#!/usr/bin/env python # # Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis # Copyright (C) 2007-2021 Cppcheck team. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import io import os import sys import re import glob import argparse import errno tokTypes = { '+': ['eArithmeticalOp'], '-': ['eArithmeticalOp'], '*': ['eArithmeticalOp'], '/': ['eArithmeticalOp'], '%': ['eArithmeticalOp'], '>>': ['eArithmeticalOp'], '<<': ['eArithmeticalOp'], '=': ['eAssignmentOp'], '+=': ['eAssignmentOp'], '-=': ['eAssignmentOp'], '*=': ['eAssignmentOp'], '/=': ['eAssignmentOp'], '%=': ['eAssignmentOp'], '&=': ['eAssignmentOp'], '|=': ['eAssignmentOp'], '^=': ['eAssignmentOp'], '&': ['eBitOp'], '^': ['eBitOp'], '~': ['eBitOp'], 'true': ['eBoolean'], 'false': ['eBoolean'], '{': ['eBracket'], '}': ['eBracket'], '<': ['eBracket', 'eComparisonOp'], '>': ['eBracket', 'eComparisonOp'], '==': ['eComparisonOp'], '!=': ['eComparisonOp'], '<=': ['eComparisonOp'], '>=': ['eComparisonOp'], '<=>': ['eComparisonOp'], '...': ['eEllipsis'], ',': ['eExtendedOp'], '?': ['eExtendedOp'], ':': ['eExtendedOp'], '(': ['eExtendedOp'], ')': ['eExtendedOp'], '[': ['eExtendedOp', 'eLambda'], ']': ['eExtendedOp', 'eLambda'], '++': ['eIncDecOp'], '--': ['eIncDecOp'], 'asm': ['eKeyword'], 'auto': ['eKeyword', 'eType'], 'break': ['eKeyword'], 'case': ['eKeyword'], 'const': ['eKeyword'], 'continue': ['eKeyword'], 'default': ['eKeyword'], 'do': ['eKeyword'], 'else': ['eKeyword'], 'enum': ['eKeyword'], 'extern': ['eKeyword'], 'for': ['eKeyword'], 'goto': ['eKeyword'], 'if': ['eKeyword'], 'inline': ['eKeyword'], 'register': ['eKeyword'], 'restrict': ['eKeyword'], 'return': ['eKeyword'], 'sizeof': ['eKeyword'], 'static': ['eKeyword'], 'struct': ['eKeyword'], 'switch': ['eKeyword'], 'typedef': ['eKeyword'], 'union': ['eKeyword'], 'volatile': ['eKeyword'], 'while': ['eKeyword'], 'void': ['eKeyword', 'eType'], '&&': ['eLogicalOp'], '!': ['eLogicalOp'] } class MatchCompiler: def __init__(self, verify_mode=False, show_skipped=False): self._verifyMode = verify_mode self._showSkipped = show_skipped self._reset() def _reset(self): self._rawMatchFunctions = [] self._matchFunctionCache = {} @staticmethod def _generateCacheSignature( pattern, endToken=None, varId=None, isFindMatch=False): sig = pattern if endToken: sig += '|ENDTOKEN' else: sig += '|NO-ENDTOKEN' if varId: sig += '|VARID' else: sig += '|NO-VARID' if isFindMatch: sig += '|ISFINDMATCH' else: sig += '|NORMALMATCH' return sig def _lookupMatchFunctionId( self, pattern, endToken=None, varId=None, isFindMatch=False): signature = self._generateCacheSignature( pattern, endToken, varId, isFindMatch) if signature in self._matchFunctionCache: return self._matchFunctionCache[signature] return None def _insertMatchFunctionId( self, id, pattern, endToken=None, varId=None, isFindMatch=False): signature = self._generateCacheSignature( pattern, endToken, varId, isFindMatch) # function signature should not be in the cache assert( self._lookupMatchFunctionId( pattern, endToken, varId, isFindMatch) is None) self._matchFunctionCache[signature] = id @staticmethod def _compileCmd(tok): if tok == '%any%': return 'true' elif tok == '%assign%': return 'tok->isAssignmentOp()' elif tok == '%bool%': return 'tok->isBoolean()' elif tok == '%char%': return '(tok->tokType() == Token::eChar)' elif tok == '%comp%': return 'tok->isComparisonOp()' elif tok == '%num%': return 'tok->isNumber()' elif tok == '%cop%': return 'tok->isConstOp()' elif tok == '%op%': return 'tok->isOp()' elif tok == '%or%': return '(tok->tokType() == Token::eBitOp && tok->str() == MatchCompiler::makeConstString("|") )' elif tok == '%oror%': return '(tok->tokType() == Token::eLogicalOp && tok->str() == MatchCompiler::makeConstString("||"))' elif tok == '%str%': return '(tok->tokType() == Token::eString)' elif tok == '%type%': return '(tok->isName() && tok->varId() == 0U && (tok->str() != MatchCompiler::makeConstString("delete") || !tok->isKeyword()))' elif tok == '%name%': return 'tok->isName()' elif tok == '%var%': return '(tok->varId() != 0)' elif tok == '%varid%': return '(tok->isName() && tok->varId() == varid)' elif (len(tok) > 2) and (tok[0] == "%"): print("unhandled:" + tok) elif tok in tokTypes: cond = ' || '.join(['tok->tokType() == Token::{}'.format(tokType) for tokType in tokTypes[tok]]) return '(({cond}) && tok->str() == MatchCompiler::makeConstString("{tok}"))'.format(cond=cond, tok=tok) return ( '(tok->str() == MatchCompiler::makeConstString("' + tok + '"))' ) def _compilePattern(self, pattern, nr, varid, isFindMatch=False, tokenType="const Token"): if isFindMatch: ret = '\n ' + tokenType + ' * tok = start_tok;\n' returnStatement = 'continue;\n' else: arg2 = '' if varid: arg2 = ', const int varid' ret = '// pattern: ' + pattern + '\n' ret += 'static inline bool match' + \ str(nr) + '(' + tokenType + '* tok' + arg2 + ') {\n' returnStatement = 'return false;\n' tokens = pattern.split(' ') gotoNextToken = '' checked_varid = False for tok in tokens: if tok == '': continue ret += gotoNextToken gotoNextToken = ' tok = tok->next();\n' # if varid is provided, check that it's non-zero on first use if varid and '%varid%' in tok and not checked_varid: ret += ' if (varid==0U)\n' ret += ' throw InternalError(tok, "Internal error. Token::Match called with varid 0. ' +\ 'Please report this to Cppcheck developers");\n' checked_varid = True # [abc] if (len(tok) > 2) and (tok[0] == '[') and (tok[-1] == ']'): ret += ' if (!tok || tok->str().size() != 1U || !strchr("' + tok[1:-1] + '", tok->str()[0]))\n' ret += ' ' + returnStatement # a|b|c elif tok.find('|') > 0: tokens2 = tok.split('|') logicalOp = ' || ' if "" in tokens2: ret += ' if (tok && (' else: ret += ' if (!tok || !(' first = True for tok2 in tokens2: if tok2 == '': continue if not first: ret += logicalOp first = False ret += self._compileCmd(tok2) ret += '))\n' if "" in tokens2: ret += ' tok = tok->next();\n' gotoNextToken = '' else: ret += ' ' + returnStatement # !!a elif tok[0:2] == "!!": ret += ' if (tok && tok->str() == MatchCompiler::makeConstString("' + tok[2:] + '"))\n' ret += ' ' + returnStatement gotoNextToken = ' tok = tok ? tok->next() : nullptr;\n' else: negatedTok = "!" + self._compileCmd(tok) # fold !true => false ; !false => true # this avoids cppcheck warnings about condition always being true/false if negatedTok == "!false": negatedTok = "true" elif negatedTok == "!true": negatedTok = "false" ret += ' if (!tok || ' + negatedTok + ')\n' ret += ' ' + returnStatement if isFindMatch: ret += ' return start_tok;\n' else: ret += ' return true;\n' ret += '}\n' return ret def _compileFindPattern(self, pattern, findmatchnr, endToken, varId): more_args = '' endCondition = '' if endToken: more_args += ', const Token * end' endCondition = ' && start_tok != end' if varId: more_args += ', int varid' ret = '// pattern: ' + pattern + '\n' ret += 'template static inline T * findmatch' + \ str(findmatchnr) + '(T * start_tok' + more_args + ') {\n' ret += ' for (; start_tok' + endCondition + \ '; start_tok = start_tok->next()) {\n' ret += self._compilePattern(pattern, -1, varId, True, 'T') ret += ' }\n' ret += ' return nullptr;\n}\n' return ret @staticmethod def parseMatch(line, pos1): parlevel = 0 args = [] argstart = 0 pos = pos1 inString = False while pos < len(line): if inString: if line[pos] == '\\': pos += 1 elif line[pos] == '"': inString = False elif line[pos] == '"': inString = True elif line[pos] == '(': parlevel += 1 if parlevel == 1: argstart = pos + 1 elif line[pos] == ')': parlevel -= 1 if parlevel == 0: ret = [line[pos1:pos + 1]] ret.extend(args) ret.append(line[argstart:pos]) return ret elif line[pos] == ',' and parlevel == 1: args.append(line[argstart:pos]) argstart = pos + 1 pos += 1 return None @staticmethod def _isInString(line, pos1): pos = 0 inString = False while pos != pos1: if line[pos] == '\\': pos += 1 elif line[pos] == '"': inString = not inString pos += 1 return inString @staticmethod def _parseStringComparison(line, pos1): startPos = 0 pos = pos1 inString = False while pos < len(line): if inString: if line[pos] == '\\': pos += 1 elif line[pos] == '"': inString = False endPos = pos + 1 return startPos, endPos elif line[pos] == '"': startPos = pos inString = True pos += 1 return None @staticmethod def _compileVerifyTokenMatch( is_simplematch, verifyNumber, pattern, patternNumber, varId): more_args = '' if varId: more_args = ', const int varid' ret = 'static inline bool match_verify' + \ str(verifyNumber) + '(const Token *tok' + more_args + ') {\n' origMatchName = 'Match' if is_simplematch: origMatchName = 'simpleMatch' assert(varId is None) ret += ' bool res_compiled_match = match' + \ str(patternNumber) + '(tok' if varId: ret += ', varid' ret += ');\n' ret += ' bool res_parsed_match = Token::' + \ origMatchName + '(tok, "' + pattern + '"' if varId: ret += ', varid' ret += ');\n' ret += '\n' # Don't use assert() here, it's disabled for optimized builds. # We also need to verify builds in 'release' mode ret += ' if (res_parsed_match != res_compiled_match) {\n' # ret += ' std::cout << "res_parsed_match' + str(verifyNumber) +\ # ': " << res_parsed_match << ", res_compiled_match: " << res_compiled_match << "\\n";\n' # ret += ' if (tok)\n' # ret += ' std::cout << "tok: " << tok->str();\n' # ret += ' if (tok->next())\n' # ret += ' std::cout << "tok next: " << tok->next()->str();\n' ret += ' throw InternalError(tok, "Internal error. ' +\ 'Compiled match returned different result than parsed match: ' + pattern + '");\n' ret += ' }\n' ret += ' return res_compiled_match;\n' ret += '}\n' return ret def _replaceSpecificTokenMatch( self, is_simplematch, line, start_pos, end_pos, pattern, tok, varId): more_args = '' if varId: more_args = ',' + varId # Compile function or use previously compiled one patternNumber = self._lookupMatchFunctionId( pattern, None, varId, False) if patternNumber is None: patternNumber = len(self._rawMatchFunctions) + 1 self._insertMatchFunctionId( patternNumber, pattern, None, varId, False) self._rawMatchFunctions.append( self._compilePattern(pattern, patternNumber, varId)) functionName = "match" if self._verifyMode: verifyNumber = len(self._rawMatchFunctions) + 1 self._rawMatchFunctions.append( self._compileVerifyTokenMatch( is_simplematch, verifyNumber, pattern, patternNumber, varId)) # inject verify function functionName = "match_verify" patternNumber = verifyNumber return ( line[:start_pos] + functionName + str( patternNumber) + '(' + tok + more_args + ')' + line[start_pos + end_pos:] ) def _replaceTokenMatch(self, line, linenr, filename): for func in ('Match', 'simpleMatch'): is_simplematch = func == 'simpleMatch' pattern_start = 0 while True: # skip comments if line.strip().startswith('//'): break pos1 = line.find('Token::' + func + '(', pattern_start) if pos1 == -1: break res = self.parseMatch(line, pos1) if res is None: break # assert that Token::Match has either 2 or 3 arguments assert(len(res) == 3 or len(res) == 4) end_pos = len(res[0]) tok = res[1] raw_pattern = res[2] varId = None if len(res) == 4: varId = res[3] pattern_start = pos1 + end_pos res = re.match(r'\s*"((?:.|\\")*?)"\s*$', raw_pattern) if res is None: if self._showSkipped: print(filename + ":" + str(linenr) + " skipping match pattern:" + raw_pattern) continue # Non-const pattern - bailout pattern = res.group(1) orig_len = len(line) line = self._replaceSpecificTokenMatch( is_simplematch, line, pos1, end_pos, pattern, tok, varId) pattern_start += len(line) - orig_len return line @staticmethod def _compileVerifyTokenFindMatch( is_findsimplematch, verifyNumber, pattern, patternNumber, endToken, varId): more_args = '' if endToken: more_args += ', const Token * endToken' if varId: more_args += ', const int varid' ret = 'template < class T > static inline T * findmatch_verify' + \ str(verifyNumber) + '(T * tok' + more_args + ') {\n' origFindMatchName = 'findmatch' if is_findsimplematch: origFindMatchName = 'findsimplematch' assert(varId is None) ret += ' T * res_compiled_findmatch = findmatch' + \ str(patternNumber) + '(tok' if endToken: ret += ', endToken' if varId: ret += ', varid' ret += ');\n' ret += ' T * res_parsed_findmatch = Token::' + \ origFindMatchName + '(tok, "' + pattern + '"' if endToken: ret += ', endToken' if varId: ret += ', varid' ret += ');\n' ret += '\n' # Don't use assert() here, it's disabled for optimized builds. # We also need to verify builds in 'release' mode ret += ' if (res_parsed_findmatch != res_compiled_findmatch) {\n' ret += ' throw InternalError(tok, "Internal error. ' +\ 'Compiled findmatch returned different result than parsed findmatch: ' + pattern + '");\n' ret += ' }\n' ret += ' return res_compiled_findmatch;\n' ret += '}\n' return ret def _replaceSpecificFindTokenMatch( self, is_findsimplematch, line, start_pos, end_pos, pattern, tok, endToken, varId): more_args = '' if endToken: more_args += ',' + endToken if varId: more_args += ',' + varId # Compile function or use previously compiled one findMatchNumber = self._lookupMatchFunctionId( pattern, endToken, varId, True) if findMatchNumber is None: findMatchNumber = len(self._rawMatchFunctions) + 1 self._insertMatchFunctionId( findMatchNumber, pattern, endToken, varId, True) self._rawMatchFunctions.append( self._compileFindPattern( pattern, findMatchNumber, endToken, varId)) functionName = "findmatch" if self._verifyMode: verifyNumber = len(self._rawMatchFunctions) + 1 self._rawMatchFunctions.append( self._compileVerifyTokenFindMatch( is_findsimplematch, verifyNumber, pattern, findMatchNumber, endToken, varId)) # inject verify function functionName = "findmatch_verify" findMatchNumber = verifyNumber return ( line[:start_pos] + functionName + str( findMatchNumber) + '(' + tok + more_args + ') ' + line[start_pos + end_pos:] ) def _replaceTokenFindMatch(self, line, linenr, filename): while True: is_findsimplematch = True pos1 = line.find('Token::findsimplematch(') if pos1 == -1: is_findsimplematch = False pos1 = line.find('Token::findmatch(') if pos1 == -1: break res = self.parseMatch(line, pos1) if res is None: break # assert that Token::find(simple)match has either 2, 3 or 4 arguments assert(len(res) >= 3 or len(res) < 6) g0 = res[0] tok = res[1] pattern = res[2] # Check for varId varId = None if not is_findsimplematch and "%varid%" in g0: if len(res) == 5: varId = res[4] else: varId = res[3] # endToken support. We resolve the overloaded type by checking if varId is used or not. # Function prototypes: # Token *findsimplematch(const Token *tok, const char pattern[]); # Token *findsimplematch(const Token *tok, const char pattern[], const Token *end); # Token *findmatch(const Token *tok, const char pattern[], int varId = 0); # Token *findmatch(const Token *tok, const char pattern[], const # Token *end, int varId = 0); endToken = None if ((is_findsimplematch and len(res) == 4) or (not is_findsimplematch and varId and (len(res) == 5)) or (not is_findsimplematch and varId is None and len(res) == 4)): endToken = res[3] res = re.match(r'\s*"((?:.|\\")*?)"\s*$', pattern) if res is None: if self._showSkipped: print(filename + ":" + str(linenr) + " skipping findmatch pattern:" + pattern) break # Non-const pattern - bailout pattern = res.group(1) line = self._replaceSpecificFindTokenMatch( is_findsimplematch, line, pos1, len(g0), pattern, tok, endToken, varId) return line def _replaceCStrings(self, line): while True: match = re.search('(==|!=) *"', line) if not match: break if self._isInString(line, match.start()): break res = self._parseStringComparison(line, match.start()) if res is None: break startPos = res[0] endPos = res[1] text = line[startPos + 1:endPos - 1] line = line[:startPos] + 'MatchCompiler::makeConstStringBegin' +\ text + 'MatchCompiler::makeConstStringEnd' + line[endPos:] line = line.replace('MatchCompiler::makeConstStringBegin', 'MatchCompiler::makeConstString("') line = line.replace('MatchCompiler::makeConstStringEnd', '")') return line def convertFile(self, srcname, destname, line_directive): self._reset() fin = io.open(srcname, "rt", encoding="utf-8") srclines = fin.readlines() fin.close() code = u'' modified = False linenr = 0 for line in srclines: if not modified: line_orig = line linenr += 1 # Compile Token::Match and Token::simpleMatch line = self._replaceTokenMatch(line, linenr, srcname) # Compile Token::findsimplematch line = self._replaceTokenFindMatch(line, linenr, srcname) # Cache plain C-strings in C++ strings line = self._replaceCStrings(line) if not modified and not line_orig == line: modified = True code += line # Compute matchFunctions strFunctions = u'' for function in self._rawMatchFunctions: strFunctions += function lineno = u'' if line_directive: lineno = u'#line 1 "' + srcname + '"\n' header = u'#include "matchcompiler.h"\n' header += u'#include \n' header += u'#include \n' if len(self._rawMatchFunctions): header += u'#include "errorlogger.h"\n' header += u'#include "token.h"\n' fout = io.open(destname, 'wt', encoding="utf-8") if modified or len(self._rawMatchFunctions): fout.write(header) fout.write(strFunctions) fout.write(lineno) fout.write(code) fout.close() def main(): # Main program # Argument handling parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Compile Token::Match() calls into native C++ code') parser.add_argument('--verify', action='store_true', default=False, help='verify compiled matches against on-the-fly parser. Slow!') parser.add_argument('--show-skipped', action='store_true', default=False, help='show skipped (non-static) patterns') parser.add_argument('--read-dir', default="lib", help='directory from which files are read') parser.add_argument('--write-dir', default="build", help='directory into which files are written') parser.add_argument('--prefix', default="", help='prefix for build files') parser.add_argument('--line', action='store_true', default=False, help='add line directive to input files into build files') parser.add_argument('file', nargs='*', help='file to compile') args = parser.parse_args() lib_dir = args.read_dir build_dir = args.write_dir line_directive = args.line files = args.file # Check if we are invoked from the right place if not os.path.exists(lib_dir): print('Directory "' + lib_dir + '"not found.') sys.exit(-1) # Create build directory if needed try: os.makedirs(build_dir) except OSError as e: # due to race condition in case of parallel build, # makedirs may fail. Ignore that; if there's actual # problem with directory creation, it'll be caught # by the following isdir check if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise if not os.path.isdir(build_dir): raise Exception(build_dir + ' is not a directory') mc = MatchCompiler(verify_mode=args.verify, show_skipped=args.show_skipped) if not files: # select all *.cpp files in lib_dir for f in glob.glob(lib_dir + '/*.cpp'): files.append(f[len(lib_dir) + 1:]) # convert files for fi in files: pi = lib_dir + '/' + fi fo = args.prefix + fi po = build_dir + '/' + fo print(pi + ' => ' + po) mc.convertFile(pi, po, line_directive) if __name__ == '__main__': main()