/* * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis * Copyright (C) 2007-2018 Cppcheck team. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "cmdlineparser.h" #include "check.h" #include "cppcheckexecutor.h" #include "filelister.h" #include "importproject.h" #include "path.h" #include "platform.h" #include "settings.h" #include "standards.h" #include "suppressions.h" #include "threadexecutor.h" // Threading model #include "timer.h" #include "utils.h" #include <algorithm> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> // EXIT_FAILURE #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <list> #include <set> #ifdef HAVE_RULES // xml is used for rules #include <tinyxml2.h> #endif static void AddFilesToList(const std::string& FileList, std::vector<std::string>& PathNames) { // To keep things initially simple, if the file can't be opened, just be silent and move on. std::istream *Files; std::ifstream Infile; if (FileList == "-") { // read from stdin Files = &std::cin; } else { Infile.open(FileList); Files = &Infile; } if (Files && *Files) { std::string FileName; while (std::getline(*Files, FileName)) { // next line if (!FileName.empty()) { PathNames.push_back(FileName); } } } } static void AddInclPathsToList(const std::string& FileList, std::list<std::string>* PathNames) { // To keep things initially simple, if the file can't be opened, just be silent and move on. std::ifstream Files(FileList); if (Files) { std::string PathName; while (std::getline(Files, PathName)) { // next line if (!PathName.empty()) { PathName = Path::removeQuotationMarks(PathName); PathName = Path::fromNativeSeparators(PathName); // If path doesn't end with / or \, add it if (!endsWith(PathName, '/')) PathName += '/'; PathNames->push_back(PathName); } } } } static void AddPathsToSet(const std::string& FileName, std::set<std::string>* set) { std::list<std::string> templist; AddInclPathsToList(FileName, &templist); set->insert(templist.begin(), templist.end()); } CmdLineParser::CmdLineParser(Settings *settings) : _settings(settings) , _showHelp(false) , _showVersion(false) , _showErrorMessages(false) , _exitAfterPrint(false) { } void CmdLineParser::printMessage(const std::string &message) { std::cout << message << std::endl; } void CmdLineParser::printMessage(const char* message) { std::cout << message << std::endl; } bool CmdLineParser::parseFromArgs(int argc, const char* const argv[]) { bool def = false; bool maxconfigs = false; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (argv[i][0] == '-') { if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "--version") == 0) { _showVersion = true; _exitAfterPrint = true; return true; } else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "--cppcheck-build-dir=", 21) == 0) { _settings->buildDir = Path::fromNativeSeparators(argv[i] + 21); if (endsWith(_settings->buildDir, '/')) _settings->buildDir.erase(_settings->buildDir.size() - 1U); } // Flag used for various purposes during debugging else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "--debug") == 0) _settings->debug = _settings->debugwarnings = true; // Show --debug output after the first simplifications else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "--debug-normal") == 0) _settings->debugnormal = true; // Show debug warnings else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "--debug-warnings") == 0) _settings->debugwarnings = true; // dump cppcheck data else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "--dump") == 0) _settings->dump = true; // (Experimental) exception handling inside cppcheck client else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "--exception-handling") == 0) _settings->exceptionHandling = true; else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "--exception-handling=", 21) == 0) { _settings->exceptionHandling = true; const std::string exceptionOutfilename = &(argv[i][21]); CppCheckExecutor::setExceptionOutput((exceptionOutfilename=="stderr") ? stderr : stdout); } // Inconclusive checking else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "--inconclusive") == 0) _settings->inconclusive = true; // Enforce language (--language=, -x) else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "--language=", 11) == 0 || std::strcmp(argv[i], "-x") == 0) { std::string str; if (argv[i][2]) { str = argv[i]+11; } else { i++; if (i >= argc || argv[i][0] == '-') { printMessage("cppcheck: No language given to '-x' option."); return false; } str = argv[i]; } if (str == "c") _settings->enforcedLang = Settings::C; else if (str == "c++") _settings->enforcedLang = Settings::CPP; else { printMessage("cppcheck: Unknown language '" + str + "' enforced."); return false; } } // Filter errors else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "--exitcode-suppressions=", 24) == 0) { // exitcode-suppressions=filename.txt std::string filename = 24 + argv[i]; std::ifstream f(filename); if (!f.is_open()) { printMessage("cppcheck: Couldn't open the file: \"" + filename + "\"."); return false; } const std::string errmsg(_settings->nofail.parseFile(f)); if (!errmsg.empty()) { printMessage(errmsg); return false; } } // Filter errors else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "--suppressions-list=", 20) == 0) { std::string filename = argv[i]+20; std::ifstream f(filename); if (!f.is_open()) { std::string message("cppcheck: Couldn't open the file: \""); message += filename; message += "\"."; if (std::count(filename.begin(), filename.end(), ',') > 0 || std::count(filename.begin(), filename.end(), '.') > 1) { // If user tried to pass multiple files (we can only guess that) // e.g. like this: --suppressions-list=a.txt,b.txt // print more detailed error message to tell user how he can solve the problem message += "\nIf you want to pass two files, you can do it e.g. like this:"; message += "\n cppcheck --suppressions-list=a.txt --suppressions-list=b.txt file.cpp"; } printMessage(message); return false; } const std::string errmsg(_settings->nomsg.parseFile(f)); if (!errmsg.empty()) { printMessage(errmsg); return false; } } else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "--suppress-xml=", 15) == 0) { const char * filename = argv[i] + 15; const std::string errmsg(_settings->nomsg.parseXmlFile(filename)); if (!errmsg.empty()) { printMessage(errmsg); return false; } } else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "--suppress=", 11) == 0) { const std::string suppression = argv[i]+11; const std::string errmsg(_settings->nomsg.addSuppressionLine(suppression)); if (!errmsg.empty()) { printMessage(errmsg); return false; } } // Enables inline suppressions. else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "--inline-suppr") == 0) _settings->inlineSuppressions = true; // Verbose error messages (configuration info) else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0 || std::strcmp(argv[i], "--verbose") == 0) _settings->verbose = true; // Force checking of files that have "too many" configurations else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "-f") == 0 || std::strcmp(argv[i], "--force") == 0) _settings->force = true; // Output relative paths else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "-rp") == 0 || std::strcmp(argv[i], "--relative-paths") == 0) _settings->relativePaths = true; else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "-rp=", 4) == 0 || std::strncmp(argv[i], "--relative-paths=", 17) == 0) { _settings->relativePaths = true; if (argv[i][argv[i][3]=='='?4:17] != 0) { std::string paths = argv[i]+(argv[i][3]=='='?4:17); for (;;) { const std::string::size_type pos = paths.find(';'); if (pos == std::string::npos) { _settings->basePaths.push_back(Path::fromNativeSeparators(paths)); break; } _settings->basePaths.push_back(Path::fromNativeSeparators(paths.substr(0, pos))); paths.erase(0, pos + 1); } } else { printMessage("cppcheck: No paths specified for the '" + std::string(argv[i]) + "' option."); return false; } } // Write results in file else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "--output-file=", 14) == 0) _settings->outputFile = Path::simplifyPath(Path::fromNativeSeparators(argv[i] + 14)); // Write results in results.plist else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "--plist-output=", 15) == 0) { _settings->plistOutput = Path::simplifyPath(Path::fromNativeSeparators(argv[i] + 15)); if (_settings->plistOutput.empty()) _settings->plistOutput = "./"; else if (!endsWith(_settings->plistOutput,'/')) _settings->plistOutput += '/'; } // Write results in results.xml else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "--xml") == 0) _settings->xml = true; // Define the XML file version (and enable XML output) else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "--xml-version=", 14) == 0) { const std::string numberString(argv[i]+14); std::istringstream iss(numberString); if (!(iss >> _settings->xml_version)) { printMessage("cppcheck: argument to '--xml-version' is not a number."); return false; } if (_settings->xml_version != 2) { // We only have xml version 2 printMessage("cppcheck: '--xml-version' can only be 2."); return false; } // Enable also XML if version is set _settings->xml = true; } // Only print something when there are errors else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "-q") == 0 || std::strcmp(argv[i], "--quiet") == 0) _settings->quiet = true; // Check configuration else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "--check-config") == 0) { _settings->checkConfiguration = true; } // Check library definitions else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "--check-library") == 0) { _settings->checkLibrary = true; } else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "--enable=", 9) == 0) { const std::string errmsg = _settings->addEnabled(argv[i] + 9); if (!errmsg.empty()) { printMessage(errmsg); return false; } // when "style" is enabled, also enable "warning", "performance" and "portability" if (_settings->isEnabled(Settings::STYLE)) { _settings->addEnabled("warning"); _settings->addEnabled("performance"); _settings->addEnabled("portability"); } } // --error-exitcode=1 else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "--error-exitcode=", 17) == 0) { const std::string temp = argv[i]+17; std::istringstream iss(temp); if (!(iss >> _settings->exitCode)) { _settings->exitCode = 0; printMessage("cppcheck: Argument must be an integer. Try something like '--error-exitcode=1'."); return false; } } // User define else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "-D", 2) == 0) { std::string define; // "-D define" if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "-D") == 0) { ++i; if (i >= argc || argv[i][0] == '-') { printMessage("cppcheck: argument to '-D' is missing."); return false; } define = argv[i]; } // "-Ddefine" else { define = 2 + argv[i]; } // No "=", append a "=1" if (define.find('=') == std::string::npos) define += "=1"; if (!_settings->userDefines.empty()) _settings->userDefines += ";"; _settings->userDefines += define; def = true; } // User undef else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "-U", 2) == 0) { std::string undef; // "-U undef" if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "-U") == 0) { ++i; if (i >= argc || argv[i][0] == '-') { printMessage("cppcheck: argument to '-U' is missing."); return false; } undef = argv[i]; } // "-Uundef" else { undef = 2 + argv[i]; } _settings->userUndefs.insert(undef); } // -E else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "-E") == 0) { _settings->preprocessOnly = true; } // Include paths else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "-I", 2) == 0) { std::string path; // "-I path/" if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "-I") == 0) { ++i; if (i >= argc || argv[i][0] == '-') { printMessage("cppcheck: argument to '-I' is missing."); return false; } path = argv[i]; } // "-Ipath/" else { path = 2 + argv[i]; } path = Path::removeQuotationMarks(path); path = Path::fromNativeSeparators(path); // If path doesn't end with / or \, add it if (!endsWith(path,'/')) path += '/'; _settings->includePaths.push_back(path); } else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "--include=", 10) == 0) { std::string path = argv[i] + 10; path = Path::fromNativeSeparators(path); _settings->userIncludes.push_back(path); } else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "--includes-file=", 16) == 0) { // open this file and read every input file (1 file name per line) AddInclPathsToList(16 + argv[i], &_settings->includePaths); } else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "--config-exclude=",17) ==0) { std::string path = argv[i] + 17; path = Path::fromNativeSeparators(path); _settings->configExcludePaths.insert(path); } else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "--config-excludes-file=", 23) == 0) { // open this file and read every input file (1 file name per line) AddPathsToSet(23 + argv[i], &_settings->configExcludePaths); } // file list specified else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "--file-list=", 12) == 0) { // open this file and read every input file (1 file name per line) AddFilesToList(12 + argv[i], _pathnames); } // Ignored paths else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "-i", 2) == 0) { std::string path; // "-i path/" if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "-i") == 0) { ++i; if (i >= argc || argv[i][0] == '-') { printMessage("cppcheck: argument to '-i' is missing."); return false; } path = argv[i]; } // "-ipath/" else { path = 2 + argv[i]; } if (!path.empty()) { path = Path::removeQuotationMarks(path); path = Path::fromNativeSeparators(path); path = Path::simplifyPath(path); if (FileLister::isDirectory(path)) { // If directory name doesn't end with / or \, add it if (!endsWith(path, '/')) path += '/'; } _ignoredPaths.push_back(path); } } // --library else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "--library=", 10) == 0) { if (!CppCheckExecutor::tryLoadLibrary(_settings->library, argv[0], argv[i]+10)) return false; } // --project else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "--project=", 10) == 0) { _settings->project.import(argv[i]+10); if (std::strstr(argv[i], ".sln") || std::strstr(argv[i], ".vcxproj")) { if (!CppCheckExecutor::tryLoadLibrary(_settings->library, argv[0], "windows.cfg")) { // This shouldn't happen normally. printMessage("cppcheck: Failed to load 'windows.cfg'. Your Cppcheck installation is broken. Please re-install."); return false; } } } // Report progress else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "--report-progress") == 0) { _settings->reportProgress = true; } // --std else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "--std=posix") == 0) { _settings->standards.posix = true; } else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "--std=c89") == 0) { _settings->standards.c = Standards::C89; } else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "--std=c99") == 0) { _settings->standards.c = Standards::C99; } else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "--std=c11") == 0) { _settings->standards.c = Standards::C11; } else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "--std=c++03") == 0) { _settings->standards.cpp = Standards::CPP03; } else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "--std=c++11") == 0) { _settings->standards.cpp = Standards::CPP11; } else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "--std=c++14") == 0) { _settings->standards.cpp = Standards::CPP14; } // Output formatter else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "--template") == 0 || std::strncmp(argv[i], "--template=", 11) == 0) { // "--template format" if (argv[i][10] == '=') _settings->templateFormat = argv[i] + 11; else if ((i+1) < argc && argv[i+1][0] != '-') { ++i; _settings->templateFormat = argv[i]; } else { printMessage("cppcheck: argument to '--template' is missing."); return false; } if (_settings->templateFormat == "gcc") { //_settings->templateFormat = "{file}:{line}: {severity}: {message}"; _settings->templateFormat = "{file}:{line}:{column}: warning: {message} [{id}]\\n{code}"; _settings->templateLocation = "{file}:{line}:{column}: note: {info}\\n{code}"; } else if (_settings->templateFormat == "daca2") { _settings->templateFormat = "{file}:{line}:{column}: {severity}: {message} [{id}]"; _settings->templateLocation = "{file}:{line}:{column}: note: {info}"; } else if (_settings->templateFormat == "vs") _settings->templateFormat = "{file}({line}): {severity}: {message}"; else if (_settings->templateFormat == "edit") _settings->templateFormat = "{file} +{line}: {severity}: {message}"; } else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "--template-location") == 0 || std::strncmp(argv[i], "--template-location=", 20) == 0) { // "--template-location format" if (argv[i][19] == '=') _settings->templateLocation = argv[i] + 20; else if ((i+1) < argc && argv[i+1][0] != '-') { ++i; _settings->templateLocation = argv[i]; } else { printMessage("cppcheck: argument to '--template' is missing."); return false; } } // Checking threads else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "-j", 2) == 0) { std::string numberString; // "-j 3" if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "-j") == 0) { ++i; if (i >= argc || argv[i][0] == '-') { printMessage("cppcheck: argument to '-j' is missing."); return false; } numberString = argv[i]; } // "-j3" else numberString = argv[i]+2; std::istringstream iss(numberString); if (!(iss >> _settings->jobs)) { printMessage("cppcheck: argument to '-j' is not a number."); return false; } if (_settings->jobs > 10000) { // This limit is here just to catch typos. If someone has // need for more jobs, this value should be increased. printMessage("cppcheck: argument for '-j' is allowed to be 10000 at max."); return false; } } else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "-l", 2) == 0) { std::string numberString; // "-l 3" if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "-l") == 0) { ++i; if (i >= argc || argv[i][0] == '-') { printMessage("cppcheck: argument to '-l' is missing."); return false; } numberString = argv[i]; } // "-l3" else numberString = argv[i]+2; std::istringstream iss(numberString); if (!(iss >> _settings->loadAverage)) { printMessage("cppcheck: argument to '-l' is not a number."); return false; } } // print all possible error messages.. else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "--errorlist") == 0) { _showErrorMessages = true; _settings->xml = true; _exitAfterPrint = true; } // documentation.. else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "--doc") == 0) { std::ostringstream doc; // Get documentation.. for (std::list<Check *>::iterator it = Check::instances().begin(); it != Check::instances().end(); ++it) { const std::string& name((*it)->name()); const std::string info((*it)->classInfo()); if (!name.empty() && !info.empty()) doc << "## " << name << " ##\n" << info << "\n"; } std::cout << doc.str(); _exitAfterPrint = true; return true; } // show timing information.. else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "--showtime=", 11) == 0) { const std::string showtimeMode = argv[i] + 11; if (showtimeMode == "file") _settings->showtime = SHOWTIME_FILE; else if (showtimeMode == "summary") _settings->showtime = SHOWTIME_SUMMARY; else if (showtimeMode == "top5") _settings->showtime = SHOWTIME_TOP5; else if (showtimeMode.empty()) _settings->showtime = SHOWTIME_NONE; else { std::string message("cppcheck: error: unrecognized showtime mode: \""); message += showtimeMode; message += "\". Supported modes: file, summary, top5."; printMessage(message); return false; } } #ifdef HAVE_RULES // Rule given at command line else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "--rule=", 7) == 0) { Settings::Rule rule; rule.pattern = 7 + argv[i]; _settings->rules.push_back(rule); } // Rule file else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "--rule-file=", 12) == 0) { tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc; if (doc.LoadFile(12+argv[i]) == tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS) { tinyxml2::XMLElement *node = doc.FirstChildElement(); for (; node && strcmp(node->Value(), "rule") == 0; node = node->NextSiblingElement()) { Settings::Rule rule; tinyxml2::XMLElement *tokenlist = node->FirstChildElement("tokenlist"); if (tokenlist) rule.tokenlist = tokenlist->GetText(); tinyxml2::XMLElement *pattern = node->FirstChildElement("pattern"); if (pattern) { rule.pattern = pattern->GetText(); } tinyxml2::XMLElement *message = node->FirstChildElement("message"); if (message) { tinyxml2::XMLElement *severity = message->FirstChildElement("severity"); if (severity) rule.severity = Severity::fromString(severity->GetText()); tinyxml2::XMLElement *id = message->FirstChildElement("id"); if (id) rule.id = id->GetText(); tinyxml2::XMLElement *summary = message->FirstChildElement("summary"); if (summary) rule.summary = summary->GetText() ? summary->GetText() : ""; } if (!rule.pattern.empty()) _settings->rules.push_back(rule); } } } #endif // Specify platform else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "--platform=", 11) == 0) { const std::string platform(11+argv[i]); if (platform == "win32A") _settings->platform(Settings::Win32A); else if (platform == "win32W") _settings->platform(Settings::Win32W); else if (platform == "win64") _settings->platform(Settings::Win64); else if (platform == "unix32") _settings->platform(Settings::Unix32); else if (platform == "unix64") _settings->platform(Settings::Unix64); else if (platform == "native") _settings->platform(Settings::Native); else if (platform == "unspecified") _settings->platform(Settings::Unspecified); else if (!_settings->loadPlatformFile(argv[0], platform)) { std::string message("cppcheck: error: unrecognized platform: \""); message += platform; message += "\"."; printMessage(message); return false; } } // Set maximum number of #ifdef configurations to check else if (std::strncmp(argv[i], "--max-configs=", 14) == 0) { _settings->force = false; std::istringstream iss(14+argv[i]); if (!(iss >> _settings->maxConfigs)) { printMessage("cppcheck: argument to '--max-configs=' is not a number."); return false; } if (_settings->maxConfigs < 1) { printMessage("cppcheck: argument to '--max-configs=' must be greater than 0."); return false; } maxconfigs = true; } // Print help else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0 || std::strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0) { _pathnames.clear(); _showHelp = true; _exitAfterPrint = true; break; } else { std::string message("cppcheck: error: unrecognized command line option: \""); message += argv[i]; message += "\"."; printMessage(message); return false; } } else { std::string path = Path::removeQuotationMarks(argv[i]); path = Path::fromNativeSeparators(path); _pathnames.push_back(path); } } _settings->project.ignorePaths(_ignoredPaths); if (_settings->force) _settings->maxConfigs = ~0U; else if ((def || _settings->preprocessOnly) && !maxconfigs) _settings->maxConfigs = 1U; if (_settings->isEnabled(Settings::UNUSED_FUNCTION) && _settings->jobs > 1) { printMessage("cppcheck: unusedFunction check can't be used with '-j' option. Disabling unusedFunction check."); } if (argc <= 1) { _showHelp = true; _exitAfterPrint = true; } if (_showHelp) { printHelp(); return true; } // Print error only if we have "real" command and expect files if (!_exitAfterPrint && _pathnames.empty() && _settings->project.fileSettings.empty()) { printMessage("cppcheck: No C or C++ source files found."); return false; } // Use paths _pathnames if no base paths for relative path output are given if (_settings->basePaths.empty() && _settings->relativePaths) _settings->basePaths = _pathnames; return true; } void CmdLineParser::printHelp() { std::cout << "Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis\n" "\n" "Syntax:\n" " cppcheck [OPTIONS] [files or paths]\n" "\n" "If a directory is given instead of a filename, *.cpp, *.cxx, *.cc, *.c++, *.c,\n" "*.tpp, and *.txx files are checked recursively from the given directory.\n\n" "Options:\n" " --cppcheck-build-dir=<dir>\n" " Analysis output directory. Useful for various data.\n" " Some possible usages are; whole program analysis,\n" " incremental analysis, distributed analysis.\n" " --check-config Check cppcheck configuration. The normal code\n" " analysis is disabled by this flag.\n" " --check-library Show information messages when library files have\n" " incomplete info.\n" " --config-exclude=<dir>\n" " Path (prefix) to be excluded from configuration\n" " checking. Preprocessor configurations defined in\n" " headers (but not sources) matching the prefix will not\n" " be considered for evaluation.\n" " --config-excludes-file=<file>\n" " A file that contains a list of config-excludes\n" " --dump Dump xml data for each translation unit. The dump\n" " files have the extension .dump and contain ast,\n" " tokenlist, symboldatabase, valueflow.\n" " -D<ID> Define preprocessor symbol. Unless --max-configs or\n" " --force is used, Cppcheck will only check the given\n" " configuration when -D is used.\n" " Example: '-DDEBUG=1 -D__cplusplus'.\n" " -U<ID> Undefine preprocessor symbol. Use -U to explicitly\n" " hide certain #ifdef <ID> code paths from checking.\n" " Example: '-UDEBUG'\n" " -E Print preprocessor output on stdout and don't do any\n" " further processing.\n" " --enable=<id> Enable additional checks. The available ids are:\n" " * all\n" " Enable all checks. It is recommended to only\n" " use --enable=all when the whole program is\n" " scanned, because this enables unusedFunction.\n" " * warning\n" " Enable warning messages\n" " * style\n" " Enable all coding style checks. All messages\n" " with the severities 'style', 'performance' and\n" " 'portability' are enabled.\n" " * performance\n" " Enable performance messages\n" " * portability\n" " Enable portability messages\n" " * information\n" " Enable information messages\n" " * unusedFunction\n" " Check for unused functions. It is recommend\n" " to only enable this when the whole program is\n" " scanned.\n" " * missingInclude\n" " Warn if there are missing includes. For\n" " detailed information, use '--check-config'.\n" " Several ids can be given if you separate them with\n" " commas. See also --std\n" " --error-exitcode=<n> If errors are found, integer [n] is returned instead of\n" " the default '0'. '" << EXIT_FAILURE << "' is returned\n" " if arguments are not valid or if no input files are\n" " provided. Note that your operating system can modify\n" " this value, e.g. '256' can become '0'.\n" " --errorlist Print a list of all the error messages in XML format.\n" " --doc Print a list of all available checks.\n" " --exitcode-suppressions=<file>\n" " Used when certain messages should be displayed but\n" " should not cause a non-zero exitcode.\n" " --file-list=<file> Specify the files to check in a text file. Add one\n" " filename per line. When file is '-,' the file list will\n" " be read from standard input.\n" " -f, --force Force checking of all configurations in files. If used\n" " together with '--max-configs=', the last option is the\n" " one that is effective.\n" " -h, --help Print this help.\n" " -I <dir> Give path to search for include files. Give several -I\n" " parameters to give several paths. First given path is\n" " searched for contained header files first. If paths are\n" " relative to source files, this is not needed.\n" " --includes-file=<file>\n" " Specify directory paths to search for included header\n" " files in a text file. Add one include path per line.\n" " First given path is searched for contained header\n" " files first. If paths are relative to source files,\n" " this is not needed.\n" " --include=<file>\n" " Force inclusion of a file before the checked file. Can\n" " be used for example when checking the Linux kernel,\n" " where autoconf.h needs to be included for every file\n" " compiled. Works the same way as the GCC -include\n" " option.\n" " -i <dir or file> Give a source file or source file directory to exclude\n" " from the check. This applies only to source files so\n" " header files included by source files are not matched.\n" " Directory name is matched to all parts of the path.\n" " --inconclusive Allow that Cppcheck reports even though the analysis is\n" " inconclusive.\n" " There are false positives with this option. Each result\n" " must be carefully investigated before you know if it is\n" " good or bad.\n" " --inline-suppr Enable inline suppressions. Use them by placing one or\n" " more comments, like: '// cppcheck-suppress warningId'\n" " on the lines before the warning to suppress.\n" " -j <jobs> Start <jobs> threads to do the checking simultaneously.\n" #ifdef THREADING_MODEL_FORK " -l <load> Specifies that no new threads should be started if\n" " there are other threads running and the load average is\n" " at least <load>.\n" #endif " --language=<language>, -x <language>\n" " Forces cppcheck to check all files as the given\n" " language. Valid values are: c, c++\n" " --library=<cfg> Load file <cfg> that contains information about types\n" " and functions. With such information Cppcheck\n" " understands your code better and therefore you\n" " get better results. The std.cfg file that is\n" " distributed with Cppcheck is loaded automatically.\n" " For more information about library files, read the\n" " manual.\n" " --output-file=<file> Write results to file, rather than standard error.\n" " --project=<file> Run Cppcheck on project. The <file> can be a Visual\n" " Studio Solution (*.sln), Visual Studio Project\n" " (*.vcxproj), compile database (compile_commands.json),\n" " or Borland C++ Builder 6 (*.bpr). The files to analyse,\n" " include paths, defines, platform and undefines in\n" " the specified file will be used.\n" " --max-configs=<limit>\n" " Maximum number of configurations to check in a file\n" " before skipping it. Default is '12'. If used together\n" " with '--force', the last option is the one that is\n" " effective.\n" " --platform=<type>, --platform=<file>\n" " Specifies platform specific types and sizes. The\n" " available builtin platforms are:\n" " * unix32\n" " 32 bit unix variant\n" " * unix64\n" " 64 bit unix variant\n" " * win32A\n" " 32 bit Windows ASCII character encoding\n" " * win32W\n" " 32 bit Windows UNICODE character encoding\n" " * win64\n" " 64 bit Windows\n" " * avr8\n" " 8 bit AVR microcontrollers\n" " * native\n" " Type sizes of host system are assumed, but no\n" " further assumptions.\n" " * unspecified\n" " Unknown type sizes\n" " --plist-output=<path>\n" " Generate Clang-plist output files in folder.\n" " -q, --quiet Do not show progress reports.\n" " -rp, --relative-paths\n" " -rp=<paths>, --relative-paths=<paths>\n" " Use relative paths in output. When given, <paths> are\n" " used as base. You can separate multiple paths by ';'.\n" " Otherwise path where source files are searched is used.\n" " We use string comparison to create relative paths, so\n" " using e.g. ~ for home folder does not work. It is\n" " currently only possible to apply the base paths to\n" " files that are on a lower level in the directory tree.\n" " --report-progress Report progress messages while checking a file.\n" #ifdef HAVE_RULES " --rule=<rule> Match regular expression.\n" " --rule-file=<file> Use given rule file. For more information, see: \n" " http://sourceforge.net/projects/cppcheck/files/Articles/\n" #endif " --std=<id> Set standard.\n" " The available options are:\n" " * posix\n" " POSIX compatible code\n" " * c89\n" " C code is C89 compatible\n" " * c99\n" " C code is C99 compatible\n" " * c11\n" " C code is C11 compatible (default)\n" " * c++03\n" " C++ code is C++03 compatible\n" " * c++11\n" " C++ code is C++11 compatible\n" " * c++14\n" " C++ code is C++14 compatible (default)\n" " More than one --std can be used:\n" " 'cppcheck --std=c99 --std=posix file.c'\n" " --suppress=<spec> Suppress warnings that match <spec>. The format of\n" " <spec> is:\n" " [error id]:[filename]:[line]\n" " The [filename] and [line] are optional. If [error id]\n" " is a wildcard '*', all error ids match.\n" " --suppressions-list=<file>\n" " Suppress warnings listed in the file. Each suppression\n" " is in the same format as <spec> above.\n" " --template='<text>' Format the error messages. Available fields:\n" " {file} file name\n" " {line} line number\n" " {column} column number\n" " {callstack} show a callstack. Example:\n" " [file.c:1] -> [file.c:100]\n" " {inconlusive:text} if warning is inconclusive, text\n" " is written\n" " {severity} severity\n" " {message} warning message\n" " {id} warning id\n" " {code} show the real code\n" " \\t insert tab\n" " \\n insert newline\n" " \\r insert carriage return\n" " Example formats:\n" " '{file}:{line},{severity},{id},{message}' or\n" " '{file}({line}):({severity}) {message}' or\n" " '{callstack} {message}'\n" " Pre-defined templates: gcc, vs, edit.\n" " --template-location='<text>'\n" " Format error message location. If this is not provided\n" " then no extra location info is shown.\n" " Available fields:\n" " {file} file name\n" " {line} line number\n" " {column} column number\n" " {info} location info\n" " {code} show the real code\n" " \\t insert tab\n" " \\n insert newline\n" " \\r insert carriage return\n" " Example format (gcc-like):\n" " '{file}:{line}:{column}: note: {info}\\n{code}'\n" " -v, --verbose Output more detailed error information.\n" " --version Print out version number.\n" " --xml Write results in xml format to error stream (stderr).\n" " --xml-version=<version>\n" " Select the XML file version. Currently only versions 2 is available." "\n" "Example usage:\n" " # Recursively check the current folder. Print the progress on the screen and\n" " # write errors to a file:\n" " cppcheck . 2> err.txt\n" "\n" " # Recursively check ../myproject/ and don't print progress:\n" " cppcheck --quiet ../myproject/\n" "\n" " # Check test.cpp, enable all checks:\n" " cppcheck --enable=all --inconclusive --std=posix test.cpp\n" "\n" " # Check f.cpp and search include files from inc1/ and inc2/:\n" " cppcheck -I inc1/ -I inc2/ f.cpp\n" "\n" "For more information:\n" " http://cppcheck.net/manual.pdf\n"; }