#include #include #include #include #include #include "cppcheck.h" class CppcheckExecutor : public ErrorLogger { private: CppCheck cppcheck; std::string pattern; bool foundLine; public: CppcheckExecutor(int linenr) : ErrorLogger() , cppcheck(*this,false) , foundLine(false) { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << linenr; pattern = ":" + ostr.str() + "]"; cppcheck.settings().addEnabled("all"); cppcheck.settings().inconclusive = true; cppcheck.settings()._force = true; } bool run(const char filename[]) { foundLine = false; cppcheck.check(filename); return foundLine; } void reportOut(const std::string &outmsg) { } void reportErr(const ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage &msg) { if (msg.toString(false).find(pattern) != std::string::npos) { foundLine = true; cppcheck.terminate(); } } void reportProgress(const std::string &filename, const char stage[], const unsigned int value) { } }; static bool test(const char *filename, int linenr, const std::vector &filedata, const std::size_t line1, const std::size_t line2) { std::string path(filename); if (path.find_first_of("\\/") != std::string::npos) path = path.erase(1 + path.find_last_of("\\/")); else path.clear(); const std::string tempfilename(path + "__temp__" + std::strrchr(filename,'.')); std::ofstream fout(tempfilename.c_str()); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < filedata.size(); i++) fout << ((i>=line1 && i<=line2) ? "" : filedata[i]) << std::endl; fout.close(); CppcheckExecutor cppcheck(linenr); return cppcheck.run(tempfilename.c_str()); } static bool test(const char *filename, int linenr, const std::vector &filedata, const std::size_t line) { return test(filename, linenr, filedata, line, line); } static void printstr(const std::vector &filedata, int i1, int i2) { std::cout << filedata.size(); for (int i = i1; i < i2; ++i) std::cout << i << ":" << filedata[i] << std::endl; } static std::vector readfile(const std::string &filename) { std::vector filedata; std::ifstream fin(filename.c_str()); std::string line; bool blockComment = false; while (std::getline(fin,line)) { // replace various space characters with space for (std::string::size_type pos = 0; pos < line.size(); ++pos) { if (line[pos] & 0x80 || std::isspace(line[pos])) line[pos] = ' '; } // remove block comments TODO: Handle /* inside strings if (blockComment) { if (line.find("*/") == std::string::npos) line.clear(); else { if (line.find("*/") + 2U == line.size()) line.clear(); else line = line.substr(line.find("*/") + 2U); blockComment = false; } } while (!blockComment && line.find("/*") != std::string::npos) { std::string::size_type pos = line.find("/*"); if (line.find("*/",pos) == std::string::npos) { blockComment = true; if (pos==0) line.clear(); else line = line.substr(0,pos); } else { blockComment = false; line = line.erase(pos, 2U + line.find("*/", pos) - pos); } } // Remove // comments if (line.find("//") != std::string::npos) line = line.substr(0, line.find("//")); // empty line if (line.find_first_not_of(" ") == std::string::npos) line.clear(); else { const std::string::size_type pos = line.find_first_not_of(" "); // remove spaces before leading # if (line[pos]=='#') line = line.substr(pos); } // remove trailing spaces while (!line.empty() && std::isspace(line[line.size()-1U])) line = line.substr(0, line.size() - 1U); filedata.push_back(line); } return filedata; } static bool removeMacrosInGlobalScope(std::vector &filedata, const char filename[], const int linenr) { bool changed = false; // Remove macros in global scope.. for (std::size_t i = 0; i < filedata.size(); i++) { const std::string line = (i==0U&&filedata.empty()) ? std::string(";") : filedata[i]; if (line.empty()) continue; const char startChar = line[0]; const char endChar = line[line.size() - 1U]; bool decl = bool(!std::isspace(startChar) && (endChar=='}' || endChar==';')); while (decl) { decl = false; // might be set to true below std::size_t pos = i + 1U; while (pos < filedata.size() && filedata[pos].empty()) ++pos; if (pos >= filedata.size()) break; const std::string &s = filedata[pos]; // possible macro : make sure it matches '[A-Z0-9_]+\(.*\)' std::string::size_type si = 0; while (si < s.size() && ((s[si]>='A' && s[si]<='Z') || (i>0 && s[si]>='0' && s[si]<='9') || s[si]=='_')) si++; while (si < s.size() && std::isspace(s[si])) si++; if (si == 0U || si >= s.size() || s[si] != '(') break; si++; unsigned int parlevel = 1; while (si < s.size() && parlevel >= 1U) { if (s[si] == '(') ++parlevel; else if (s[si] == ')') --parlevel; si++; } if (!(parlevel == 0U && si == s.size())) break; if (test(filename, linenr, filedata, pos)) { decl = true; filedata[pos].clear(); std::cout << "removed declaration at line " << pos << std::endl; changed = true; } else { std::cout << "kept declaration at line " << pos << std::endl; } } } return changed; } static bool removeBlocksOfCode(std::vector &filedata, const char filename[], const int linenr) { bool changed = false; // Remove blocks of code.. for (std::size_t i = 0; i < filedata.size(); i++) { const std::string line = (i==0U&&filedata.empty()) ? std::string(";") : filedata[i]; if (line.empty()) continue; const char startChar = line[0]; const char endChar = line[line.size() - 1U]; // some kind of single line declaration if (std::isalpha(startChar) && endChar==';') { if (test(filename, linenr, filedata, i)) { filedata[i].clear(); std::cout << "removed declaration at line " << i << std::endl; changed = true; } else { std::cout << "kept declaration at line " << i << std::endl; } } // remove a function body below a '}' bool decl = bool(!std::isspace(startChar) && (endChar=='}' || endChar==';')); while (decl) { decl = false; // might be set to true below std::size_t pos = ++i; while (pos < filedata.size() && filedata[pos].empty()) ++pos; if ((pos+2U < filedata.size()) && (std::isalpha(filedata[pos].at(0)))) { // does code block start with "{" std::size_t pos2 = pos; if (filedata[pos].find("(") != std::string::npos && filedata[pos].find(")")==std::string::npos) { ++pos2; while (pos2+2U < filedata.size() && !filedata[pos2].empty() && filedata[pos2].find_first_of("(){}") == std::string::npos) ++pos2; if (filedata[pos2].find_first_of("({}")!=std::string::npos || filedata[pos2].find(")") == std::string::npos) break; } if (pos2+2U >= filedata.size() || filedata[pos2+1U] != "{") break; pos2 += 2; // find end of block.. int level = 0; while ((pos2 < filedata.size()) && (filedata[pos2].empty() || std::isspace(filedata[pos2].at(0)) || filedata[pos2].compare(0,3,"#if")==0 || filedata[pos2]=="#else" || filedata[pos2]=="#endif")) { if (filedata[pos2].compare(0,3,"#if") == 0) ++level; else if (filedata[pos2] == "#endif") --level; ++pos2; } if (level != 0) break; // does block of code end with a '}' if ((pos2 < filedata.size()) && (filedata[pos2] == "}" || filedata[pos2] == "};")) { if (test(filename, linenr, filedata, pos, pos2)) { for (i = pos; i <= pos2; i++) filedata[i].clear(); std::cout << "removed block of code at lines " << pos << "-" << pos2 << std::endl; decl = true; changed = true; } else { std::cout << "kept block of code at lines " << pos << "-" << pos2 << std::endl; } } } } } return changed; } static bool removeClassAndStructMembers(std::vector &filedata, const char filename[], const int linenr) { bool changed = false; // remove class and struct members for (std::size_t i = 0; i + 2U < filedata.size(); i++) { if ((filedata[i].compare(0,6,"class ")==0 || filedata[i].compare(0,7,"struct ")==0) && filedata[i].find(";")==std::string::npos && filedata[i+1]=="{") { bool decl = true; for (std::size_t pos = i+2U; pos < filedata.size(); pos++) { const std::string line = filedata[pos]; if (line.empty()) continue; // count { and } unsigned int c1=0, c2=0; for (std::string::size_type c = 0; c < line.size(); c++) { if (line[c] == '{') ++c1; else if (line[c] == '}') ++c2; } if (c2>0 && (c1!=1 || c2!=1)) break; const char endChar = line[line.size() - 1U]; if (decl && (endChar == ';' || (c1==1 && c2==1 && endChar=='}'))) { if (test(filename, linenr, filedata, pos)) { std::cout << "removed struct/class declaration at line " << pos << std::endl; filedata[pos].clear(); changed = true; } else { std::cout << "kept struct/class declaration at line " << pos << std::endl; } } if (line[0] != '#') decl = bool(endChar == ';' || endChar == '}'); } } } return changed; } static bool removeIfEndIf(std::vector &filedata, const char filename[], const int linenr) { bool changed = false; // #if - #endif for (std::size_t i = 0; i < filedata.size(); ++i) { while (filedata[i].compare(0,3,"#if") == 0) { std::size_t pos2 = i + 1; while (pos2 < filedata.size() && filedata[pos2].empty()) ++pos2; if (pos2 < filedata.size() && filedata[pos2] == "#endif") { if (test(filename, linenr, filedata, i, pos2)) { std::cout << "Removed #if - #endif block at lines " << i << "-" << pos2 << std::endl; filedata[i].clear(); filedata[pos2].clear(); i = 0; changed = true; } else { std::cout << "Kept #if - #endif block at lines " << i << "-" << pos2 << std::endl; break; } } else { break; } } } return changed; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { std::cout << "cppcheck tool that reduce code for a false positive" << std::endl; if (argc != 3) { std::cerr << "Syntax: " << argv[0] << " filename line" << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } const char * const filename = argv[1]; int linenr = std::atoi(argv[2]); std::cout << "make sure false positive can be reproduced" << std::endl; // Execute Cppcheck on the file.. { CppcheckExecutor cppcheck(linenr); if (!cppcheck.run(filename)) { std::cerr << "Can't reproduce false positive at line " << linenr << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } } // Read file.. std::vector filedata(readfile(filename)); // Write resulting code.. if (!test(filename, linenr, filedata, ~0)) { std::cerr << "Cleanup failed." << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Remove includes.. std::set headers; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < filedata.size(); i++) { if (filedata[i].compare(0,8,"#include")==0) { if (test(filename, linenr, filedata, i)) { std::cout << "removed #include : " << filedata[i] << std::endl; filedata[i].clear(); } else { std::string header = filedata[i]; header = header.substr(1U + header.find_first_of("\"<")); header = header.erase(header.find_last_of("\">")); if (headers.find(header) != headers.end()) { std::cerr << "Failed to reduce headers" << std::endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } headers.insert(header); std::string path(filename); if (path.find_first_of("\\/") != std::string::npos) path = path.erase(1 + path.find_last_of("\\/")); else path.clear(); std::cout << "expand #include : " << (path+header) << std::endl; std::vector data(readfile(path+header)); if (!data.empty()) { filedata[i].clear(); filedata.insert(filedata.begin()+i, data.begin(), data.end()); linenr += data.size(); } } } } bool changed = true; while (changed) { changed = false; changed |= removeMacrosInGlobalScope(filedata, filename, linenr); changed |= removeBlocksOfCode(filedata, filename, linenr); changed |= removeClassAndStructMembers(filedata, filename, linenr); changed |= removeIfEndIf(filedata, filename, linenr); } // Write resulting code.. { const std::string outfilename(std::string("__out__") + std::strrchr(filename,'.')); std::ofstream fout(outfilename.c_str()); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < filedata.size(); i++) { if (!filedata[i].empty()) fout << filedata[i] << std::endl; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }