {\n" " S s1 = {0};\n" " S s2;\n;" " s2.x = 'x';\n" " size_t l1 = strlen(&s1.x);\n" " size_t l2 = strlen(&s2.x);\n" " return l1 + l2;\n" "}\n"); TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:9]: (error) Invalid strlen() argument nr 1. A nul-terminated string is required.\n", "", errout.str()); check("const char x = 'x'; size_t f() { return strlen(&x); }"); TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:1]: (error) Invalid strlen() argument nr 1. A nul-terminated string is required.\n", "", errout.str()); check("const char x = 'x'; size_t f() { char y = x; return strlen(&y); }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:1]: (error) Invalid strlen() argument nr 1. A nul-terminated string is required.\n", errout.str()); check("const char x = '\\0'; size_t f() { return strlen(&x); }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("const char x = '\\0'; size_t f() { char y = x; return strlen(&y); }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("size_t f() {\n" " char * a = \"Hello world\";\n" " char ** b = &a;\n" " return strlen(&b[0][0]);\n" "}\n"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("size_t f() {\n" " char ca[] = \"asdf\";\n" " return strlen((char*) &ca);\n" "}\n"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); // #5225 check("int main(void)\n" "{\n" " char str[80] = \"hello worl\";\n" " char d = 'd';\n" " strcat(str, &d);\n" " puts(str);\n" " return 0;\n" "}\n"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:5]: (error) Invalid strcat() argument nr 2. A nul-terminated string is required.\n", errout.str()); } void mathfunctionCall_sqrt() { // sqrt, sqrtf, sqrtl check("void foo()\n" "{\n" " std::cout << sqrt(-1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << sqrtf(-1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << sqrtl(-1) << std::endl;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (error) Invalid sqrt() argument nr 1. The value is -1 but the valid values are '0.0:'.\n" "[test.cpp:4]: (error) Invalid sqrtf() argument nr 1. The value is -1 but the valid values are '0.0:'.\n" "[test.cpp:5]: (error) Invalid sqrtl() argument nr 1. The value is -1 but the valid values are '0.0:'.\n", errout.str()); // implementation-defined behaviour for "finite values of x<0" only: check("void foo()\n" "{\n" " std::cout << sqrt(-0.) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << sqrtf(-0.) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << sqrtl(-0.) << std::endl;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("void foo()\n" "{\n" " std::cout << sqrt(1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << sqrtf(1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << sqrtl(1) << std::endl;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); } void mathfunctionCall_log() { // log,log10,logf,logl,log10f,log10l,log2,log2f,log2l,log1p,log1pf,log1pl check("void foo()\n" "{\n" " std::cout << log(-2) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << logf(-2) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << logl(-2) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10(-2) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10f(-2) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10l(-2) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2(-2) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2f(-2) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2l(-2) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1p(-3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1pf(-3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1pl(-3) << std::endl;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (warning) Passing value -2 to log() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:4]: (warning) Passing value -2 to logf() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:5]: (warning) Passing value -2 to logl() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:6]: (warning) Passing value -2 to log10() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:7]: (warning) Passing value -2 to log10f() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:8]: (warning) Passing value -2 to log10l() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:9]: (warning) Passing value -2 to log2() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:10]: (warning) Passing value -2 to log2f() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:11]: (warning) Passing value -2 to log2l() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:12]: (warning) Passing value -3 to log1p() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:13]: (warning) Passing value -3 to log1pf() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:14]: (warning) Passing value -3 to log1pl() leads to implementation-defined result.\n", errout.str()); check("void foo()\n" "{\n" " std::cout << log(-1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << logf(-1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << logl(-1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10(-1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10f(-1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10l(-1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2(-1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2f(-1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2l(-1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1p(-2) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1pf(-2) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1pl(-2) << std::endl;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (warning) Passing value -1 to log() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:4]: (warning) Passing value -1 to logf() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:5]: (warning) Passing value -1 to logl() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:6]: (warning) Passing value -1 to log10() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:7]: (warning) Passing value -1 to log10f() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:8]: (warning) Passing value -1 to log10l() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:9]: (warning) Passing value -1 to log2() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:10]: (warning) Passing value -1 to log2f() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:11]: (warning) Passing value -1 to log2l() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:12]: (warning) Passing value -2 to log1p() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:13]: (warning) Passing value -2 to log1pf() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:14]: (warning) Passing value -2 to log1pl() leads to implementation-defined result.\n", errout.str()); check("void foo()\n" "{\n" " std::cout << log(-1.0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << logf(-1.0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << logl(-1.0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10(-1.0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10f(-1.0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10l(-1.0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2(-1.0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2f(-1.0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2l(-1.0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1p(-2.0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1pf(-2.0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1pl(-2.0) << std::endl;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (warning) Passing value -1.0 to log() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:4]: (warning) Passing value -1.0 to logf() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:5]: (warning) Passing value -1.0 to logl() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:6]: (warning) Passing value -1.0 to log10() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:7]: (warning) Passing value -1.0 to log10f() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:8]: (warning) Passing value -1.0 to log10l() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:9]: (warning) Passing value -1.0 to log2() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:10]: (warning) Passing value -1.0 to log2f() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:11]: (warning) Passing value -1.0 to log2l() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:12]: (warning) Passing value -2.0 to log1p() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:13]: (warning) Passing value -2.0 to log1pf() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:14]: (warning) Passing value -2.0 to log1pl() leads to implementation-defined result.\n", errout.str()); check("void foo()\n" "{\n" " std::cout << log(-0.1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << logf(-0.1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << logl(-0.1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10(-0.1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10f(-0.1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10l(-0.1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2(-0.1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2f(-0.1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2l(-0.1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1p(-1.1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1pf(-1.1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1pl(-1.1) << std::endl;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (warning) Passing value -0.1 to log() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:4]: (warning) Passing value -0.1 to logf() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:5]: (warning) Passing value -0.1 to logl() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:6]: (warning) Passing value -0.1 to log10() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:7]: (warning) Passing value -0.1 to log10f() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:8]: (warning) Passing value -0.1 to log10l() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:9]: (warning) Passing value -0.1 to log2() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:10]: (warning) Passing value -0.1 to log2f() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:11]: (warning) Passing value -0.1 to log2l() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:12]: (warning) Passing value -1.1 to log1p() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:13]: (warning) Passing value -1.1 to log1pf() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:14]: (warning) Passing value -1.1 to log1pl() leads to implementation-defined result.\n", errout.str()); check("void foo()\n" "{\n" " std::cout << log(0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << logf(0.) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << logl(0.0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10(0.0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10f(0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10l(0.) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2(0.) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2f(0.0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2l(0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1p(-1.) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1pf(-1.0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1pl(-1) << std::endl;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (warning) Passing value 0 to log() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:4]: (warning) Passing value 0. to logf() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:5]: (warning) Passing value 0.0 to logl() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:6]: (warning) Passing value 0.0 to log10() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:7]: (warning) Passing value 0 to log10f() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:8]: (warning) Passing value 0. to log10l() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:9]: (warning) Passing value 0. to log2() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:10]: (warning) Passing value 0.0 to log2f() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:11]: (warning) Passing value 0 to log2l() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:12]: (warning) Passing value -1. to log1p() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:13]: (warning) Passing value -1.0 to log1pf() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:14]: (warning) Passing value -1 to log1pl() leads to implementation-defined result.\n", errout.str()); check("void foo()\n" "{\n" " std::cout << log(1E-3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << logf(1E-3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << logl(1E-3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10(1E-3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10f(1E-3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10l(1E-3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2(1E-3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2f(1E-3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2l(1E-3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1p(-1+1E-3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1pf(-1+1E-3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1pl(-1+1E-3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log(1.0E-3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << logf(1.0E-3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << logl(1.0E-3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10(1.0E-3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10f(1.0E-3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10l(1.0E-3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2(1.0E-3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2f(1.0E-3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2l(1.0E-3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1p(-1+1.0E-3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1pf(-1+1.0E-3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1pl(-1+1.0E-3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log(1.0E+3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << logf(1.0E+3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << logl(1.0E+3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10(1.0E+3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10f(1.0E+3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10l(1.0E+3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2(1.0E+3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2f(1.0E+3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2l(1.0E+3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1p(1.0E+3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1pf(1.0E+3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1pl(1.0E+3) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log(2.0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << logf(2.0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << logf(2.0f) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10(2.0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10f(2.0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log10f(2.0f) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2(2.0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2f(2.0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log2f(2.0f) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1p(2.0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1pf(2.0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << log1pf(2.0f) << std::endl;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("void foo()\n" "{\n" " std::string *log(0);\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); // #3473 - no warning if "log" is a variable check("Fred::Fred() : log(0) { }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); // #5748 check("void f() { foo.log(0); }"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); } void mathfunctionCall_acos() { // acos, acosf, acosl check("void foo()\n" "{\n" " return acos(-1) \n" " + acos(0.1) \n" " + acos(0.0001) \n" " + acos(0.01) \n" " + acos(1.0E-1) \n" " + acos(-1.0E-1) \n" " + acos(+1.0E-1) \n" " + acos(0.1E-1) \n" " + acos(+0.1E-1) \n" " + acos(-0.1E-1) \n" " + acosf(-1) \n" " + acosf(0.1) \n" " + acosf(0.0001) \n" " + acosf(0.01) \n" " + acosf(1.0E-1) \n" " + acosf(-1.0E-1) \n" " + acosf(+1.0E-1) \n" " + acosf(0.1E-1) \n" " + acosf(+0.1E-1) \n" " + acosf(-0.1E-1) \n" " + acosl(-1) \n" " + acosl(0.1) \n" " + acosl(0.0001) \n" " + acosl(0.01) \n" " + acosl(1.0E-1) \n" " + acosl(-1.0E-1) \n" " + acosl(+1.0E-1) \n" " + acosl(0.1E-1) \n" " + acosl(+0.1E-1) \n" " + acosl(-0.1E-1); \n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("void foo()\n" "{\n" " std::cout << acos(1.1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << acosf(1.1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << acosl(1.1) << std::endl;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (error) Invalid acos() argument nr 1. The value is 1.1 but the valid values are '-1.0:1.0'.\n" "[test.cpp:4]: (error) Invalid acosf() argument nr 1. The value is 1.1 but the valid values are '-1.0:1.0'.\n" "[test.cpp:5]: (error) Invalid acosl() argument nr 1. The value is 1.1 but the valid values are '-1.0:1.0'.\n", errout.str()); check("void foo()\n" "{\n" " std::cout << acos(-1.1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << acosf(-1.1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << acosl(-1.1) << std::endl;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (error) Invalid acos() argument nr 1. The value is -1.1 but the valid values are '-1.0:1.0'.\n" "[test.cpp:4]: (error) Invalid acosf() argument nr 1. The value is -1.1 but the valid values are '-1.0:1.0'.\n" "[test.cpp:5]: (error) Invalid acosl() argument nr 1. The value is -1.1 but the valid values are '-1.0:1.0'.\n", errout.str()); } void mathfunctionCall_asin() { // asin, asinf, asinl check("void foo()\n" "{\n" " return asin(1) \n" " + asin(-1) \n" " + asin(0.1) \n" " + asin(0.0001) \n" " + asin(0.01) \n" " + asin(1.0E-1) \n" " + asin(-1.0E-1) \n" " + asin(+1.0E-1) \n" " + asin(0.1E-1) \n" " + asin(+0.1E-1) \n" " + asin(-0.1E-1) \n" " + asinf(1) \n" " + asinf(-1) \n" " + asinf(0.1) \n" " + asinf(0.0001) \n" " + asinf(0.01) \n" " + asinf(1.0E-1) \n" " + asinf(-1.0E-1) \n" " + asinf(+1.0E-1) \n" " + asinf(0.1E-1) \n" " + asinf(+0.1E-1) \n" " + asinf(-0.1E-1) \n" " + asinl(1) \n" " + asinl(-1) \n" " + asinl(0.1) \n" " + asinl(0.0001) \n" " + asinl(0.01) \n" " + asinl(1.0E-1) \n" " + asinl(-1.0E-1) \n" " + asinl(+1.0E-1) \n" " + asinl(0.1E-1) \n" " + asinl(+0.1E-1) \n" " + asinl(-0.1E-1); \n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("void foo()\n" "{\n" " std::cout << asin(1.1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << asinf(1.1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << asinl(1.1) << std::endl;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (error) Invalid asin() argument nr 1. The value is 1.1 but the valid values are '-1.0:1.0'.\n" "[test.cpp:4]: (error) Invalid asinf() argument nr 1. The value is 1.1 but the valid values are '-1.0:1.0'.\n" "[test.cpp:5]: (error) Invalid asinl() argument nr 1. The value is 1.1 but the valid values are '-1.0:1.0'.\n", errout.str()); check("void foo()\n" "{\n" " std::cout << asin(-1.1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << asinf(-1.1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << asinl(-1.1) << std::endl;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (error) Invalid asin() argument nr 1. The value is -1.1 but the valid values are '-1.0:1.0'.\n" "[test.cpp:4]: (error) Invalid asinf() argument nr 1. The value is -1.1 but the valid values are '-1.0:1.0'.\n" "[test.cpp:5]: (error) Invalid asinl() argument nr 1. The value is -1.1 but the valid values are '-1.0:1.0'.\n", errout.str()); } void mathfunctionCall_pow() { // pow, powf, powl check("void foo()\n" "{\n" " std::cout << pow(0,-10) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << powf(0,-10) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << powl(0,-10) << std::endl;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (warning) Passing values 0 and -10 to pow() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:4]: (warning) Passing values 0 and -10 to powf() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:5]: (warning) Passing values 0 and -10 to powl() leads to implementation-defined result.\n", errout.str()); check("void foo()\n" "{\n" " std::cout << pow(0,10) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << powf(0,10) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << powl(0,10) << std::endl;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); } void mathfunctionCall_atan2() { // atan2 check("void foo()\n" "{\n" " std::cout << atan2(1,1) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2(-1,-1) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2(0.1,1) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2(0.0001,100) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2(0.0,1e-1) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2(1.0E-1,-3) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2(-1.0E-1,+2) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2(+1.0E-1,0) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2(0.1E-1,3) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2(+0.1E-1,1) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2(-0.1E-1,8) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2f(1,1) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2f(-1,-1) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2f(0.1,1) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2f(0.0001,100) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2f(0.0,1e-1) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2f(1.0E-1,-3) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2f(-1.0E-1,+2) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2f(+1.0E-1,0) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2f(0.1E-1,3) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2f(+0.1E-1,1) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2f(-0.1E-1,8) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2l(1,1) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2l(-1,-1) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2l(0.1,1) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2l(0.0001,100) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2l(0.0,1e-1) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2l(1.0E-1,-3) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2l(-1.0E-1,+2) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2l(+1.0E-1,0) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2l(0.1E-1,3) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2l(+0.1E-1,1) ;\n" " std::cout << atan2l(-0.1E-1,8) ;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("void foo()\n" "{\n" " std::cout << atan2(0,0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << atan2f(0,0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << atan2l(0,0) << std::endl;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (warning) Passing values 0 and 0 to atan2() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:4]: (warning) Passing values 0 and 0 to atan2f() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:5]: (warning) Passing values 0 and 0 to atan2l() leads to implementation-defined result.\n", errout.str()); } void mathfunctionCall_fmod() { // fmod, fmodl, fmodf check("void foo()\n" "{\n" " std::cout << fmod(1.0,0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << fmodf(1.0,0) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << fmodl(1.0,0) << std::endl;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (warning) Passing values 1.0 and 0 to fmod() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:4]: (warning) Passing values 1.0 and 0 to fmodf() leads to implementation-defined result.\n" "[test.cpp:5]: (warning) Passing values 1.0 and 0 to fmodl() leads to implementation-defined result.\n", errout.str()); check("void foo()\n" "{\n" " std::cout << fmod(1.0,1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << fmodf(1.0,1) << std::endl;\n" " std::cout << fmodl(1.0,1) << std::endl;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); } void mathfunctionCall_precision() { check("void foo() {\n" " print(exp(x) - 1);\n" " print(log(1 + x));\n" " print(1 - erf(x));\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:2]: (style) Expression 'exp(x) - 1' can be replaced by 'expm1(x)' to avoid loss of precision.\n" "[test.cpp:3]: (style) Expression 'log(1 + x)' can be replaced by 'log1p(x)' to avoid loss of precision.\n" "[test.cpp:4]: (style) Expression '1 - erf(x)' can be replaced by 'erfc(x)' to avoid loss of precision.\n", errout.str()); check("void foo() {\n" " print(exp(x) - 1.0);\n" " print(log(1.0 + x));\n" " print(1.0 - erf(x));\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:2]: (style) Expression 'exp(x) - 1' can be replaced by 'expm1(x)' to avoid loss of precision.\n" "[test.cpp:3]: (style) Expression 'log(1 + x)' can be replaced by 'log1p(x)' to avoid loss of precision.\n" "[test.cpp:4]: (style) Expression '1 - erf(x)' can be replaced by 'erfc(x)' to avoid loss of precision.\n", errout.str()); check("void foo() {\n" " print(exp(3 + x*f(a)) - 1);\n" " print(log(x*4 + 1));\n" " print(1 - erf(34*x + f(x) - c));\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:2]: (style) Expression 'exp(x) - 1' can be replaced by 'expm1(x)' to avoid loss of precision.\n" "[test.cpp:3]: (style) Expression 'log(1 + x)' can be replaced by 'log1p(x)' to avoid loss of precision.\n" "[test.cpp:4]: (style) Expression '1 - erf(x)' can be replaced by 'erfc(x)' to avoid loss of precision.\n", errout.str()); check("void foo() {\n" " print(2*exp(x) - 1);\n" " print(1 - erf(x)/2.0);\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); } void checkIgnoredReturnValue() { Settings settings2; settings2.addEnabled("warning"); const char xmldata[] = "\n" "\n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" ""; tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc; doc.Parse(xmldata, sizeof(xmldata)); settings2.library.load(doc); check("void foo() {\n" " mystrcmp(a, b);\n" "}", "test.cpp", &settings2); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:2]: (warning) Return value of function mystrcmp() is not used.\n", errout.str()); check("void foo() {\n" " foo::mystrcmp(a, b);\n" "}", "test.cpp", &settings2); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:2]: (warning) Return value of function foo::mystrcmp() is not used.\n", errout.str()); check("void f() {\n" " foo x;\n" " x.mystrcmp(a, b);\n" "}", "test.cpp", &settings2); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (warning) Return value of function x.mystrcmp() is not used.\n", errout.str()); check("bool mystrcmp(char* a, char* b);\n" // cppcheck sees a custom strcmp definition, but it returns a value. Assume it is the one specified in the library. "void foo() {\n" " mystrcmp(a, b);\n" "}", "test.cpp", &settings2); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (warning) Return value of function mystrcmp() is not used.\n", errout.str()); check("void mystrcmp(char* a, char* b);\n" // cppcheck sees a custom strcmp definition which returns void! "void foo() {\n" " mystrcmp(a, b);\n" "}", "test.cpp", &settings2); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("void foo() {\n" " class mystrcmp { mystrcmp() {} };\n" // strcmp is a constructor definition here "}", "test.cpp", &settings2); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("void foo() {\n" " return mystrcmp(a, b);\n" "}", "test.cpp", &settings2); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("void foo() {\n" " return foo::mystrcmp(a, b);\n" "}", "test.cpp", &settings2); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("void foo() {\n" " if(mystrcmp(a, b));\n" "}", "test.cpp", &settings2); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("void foo() {\n" " bool b = mystrcmp(a, b);\n" "}", "test.cpp", &settings2); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); // #6194 check("void foo() {\n" " MyStrCmp mystrcmp(x, y);\n" "}", "test.cpp", &settings2); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); // #6197 check("void foo() {\n" " abc::def.mystrcmp(a,b);\n" "}", "test.cpp", &settings2); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); // #6233 check("int main() {\n" " auto lambda = [](double value) {\n" " double rounded = floor(value + 0.5);\n" " printf(\"Rounded value = %f\\n\", rounded);\n" " };\n" " lambda(13.3);\n" " return 0;\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); // #6669 check("void foo(size_t size) {\n" " void * res{malloc(size)};\n" "}"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); // #7447 check("void foo() {\n" " int x{mystrcmp(a,b)};\n" "}", "test.cpp", &settings2); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); // #7905 check("void foo() {\n" " int x({mystrcmp(a,b)});\n" "}", "test.cpp", &settings2); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); // #7979 - code is not well configured check("void foo() {\n" " DEBUG(x(); mystrcmp(a,b););\n" "}", "test.cpp", &settings2); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("void foo() {\n" // don't crash " DEBUG(123)(mystrcmp(a,b))(fd);\n" "}", "test.c", &settings2); check("struct teststruct {\n" " int testfunc1() __attribute__ ((warn_unused_result)) { return 1; }\n" " [[nodiscard]] int testfunc2() { return 1; }\n" " void foo() { testfunc1(); testfunc2(); }\n" "};\n" "int main() {\n" " teststruct TestStruct1;\n" " TestStruct1.testfunc1();\n" " TestStruct1.testfunc2();\n" "}", "test.cpp", &settings2); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (warning) Return value of function testfunc1() is not used.\n" "[test.cpp:4]: (warning) Return value of function testfunc2() is not used.\n" "[test.cpp:8]: (warning) Return value of function TestStruct1.testfunc1() is not used.\n" "[test.cpp:9]: (warning) Return value of function TestStruct1.testfunc2() is not used.\n", errout.str()); // #9006 check("template uint8_t b(std::tuple d) {\n" " std::tuple c{std::move(d)};\n" " return std::get<0>(c);\n" "}\n"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); } void memsetZeroBytes() { check("void f() {\n" " memset(p, 10, 0x0);\n" "}\n"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:2]: (warning) memset() called to fill 0 bytes.\n", errout.str()); check("void f() {\n" " memset(p, sizeof(p), 0);\n" "}\n"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:2]: (warning) memset() called to fill 0 bytes.\n", errout.str()); check("void f() {\n" " memset(p, sizeof(p), i);\n" "}\n"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); // #6269 false positives in case of overloaded standard library functions check("class c {\n" " void memset( int i );\n" " void f( void ) {\n" " memset( 0 );\n" " }\n" "};"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); // #7285 check("void f() {\n" " memset(&tm, sizeof(tm), 0);\n" "}\n"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:2]: (warning) memset() called to fill 0 bytes.\n", errout.str()); } void memsetInvalid2ndParam() { check("void f() {\n" " int* is = new int[10];\n" " memset(is, 1.0f, 40);\n" " int* is2 = new int[10];\n" " memset(is2, 0.1f, 40);\n" "}\n"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (portability) The 2nd memset() argument '1.0f' is a float, its representation is implementation defined.\n" "[test.cpp:5]: (portability) The 2nd memset() argument '0.1f' is a float, its representation is implementation defined.\n", errout.str()); check("void f() {\n" " int* is = new int[10];\n" " float g = computeG();\n" " memset(is, g, 40);\n" "}\n"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (portability) The 2nd memset() argument 'g' is a float, its representation is implementation defined.\n", errout.str()); check("void f() {\n" " int* is = new int[10];\n" " memset(is, 0.0f, 40);\n" "}\n"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("void f() {\n" // FP " float x = 2.3f;\n" " memset(a, (x?64:0), 40);\n" "}\n"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("void f() {\n" " short ss[] = {1, 2};\n" " memset(ss, 256, 4);\n" " short ss2[2];\n" " memset(ss2, -129, 4);\n" "}\n"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (warning) The 2nd memset() argument '256' doesn't fit into an 'unsigned char'.\n" "[test.cpp:5]: (warning) The 2nd memset() argument '-129' doesn't fit into an 'unsigned char'.\n", errout.str()); check("void f() {\n" " int is[10];\n" " memset(is, 0xEE, 40);\n" " unsigned char* cs = malloc(256);\n" " memset(cs, -1, 256);\n" " short* ss[30];\n" " memset(ss, -128, 60);\n" " char cs2[30];\n" " memset(cs2, 255, 30);\n" " char cs3[30];\n" " memset(cs3, 0, 30);\n" "}\n"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); check("void f() {\n" " int is[10];\n" " const int i = g();\n" " memset(is, 1.0f + i, 40);\n" "}\n"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (portability) The 2nd memset() argument '1.0f+i' is a float, its representation is implementation defined.\n", errout.str()); } }; REGISTER_TEST(TestFunctions)