# Some convenient links: # - https://github.com/actions/virtual-environments/blob/master/images/win/Windows2019-Readme.md # name: CI-windows on: push: branches: - 'main' - 'releases/**' tags: - '2.*' pull_request: permissions: contents: read defaults: run: shell: cmd # TODO: choose/add a step to bail out on compiler warnings (maybe even the release build) jobs: build_qt: strategy: matrix: os: [windows-2019, windows-2022] qt_ver: [5.15.2, 6.2.4, 6.5.3] fail-fast: false runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Set up Visual Studio environment uses: ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd@v1 with: arch: x64 - name: Install Qt ${{ matrix.qt_ver }} uses: jurplel/install-qt-action@v3 with: version: ${{ matrix.qt_ver }} modules: 'qtcharts' cache: true - name: Build GUI release (qmake) if: startsWith(matrix.qt_ver, '5') run: | cd gui || exit /b !errorlevel! qmake HAVE_QCHART=yes || exit /b !errorlevel! nmake release || exit /b !errorlevel! env: CL: /MP - name: Deploy GUI if: startsWith(matrix.qt_ver, '5') run: | windeployqt Build\gui || exit /b !errorlevel! del Build\gui\cppcheck-gui.ilk || exit /b !errorlevel! del Build\gui\cppcheck-gui.pdb || exit /b !errorlevel! - name: Build GUI release (CMake) if: startsWith(matrix.qt_ver, '6') run: | cmake -S . -B build -DBUILD_GUI=On -DUSE_QT6=On -DWITH_QCHART=On || exit /b !errorlevel! cmake --build build --target cppcheck-gui || exit /b !errorlevel! # TODO: deploy with CMake/Qt6 build: strategy: matrix: os: [windows-2019, windows-2022] config: [debug, release] fail-fast: false runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} env: # see https://www.pcre.org/original/changelog.txt PCRE_VERSION: 8.45 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Set up Python 3.12 if: matrix.config == 'release' uses: actions/setup-python@v4 with: python-version: '3.12' check-latest: true - name: Set up Visual Studio environment uses: ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd@v1 with: arch: x64 - name: Cache PCRE id: cache-pcre uses: actions/cache@v3 with: path: | externals\pcre.h externals\pcre.lib externals\pcre64.lib key: pcre-${{ env.PCRE_VERSION }}-x64-bin-win - name: Download PCRE if: steps.cache-pcre.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' run: | curl -fsSL https://github.com/pfultz2/pcre/archive/refs/tags/%PCRE_VERSION%.zip -o pcre-%PCRE_VERSION%.zip || exit /b !errorlevel! - name: Install PCRE if: steps.cache-pcre.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' run: | 7z x pcre-%PCRE_VERSION%.zip || exit /b !errorlevel! cd pcre-%PCRE_VERSION% || exit /b !errorlevel! cmake . -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPCRE_BUILD_PCRECPP=Off -DPCRE_BUILD_TESTS=Off -DPCRE_BUILD_PCREGREP=Off || exit /b !errorlevel! nmake || exit /b !errorlevel! copy pcre.h ..\externals || exit /b !errorlevel! copy pcre.lib ..\externals\pcre64.lib || exit /b !errorlevel! env: CL: /MP - name: Install missing Python packages if: matrix.config == 'release' run: | python -m pip install pip --upgrade || exit /b !errorlevel! python -m pip install pytest || exit /b !errorlevel! python -m pip install pytest-custom_exit_code || exit /b !errorlevel! python -m pip install pytest-timeout || exit /b !errorlevel! - name: Run CMake if: false # TODO: enable run: | cmake -S . -B build -DBUILD_TESTS=On || exit /b !errorlevel! - name: Build CLI debug configuration using MSBuild if: matrix.config == 'debug' run: | :: cmake --build build --target check --config Debug || exit /b !errorlevel! msbuild -m cppcheck.sln /p:Configuration=Debug-PCRE;Platform=x64 -maxcpucount || exit /b !errorlevel! - name: Run Debug test if: matrix.config == 'debug' run: .\bin\debug\testrunner.exe || exit /b !errorlevel! - name: Build CLI release configuration using MSBuild if: matrix.config == 'release' run: | :: cmake --build build --target check --config Release || exit /b !errorlevel! msbuild -m cppcheck.sln /p:Configuration=Release-PCRE;Platform=x64 -maxcpucount || exit /b !errorlevel! - name: Run Release test if: matrix.config == 'release' run: .\bin\testrunner.exe || exit /b !errorlevel! - name: Run test/cli if: matrix.config == 'release' run: | :: since FILESDIR is not set copy the binary to the root so the addons are found :: copy .\build\bin\Release\cppcheck.exe .\cppcheck.exe || exit /b !errorlevel! copy .\bin\cppcheck.exe .\cppcheck.exe || exit /b !errorlevel! copy .\bin\cppcheck-core.dll .\cppcheck-core.dll || exit /b !errorlevel! cd test/cli || exit /b !errorlevel! :: python -m pytest -Werror --strict-markers -vv --suppress-no-test-exit-code test-clang-import.py || exit /b !errorlevel! python -m pytest -Werror --strict-markers -vv test-helloworld.py || exit /b !errorlevel! python -m pytest -Werror --strict-markers -vv test-inline-suppress.py || exit /b !errorlevel! python -m pytest -Werror --strict-markers -vv test-more-projects.py || exit /b !errorlevel! python -m pytest -Werror --strict-markers -vv test-other.py || exit /b !errorlevel! python -m pytest -Werror --strict-markers -vv test-proj2.py || exit /b !errorlevel! python -m pytest -Werror --strict-markers -vv test-suppress-syntaxError.py || exit /b !errorlevel! - name: Test addons if: matrix.config == 'release' run: | .\cppcheck --addon=threadsafety addons\test\threadsafety || exit /b !errorlevel! .\cppcheck --addon=threadsafety --std=c++03 addons\test\threadsafety || exit /b !errorlevel! .\cppcheck --addon=misra --enable=style --inline-suppr --enable=information --error-exitcode=1 addons\test\misra\misra-ctu-*-test.c || exit /b !errorlevel! cd addons\test rem We'll force C89 standard to enable an additional verification for rem rules 5.4 and 5.5 which have standard-dependent options. ..\..\cppcheck --dump -DDUMMY --suppress=uninitvar --inline-suppr misra\misra-test.c --std=c89 --platform=unix64 || exit /b !errorlevel! python3 ..\misra.py -verify misra\misra-test.c.dump || exit /b !errorlevel! rem TODO: do we need to verify something here? ..\..\cppcheck --dump -DDUMMY --suppress=uninitvar --suppress=uninitStructMember --std=c89 misra\misra-test.h || exit /b !errorlevel! ..\..\cppcheck --dump misra\misra-test.cpp || exit /b !errorlevel! python3 ..\misra.py -verify misra\misra-test.cpp.dump || exit /b !errorlevel! python3 ..\misra.py --rule-texts=misra\misra2012_rules_dummy_ascii.txt -verify misra\misra-test.cpp.dump || exit /b !errorlevel! python3 ..\misra.py --rule-texts=misra\misra2012_rules_dummy_utf8.txt -verify misra\misra-test.cpp.dump || exit /b !errorlevel! python3 ..\misra.py --rule-texts=misra\misra2012_rules_dummy_windows1250.txt -verify misra\misra-test.cpp.dump || exit /b !errorlevel! ..\..\cppcheck --addon=misra --enable=style --platform=avr8 --error-exitcode=1 misra\misra-test-avr8.c || exit /b !errorlevel! ..\..\cppcheck --dump misc-test.cpp || exit /b !errorlevel! python3 ..\misc.py -verify misc-test.cpp.dump || exit /b !errorlevel! ..\..\cppcheck --dump naming_test.c || exit /b !errorlevel! rem TODO: fix this - does not fail on Linux rem python3 ..\naming.py --var='[a-z].*' --function='[a-z].*' naming_test.c.dump || exit /b !errorlevel! ..\..\cppcheck --dump naming_test.cpp || exit /b !errorlevel! python3 ..\naming.py --var='[a-z].*' --function='[a-z].*' naming_test.cpp.dump || exit /b !errorlevel! ..\..\cppcheck --dump namingng_test.c || exit /b !errorlevel! python3 ..\namingng.py --configfile ..\naming.json --verify namingng_test.c.dump || exit /b !errorlevel!