 * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis
 * Copyright (C) 2007-2019 Cppcheck team.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


#include <QObject>
#include <QString>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QXmlStreamReader>

#include "suppressions.h"

/// @addtogroup GUI
/// @{

* @brief A class that reads and writes project files.
* The project files contain project-specific settings for checking. For
* example a list of include paths.
class ProjectFile : public QObject {

    explicit ProjectFile(QObject *parent = nullptr);
    explicit ProjectFile(const QString &filename, QObject *parent = nullptr);

     * @brief Read the project file.
     * @param filename Filename (can be also given to constructor).
    bool read(const QString &filename = QString());

     * @brief Get project root path.
     * @return project root path.
    QString getRootPath() const {
        return mRootPath;

    QString getBuildDir() const {
        return mBuildDir;

    QString getImportProject() const {
        return mImportProject;

    bool getAnalyzeAllVsConfigs() const {
        return mAnalyzeAllVsConfigs;

    bool getCheckHeaders() const {
        return mCheckHeaders;

    void setCheckHeaders(bool b) {
        mCheckHeaders = b;

    bool getCheckUnusedTemplates() const {
        return mCheckUnusedTemplates;

    void setCheckUnusedTemplates(bool b) {
        mCheckUnusedTemplates = b;

    * @brief Get list of include directories.
    * @return list of directories.
    QStringList getIncludeDirs() const {
        return ProjectFile::fromNativeSeparators(mIncludeDirs);

    * @brief Get list of defines.
    * @return list of defines.
    QStringList getDefines() const {
        return mDefines;

    * @brief Get list of undefines.
    * @return list of undefines.
    QStringList getUndefines() const {
        return mUndefines;

    * @brief Get list of paths to check.
    * @return list of paths.
    QStringList getCheckPaths() const {
        return ProjectFile::fromNativeSeparators(mPaths);

    * @brief Get list of paths to exclude from the check.
    * @return list of paths.
    QStringList getExcludedPaths() const {
        return ProjectFile::fromNativeSeparators(mExcludedPaths);

    * @brief Get list libraries.
    * @return list of libraries.
    QStringList getLibraries() const {
        return mLibraries;

     * @brief Get platform.
     * @return Current platform. If it ends with .xml then it is a file. Otherwise it must match one of the return values from @sa cppcheck::Platform::platformString() ("win32A", "unix32", ..)
    QString getPlatform() const {
        return mPlatform;

    * @brief Get "raw" suppressions.
    * @return list of suppressions.
    QList<Suppressions::Suppression> getSuppressions() const {
        return mSuppressions;

    * @brief Get "check" suppressions.
    * @return list of suppressions.
    QList<Suppressions::Suppression> getCheckSuppressions() const;

    * @brief Get list addons.
    * @return list of addons.
    QStringList getAddons() const {
        return mAddons;

    * @brief Get list of addons and tools.
    * @return list of addons and tools.
    QStringList getAddonsAndTools() const;

    bool getClangAnalyzer() const {
        return false; //mClangAnalyzer;

    void setClangAnalyzer(bool c) {
        mClangAnalyzer = c;

    bool getClangTidy() const {
        return mClangTidy;

    void setClangTidy(bool c) {
        mClangTidy = c;

    QStringList getTags() const {
        return mTags;

    int getMaxCtuDepth() const {
        return mMaxCtuDepth;

    void setMaxCtuDepth(int maxCtuDepth) {
        mMaxCtuDepth = maxCtuDepth;

    * @brief Get filename for the project file.
    * @return file name.
    QString getFilename() const {
        return mFilename;

    * @brief Set project root path.
    * @param rootpath new project root path.
    void setRootPath(const QString &rootpath) {
        mRootPath = rootpath;

    void setBuildDir(const QString &buildDir) {
        mBuildDir = buildDir;

    void setImportProject(const QString &importProject) {
        mImportProject = importProject;

    void setAnalyzeAllVsConfigs(bool b) {
        mAnalyzeAllVsConfigs = b;

     * @brief Set list of includes.
     * @param includes List of defines.
    void setIncludes(const QStringList &includes);

     * @brief Set list of defines.
     * @param defines List of defines.
    void setDefines(const QStringList &defines);

     * @brief Set list of undefines.
     * @param undefines List of undefines.
    void setUndefines(const QStringList &undefines);

     * @brief Set list of paths to check.
     * @param paths List of paths.
    void setCheckPaths(const QStringList &paths);

     * @brief Set list of paths to exclude from the check.
     * @param paths List of paths.
    void setExcludedPaths(const QStringList &paths);

     * @brief Set list of libraries.
     * @param libraries List of libraries.
    void setLibraries(const QStringList &libraries);

     * @brief Set platform.
     * @param platform platform.
    void setPlatform(const QString &platform);

     * @brief Set list of suppressions.
     * @param suppressions List of suppressions.
    void setSuppressions(const QList<Suppressions::Suppression> &suppressions);

     * @brief Set list of addons.
     * @param addons List of addons.
    void setAddons(const QStringList &addons);

     * @brief Set tags.
     * @param tags tag list
    void setTags(const QStringList &tags) {
        mTags = tags;

     * @brief Write project file (to disk).
     * @param filename Filename to use.
    bool write(const QString &filename = QString());

     * @brief Set filename for the project file.
     * @param filename Filename to use.
    void setFilename(const QString &filename) {
        mFilename = filename;

    /** Do not only check how interface is used. Also check that interface is safe. */
    class SafeChecks {
        SafeChecks() : classes(false), externalFunctions(false), internalFunctions(false), externalVariables(false) {}

        void clear() {
            classes = externalFunctions = internalFunctions = externalVariables = false;

        void loadFromXml(QXmlStreamReader &xmlReader);
        void saveToXml(QXmlStreamWriter &xmlWriter) const;

         * Public interface of classes
         * - public function parameters can have any value
         * - public functions can be called in any order
         * - public variables can have any value
        bool classes;

         * External functions
         * - external functions can be called in any order
         * - function parameters can have any values
        bool externalFunctions;

         * Experimental: assume that internal functions can be used in any way
         * This is only available in the GUI.
        bool internalFunctions;

         * Global variables that can be modified outside the TU.
         * - Such variable can have "any" value
        bool externalVariables;

    /** Safe checks */
    SafeChecks getSafeChecks() const {
        return mSafeChecks;
    void setSafeChecks(SafeChecks safeChecks) {
        mSafeChecks = safeChecks;

    /** Check unknown function return values */
    QStringList getCheckUnknownFunctionReturn() const {
        return mCheckUnknownFunctionReturn;
    void setCheckUnknownFunctionReturn(const QStringList &s) {
        mCheckUnknownFunctionReturn = s;


     * @brief Read optional root path from XML.
     * @param reader XML stream reader.
    void readRootPath(QXmlStreamReader &reader);

    void readBuildDir(QXmlStreamReader &reader);

     * @brief Read importproject from XML.
     * @param reader XML stream reader.
    void readImportProject(QXmlStreamReader &reader);

    bool readBool(QXmlStreamReader &reader);

    int readInt(QXmlStreamReader &reader, int defaultValue);

     * @brief Read list of include directories from XML.
     * @param reader XML stream reader.
    void readIncludeDirs(QXmlStreamReader &reader);

     * @brief Read list of defines from XML.
     * @param reader XML stream reader.
    void readDefines(QXmlStreamReader &reader);

     * @brief Read list paths to check.
     * @param reader XML stream reader.
    void readCheckPaths(QXmlStreamReader &reader);

     * @brief Read lists of excluded paths.
     * @param reader XML stream reader.
    void readExcludes(QXmlStreamReader &reader);

     * @brief Read platform text.
     * @param reader XML stream reader.
    void readPlatform(QXmlStreamReader &reader);

     * @brief Read suppressions.
     * @param reader XML stream reader.
    void readSuppressions(QXmlStreamReader &reader);

      * @brief Read string list
      * @param stringlist   destination string list
      * @param reader       XML stream reader
      * @param elementname  elementname for each string
    void readStringList(QStringList &stringlist, QXmlStreamReader &reader, const char elementname[]);

     * @brief Write string list
     * @param xmlWriter xml writer
     * @param stringlist string list to write
     * @param startelementname name of start element
     * @param stringelementname name of each string element
    static void writeStringList(QXmlStreamWriter &xmlWriter, const QStringList &stringlist, const char startelementname[], const char stringelementname[]);


    void clear();

     * @brief Convert paths
    static QStringList fromNativeSeparators(const QStringList &paths);

     * @brief Filename (+path) of the project file.
    QString mFilename;

     * @brief Root path (optional) for the project.
     * This is the project root path. If it is present then all relative paths in
     * the project file are relative to this path. Otherwise paths are relative
     * to project file's path.
    QString mRootPath;

    /** Cppcheck build dir */
    QString mBuildDir;

    /** Visual studio project/solution , compile database */
    QString mImportProject;

     * Should all visual studio configurations be analyzed?
     * If this is false then only the Debug configuration
     * for the set platform is analyzed.
    bool mAnalyzeAllVsConfigs;

    /** Check code in headers */
    bool mCheckHeaders;

    /** Check code in unused templates */
    bool mCheckUnusedTemplates;

     * @brief List of include directories used to search include files.
    QStringList mIncludeDirs;

     * @brief List of defines.
    QStringList mDefines;

     * @brief List of undefines.
    QStringList mUndefines;

     * @brief List of paths to check.
    QStringList mPaths;

     * @brief Paths excluded from the check.
    QStringList mExcludedPaths;

     * @brief List of libraries.
    QStringList mLibraries;

     * @brief Platform
    QString mPlatform;

     * @brief List of suppressions.
    QList<Suppressions::Suppression> mSuppressions;

     * @brief List of addons.
    QStringList mAddons;

    /** @brief Execute clang analyzer? */
    bool mClangAnalyzer;

    /** @brief Execute clang-tidy? */
    bool mClangTidy;

     * @brief Warning tags
    QStringList mTags;

    /** Max CTU depth */
    int mMaxCtuDepth;

    SafeChecks mSafeChecks;

    QStringList mCheckUnknownFunctionReturn;

/// @}
#endif  // PROJECT_FILE_H