/* * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Daniel Marjamäki, Reijo Tomperi, Nicolas Le Cam, * Leandro Penz, Kimmo Varis, Vesa Pikki * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see #include #include #include //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CheckMemoryLeakClass::CheckMemoryLeakClass(const Tokenizer *tokenizer, const Settings &settings, ErrorLogger *errorLogger) : _settings(settings) { _tokenizer = tokenizer; _errorLogger = errorLogger; } CheckMemoryLeakClass::~CheckMemoryLeakClass() { } bool CheckMemoryLeakClass::isclass(const Token *tok) { if (tok->isStandardType()) return false; std::ostringstream pattern; pattern << "struct " << tok->str(); if (Token::findmatch(_tokenizer->tokens(), pattern.str().c_str())) return false; return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CheckMemoryLeakClass::AllocType CheckMemoryLeakClass::GetAllocationType(const Token *tok2) { // What we may have... // * var = (char *)malloc(10); // * var = new char[10]; // * var = strdup("hello"); if (tok2 && tok2->str() == "(") { while (tok2 && tok2->str() != ")") tok2 = tok2->next(); tok2 = tok2 ? tok2->next() : NULL; } if (! tok2) return No; if (! tok2->isName()) return No; // Does tok2 point on "malloc", "strdup" or "kmalloc".. const char *mallocfunc[] = {"malloc", "calloc", "strdup", "kmalloc", "kzalloc", "kcalloc", 0 }; for (unsigned int i = 0; mallocfunc[i]; i++) { if (tok2->str() == mallocfunc[i]) return Malloc; } // Does tok2 point on "g_malloc", "g_strdup", .. const char *gmallocfunc[] = {"g_new", "g_new0", "g_try_new", "g_try_new0", "g_malloc", "g_malloc0", "g_try_malloc", "g_try_malloc0", "g_strdup", "g_strndup", 0 }; for (unsigned int i = 0; gmallocfunc[i]; i++) { if (tok2->str() == gmallocfunc[i]) return gMalloc; } if (Token::Match(tok2, "new %type% [;()]")) return New; if (Token::Match(tok2, "new %type% [")) return NewArray; if (Token::Match(tok2, "fopen (")) return FOPEN; if (Token::Match(tok2, "popen (")) return POPEN; // Userdefined allocation function.. std::list::const_iterator it = _listAllocFunc.begin(); while (it != _listAllocFunc.end()) { if (tok2->str() == it->funcname) return it->alloctype; ++it; } return No; } CheckMemoryLeakClass::AllocType CheckMemoryLeakClass::GetReallocationType(const Token *tok2) { // What we may have... // * var = (char *)realloc(..; if (tok2 && tok2->str() == "(") { while (tok2 && tok2->str() != ")") tok2 = tok2->next(); tok2 = tok2 ? tok2->next() : NULL; } if (! tok2) return No; if (Token::Match(tok2, "realloc")) return Malloc; // GTK memory reallocation.. if (Token::Match(tok2, "g_realloc|g_try_realloc|g_renew|g_try_renew")) return gMalloc; return No; } CheckMemoryLeakClass::AllocType CheckMemoryLeakClass::GetDeallocationType(const Token *tok, const char *varnames[]) { int i = 0; std::string names; while (varnames[i]) { if (i > 0) names += " . "; names += varnames[i]; i++; } if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, std::string("delete " + names + " ;").c_str())) return New; if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, std::string("delete [ ] " + names + " ;").c_str())) return NewArray; if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, std::string("delete ( " + names + " ) ;").c_str())) return New; if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, std::string("delete [ ] ( " + names + " ) ;").c_str())) return NewArray; if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, std::string("free ( " + names + " ) ;").c_str()) || Token::simpleMatch(tok, std::string("kfree ( " + names + " ) ;").c_str())) { return Malloc; } if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, std::string("g_free ( " + names + " ) ;").c_str())) return gMalloc; if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, std::string("fclose ( " + names + " )").c_str())) return FOPEN; if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, std::string("pclose ( " + names + " )").c_str())) return POPEN; return No; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char * CheckMemoryLeakClass::call_func(const Token *tok, std::list callstack, const char *varnames[], AllocType &alloctype, AllocType &dealloctype, bool &all, unsigned int sz) { // Keywords that are not function calls.. if (Token::Match(tok, "if|for|while|return|switch")) return 0; // String functions that are not allocating nor deallocating memory.. if (Token::Match(tok, "strcpy|strncpy|strcat|strncat|strcmp|strncmp|strcasecmp|stricmp|sprintf|strchr|strrchr|strstr")) return 0; // Memory functions that are not allocating nor deallocating memory.. if (Token::Match(tok, "memset|memcpy|memmove|memchr")) return 0; // I/O functions that are not allocating nor deallocating memory.. if (Token::Match(tok, "fgets|fgetc|fputs|fputc|printf")) return 0; // Convert functions that are not allocating nor deallocating memory.. if (Token::Match(tok, "atoi|atof|atol|strtol|strtoul|strtod")) return 0; // This is not an unknown function neither if (tok->str() == "delete") return 0; if (GetAllocationType(tok) != No || GetReallocationType(tok) != No || GetDeallocationType(tok, varnames) != No) return 0; if (callstack.size() > 2) return "dealloc_"; const std::string funcname(tok->str()); for (std::list::const_iterator it = callstack.begin(); it != callstack.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->str() == funcname) return "recursive"; } callstack.push_back(tok); int par = 1; int parlevel = 0; std::string pattern = "[,()] "; for (int i = 0; varnames[i]; i++) { if (i > 0) pattern += " . "; pattern += varnames[i]; } pattern += " [,()]"; for (; tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->str() == "(") ++parlevel; else if (tok->str() == ")") { --parlevel; if (parlevel < 1) { return _settings._showAll ? 0 : "callfunc"; } } if (parlevel == 1) { if (tok->str() == ",") ++par; if (Token::Match(tok, pattern.c_str())) { const Token *ftok = _tokenizer->GetFunctionTokenByName(funcname.c_str()); const char *parname = Tokenizer::getParameterName(ftok, par); if (! parname) return "recursive"; // Check if the function deallocates the variable.. while (ftok && (ftok->str() != "{")) ftok = ftok->next(); Token *func = getcode(ftok->tokAt(1), callstack, parname, alloctype, dealloctype, false, all, sz); simplifycode(func, all); const Token *func_ = func; while (func_ && func_->str() == ";") func_ = func_->next(); const char *ret = 0; // TODO : "goto" isn't handled well if (Token::findmatch(func_, "dealloc")) ret = "dealloc"; else if (Token::findmatch(func_, "use")) ret = "use"; else if (Token::findmatch(func_, "&use")) ret = "&use"; Tokenizer::deleteTokens(func); return ret; } } } return NULL; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CheckMemoryLeakClass::MemoryLeak(const Token *tok, const char varname[], AllocType alloctype, bool all) { if (alloctype == CheckMemoryLeakClass::FOPEN || alloctype == CheckMemoryLeakClass::POPEN) _errorLogger->resourceLeak(_tokenizer, tok, varname); else if (all) _errorLogger->memleakall(_tokenizer, tok, varname); else _errorLogger->memleak(_tokenizer, tok, varname); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CheckMemoryLeakClass::MatchFunctionsThatReturnArg(const Token *tok, const std::string &varname) { return Token::Match(tok, std::string("; " + varname + " = strcat|memcpy|memmove|strcpy ( " + varname + " ,").c_str()); } bool CheckMemoryLeakClass::notvar(const Token *tok, const char *varnames[], bool endpar) { std::string varname; for (int i = 0; varnames[i]; i++) { if (i > 0) varname += " . "; varname += varnames[i]; } const std::string end(endpar ? " )" : " [;)&|]"); return bool(Token::Match(tok, std::string("! " + varname + end).c_str()) || Token::simpleMatch(tok, std::string("! ( " + varname + " )" + end).c_str()) || Token::Match(tok, std::string("0 == " + varname + end).c_str()) || Token::simpleMatch(tok, std::string(varname + " == 0" + end).c_str())); } Token *CheckMemoryLeakClass::getcode(const Token *tok, std::list callstack, const char varname[], AllocType &alloctype, AllocType &dealloctype, bool classmember, bool &all, unsigned int sz) { const char *varnames[2]; varnames[0] = varname; varnames[1] = 0; std::string varnameStr = varname; Token *rethead = 0, *rettail = 0; #define addtoken(_str) \ { \ if (rettail) \ { \ rettail->insertToken(_str); \ rettail = rettail->next(); \ } \ else \ { \ rethead = new Token; \ rettail = rethead; \ rettail->str(_str); \ } \ \ rettail->linenr( tok->linenr() ); \ rettail->fileIndex( tok->fileIndex() ); \ } // The first token should be ";" addtoken(";"); bool isloop = false; int indentlevel = 0; int parlevel = 0; for (; tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->str() == "{") { addtoken("{"); ++indentlevel; } else if (tok->str() == "}") { addtoken("}"); if (indentlevel <= 0) break; --indentlevel; } if (tok->str() == "(") ++parlevel; else if (tok->str() == ")") --parlevel; isloop &= (parlevel > 0); if (parlevel == 0 && tok->str() == ";") addtoken(";"); if (Token::Match(tok->previous(), std::string("[(;{}] " + varnameStr + " =").c_str())) { AllocType alloc = GetAllocationType(tok->tokAt(2)); bool realloc = false; if (sz > 1 && Token::Match(tok->tokAt(2), "malloc ( %num% )") && (std::atoi(tok->strAt(4)) % sz) != 0) { _errorLogger->mismatchSize(_tokenizer, tok->tokAt(4), tok->strAt(4)); } if (alloc == No) { alloc = GetReallocationType(tok->tokAt(2)); if (alloc != No) { addtoken("realloc"); addtoken(";"); realloc = true; } } // If "--all" hasn't been given, don't check classes.. if (alloc == New) { if (Token::Match(tok->tokAt(2), "new %type% [(;]")) { if (isclass(tok->tokAt(3))) { if (_settings._showAll) { if (_settings.isAutoDealloc(tok->strAt(3))) { // This class has automatic deallocation alloc = No; } else { // The checking will proceed.. but any error messages that are shown are shown thanks to "--all" all = true; } } else alloc = No; } } } if (alloc != No) { if (! realloc) addtoken("alloc"); if (alloctype != No && alloctype != alloc) alloc = Many; if (alloc != Many && dealloctype != No && dealloctype != Many && dealloctype != alloc) { callstack.push_back(tok); _errorLogger->mismatchAllocDealloc(_tokenizer, callstack, varname); callstack.pop_back(); } alloctype = alloc; } else if (MatchFunctionsThatReturnArg(tok->previous(), std::string(varname))) { addtoken("use"); } // assignment.. else { // is the pointer in rhs? bool rhs = false; std::string pattern("[=+] " + std::string(varname)); for (const Token *tok2 = tok; tok2; tok2 = tok2->next()) { if (tok2->str() == ";") break; if (Token::Match(tok2, pattern.c_str())) { rhs = true; break; } } addtoken((rhs ? "use" : "assign")); } } if (Token::Match(tok->previous(), "[;{})] %var%")) { AllocType dealloc = GetDeallocationType(tok, varnames); if (dealloc != No) { addtoken("dealloc"); if (dealloctype != No && dealloctype != dealloc) dealloc = Many; if (dealloc != Many && alloctype != No && alloctype != Many && alloctype != dealloc) { callstack.push_back(tok); _errorLogger->mismatchAllocDealloc(_tokenizer, callstack, varname); callstack.pop_back(); } dealloctype = dealloc; continue; } } // if else switch if (tok->str() == "if") { if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, std::string("if ( " + varnameStr + " )").c_str()) || Token::simpleMatch(tok, std::string("if ( " + varnameStr + " != 0 )").c_str()) || Token::simpleMatch(tok, std::string("if ( 0 != " + varnameStr + " )").c_str())) { addtoken("if(var)"); // Make sure the "use" will not be added while (tok->str() != ")") tok = tok->next(); } else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "if (") && notvar(tok->tokAt(2), varnames, true)) { addtoken("if(!var)"); } else { // Check if the condition depends on var somehow.. bool dep = false; int parlevel = 0; for (const Token *tok2 = tok; tok2; tok2 = tok2->next()) { if (tok2->str() == "(") ++parlevel; if (tok2->str() == ")") { --parlevel; if (parlevel <= 0) break; } if (Token::simpleMatch(tok2, std::string("fclose ( " + varnameStr + " )").c_str())) { addtoken("dealloc"); addtoken(";"); dep = true; break; } if ((tok2->str() != ".") && Token::simpleMatch(tok2->next(), varnameStr.c_str()) && !Token::simpleMatch(tok2->next(), std::string(varnameStr + " .").c_str())) { dep = true; break; } } addtoken((dep ? "ifv" : "if")); } } if ((tok->str() == "else") || (tok->str() == "switch")) { addtoken(tok->aaaa()); } if ((tok->str() == "case")) { addtoken("case"); addtoken(";"); } if ((tok->str() == "default")) { addtoken("default"); addtoken(";"); } // Loops.. if ((tok->str() == "for") || (tok->str() == "while")) { addtoken("loop"); isloop = true; } if ((tok->str() == "do")) { addtoken("do"); } if (isloop && notvar(tok, varnames)) addtoken("!var"); // continue / break.. if (tok->str() == "continue") addtoken("continue"); if (tok->str() == "break") addtoken("break"); // goto.. if (tok->str() == "goto") { addtoken("goto"); } // Return.. if (tok->str() == "return") { addtoken("return"); if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, std::string("return " + varnameStr).c_str()) || Token::simpleMatch(tok, std::string("return & " + varnameStr).c_str())) addtoken("use"); if (Token::simpleMatch(tok->next(), "(")) { for (const Token *tok2 = tok->tokAt(2); tok2; tok2 = tok2->next()) { if (tok2->str() == "(" || tok2->str() == ")") break; if (tok2->str() == varname) { addtoken("use"); break; } } } else if (Token::Match(tok, ("return strcpy|strncpy|memcpy ( " + varnameStr).c_str())) { addtoken("use"); tok = tok->tokAt(2); } } // throw.. if (Token::Match(tok, "try|throw|catch")) addtoken(tok->strAt(0)); // Assignment.. if (Token::Match(tok, std::string("[)=] " + varnameStr + " [+;)]").c_str()) || Token::Match(tok, std::string(varnameStr + " +=|-=").c_str()) || Token::Match(tok, std::string("+=|<< " + varnameStr + " ;").c_str())) { addtoken("use"); } else if (Token::Match(tok->previous(), std::string("[;{}=(,+-*/] " + varnameStr + " [").c_str())) { addtoken("use_"); } // Investigate function calls.. if (Token::Match(tok, "%var% (")) { // Inside class function.. if the var is passed as a parameter then // just add a "::use" // The "::use" means that a member function was probably called but it wasn't analyzed further if (classmember) { int parlevel = 1; for (const Token *tok2 = tok->tokAt(2); tok2; tok2 = tok2->next()) { if (tok2->str() == "(") ++parlevel; else if (tok2->str() == ")") { --parlevel; if (parlevel <= 0) break; } if (tok2->str() == varnameStr) { addtoken("::use"); break; } } } else { const char *str = call_func(tok, callstack, varnames, alloctype, dealloctype, all, sz); if (str) addtoken(str); } } // Callback.. bool matchFirst; if ((matchFirst = Token::Match(tok, "( %var%")) || Token::Match(tok, "( * %var%")) { int tokIdx = matchFirst ? 2 : 3; while (Token::simpleMatch(tok->tokAt(tokIdx), ".") && Token::Match(tok->tokAt(tokIdx + 1), "%var%")) tokIdx += 2; if (Token::simpleMatch(tok->tokAt(tokIdx), ") (")) { for (const Token *tok2 = tok->tokAt(tokIdx + 2); tok2; tok2 = tok2->next()) { if (Token::Match(tok2, "[;{]")) break; else if (tok2->str() == varname) { addtoken("use"); break; } } } } // Linux lists.. if (Token::Match(tok, std::string("[=(,] & " + varnameStr + " [.[,)]").c_str())) { addtoken("&use"); } } return rethead; } void CheckMemoryLeakClass::erase(Token *begin, const Token *end) { Token::eraseTokens(begin, end); } void CheckMemoryLeakClass::simplifycode(Token *tok, bool &all) { // Replace "throw" that is not in a try block with "return" int indentlevel = 0; int trylevel = -1; for (Token *tok2 = tok; tok2; tok2 = tok2->next()) { if (tok2->str() == "{") ++indentlevel; else if (tok2->str() == "}") { --indentlevel; if (indentlevel <= trylevel) trylevel = -1; } else if (trylevel == -1 && tok2->str() == "try") trylevel = indentlevel; else if (trylevel == -1 && tok2->str() == "throw") tok2->str("return"); } // reduce the code.. bool done = false; while (! done) { done = true; for (Token *tok2 = tok; tok2; tok2 = tok2 ? tok2->next() : NULL) { // Delete extra ";" while (Token::Match(tok2, "[;{}] ;")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(2)); done = false; } // Replace "{ }" with ";" if (Token::Match(tok2->next(), "{ }")) { tok2->next()->str(";"); erase(tok2->next(), tok2->tokAt(3)); done = false; } // Delete braces around a single instruction.. if (Token::Match(tok2->next(), "{ %var% ; }")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(2)); erase(tok2->next()->next(), tok2->tokAt(4)); done = false; } if (Token::Match(tok2->next(), "{ %var% %var% ; }")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(2)); erase(tok2->next()->next()->next(), tok2->tokAt(5)); done = false; } if (Token::simpleMatch(tok2->next(), "if")) { // Delete empty if that is not followed by an else if (Token::Match(tok2->next(), "if ; !!else")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(2)); done = false; } // Delete "if ; else ;" else if (Token::Match(tok2->next(), "if ; else ;")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(4)); done = false; } // Two "if alloc ;" after one another.. perhaps only one of them can be executed each time else if (!_settings._showAll && Token::Match(tok2, "[;{}] if alloc ; if alloc ;")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(4)); done = false; } // TODO Make this more generic. Delete "if ; else use ; use" else if (Token::Match(tok2, "; if ; else assign|use ; assign|use") || Token::Match(tok2, "; if assign|use ; else ; assign|use")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(4)); done = false; } // Reduce "if assign|dealloc|use ;" that is not followed by an else.. // If "--all" has been given these are deleted // Otherwise, only the "if" will be deleted else if (Token::Match(tok2, "[;{}] if assign|dealloc|use ; !!else")) { if (_settings._showAll) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(3)); all = true; } else { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(2)); } done = false; } // Reduce "if if" => "if" else if (Token::Match(tok2, "if if")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(2)); done = false; } // Reduce "if return ; alloc ;" => "alloc ;" else if (Token::Match(tok2, "[;{}] if return ; alloc ;")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(4)); done = false; } // "[;{}] if alloc ; else return ;" => "[;{}] alloc ;" else if (Token::Match(tok2, "[;{}] if alloc ; else return ;")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(2)); // Remove "if" erase(tok2->next(), tok2->tokAt(5)); // Remove "; else return" done = false; } // Reduce "if ; else %var% ;" => "if %var% ;" else if (Token::Match(tok2->next(), "if ; else %var% ;")) { erase(tok2->next(), tok2->tokAt(4)); done = false; } // Reduce "if ; else return use ;" => "if return use ;" else if (Token::Match(tok2->next(), "if ; else return use ;")) { erase(tok2->next(), tok2->tokAt(4)); done = false; } // Reduce "if return ; if return ;" => "if return ;" else if (Token::Match(tok2->next(), "if return ; if return ;")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(4)); done = false; } // Delete first if in .. "if { dealloc|assign|use ; return ; } if return ;" else if (Token::Match(tok2, "[;{}] if { dealloc|assign|use ; return ; } if return ;")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(8)); done = false; } // Remove "if { dealloc ; callfunc ; } !!else" else if (Token::Match(tok2->next(), "if { dealloc|assign|use ; callfunc ; } !!else")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(8)); done = false; } // Reducing if.. else if (_settings._showAll) { if (Token::Match(tok2, "[;{}] if { assign|dealloc|use ; return ; } !!else")) { all = true; erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(8)); done = false; } } continue; } // Reduce "if(var) dealloc ;" and "if(var) use ;" that is not followed by an else.. if (Token::Match(tok2, "[;{}] if(var) assign|dealloc|use ; !!else")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(2)); done = false; } // Reduce "; if(!var) alloc ; !!else" => "; dealloc ; alloc ;" if (Token::Match(tok2, "; if(!var) alloc ; !!else")) { // Remove the "if(!var)" erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(2)); // Insert "dealloc ;" before the "alloc ;" tok2->insertToken(";"); tok2->insertToken("dealloc"); done = false; } // Remove "catch ;" if (Token::simpleMatch(tok2->next(), "catch ;")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(3)); done = false; } // Reduce "if* ;" that is not followed by an else.. if (Token::Match(tok2->next(), "if(var)|if(!var)|ifv ; !!else")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(2)); done = false; } // Reduce "else ;" => ";" if (Token::Match(tok2->next(), "else ;")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(2)); done = false; } // Delete if block: "alloc; if return use ;" if (Token::Match(tok2, "alloc ; if return use ; !!else")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(5)); done = false; } // Replace "dealloc use ;" with "dealloc ;" if (Token::Match(tok2, "dealloc use ;")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(2)); done = false; } // Remove the "if break|continue ;" that follows "dealloc ; alloc ;" if (! _settings._showAll && Token::Match(tok2, "dealloc ; alloc ; if break|continue ;")) { tok2 = tok2->next()->next()->next(); erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(3)); done = false; } // Reduce "do { alloc ; } " => "alloc ;" // TODO: If the loop can be executed twice reduce to "loop alloc ;" instead if (Token::Match(tok2->next(), "do { alloc ; }")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(3)); erase(tok2->next()->next(), tok2->tokAt(4)); done = false; } // Reduce "loop if break ; => ";" if (Token::Match(tok2->next(), "loop if break|continue ; !!else")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(4)); done = false; } // Reduce "loop { assign|dealloc|use ; alloc ; if break ; }" to "assign|dealloc|use ; alloc ;" if (Token::Match(tok2->next(), "loop { assign|dealloc|use ; alloc ; if break|continue ; }")) { // erase "loop {" erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(3)); // erase "if break|continue ; }" tok2 = tok2->next()->next()->next()->next(); erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(5)); done = false; } // Replace "loop { X ; break ; }" with "X ;" if (Token::Match(tok2->next(), "loop { %var% ; break ; }")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(3)); erase(tok2->next()->next(), tok2->tokAt(6)); done = false; } // Replace "loop ;" with ";" if (Token::Match(tok2->next(), "loop ;")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(2)); done = false; } // Replace "loop !var ;" with ";" if (Token::Match(tok2->next(), "loop !var ;")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(4)); done = false; } // Replace "loop !var alloc ;" with " alloc ;" if (Token::Match(tok2->next(), "loop !var alloc ;")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(3)); done = false; } // Replace "loop if return ;" with "if return ;" if (Token::Match(tok2->next(), "loop if return")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(2)); done = false; } // Delete if block in "alloc ; if(!var) return ;" if (Token::Match(tok2, "alloc ; if(!var) return ;")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(4)); done = false; } // Delete if block: "alloc; if return use ;" if (Token::Match(tok2, "alloc ; if return use ; !!else")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(5)); done = false; } // Reduce "[;{}] return ; %var%" => "[;{}] return ;" if (Token::Match(tok2, "[;{}] return ; %var%")) { erase(tok2->next()->next(), tok2->tokAt(4)); done = false; } // Reduce "[;{}] return use ; %var%" => "[;{}] return use ;" if (Token::Match(tok2, "[;{}] return use ; %var%")) { erase(tok2->next()->next()->next(), tok2->tokAt(5)); done = false; } // Reduce "if(var) return use ;" => "return use ;" if (Token::Match(tok2->next(), "if(var) return use ; !!else")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(2)); done = false; } // Reduce "if(var) assign|dealloc|use ;" => "assign|dealloc|use ;" if (Token::Match(tok2->next(), "if(var) assign|dealloc|use ; !!else")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(2)); done = false; } // malloc - realloc => alloc ; dealloc ; alloc ; // Reduce "[;{}] alloc ; dealloc ; alloc ;" => "[;{}] alloc ;" if (Token::Match(tok2, "[;{}] alloc ; dealloc ; alloc ;")) { erase(tok2->next(), tok2->tokAt(6)); done = false; } // Reduce "if* alloc ; dealloc ;" => ";" if (Token::Match(tok2->tokAt(2), "alloc ; dealloc ;") && tok2->next()->str().find("if") == 0) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(5)); done = false; } // Delete second use in "use ; use ;" while (Token::Match(tok2, "[;{}] use ; use ;")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(3)); done = false; } // Delete first part in "use ; dealloc ;" if (Token::Match(tok2, "[;{}] use ; dealloc ;")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(3)); done = false; } // Delete first part in "use ; return use ;" if (Token::Match(tok2, "[;{}] use ; return use ;")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(2)); done = false; } // Delete second case in "case ; case ;" while (Token::Match(tok2, "case ; case ;")) { erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(3)); done = false; } // Replace switch with if (if not complicated) if (Token::Match(tok2, "switch {")) { // Right now, I just handle if there are a few case and perhaps a default. bool valid = false; bool incase = false; for (const Token * _tok = tok2->tokAt(2); _tok; _tok = _tok->next()) { if (_tok->str() == "{") break; else if (_tok->str() == "}") { valid = true; break; } else if (strncmp(_tok->aaaa(), "if", 2) == 0) break; else if (_tok->str() == "switch") break; else if (_tok->str() == "loop") break; else if (incase && Token::Match(_tok, "case")) break; incase |= Token::Match(_tok, "case"); incase &= !Token::Match(_tok, "break"); } if (!incase && valid) { done = false; tok2->str(";"); erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(2)); tok2 = tok2->next(); bool first = true; while (Token::Match(tok2, "case") || Token::Match(tok2, "default")) { bool def = Token::Match(tok2, "default"); tok2->str(first ? "if" : "}"); if (first) { first = false; tok2->insertToken("{"); } else { // Insert "else [if] { tok2->insertToken("{"); if (! def) tok2->insertToken("if"); tok2->insertToken("else"); tok2 = tok2->next(); } while (tok2 && tok2->str() != "}" && ! Token::Match(tok2, "break ;")) tok2 = tok2->next(); if (Token::Match(tok2, "break ;")) { tok2->str(";"); tok2 = tok2->next()->next(); } } } } } } } // Check for memory leaks for a function variable. void CheckMemoryLeakClass::CheckMemoryLeak_CheckScope(const Token *Tok1, const char varname[], bool classmember, unsigned int sz) { std::list callstack; AllocType alloctype = No; AllocType dealloctype = No; bool all = false; const Token *result; Token *tok = getcode(Tok1, callstack, varname, alloctype, dealloctype, classmember, all, sz); //tok->printOut( "getcode result" ); // Simplify the code and check if freed memory is used.. for (Token *tok2 = tok; tok2; tok2 = tok2->next()) { while (Token::Match(tok2, "[;{}] ;")) erase(tok2, tok2->tokAt(2)); } if ((result = Token::findmatch(tok, "dealloc [;{}] use|use_ ;")) != NULL) { _errorLogger->deallocuse(_tokenizer, result->tokAt(2), varname); } // Replace "&use" with "use". Replace "use_" with ";" for (Token *tok2 = tok; tok2; tok2 = tok2->next()) { if (tok2->str() == "&use") tok2->str("use"); else if (tok2->str() == "use_") tok2->str(";"); else if (tok2->str() == "::use") // Some kind of member function usage. Not analyzed very well. tok2->str("use"); else if (tok2->str() == "recursive") tok2->str("use"); else if (tok2->str() == "dealloc_") tok2->str("dealloc"); else if (tok2->str() == "realloc") { tok2->str("dealloc"); tok2->insertToken("alloc"); tok2->insertToken(";"); } } simplifycode(tok, all); //tok->printOut("simplifycode result"); // If the variable is not allocated at all => no memory leak if (Token::findmatch(tok, "alloc") == 0) { Tokenizer::deleteTokens(tok); return; } // TODO : handle "goto" if (Token::findmatch(tok, "goto")) { Tokenizer::deleteTokens(tok); return; } if ((result = Token::findmatch(tok, "loop alloc ;")) != NULL) { MemoryLeak(result, varname, alloctype, all); } else if ((result = Token::findmatch(tok, "alloc ; if break|continue|return ;")) != NULL && Token::findmatch(tok, "dealloc ; alloc ; if continue ;") == NULL) { MemoryLeak(result->tokAt(3), varname, alloctype, all); } else if (_settings._showAll && (result = Token::findmatch(tok, "alloc ; ifv break|continue|return ;")) != NULL) { MemoryLeak(result->tokAt(3), varname, alloctype, all); } else if ((result = Token::findmatch(tok, "alloc ; alloc|assign|return ;")) != NULL) { MemoryLeak(result->tokAt(2), varname, alloctype, all); } else if ((result = Token::findmatch(tok, "dealloc ; dealloc ;")) != NULL) { _errorLogger->deallocDealloc(_tokenizer, result->tokAt(2), varname); } else if (! Token::findmatch(tok, "dealloc") && ! Token::findmatch(tok, "use") && ! Token::findmatch(tok, "return use ;")) { const Token *last = tok; while (last->next()) last = last->next(); MemoryLeak(last, varname, alloctype, all); } // detect cases that "simplifycode" don't handle well.. else if (_settings._debug) { Token *first = tok; while (first && first->str() == ";") first = first->next(); bool noerr = false; noerr |= Token::Match(first, "alloc ; }"); noerr |= Token::Match(first, "alloc ; dealloc ; }"); noerr |= Token::Match(first, "alloc ; return use ; }"); noerr |= Token::Match(first, "alloc ; use ; }"); noerr |= Token::Match(first, "alloc ; use ; return ; }"); noerr |= Token::Match(first, "if alloc ; dealloc ; }"); noerr |= Token::Match(first, "if alloc ; return use ; }"); noerr |= Token::Match(first, "if alloc ; use ; }"); noerr |= Token::Match(first, "alloc ; ifv return ; dealloc ; }"); noerr |= Token::Match(first, "alloc ; if return ; dealloc; }"); // Unhandled case.. if (! noerr) { std::cout << "Token listing..\n "; for (const Token *tok2 = tok; tok2; tok2 = tok2->next()) std::cout << " " << tok2->str(); std::cout << "\n"; } } Tokenizer::deleteTokens(tok); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Checks for memory leaks inside function.. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CheckMemoryLeakClass::CheckMemoryLeak_InFunction() { bool classmember = false; bool infunc = false; int indentlevel = 0; for (const Token *tok = _tokenizer->tokens(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->str() == "{") ++indentlevel; else if (tok->str() == "}") --indentlevel; // In function.. if (indentlevel == 0) { if (Token::Match(tok, ") {")) infunc = true; else if (tok->str() == "::") classmember = true; else if (Token::Match(tok, "[;}]")) infunc = classmember = false; } // Declare a local variable => Check if (indentlevel > 0 && infunc) { unsigned int sz = _tokenizer->SizeOfType(tok->strAt(1)); if (sz < 1) sz = 1; if (Token::Match(tok, "[{};] %type% * %var% [;=]")) CheckMemoryLeak_CheckScope(tok->next(), tok->strAt(3), classmember, sz); else if (Token::Match(tok, "[{};] %type% %type% * %var% [;=]")) CheckMemoryLeak_CheckScope(tok->next(), tok->strAt(4), classmember, sz); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Checks for memory leaks in classes.. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CheckMemoryLeakClass::CheckMemoryLeak_ClassMembers() { int indentlevel = 0; for (const Token *tok = _tokenizer->tokens(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->str() == "{") ++indentlevel; else if (tok->str() == "}") --indentlevel; else if (indentlevel == 0 && Token::Match(tok, "class %var% [{:]")) { std::vector classname; classname.push_back(tok->strAt(1)); CheckMemoryLeak_ClassMembers_ParseClass(tok, classname); } } } void CheckMemoryLeakClass::CheckMemoryLeak_ClassMembers_ParseClass(const Token *tok1, std::vector &classname) { // Go into class. while (tok1 && tok1->str() != "{") tok1 = tok1->next(); if (tok1) tok1 = tok1->next(); int indentlevel = 0; for (const Token *tok = tok1; tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->str() == "{") ++indentlevel; else if (tok->str() == "}") { --indentlevel; if (indentlevel < 0) return; } // Only parse this particular class.. not subclasses if (indentlevel > 0) continue; // Declaring subclass.. recursive checking if (Token::Match(tok, "class %var% [{:]")) { classname.push_back(tok->strAt(1)); CheckMemoryLeak_ClassMembers_ParseClass(tok, classname); classname.pop_back(); } // Declaring member variable.. check allocations and deallocations if (Token::Match(tok->next(), "%type% * %var% ;")) { // No false positives for auto deallocated classes.. if (_settings.isAutoDealloc(tok->strAt(1))) continue; if (tok->isName() || Token::Match(tok, "[;}]")) { if (_settings._showAll || !isclass(tok->tokAt(1))) CheckMemoryLeak_ClassMembers_Variable(classname.back(), tok->tokAt(3)); } } } } void CheckMemoryLeakClass::CheckMemoryLeak_ClassMembers_Variable(const char classname[], const Token *tokVarname) { const char *varname = tokVarname->strAt(0); // Check if member variable has been allocated and deallocated.. AllocType Alloc = No; AllocType Dealloc = No; // Loop through all tokens. Inspect member functions int indent_ = 0; const Token *functionToken = Tokenizer::FindClassFunction(_tokenizer->tokens(), classname, "~| %var%", indent_); while (functionToken) { int indent = 0; bool initlist = false; for (const Token *tok = functionToken; tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->str() == "{") ++indent; else if (tok->str() == "}") { --indent; if (indent <= 0) break; } else if (indent == 0 && Token::simpleMatch(tok, ") :")) initlist = true; else if (initlist || indent > 0) { if (indent == 0) { if (!Token::Match(tok, (":|, " + std::string(varname) + " (").c_str())) continue; } // Allocate.. if (indent == 0 || Token::Match(tok, (std::string(varname) + " =").c_str())) { AllocType alloc = GetAllocationType(tok->tokAt((indent > 0) ? 2 : 3)); if (alloc != No) { if (Alloc != No && Alloc != alloc) alloc = Many; std::list callstack; if (alloc != Many && Dealloc != No && Dealloc != Many && Dealloc != alloc) { callstack.push_back(tok); _errorLogger->mismatchAllocDealloc(_tokenizer, callstack, (std::string(classname) + "::" + varname).c_str()); callstack.pop_back(); } Alloc = alloc; } } if (indent == 0) continue; // Deallocate.. const char *varnames[3] = { "var", 0, 0 }; varnames[0] = varname; AllocType dealloc = GetDeallocationType(tok, varnames); if (dealloc == No) { varnames[0] = "this"; varnames[1] = varname; dealloc = GetDeallocationType(tok, varnames); } if (dealloc != No) { if (Dealloc != No && Dealloc != dealloc) dealloc = Many; std::list callstack; if (dealloc != Many && Alloc != No && Alloc != Many && Alloc != dealloc) { callstack.push_back(tok); _errorLogger->mismatchAllocDealloc(_tokenizer, callstack, (std::string(classname) + "::" + varname).c_str()); callstack.pop_back(); } Dealloc = dealloc; } } } functionToken = Tokenizer::FindClassFunction(functionToken->next(), classname, "~| %var%", indent_); } if (Alloc != No && Dealloc == No) { MemoryLeak(tokVarname, (std::string(classname) + "::" + varname).c_str(), Alloc, true); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Checks for memory leaks.. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CheckMemoryLeakClass::CheckMemoryLeak() { _listAllocFunc.clear(); // Check for memory leaks inside functions.. CheckMemoryLeak_InFunction(); // Check that all class members are deallocated.. if (_settings._showAll) CheckMemoryLeak_ClassMembers(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Non-recursive function analysis //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Token * CheckMemoryLeakClass::functionParameterCode(const Token *ftok, int parameter) { int param = 1; // First parameter has index 1 // Extract the code for specified parameter... for (; ftok; ftok = ftok->next()) { if (ftok->str() == ")") break; if (ftok->str() == ",") { ++param; if (param > parameter) break; } if (param != parameter) continue; if (! Token::Match(ftok, "* %var% [,)]")) continue; // Extract and return the code for this parameter.. const char *parname = ftok->strAt(1); // Goto function implementation.. while (ftok && ftok->str() != "{") ftok = ftok->next(); ftok = ftok ? ftok->next() : NULL; // Return the code.. AllocType alloc = No, dealloc = No; bool all = false; std::list callstack; Token *code = getcode(ftok, callstack, parname, alloc, dealloc, false, all, 1); simplifycode(code, all); return code; } return NULL; }