 * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis
 * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Daniel Marjamäki and Cppcheck team.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#ifndef tokenizeH
#define tokenizeH

#include "errorlogger.h"
#include "tokenlist.h"
#include "config.h"

#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <ctime>

class Settings;
class SymbolDatabase;
class TimerResults;

/// @addtogroup Core
/// @{

/** @brief The main purpose is to tokenize the source code. It also has functions that simplify the token list */
class CPPCHECKLIB Tokenizer {
    Tokenizer(const Settings * settings, ErrorLogger *errorLogger);

    void setTimerResults(TimerResults *tr) {
        m_timerResults = tr;

    /** @return the source file path. e.g. "file.cpp" */
    const std::string& getSourceFilePath() const;

    /** Is the code C. Used for bailouts */
    bool isC() const;

    /** Is the code CPP. Used for bailouts */
    bool isCPP() const;

     * Check if inner scope ends with a call to a noreturn function
     * \param endScopeToken The '}' token
     * \param unknown set to true if it's unknown if the scope is noreturn
     * \return true if scope ends with a function call that might be 'noreturn'
    bool IsScopeNoReturn(const Token *endScopeToken, bool *unknown = nullptr) const;

     * Tokenize code
     * @param code input stream for code, e.g.
     * \code
     * #file "p.h"
     * class Foo
     * {
     * private:
     * void Bar();
     * };
     * #endfile
     * void Foo::Bar()
     * {
     * }
     * \endcode
     * @param FileName The filename
     * @param configuration E.g. "A" for code where "#ifdef A" is true
     * @return false if source code contains syntax errors
    bool tokenize(std::istream &code,
                  const char FileName[],
                  const std::string &configuration = "");

     * tokenize condition and run simple simplifications on it
     * @param code code
     * @return true if success.
    bool tokenizeCondition(const std::string &code);

    /** Set variable id */
    void setVarId();

    * Basic simplification of tokenlist
    * @param FileName The filename to run; used to do
    * markup checks.
    * @return false if there is an error that requires aborting
    * the checking of this file.
    bool simplifyTokenList1(const char FileName[]);

    * Most aggressive simplification of tokenlist
    * @return false if there is an error that requires aborting
    * the checking of this file.
    bool simplifyTokenList2();

     * Deletes dead code between 'begin' and 'end'.
     * In general not everything can be erased, such as:
     * - code after labels;
     * - code outside the scope where the function is called;
     * - code after a change of scope caused by 'switch(...);'
     *   instructions, like 'case %any%;' or 'default;'
     * Also, if the dead code contains a 'switch' block
     * and inside it there's a label, the function removes all
     * the 'switch(..)' tokens and every occurrence of 'case %any%; | default;'
     * expression, such as the 'switch' block is reduced to a simple block.
     * @param begin Tokens after this have a possibility to be erased.
     * @param end Tokens before this have a possibility to be erased.
    static void eraseDeadCode(Token *begin, const Token *end);

     * Simplify '* & ( %var% ) =' or any combination of '* &' and '()'
     * parentheses around '%var%' to '%var% ='
    void simplifyMulAndParens();

     * Calculates sizeof value for given type.
     * @param type Token which will contain e.g. "int", "*", or string.
     * @return sizeof for given type, or 0 if it can't be calculated.
    unsigned int sizeOfType(const Token *type) const;

     * Try to determine if function parameter is passed by value by looking
     * at the function declaration.
     * @param fpar token for function parameter in the function call
     * @return true if the parameter is passed by value. if unsure, false is returned
    bool isFunctionParameterPassedByValue(const Token *fpar) const;

     * get error messages that the tokenizer generate
    static void getErrorMessages(ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings);

    /** Simplify assignment in function call "f(x=g());" => "x=g();f(x);"
    void simplifyAssignmentInFunctionCall();

    /** Simplify assignment where rhs is a block : "x=({123;});" => "{x=123;}" */
    void simplifyAssignmentBlock();

     * Simplify constant calculations such as "1+2" => "3"
     * @return true if modifications to token-list are done.
     *         false if no modifications are done.
    bool simplifyCalculations();

     * Simplify dereferencing a pointer offset by a number:
     *     "*(ptr + num)" => "ptr[num]"
     *     "*(ptr - num)" => "ptr[-num]"
    void simplifyOffsetPointerDereference();

    /** Insert array size where it isn't given */
    void arraySize();

    /** Simplify labels and 'case|default' syntaxes.
    void simplifyLabelsCaseDefault();

    /** Remove macros in global scope */
    void removeMacrosInGlobalScope();

    /** Remove unknown macro in variable declarations: PROGMEM char x; */
    void removeMacroInVarDecl();

    /** Remove redundant assignment */
    void removeRedundantAssignment();

    /** Simplifies some realloc usage like
      * 'x = realloc (0, n);' => 'x = malloc(n);'
      * 'x = realloc (y, 0);' => 'x = 0; free(y);'
    void simplifyRealloc();

    /** Add parentheses for sizeof: sizeof x => sizeof(x) */
    void sizeofAddParentheses();

     * Replace sizeof() to appropriate size.
     * @return true if modifications to token-list are done.
     *         false if no modifications are done.
    bool simplifySizeof();

     * Simplify variable declarations (split up)
     * \param only_k_r_fpar Only simplify K&R function parameters
    void simplifyVarDecl(bool only_k_r_fpar);
    void simplifyVarDecl(Token * tokBegin, Token * tokEnd, bool only_k_r_fpar);

     * Simplify variable initialization
     * '; int *p(0);' => '; int *p = 0;'
    void simplifyInitVar();
    Token * initVar(Token * tok);

     * Convert platform dependent types to standard types.
     * 32 bits: size_t -> unsigned long
     * 64 bits: size_t -> unsigned long long
    void simplifyPlatformTypes();

     * Collapse compound standard types into a single token.
     * unsigned long long int => long _isUnsigned=true,_isLong=true
    void simplifyStdType();

     * Simplify easy constant '?:' operation
     * Example: 0 ? (2/0) : 0 => 0
     * @return true if something is modified
     *         false if nothing is done.
    bool simplifyConstTernaryOp();

     * Simplify compound assignments
     * Example: ";a+=b;" => ";a=a+b;"
    void simplifyCompoundAssignment();

     * Simplify assignments in "if" and "while" conditions
     * Example: "if(a=b);" => "a=b;if(a);"
     * Example: "while(a=b) { f(a); }" => "a = b; while(a){ f(a); a = b; }"
     * Example: "do { f(a); } while(a=b);" => "do { f(a); a = b; } while(a);"
    void simplifyIfAndWhileAssign();

     * Simplify multiple assignments.
     * Example: "a = b = c = 0;" => "a = 0; b = 0; c = 0;"
    void simplifyVariableMultipleAssign();

     * simplify if-not
     * Example: "if(0==x);" => "if(!x);"
    void simplifyIfNot();

     * simplify if-not NULL
     * Example: "if(0!=x);" => "if(x);"
     * Special case: 'x = (0 != x);' is removed.
    void simplifyIfNotNull();

    /** @brief simplify if (a) { if (a) */
    void simplifyIfSameInnerCondition();

     * Simplify the 'C Alternative Tokens'
     * Examples:
     * "if(s and t)" => "if(s && t)"
     * "while((r bitand s) and not t)" => while((r & s) && !t)"
     * "a and_eq b;" => "a &= b;"
    bool simplifyCAlternativeTokens();

     * Simplify comma into a semicolon when possible:
     * - "delete a, delete b" => "delete a; delete b;"
     * - "a = 0, b = 0;" => "a = 0; b = 0;"
     * - "return a(), b;" => "a(); return b;"
    void simplifyComma();

    /** Add braces to an if-block, for-block, etc.
     * @return true if no syntax errors
    bool simplifyAddBraces();

    /** Add braces to an if-block, for-block, etc.
     * for command starting at token including else-block
     * @return last token of command
     *         or input token in case of an error where no braces are added
     *         or NULL when syntaxError is called
    Token * simplifyAddBracesToCommand(Token * tok);

    /** Add pair of braces to an single if-block, else-block, for-block, etc.
     * for command starting at token
     * @return last token of command
     *         or input token in case of an error where no braces are added
     *         or NULL when syntaxError is called
    Token * simplifyAddBracesPair(Token *tok, bool commandWithCondition);

     * typedef A mytype;
     * mytype c;
     * Becomes:
     * typedef A mytype;
     * A c;
    void simplifyTypedef();

     * Simplify float casts (float)1 => 1.0
    void simplifyFloatCasts();

     * Simplify casts
    void simplifyCasts();

     * Change (multiple) arrays to (multiple) pointers.
    void simplifyUndefinedSizeArray();

     * A simplify function that replaces a variable with its value in cases
     * when the value is known. e.g. "x=10; if(x)" => "x=10;if(10)"
     * @return true if modifications to token-list are done.
     *         false if no modifications are done.
    bool simplifyKnownVariables();

     * Utility function for simplifyKnownVariables. Get data about an
     * assigned variable.
    static bool simplifyKnownVariablesGetData(unsigned int varid, Token **_tok2, Token **_tok3, std::string &value, unsigned int &valueVarId, bool &valueIsPointer, bool floatvar);

     * utility function for simplifyKnownVariables. Perform simplification
     * of a given variable
    bool simplifyKnownVariablesSimplify(Token **tok2, Token *tok3, unsigned int varid, const std::string &structname, std::string &value, unsigned int valueVarId, bool valueIsPointer, const Token * const valueToken, int indentlevel) const;

    /** Simplify useless C++ empty namespaces, like: 'namespace %var% { }'*/
    void simplifyEmptyNamespaces();

    /** Simplify redundant code placed after control flow statements :
     * 'return', 'throw', 'goto', 'break' and 'continue'
    void simplifyFlowControl();

    /** Expand nested strcat() calls. */
    void simplifyNestedStrcat();

    /** Simplify "if else" */
    void elseif();

     * Simplify the operator "?:"
    void simplifyConditionOperator();

    /** Simplify conditions
     * @return true if something is modified
     *         false if nothing is done.
    bool simplifyConditions();

    /** Remove redundant code, e.g. if( false ) { int a; } should be
     * removed, because it is never executed.
     * @return true if something is modified
     *         false if nothing is done.
    bool removeRedundantConditions();

     * Remove redundant for:
     * "for (x=0;x<1;x++) { }" => "{ x = 1; }"
    void removeRedundantFor();

     * Reduces "; ;" to ";", except in "( ; ; )"
    void removeRedundantSemicolons();

    /** Simplify function calls - constant return value
     * @return true if something is modified
     *         false if nothing is done.
    bool simplifyFunctionReturn();

    /** Struct initialization */
    void simplifyStructInit();

    /** Struct simplification
     * "struct S { } s;" => "struct S { }; S s;"

    void simplifyStructDecl();

     * Remove redundant parentheses:
     * - "((x))" => "(x)"
     * - "(function())" => "function()"
     * - "(delete x)" => "delete x"
     * - "(delete [] x)" => "delete [] x"
     * @return true if modifications to token-list are done.
     *         false if no modifications are done.
    bool simplifyRedundantParentheses();

    void simplifyCharAt();

    /** Simplify references */
    void simplifyReference();

     * Simplify functions like "void f(x) int x; {"
     * into "void f(int x) {"
    void simplifyFunctionParameters();

     * Simplify templates
    void simplifyTemplates();

    void simplifyDoublePlusAndDoubleMinus();

    void simplifyRedundantConsecutiveBraces();

    void simplifyArrayAccessSyntax();

    void simplifyParameterVoid();

    void fillTypeSizes();

    void combineOperators();

    void combineStrings();

    void concatenateDoubleSharp();

    void simplifyFileAndLineMacro();

    void simplifyNull();

    void concatenateNegativeNumberAndAnyPositive();

    void simplifyExternC();

    void simplifyRoundCurlyParentheses();

    void simplifyDebugNew();

    void simplifySQL();

    bool hasEnumsWithTypedef();

    void simplifyDefaultAndDeleteInsideClass();

    void findComplicatedSyntaxErrorsInTemplates();

     * Simplify e.g. 'atol("0")' into '0'
     * @return true if simplifcations performed and false otherwise.
    bool simplifyMathFunctions();

     * Simplify e.g. 'sin(0)' into '0'
    void simplifyMathExpressions();

     * Modify strings in the token list by replacing hex and oct
     * values. E.g. "\x61" -> "a" and "\000" -> "\0"
     * @param source The string to be modified, e.g. "\x61"
     * @return Modified string, e.g. "a"
    static std::string simplifyString(const std::string &source);

     * Change "int const x;" into "const int x;"
    void simplifyConst();

     * simplify "while (0)"
    void simplifyWhile0();

     * Simplify while(func() && errno==EINTR)
    void simplifyErrNoInWhile();

     * Simplify while(func(f))
    void simplifyFuncInWhile();

     * Replace enum with constant value
    void simplifyEnum();

     * Remove "std::" before some function names
    void simplifyStd();

    /** Simplify pointer to standard type (C only) */
    void simplifyPointerToStandardType();

    /** Simplify function pointers */
    void simplifyFunctionPointers();

     * Remove exception specifications.
    void removeExceptionSpecifications();

     * Send error message to error logger about internal bug.
     * @param tok the token that this bug concerns.
    void cppcheckError(const Token *tok) const;

     * Setup links for tokens so that one can call Token::link().
    void createLinks();

     * Setup links between < and >.
    void createLinks2();

    /** Syntax error */
    void syntaxError(const Token *tok) const;

    /** Syntax error. Example: invalid number of ')' */
    void syntaxError(const Token *tok, char c) const;

    /** Report that there is an unhandled "class x y {" code */
    void unhandled_macro_class_x_y(const Token *tok) const;

     * assert that tokens are ok - used during debugging for example
     * to catch problems in simplifyTokenList.
    void validate() const;

     * Remove __declspec()
    void simplifyDeclspec();

     * Remove calling convention
    void simplifyCallingConvention();

     * Remove __attribute__ ((?))
    void simplifyAttribute();

     * Remove keywords "volatile", "inline", "register", and "restrict"
    void simplifyKeyword();

     * Remove __asm
    void simplifyAsm();

     * Simplify bitfields - the field width is removed as we don't use it.
    void simplifyBitfields();

     * Remove __builtin_expect(...), likely(...), and unlikely(...)
    void simplifyBuiltinExpect();

     * Remove unnecessary member qualification
    void removeUnnecessaryQualification();

     * unnecessary member qualification error
    void unnecessaryQualificationError(const Token *tok, const std::string &qualification) const;

     * Add std:: in front of std classes, when using namespace std; was given
    void simplifyNamespaceStd();

     * Remove Microsoft MFC 'DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP()'
    void simplifyMicrosoftMFC();

    * Convert Microsoft memory functions
    * CopyMemory(dst, src, len) -> memcpy(dst, src, len)
    * FillMemory(dst, len, val) -> memset(dst, val, len)
    * MoveMemory(dst, src, len) -> memmove(dst, src, len)
    * ZeroMemory(dst, len) -> memset(dst, 0, len)
    void simplifyMicrosoftMemoryFunctions();

    * Convert Microsoft string functions
    * _tcscpy -> strcpy
    void simplifyMicrosoftStringFunctions();

      * Remove Borland code
    void simplifyBorland();

     * Remove Qt signals and slots
    void simplifyQtSignalsSlots();

     * Collapse operator name tokens into single token
     * operator = => operator=
    void simplifyOperatorName();

     * check for duplicate enum definition
    bool duplicateDefinition(Token **tokPtr, const Token *name) const;

     * report error message
    void reportError(const Token* tok, const Severity::SeverityType severity, const std::string& id, const std::string& msg, bool inconclusive = false) const;
    void reportError(const std::list<const Token*>& callstack, Severity::SeverityType severity, const std::string& id, const std::string& msg, bool inconclusive = false) const;

     * duplicate enum definition error
    void duplicateEnumError(const Token *tok1, const Token *tok2, const std::string & type) const;

    bool duplicateTypedef(Token **tokPtr, const Token *name, const Token *typeDef, bool undefinedStruct) const;
    void duplicateTypedefError(const Token *tok1, const Token *tok2, const std::string & type) const;

     * Report error - duplicate declarations
    void duplicateDeclarationError(const Token *tok1, const Token *tok2, const std::string &type) const;

    void unsupportedTypedef(const Token *tok) const;

    /** Was there templates in the code? */
    bool codeWithTemplates() const {
        return _codeWithTemplates;

    void setSettings(const Settings *settings) {
        _settings = settings;

    const SymbolDatabase *getSymbolDatabase() const {
        return _symbolDatabase;
    void createSymbolDatabase();
    void deleteSymbolDatabase();

    void printDebugOutput() const;

    Token *deleteInvalidTypedef(Token *typeDef);

     * Get variable count.
     * @return number of variables
    unsigned int varIdCount() const {
        return _varId;

     * Simplify e.g. 'return(strncat(temp,"a",1));' into
     * strncat(temp,"a",1); return temp;
    void simplifyReturnStrncat();

     * Output list of unknown types.
    void printUnknownTypes() const;

     * Token list: stores all tokens.
    TokenList list;
    // Implement tokens() as a wrapper for convinience when using the TokenList
    const Token* tokens() const {
        return list.front();

     * Copy tokens.
     * @param dest destination token where copied tokens will be inserted after
     * @param first first token to copy
     * @param last last token to copy
     * @param one_line true=>copy all tokens to the same line as dest. false=>copy all tokens to dest while keeping the 'line breaks'
     * @return new location of last token copied
    static Token *copyTokens(Token *dest, const Token *first, const Token *last, bool one_line = true);

    * Helper function to check wether number is zero (0 or 0.0 or 0E+0) or not?
    * @param s --> a string to check
    * @return true in case is is zero and false otherwise.
    static bool isZeroNumber(const std::string &s);

    * Helper function to check wether number is one (1 or 0.1E+1 or 1E+0) or not?
    * @param s --> a string to check
    * @return true in case is is one and false otherwise.
    static bool isOneNumber(const std::string &s);

    * Helper function to check wether number is one (2 or 0.2E+1 or 2E+0) or not?
    * @param s --> a string to check
    * @return true in case is is two and false otherwise.
    static bool isTwoNumber(const std::string &s);

    * Helper function to check for start of function execution scope.
    * Do not use this in checks.  Use the symbol database.
    * @param tok --> pointer to end parentheses of parameter list
    * @return pointer to start brace of function scope or nullptr if not start.
    static const Token * startOfExecutableScope(const Token * tok);

    /** Disable copy constructor, no implementation */
    Tokenizer(const Tokenizer &);

    /** Disable assignment operator, no implementation */
    Tokenizer &operator=(const Tokenizer &);

    static Token * startOfFunction(Token * tok);
    static Token * startOfExecutableScope(Token * tok) {
        return const_cast<Token*>(startOfExecutableScope(const_cast<const Token *>(tok)));

    /** settings */
    const Settings * _settings;

    /** errorlogger */
    ErrorLogger * const _errorLogger;

    /** Symbol database that all checks etc can use */
    SymbolDatabase *_symbolDatabase;

    /** E.g. "A" for code where "#ifdef A" is true. This is used to
        print additional information in error situations. */
    std::string _configuration;

    /** sizeof information for known types */
    std::map<std::string, unsigned int> _typeSize;

    /** variable count */
    unsigned int _varId;

     * was there any templates? templates that are "unused" are
     * removed from the token list
    bool _codeWithTemplates;

     * TimerResults
    TimerResults *m_timerResults;
#ifdef MAXTIME
    /** Tokenizer maxtime */
    std::time_t maxtime;

/// @}

#endif // tokenizeH