<?xml version="1.0"?> <def format="2"> <markup ext=".qml" reporterrors="false" aftercode="true"> <!-- keywords in QML code to ignore --> <keywords> <keyword name="if"/> <keyword name="while"/> <keyword name="typeof"/> <keyword name="for"/> </keywords> <!-- code blocks are meta-code/pseudo code placed in the library that is used/called by the native c/c++ code --> <codeblocks> <!-- need to add all the QML function names below --> <block name="onClicked"/> <block name="onFinished"/> <block name="onTriggered"/> <block name="onRetrieveTriggered"/> <block name="onPressed"/> <block name="onTouch"/> <block name="onFocusedChanged"/> <block name="onSubmittedNewStatusChanged"/> <block name="onCreationCompleted"/> <block name="onFileSelected"/> <!-- code block structure in QML is: onClicked: { call(var) } --> <structure offset="3" start="{" end="}"/> <!-- the start block is '3' tokens after the name token so we skip them --> </codeblocks> <codeblocks> <block name="function"/> <!-- code block structure in QML is: funnction x(args): { call(var) } --> <structure offset="2" start="{" end="}"/> </codeblocks> <!-- Qt Properties have the format : Q_PROPERTY(<type> <name> READ <func> WRITE <func> NOTIFY <func>) the READ/WRITE/NOTIFY parts are optional --> <exported> <exporter prefix="Q_PROPERTY"> <suffix>READ</suffix> <!-- catch the element before READ if present --> <prefix>READ</prefix> <prefix>WRITE</prefix> <prefix>NOTIFY</prefix> </exporter> </exported> <!-- qml files can call connect on the c++ code --> <imported> <importer>connect</importer> </imported> </markup> <!-- qt can call methods as strings using invokeMethod --> <reflection> <call arg="2">invokeMethod</call> </reflection> <define name="SIGNAL(X)" value="#X"/> <define name="SLOT(X)" value="#X"/> <!-- T qAbs(const T &t) --> <function name="qAbs"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- const T &qBound(const T &min, const T &val, const T &max) --> <function name="qBound"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="3" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- double qInf() --> <function name="qInf"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="double"/> <use-retval/> </function> <!-- bool qIsFinite(double d) --> <!-- bool qIsFinite(float f) --> <function name="qIsFinite"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- bool qIsInf(double d) --> <!-- bool qIsInf(float f) --> <function name="qIsInf"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- bool qIsNaN(double d) --> <!-- bool qIsNaN(float f) --> <function name="qIsNaN"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- const T &qMax(const T &a, const T &b) --> <function name="qMax"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- const T &qMin(const T &a, const T &b) --> <function name="qMin"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- int qRound(double d) --> <!-- int qRound(float d) --> <function name="qRound"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="int"/> <use-retval/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void qSort(RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator end) --> <!-- void qSort(RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator end, LessThan lessThan) --> <!-- void qSort(Container &container) --> <function name="qSort"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <warn severity="style" alternatives="std::sort" reason="Obsolete"/> <arg nr="1"/> <arg nr="2" default=""/> <arg nr="3" default=""/> </function> <!-- void qStableSort(RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator end) --> <!-- void qStableSort(RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator end, LessThan lessThan) --> <!-- void qStableSort(Container &container) --> <function name="qStableSort"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <warn severity="style" alternatives="std::stable_sort" reason="Obsolete"/> <arg nr="1"/> <arg nr="2" default=""/> <arg nr="3" default=""/> </function> <!-- void qSwap(T &var1, T &var2) --> <function name="qSwap"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <warn severity="style" alternatives="std::swap" reason="Obsolete"/> <arg nr="1" direction="inout"/> <arg nr="2" direction="inout"/> </function> <!-- QMetaObject::Connection QObject::connect(const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type = Qt::AutoConnection) const --> <!-- QMetaObject::Connection QObject::connect(const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type = Qt::AutoConnection) // static --> <!-- QMetaObject::Connection QObject::connect(const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &method, Qt::ConnectionType type = Qt::AutoConnection) // static --> <!-- QMetaObject::Connection QObject::connect(const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, const QObject *receiver, PointerToMemberFunction method, Qt::ConnectionType type = Qt::AutoConnection) // static --> <!-- QMetaObject::Connection QObject::connect(const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, Functor functor) // static --> <!-- QMetaObject::Connection QObject::connect(const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, const QObject *context, Functor functor, Qt::ConnectionType type = Qt::AutoConnection) // static --> <function name="connect,QObject::connect"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-null/> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="2"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="3"> <not-null/> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="4" default="0"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="5" default="0"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- bool QObject::disconnect(const char *signal = Q_NULLPTR, const QObject *receiver = Q_NULLPTR, const char *method = Q_NULLPTR) const --> <!-- bool QObject::disconnect(const QObject *receiver, const char *method = Q_NULLPTR) const --> <!-- bool QObject::disconnect(const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method) // static --> <!-- bool QObject::disconnect(const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &method) // static --> <!-- bool QObject::disconnect(const QMetaObject::Connection &connection) // static --> <!-- bool QObject::disconnect(const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, const QObject *receiver, PointerToMemberFunction method) // static --> <function name="disconnect,QObject::disconnect"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-null/> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="0"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="3" default="0"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="4" default="0"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- QAction *QMenu::addAction(const QString &text) --> <!-- QAction *QMenu::addAction(const QIcon &icon, const QString &text) --> <!-- QAction *QMenu::addAction(const QString &text, const QObject *receiver, const char *member, const QKeySequence &shortcut = 0) --> <!-- QAction *QMenu::addAction(const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, const QObject *receiver, const char *member, const QKeySequence &shortcut = 0) --> <!-- QAction *QMenu::addAction(const QString &text, const QObject *receiver, PointerToMemberFunction method, const QKeySequence &shortcut = ...) --> <!-- QAction *QMenu::addAction(const QString &text, Functor functor, const QKeySequence &shortcut = ...) --> <!-- QAction *QMenu::addAction(const QString &text, const QObject *context, Functor functor, const QKeySequence &shortcut = 0) --> <!-- QAction *QMenu::addAction(const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, const QObject *receiver, PointerToMemberFunction method, const QKeySequence &shortcut = ...) --> <!-- QAction *QMenu::addAction(const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, Functor functor, const QKeySequence &shortcut = ...) --> <!-- QAction *QMenu::addAction(const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, const QObject *context, Functor functor, const QKeySequence &shortcut = 0) --> <function name="QMenu::addAction"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QAction *"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="any"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QObject::tr(const char *sourceText, const char *disambiguation = Q_NULLPTR, int n = -1) //static --> <function name="tr,QObject::tr"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-null/> <not-uninit/> <strz/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="0" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="3" default="-1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QSettings::setValue(const QString &key, const QVariant &value) --> <function name="QSettings::setValue"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <leak-ignore/> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <strz/> <not-uninit/> <not-null/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QVariant QSettings::value(const QString &key, const QVariant &defaultValue = QVariant()) const --> <function name="QSettings::value"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QVariant"/> <use-retval/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <strz/> <not-uninit/> <not-null/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="QVariant()" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString & QString::sprintf(const char * cformat, ...); --> <function name="QString::sprintf"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString &"/> <leak-ignore/> <formatstr/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <formatstr/> <not-uninit/> </arg> <warn severity="style" alternatives="QString::asprintf,QString::arg,QTextStream" reason="Obsolete"/> </function> <!-- void QList::append(const T &value) --> <!-- void QList::append(const QList<T> &value) --> <!-- QStringList inherits from QList --> <function name="QList::append,QStringList::append"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString & QString::append(const QString &str); --> <!-- QString & QString::append(const QChar *str, int len); --> <!-- QString & QString::append(QChar ch); --> <!-- QString & QString::append(const QStringRef &reference); --> <!-- QString & QString::append(QLatin1String str); --> <!-- QString & QString::append(const char *str); --> <!-- QString & QString::append(const QByteArray &ba); --> <function name="QString::append"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString &"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="0" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QStandardItem::appendRow(const QList<QStandardItem *> &items) --> <!-- void QStandardItem::appendRow(QStandardItem *item) --> <!-- void QStandardItem::appendRows(const QList<QStandardItem *> &items) --> <!-- void QStandardItemModel::appendRow(const QList<QStandardItem *> &items) --> <!-- void QStandardItemModel::appendRow(QStandardItem *item) --> <function name="QStandardItem::appendRow,QStandardItem::appendRows,QStandardItemModel::appendRow"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1"> <not-null/> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QString::arg(const QString & a, int fieldWidth = 0, const QChar & fillChar = QLatin1Char( ' ' )) const --> <!-- QString QString::arg(const QString & a1, const QString & a2) const --> <!-- QString QString::arg(const QString & a1, const QString & a2, const QString & a3) const --> <!-- QString QString::arg(const QString & a1, const QString & a2, const QString & a3, const QString & a4) const --> <!-- QString QString::arg(const QString & a1, const QString & a2, const QString & a3, const QString & a4, const QString & a5) const --> <!-- QString QString::arg(const QString & a1, const QString & a2, const QString & a3, const QString & a4, const QString & a5, const QString & a6) const --> <!-- QString QString::arg(const QString & a1, const QString & a2, const QString & a3, const QString & a4, const QString & a5, const QString & a6, const QString & a7) const --> <!-- QString QString::arg(const QString & a1, const QString & a2, const QString & a3, const QString & a4, const QString & a5, const QString & a6, const QString & a7, const QString & a8) const --> <!-- QString QString::arg(const QString & a1, const QString & a2, const QString & a3, const QString & a4, const QString & a5, const QString & a6, const QString & a7, const QString & a8, const QString & a9) const --> <!-- QString QString::arg(int a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10, const QChar & fillChar = QLatin1Char( ' ' )) const --> <!-- QString QString::arg(uint a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10, const QChar & fillChar = QLatin1Char( ' ' )) const --> <!-- QString QString::arg(long a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10, const QChar & fillChar = QLatin1Char( ' ' )) const --> <!-- QString QString::arg(ulong a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10, const QChar & fillChar = QLatin1Char( ' ' )) const --> <!-- QString QString::arg(qlonglong a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10, const QChar & fillChar = QLatin1Char( ' ' )) const --> <!-- QString QString::arg(qulonglong a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10, const QChar & fillChar = QLatin1Char( ' ' )) const --> <!-- QString QString::arg(short a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10, const QChar & fillChar = QLatin1Char( ' ' )) const --> <!-- QString QString::arg(ushort a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10, const QChar & fillChar = QLatin1Char( ' ' )) const --> <!-- QString QString::arg(QChar a, int fieldWidth = 0, const QChar & fillChar = QLatin1Char( ' ' )) const --> <!-- QString QString::arg(char a, int fieldWidth = 0, const QChar & fillChar = QLatin1Char( ' ' )) const --> <!-- QString QString::arg(double a, int fieldWidth = 0, char format = 'g', int precision = -1, const QChar & fillChar = QLatin1Char( ' ' )) const --> <function name="QString::arg"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="any"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QString::asprintf(const char * cformat, ...); --> <function name="QString::asprintf"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <formatstr/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <formatstr/> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- const QChar QString::at(int position) const --> <function name="QList::at,QString::at,QStringList::at"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="const QChar"/> <use-retval/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <valid>0:</valid> </arg> </function> <!-- int QString::capacity() const --> <function name="QString::capacity"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="int"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- iterator QList::..() --> <function name="QList::begin,QList::end,QList::cbegin,QList::cend,QList::constBegin,QList::constEnd,QList::rbegin,QList::rend,QList::crbegin,QList::crend"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> </function> <!-- iterator QString::..() --> <function name="QString::begin,QString::end,QString::cbegin,QString::cend,QString::constBegin,QString::constEnd,QString::rbegin,QString::rend,QString::crbegin,QString::crend"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> </function> <!-- iterator QStringList::..() --> <function name="QStringList::begin,QStringList::end,QStringList::cbegin,QStringList::cend,QStringList::constBegin,QStringList::constEnd,QStringList::rbegin,QStringList::rend,QStringList::crbegin,QStringList::crend"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> </function> <!-- QStandardItem *QStandardItem::child(int row, int column = 0) const --> <function name="QStandardItem::child"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QStandardItem *"/> <use-retval/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="0" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QString::chop(int n) --> <function name="QString::chop"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QString::clear() --> <function name="QList::clear,QString::clear"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> </function> <!-- int QString::compare(const QString &s1, const QString &s2, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) //static --> <!-- int QString::compare(QLatin1String other, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) const --> <!-- int QString::compare(const QString &other, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) const --> <!-- int QString::compare(const QString &s1, QLatin1String s2, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) //static --> <!-- int QString::compare(QLatin1String s1, const QString &s2, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) //static --> <!-- int QString::compare(const QStringRef &ref, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) const --> <!-- int QString::compare(const QString &s1, const QStringRef &s2, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) //static --> <function name="QString::compare"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="int"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="0" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="3" default="0" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- bool QList::contains(const T &value) const --> <!-- bool QList::startsWith(const T &value) const --> <!-- bool QList::endsWith(const T &value) const --> <function name="QList::contains,QList::startsWith,QList::endsWith"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <returnValue type="bool"/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- ##### QMap https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qmap.html ##### --> <!-- QMap::const_iterator QMap::constFind(const Key &key) const --> <function name="QMap::constFind"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QMap::const_iterator"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- bool QMap::contains(const Key &key) const --> <function name="QMap::contains"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <returnValue type="bool"/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QMap::iterator QMap::erase(QMap::iterator pos) --> <function name="QMap::erase"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QMap::iterator"/> <arg nr="1"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- QMap::iterator QMap::find(const Key &key) --> <!-- QMap::const_iterator QMap::find(const Key &key) const --> <function name="QMap::find"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QMap::iterator QMap::insert(const Key &key, const T &value) --> <!-- QMap::iterator QMap::insert(QMap::const_iterator pos, const Key &key, const T &value) --> <!-- QMap::iterator QMap::insertMulti(const Key &key, const T &value) --> <!-- QMap::iterator QMap::insertMulti(QMap::const_iterator pos, const Key &key, const T &value) --> <function name="QMap::insert,QMap::insertMulti"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QMap::iterator"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="3" direction="in" default=""> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- bool QMap::isEmpty() const --> <function name="QMap::isEmpty"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> </function> <!-- const Key QMap::key(const T &value, const Key &defaultKey = Key()) const --> <function name="QMap::key"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in" default=""> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- int QMap::remove(const Key &key) --> <function name="QMap::remove"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="int"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- int QMap::size() const --> <function name="QMap::size"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="int"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> </function> <!-- T QMap::take(const Key &key) --> <function name="QMap::take"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- const T QMap::value(const Key &key, const T &defaultValue = T()) const --> <function name="QMap::value"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in" default=""> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QList<T> QMap::values() const --> <!-- QList<T> QMap::values(const Key &key) const --> <function name="QMap::values"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in" default=""> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- bool QString::contains(const QString &str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) const --> <!-- bool QString::startsWith(const QString &str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) const --> <!-- bool QString::endsWith(const QString &str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) const --> <function name="QString::contains,QString::startsWith,QString::endsWith"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <returnValue type="bool"/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="Qt::CaseSensitive" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- bool QStringList::contains(const T &value) const --> <!-- bool QStringList::startsWith(const T &value) const --> <!-- bool QStringList::endsWith(const T &value) const --> <function name="QStringList::contains,QStringList::startsWith,QStringList::endsWith"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <returnValue type="bool"/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- int QList::count() const --> <!-- int QList::length() const --> <!-- int QList::size() const --> <!-- int QString::count() const --> <!-- int QString::length() const --> <!-- int QString::size() const --> <!-- int QStringList::count() const --> <!-- int QStringList::length() const --> <!-- int QStringList::size() const --> <function name="QList::count,QList::length,QList::size,QString::count,QString::length,QString::size,QStringList::count,QStringList::length,QStringList::size"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <returnValue type="signed int"/> <const/> </function> <!-- bool QList::empty() const --> <!-- bool QList::isEmpty() const --> <!-- bool QString::isEmpty() const --> <!-- bool QString::isNull() const --> <!-- bool QStringList::empty() const --> <!-- bool QStringList::isEmpty() const --> <function name="QList::empty,QList::isEmpty,QString::isEmpty,QString::isNull,QStringList::empty,QStringList::isEmpty"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <returnValue type="bool"/> <const/> </function> <!-- void QList::insert(int i, const T &value) --> <!-- iterator QList::insert(iterator before, const T &value) --> <!-- QStringList inherits from QList --> <function name="QList::insert,QStringList::insert"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <arg nr="1"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QStandardItem *QStandardItemModel::item(int row, int column = 0) const --> <function name="QStandardItemModel::item"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QStandardItem *"/> <use-retval/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="0" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QStandardItem *QStandardItemModel::itemFromIndex(const QModelIndex &index) const --> <function name="QStandardItemModel::itemFromIndex"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QStandardItem *"/> <use-retval/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString &QString::fill(QChar ch, int size = -1) --> <function name="QString::fill"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString &"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in" default="-1"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QString::fromAscii(const char *str, int size = -1) // static --> <!-- QString QString::fromAscii(const QByteArray &str) // static --> <function name="QString::fromAscii"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <returnValue type="QString"/> <leak-ignore/> <warn severity="style" alternatives="QString::fromLatin1" reason="Obsolete"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="-1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QString::fromLatin1(const char *str, int size = -1) //static --> <!-- QString QString::fromLatin1(const QByteArray &str) //static --> <function name="QString::fromLatin1"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <returnValue type="QString"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="-1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QString::fromLocal8Bit(const char * str, int size = -1) // static --> <!-- QString QString::fromLocal8Bit(const QByteArray &str) // static --> <function name="QString::fromLocal8Bit"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <returnValue type="QString"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-null/> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="-1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QString::fromNSString(const NSString *string) // static --> <function name="QString::fromNSString"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-null/> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QString::fromRawData(const QChar *unicode, int size) // static --> <function name="QString::fromRawData"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QString::fromStdString(const std::string &str) //static --> <function name="QString::fromStdString"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <returnValue type="QString"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"/> </function> <!-- QString QString::fromStdU16String(const std::u16string &str) // static --> <!-- QString QString::fromStdU32String(const std::u32string &str) // static --> <!-- QString QString::fromStdWString(const std::wstring &str) // static --> <function name="QString::fromStdU16String,QString::fromStdU32String,QString::fromStdWString"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QString::fromUtf8(const char *str, int size = -1) //static --> <!-- QString QString::fromUtf8(const QByteArray &str) //static --> <function name="QString::fromUtf8"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <returnValue type="QString"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="-1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QString::fromUtf16(const ushort *unicode, int size = -1) // static --> <!-- QString QString::fromUtf16(const char16_t *str, int size = -1) // static --> <function name="QString::fromUtf16"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <returnValue type="QString"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="-1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QString::fromWCharArray(const wchar_t *string, int size = -1) // static --> <function name="QString::fromWCharArray"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="-1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QByteArray QString::toAscii() const --> <function name="QString::toAscii"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QByteArray"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <warn severity="style" alternatives="QString::toLatin1" reason="Obsolete"/> </function> <!-- QByteArray QString::toLatin1() const --> <!-- QByteArray QString::toLocal8Bit() const --> <function name="QString::toLatin1,QString::toLocal8Bit"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QByteArray"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> </function> <!-- int QList::indexOf(const T &) const --> <!-- int QStringList::indexOf(const QString &) const --> <function name="QList::indexOf,QStringList::indexOf"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <returnValue type="signed int"/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- int QString::indexOf(const QString &str, int from = 0, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) const --> <!-- int QString::indexOf(QChar ch, int from = 0, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) const --> <!-- int QString::indexOf(QLatin1String str, int from = 0, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) const --> <!-- int QString::indexOf(const QStringRef &str, int from = 0, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) const --> <!-- int QString::indexOf(const QRegExp &rx, int from = 0) const --> <!-- int QString::indexOf(QRegExp &rx, int from = 0) const --> <!-- int QString::indexOf(const QRegularExpression &re, int from = 0) const --> <!-- int QString::indexOf(const QRegularExpression &re, int from, QRegularExpressionMatch *rmatch) const --> <function name="QString::indexOf"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <returnValue type="signed int"/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"/> <arg nr="any"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString & QString::insert(int position, const QString & str) --> <!-- QString & QString::insert(int position, const QLatin1String & str) --> <!-- QString & QString::insert(int position, const QChar * unicode, int size) --> <!-- QString & QString::insert(int position, QChar ch) --> <function name="QString::insert"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString &"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="3" default="0" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- bool QString::isRightToLeft() const --> <function name="QString::isRightToLeft"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- int QList::lastIndexOf(const T &value, int from = -1) const --> <!-- int QStringList::lastIndexOf(const QString &value, int from = -1) const --> <function name="QList::lastIndexOf,QStringList::lastIndexOf"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <returnValue type="int"/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="-1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- int QString::lastIndexOf(const QString &str, int from = -1, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) const --> <function name="QString::lastIndexOf"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <returnValue type="signed int"/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="-1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="3" default="Qt::CaseSensitive" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QString::left(int n) const --> <function name="QString::left"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- int QString::localeAwareCompare(const QString &other) const --> <!-- int QString::localeAwareCompare(const QStringRef &other) const --> <!-- int QString::localeAwareCompare(const QString &s1, const QStringRef &s2) // static --> <function name="QString::localeAwareCompare"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="int"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in" default=""> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- QList<T> QList::mid(int pos, int length = -1) const --> <function name="QList::mid"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="-1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QString::mid(int position, int n = -1) const --> <function name="QString::mid"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="-1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QStringList QStringList::mid(int pos, int length = -1) const --> <function name="QStringList::mid"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QStringList"/> <use-retval/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="-1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QStringRef QString::midRef(int position, int n = -1) const --> <function name="QString::midRef"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QStringRef"/> <use-retval/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="-1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QString::normalized(QString::NormalizationForm mode, QChar::UnicodeVersion version = QChar::Unicode_Unassigned) const --> <function name="QString::normalized"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in" default="QChar::Unicode_Unassigned"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QString::number(long n, int base = 10) --> <!-- QString QString::number(uint n, int base = 10) --> <!-- QString QString::number(int n, int base = 10) --> <!-- QString QString::number(ulong n, int base = 10) --> <!-- QString QString::number(qlonglong n, int base = 10) --> <!-- QString QString::number(qulonglong n, int base = 10) --> <!-- QString QString::number(double n, char format = 'g', int precision = 6) --> <function name="QString::number"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"/> <arg nr="any" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QList::prepend(const T &value) --> <!-- QStringList inherits from QList --> <function name="QList::prepend,QStringList::prepend"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString & QString::prepend(const QString & str) --> <!-- QString & QString::prepend(const QLatin1String & str) --> <!-- QString & QString::prepend(const QByteArray & ba) --> <!-- QString & QString::prepend(const char * str) --> <!-- QString & QString::prepend(QChar ch) --> <function name="QString::prepend"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString &"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-null/> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QList::push_back(const T &value) --> <!-- QStringList inherits from QList --> <function name="QList::push_back,QStringList::push_back"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QList::push_front(const T &value) --> <!-- QStringList inherits from QList --> <function name="QList::push_front,QStringList::push_front"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QtMessageHandler qInstallMessageHandler(QtMessageHandler handler) --> <function name="qInstallMessageHandler"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QtMessageHandler"/> <arg nr="1"> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- QtMsgHandler qInstallMsgHandler(QtMsgHandler handler) --> <function name="qInstallMsgHandler"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QtMsgHandler"/> <arg nr="1"> <not-bool/> </arg> <warn severity="style" alternatives="qInstallMessageHandler" reason="Obsolete"/> </function> <!-- int qrand() --> <function name="qrand"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <returnValue type="int"/> <warn severity="style" alternatives="QRandomGenerator" reason="Obsolete"/> </function> <!-- void qsrand(uint seed) --> <function name="qsrand"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <arg nr="1" direction="in"/> <warn severity="style" alternatives="QRandomGenerator" reason="Obsolete"/> </function> <!-- QString & QString::remove(int position, int n) --> <!-- QString & QString::remove(QChar ch, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) --> <!-- QString & QString::remove(const QString & str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) --> <!-- QString & QString::remove(const QRegExp & rx) --> <function name="QString::remove"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString &"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="0" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- int QList::removeAll(const T &value) --> <!-- QStringList inherits from QList --> <function name="QList::removeAll,QStringList::removeAll"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="int"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QList::removeAt(int i) --> <!-- QStringList inherits from QList --> <function name="QList::removeAt,QStringList::removeAt"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <valid>0:</valid> </arg> </function> <!-- void QStandardItem::removeRow(int row) --> <function name="QStandardItem::removeRow"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QStandardItem::removeRows(int row, int count) --> <function name="QStandardItem::removeRows"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- bool QAbstractItemModel::removeRow(int row, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) --> <!-- QStandardItemModel inherits from QAbstractItemModel --> <function name="QAbstractItemModel::removeRow,QStandardItemModel::removeRow"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="0" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- bool QStandardItemModel::removeRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) --> <function name="QStandardItemModel::removeRows"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="3" default="0" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QString::repeated(int times) const --> <function name="QString::repeated"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString & QString::replace(int position, int n, const QString & after) --> <!-- QString & QString::replace(int position, int n, const QChar * unicode, int size) --> <!-- QString & QString::replace(int position, int n, QChar after) --> <!-- QString & QString::replace(const QString & before, const QString & after, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) --> <!-- QString & QString::replace(const QChar * before, int blen, const QChar * after, int alen, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) --> <!-- QString & QString::replace(QChar ch, const QString & after, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) --> <!-- QString & QString::replace(QChar before, QChar after, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) --> <!-- QString & QString::replace(const QLatin1String & before, const QLatin1String & after, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) --> <!-- QString & QString::replace(const QLatin1String & before, const QString & after, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) --> <!-- QString & QString::replace(const QString & before, const QLatin1String & after, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) --> <!-- QString & QString::replace(QChar c, const QLatin1String & after, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) --> <!-- QString & QString::replace(const QRegExp & rx, const QString & after) --> <function name="QString::replace"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString &"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="3" default="0" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="4" default="0" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="5" default="0" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QString::reserve(int size) --> <function name="QString::reserve"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QString::right(int n) const --> <function name="QString::right"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> <valid>0:</valid> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QString::section(QChar sep, int start, int end = -1, SectionFlags flags = SectionDefault) const --> <!-- QString QString::section(const QString & sep, int start, int end = -1, SectionFlags flags = SectionDefault) const --> <!-- QString QString::section(const QRegExp & reg, int start, int end = -1, SectionFlags flags = SectionDefault) const --> <function name="QString::section"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="3" default="-1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="4" default="SectionDefault" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString & QString::setNum(int n, int base = 10) --> <!-- QString & QString::setNum(uint n, int base = 10) --> <!-- QString & QString::setNum(long n, int base = 10) --> <!-- QString & QString::setNum(ulong n, int base = 10) --> <!-- QString & QString::setNum(qlonglong n, int base = 10) --> <!-- QString & QString::setNum(qulonglong n, int base = 10) --> <!-- QString & QString::setNum(short n, int base = 10) --> <!-- QString & QString::setNum(ushort n, int base = 10) --> <!-- QString & QString::setNum(double n, char format = 'g', int precision = 6) --> <!-- QString & QString::setNum(float n, char format = 'g', int precision = 6) --> <function name="QString::setNum"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString &"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="0" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="3" default="6" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QStringList QString::split(const QString &sep, SplitBehavior behavior = KeepEmptyParts, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) const --> <!-- QStringList QString::split(QChar sep, SplitBehavior behavior = KeepEmptyParts, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = Qt::CaseSensitive) const --> <!-- QStringList QString::split(const QRegExp &rx, SplitBehavior behavior = KeepEmptyParts) const --> <!-- QStringList QString::split(const QRegularExpression &re, SplitBehavior behavior = KeepEmptyParts) const --> <function name="QString::split"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QStringList"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="QString::KeepEmptyParts" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="3" default="Qt::CaseSensitive" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QList::swap(QList<T> &other) --> <!-- void QList::swap(int i, int j) --> <!-- QStringList inherits from QList --> <function name="QList::swap,QStringList::swap"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="0"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- double QString::toDouble(bool * ok = 0) const --> <function name="QString::toDouble"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="double"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" default="0" direction="out"> </arg> </function> <!-- float QString::toFloat(bool * ok = 0) const --> <function name="QString::toFloat"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="float"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" default="0" direction="out"> </arg> </function> <!-- int QString::toInt(bool *ok = Q_NULLPTR, int base = 10) const --> <function name="QString::toInt"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="int"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" default="0" direction="out"> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="10" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <valid>0,2:36</valid> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- long QString::toLong(bool * ok = 0, int base = 10) const --> <function name="QString::toLong"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="long"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" default="0" direction="out"> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="10" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <valid>0,2:36</valid> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- qlonglong QString::toLongLong(bool * ok = 0, int base = 10) const --> <function name="QString::toLongLong"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="qlonglong"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" default="0" direction="out"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="10" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <valid>0,2:36</valid> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QString::toLower() const --> <function name="QString::toLower"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- short QString::toShort(bool * ok = 0, int base = 10) const --> <function name="QString::toShort"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="short"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" default="0" direction="out"> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="10" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <valid>0,2:36</valid> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- std::string QString::toStdString() const --> <function name="QString::toStdString"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="std::string"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- uint QString::toUInt(bool * ok = 0, int base = 10) const --> <function name="QString::toUInt"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="uint"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" default="0" direction="out"> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="10" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <valid>0,2:36</valid> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- ulong QString::toULong(bool * ok = 0, int base = 10) const --> <function name="QString::toULong"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="ulong"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" default="0" direction="out"> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="10" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <valid>0,2:36</valid> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- qulonglong QString::toULongLong(bool * ok = 0, int base = 10) const --> <function name="QString::toULongLong"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="qulonglong"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" default="0" direction="out"> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="10" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <valid>0,2:36</valid> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- ushort QString::toUShort(bool * ok = 0, int base = 10) const --> <function name="QString::toUShort"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="ushort"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" default="0" direction="out"> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="10" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <valid>0,2:36</valid> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QString::toUpper() const --> <function name="QString::toUpper"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- QByteArray QString::toUtf8() const --> <function name="QString::toUtf8"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QByteArray"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- QString QString::trimmed() const --> <function name="QString::trimmed"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- void QString::truncate(int position) --> <function name="QString::truncate"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString & QString::vsprintf(const char * cformat, va_list ap) --> <function name="QString::vsprintf"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString &"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-null/> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <warn severity="style" alternatives="QString::vasprintf,QString::arg,QTextStream" reason="Obsolete"/> </function> <!-- QString QStringList::join(const QString &separator) const --> <!-- QString QStringList::join(QLatin1String separator) const --> <!-- QString QStringList::join(QChar separator) const --> <function name="QStringList::join"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <returnValue type="QString"/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName(QObject *object) --> <function name="QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1"> <not-null/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QDir::fromNativeSeparators(const QString &pathName) --> <!-- QString QDir::toNativeSeparators(const QString &pathName) --> <function name="QDir::fromNativeSeparators,QDir::toNativeSeparators"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- bool QFile::exists(const QString &fileName) // static --> <!-- bool QFile::exists() const --> <function name="QFile::exists"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" default="""" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- bool QFile::open(OpenMode mode) --> <!-- bool QFile::open(FILE *fh, OpenMode mode, FileHandleFlags handleFlags = DontCloseHandle) --> <!-- bool QFile::open(int fd, OpenMode mode, FileHandleFlags handleFlags = DontCloseHandle) --> <function name="QFile::open"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="any"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- bool QFile::remove() --> <!-- bool QFile::remove(const QString &fileName) // static --> <function name="QFile::remove"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" default="0" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- bool QFile::rename(const QString &newName) --> <!-- bool QFile::rename(const QString &oldName, const QString &newName) // static --> <function name="QFile::rename"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="0" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QFile::setFileName(const QString &name) --> <function name="QFile::setFileName"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- qint64 QFile::size() const --> <!-- qint64 QIODevice::size() const --> <function name="QFile::size,QIODevice::size"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="qint64"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- QString QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(QWidget *parent = Q_NULLPTR, const QString &caption = QString(), const QString &dir = QString(), const QString &filter = QString(), QString *selectedFilter = Q_NULLPTR, Options options = Options()) //static --> <!-- QString QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(QWidget *parent = Q_NULLPTR, const QString &caption = QString(), const QString &dir = QString(), const QString &filter = QString(), QString *selectedFilter = Q_NULLPTR, Options options = Options()) //static --> <!-- QString QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(QWidget *parent = Q_NULLPTR, const QString &caption = QString(), const QString &dir = QString(), Options options = ShowDirsOnly) //static --> <function name="QFileDialog::getOpenFileName,QFileDialog::getSaveFileName,QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <arg nr="any"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QStringList QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(QWidget *parent = Q_NULLPTR, const QString &caption = QString(), const QString &dir = QString(), const QString &filter = QString(), QString *selectedFilter = Q_NULLPTR, Options options = Options()) //static --> <function name="QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QStringList"/> <use-retval/> <arg nr="any"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- qFatal(const char *message, ...) --> <function name="qFatal"> <noreturn>true</noreturn> <leak-ignore/> <formatstr/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <formatstr/> <strz/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QCoreApplication::translate(const char *context, const char *sourceText, const char *disambiguation = nullptr, int n = -1) //static --> <!-- QApplication inherits from QCoreApplication --> <function name="QCoreApplication::translate,QApplication::translate"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in"> <not-null/> <not-uninit/> <strz/> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="3" default="NULL" direction="in"> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="4" default="-1" direction="in"> </arg> </function> <!-- https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtimer.html --> <!-- int QTimer::interval() const --> <function name="QTimer::interval"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="int"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- std::chrono::milliseconds QTimer::intervalAsDuration() const --> <function name="QTimer::intervalAsDuration"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="std::chrono::milliseconds"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- bool QTimer::isActive() const --> <function name="QTimer::isActive"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- bool QTimer::isSingleShot() const --> <function name="QTimer::isSingleShot"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- int QTimer::remainingTime() const --> <function name="QTimer::remainingTime"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="int"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- std::chrono::milliseconds QTimer::remainingTimeAsDuration() const --> <function name="QTimer::remainingTimeAsDuration"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="std::chrono::milliseconds"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- void QTimer::setInterval(int msec) --> <!-- void QTimer::setInterval(std::chrono::milliseconds value) --> <function name="QTimer::setInterval"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QTimer::setSingleShot(bool singleShot) --> <function name="QTimer::setSingleShot"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QTimer::start(std::chrono::milliseconds msec) --> <function name="QTimer::start"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QTimer::singleShot(int msec, const QObject *receiver, const char *member) // static --> <!-- void QTimer::singleShot(int msec, Qt::TimerType timerType, const QObject *receiver, const char *member) // static --> <!-- void QTimer::singleShot(int msec, const QObject *receiver, PointerToMemberFunction method) // static --> <!-- void QTimer::singleShot(int msec, Qt::TimerType timerType, const QObject *receiver, PointerToMemberFunction method) // static --> <!-- void QTimer::singleShot(int msec, Functor functor) // static --> <!-- void QTimer::singleShot(int msec, Qt::TimerType timerType, Functor functor) // static --> <!-- void QTimer::singleShot(int msec, const QObject *context, Functor functor) // static --> <!-- void QTimer::singleShot(int msec, Qt::TimerType timerType, const QObject *context, Functor functor) // static --> <!-- void QTimer::singleShot(std::chrono::milliseconds msec, const QObject *receiver, const char *member) // static --> <!-- void QTimer::singleShot(std::chrono::milliseconds msec, Qt::TimerType timerType, const QObject *receiver, const char *member) // static --> <function name="QTimer::singleShot"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="any"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QBoxLayout::addWidget(QWidget *widget, int stretch = 0, Qt::Alignment alignment = Qt::Alignment()) --> <!-- QVBoxLayout and QHBoxLayout inherit from QBoxLayout --> <function name="QBoxLayout::addWidget,QVBoxLayout::addWidget,QHBoxLayout::addWidget"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" default="0" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="3" default="Qt::Alignment()" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QGridLayout::addWidget(QWidget *widget, int row, int column, Qt::Alignment alignment = Qt::Alignment()) --> <!-- void QGridLayout::addWidget(QWidget *widget, int fromRow, int fromColumn, int rowSpan, int columnSpan, Qt::Alignment alignment = Qt::Alignment()) --> <function name="QGridLayout::addWidget"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="any" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QDate QDate::addDays(qint64 ndays) const --> <!-- QDate QDate::addMonths(int nmonths) const --> <!-- QDate QDate::addYears(int nyears) const --> <function name="QDate::addDays,QDate::addMonths,QDate::addYears"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QDate"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- QDate QDate::currentDate() // static --> <function name="QDate::currentDate"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QDate"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> </function> <!-- int QDate::day() const --> <!-- int QDate::dayOfWeek() const --> <!-- int QDate::dayOfYear() const --> <!-- int QDate::daysInMonth() const --> <!-- int QDate::daysInYear() const --> <function name="QDate::day,QDate::dayOfWeek,QDate::dayOfYear,QDate::daysInMonth,QDate::daysInYear"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="int"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> </function> <!-- qint64 QDate::daysTo(const QDate &d) const --> <function name="QDate::daysTo"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="qint64"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- QDate QDate::fromJulianDay(qint64 jd) // static --> <function name="QDate::fromJulianDay"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QDate"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- QDate QDate::fromString(const QString &string, Qt::DateFormat format = Qt::TextDate) // static --> <!-- QDate QDate::fromString(const QString &string, const QString &format) // static --> <function name="QDate::fromString"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QDate"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in" default="Qt::TextDate"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QDate::getDate(int *year, int *month, int *day) const --> <function name="QDate::getDate"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="out"/> <arg nr="2" direction="out"/> <arg nr="3" direction="out"> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- bool QDate::isLeapYear(int year) // static --> <function name="QDate::isLeapYear"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- bool QDate::isNull() const --> <function name="QDate::isNull"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- bool QDate::isValid() const --> <!-- bool QDate::isValid(int year, int month, int day) // static --> <function name="QDate::isValid"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <use-retval/> <arg nr="1" direction="in" default=""/> <arg nr="2" direction="in" default=""/> <arg nr="3" direction="in" default=""/> </function> <!-- int QDate::month() const --> <function name="QDate::month"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="int"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- bool QDate::setDate(int year, int month, int day) --> <function name="QDate::setDate"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <valid>:-1,1:</valid> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <valid>1:12</valid> </arg> <arg nr="3" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> <valid>1:31</valid> </arg> </function> <!-- qint64 QDate::toJulianDay() const --> <function name="QDate::toJulianDay"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="qint64"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- QString QDate::toString(const QString &format) const --> <!-- QString QDate::toString(QStringView format) const --> <!-- QString QDate::toString(Qt::DateFormat format = Qt::TextDate) const --> <function name="QDate::toString"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in" default="Qt::TextDate"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- int QDate::weekNumber(int *yearNumber = nullptr) const --> <function name="QDate::weekNumber"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="int"/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="out" default="nullptr"> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- int QDate::year() const --> <function name="QDate::year"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="int"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- bool QPainter::begin(QPaintDevice *device) --> <function name="QPainter::begin"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="inout"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- QPaintDevice *QPainter::device() const --> <function name="QPainter::device"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QPaintDevice *"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- const QTransform &QPainter::deviceTransform() const --> <function name="QPainter::deviceTransform"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="const QTransform &"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- void QPainter::drawEllipse(const QRectF &rectangle) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawEllipse(const QRect &rectangle) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawEllipse(int x, int y, int width, int height) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawEllipse(const QPointF ¢er, qreal rx, qreal ry) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawEllipse(const QPoint ¢er, int rx, int ry) --> <function name="QPainter::drawEllipse"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="any" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QPainter::drawImage(const QRectF &target, const QImage &image, const QRectF &source, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawImage(const QRect &target, const QImage &image, const QRect &source, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawImage(const QPointF &point, const QImage &image, const QRectF &source, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = ...) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawImage(const QPoint &point, const QImage &image, const QRect &source, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = ...) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawImage(const QRectF &rectangle, const QImage &image) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawImage(const QRect &rectangle, const QImage &image) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawImage(const QPointF &point, const QImage &image) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawImage(const QPoint &point, const QImage &image) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawImage(int x, int y, const QImage &image, int sx = 0, int sy = 0, int sw = -1, int sh = -1, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags = Qt::AutoColor) --> <function name="QPainter::drawImage"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="any" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QPainter::drawLine(const QLineF &line) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawLine(const QLine &line) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawLine(const QPoint &p1, const QPoint &p2) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawLine(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2) --> <function name="QPainter::drawLine"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="any" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QPainter::drawPath(const QPainterPath &path) --> <function name="QPainter::drawPath"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QPainter::drawPixmap(const QRectF &target, const QPixmap &pixmap, const QRectF &source) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawPixmap(const QRect &target, const QPixmap &pixmap, const QRect &source) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawPixmap(int x, int y, int w, int h, const QPixmap &pixmap, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawPixmap(int x, int y, const QPixmap &pixmap, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawPixmap(const QPointF &point, const QPixmap &pixmap, const QRectF &source) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawPixmap(const QPoint &point, const QPixmap &pixmap, const QRect &source) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawPixmap(const QPointF &point, const QPixmap &pixmap) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawPixmap(const QPoint &point, const QPixmap &pixmap) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawPixmap(int x, int y, const QPixmap &pixmap) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawPixmap(const QRect &rectangle, const QPixmap &pixmap) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawPixmap(int x, int y, int width, int height, const QPixmap &pixmap) --> <function name="QPainter::drawPixmap"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="any" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QPainter::drawPoint(const QPointF &position) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawPoint(const QPoint &position) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawPoint(int x, int y) --> <function name="QPainter::drawPoint"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in" default=""> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QPainter::drawRect(const QRectF &rectangle) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawRect(int x, int y, int width, int height) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawRect(const QRect &rectangle) --> <function name="QPainter::drawRect"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="any" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QPainter::drawText(const QRectF &rectangle, int flags, const QString &text, QRectF *boundingRect = nullptr) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawText(const QPointF &position, const QString &text) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawText(const QPoint &position, const QString &text) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawText(int x, int y, const QString &text) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawText(const QRect &rectangle, int flags, const QString &text, QRect *boundingRect = nullptr) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawText(int x, int y, int width, int height, int flags, const QString &text, QRect *boundingRect = nullptr) --> <!-- void QPainter::drawText(const QRectF &rectangle, const QString &text, const QTextOption &option = QTextOption()) --> <function name="QPainter::drawText"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="any" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QPainter::fillRect(const QRectF &rectangle, const QBrush &brush) --> <!-- void QPainter::fillRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, const QBrush &brush) --> <!-- void QPainter::fillRect(const QRect &rectangle, const QBrush &brush) --> <!-- void QPainter::fillRect(const QRectF &rectangle, const QColor &color) --> <!-- void QPainter::fillRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, const QColor &color) --> <!-- void QPainter::fillRect(const QRect &rectangle, const QColor &color) --> <!-- void QPainter::fillRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, Qt::GlobalColor color) --> <!-- void QPainter::fillRect(const QRect &rectangle, Qt::GlobalColor color) --> <!-- void QPainter::fillRect(const QRectF &rectangle, Qt::GlobalColor color) --> <!-- void QPainter::fillRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, Qt::BrushStyle style) --> <!-- void QPainter::fillRect(const QRect &rectangle, Qt::BrushStyle style) --> <!-- void QPainter::fillRect(const QRectF &rectangle, Qt::BrushStyle style) --> <!-- void QPainter::fillRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, QGradient::Preset preset) --> <!-- void QPainter::fillRect(const QRect &rectangle, QGradient::Preset preset) --> <!-- void QPainter::fillRect(const QRectF &rectangle, QGradient::Preset preset) --> <function name="QPainter::fillRect"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="any" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QPainter::setBrush(const QBrush &brush) --> <!-- void QPainter::setBrush(Qt::BrushStyle style) --> <function name="QPainter::setBrush"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QPainter::setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode mode) --> <function name="QPainter::setCompositionMode"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QPainter::setFont(const QFont &font) --> <function name="QPainter::setFont"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QPainter::setOpacity(qreal opacity) --> <function name="QPainter::setOpacity"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QPainter::setPen(const QPen &pen) --> <!-- void QPainter::setPen(const QColor &color) --> <!-- void QPainter::setPen(Qt::PenStyle style) --> <function name="QPainter::setPen"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QPainter::setRenderHint(QPainter::RenderHint hint, bool on = true) --> <function name="QPainter::setRenderHint"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in" default="true"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QPainter::translate(const QPointF &offset) --> <!-- void QPainter::translate(const QPoint &offset) --> <!-- void QPainter::translate(qreal dx, qreal dy) --> <function name="QPainter::translate"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in" default=""> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- bool QPainter::viewTransformEnabled() const --> <function name="QPainter::viewTransformEnabled"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- QRect QPainter::viewport() const --> <function name="QPainter::viewport"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QRect"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- QRect QPainter::window() const --> <function name="QPainter::window"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QRect"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- bool QPainter::worldMatrixEnabled() const --> <function name="QPainter::worldMatrixEnabled"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- const QTransform &QPainter::worldTransform() const --> <function name="QPainter::worldTransform"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="const QTransform &"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- void QTest::addColumn(const char *name, T *dummy = ...) --> <function name="QTest::addColumn"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> <strz/> </arg> </function> <!-- QTestData &QTest::newRow(const char *dataTag) --> <function name="QTest::newRow"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QTestData &"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> <strz/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QHash::clear() --> <function name="QHash::clear"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> </function> <!-- bool QHash::contains(const Key &key) const --> <function name="QHash::contains"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <use-retval/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- int QHash::count(const Key &key) const --> <!-- int QHash::count() const --> <function name="QHash::count"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="int"/> <use-retval/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in" default=""> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- bool QHash::empty() const --> <function name="QHash::empty"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- QHash::iterator QHash::find(const Key &key) --> <!-- QHash::const_iterator QHash::find(const Key &key) const --> <function name="QHash::find"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QHash::iterator QHash::insert(const Key &key, const T &value) --> <function name="QHash::insert"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QHash::iterator"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- bool QHash::isEmpty() const --> <function name="QHash::isEmpty"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- int QHash::remove(const Key &key) --> <function name="QHash::remove"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="int"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- int QHash::size() const --> <function name="QHash::size"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="int"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- void QHash::squeeze() --> <function name="QHash::squeeze"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> </function> <!-- const T QHash::value(const Key &key) const --> <!-- const T QHash::value(const Key &key, const T &defaultValue) const --> <function name="QHash::value"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in" default=""> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QList<T> QHash::values() const --> <!-- QList<T> QHash::values(const Key &key) const --> <function name="QHash::values"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <use-retval/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in" default=""> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QXmlStreamWriter https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qxmlstreamwriter.html --> <!-- bool QXmlStreamWriter::autoFormatting() const --> <function name="QXmlStreamWriter::autoFormattingIndent"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> </function> <!-- int QXmlStreamWriter::autoFormattingIndent() const --> <function name="QXmlStreamWriter::autoFormattingIndent"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="int"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> </function> <!-- QTextCodec *QXmlStreamWriter::codec() const --> <function name="QXmlStreamWriter::codec"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QTextCodec *"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> </function> <!-- QIODevice *QXmlStreamWriter::device() const --> <function name="QXmlStreamWriter::codec"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QIODevice *"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> </function> <!-- bool QXmlStreamWriter::hasError() const --> <function name="QXmlStreamWriter::hasError"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> </function> <!-- void QXmlStreamWriter::setAutoFormatting(bool enable) --> <function name="QXmlStreamWriter::setAutoFormatting"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QXmlStreamWriter::setAutoFormattingIndent(int spacesOrTabs) --> <function name="QXmlStreamWriter::setAutoFormattingIndent"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QXmlStreamWriter::writeAttribute(const QString &namespaceUri, const QString &name, const QString &value) --> <!-- void QXmlStreamWriter::writeAttribute(const QString &qualifiedName, const QString &value) --> <!-- void QXmlStreamWriter::writeAttribute(const QXmlStreamAttribute &attribute) --> <function name="QXmlStreamWriter::writeAttribute"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in" default=""> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="3" direction="in" default=""> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QXmlStreamWriter::writeAttributes(const QXmlStreamAttributes &attributes) --> <function name="QXmlStreamWriter::writeAttribute"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QXmlStreamWriter::writeCharacters(const QString &text) --> <function name="QXmlStreamWriter::writeCharacters"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QXmlStreamWriter::writeComment(const QString &text) --> <function name="QXmlStreamWriter::writeComment"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QXmlStreamWriter::writeEmptyElement(const QString &namespaceUri, const QString &name) --> <!-- void QXmlStreamWriter::writeEmptyElement(const QString &qualifiedName) --> <function name="QXmlStreamWriter::writeEmptyElement"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in" default=""> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QXmlStreamWriter::writeEndDocument() --> <function name="QXmlStreamWriter::writeEndDocument"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> </function> <!-- void QXmlStreamWriter::writeEndElement() --> <function name="QXmlStreamWriter::writeEndElement"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> </function> <!-- void QXmlStreamWriter::writeStartDocument(const QString &version) --> <!-- void QXmlStreamWriter::writeStartDocument() --> <!-- void QXmlStreamWriter::writeStartDocument(const QString &version, bool standalone) --> <function name="QXmlStreamWriter::writeStartDocument"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in" default=""> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in" default=""> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QXmlStreamWriter::writeStartElement(const QString &namespaceUri, const QString &name) --> <!-- void QXmlStreamWriter::writeStartElement(const QString &qualifiedName) --> <function name="QXmlStreamWriter::writeStartElement"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in" default=""> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QXmlStreamWriter::writeTextElement(const QString &namespaceUri, const QString &name, const QString &text) --> <!-- void QXmlStreamWriter::writeTextElement(const QString &qualifiedName, const QString &text) --> <function name="QXmlStreamWriter::writeTextElement"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="3" direction="in" default=""> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- QXmlStreamAttributes https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qxmlstreamattributes.html --> <!-- void QXmlStreamAttributes::append(const QString &namespaceUri, const QString &name, const QString &value) --> <!-- void QXmlStreamAttributes::append(const QString &qualifiedName, const QString &value) --> <function name="QXmlStreamAttributes::append"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="3" direction="in" default=""> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- bool QXmlStreamAttributes::hasAttribute(const QString &qualifiedName) const --> <!-- bool QXmlStreamAttributes::hasAttribute(QLatin1String qualifiedName) const --> <!-- bool QXmlStreamAttributes::hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceUri, const QString &name) const --> <function name="QXmlStreamAttributes::hasAttribute"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in" default=""> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QStringRef QXmlStreamAttributes::value(const QString &namespaceUri, const QString &name) const --> <!-- QStringRef QXmlStreamAttributes::value(const QString &namespaceUri, QLatin1String name) const --> <!-- QStringRef QXmlStreamAttributes::value(QLatin1String namespaceUri, QLatin1String name) const --> <!-- QStringRef QXmlStreamAttributes::value(const QString &qualifiedName) const --> <!-- QStringRef QXmlStreamAttributes::value(QLatin1String qualifiedName) const --> <function name="QXmlStreamAttributes::value"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QStringRef"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in" default=""> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QRegExp https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qregexp.html --> <!-- QString QRegExp::cap(int nth = 0) const --> <function name="QRegExp::cap"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in" default="0"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> <valid>0:</valid> </arg> </function> <!-- int QRegExp::captureCount() const --> <function name="QRegExp::captureCount"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="int"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> </function> <!-- QStringList QRegExp::capturedTexts() const --> <function name="QRegExp::capturedTexts"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QStringList"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> </function> <!-- Qt::CaseSensitivity QRegExp::caseSensitivity() const --> <function name="QRegExp::caseSensitivity"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="Qt::CaseSensitivity"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> </function> <!-- QString QRegExp::errorString() const --> <function name="QRegExp::errorString"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> </function> <!-- QString QRegExp::escape(const QString &str) // static --> <function name="QRegExp::escape"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <pure/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- bool QRegExp::exactMatch(const QString &str) const --> <function name="QRegExp::exactMatch"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- int QRegExp::indexIn(const QString &str, int offset = 0, QRegExp::CaretMode caretMode = CaretAtZero) const --> <function name="QRegExp::indexIn"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="int"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in" default="0"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="3" direction="in" default="CaretAtZero"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- bool QRegExp::isEmpty() const --> <!-- bool QRegExp::isMinimal() const --> <!-- bool QRegExp::isValid() const --> <function name="QRegExp::isEmpty,QRegExp::isMinimal,QRegExp::isValid"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> </function> <!-- int QRegExp::lastIndexIn(const QString &str, int offset = -1, QRegExp::CaretMode caretMode = CaretAtZero) const --> <function name="QRegExp::lastIndexIn"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="int"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in" default="-1"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="3" direction="in" default="CaretAtZero"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- int QRegExp::matchedLength() const --> <function name="QRegExp::matchedLength"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="int"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> </function> <!-- QString QRegExp::pattern() const --> <function name="QRegExp::pattern"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> </function> <!-- QRegExp::PatternSyntax QRegExp::patternSyntax() const --> <function name="QRegExp::patternSyntax"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QRegExp::PatternSyntax"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> </function> <!-- int QRegExp::pos(int nth = 0) const --> <function name="QRegExp::pos"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="int"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in" default="0"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QRegExp::setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) --> <!-- void QRegExp::setMinimal(bool minimal) --> <!-- void QRegExp::setPattern(const QString &pattern) --> <!-- void QRegExp::setPatternSyntax(QRegExp::PatternSyntax syntax) --> <function name="QRegExp::setCaseSensitivity,QRegExp::setMinimal,QRegExp::setPattern,QRegExp::setPatternSyntax"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QRegExp::swap(QRegExp &other) --> <function name="QRegExp::swap"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1"/> </function> <!-- QAction https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qaction.html --> <!-- QVariant QAction::property(const char *name) const --> <function name="QAction::property"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QVariant"/> <use-retval/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QAction::setCheckable(bool) --> <function name="QAction::setCheckable"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QAction::setChecked(bool) --> <function name="QAction::setChecked"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QAction::setData(const QVariant &userData) --> <function name="QAction::setData"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QAction::setDisabled(bool b) --> <function name="QAction::setDisabled"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QAction::setEnabled(bool) --> <function name="QAction::setEnabled"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QAction::setIcon(const QIcon &icon) --> <function name="QAction::setIcon"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- bool QAction::setProperty(const char *name, const QVariant &value) --> <function name="QAction::setProperty"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QAction::setShortcut(const QKeySequence &shortcut) --> <function name="QAction::setShortcut"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QAction::setStatusTip(const QString &statusTip) --> <function name="QAction::setStatusTip"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QAction::setText(const QString &text) --> <function name="QAction::setText"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QAction::setToolTip(const QString &tip) --> <function name="QAction::setToolTip"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QAction::setVisible(bool) --> <function name="QAction::setVisible"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QAction::setWhatsThis(const QString &what) --> <function name="QAction::setWhatsThis"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QAction::text() const --> <function name="QAction::text"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- QLabel https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qlabel.html --> <!-- void QLabel::setAlignment(Qt::Alignment) --> <function name="QLabel::setAlignment"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QLabel::setBuddy(QWidget *buddy) --> <function name="QLabel::setBuddy"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QLabel::setEnabled(bool) --> <function name="QLabel::setEnabled"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QLabel::setFont(const QFont &) --> <function name="QLabel::setFont"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QLabel::setGeometry(int x, int y, int w, int h) --> <!-- void QLabel::setGeometry(const QRect &) --> <function name="QLabel::setGeometry"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in" default=""> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="3" direction="in" default=""> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="4" direction="in" default=""> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QLabel::setPixmap(const QPixmap &) --> <function name="QLabel::setPixmap"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QLabel::setText(const QString &) --> <function name="QLabel::setText"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QLabel::setToolTip(const QString &) --> <function name="QLabel::setToolTip"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QLabel::setVisible(bool visible) --> <function name="QLabel::setVisible"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QLabel::setWordWrap(bool on) --> <function name="QLabel::setText"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QLabel::text() const --> <function name="QLabel::text"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- QDomElement https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdomelement.html --> <!-- QDomNode QDomElement::appendChild(const QDomNode &newChild) --> <function name="QDomElement::appendChild"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QDomNode"/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QDomElement::attribute(const QString &name, const QString &defValue = QString()) const --> <function name="QDomElement::attribute"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in" default="QString()"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- QDomNamedNodeMap QDomElement::attributes() const --> <function name="QDomElement::attributes"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QDomNamedNodeMap"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- QDomAttr QDomElement::attributeNode(const QString &name) --> <function name="QDomElement::attributeNode"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QDomAttr"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QDomNodeList QDomElement::elementsByTagName(const QString &tagname) const --> <function name="QDomElement::elementsByTagName"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QDomNodeList"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QDomElement QDomElement::firstChildElement(const QString &tagName = QString()) const --> <function name="QDomElement::firstChildElement"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QDomElement"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in" default="QString()"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- bool QDomElement::hasAttribute(const QString &name) const --> <function name="QDomElement::hasAttribute"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="bool"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- QDomNode QDomElement::namedItem(const QString &name) const --> <function name="QDomElement::namedItem"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QDomNode"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- QDomElement QDomElement::nextSiblingElement(const QString &tagName = QString()) const --> <function name="QDomElement::nextSiblingElement"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QDomElement"/> <use-retval/> <leak-ignore/> <const/> <arg nr="1" direction="in" default="QString()"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QDomElement::setAttribute(const QString &name, const QString &value) --> <!-- void QDomElement::setAttribute(const QString &name, qlonglong value) --> <!-- void QDomElement::setAttribute(const QString &name, qulonglong value) --> <!-- void QDomElement::setAttribute(const QString &name, int value) --> <!-- void QDomElement::setAttribute(const QString &name, uint value) --> <!-- void QDomElement::setAttribute(const QString &name, float value) --> <!-- void QDomElement::setAttribute(const QString &name, double value) --> <function name="QDomElement::setAttribute"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> <arg nr="2" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QDomAttr QDomElement::setAttributeNode(const QDomAttr &newAttr) --> <function name="QDomElement::setAttributeNode"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QDomAttr"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> <not-bool/> </arg> </function> <!-- void QDomElement::setTagName(const QString &name) --> <function name="QDomElement::setTagName"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="void"/> <leak-ignore/> <arg nr="1" direction="in"> <not-uninit/> </arg> </function> <!-- QString QDomElement::tagName() const --> <function name="QDomElement::tagName"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- QString QDomElement::text() const --> <function name="QDomElement::text"> <noreturn>false</noreturn> <returnValue type="QString"/> <use-retval/> <const/> </function> <!-- ##### Container ##### --> <container id="qtContainer" opLessAllowed="false"> <type templateParameter="0"/> <size> <function name="append" action="push"/> <function name="clear" action="clear"/> <function name="count" yields="size"/> <function name="erase" action="erase"/> <function name="insert" action="insert"/> <function name="isEmpty" yields="empty"/> <function name="length" yields="size"/> <function name="size" yields="size"/> <function name="swap" action="change"/> </size> <access> <function name="begin" yields="start-iterator"/> <function name="cbegin" yields="start-iterator"/> <function name="constBegin" yields="start-iterator"/> <function name="end" yields="end-iterator"/> <function name="cend" yields="end-iterator"/> <function name="constEnd" yields="end-iterator"/> </access> </container> <container id="qtList" startPattern="QList <" inherits="qtContainer" opLessAllowed="true"> <type string="std-like"/> <size> <function name="resize" action="resize"/> </size> <access indexOperator="array-like"> <function name="at" yields="at_index"/> <function name="front" yields="item"/> <function name="back" yields="item"/> </access> </container> <container id="qtString" startPattern="QString" endPattern="" inherits="qtContainer" opLessAllowed="true"> <type string="std-like"/> <size> <function name="isNull" yields="empty"/> <function name="resize" action="resize"/> </size> <access indexOperator="array-like"> <function name="at" yields="at_index"/> <function name="front" yields="item"/> <function name="back" yields="item"/> </access> </container> <container id="qtStringList" startPattern="QStringList" inherits="qtContainer" opLessAllowed="true"> <type string="std-like"/> <size> <function name="resize" action="resize"/> </size> <access indexOperator="array-like"> <function name="at" yields="at_index"/> <function name="front" yields="item"/> <function name="back" yields="item"/> </access> </container> <define name="Q_ARG(type, data)" value="QArgument<type >(#type, data)"/> <!-- TODO: Enable when ticket 8479 got fixed <define name="Q_D(Class)" value="Class##Private * const d = d_func()"/> --> <define name="Q_CLASSINFO(Name, Value)" value=""/> <define name="Q_DECL_EXPORT" value=""/> <define name="Q_DECL_IMPORT" value=""/> <define name="QT_DECLARE_DEPRECATED_TR_FUNCTIONS(context)" value="static inline QString trUtf8(const char *sourceText, const char *disambiguation = Q_NULLPTR, int n = -1) { return QCoreApplication::translate(#context, sourceText, disambiguation, n); }"/> <define name="Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(x,y)" value=""/> <define name="Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(x)" value=""/> <define name="Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(x)" value=""/> <define name="Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(Class)" value="inline Class##Private* d_func() { return reinterpret_cast<Class##Private*>(qGetPtrHelper(d_ptr)); } inline const Class##Private d_func() const { return reinterpret_cast<const Class##Private *>(qGetPtrHelper(d_ptr)); } friend class Class##Private;"/> <define name="Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC(Class)" value="inline Class##Public* d_func() { return reinterpret_cast<Class##Public*>(qGetPtrHelper(d_ptr)); } inline const Class##Public d_func() const { return reinterpret_cast<const Class##Public *>(qGetPtrHelper(d_ptr)); } friend class Class##Public;"/> <define name="Q_DECLARE_TR_FUNCTIONS(context)" value="public: static inline QString tr(const char *sourceText, const char *disambiguation = Q_NULLPTR, int n = -1) { return QCoreApplication::translate(#context, sourceText, disambiguation, n); } QT_DECLARE_DEPRECATED_TR_FUNCTIONS(context) private:"/> <define name="Q_DISABLE_COPY(C)" value="C(C&);C& operator=(const C&);"/> <define name="Q_ENUM(X)" value=""/> <define name="Q_ENUMS(X)" value=""/> <define name="Q_FLAGS(X)" value=""/> <define name="Q_FOREVER" value="for (;;)"/> <define name="Q_INTERFACES(X)" value=""/> <define name="Q_LIKELY(expr)" value="expr"/> <define name="Q_NULLPTR" value="NULL"/> <define name="Q_OBJECT" value=""/> <define name="Q_PROPERTY(X)" value=""/> <define name="Q_Q(Class)" value="Class * const q = q_func()"/> <define name="Q_RETURN_ARG(type, data)" value="QReturnArgument<type >(#type, data)"/> <define name="Q_UNLIKELY(expr)" value="expr"/> <define name="Q_UNUSED(X)" value="(void)(X)"/> <define name="QT_TR_NOOP(x)" value="x"/> <define name="QT_TR_NOOP_UTF8(x)" value="x"/> <define name="QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP(scope, x)" value="x"/> <define name="QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP_UTF8(scope, x)" value="x"/> <define name="QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP3(scope, x, comment)" value="{x, comment}"/> <define name="QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP3_UTF8(scope, x, comment)" value="{x, comment}"/> <define name="QCOMPARE(actual, expected)" value="(void)((actual)==(expected))"/> <define name="QVERIFY(condition)" value="(void)(condition)"/> <define name="QVERIFY2(condition, message)" value="(void)(condition)"/> <define name="QBENCHMARK_ONCE" value=""/> <define name="QBENCHMARK" value=""/> <define name="QTRY_COMPARE(actual, expected)" value="(void)((actual)==(expected))"/> <define name="QTRY_COMPARE_WITH_TIMEOUT(actual, expected, timeout)" value="(void)((actual)==(expected))"/> <define name="QTRY_VERIFY2(condition, message)" value="(void)(condition)"/> <define name="QTRY_VERIFY(condition)" value="(void)(condition)"/> <define name="QTRY_VERIFY2_WITH_TIMEOUT(condition, message, timeout)" value="(void)(condition)"/> <define name="QTRY_VERIFY_WITH_TIMEOUT(condition, timeout)" value="(void)(condition)"/> <define name="foreach(A,B)" value="for(A:B)"/> <define name="forever" value="for (;;)"/> <define name="emit(X)" value="(X)"/> <define name="Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(x)" value=""/> <define name="Q_ASSERT(condition)" value="assert(condition)"/> <define name="Q_ASSERT_X(condition, where, what)" value="assert(condition)"/> <define name="QTC_ASSERT_STRINGIFY_HELPER(x)" value="#x"/> <define name="QTC_ASSERT_STRINGIFY(x)" value="QTC_ASSERT_STRINGIFY_HELPER(x)"/> <define name="QTC_ASSERT_STRING(cond)" value="::Utils::writeAssertLocation( "\"" cond"\" in file " __FILE__ ", line " QTC_ASSERT_STRINGIFY(__LINE__))"/> <define name="QTC_ASSERT(cond," value="action) if (Q_LIKELY(cond)) {} else { QTC_ASSERT_STRING(#cond); action; } do {} while (0)"/> <define name="QTC_CHECK(cond)" value="if (Q_LIKELY(cond)) {} else { QTC_ASSERT_STRING(#cond); } do {} while (0)"/> <define name="QTC_GUARD(cond)" value="((Q_LIKELY(cond)) ? true : (QTC_ASSERT_STRING(#cond), false))"/> <define name="QTC_ASSERT(cond, action)" value="if (Q_LIKELY(cond)) {} else { QTC_ASSERT_STRING(#cond); action; } do {} while (0)"/> <define name="QTC_CHECK(cond)" value="if (Q_LIKELY(cond)) {} else { QTC_ASSERT_STRING(#cond); } do {} while (0)"/> <define name="QTC_GUARD(cond)" value="((Q_LIKELY(cond)) ? true : (QTC_ASSERT_STRING(#cond), false))"/> <define name="Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(name,...)" value=""/> <!-- https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtglobal.html#qreal-typedef --> <define name="qreal" value="double"/> <podtype name="qint8" sign="s" size="1"/> <podtype name="qint16" sign="s" size="2"/> <podtype name="qint32" sign="s" size="4"/> <podtype name="qint64" sign="s" size="8"/> <podtype name="quint8" sign="u" size="1"/> <podtype name="quint16" sign="u" size="2"/> <podtype name="quint32" sign="u" size="4"/> <podtype name="quint64" sign="u" size="8"/> <!-- https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtglobal.html#qlonglong-typedef "This is the same as qint64." --> <podtype name="qlonglong" sign="s" size="8"/> <!-- https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtglobal.html#qulonglong-typedef "This is the same as quint64." --> <podtype name="qulonglong" sign="u" size="8"/> <podtype name="uchar" sign="u" size="1"/> <podtype name="uint" sign="u"/> <podtype name="ulong" sign="u"/> <podtype name="ushort" sign="u"/> <podtype name="qptrdiff" sign="s"/> <podtype name="qintptr" sign="s"/> <podtype name="quintptr" sign="u"/> <!-- ##### Smart Pointers ##### --> <!-- https://wiki.qt.io/Smart_Pointers --> <smart-pointer class-name="QSharedDataPointer"/> <smart-pointer class-name="QExplicitlySharedDataPointer"/> <smart-pointer class-name="QSharedPointer"/> <smart-pointer class-name="QWeakPointer"/> <smart-pointer class-name="QPointer"/> <smart-pointer class-name="QScopedPointer"/> <smart-pointer class-name="QScopedArrayPointer"/> <!-- Internal Smart Pointers --> <smart-pointer class-name="QtPatternist::AutoPtr"/> <smart-pointer class-name="QGuard"/> </def>