/* * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis * Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Cppcheck team. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "cppcheck.h" #include "preprocessor.h" // Preprocessor #include "simplecpp.h" #include "tokenize.h" // Tokenizer #include "check.h" #include "path.h" #include #include #include #include #include "timer.h" #include "version.h" #ifdef HAVE_RULES #define PCRE_STATIC #include #endif static const char Version[] = CPPCHECK_VERSION_STRING; static const char ExtraVersion[] = ""; static TimerResults S_timerResults; // CWE ids used static const CWE CWE398(398U); // Indicator of Poor Code Quality CppCheck::CppCheck(ErrorLogger &errorLogger, bool useGlobalSuppressions) : _errorLogger(errorLogger), exitcode(0), _useGlobalSuppressions(useGlobalSuppressions), tooManyConfigs(false), _simplify(true) { } CppCheck::~CppCheck() { while (!fileInfo.empty()) { delete fileInfo.back(); fileInfo.pop_back(); } S_timerResults.ShowResults(_settings.showtime); } const char * CppCheck::version() { return Version; } const char * CppCheck::extraVersion() { return ExtraVersion; } unsigned int CppCheck::check(const std::string &path) { std::ifstream fin(path.c_str()); return processFile(path, fin); } unsigned int CppCheck::check(const std::string &path, const std::string &content) { std::istringstream iss(content); return processFile(path, iss); } unsigned int CppCheck::processFile(const std::string& filename, std::istream& fileStream) { exitcode = 0; // only show debug warnings for accepted C/C++ source files if (!Path::acceptFile(filename)) _settings.debugwarnings = false; if (_settings.terminated()) return exitcode; if (_settings.quiet == false) { std::string fixedpath = Path::simplifyPath(filename); fixedpath = Path::toNativeSeparators(fixedpath); _errorLogger.reportOut(std::string("Checking ") + fixedpath + std::string("...")); } bool internalErrorFound(false); try { Preprocessor preprocessor(_settings, this); std::set configurations; simplecpp::OutputList outputList; std::vector files; simplecpp::TokenList tokens1(fileStream, files, filename, &outputList); preprocessor.loadFiles(tokens1, files); // Parse comments and then remove them preprocessor.inlineSuppressions(tokens1); tokens1.removeComments(); preprocessor.removeComments(); // Get configurations.. if (_settings.userDefines.empty() || _settings.force) { Timer t("Preprocessor::getConfigs", _settings.showtime, &S_timerResults); configurations = preprocessor.getConfigs(tokens1); } else { configurations.insert(_settings.userDefines); } if (_settings.checkConfiguration) { for (std::set::const_iterator it = configurations.begin(); it != configurations.end(); ++it) (void)preprocessor.getcode(tokens1, *it, files, true); return 0; } // Run define rules on raw code for (std::list::const_iterator it = _settings.rules.begin(); it != _settings.rules.end(); ++it) { if (it->tokenlist != "define") continue; for (const simplecpp::Token *tok = tokens1.cbegin(); tok; tok = tok->next) { if (tok->op != '#') continue; if (tok->previous && tok->previous->location.sameline(tok->location)) continue; std::string directive; for (const simplecpp::Token *tok2 = tok; tok2 && tok->location.sameline(tok2->location); tok2 = tok2->next) { if (tok2->comment) continue; while (directive.size() < tok2->location.col) directive += ' '; directive += tok2->str; } if (directive.compare(0,8,"#define ") != 0) continue; const std::string code = "#line " + MathLib::toString(tok->location.line) + '\"' + tok->location.file() + "\'\n" + directive; Tokenizer tokenizer2(&_settings, this); std::istringstream istr2(code); tokenizer2.list.createTokens(istr2, tok->location.file()); executeRules("define", tokenizer2); } break; } if (!_settings.force && configurations.size() > _settings.maxConfigs) { if (_settings.isEnabled("information")) { tooManyConfigsError(Path::toNativeSeparators(filename),configurations.size()); } else { tooManyConfigs = true; } } // write dump file xml prolog std::ofstream fdump; if (_settings.dump) { const std::string dumpfile(filename + ".dump"); fdump.open(dumpfile.c_str()); if (fdump.is_open()) { fdump << "" << std::endl; fdump << "" << std::endl; } } std::set checksums; unsigned int checkCount = 0; for (std::set::const_iterator it = configurations.begin(); it != configurations.end(); ++it) { // bail out if terminated if (_settings.terminated()) break; // Check only a few configurations (default 12), after that bail out, unless --force // was used. if (!_settings.force && ++checkCount > _settings.maxConfigs) break; cfg = *it; // If only errors are printed, print filename after the check if (_settings.quiet == false && it != configurations.begin()) { std::string fixedpath = Path::simplifyPath(filename); fixedpath = Path::toNativeSeparators(fixedpath); _errorLogger.reportOut("Checking " + fixedpath + ": " + cfg + "..."); } if (!_settings.userDefines.empty()) { if (!cfg.empty()) cfg = ";" + cfg; cfg = _settings.userDefines + cfg; } std::string codeWithoutCfg; { Timer t("Preprocessor::getcode", _settings.showtime, &S_timerResults); codeWithoutCfg = preprocessor.getcode(tokens1, cfg, files, true); } codeWithoutCfg += _settings.append(); if (_settings.preprocessOnly) { if (codeWithoutCfg.compare(0,5,"#file") == 0) codeWithoutCfg.insert(0U, "//"); std::string::size_type pos = 0; while ((pos = codeWithoutCfg.find("\n#file",pos)) != std::string::npos) codeWithoutCfg.insert(pos+1U, "//"); pos = 0; while ((pos = codeWithoutCfg.find("\n#endfile",pos)) != std::string::npos) codeWithoutCfg.insert(pos+1U, "//"); pos = 0; while ((pos = codeWithoutCfg.find(Preprocessor::macroChar,pos)) != std::string::npos) codeWithoutCfg[pos] = ' '; reportOut(codeWithoutCfg); continue; } Tokenizer _tokenizer(&_settings, this); if (_settings.showtime != SHOWTIME_NONE) _tokenizer.setTimerResults(&S_timerResults); try { // Create tokens, skip rest of iteration if failed std::istringstream istr(codeWithoutCfg); Timer timer("Tokenizer::createTokens", _settings.showtime, &S_timerResults); bool result = _tokenizer.createTokens(istr, filename); timer.Stop(); if (!result) continue; // skip rest of iteration if just checking configuration if (_settings.checkConfiguration) continue; // Check raw tokens checkRawTokens(_tokenizer); // Simplify tokens into normal form, skip rest of iteration if failed Timer timer2("Tokenizer::simplifyTokens1", _settings.showtime, &S_timerResults); result = _tokenizer.simplifyTokens1(cfg); timer2.Stop(); if (!result) continue; // dump xml if --dump if (_settings.dump && fdump.is_open()) { fdump << "" << std::endl; preprocessor.dump(fdump); _tokenizer.dump(fdump); fdump << "" << std::endl; } // Skip if we already met the same simplified token list if (_settings.force || _settings.maxConfigs > 1) { const unsigned long long checksum = _tokenizer.list.calculateChecksum(); if (checksums.find(checksum) != checksums.end()) continue; checksums.insert(checksum); } // Check normal tokens checkNormalTokens(_tokenizer); // simplify more if required, skip rest of iteration if failed if (_simplify) { // if further simplification fails then skip rest of iteration Timer timer3("Tokenizer::simplifyTokenList2", _settings.showtime, &S_timerResults); result = _tokenizer.simplifyTokenList2(); timer3.Stop(); if (!result) continue; // Check simplified tokens checkSimplifiedTokens(_tokenizer); } } catch (const InternalError &e) { if (_settings.isEnabled("information") && (_settings.debug || _settings.verbose)) purgedConfigurationMessage(filename, cfg); internalErrorFound=true; std::list locationList; ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage::FileLocation loc; if (e.token) { loc.line = e.token->linenr(); const std::string fixedpath = Path::toNativeSeparators(_tokenizer.list.file(e.token)); loc.setfile(fixedpath); } else { ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage::FileLocation loc2; loc2.setfile(Path::toNativeSeparators(filename.c_str())); locationList.push_back(loc2); loc.setfile(_tokenizer.list.getSourceFilePath()); } locationList.push_back(loc); const ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage errmsg(locationList, Severity::error, e.errorMessage, e.id, false); reportErr(errmsg); } } // dumped all configs, close root element now if (_settings.dump && fdump.is_open()) fdump << "" << std::endl; } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) { internalError(filename, e.what()); } catch (const std::bad_alloc &e) { internalError(filename, e.what()); } catch (const InternalError &e) { internalError(filename, e.errorMessage); exitcode=1; // e.g. reflect a syntax error } // In jointSuppressionReport mode, unmatched suppressions are // collected after all files are processed if (!_settings.jointSuppressionReport && (_settings.isEnabled("information") || _settings.checkConfiguration)) { reportUnmatchedSuppressions(_settings.nomsg.getUnmatchedLocalSuppressions(filename, unusedFunctionCheckIsEnabled())); } _errorList.clear(); if (internalErrorFound && (exitcode==0)) { exitcode=1; } return exitcode; } void CppCheck::internalError(const std::string &filename, const std::string &msg) { const std::string fixedpath = Path::toNativeSeparators(filename); const std::string fullmsg("Bailing out from checking " + fixedpath + " since there was an internal error: " + msg); if (_settings.isEnabled("information")) { const ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage::FileLocation loc1(filename, 0); std::list callstack; callstack.push_back(loc1); ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage errmsg(callstack, Severity::information, fullmsg, "internalError", false); _errorLogger.reportErr(errmsg); } else { // Report on stdout _errorLogger.reportOut(fullmsg); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CppCheck - A function that checks a raw token list //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CppCheck::checkRawTokens(const Tokenizer &tokenizer) { // Execute rules for "raw" code executeRules("raw", tokenizer); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CppCheck - A function that checks a normal token list //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CppCheck::checkNormalTokens(const Tokenizer &tokenizer) { // call all "runChecks" in all registered Check classes for (std::list::const_iterator it = Check::instances().begin(); it != Check::instances().end(); ++it) { if (_settings.terminated()) return; if (tokenizer.isMaxTime()) return; Timer timerRunChecks((*it)->name() + "::runChecks", _settings.showtime, &S_timerResults); (*it)->runChecks(&tokenizer, &_settings, this); } // Analyse the tokens.. for (std::list::const_iterator it = Check::instances().begin(); it != Check::instances().end(); ++it) { Check::FileInfo *fi = (*it)->getFileInfo(&tokenizer, &_settings); if (fi != nullptr) fileInfo.push_back(fi); } executeRules("normal", tokenizer); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CppCheck - A function that checks a simplified token list //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CppCheck::checkSimplifiedTokens(const Tokenizer &tokenizer) { // call all "runSimplifiedChecks" in all registered Check classes for (std::list::const_iterator it = Check::instances().begin(); it != Check::instances().end(); ++it) { if (_settings.terminated()) return; if (tokenizer.isMaxTime()) return; Timer timerSimpleChecks((*it)->name() + "::runSimplifiedChecks", _settings.showtime, &S_timerResults); (*it)->runSimplifiedChecks(&tokenizer, &_settings, this); timerSimpleChecks.Stop(); } if (!_settings.terminated()) executeRules("simple", tokenizer); } void CppCheck::executeRules(const std::string &tokenlist, const Tokenizer &tokenizer) { (void)tokenlist; (void)tokenizer; #ifdef HAVE_RULES // Are there rules to execute? bool isrule = false; for (std::list::const_iterator it = _settings.rules.begin(); it != _settings.rules.end(); ++it) { if (it->tokenlist == tokenlist) isrule = true; } // There is no rule to execute if (isrule == false) return; // Write all tokens in a string that can be parsed by pcre std::ostringstream ostr; for (const Token *tok = tokenizer.tokens(); tok; tok = tok->next()) ostr << " " << tok->str(); const std::string str(ostr.str()); for (std::list::const_iterator it = _settings.rules.begin(); it != _settings.rules.end(); ++it) { const Settings::Rule &rule = *it; if (rule.pattern.empty() || rule.id.empty() || rule.severity == Severity::none || rule.tokenlist != tokenlist) continue; const char *error = nullptr; int erroffset = 0; pcre *re = pcre_compile(rule.pattern.c_str(),0,&error,&erroffset,nullptr); if (!re) { if (error) { ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage errmsg(std::list(), Severity::error, error, "pcre_compile", false); reportErr(errmsg); } continue; } int pos = 0; int ovector[30]= {0}; while (pos < (int)str.size() && 0 <= pcre_exec(re, nullptr, str.c_str(), (int)str.size(), pos, 0, ovector, 30)) { const unsigned int pos1 = (unsigned int)ovector[0]; const unsigned int pos2 = (unsigned int)ovector[1]; // jump to the end of the match for the next pcre_exec pos = (int)pos2; // determine location.. ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage::FileLocation loc; loc.setfile(tokenizer.list.getSourceFilePath()); loc.line = 0; std::size_t len = 0; for (const Token *tok = tokenizer.tokens(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { len = len + 1U + tok->str().size(); if (len > pos1) { loc.setfile(tokenizer.list.getFiles().at(tok->fileIndex())); loc.line = tok->linenr(); break; } } const std::list callStack(1, loc); // Create error message std::string summary; if (rule.summary.empty()) summary = "found '" + str.substr(pos1, pos2 - pos1) + "'"; else summary = rule.summary; const ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage errmsg(callStack, rule.severity, summary, rule.id, false); // Report error reportErr(errmsg); } pcre_free(re); } #endif } Settings &CppCheck::settings() { return _settings; } void CppCheck::tooManyConfigsError(const std::string &file, const std::size_t numberOfConfigurations) { if (!_settings.isEnabled("information") && !tooManyConfigs) return; tooManyConfigs = false; if (_settings.isEnabled("information") && file.empty()) return; std::list loclist; if (!file.empty()) { ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage::FileLocation location; location.setfile(file); loclist.push_back(location); } std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks " << _settings.maxConfigs; if (numberOfConfigurations > _settings.maxConfigs) msg << " of " << numberOfConfigurations << " configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.\n"; if (file.empty()) msg << " configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. For more details, use --enable=information.\n"; msg << "The checking of the file will be interrupted because there are too many " "#ifdef configurations. Checking of all #ifdef configurations can be forced " "by --force command line option or from GUI preferences. However that may " "increase the checking time."; if (file.empty()) msg << " For more details, use --enable=information."; ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage errmsg(loclist, Severity::information, msg.str(), "toomanyconfigs", CWE398, false); reportErr(errmsg); } void CppCheck::purgedConfigurationMessage(const std::string &file, const std::string& configuration) { tooManyConfigs = false; if (_settings.isEnabled("information") && file.empty()) return; std::list loclist; if (!file.empty()) { ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage::FileLocation location; location.setfile(file); loclist.push_back(location); } ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage errmsg(loclist, Severity::information, "The configuration '" + configuration + "' was not checked because its code equals another one.", "purgedConfiguration", false); reportErr(errmsg); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CppCheck::reportErr(const ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage &msg) { if (!_settings.library.reportErrors(msg.file0)) return; const std::string errmsg = msg.toString(_settings.verbose); if (errmsg.empty()) return; // Alert only about unique errors if (std::find(_errorList.begin(), _errorList.end(), errmsg) != _errorList.end()) return; std::string file; unsigned int line(0); if (!msg._callStack.empty()) { file = msg._callStack.back().getfile(false); line = msg._callStack.back().line; } if (_useGlobalSuppressions) { if (_settings.nomsg.isSuppressed(msg._id, file, line)) return; } else { if (_settings.nomsg.isSuppressedLocal(msg._id, file, line)) return; } if (!_settings.nofail.isSuppressed(msg._id, file, line) && !_settings.nomsg.isSuppressed(msg._id, file, line)) exitcode = 1; _errorList.push_back(errmsg); _errorLogger.reportErr(msg); } void CppCheck::reportOut(const std::string &outmsg) { _errorLogger.reportOut(outmsg); } void CppCheck::reportProgress(const std::string &filename, const char stage[], const std::size_t value) { _errorLogger.reportProgress(filename, stage, value); } void CppCheck::reportInfo(const ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage &msg) { // Suppressing info message? std::string file; unsigned int line(0); if (!msg._callStack.empty()) { file = msg._callStack.back().getfile(false); line = msg._callStack.back().line; } if (_useGlobalSuppressions) { if (_settings.nomsg.isSuppressed(msg._id, file, line)) return; } else { if (_settings.nomsg.isSuppressedLocal(msg._id, file, line)) return; } _errorLogger.reportInfo(msg); } void CppCheck::reportStatus(unsigned int /*fileindex*/, unsigned int /*filecount*/, std::size_t /*sizedone*/, std::size_t /*sizetotal*/) { } void CppCheck::getErrorMessages() { Settings s(_settings); s.addEnabled("warning"); s.addEnabled("style"); s.addEnabled("portability"); s.addEnabled("performance"); s.addEnabled("information"); tooManyConfigs = true; tooManyConfigsError("",0U); // call all "getErrorMessages" in all registered Check classes for (std::list::const_iterator it = Check::instances().begin(); it != Check::instances().end(); ++it) (*it)->getErrorMessages(this, &s); Preprocessor::getErrorMessages(this, &s); } void CppCheck::analyseWholeProgram() { // Analyse the tokens for (std::list::const_iterator it = Check::instances().begin(); it != Check::instances().end(); ++it) (*it)->analyseWholeProgram(fileInfo, _settings, *this); } bool CppCheck::unusedFunctionCheckIsEnabled() const { return (_settings.jobs == 1 && _settings.isEnabled("unusedFunction")); }