/* * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis * Copyright (C) 2007-2020 Cppcheck team. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "token.h" #include "astutils.h" #include "library.h" #include "settings.h" #include "symboldatabase.h" #include "tokenlist.h" #include "utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const std::list TokenImpl::mEmptyValueList; Token::Token(TokensFrontBack *tokensFrontBack) : mTokensFrontBack(tokensFrontBack), mNext(nullptr), mPrevious(nullptr), mLink(nullptr), mTokType(eNone), mFlags(0) { mImpl = new TokenImpl(); } Token::~Token() { delete mImpl; } static const std::set controlFlowKeywords = { "goto", "do", "if", "else", "for", "while", "switch", "case", "break", "continue", "return" }; void Token::update_property_info() { setFlag(fIsControlFlowKeyword, controlFlowKeywords.find(mStr) != controlFlowKeywords.end()); if (!mStr.empty()) { if (mStr == "true" || mStr == "false") tokType(eBoolean); else if (isStringLiteral(mStr)) tokType(eString); else if (isCharLiteral(mStr)) tokType(eChar); else if (std::isalpha((unsigned char)mStr[0]) || mStr[0] == '_' || mStr[0] == '$') { // Name if (mImpl->mVarId) tokType(eVariable); else if (mTokensFrontBack && mTokensFrontBack->list && mTokensFrontBack->list->isKeyword(mStr)) tokType(eKeyword); else if (mTokType != eVariable && mTokType != eFunction && mTokType != eType && mTokType != eKeyword) tokType(eName); } else if (std::isdigit((unsigned char)mStr[0]) || (mStr.length() > 1 && mStr[0] == '-' && std::isdigit((unsigned char)mStr[1]))) tokType(eNumber); else if (mStr == "=" || mStr == "<<=" || mStr == ">>=" || (mStr.size() == 2U && mStr[1] == '=' && std::strchr("+-*/%&^|", mStr[0]))) tokType(eAssignmentOp); else if (mStr.size() == 1 && mStr.find_first_of(",[]()?:") != std::string::npos) tokType(eExtendedOp); else if (mStr=="<<" || mStr==">>" || (mStr.size()==1 && mStr.find_first_of("+-*/%") != std::string::npos)) tokType(eArithmeticalOp); else if (mStr.size() == 1 && mStr.find_first_of("&|^~") != std::string::npos) tokType(eBitOp); else if (mStr.size() <= 2 && (mStr == "&&" || mStr == "||" || mStr == "!")) tokType(eLogicalOp); else if (mStr.size() <= 2 && !mLink && (mStr == "==" || mStr == "!=" || mStr == "<" || mStr == "<=" || mStr == ">" || mStr == ">=")) tokType(eComparisonOp); else if (mStr.size() == 2 && (mStr == "++" || mStr == "--")) tokType(eIncDecOp); else if (mStr.size() == 1 && (mStr.find_first_of("{}") != std::string::npos || (mLink && mStr.find_first_of("<>") != std::string::npos))) tokType(eBracket); else if (mStr == "...") tokType(eEllipsis); else tokType(eOther); } else { tokType(eNone); } update_property_char_string_literal(); update_property_isStandardType(); } static const std::set stdTypes = { "bool" , "_Bool" , "char" , "double" , "float" , "int" , "long" , "short" , "size_t" , "void" , "wchar_t" }; void Token::update_property_isStandardType() { isStandardType(false); if (mStr.size() < 3) return; if (stdTypes.find(mStr)!=stdTypes.end()) { isStandardType(true); tokType(eType); } } void Token::update_property_char_string_literal() { if (mTokType != Token::eString && mTokType != Token::eChar) return; isLong(((mTokType == Token::eString) && isPrefixStringCharLiteral(mStr, '"', "L")) || ((mTokType == Token::eChar) && isPrefixStringCharLiteral(mStr, '\'', "L"))); } bool Token::isUpperCaseName() const { if (!isName()) return false; for (char i : mStr) { if (std::islower(i)) return false; } return true; } void Token::concatStr(std::string const& b) { mStr.erase(mStr.length() - 1); mStr.append(getStringLiteral(b) + "\""); if (isCChar() && isStringLiteral(b) && b[0] != '"') { mStr.insert(0, b.substr(0, b.find('"'))); } update_property_info(); } std::string Token::strValue() const { assert(mTokType == eString); std::string ret(getStringLiteral(mStr)); std::string::size_type pos = 0U; while ((pos = ret.find('\\', pos)) != std::string::npos) { ret.erase(pos,1U); if (ret[pos] >= 'a') { if (ret[pos] == 'n') ret[pos] = '\n'; else if (ret[pos] == 'r') ret[pos] = '\r'; else if (ret[pos] == 't') ret[pos] = '\t'; } if (ret[pos] == '0') return ret.substr(0,pos); pos++; } return ret; } void Token::deleteNext(nonneg int count) { while (mNext && count > 0) { Token *n = mNext; // #8154 we are about to be unknown -> destroy the link to us if (n->mLink && n->mLink->mLink == n) n->mLink->link(nullptr); mNext = n->next(); delete n; --count; } if (mNext) mNext->previous(this); else if (mTokensFrontBack) mTokensFrontBack->back = this; } void Token::deletePrevious(nonneg int count) { while (mPrevious && count > 0) { Token *p = mPrevious; // #8154 we are about to be unknown -> destroy the link to us if (p->mLink && p->mLink->mLink == p) p->mLink->link(nullptr); mPrevious = p->previous(); delete p; --count; } if (mPrevious) mPrevious->next(this); else if (mTokensFrontBack) mTokensFrontBack->front = this; } void Token::swapWithNext() { if (mNext) { std::swap(mStr, mNext->mStr); std::swap(mTokType, mNext->mTokType); std::swap(mFlags, mNext->mFlags); std::swap(mImpl, mNext->mImpl); if (mImpl->mTemplateSimplifierPointers) for (auto *templateSimplifierPointer : *mImpl->mTemplateSimplifierPointers) { templateSimplifierPointer->token(this); } if (mNext->mImpl->mTemplateSimplifierPointers) for (auto *templateSimplifierPointer : *mNext->mImpl->mTemplateSimplifierPointers) { templateSimplifierPointer->token(mNext); } if (mNext->mLink) mNext->mLink->mLink = this; if (this->mLink) this->mLink->mLink = mNext; std::swap(mLink, mNext->mLink); } } void Token::takeData(Token *fromToken) { mStr = fromToken->mStr; tokType(fromToken->mTokType); mFlags = fromToken->mFlags; delete mImpl; mImpl = fromToken->mImpl; fromToken->mImpl = nullptr; if (mImpl->mTemplateSimplifierPointers) for (auto *templateSimplifierPointer : *mImpl->mTemplateSimplifierPointers) { templateSimplifierPointer->token(this); } mLink = fromToken->mLink; if (mLink) mLink->link(this); } void Token::deleteThis() { if (mNext) { // Copy next to this and delete next takeData(mNext); mNext->link(nullptr); // mark as unlinked deleteNext(); } else if (mPrevious && mPrevious->mPrevious) { // Copy previous to this and delete previous takeData(mPrevious); Token* toDelete = mPrevious; mPrevious = mPrevious->mPrevious; mPrevious->mNext = this; delete toDelete; } else { // We are the last token in the list, we can't delete // ourselves, so just make us empty str(""); } } void Token::replace(Token *replaceThis, Token *start, Token *end) { // Fix the whole in the old location of start and end if (start->previous()) start->previous()->next(end->next()); if (end->next()) end->next()->previous(start->previous()); // Move start and end to their new location if (replaceThis->previous()) replaceThis->previous()->next(start); if (replaceThis->next()) replaceThis->next()->previous(end); start->previous(replaceThis->previous()); end->next(replaceThis->next()); if (end->mTokensFrontBack && end->mTokensFrontBack->back == end) { while (end->next()) end = end->next(); end->mTokensFrontBack->back = end; } // Update mProgressValue, fileIndex and linenr for (Token *tok = start; tok != end->next(); tok = tok->next()) tok->mImpl->mProgressValue = replaceThis->mImpl->mProgressValue; // Delete old token, which is replaced delete replaceThis; } const Token *Token::tokAt(int index) const { const Token *tok = this; while (index > 0 && tok) { tok = tok->next(); --index; } while (index < 0 && tok) { tok = tok->previous(); ++index; } return tok; } const Token *Token::linkAt(int index) const { const Token *tok = this->tokAt(index); if (!tok) { throw InternalError(this, "Internal error. Token::linkAt called with index outside the tokens range."); } return tok->link(); } const std::string &Token::strAt(int index) const { const Token *tok = this->tokAt(index); return tok ? tok->mStr : emptyString; } static int multiComparePercent(const Token *tok, const char*& haystack, nonneg int varid) { ++haystack; // Compare only the first character of the string for optimization reasons switch (haystack[0]) { case '\0': case ' ': case '|': //simple '%' character haystack += 1; if (tok->isArithmeticalOp() && tok->str() == "%") return 1; break; case 'v': if (haystack[3] == '%') { // %var% haystack += 4; if (tok->varId() != 0) return 1; } else { // %varid% if (varid == 0) { throw InternalError(tok, "Internal error. Token::Match called with varid 0. Please report this to Cppcheck developers"); } haystack += 6; if (tok->varId() == varid) return 1; } break; case 't': // Type (%type%) { haystack += 5; if (tok->isName() && tok->varId() == 0 && (tok->str() != "delete" || !tok->isKeyword())) // HACK: this is legacy behaviour, it should return false for all keywords, ecxcept types return 1; } break; case 'a': // Accept any token (%any%) or assign (%assign%) { if (haystack[3] == '%') { // %any% haystack += 4; return 1; } else { // %assign% haystack += 7; if (tok->isAssignmentOp()) return 1; } } break; case 'n': // Number (%num%) or name (%name%) { if (haystack[4] == '%') { // %name% haystack += 5; if (tok->isName()) return 1; } else { haystack += 4; if (tok->isNumber()) return 1; } } break; case 'c': { haystack += 1; // Character (%char%) if (haystack[0] == 'h') { haystack += 4; if (tok->tokType() == Token::eChar) return 1; } // Const operator (%cop%) else if (haystack[1] == 'p') { haystack += 3; if (tok->isConstOp()) return 1; } // Comparison operator (%comp%) else { haystack += 4; if (tok->isComparisonOp()) return 1; } } break; case 's': // String (%str%) { haystack += 4; if (tok->tokType() == Token::eString) return 1; } break; case 'b': // Bool (%bool%) { haystack += 5; if (tok->isBoolean()) return 1; } break; case 'o': { ++haystack; if (haystack[1] == '%') { // Op (%op%) if (haystack[0] == 'p') { haystack += 2; if (tok->isOp()) return 1; } // Or (%or%) else { haystack += 2; if (tok->tokType() == Token::eBitOp && tok->str() == "|") return 1; } } // Oror (%oror%) else { haystack += 4; if (tok->tokType() == Token::eLogicalOp && tok->str() == "||") return 1; } } break; default: //unknown %cmd%, abort throw InternalError(tok, "Unexpected command"); } if (*haystack == '|') haystack += 1; else return -1; return 0xFFFF; } int Token::multiCompare(const Token *tok, const char *haystack, nonneg int varid) { const char *needle = tok->str().c_str(); const char *needlePointer = needle; for (;;) { if (needlePointer == needle && haystack[0] == '%' && haystack[1] != '|' && haystack[1] != '\0' && haystack[1] != ' ') { const int ret = multiComparePercent(tok, haystack, varid); if (ret < 2) return ret; } else if (*haystack == '|') { if (*needlePointer == 0) { // If needle is at the end, we have a match. return 1; } needlePointer = needle; ++haystack; } else if (*needlePointer == *haystack) { if (*needlePointer == '\0') return 1; ++needlePointer; ++haystack; } else if (*haystack == ' ' || *haystack == '\0') { if (needlePointer == needle) return 0; break; } // If haystack and needle don't share the same character, // find next '|' character. else { needlePointer = needle; do { ++haystack; } while (*haystack != ' ' && *haystack != '|' && *haystack); if (*haystack == ' ' || *haystack == '\0') { return -1; } ++haystack; } } if (*needlePointer == '\0') return 1; return -1; } bool Token::simpleMatch(const Token *tok, const char pattern[], size_t pattern_len) { if (!tok) return false; // shortcut const char *current = pattern; const char *end = pattern + pattern_len; const char *next = (const char*)std::memchr(pattern, ' ', pattern_len); if (!next) next = end; while (*current) { const std::size_t length = next - current; if (!tok || length != tok->mStr.length() || std::strncmp(current, tok->mStr.c_str(), length)) return false; current = next; if (*next) { next = std::strchr(++current, ' '); if (!next) next = end; } tok = tok->next(); } return true; } bool Token::firstWordEquals(const char *str, const char *word) { for (;;) { if (*str != *word) { return (*str == ' ' && *word == 0); } else if (*str == 0) break; ++str; ++word; } return true; } const char *Token::chrInFirstWord(const char *str, char c) { for (;;) { if (*str == ' ' || *str == 0) return nullptr; if (*str == c) return str; ++str; } } bool Token::Match(const Token *tok, const char pattern[], nonneg int varid) { const char *p = pattern; while (*p) { // Skip spaces in pattern.. while (*p == ' ') ++p; // No token => Success! if (*p == '\0') break; if (!tok) { // If we have no tokens, pattern "!!else" should return true if (p[0] == '!' && p[1] == '!' && p[2] != '\0') { while (*p && *p != ' ') ++p; continue; } else return false; } // [.. => search for a one-character token.. if (p[0] == '[' && chrInFirstWord(p, ']')) { if (tok->str().length() != 1) return false; const char *temp = p+1; bool chrFound = false; int count = 0; while (*temp && *temp != ' ') { if (*temp == ']') { ++count; } else if (*temp == tok->str()[0]) { chrFound = true; break; } ++temp; } if (count > 1 && tok->str()[0] == ']') chrFound = true; if (!chrFound) return false; p = temp; while (*p && *p != ' ') ++p; } // Parse "not" options. Token can be anything except the given one else if (p[0] == '!' && p[1] == '!' && p[2] != '\0') { p += 2; if (firstWordEquals(p, tok->str().c_str())) return false; while (*p && *p != ' ') ++p; } // Parse multi options, such as void|int|char (accept token which is one of these 3) else { const int res = multiCompare(tok, p, varid); if (res == 0) { // Empty alternative matches, use the same token on next round while (*p && *p != ' ') ++p; continue; } else if (res == -1) { // No match return false; } } while (*p && *p != ' ') ++p; tok = tok->next(); } // The end of the pattern has been reached and nothing wrong has been found return true; } nonneg int Token::getStrLength(const Token *tok) { assert(tok != nullptr); assert(tok->mTokType == eString); int len = 0; const std::string str(getStringLiteral(tok->str())); std::string::const_iterator it = str.begin(); const std::string::const_iterator end = str.end(); while (it != end) { if (*it == '\\') { ++it; // string ends at '\0' if (*it == '0') return len; } if (*it == '\0') return len; ++it; ++len; } return len; } nonneg int Token::getStrArraySize(const Token *tok) { assert(tok != nullptr); assert(tok->tokType() == eString); const std::string str(getStringLiteral(tok->str())); int sizeofstring = 1; for (int i = 0; i < (int)str.size(); i++) { if (str[i] == '\\') ++i; ++sizeofstring; } return sizeofstring; } nonneg int Token::getStrSize(const Token *tok, const Settings *settings) { assert(tok != nullptr && tok->tokType() == eString); nonneg int sizeofType = 1; if (tok->valueType()) { ValueType vt(*tok->valueType()); vt.pointer = 0; sizeofType = ValueFlow::getSizeOf(vt, settings); } return getStrArraySize(tok) * sizeofType; } std::string Token::getCharAt(const Token *tok, MathLib::bigint index) { assert(tok != nullptr); std::string str(getStringLiteral(tok->str())); std::string::const_iterator it = str.begin(); const std::string::const_iterator end = str.end(); while (it != end) { if (index == 0) { if (*it == '\0') return "\\0"; std::string ret(1, *it); if (*it == '\\') { ++it; ret += *it; } return ret; } if (*it == '\\') ++it; ++it; --index; } assert(index == 0); return "\\0"; } void Token::move(Token *srcStart, Token *srcEnd, Token *newLocation) { /**[newLocation] -> b -> c -> [srcStart] -> [srcEnd] -> f */ // Fix the gap, which tokens to be moved will leave srcStart->previous()->next(srcEnd->next()); srcEnd->next()->previous(srcStart->previous()); // Fix the tokens to be moved srcEnd->next(newLocation->next()); srcStart->previous(newLocation); // Fix the tokens at newLocation newLocation->next()->previous(srcEnd); newLocation->next(srcStart); // Update _progressValue for (Token *tok = srcStart; tok != srcEnd->next(); tok = tok->next()) tok->mImpl->mProgressValue = newLocation->mImpl->mProgressValue; } Token* Token::nextArgument() const { for (const Token* tok = this; tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->str() == ",") return tok->next(); else if (tok->link() && Token::Match(tok, "(|{|[|<")) tok = tok->link(); else if (Token::Match(tok, ")|;")) return nullptr; } return nullptr; } Token* Token::nextArgumentBeforeCreateLinks2() const { for (const Token* tok = this; tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->str() == ",") return tok->next(); else if (tok->link() && Token::Match(tok, "(|{|[")) tok = tok->link(); else if (tok->str() == "<") { const Token* temp = tok->findClosingBracket(); if (temp) tok = temp; } else if (Token::Match(tok, ")|;")) return nullptr; } return nullptr; } Token* Token::nextTemplateArgument() const { for (const Token* tok = this; tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->str() == ",") return tok->next(); else if (tok->link() && Token::Match(tok, "(|{|[|<")) tok = tok->link(); else if (Token::Match(tok, ">|;")) return nullptr; } return nullptr; } static bool isOperator(const Token *tok) { if (tok->link()) tok = tok->link(); // TODO handle multi token operators return tok->strAt(-1) == "operator"; } const Token * Token::findClosingBracket() const { if (mStr != "<") return nullptr; const Token *closing = nullptr; const bool templateParameter(strAt(-1) == "template"); std::set templateParameters; unsigned int depth = 0; for (closing = this; closing != nullptr; closing = closing->next()) { if (Token::Match(closing, "{|[|(")) { closing = closing->link(); if (!closing) return nullptr; // #6803 } else if (Token::Match(closing, "}|]|)|;")) return nullptr; // we can make some guesses for template parameters else if (closing->str() == "<" && closing->previous() && (closing->previous()->isName() || isOperator(closing->previous())) && (templateParameter ? templateParameters.find(closing->strAt(-1)) == templateParameters.end() : true)) ++depth; else if (closing->str() == ">") { if (--depth == 0) return closing; } else if (closing->str() == ">>") { if (depth <= 2) return closing; depth -= 2; } // save named template parameter else if (templateParameter && depth == 1 && closing->str() == "," && closing->previous()->isName() && !Match(closing->previous(), "class|typename|.")) templateParameters.insert(closing->strAt(-1)); } return closing; } Token * Token::findClosingBracket() { // return value of const function return const_cast(const_cast(this)->findClosingBracket()); } const Token * Token::findOpeningBracket() const { if (mStr != ">") return nullptr; const Token *opening = nullptr; unsigned int depth = 0; for (opening = this; opening != nullptr; opening = opening->previous()) { if (Token::Match(opening, "}|]|)")) { opening = opening->link(); if (!opening) return nullptr; } else if (Token::Match(opening, "{|{|(|;")) return nullptr; else if (opening->str() == ">") ++depth; else if (opening->str() == "<") { if (--depth == 0) return opening; } } return opening; } Token * Token::findOpeningBracket() { // return value of const function return const_cast(const_cast(this)->findOpeningBracket()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Token *Token::findsimplematch(const Token * const startTok, const char pattern[], size_t pattern_len) { for (const Token* tok = startTok; tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, pattern, pattern_len)) return tok; } return nullptr; } const Token *Token::findsimplematch(const Token * const startTok, const char pattern[], size_t pattern_len, const Token * const end) { for (const Token* tok = startTok; tok && tok != end; tok = tok->next()) { if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, pattern, pattern_len)) return tok; } return nullptr; } const Token *Token::findmatch(const Token * const startTok, const char pattern[], const nonneg int varId) { for (const Token* tok = startTok; tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (Token::Match(tok, pattern, varId)) return tok; } return nullptr; } const Token *Token::findmatch(const Token * const startTok, const char pattern[], const Token * const end, const nonneg int varId) { for (const Token* tok = startTok; tok && tok != end; tok = tok->next()) { if (Token::Match(tok, pattern, varId)) return tok; } return nullptr; } void Token::function(const Function *f) { mImpl->mFunction = f; if (f) { if (f->isLambda()) tokType(eLambda); else tokType(eFunction); } else if (mTokType == eFunction) tokType(eName); } void Token::insertToken(const std::string &tokenStr, const std::string &originalNameStr, bool prepend) { Token *newToken; if (mStr.empty()) newToken = this; else newToken = new Token(mTokensFrontBack); newToken->str(tokenStr); if (!originalNameStr.empty()) newToken->originalName(originalNameStr); if (newToken != this) { newToken->mImpl->mLineNumber = mImpl->mLineNumber; newToken->mImpl->mFileIndex = mImpl->mFileIndex; newToken->mImpl->mProgressValue = mImpl->mProgressValue; if (prepend) { if (this->previous()) { newToken->previous(this->previous()); newToken->previous()->next(newToken); } else if (mTokensFrontBack) { mTokensFrontBack->front = newToken; } this->previous(newToken); newToken->next(this); } else { if (this->next()) { newToken->next(this->next()); newToken->next()->previous(newToken); } else if (mTokensFrontBack) { mTokensFrontBack->back = newToken; } this->next(newToken); newToken->previous(this); } if (mImpl->mScopeInfo) { // If the brace is immediately closed there is no point opening a new scope for it if (newToken->str() == "{") { std::string nextScopeNameAddition; // This might be the opening of a member function Token *tok1 = newToken; while (Token::Match(tok1->previous(), "const|volatile|final|override|&|&&|noexcept")) tok1 = tok1->previous(); if (tok1->previous() && tok1->strAt(-1) == ")") { tok1 = tok1->linkAt(-1); if (Token::Match(tok1->previous(), "throw|noexcept")) { tok1 = tok1->previous(); while (Token::Match(tok1->previous(), "const|volatile|final|override|&|&&|noexcept")) tok1 = tok1->previous(); if (tok1->strAt(-1) != ")") return; } else if (Token::Match(newToken->tokAt(-2), ":|, %name%")) { tok1 = tok1->tokAt(-2); if (tok1->strAt(-1) != ")") return; } if (tok1->strAt(-1) == ">") tok1 = tok1->previous()->findOpeningBracket(); if (tok1 && Token::Match(tok1->tokAt(-3), "%name% :: %name%")) { tok1 = tok1->tokAt(-2); std::string scope = tok1->strAt(-1); while (Token::Match(tok1->tokAt(-2), ":: %name%")) { scope = tok1->strAt(-3) + " :: " + scope; tok1 = tok1->tokAt(-2); } nextScopeNameAddition += scope; } } // Or it might be a namespace/class/struct if (Token::Match(newToken->previous(), "%name%|>")) { Token* nameTok = newToken->previous(); while (nameTok && !Token::Match(nameTok, "namespace|class|struct|union %name% {|::|:|<")) { nameTok = nameTok->previous(); } if (nameTok) { for (nameTok = nameTok->next(); nameTok && !Token::Match(nameTok, "{|:|<"); nameTok = nameTok->next()) { nextScopeNameAddition.append(nameTok->str()); nextScopeNameAddition.append(" "); } if (nextScopeNameAddition.length() > 0) nextScopeNameAddition = nextScopeNameAddition.substr(0, nextScopeNameAddition.length() - 1); } } // New scope is opening, record it here std::shared_ptr newScopeInfo = std::make_shared(mImpl->mScopeInfo->name, nullptr, mImpl->mScopeInfo->usingNamespaces); if (!newScopeInfo->name.empty() && !nextScopeNameAddition.empty()) newScopeInfo->name.append(" :: "); newScopeInfo->name.append(nextScopeNameAddition); nextScopeNameAddition = ""; newToken->scopeInfo(newScopeInfo); } else if (newToken->str() == "}") { Token* matchingTok = newToken->previous(); int depth = 0; while (matchingTok && (depth != 0 || !Token::simpleMatch(matchingTok, "{"))) { if (Token::simpleMatch(matchingTok, "}")) depth++; if (Token::simpleMatch(matchingTok, "{")) depth--; matchingTok = matchingTok->previous(); } if (matchingTok && matchingTok->previous()) { newToken->mImpl->mScopeInfo = matchingTok->previous()->scopeInfo(); } } else { if (prepend && newToken->previous()) { newToken->mImpl->mScopeInfo = newToken->previous()->scopeInfo(); } else { newToken->mImpl->mScopeInfo = mImpl->mScopeInfo; } if (newToken->str() == ";") { const Token* statementStart; for (statementStart = newToken; statementStart->previous() && !Token::Match(statementStart->previous(), ";|{"); statementStart = statementStart->previous()); if (Token::Match(statementStart, "using namespace %name% ::|;")) { const Token * tok1 = statementStart->tokAt(2); std::string nameSpace; while (tok1 && tok1->str() != ";") { if (!nameSpace.empty()) nameSpace += " "; nameSpace += tok1->str(); tok1 = tok1->next(); } mImpl->mScopeInfo->usingNamespaces.insert(nameSpace); } } } } } } void Token::eraseTokens(Token *begin, const Token *end) { if (!begin || begin == end) return; while (begin->next() && begin->next() != end) { begin->deleteNext(); } } void Token::createMutualLinks(Token *begin, Token *end) { assert(begin != nullptr); assert(end != nullptr); assert(begin != end); begin->link(end); end->link(begin); } void Token::printOut(const char *title) const { if (title && title[0]) std::cout << "\n### " << title << " ###\n"; std::cout << stringifyList(true, true, true, true, true, nullptr, nullptr) << std::endl; } void Token::printOut(const char *title, const std::vector &fileNames) const { if (title && title[0]) std::cout << "\n### " << title << " ###\n"; std::cout << stringifyList(true, true, true, true, true, &fileNames, nullptr) << std::endl; } void Token::printLines(int lines) const { const Token *end = this; while (end && end->linenr() < lines + linenr()) end = end->next(); std::cout << stringifyList(true, true, true, true, true, nullptr, end) << std::endl; } void Token::stringify(std::ostream& os, bool varid, bool attributes, bool macro) const { if (attributes) { if (isUnsigned()) os << "unsigned "; else if (isSigned()) os << "signed "; if (isComplex()) os << "_Complex "; if (isLong()) { if (!(mTokType == eString || mTokType == eChar)) os << "long "; } } if (macro && isExpandedMacro()) os << "$"; if (isName() && mStr.find(' ') != std::string::npos) { for (char i : mStr) { if (i != ' ') os << i; } } else if (mStr[0] != '\"' || mStr.find('\0') == std::string::npos) os << mStr; else { for (char i : mStr) { if (i == '\0') os << "\\0"; else os << i; } } if (varid && mImpl->mVarId != 0) os << '@' << mImpl->mVarId; } std::string Token::stringifyList(bool varid, bool attributes, bool linenumbers, bool linebreaks, bool files, const std::vector* fileNames, const Token* end) const { if (this == end) return ""; std::ostringstream ret; unsigned int lineNumber = mImpl->mLineNumber - (linenumbers ? 1U : 0U); unsigned int fileIndex = files ? ~0U : mImpl->mFileIndex; std::map lineNumbers; for (const Token *tok = this; tok != end; tok = tok->next()) { bool fileChange = false; if (tok->mImpl->mFileIndex != fileIndex) { if (fileIndex != ~0U) { lineNumbers[fileIndex] = tok->mImpl->mFileIndex; } fileIndex = tok->mImpl->mFileIndex; if (files) { ret << "\n\n##file "; if (fileNames && fileNames->size() > tok->mImpl->mFileIndex) ret << fileNames->at(tok->mImpl->mFileIndex); else ret << fileIndex; ret << '\n'; } lineNumber = lineNumbers[fileIndex]; fileChange = true; } if (linebreaks && (lineNumber != tok->linenr() || fileChange)) { if (lineNumber+4 < tok->linenr() && fileIndex == tok->mImpl->mFileIndex) { ret << '\n' << lineNumber+1 << ":\n|\n"; ret << tok->linenr()-1 << ":\n"; ret << tok->linenr() << ": "; } else if (this == tok && linenumbers) { ret << tok->linenr() << ": "; } else { while (lineNumber < tok->linenr()) { ++lineNumber; ret << '\n'; if (linenumbers) { ret << lineNumber << ':'; if (lineNumber == tok->linenr()) ret << ' '; } } } lineNumber = tok->linenr(); } tok->stringify(ret, varid, attributes, attributes); // print token if (tok->next() != end && (!linebreaks || (tok->next()->linenr() <= tok->linenr() && tok->next()->fileIndex() == tok->fileIndex()))) ret << ' '; } if (linebreaks && (files || linenumbers)) ret << '\n'; return ret.str(); } std::string Token::stringifyList(const Token* end, bool attributes) const { return stringifyList(false, attributes, false, false, false, nullptr, end); } std::string Token::stringifyList(bool varid) const { return stringifyList(varid, false, true, true, true, nullptr, nullptr); } void Token::astOperand1(Token *tok) { if (mImpl->mAstOperand1) mImpl->mAstOperand1->mImpl->mAstParent = nullptr; // goto parent operator if (tok) { std::set visitedParents; while (tok->mImpl->mAstParent) { if (!visitedParents.insert(tok->mImpl->mAstParent).second) // #6838/#6726/#8352 avoid hang on garbage code throw InternalError(this, "Internal error. Token::astOperand1() cyclic dependency."); tok = tok->mImpl->mAstParent; } tok->mImpl->mAstParent = this; } mImpl->mAstOperand1 = tok; } void Token::astOperand2(Token *tok) { if (mImpl->mAstOperand2) mImpl->mAstOperand2->mImpl->mAstParent = nullptr; // goto parent operator if (tok) { std::set visitedParents; while (tok->mImpl->mAstParent) { //std::cout << tok << " -> " << tok->mAstParent ; if (!visitedParents.insert(tok->mImpl->mAstParent).second) // #6838/#6726 avoid hang on garbage code throw InternalError(this, "Internal error. Token::astOperand2() cyclic dependency."); tok = tok->mImpl->mAstParent; } tok->mImpl->mAstParent = this; } mImpl->mAstOperand2 = tok; } static const Token* goToLeftParenthesis(const Token* start, const Token* end) { // move start to lpar in such expression: '(*it).x' int par = 0; for (const Token *tok = start; tok && tok != end; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->str() == "(") ++par; else if (tok->str() == ")") { if (par == 0) start = tok->link(); else --par; } } return start; } static const Token* goToRightParenthesis(const Token* start, const Token* end) { // move end to rpar in such expression: '2>(x+1)' int par = 0; for (const Token *tok = end; tok && tok != start; tok = tok->previous()) { if (tok->str() == ")") ++par; else if (tok->str() == "(") { if (par == 0) end = tok->link(); else --par; } } return end; } std::pair Token::findExpressionStartEndTokens() const { const Token * const top = this; // find start node in AST tree const Token *start = top; while (start->astOperand1() && (start->astOperand2() || !start->isUnaryPreOp() || Token::simpleMatch(start, "( )") || start->str() == "{")) start = start->astOperand1(); // find end node in AST tree const Token *end = top; while (end->astOperand1() && (end->astOperand2() || end->isUnaryPreOp())) { // lambda.. if (end->str() == "[") { const Token *lambdaEnd = findLambdaEndToken(end); if (lambdaEnd) { end = lambdaEnd; break; } } if (Token::Match(end,"(|[|{") && !(Token::Match(end, "( %type%") && !end->astOperand2())) { end = end->link(); break; } end = end->astOperand2() ? end->astOperand2() : end->astOperand1(); } // skip parentheses start = goToLeftParenthesis(start, end); end = goToRightParenthesis(start, end); if (Token::simpleMatch(end, "{")) end = end->link(); return std::pair(start,end); } bool Token::isCalculation() const { if (!Token::Match(this, "%cop%|++|--")) return false; if (Token::Match(this, "*|&")) { // dereference or address-of? if (!this->astOperand2()) return false; if (this->astOperand2()->str() == "[") return false; // type specification? std::stack operands; operands.push(this); while (!operands.empty()) { const Token *op = operands.top(); operands.pop(); if (op->isNumber() || op->varId() > 0) return true; if (op->astOperand1()) operands.push(op->astOperand1()); if (op->astOperand2()) operands.push(op->astOperand2()); else if (Token::Match(op, "*|&")) return false; } // type specification => return false return false; } return true; } bool Token::isUnaryPreOp() const { if (!astOperand1() || astOperand2()) return false; if (!Token::Match(this, "++|--")) return true; const Token *tokbefore = mPrevious; const Token *tokafter = mNext; for (int distance = 1; distance < 10 && tokbefore; distance++) { if (tokbefore == mImpl->mAstOperand1) return false; if (tokafter == mImpl->mAstOperand1) return true; tokbefore = tokbefore->mPrevious; tokafter = tokafter->mPrevious; } return false; // <- guess } static std::string stringFromTokenRange(const Token* start, const Token* end) { std::ostringstream ret; if (end) end = end->next(); for (const Token *tok = start; tok && tok != end; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->isUnsigned()) ret << "unsigned "; if (tok->isLong() && !tok->isLiteral()) ret << "long "; if (tok->originalName().empty() || tok->isUnsigned() || tok->isLong()) { ret << tok->str(); } else ret << tok->originalName(); if (Token::Match(tok, "%name%|%num% %name%|%num%")) ret << ' '; } return ret.str(); } std::string Token::expressionString() const { const auto tokens = findExpressionStartEndTokens(); return stringFromTokenRange(tokens.first, tokens.second); } static void astStringXml(const Token *tok, nonneg int indent, std::ostream &out) { const std::string strindent(indent, ' '); out << strindent << "str() << '\"'; if (tok->varId() > 0U) out << " varId=\"" << MathLib::toString(tok->varId()) << '\"'; if (tok->variable()) out << " variable=\"" << tok->variable() << '\"'; if (tok->function()) out << " function=\"" << tok->function() << '\"'; if (!tok->values().empty()) out << " values=\"" << &tok->values() << '\"'; if (!tok->astOperand1() && !tok->astOperand2()) { out << "/>" << std::endl; } else { out << '>' << std::endl; if (tok->astOperand1()) astStringXml(tok->astOperand1(), indent+2U, out); if (tok->astOperand2()) astStringXml(tok->astOperand2(), indent+2U, out); out << strindent << "" << std::endl; } } void Token::printAst(bool verbose, bool xml, std::ostream &out) const { std::set printed; for (const Token *tok = this; tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (!tok->mImpl->mAstParent && tok->mImpl->mAstOperand1) { if (printed.empty() && !xml) out << "\n\n##AST" << std::endl; else if (printed.find(tok) != printed.end()) continue; printed.insert(tok); if (xml) { out << "scope() << "\" fileIndex=\"" << tok->fileIndex() << "\" linenr=\"" << tok->linenr() << "\" column=\"" << tok->column() << "\">" << std::endl; astStringXml(tok, 2U, out); out << "" << std::endl; } else if (verbose) out << tok->astStringVerbose() << std::endl; else out << tok->astString(" ") << std::endl; if (tok->str() == "(") tok = tok->link(); } } } static void indent(std::string &str, const nonneg int indent1, const nonneg int indent2) { for (int i = 0; i < indent1; ++i) str += ' '; for (int i = indent1; i < indent2; i += 2) str += "| "; } void Token::astStringVerboseRecursive(std::string& ret, const nonneg int indent1, const nonneg int indent2) const { if (isExpandedMacro()) ret += '$'; ret += mStr; if (mImpl->mValueType) ret += " \'" + mImpl->mValueType->str() + '\''; if (function()) { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << "0x" << std::hex << function(); ret += " f:" + ostr.str(); } ret += '\n'; if (mImpl->mAstOperand1) { int i1 = indent1, i2 = indent2 + 2; if (indent1 == indent2 && !mImpl->mAstOperand2) i1 += 2; indent(ret, indent1, indent2); ret += mImpl->mAstOperand2 ? "|-" : "`-"; mImpl->mAstOperand1->astStringVerboseRecursive(ret, i1, i2); } if (mImpl->mAstOperand2) { int i1 = indent1, i2 = indent2 + 2; if (indent1 == indent2) i1 += 2; indent(ret, indent1, indent2); ret += "`-"; mImpl->mAstOperand2->astStringVerboseRecursive(ret, i1, i2); } } std::string Token::astStringVerbose() const { std::string ret; astStringVerboseRecursive(ret); return ret; } std::string Token::astStringZ3() const { if (!astOperand1()) return str(); if (!astOperand2()) return "(" + str() + " " + astOperand1()->astStringZ3() + ")"; return "(" + str() + " " + astOperand1()->astStringZ3() + " " + astOperand2()->astStringZ3() + ")"; } void Token::printValueFlow(bool xml, std::ostream &out) const { int line = 0; if (xml) out << " " << std::endl; else out << "\n\n##Value flow" << std::endl; for (const Token *tok = this; tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (!tok->mImpl->mValues) continue; if (tok->mImpl->mValues->empty()) // Values might be removed by removeContradictions continue; if (xml) out << " mImpl->mValues << "\">" << std::endl; else if (line != tok->linenr()) out << "Line " << tok->linenr() << std::endl; line = tok->linenr(); if (!xml) { ValueFlow::Value::ValueKind valueKind = tok->mImpl->mValues->front().valueKind; bool same = true; for (const ValueFlow::Value &value : *tok->mImpl->mValues) { if (value.valueKind != valueKind) { same = false; break; } } out << " " << tok->str() << " "; if (same) { switch (valueKind) { case ValueFlow::Value::ValueKind::Impossible: case ValueFlow::Value::ValueKind::Known: out << "always "; break; case ValueFlow::Value::ValueKind::Inconclusive: case ValueFlow::Value::ValueKind::Possible: out << "possible "; break; } } if (tok->mImpl->mValues->size() > 1U) out << '{'; } for (const ValueFlow::Value &value : *tok->mImpl->mValues) { if (xml) { out << " valueType() && tok->valueType()->sign == ValueType::UNSIGNED) out << "intvalue=\"" << (MathLib::biguint)value.intvalue << '\"'; else out << "intvalue=\"" << value.intvalue << '\"'; break; case ValueFlow::Value::TOK: out << "tokvalue=\"" << value.tokvalue << '\"'; break; case ValueFlow::Value::FLOAT: out << "floatvalue=\"" << value.floatValue << '\"'; break; case ValueFlow::Value::MOVED: out << "movedvalue=\"" << ValueFlow::Value::toString(value.moveKind) << '\"'; break; case ValueFlow::Value::UNINIT: out << "uninit=\"1\""; break; case ValueFlow::Value::BUFFER_SIZE: out << "buffer-size=\"" << value.intvalue << "\""; break; case ValueFlow::Value::CONTAINER_SIZE: out << "container-size=\"" << value.intvalue << '\"'; break; case ValueFlow::Value::LIFETIME: out << "lifetime=\"" << value.tokvalue << '\"'; break; } if (value.condition) out << " condition-line=\"" << value.condition->linenr() << '\"'; if (value.isKnown()) out << " known=\"true\""; else if (value.isPossible()) out << " possible=\"true\""; else if (value.isImpossible()) out << " impossible=\"true\""; else if (value.isInconclusive()) out << " inconclusive=\"true\""; out << "/>" << std::endl; } else { if (&value != &tok->mImpl->mValues->front()) out << ","; if (value.isImpossible()) out << "!"; if (value.bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Lower) out << ">"; if (value.bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Upper) out << "<"; switch (value.valueType) { case ValueFlow::Value::INT: if (tok->valueType() && tok->valueType()->sign == ValueType::UNSIGNED) out << (MathLib::biguint)value.intvalue; else out << value.intvalue; break; case ValueFlow::Value::TOK: out << value.tokvalue->str(); break; case ValueFlow::Value::FLOAT: out << value.floatValue; break; case ValueFlow::Value::MOVED: out << ValueFlow::Value::toString(value.moveKind); break; case ValueFlow::Value::UNINIT: out << "Uninit"; break; case ValueFlow::Value::BUFFER_SIZE: case ValueFlow::Value::CONTAINER_SIZE: out << "size=" << value.intvalue; break; case ValueFlow::Value::LIFETIME: out << "lifetime=" << value.tokvalue->str(); break; } if (value.indirect > 0) for (int i=0; i 0) out << "@" << value.path; } } if (xml) out << " " << std::endl; else if (tok->mImpl->mValues->size() > 1U) out << '}' << std::endl; else out << std::endl; } if (xml) out << " " << std::endl; } const ValueFlow::Value * Token::getValueLE(const MathLib::bigint val, const Settings *settings) const { if (!mImpl->mValues) return nullptr; const ValueFlow::Value *ret = nullptr; std::list::const_iterator it; for (it = mImpl->mValues->begin(); it != mImpl->mValues->end(); ++it) { if (it->isImpossible()) continue; if (it->isIntValue() && it->intvalue <= val) { if (!ret || ret->isInconclusive() || (ret->condition && !it->isInconclusive())) ret = &(*it); if (!ret->isInconclusive() && !ret->condition) break; } } if (settings && ret) { if (ret->isInconclusive() && !settings->inconclusive) return nullptr; if (ret->condition && !settings->isEnabled(Settings::WARNING)) return nullptr; } return ret; } const ValueFlow::Value * Token::getValueGE(const MathLib::bigint val, const Settings *settings) const { if (!mImpl->mValues) return nullptr; const ValueFlow::Value *ret = nullptr; std::list::const_iterator it; for (it = mImpl->mValues->begin(); it != mImpl->mValues->end(); ++it) { if (it->isImpossible()) continue; if (it->isIntValue() && it->intvalue >= val) { if (!ret || ret->isInconclusive() || (ret->condition && !it->isInconclusive())) ret = &(*it); if (!ret->isInconclusive() && !ret->condition) break; } } if (settings && ret) { if (ret->isInconclusive() && !settings->inconclusive) return nullptr; if (ret->condition && !settings->isEnabled(Settings::WARNING)) return nullptr; } return ret; } const ValueFlow::Value * Token::getInvalidValue(const Token *ftok, nonneg int argnr, const Settings *settings) const { if (!mImpl->mValues || !settings) return nullptr; const ValueFlow::Value *ret = nullptr; std::list::const_iterator it; for (it = mImpl->mValues->begin(); it != mImpl->mValues->end(); ++it) { if (it->isImpossible()) continue; if ((it->isIntValue() && !settings->library.isIntArgValid(ftok, argnr, it->intvalue)) || (it->isFloatValue() && !settings->library.isFloatArgValid(ftok, argnr, it->floatValue))) { if (!ret || ret->isInconclusive() || (ret->condition && !it->isInconclusive())) ret = &(*it); if (!ret->isInconclusive() && !ret->condition) break; } } if (ret) { if (ret->isInconclusive() && !settings->inconclusive) return nullptr; if (ret->condition && !settings->isEnabled(Settings::WARNING)) return nullptr; } return ret; } const Token *Token::getValueTokenMinStrSize(const Settings *settings) const { if (!mImpl->mValues) return nullptr; const Token *ret = nullptr; int minsize = INT_MAX; std::list::const_iterator it; for (it = mImpl->mValues->begin(); it != mImpl->mValues->end(); ++it) { if (it->isTokValue() && it->tokvalue && it->tokvalue->tokType() == Token::eString) { const int size = getStrSize(it->tokvalue, settings); if (!ret || size < minsize) { minsize = size; ret = it->tokvalue; } } } return ret; } const Token *Token::getValueTokenMaxStrLength() const { if (!mImpl->mValues) return nullptr; const Token *ret = nullptr; int maxlength = 0; std::list::const_iterator it; for (it = mImpl->mValues->begin(); it != mImpl->mValues->end(); ++it) { if (it->isTokValue() && it->tokvalue && it->tokvalue->tokType() == Token::eString) { const int length = getStrLength(it->tokvalue); if (!ret || length > maxlength) { maxlength = length; ret = it->tokvalue; } } } return ret; } static const Scope *getfunctionscope(const Scope *s) { while (s && s->type != Scope::eFunction) s = s->nestedIn; return s; } const Token *Token::getValueTokenDeadPointer() const { const Scope * const functionscope = getfunctionscope(this->scope()); std::list::const_iterator it; for (it = values().begin(); it != values().end(); ++it) { // Is this a pointer alias? if (!it->isTokValue() || (it->tokvalue && it->tokvalue->str() != "&")) continue; // Get variable const Token *vartok = it->tokvalue->astOperand1(); if (!vartok || !vartok->isName() || !vartok->variable()) continue; const Variable * const var = vartok->variable(); if (var->isStatic() || var->isReference()) continue; if (!var->scope()) return nullptr; // #6804 if (var->scope()->type == Scope::eUnion && var->scope()->nestedIn == this->scope()) continue; // variable must be in same function (not in subfunction) if (functionscope != getfunctionscope(var->scope())) continue; // Is variable defined in this scope or upper scope? const Scope *s = this->scope(); while ((s != nullptr) && (s != var->scope())) s = s->nestedIn; if (!s) return it->tokvalue; } return nullptr; } static bool removeContradiction(std::list& values) { bool result = false; for (ValueFlow::Value& x : values) { if (x.isNonValue()) continue; for (ValueFlow::Value& y : values) { if (y.isNonValue()) continue; if (x == y) continue; if (x.valueType != y.valueType) continue; if (x.isImpossible() == y.isImpossible()) continue; if (!x.equalValue(y)) continue; if (x.bound == y.bound || (x.bound != ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Point && y.bound != ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Point)) { const bool removex = !x.isImpossible() || y.isKnown(); const bool removey = !y.isImpossible() || x.isKnown(); if (removex) values.remove(x); if (removey) values.remove(y); return true; } else if (x.bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Point) { y.decreaseRange(); result = true; } } } return result; } static void removeOverlaps(std::list& values) { for (ValueFlow::Value& x : values) { if (x.isNonValue()) continue; values.remove_if([&](ValueFlow::Value& y) { if (y.isNonValue()) return false; if (&x == &y) return false; if (x.valueType != y.valueType) return false; if (x.valueKind != y.valueKind) return false; // TODO: Remove points coverd in a lower or upper bound // TODO: Remove lower or upper bound already covered by a lower and upper bound if (!x.equalValue(y)) return false; if (x.bound != y.bound) return false; return true; }); } } // Removing contradictions is an NP-hard problem. Instead we run multiple // passes to try to catch most contradictions static void removeContradictions(std::list& values) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (!removeContradiction(values)) return; removeOverlaps(values); } } bool Token::addValue(const ValueFlow::Value &value) { if (value.isKnown() && mImpl->mValues) { // Clear all other values of the same type since value is known mImpl->mValues->remove_if([&](const ValueFlow::Value & x) { return x.valueType == value.valueType; }); } if (mImpl->mValues) { // Don't handle more than 10 values for performance reasons // TODO: add setting? if (mImpl->mValues->size() >= 10U) return false; // if value already exists, don't add it again std::list::iterator it; for (it = mImpl->mValues->begin(); it != mImpl->mValues->end(); ++it) { // different types => continue if (it->valueType != value.valueType) continue; if (it->isImpossible() != value.isImpossible()) continue; // different value => continue bool differentValue = true; switch (it->valueType) { case ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::INT: case ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE: case ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::BUFFER_SIZE: differentValue = (it->intvalue != value.intvalue); break; case ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::TOK: case ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::LIFETIME: differentValue = (it->tokvalue != value.tokvalue); break; case ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::FLOAT: // TODO: Write some better comparison differentValue = (it->floatValue > value.floatValue || it->floatValue < value.floatValue); break; case ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::MOVED: differentValue = (it->moveKind != value.moveKind); break; case ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::UNINIT: differentValue = false; break; } if (differentValue) continue; if ((value.isTokValue() || value.isLifetimeValue()) && (it->tokvalue != value.tokvalue) && (it->tokvalue->str() != value.tokvalue->str())) continue; // same value, but old value is inconclusive so replace it if (it->isInconclusive() && !value.isInconclusive() && !value.isImpossible()) { *it = value; if (it->varId == 0) it->varId = mImpl->mVarId; break; } // Same value already exists, don't add new value return false; } // Add value if (it == mImpl->mValues->end()) { ValueFlow::Value v(value); if (v.varId == 0) v.varId = mImpl->mVarId; if (v.isKnown() && v.isIntValue()) mImpl->mValues->push_front(v); else mImpl->mValues->push_back(v); } } else { ValueFlow::Value v(value); if (v.varId == 0) v.varId = mImpl->mVarId; mImpl->mValues = new std::list(1, v); } removeContradictions(*mImpl->mValues); return true; } void Token::assignProgressValues(Token *tok) { int total_count = 0; for (Token *tok2 = tok; tok2; tok2 = tok2->next()) ++total_count; int count = 0; for (Token *tok2 = tok; tok2; tok2 = tok2->next()) tok2->mImpl->mProgressValue = count++ * 100 / total_count; } void Token::assignIndexes() { int index = (mPrevious ? mPrevious->mImpl->mIndex : 0) + 1; for (Token *tok = this; tok; tok = tok->next()) tok->mImpl->mIndex = index++; } void Token::setValueType(ValueType *vt) { if (vt != mImpl->mValueType) { delete mImpl->mValueType; mImpl->mValueType = vt; } } void Token::type(const ::Type *t) { mImpl->mType = t; if (t) { tokType(eType); isEnumType(mImpl->mType->isEnumType()); } else if (mTokType == eType) tokType(eName); } const ::Type *Token::typeOf(const Token *tok) { if (!tok) return nullptr; if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "return")) { const Scope *scope = tok->scope(); if (!scope) return nullptr; const Function *function = scope->function; if (!function) return nullptr; return function->retType; } else if (Token::Match(tok, "%type%")) { return tok->type(); } else if (Token::Match(tok, "%var%")) { const Variable *var = tok->variable(); if (!var) return nullptr; return var->type(); } else if (Token::Match(tok, "%name%")) { const Function *function = tok->function(); if (!function) return nullptr; return function->retType; } else if (Token::Match(tok->previous(), "%type% (|{")) { return typeOf(tok->previous()); } else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "=")) { return Token::typeOf(tok->astOperand1()); } else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, ".")) { return Token::typeOf(tok->astOperand2()); } else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "[")) { return Token::typeOf(tok->astOperand1()); } return nullptr; } std::pair Token::typeDecl(const Token * tok) { if (!tok) return {}; if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "return")) { const Scope *scope = tok->scope(); if (!scope) return {}; const Function *function = scope->function; if (!function) return {}; return {function->retDef, function->returnDefEnd()}; } else if (Token::Match(tok, "%type%")) { return {tok, tok->next()}; } else if (Token::Match(tok, "%var%")) { const Variable *var = tok->variable(); if (!var) return {}; if (!var->typeStartToken() || !var->typeEndToken()) return {}; if (Token::simpleMatch(var->typeStartToken(), "auto")) { const Token * tok2 = var->declEndToken(); if (Token::Match(tok2, "; %varid% =", var->declarationId())) tok2 = tok2->tokAt(2); if (Token::simpleMatch(tok2, "=") && tok2->astOperand2()) { std::pair r = typeDecl(tok2->astOperand2()); if (r.first) return r; } } return {var->typeStartToken(), var->typeEndToken()->next()}; } else if (Token::Match(tok->previous(), "%name% (")) { const Function *function = tok->previous()->function(); if (!function) return {}; return {function->retDef, function->returnDefEnd()}; } else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "=")) { return Token::typeDecl(tok->astOperand1()); } else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, ".")) { return Token::typeDecl(tok->astOperand2()); } else { const ::Type * t = typeOf(tok); if (!t || !t->classDef) return {}; return {t->classDef->next(), t->classDef->tokAt(2)}; } } std::string Token::typeStr(const Token* tok) { if (tok->valueType()) { const ValueType * vt = tok->valueType(); std::string ret = vt->str(); if (!ret.empty()) return ret; } std::pair r = Token::typeDecl(tok); if (!r.first || !r.second) return ""; return r.first->stringifyList(r.second, false); } void Token::scopeInfo(std::shared_ptr newScopeInfo) { mImpl->mScopeInfo = newScopeInfo; } std::shared_ptr Token::scopeInfo() const { return mImpl->mScopeInfo; } bool Token::hasKnownIntValue() const { if (!mImpl->mValues) return false; return std::any_of(mImpl->mValues->begin(), mImpl->mValues->end(), [](const ValueFlow::Value& value) { return value.isKnown() && value.isIntValue(); }); } bool Token::hasKnownValue() const { return mImpl->mValues && std::any_of(mImpl->mValues->begin(), mImpl->mValues->end(), std::mem_fn(&ValueFlow::Value::isKnown)); } bool Token::isImpossibleIntValue(const MathLib::bigint val) const { if (!mImpl->mValues) return false; for (const auto& v : *mImpl->mValues) { if (v.isIntValue() && v.isImpossible() && v.intvalue == val) return true; if (v.isIntValue() && v.bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Lower && val > v.intvalue) return true; if (v.isIntValue() && v.bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Upper && val < v.intvalue) return true; } return false; } const ValueFlow::Value* Token::getValue(const MathLib::bigint val) const { if (!mImpl->mValues) return nullptr; const auto it = std::find_if(mImpl->mValues->begin(), mImpl->mValues->end(), [=](const ValueFlow::Value& value) { return value.isIntValue() && !value.isImpossible() && value.intvalue == val; }); return it == mImpl->mValues->end() ? nullptr : &*it; } const ValueFlow::Value* Token::getMaxValue(bool condition) const { if (!mImpl->mValues) return nullptr; const ValueFlow::Value* ret = nullptr; for (const ValueFlow::Value& value : *mImpl->mValues) { if (!value.isIntValue()) continue; if (value.isImpossible()) continue; if ((!ret || value.intvalue > ret->intvalue) && ((value.condition != nullptr) == condition)) ret = &value; } return ret; } const ValueFlow::Value* Token::getMovedValue() const { if (!mImpl->mValues) return nullptr; const auto it = std::find_if(mImpl->mValues->begin(), mImpl->mValues->end(), [](const ValueFlow::Value& value) { return value.isMovedValue() && !value.isImpossible() && value.moveKind != ValueFlow::Value::MoveKind::NonMovedVariable; }); return it == mImpl->mValues->end() ? nullptr : &*it; } const ValueFlow::Value* Token::getContainerSizeValue(const MathLib::bigint val) const { if (!mImpl->mValues) return nullptr; const auto it = std::find_if(mImpl->mValues->begin(), mImpl->mValues->end(), [=](const ValueFlow::Value& value) { return value.isContainerSizeValue() && !value.isImpossible() && value.intvalue == val; }); return it == mImpl->mValues->end() ? nullptr : &*it; } TokenImpl::~TokenImpl() { delete mOriginalName; delete mValueType; delete mValues; if (mTemplateSimplifierPointers) for (auto *templateSimplifierPointer : *mTemplateSimplifierPointers) { templateSimplifierPointer->token(nullptr); } delete mTemplateSimplifierPointers; while (mCppcheckAttributes) { struct CppcheckAttributes *c = mCppcheckAttributes; mCppcheckAttributes = mCppcheckAttributes->next; delete c; } } void TokenImpl::setCppcheckAttribute(TokenImpl::CppcheckAttributes::Type type, MathLib::bigint value) { struct CppcheckAttributes *attr = mCppcheckAttributes; while (attr && attr->type != type) attr = attr->next; if (attr) attr->value = value; else { attr = new CppcheckAttributes; attr->type = type; attr->value = value; attr->next = mCppcheckAttributes; mCppcheckAttributes = attr; } } bool TokenImpl::getCppcheckAttribute(TokenImpl::CppcheckAttributes::Type type, MathLib::bigint *value) const { struct CppcheckAttributes *attr = mCppcheckAttributes; while (attr && attr->type != type) attr = attr->next; if (attr) *value = attr->value; return attr != nullptr; }