*.bak *.gcno *.o *.pyc /cppcheck /cppcheck.exe cppcheck-core.dll /dmake /dmake.exe reduce reduce.exe tags /testrunner /testrunner.exe tools/daca2*.html tools/dmake tools/errmsg tools/extracttests # dump files generated by Cppcheck *.*.dump # CTU info files generated by Cppcheck *.*.ctu-info # VS generated files *.aps *.idb *.ncb *.obj *.opensdf *.orig *.pdb *.sdf *.suo *.user /.vs/ UpgradeLog*.htm # VS build folders bin/ Build/ BuildTmp/ /cli/temp/ ipch/ /lib/temp/ /test/temp/ # XCode build folders and files *.mode[0-9]v[0-9] *.pbxuser build/ # GUI build folders /gui/debug/ /gui/release/ /gui/temp/ /triage/temp # Other (generated) GUI files /gui/*.qm /gui/cppcheck-gui /gui/cppcheck-gui.exe /gui/gui.sln /gui/gui.vcproj /gui/help/online-help.qch /gui/help/online-help.qhc /gui/Makefile /gui/Makefile.debug /gui/Makefile.release /gui/qrc_gui.cpp /gui/test/Makefile /gui/test/*/Makefile /gui/test/*/*/Makefile /gui/test/benchmark/simple/benchmark-simple /gui/test/cppchecklibrarydata/qrc_resources.cpp /gui/test/cppchecklibrarydata/test-cppchecklibrarydata /gui/test/filelist/test-filelist /gui/test/projectfile/test-projectfile /gui/test/translationhandler/test-translationhandler /gui/test/xmlreportv2/test-xmlreportv2 # Doxygen output folder doxyoutput/ # qmake generated htmlreport/.tox/ htmlreport/MANIFEST # Backup files and stuff from patches *.rej *~ # kdevelop 4.x *.kdev4 # Common cmake build directories build* # Temporal files *.swp # Snapcraft build part prime parts stage *.snap /snap/.snapcraft # Manual folder /man/manual.log /man/manual.tex /man/*.pdf /man/*.html # CLion /.idea /.metadata/ /cmake-build-* /.run # clang tooling temporary files .clangd/ compile_commands.json # qmake .qmake.stash #vs code /.vscode #debian build system /debian