#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector Files; struct TOKEN { unsigned int FileIndex; char *str; unsigned int linenr; struct TOKEN *next; }; struct TOKEN *tokens, *tokens_back; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Tokenize(const char FileName[]); // Class void CheckConstructors(); void CheckUnusedPrivateFunctions(); void CheckMemset(); // Function void CheckMovableVariableDeclaration(); // Casting void WarningOldStylePointerCast(); // Headers.. void WarningHeaderWithImplementation(); void WarningIncludeHeader(); // Use standard functions instead void WarningIsDigit(); // Redundant code void WarningRedundantCode(); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void CppCheck(const char FileName[]); int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 2) { std::cout << "Syntax:\n checkcode filename\n"; return 0; } CppCheck(argv[argc - 1]); return 0; } static void CppCheck(const char FileName[]) { tokens = tokens_back = NULL; Files.clear(); Tokenize(FileName); //std::ofstream f("tokens.txt"); //for (TOKEN *tok = tokens; tok; tok = tok->next) // f << tok->linenr << ":" << tok->str << '\n'; //f.close(); // Check that all class constructors are ok. // Temporarily inactivated to avoid any false positives //CheckConstructors(); // Check that all private functions are called. // Temporarily inactivated to avoid any false positives //CheckUnusedPrivateFunctions(); // Check that the memsets are valid. // This function can do dangerous things if used wrong. CheckMemset(); WarningHeaderWithImplementation(); // Warning upon c-style pointer casts WarningOldStylePointerCast(); // Use standard functions instead WarningIsDigit(); // Including header //WarningIncludeHeader(); // if (a) delete a; WarningRedundantCode(); // Clean up tokens.. while (tokens) { TOKEN *next = tokens->next; free(tokens->str); delete tokens; tokens = next; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void addtoken(const char str[], const unsigned int lineno, const unsigned int fileno) { if (str[0] == 0) return; TOKEN *newtoken = new TOKEN; memset(newtoken, 0, sizeof(TOKEN)); newtoken->str = strdup(str); newtoken->linenr = lineno; newtoken->FileIndex = fileno; if (tokens_back) { tokens_back->next = newtoken; tokens_back = newtoken; } else { tokens = tokens_back = newtoken; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void combine_2tokens(TOKEN *tok, const char str1[], const char str2[]) { if (!(tok && tok->next)) return; if (strcmp(tok->str,str1) || strcmp(tok->next->str,str2)) return; free(tok->str); free(tok->next->str); tok->str = static_cast(malloc(strlen(str1)+strlen(str2)+1)); strcpy(tok->str, str1); strcat(tok->str, str2); TOKEN *toknext = tok->next; tok->next = toknext->next; delete toknext; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Tokenize(const char FileName[]) { std::ifstream fin(FileName); if (!fin.is_open()) return; unsigned int CurrentFile = Files.size(); Files.push_back(FileName); unsigned int lineno = 1; char CurrentToken[100]; memset(CurrentToken, 0, sizeof(CurrentToken)); char *pToken = CurrentToken; for (char ch = (char)fin.get(); !fin.eof(); ch = (char)fin.get()) { if (ch == '#' && !CurrentToken[0]) { std::string line; getline(fin,line); line = "#" + line; if (strncmp(line.c_str(),"#include",8)==0 && line.find("\"") != std::string::npos) { // Extract the filename line.erase(0, line.find("\"")+1); line.erase(line.find("\"")); } // Relative path.. if (strchr(FileName,'\\')) { char path[1000]; memset(path,0,sizeof(path)); const char *p = strrchr(FileName, '\\'); memcpy(path, FileName, p-FileName+1); line = path + line; } addtoken("#include", lineno, CurrentFile); addtoken(line.c_str(), lineno, CurrentFile); Tokenize(line.c_str()); lineno++; continue; } if (ch == '\n') { // Add current token.. addtoken(CurrentToken, lineno++, CurrentFile); memset(CurrentToken, 0, sizeof(CurrentToken)); pToken = CurrentToken; continue; } // Comments.. if (ch == '/' && !fin.eof()) { // Add current token.. addtoken(CurrentToken, lineno, CurrentFile); memset(CurrentToken, 0, sizeof(CurrentToken)); pToken = CurrentToken; // Read next character.. ch = (char)fin.get(); // If '//'.. if (ch == '/') { while (!fin.eof() && (char)fin.get()!='\n'); lineno++; continue; } // If '/*'.. if (ch == '*') { char chPrev; ch = chPrev = 'A'; while (!fin.eof() && (chPrev!='*' || ch!='/')) { chPrev = ch; ch = (char)fin.get(); if (ch == '\n') lineno++; } continue; } // Not a comment.. add token.. addtoken("/", lineno, CurrentFile); } // char.. if (ch == '\'') { // Add previous token addtoken(CurrentToken, lineno, CurrentFile); memset(CurrentToken, 0, sizeof(CurrentToken)); // Read this .. CurrentToken[0] = ch; CurrentToken[1] = (char)fin.get(); CurrentToken[2] = (char)fin.get(); if (CurrentToken[1] == '\\') CurrentToken[3] = (char)fin.get(); // Add token and start on next.. addtoken(CurrentToken, lineno, CurrentFile); memset(CurrentToken, 0, sizeof(CurrentToken)); pToken = CurrentToken; continue; } // String.. if (ch == '\"') { addtoken(CurrentToken, lineno, CurrentFile); memset(CurrentToken, 0, sizeof(CurrentToken)); pToken = CurrentToken; bool special = false; char c = ch; do { // Append token.. *pToken = c; pToken++; // Special sequence '\.' if (special) special = false; else special = (c == '\\'); // Get next character c = (char)fin.get(); } while (special || c != '\"'); *pToken = '\"'; addtoken(CurrentToken, lineno, CurrentFile); memset(CurrentToken, 0, sizeof(CurrentToken)); pToken = CurrentToken; continue; } if (strchr("+-*/%&|^?!=<>[](){};:,.",ch)) { addtoken(CurrentToken, lineno, CurrentFile); memset(CurrentToken, 0, sizeof(CurrentToken)); CurrentToken[0] = ch; addtoken(CurrentToken, lineno, CurrentFile); memset(CurrentToken, 0, sizeof(CurrentToken)); pToken = CurrentToken; continue; } if (std::isspace(ch) || std::iscntrl(ch)) { addtoken(CurrentToken, lineno, CurrentFile); pToken = CurrentToken; memset(CurrentToken, 0, sizeof(CurrentToken)); continue; } *pToken = ch; pToken++; } // Combine tokens.. for (TOKEN *tok = tokens; tok && tok->next; tok = tok->next) { combine_2tokens(tok, "<", "<"); combine_2tokens(tok, ">", ">"); combine_2tokens(tok, "&", "&"); combine_2tokens(tok, "|", "|"); combine_2tokens(tok, "+", "="); combine_2tokens(tok, "-", "="); combine_2tokens(tok, "*", "="); combine_2tokens(tok, "/", "="); combine_2tokens(tok, "&", "="); combine_2tokens(tok, "|", "="); combine_2tokens(tok, "=", "="); combine_2tokens(tok, "!", "="); combine_2tokens(tok, "<", "="); combine_2tokens(tok, ">", "="); combine_2tokens(tok, ":", ":"); combine_2tokens(tok, "-", ">"); combine_2tokens(tok, "private", ":"); combine_2tokens(tok, "protected", ":"); combine_2tokens(tok, "public", ":"); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ReportErr(const std::string errmsg) { std::cerr << errmsg << std::endl; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool IsName(const char str[]) { return (str[0]=='_' || isalpha(str[0])); } TOKEN *findtoken(TOKEN *tok1, const char *tokenstr[]) { for (TOKEN *ret = tok1; ret; ret = ret->next) { unsigned int i = 0; TOKEN *tok = ret; while (tokenstr[i]) { if (!tok) return NULL; if (*(tokenstr[i]) && strcmp(tokenstr[i],tok->str)) break; tok = tok->next; i++; } if (!tokenstr[i]) return ret; } return NULL; } static bool match(TOKEN *tok, const std::string pattern) { if (!tok) return false; const char *p = pattern.c_str(); while (*p) { char str[50]; char *s = str; while (*p==' ') p++; while (*p && *p!=' ') { *s = *p; s++; p++; } *s = 0; if (str[0] == 0) return true; if (strcmp(str,"var")==0 || strcmp(str,"type")==0) { if (!IsName(tok->str)) return false; } else if (strcmp(str,"num")==0) { if (!isdigit(tok->str[0])) return false; } else if (strcmp(str, tok->str) != 0) return false; tok = tok->next; if (!tok) return false; } return true; } TOKEN *gettok(TOKEN *tok, int index) { while (tok && index>0) { tok = tok->next; index--; } return tok; } const char *getstr(TOKEN *tok, int index) { tok = gettok(tok, index); return tok ? tok->str : ""; } std::string FileLine(TOKEN *tok) { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << "[" << Files[tok->FileIndex] << ":" << tok->linenr << "]"; return ostr.str(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct VAR { bool is_class; const char *name; bool init; bool is_pointer; struct VAR *next; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct VAR *ClassChecking_GetVarList(const char classname[]) { // Locate class.. const char *pattern[] = {"class","","{",NULL}; pattern[1] = classname; TOKEN *tok1 = findtoken(tokens, pattern); // All classes.. struct _class { const char *name; struct _class *next; }; struct _class *classes = NULL; const char *pattern_anyclass[] = {"class","",NULL}; for (TOKEN *t = findtoken(tokens,pattern_anyclass); t; t = findtoken(t->next,pattern_anyclass)) { _class *newclass = new _class; newclass->name = t->next->str; newclass->next = classes; classes = newclass; } // Get variable list.. bool is_class = false; bool is_pointer = false; struct VAR *varlist = NULL; unsigned int indentlevel = 0; for (TOKEN *tok = tok1; tok; tok = tok->next) { if (!tok->next) break; if (tok->str[0] == '{') indentlevel++; if (tok->str[0] == '}') { if (indentlevel <= 1) break; indentlevel--; } if (strchr(";{}", tok->str[0])) is_class = is_pointer = false; else if (IsName(tok->str)) { for (_class *c = classes; c; c = c->next) is_class |= (strcmp(c->name, tok->str) == 0); } if (tok->str[0] == '*') is_pointer = true; // Member variable? if ((indentlevel == 1) && (tok->next->str[0] == ';') && (IsName(tok->str)) && (strcmp(tok->str,"const") != 0 )) { struct VAR *var = new VAR; memset(var, 0, sizeof(struct VAR)); var->name = tok->str; var->next = varlist; var->is_class = is_class; var->is_pointer = is_pointer; varlist = var; } } while (classes) { _class *next = classes->next; delete classes; classes = next; } return varlist; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOKEN * ClassChecking_VarList_RemoveAssigned(TOKEN *_tokens, struct VAR *varlist, const char classname[], const char funcname[]) { // Locate class member function const char *pattern[] = {"","::","","(",NULL}; pattern[0] = classname; pattern[2] = funcname; // Locate member function implementation.. TOKEN *ftok = findtoken(_tokens, pattern); if (!ftok) return NULL; bool BeginLine = false; bool Assign = false; unsigned int indentlevel = 0; for (; ftok; ftok = ftok->next) { if (!ftok->next) break; // Class constructor.. initializing variables like this // clKalle::clKalle() : var(value) { } if (indentlevel==0 && strcmp(classname,funcname)==0) { if (Assign && IsName(ftok->str) && ftok->next->str[0]=='(') { for (struct VAR *var = varlist; var; var = var->next) { if (strcmp(var->name,ftok->str)) continue; var->init = true; break; } } Assign |= (ftok->str[0] == ':'); } if (ftok->str[0] == '{') { indentlevel++; Assign = false; } if (ftok->str[0] == '}') { if (indentlevel <= 1) break; indentlevel--; } if (BeginLine && indentlevel>=1 && IsName(ftok->str)) { // Clearing all variables.. if (match(ftok,"memset ( this ,")) { for (struct VAR *var = varlist; var; var = var->next) var->init = true; } // Calling member function? if (ftok->next->str[0] == '(') ClassChecking_VarList_RemoveAssigned(tokens, varlist, classname, ftok->str); // Assignment of member variable? if (strcmp(ftok->next->str, "=") == 0) { for (struct VAR *var = varlist; var; var = var->next) { if (strcmp(var->name,ftok->str)) continue; var->init = true; break; } } // Calling member function.. if (strcmp(ftok->next->str,".")==0 || strcmp(ftok->next->str,"->")==0) { // The functions 'clear' and 'Clear' are supposed to initialize variable. if (stricmp(ftok->next->next->str,"clear") == 0) { for (struct VAR *var = varlist; var; var = var->next) { if (strcmp(var->name,ftok->str)) continue; var->init = true; break; } } } } BeginLine = (strchr("{};", ftok->str[0])); } return ftok; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check that all class constructors are ok. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CheckConstructors() { // Locate class const char *pattern_classname[] = {"class","","{",NULL}; TOKEN *tok1 = findtoken(tokens, pattern_classname); while (tok1) { const char *classname = tok1->next->str; // Are there a class constructor? const char *pattern_constructor[] = {"clKalle","::","clKalle","(",NULL}; pattern_constructor[0] = classname; pattern_constructor[2] = classname; if (!findtoken(tokens,pattern_constructor)) { // There's no class implementation, it must be somewhere else. tok1 = findtoken( tok1->next, pattern_classname ); continue; } // Check that all member variables are initialized.. struct VAR *varlist = ClassChecking_GetVarList(classname); ClassChecking_VarList_RemoveAssigned(tokens, varlist, classname, classname); // Check if any variables are uninitialized for (struct VAR *var = varlist; var; var = var->next) { if (!var->init && (var->is_pointer || !var->is_class)) { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << "Uninitialized member variable '" << classname << "::" << var->name << "'"; ReportErr(ostr.str()); } } // Delete the varlist.. while (varlist) { struct VAR *nextvar = varlist->next; delete varlist; varlist = nextvar; } tok1 = findtoken( tok1->next, pattern_classname ); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check: Unused private functions //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CheckUnusedPrivateFunctions() { // Locate some class const char *pattern_class[] = {"class","","{",NULL}; for (TOKEN *tok1 = findtoken(tokens, pattern_class); tok1; tok1 = findtoken(tok1->next, pattern_class)) { const char *classname = tok1->next->str; // Get private functions.. std::list FuncList; FuncList.clear(); bool priv = false; unsigned int indent_level = 0; for (TOKEN *tok = tok1; tok; tok = tok->next) { if (tok->str[0] == '{') indent_level++; if (tok->str[0] == '}') { if (indent_level <= 1) break; indent_level--; } if (strcmp(tok->str,"};") == 0) break; if (strcmp(tok->str,"private:") == 0) priv = true; else if (strcmp(tok->str,"public:") == 0) priv = false; else if (strcmp(tok->str,"protected:") == 0) priv = false; else if (priv && indent_level == 1) { if (isalpha(tok->str[0]) && tok->next->str[0]=='(') FuncList.push_back(tok->str); } } // Check that all private functions are used.. const char *pattern_function[] = {"","::",NULL}; pattern_function[0] = classname; bool HasFuncImpl = false; for (TOKEN *ftok = findtoken(tokens, pattern_function); ftok; ftok = findtoken(ftok->next,pattern_function)) { int numpar = 0; while (ftok && ftok->str[0]!=';' && ftok->str[0]!='{') { if (ftok->str[0] == '(') numpar++; else if (ftok->str[0] == ')') numpar--; ftok = ftok->next; } if (!ftok) break; if (ftok->str[0] == ';') continue; if (numpar != 0) continue; HasFuncImpl = true; indent_level = 0; while (ftok) { if (ftok->str[0] == '{') indent_level++; if (ftok->str[0] == '}') { if (indent_level<=1) break; indent_level--; } if (ftok->next && ftok->next->str[0] == '(') FuncList.remove(ftok->str); ftok = ftok->next; } } while (HasFuncImpl && !FuncList.empty()) { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << "Class '" << classname << "', unused private function: '" << FuncList.front() << "'"; ReportErr(ostr.str()); FuncList.pop_front(); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class: Check that memset is not used on classes //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CheckMemset() { // Locate all 'memset' tokens.. for (TOKEN *tok = tokens; tok; tok = tok->next) { if (strcmp(tok->str,"memset")!=0) continue; const char *type = NULL; if (match(tok, "memset ( var , num , sizeof ( type ) )")) type = getstr(tok, 8); else if (match(tok, "memset ( & var , num , sizeof ( type ) )")) type = getstr(tok, 9); else if (match(tok, "memset ( var , num , sizeof ( struct type ) )")) type = getstr(tok, 9); else if (match(tok, "memset ( & var , num , sizeof ( struct type ) )")) type = getstr(tok, 10); // No type defined => The tokens didn't match if (!(type && type[0])) continue; // It will be assumed that memset can be used upon 'this'. // Todo: Check this too if (strcmp(getstr(tok,2),"this") == 0) continue; // Warn if type is a class.. const char *pattern1[] = {"class","",NULL}; pattern1[1] = type; if (findtoken(tokens,pattern1)) { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << FileLine(tok) << ": Using 'memset' on class."; ReportErr(ostr.str()); } // Warn if type is a struct that contains any std::* const char *pattern2[] = {"struct","","{",NULL}; pattern2[1] = type; for (TOKEN *tstruct = findtoken(tokens, pattern2); tstruct; tstruct = tstruct->next) { if (tstruct->str[0] == '}') break; if (match(tstruct, "std :: type var ;")) { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << FileLine(tok) << ": Using 'memset' on struct that contains a 'std::" << getstr(tstruct,2) << "'"; ReportErr(ostr.str()); break; } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // HEADERS - No implementation in a header //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WarningHeaderWithImplementation() { for (TOKEN *tok = tokens; tok; tok = tok->next) { // Only interested in included file if (tok->FileIndex == 0) continue; if (match(tok, ") {")) { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << FileLine(tok) << ": Found implementation in header"; ReportErr(ostr.str()); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Warning on C-Style casts.. p = (kalle *)foo; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WarningOldStylePointerCast() { for (TOKEN *tok = tokens; tok; tok = tok->next) { // Old style pointer casting.. if (!match(tok, "( type * ) var")) continue; // Is "type" a class? const char *pattern[] = {"class","",NULL}; pattern[1] = getstr(tok, 1); if (!findtoken(tokens, pattern)) continue; std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << FileLine(tok) << ": C-style pointer casting"; ReportErr(ostr.str()); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Use standard function "isdigit" instead //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WarningIsDigit() { for (TOKEN *tok = tokens; tok; tok = tok->next) { bool err = false; err |= match(tok, "var >= '0' && var <= '9'"); err |= match(tok, "* var >= '0' && * var <= '9'"); err |= match(tok, "( var >= '0' ) && ( var <= '9' )"); err |= match(tok, "( * var >= '0' ) && ( * var <= '9' )"); if (err) { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << FileLine(tok) << ": The condition can be simplified; use 'isdigit'"; ReportErr(ostr.str()); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WarningIncludeHeader() { // Including.. for (TOKEN *includetok = tokens; includetok; includetok = includetok->next) { if (strcmp(includetok->str, "#include") != 0) continue; // Get fileindex of included file.. unsigned int hfile = 0; const char *includefile = includetok->next->str; while (hfile < Files.size()) { if (stricmp(Files[hfile].c_str(), includefile) == 0) break; hfile++; } if (hfile == Files.size()) continue; // This header is needed if: // * It contains some needed class declaration // * It contains some needed function declaration // * It contains some needed constant value // * It contains some needed variable // * It contains some needed enum bool Needed = false; bool NeedDeclaration = false; int indentlevel = 0; for (TOKEN *tok1 = tokens; tok1; tok1 = tok1->next) { if (tok1->FileIndex != hfile) continue; if (!tok1->next) continue; if (!tok1->next->next) continue; // I'm only interested in stuff that is declared at indentlevel 0 if (tok1->str[0] == '{') indentlevel++; if (tok1->str[0] == '}') indentlevel--; if (indentlevel != 0) continue; // Class or namespace declaration.. if (match(tok1,"class var {") || match(tok1,"class var :") || match(tok1,"namespace var {")) { std::string classname = getstr(tok1, 1); // Try to find class usage in "parent" file.. for (TOKEN *tok2 = tokens; tok2; tok2 = tok2->next) { if (tok2->FileIndex != includetok->FileIndex) continue; // Inheritage.. Needed |= match(tok2, "class var : " + classname); Needed |= match(tok2, "class var : type " + classname); // Allocating.. Needed |= match(tok2, "new " + classname); // Using class.. Needed |= match(tok2, classname + " ::"); Needed |= match(tok2, classname + " var"); NeedDeclaration |= match(tok2, classname + " *"); } if (Needed | NeedDeclaration) break; } // Variable.. std::string varname = ""; if (match(tok1, "type var ;") || match(tok1, "type var [")) varname = getstr(tok1, 1); if (match(tok1, "type * var ;") || match(tok1, "type * var [")) varname = getstr(tok1, 2); if (!varname.empty()) { for (TOKEN *tok2 = tokens; tok2; tok2 = tok2->next) { if (tok2->FileIndex != includetok->FileIndex) continue; NeedDeclaration |= (tok2->str == varname); Needed |= match(tok2, varname + " ."); Needed |= match(tok2, varname + " ->"); Needed |= match(tok2, varname + " ="); } if (Needed | NeedDeclaration) break; } // enum if (match(tok1,"enum var {")) { std::string enumname = getstr(tok1, 1); // Try to find enum usage in "parent" file.. for (TOKEN *tok2 = tokens; tok2; tok2 = tok2->next) { if (tok2->FileIndex != includetok->FileIndex) continue; Needed |= (enumname == tok2->str); } if (Needed) break; } } // Not a header file? if (includetok->FileIndex == 0) Needed |= NeedDeclaration; // Not needed! if (!Needed) { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << FileLine(includetok) << ": The included header '" << includefile << "' is not needed"; if (NeedDeclaration) ostr << " (but a declaration in it is needed)"; ReportErr(ostr.str()); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void WarningRedundantCode() { for (TOKEN *tok = tokens; tok; tok = tok->next) { if (strcmp(tok->str,"if")) continue; const char *varname1 = NULL; TOKEN *tok2 = NULL; if (match(tok,"if ( var )")) { varname1 = getstr(tok, 2); tok2 = gettok(tok, 4); } else if (match(tok,"if ( var != NULL )")) { varname1 = getstr(tok, 2); tok2 = gettok(tok, 6); } if (varname1==NULL || tok2==NULL) continue; bool err = false; if (match(tok2,"delete var ;")) err = (strcmp(getstr(tok2,1),varname1)==0); else if (match(tok2,"{ delete var ; }")) err = (strcmp(getstr(tok2,2),varname1)==0); else if (match(tok2,"free ( var )")) err = (strcmp(getstr(tok2,2),varname1)==0); else if (match(tok2,"{ free ( var ) ; }")) err = (strcmp(getstr(tok2,3),varname1)==0); if (err) { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << FileLine(tok) << ": Redundant condition. It is safe to deallocate a NULL pointer"; ReportErr(ostr.str()); } } }