 * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis
 * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Daniel Marjamäki and Cppcheck team.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/

#include "testsuite.h"
#include "../src/tokenize.h"
#include <sstream>

extern std::ostringstream errout;

// A test tokenizer where protected functions are made public
class OpenTokenizer : public Tokenizer
    OpenTokenizer(const char code[]) : Tokenizer()
        std::istringstream istr(code);
        tokenize(istr, "test.cpp");

    virtual ~OpenTokenizer()
    { }

    bool elseif_()
        return elseif();

class TestSimplifyTokens : public TestFixture
    TestSimplifyTokens() : TestFixture("TestSimplifyTokens")
    { }


    void run()
        TEST_CASE(paranthesesVar);      // Remove redundant parantheses around variable .. "( %var% )"






        // Assignment in condition..

        // "if(0==x)" => "if(!x)"

        // Simplify "not" to "!" (#345)

    std::string tok(const char code[])
        std::istringstream istr(code);
        Tokenizer tokenizer;
        tokenizer.tokenize(istr, "test.cpp");
        std::string ret;
        for (const Token *tok = tokenizer.tokens(); tok; tok = tok->next())
            ret += tok->str() + " ";

        return ret;

    void cast0()
        const char code1[] = " if ( p == (char *)0 ) ";
        const char code2[] = " if ( p == 0 ) ";
        ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code1), tok(code2));

    void cast1()
        const char code[] = "return (unsigned char *)str;";
        const char expected[] = "return str;";
        ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(expected), tok(code));

    void iftruefalse()
            const char code1[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = false; if( use ) { a=0; } else {a=1;} } ";
            const char code2[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = false; {a=1;} } ";
            ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code1));

            const char code1[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = true; if( use ) { a=0; } else {a=1;} } ";
            const char code2[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = true; { a=0; } } ";
            ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code1));

            const char code1[] = " void f() { int a; int use = 5; if( use ) { a=0; } else {a=1;} } ";
            const char code2[] = " void f() { int a; int use = 5; { a=0; } } ";
            ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code1));

            const char code1[] = " void f() { int a; int use = 0; if( use ) { a=0; } else {a=1;} } ";
            const char code2[] = " void f() { int a; int use = 0; {a=1;} } ";
            ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code1));

            const char code1[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = false; if( use ) a=0; else a=1; int c=1; } ";
            const char code2[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = false; { a=1; } int c=1; } ";
            ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code1));

            const char code1[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = true; if( use ) a=0; else a=1; int c=1; } ";
            const char code2[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = true; { a=0; } int c=1; } ";
            ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code1));

            const char code1[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = false; if( use ) a=0; else if( bb ) a=1; int c=1; } ";
            const char code2[] = " void f ( ) { int a ; bool use ; use = false ; { if ( bb ) { a = 1 ; } } int c ; c = 1 ; } ";
            ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code1));

            const char code1[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = true; if( use ) a=0; else if( bb ) a=1; int c=1; } ";
            const char code2[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = true; { a=0;} int c=1; } ";
            ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code1));

            const char code1[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = true; if( use ) a=0; else if( bb ) a=1; else if( cc ) a=33; else { gg = 0; } int c=1; } ";
            const char code2[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = true; { a=0; }int c=1; } ";
            ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code1));

            const char code1[] = " void f() { if( aa ) { a=0; } else if( true ) a=1; else { a=2; } } ";
            const char code2[] = " void f ( ) { if ( aa ) { a = 0 ; } else { { a = 1 ; } } } ";
            ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code1));

            const char code1[] = " void f() { if( aa ) { a=0; } else if( false ) a=1; else { a=2; } } ";
            const char code2[] = " void f ( ) { if ( aa ) { a = 0 ; } else { { a = 2 ; } } } ";
            ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code1));

    void combine_strings()
        const char code1[] =  "void foo()\n"
                              "const char *a =\n"
                              "\"hello \"\n"

        const char code2[] =  "void foo()\n"
                              "const char *a =\n"
                              "\"hello world\"\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code1));

    void combine_wstrings()
        const char code1[] =  "void foo()\n"
                              "const wchar_t *a =\n"
                              "L\"hello \"\n"

        const char code2[] =  "void foo()\n"
                              "const wchar_t *a =\n"
                              "\"hello world\"\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code1));

    void double_plus()
            const char code1[] =  "void foo( int a )\n"
            ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a ) { a ++ ; a -- ; ++ a ; -- a ; } ", tok(code1));
            const char code1[] =  "void foo( int a )\n"
            ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a ) { a = a + a ; } ", tok(code1));
            const char code1[] =  "void foo( int a, int b )\n"
            ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a , int b ) { a = a ++ + b ; } ", tok(code1));
            const char code1[] =  "void foo( int a, int b )\n"
            ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a , int b ) { a = a -- - b ; } ", tok(code1));
            const char code1[] =  "void foo( int a, int b )\n"
            ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a , int b ) { a = a -- + b ; } ", tok(code1));
            const char code1[] =  "void foo( int a, int b )\n"
            ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a , int b ) { a = a ++ - b ; } ", tok(code1));
            const char code1[] =  "void foo( int a, int b )\n"
            ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a , int b ) { a = a + -- b ; } ", tok(code1));
            const char code1[] =  "void foo( int a, int b )\n"
            ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a , int b ) { a = a - ++ b ; } ", tok(code1));

    void redundant_plus()
            const char code1[] =  "void foo( int a, int b )\n"
                                  "a=a + + b;\n"
            ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a , int b ) { a = a + b ; } ", tok(code1));
            const char code1[] =  "void foo( int a, int b )\n"
                                  "a=a + + + b;\n"
            ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a , int b ) { a = a + b ; } ", tok(code1));
            const char code1[] =  "void foo( int a, int b )\n"
                                  "a=a + - b;\n"
            ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a , int b ) { a = a - b ; } ", tok(code1));
            const char code1[] =  "void foo( int a, int b )\n"
                                  "a=a - + b;\n"
            ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a , int b ) { a = a - b ; } ", tok(code1));
            const char code1[] =  "void foo( int a, int b )\n"
                                  "a=a - - b;\n"
            ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a , int b ) { a = a + b ; } ", tok(code1));
            const char code1[] =  "void foo( int a, int b )\n"
                                  "a=a - + - b;\n"
            ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a , int b ) { a = a + b ; } ", tok(code1));
            const char code1[] =  "void foo( int a, int b )\n"
                                  "a=a - - - b;\n"
            ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a , int b ) { a = a - b ; } ", tok(code1));

    void parantheses1()
        const char code1[] = "<= (10+100);";
        ASSERT_EQUALS("<= 110 ; ", tok(code1));

    void paranthesesVar()
        // remove parantheses..
        ASSERT_EQUALS("= p ; ", tok("= (p);"));
        ASSERT_EQUALS("if ( a < p ) { } ", tok("if(a<(p)){}"));

        // keep parantheses..
        ASSERT_EQUALS("= a ; ", tok("= (char)a;"));
        ASSERT_EQUALS("cast < char * > ( p ) ", tok("cast<char *>(p)"));

    void declareVar()
        const char code[] = "void f ( ) { char str [ 100 ] = \"100\" ; } ";
        ASSERT_EQUALS(code, tok(code));

    void dontRemoveIncrement()
            const char code[] = "void f(int a)\n"
                                "    if (a > 10)\n"
                                "        a = 5;\n"
                                "    else\n"
                                "        a = 10;\n"
                                "    a++;\n"
            ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string("void f ( int a ) { if ( a > 10 ) { a = 5 ; } else { a = 10 ; } a ++ ; } "), tok(code));

            const char code[] = "void f(int a)\n"
                                "    if (a > 10)\n"
                                "        a = 5;\n"
                                "    else\n"
                                "        a = 10;\n"
                                "    ++a;\n"
            ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string("void f ( int a ) { if ( a > 10 ) { a = 5 ; } else { a = 10 ; } ++ a ; } "), tok(code));

    void removePostIncrement()
        const char code[] = "void f()\n"
                            "    unsigned int c = 0;\n"
                            "    c++;\n"
                            "    if (c>0) { c++; }\n"
                            "    c++;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string("void f ( ) { int c ; c = 3 ; ; { ; } ; } "), tok(code));

    void removePreIncrement()
        const char code[] = "void f()\n"
                            "    unsigned int c = 0;\n"
                            "    ++c;\n"
                            "    if (c>0) { ++c; }\n"
                            "    ++c;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string("void f ( ) { int c ; c = 3 ; ; { ; } ; } "), tok(code));

    std::string elseif(const char code[])
        std::istringstream istr(code);

        OpenTokenizer tokenizer(code);
        return tokenizer.tokens()->stringifyList(false);

    void elseif1()
        const char code[] = "else if(ab) { cd } else { ef }gh";
        ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n##file 0\n1: else { if ( ab ) { cd } else { ef } } gh\n", elseif(code));

    // Simplify 'sizeof'..
    std::string sizeof_(const char code[])
        // tokenize..
        Tokenizer tokenizer;
        std::istringstream istr(code);
        tokenizer.tokenize(istr, "test.cpp");


        std::ostringstream ostr;
        for (const Token *tok = tokenizer.tokens(); tok; tok = tok->next())
            ostr << " " << tok->str();

        return ostr.str();

    void sizeof1()
        const char code1[] = " struct ABC *abc = malloc(sizeof(*abc)); ";
        const char code2[] = " struct ABC *abc = malloc(100); ";
        const char code3[] = " struct ABC *abc = malloc(sizeof *abc ); ";
        ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code1), tok(code2));
        ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code3));

    void sizeof2()
        const char code[] = "void foo()\n"
                            "    int i[4];\n"
                            "    sizeof(i);\n"
                            "    sizeof(*i);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string(" void foo ( ) { int i [ 4 ] ; 16 ; 4 ; }"), sizeof_(code));

    void sizeof3()
        const char code[] = "static int i[4];\n"
                            "void f()\n"
                            "    int i[10];\n"
                            "    sizeof(i);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string(" static int i [ 4 ] ; void f ( ) { int i [ 10 ] ; 40 ; }"), sizeof_(code));

    void sizeof4()
        const char code[] = "int i[10];\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string(" int i [ 10 ] ; 4 ;"), sizeof_(code));

    void sizeof5()
        const char code[] =
            "for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(g_ReservedNames[0]); i++)"
        ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string(" for ( int i = 0 ; i < 100 ; i ++ ) { }"), sizeof_(code));

    void sizeof6()
        const char code[] = ";int i;\n"

        std::ostringstream expected;
        expected << " ; int i ; " << sizeof(int) << " ;";

        ASSERT_EQUALS(expected.str(), sizeof_(code));

    void sizeof7()
        const char code[] = ";INT32 i[10];\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS(" ; INT32 i [ 10 ] ; sizeof ( i [ 0 ] ) ;", sizeof_(code));

    void casting()
        const char code[] = "void f()\n"
                            "for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(3); ++i) {}\n"

        const std::string expected(" void f ( ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++ i ) { } }");

        ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, sizeof_(code));

    void template1()
        const char code[] = "template <classname T> void f(T val) { T a; }\n"

        const std::string expected(" "
                                   "template < classname T > void f ( T val ) { T a ; } "
                                   "f<int> ( 10 ) ; "
                                   "void f<int> ( int val ) { int a ; }");

        ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, sizeof_(code));

    void template2()
        const char code[] = "template <classname T> class Fred { T a; };\n"
                            "Fred<int> fred;";

        const std::string expected(" "
                                   "template < classname T > class Fred { T a ; } ; "
                                   "Fred<int> fred ; "
                                   "class Fred<int> { int a ; }");

        ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, sizeof_(code));

    void template3()
        const char code[] = "template <classname T, int sz> class Fred { T data[sz]; };\n"
                            "Fred<float,4> fred;";

        const std::string expected(" "
                                   "template < classname T , int sz > class Fred { T data [ sz ] ; } ; "
                                   "Fred<float,4> fred ; "
                                   "class Fred<float,4> { float data [ 4 ] ; }");

        ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, sizeof_(code));

    void template4()
        const char code[] = "template <classname T> class Fred { Fred(); };\n"
                            "Fred<float> fred;";

        const std::string expected(" "
                                   "template < classname T > class Fred { Fred ( ) ; } ; "
                                   "Fred<float> fred ; "
                                   "class Fred<float> { Fred<float> ( ) ; }");

        ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, sizeof_(code));

    void template5()
        const char code[] = "template <classname T> class Fred { };\n"
                            "template <classname T> Fred<T>::Fred() { }\n"
                            "Fred<float> fred;";

        const std::string expected(" "
                                   "template < classname T > class Fred { } ; "
                                   "template < classname T > Fred < T > :: Fred ( ) { } "
                                   "Fred<float> fred ; "
                                   "class Fred<float> { } "
                                   "Fred<float> :: Fred<float> ( ) { }");

        ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, sizeof_(code));

    void template6()
        const char code[] = "template <classname T> class Fred { };\n"
                            "Fred<float> fred1;\n"
                            "Fred<float> fred2;";

        const std::string expected(" template < classname T > class Fred { } ;"
                                   " Fred<float> fred1 ;"
                                   " Fred<float> fred2 ;"
                                   " class Fred<float> { }");

        ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, sizeof_(code));

    void template7()
        // A template class that is not used => no simplification
            const char code[] = "template <class T>\n"
                                "class ABC\n"
                                "    typedef ABC<T> m;\n"

            const std::string expected(" template < class T > "
                                       "class ABC "
                                       "{ "
                                       "public: "
                                       "typedef ABC < T > m ; "
                                       "} ;");

            ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, sizeof_(code));

            const char code[] = "template <typename T> class ABC {\n"
                                "    typedef std::vector<T> type;\n"
                                "int main() {\n"
                                "    ABC<int>::type v;\n"
                                "    v.push_back(4);\n"
                                "    return 0;\n"

            const std::string expected(" template < typename T > class ABC {"
                                       " public: "
                                       "typedef std :: vector < T > type ; "
                                       "} ; "
                                       "int main ( ) { "
                                       "std :: vector < int > v ; "
                                       "v . push_back ( 4 ) ; "
                                       "return 0 ; "

            TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, sizeof_(code));

            const char code[] = "template <typename T> class ABC {\n"
                                "    typedef std::vector<T> type;\n"
                                "    void f()\n"
                                "    {\n"
                                "      ABC<int>::type v;\n"
                                "      v.push_back(4);\n"
                                "    }\n"
                                "int main() {\n"
                                "    return 0;\n"

            const std::string expected(" template < typename T > class ABC "
                                       " public: typedef std :: vector < T > type ;"
                                       " void f ( ) "
                                       "{ "
                                       "std :: vector < int > v ;"
                                       " v . push_back ( 4 ) ;"
                                       " } "
                                       "} ; "
                                       "int main ( ) { return 0 ; }");

            TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, sizeof_(code));

    // Template definitions but no usage => no expansion
    void template8()
        const char code[] = "template<typename T> class A;\n"
                            "template<typename T> class B;\n"
                            "typedef A<int> x;\n"
                            "typedef B<int> y;\n"
                            "template<typename T> class A {\n"
                            "    void f() {\n"
                            "        B<T> a = B<T>::g();\n"
                            "        T b = 0;\n"
                            "        if (b)\n"
                            "            b = 0;\n"
                            "    }\n"
                            "template<typename T> inline B<T> h() { return B<T>(); }\n";

        const std::string expected(" template < typename T > class A ;"
                                   " template < typename T > class B ;"
                                   " typedef A < int > x ;"
                                   " typedef B < int > y ;"
                                   " template < typename T > class A {"
                                   " void f ( ) {"
                                   " B < T > a = B < T > :: g ( ) ;"
                                   " T b ; b = 0 ;"
                                   " }"
                                   " } ;"
                                   " template < typename T > inline B < T > h ( ) { return B < T > ( ) ; }");

        ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, sizeof_(code));

    void template9()
        const char code[] = "template < typename T > class A { } ;\n"
                            "void f ( ) {\n"
                            "    A<int> a ;\n"
                            "template < typename T >\n"
                            "class B {\n"
                            "    void g ( ) {\n"
                            "        A < T > b = A < T > :: h ( ) ;\n"
                            "    }\n"
                            "} ;\n";

        // The expected result..
        std::string expected(std::string(" ") + code + " class A<int> { }");
        std::string::size_type pos;
        while ((pos = expected.find("\n")) != std::string::npos)
            expected[pos] = ' ';
        while ((pos = expected.find("  ")) != std::string::npos)
            expected.erase(pos, 1);

        ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, sizeof_(code));

    void namespaces()
            const char code[] = "using namespace std; namespace a{ namespace b{ void f(){} } }";

            const std::string expected(" using namespace std ; void f ( ) { }");

            ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, sizeof_(code));

            const char code[] = "namespace b{ void f(){} }";

            const std::string expected(" void f ( ) { }");

            ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, sizeof_(code));

            const char code[] = "int a; namespace b{ }";

            const std::string expected(" int a ;");

            ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, sizeof_(code));

    std::string simplifyIfAssign(const char code[])
        // tokenize..
        Tokenizer tokenizer;
        std::istringstream istr(code);
        tokenizer.tokenize(istr, "test.cpp");


        std::ostringstream ostr;
        for (const Token *tok = tokenizer.tokens(); tok; tok = tok->next())
            ostr << (tok->previous() ? " " : "") << tok->str();

        return ostr.str();

    void ifassign1()
        ASSERT_EQUALS("; a = b ; if ( a ) ;", simplifyIfAssign(";if(a=b);"));
        ASSERT_EQUALS("; a = b ( ) ; if ( ( a ) ) ;", simplifyIfAssign(";if((a=b()));"));
        ASSERT_EQUALS("; a = b ( ) ; if ( ! ( a ) ) ;", simplifyIfAssign(";if(!(a=b()));"));

    std::string simplifyIfNot(const char code[])
        // tokenize..
        Tokenizer tokenizer;
        std::istringstream istr(code);
        tokenizer.tokenize(istr, "test.cpp");


        std::ostringstream ostr;
        for (const Token *tok = tokenizer.tokens(); tok; tok = tok->next())
            ostr << (tok->previous() ? " " : "") << tok->str();

        return ostr.str();

    void ifnot()
        ASSERT_EQUALS("if ( ! x )", simplifyIfNot("if(0==x)"));
        ASSERT_EQUALS("if ( ! ( a = b ) )", simplifyIfNot("if(0==(a=b))"));
        ASSERT_EQUALS("if ( ! x )", simplifyIfNot("if(x==0)"));
        ASSERT_EQUALS("if ( ! a && b ( ) )", simplifyIfNot("if( 0 == a && b() )"));
        ASSERT_EQUALS("if ( b ( ) && ! a )", simplifyIfNot("if( b() && 0 == a )"));
        ASSERT_EQUALS("if ( ! ( a = b ) )", simplifyIfNot("if((a=b)==0)"));

    std::string simplifyNot(const char code[])
        // tokenize..
        Tokenizer tokenizer;
        std::istringstream istr(code);
        tokenizer.tokenize(istr, "test.cpp");


        std::ostringstream ostr;
        for (const Token *tok = tokenizer.tokens(); tok; tok = tok->next())
            ostr << (tok->previous() ? " " : "") << tok->str();

        return ostr.str();

    void not1()
        ASSERT_EQUALS("if ( ! p )", simplifyNot("if (not p)"));
        ASSERT_EQUALS("if ( p && ! q )", simplifyNot("if (p && not q)"));
        ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( not i )", simplifyNot("void foo ( not i )"));

