/* * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis * Copyright (C) 2007-2019 Cppcheck team. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * @brief This is the ValueFlow component in Cppcheck. * * Each @sa Token in the token list has a list of values. These are * the "possible" values for the Token at runtime. * * In the --debug and --debug-normal output you can see the ValueFlow data. For example: * * int f() * { * int x = 10; * return 4 * x + 2; * } * * The --debug-normal output says: * * ##Value flow * Line 3 * 10 always 10 * Line 4 * 4 always 4 * * always 40 * x always 10 * + always 42 * 2 always 2 * * All value flow analysis is executed in the ValueFlow::setValues() function. The ValueFlow analysis is executed after * the tokenizer/ast/symboldatabase/etc.. The ValueFlow analysis is done in a series of valueFlow* function calls, where * each such function call can only use results from previous function calls. The function calls should be arranged so * that valueFlow* that do not require previous ValueFlow information should be first. * * Type of analysis * ================ * * This is "flow sensitive" value flow analysis. We _usually_ track the value for 1 variable at a time. * * How are calculations handled * ============================ * * Here is an example code: * * x = 3 + 4; * * The valueFlowNumber set the values for the "3" and "4" tokens by calling setTokenValue(). * The setTokenValue() handle the calculations automatically. When both "3" and "4" have values, the "+" can be * calculated. setTokenValue() recursively calls itself when parents in calculations can be calculated. * * Forward / Reverse flow analysis * =============================== * * In forward value flow analysis we know a value and see what happens when we are stepping the program forward. Like * normal execution. The valueFlowForwardVariable is used in this analysis. * * In reverse value flow analysis we know the value of a variable at line X. And try to "execute backwards" to determine * possible values before line X. The valueFlowReverse is used in this analysis. * * */ #include "valueflow.h" #include "astutils.h" #include "errorlogger.h" #include "library.h" #include "mathlib.h" #include "platform.h" #include "programmemory.h" #include "settings.h" #include "standards.h" #include "symboldatabase.h" #include "token.h" #include "tokenlist.h" #include "utils.h" #include "path.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const int TIMEOUT = 10; // Do not repeat ValueFlow analysis more than 10 seconds static void bailoutInternal(TokenList *tokenlist, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Token *tok, const std::string &what, const std::string &file, int line, const std::string &function) { std::list callstack(1, ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage::FileLocation(tok, tokenlist)); ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage errmsg(callstack, tokenlist->getSourceFilePath(), Severity::debug, Path::stripDirectoryPart(file) + ":" + MathLib::toString(line) + ":" + function + " bailout: " + what, "valueFlowBailout", false); errorLogger->reportErr(errmsg); } #if (defined __cplusplus) && __cplusplus >= 201103L #define bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, what) bailoutInternal(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, what, __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__) #elif (defined __GNUC__) || (defined __clang__) || (defined _MSC_VER) #define bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, what) bailoutInternal(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, what, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__) #else #define bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, what) bailoutInternal(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, what, __FILE__, __LINE__, "(valueFlow)") #endif static void changeKnownToPossible(std::list &values, int indirect=-1) { for (ValueFlow::Value& v: values) { if (indirect >= 0 && v.indirect != indirect) continue; v.changeKnownToPossible(); } } static void removeImpossible(std::list& values, int indirect = -1) { values.remove_if([&](const ValueFlow::Value& v) { if (indirect >= 0 && v.indirect != indirect) return false; return v.isImpossible(); }); } static void lowerToPossible(std::list& values, int indirect = -1) { changeKnownToPossible(values, indirect); removeImpossible(values, indirect); } static void lowerToInconclusive(std::list& values, const Settings* settings, int indirect = -1) { if (settings->inconclusive) { removeImpossible(values, indirect); for (ValueFlow::Value& v : values) { if (indirect >= 0 && v.indirect != indirect) continue; v.setInconclusive(); } } else { // Remove all values if the inconclusive flags is not set values.remove_if([&](const ValueFlow::Value& v) { if (indirect >= 0 && v.indirect != indirect) return false; return true; }); } } static void changePossibleToKnown(std::list& values, int indirect = -1) { for (ValueFlow::Value& v : values) { if (indirect >= 0 && v.indirect != indirect) continue; if (!v.isPossible()) continue; if (v.bound != ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Point) continue; v.setKnown(); } } static void setValueUpperBound(ValueFlow::Value& value, bool upper) { if (upper) value.bound = ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Upper; else value.bound = ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Lower; } static void setValueBound(ValueFlow::Value& value, const Token* tok, bool invert) { if (Token::Match(tok, "<|<=")) { setValueUpperBound(value, !invert); } else if (Token::Match(tok, ">|>=")) { setValueUpperBound(value, invert); } } static void setConditionalValues(const Token *tok, bool invert, MathLib::bigint value, ValueFlow::Value &true_value, ValueFlow::Value &false_value) { if (Token::Match(tok, "==|!=|>=|<=")) { true_value = ValueFlow::Value{tok, value}; const char* greaterThan = ">="; const char* lessThan = "<="; if (invert) std::swap(greaterThan, lessThan); if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, greaterThan)) { false_value = ValueFlow::Value{tok, value - 1}; } else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, lessThan)) { false_value = ValueFlow::Value{tok, value + 1}; } else { false_value = ValueFlow::Value{tok, value}; } } else { const char* greaterThan = ">"; const char* lessThan = "<"; if (invert) std::swap(greaterThan, lessThan); if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, greaterThan)) { true_value = ValueFlow::Value{tok, value + 1}; false_value = ValueFlow::Value{tok, value}; } else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, lessThan)) { true_value = ValueFlow::Value{tok, value - 1}; false_value = ValueFlow::Value{tok, value}; } } setValueBound(true_value, tok, invert); setValueBound(false_value, tok, !invert); } static bool isSaturated(MathLib::bigint value) { return value == std::numeric_limits::max() || value == std::numeric_limits::min(); } const Token *parseCompareInt(const Token *tok, ValueFlow::Value &true_value, ValueFlow::Value &false_value) { if (!tok->astOperand1() || !tok->astOperand2()) return nullptr; if (Token::Match(tok, "%comp%")) { if (tok->astOperand1()->hasKnownIntValue()) { MathLib::bigint value = tok->astOperand1()->values().front().intvalue; if (isSaturated(value)) return nullptr; setConditionalValues(tok, true, value, true_value, false_value); return tok->astOperand2(); } else if (tok->astOperand2()->hasKnownIntValue()) { MathLib::bigint value = tok->astOperand2()->values().front().intvalue; if (isSaturated(value)) return nullptr; setConditionalValues(tok, false, value, true_value, false_value); return tok->astOperand1(); } } return nullptr; } /** * Should value be skipped because it's hidden inside && || or ?: expression. * Example: ((x!=NULL) && (*x == 123)) * If 'valuetok' points at the x in '(*x == 123)'. Then the '&&' will be returned. * @param valuetok original variable token * @return NULL=>don't skip, non-NULL=>The operator token that cause the skip. For instance the '&&'. * */ static const Token * skipValueInConditionalExpression(const Token * const valuetok) { // Walk up the ast const Token *prev = valuetok; for (const Token *tok = valuetok->astParent(); tok; tok = tok->astParent()) { const bool prevIsLhs = (prev == tok->astOperand1()); prev = tok; if (prevIsLhs || !Token::Match(tok, "%oror%|&&|?|:")) continue; if (tok->hasKnownIntValue()) return tok; // Is variable protected in LHS.. bool bailout = false; visitAstNodes(tok->astOperand1(), [&](const Token *tok2) { if (tok2->str() == ".") return ChildrenToVisit::none; // A variable is seen.. if (tok2 != valuetok && tok2->variable() && (tok2->varId() == valuetok->varId() || (!tok2->variable()->isArgument() && !tok2->hasKnownIntValue()))) { // TODO: limit this bailout bailout = true; return ChildrenToVisit::done; } return ChildrenToVisit::op1_and_op2; }); if (bailout) return tok; } return nullptr; } static bool isEscapeScope(const Token* tok, TokenList * tokenlist, bool unknown = false) { if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok, "{")) return false; // TODO this search for termTok in all subscopes. It should check the end of the scope. const Token * termTok = Token::findmatch(tok, "return|continue|break|throw|goto", tok->link()); if (termTok && termTok->scope() == tok->scope()) return true; std::string unknownFunction; if (tokenlist && tokenlist->getSettings()->library.isScopeNoReturn(tok->link(), &unknownFunction)) return unknownFunction.empty() || unknown; return false; } static bool bailoutSelfAssignment(const Token * const tok) { const Token *parent = tok; while (parent) { const Token *op = parent; parent = parent->astParent(); // Assignment where lhs variable exists in rhs => return true if (parent != nullptr && parent->astOperand2() == op && parent->astOperand1() != nullptr && parent->str() == "=") { for (const Token *lhs = parent->astOperand1(); lhs; lhs = lhs->astOperand1()) { if (lhs->varId() == tok->varId()) return true; if (lhs->astOperand2() && lhs->astOperand2()->varId() == tok->varId()) return true; } } } return false; } static ValueFlow::Value castValue(ValueFlow::Value value, const ValueType::Sign sign, nonneg int bit) { if (value.isFloatValue()) { value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::INT; if (value.floatValue >= std::numeric_limits::min() && value.floatValue <= std::numeric_limits::max()) { value.intvalue = value.floatValue; } else { // don't perform UB value.intvalue = 0; } } if (bit < MathLib::bigint_bits) { const MathLib::biguint one = 1; value.intvalue &= (one << bit) - 1; if (sign == ValueType::Sign::SIGNED && value.intvalue & (one << (bit - 1))) { value.intvalue |= ~((one << bit) - 1ULL); } } return value; } static void combineValueProperties(const ValueFlow::Value &value1, const ValueFlow::Value &value2, ValueFlow::Value *result) { if (value1.isKnown() && value2.isKnown()) result->setKnown(); else if (value1.isImpossible() || value2.isImpossible()) result->setImpossible(); else if (value1.isInconclusive() || value2.isInconclusive()) result->setInconclusive(); else result->setPossible(); result->condition = value1.condition ? value1.condition : value2.condition; result->varId = (value1.varId != 0U) ? value1.varId : value2.varId; result->varvalue = (result->varId == value1.varId) ? value1.varvalue : value2.varvalue; result->errorPath = (value1.errorPath.empty() ? value2 : value1).errorPath; result->safe = value1.safe || value2.safe; } static const Token *getCastTypeStartToken(const Token *parent) { // TODO: This might be a generic utility function? if (!parent || parent->str() != "(") return nullptr; if (!parent->astOperand2() && Token::Match(parent,"( %name%")) return parent->next(); if (parent->astOperand2() && Token::Match(parent->astOperand1(), "const_cast|dynamic_cast|reinterpret_cast|static_cast <")) return parent->astOperand1()->tokAt(2); return nullptr; } /** Set token value for cast */ static void setTokenValueCast(Token *parent, const ValueType &valueType, const ValueFlow::Value &value, const Settings *settings); /** set ValueFlow value and perform calculations if possible */ static void setTokenValue(Token* tok, const ValueFlow::Value &value, const Settings *settings) { if (!tok->addValue(value)) return; Token *parent = tok->astParent(); if (!parent) return; if (value.isContainerSizeValue()) { // .empty, .size, +"abc", +'a' if (parent->str() == "+") { for (const ValueFlow::Value &value1 : parent->astOperand1()->values()) { for (const ValueFlow::Value &value2 : parent->astOperand2()->values()) { ValueFlow::Value result; result.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE; if (value1.isContainerSizeValue() && value2.isContainerSizeValue()) result.intvalue = value1.intvalue + value2.intvalue; else if (value1.isContainerSizeValue() && value2.isTokValue() && value2.tokvalue->tokType() == Token::eString) result.intvalue = value1.intvalue + Token::getStrLength(value2.tokvalue); else if (value2.isContainerSizeValue() && value1.isTokValue() && value1.tokvalue->tokType() == Token::eString) result.intvalue = Token::getStrLength(value1.tokvalue) + value2.intvalue; else continue; combineValueProperties(value1, value2, &result); setTokenValue(parent, result, settings); } } } else if (Token::Match(parent, ". %name% (") && parent->astParent() == parent->tokAt(2) && parent->astOperand1() && parent->astOperand1()->valueType()) { const Library::Container *c = parent->astOperand1()->valueType()->container; const Library::Container::Yield yields = c ? c->getYield(parent->strAt(1)) : Library::Container::Yield::NO_YIELD; if (yields == Library::Container::Yield::SIZE) { ValueFlow::Value v(value); v.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::INT; setTokenValue(parent->astParent(), v, settings); } else if (yields == Library::Container::Yield::EMPTY) { ValueFlow::Value v(value); v.intvalue = !v.intvalue; v.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::INT; setTokenValue(parent->astParent(), v, settings); } } return; } if (value.isLifetimeValue()) { if (!isLifetimeBorrowed(parent, settings)) return; if (value.lifetimeKind == ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Iterator && astIsIterator(parent)) { setTokenValue(parent,value,settings); } else if (astIsPointer(tok) && astIsPointer(parent) && (parent->isArithmeticalOp() || Token::Match(parent, "( %type%"))) { setTokenValue(parent,value,settings); } return; } if (value.isUninitValue()) { ValueFlow::Value pvalue = value; if (parent->isUnaryOp("&")) { pvalue.indirect++; setTokenValue(parent, pvalue, settings); } else if (Token::Match(parent, ". %var%") && parent->astOperand1() == tok) { if (parent->originalName() == "->" && pvalue.indirect > 0) pvalue.indirect--; setTokenValue(parent->astOperand2(), pvalue, settings); } else if (Token::Match(parent->astParent(), ". %var%") && parent->astParent()->astOperand1() == parent) { if (parent->astParent()->originalName() == "->" && pvalue.indirect > 0) pvalue.indirect--; setTokenValue(parent->astParent()->astOperand2(), pvalue, settings); } else if (parent->isUnaryOp("*") && pvalue.indirect > 0) { pvalue.indirect--; setTokenValue(parent, pvalue, settings); } return; } // cast.. if (const Token *castType = getCastTypeStartToken(parent)) { if (astIsPointer(tok) && value.valueType == ValueFlow::Value::INT && Token::simpleMatch(parent->astOperand1(), "dynamic_cast")) return; const ValueType &valueType = ValueType::parseDecl(castType, settings); setTokenValueCast(parent, valueType, value, settings); } else if (parent->str() == ":") { setTokenValue(parent,value,settings); } else if (parent->str() == "?" && tok->str() == ":" && tok == parent->astOperand2() && parent->astOperand1()) { // is condition always true/false? if (parent->astOperand1()->hasKnownValue()) { const ValueFlow::Value &condvalue = parent->astOperand1()->values().front(); const bool cond(condvalue.isTokValue() || (condvalue.isIntValue() && condvalue.intvalue != 0)); if (cond && !tok->astOperand1()) { // true condition, no second operator setTokenValue(parent, condvalue, settings); } else { const Token *op = cond ? tok->astOperand1() : tok->astOperand2(); if (!op) // #7769 segmentation fault at setTokenValue() return; const std::list &values = op->values(); if (std::find(values.begin(), values.end(), value) != values.end()) setTokenValue(parent, value, settings); } } else { // is condition only depending on 1 variable? int varId = 0; bool ret = false; visitAstNodes(parent->astOperand1(), [&](const Token *t) { if (t->varId()) { if (varId > 0 || value.varId != 0U) ret = true; varId = t->varId(); } else if (t->str() == "(" && Token::Match(t->previous(), "%name%")) ret = true; // function call return ret ? ChildrenToVisit::done : ChildrenToVisit::op1_and_op2; }); if (ret) return; ValueFlow::Value v(value); v.conditional = true; v.changeKnownToPossible(); if (varId) v.varId = varId; setTokenValue(parent, v, settings); } } // Calculations.. else if ((parent->isArithmeticalOp() || parent->isComparisonOp() || (parent->tokType() == Token::eBitOp) || (parent->tokType() == Token::eLogicalOp)) && parent->astOperand1() && parent->astOperand2()) { const bool noninvertible = parent->isComparisonOp() || Token::Match(parent, "%|/|&|%or%"); // Skip operators with impossible values that are not invertible if (noninvertible && value.isImpossible()) return; // known result when a operand is 0. if (Token::Match(parent, "[&*]") && value.isKnown() && value.isIntValue() && value.intvalue==0) { setTokenValue(parent, value, settings); return; } // known result when a operand is true. if (Token::simpleMatch(parent, "&&") && value.isKnown() && value.isIntValue() && value.intvalue==0) { setTokenValue(parent, value, settings); return; } // known result when a operand is false. if (Token::simpleMatch(parent, "||") && value.isKnown() && value.isIntValue() && value.intvalue!=0) { setTokenValue(parent, value, settings); return; } for (const ValueFlow::Value &value1 : parent->astOperand1()->values()) { if (noninvertible && value1.isImpossible()) continue; if (!value1.isIntValue() && !value1.isFloatValue() && !value1.isTokValue()) continue; if (value1.isTokValue() && (!parent->isComparisonOp() || value1.tokvalue->tokType() != Token::eString)) continue; for (const ValueFlow::Value &value2 : parent->astOperand2()->values()) { if (noninvertible && value2.isImpossible()) continue; if (!value2.isIntValue() && !value2.isFloatValue() && !value2.isTokValue()) continue; if (value2.isTokValue() && (!parent->isComparisonOp() || value2.tokvalue->tokType() != Token::eString || value1.isTokValue())) continue; if (value1.isKnown() || value2.isKnown() || value1.varId == 0U || value2.varId == 0U || (value1.varId == value2.varId && value1.varvalue == value2.varvalue && value1.isIntValue() && value2.isIntValue())) { ValueFlow::Value result(0); combineValueProperties(value1, value2, &result); const float floatValue1 = value1.isIntValue() ? value1.intvalue : value1.floatValue; const float floatValue2 = value2.isIntValue() ? value2.intvalue : value2.floatValue; switch (parent->str()[0]) { case '+': if (value1.isTokValue() || value2.isTokValue()) break; if (value1.isFloatValue() || value2.isFloatValue()) { result.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::FLOAT; result.floatValue = floatValue1 + floatValue2; } else { result.intvalue = value1.intvalue + value2.intvalue; } setTokenValue(parent, result, settings); break; case '-': if (value1.isTokValue() || value2.isTokValue()) break; if (value1.isFloatValue() || value2.isFloatValue()) { result.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::FLOAT; result.floatValue = floatValue1 - floatValue2; } else { result.intvalue = value1.intvalue - value2.intvalue; } setTokenValue(parent, result, settings); break; case '*': if (value1.isTokValue() || value2.isTokValue()) break; if (value1.isFloatValue() || value2.isFloatValue()) { result.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::FLOAT; result.floatValue = floatValue1 * floatValue2; } else { result.intvalue = value1.intvalue * value2.intvalue; } setTokenValue(parent, result, settings); break; case '/': if (value1.isTokValue() || value2.isTokValue() || value2.intvalue == 0) break; if (value1.isFloatValue() || value2.isFloatValue()) { result.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::FLOAT; result.floatValue = floatValue1 / floatValue2; } else { result.intvalue = value1.intvalue / value2.intvalue; } setTokenValue(parent, result, settings); break; case '%': if (!value1.isIntValue() || !value2.isIntValue()) break; if (value2.intvalue == 0) break; result.intvalue = value1.intvalue % value2.intvalue; setTokenValue(parent, result, settings); break; case '=': if (parent->str() == "==") { if ((value1.isIntValue() && value2.isTokValue()) || (value1.isTokValue() && value2.isIntValue())) { result.intvalue = 0; setTokenValue(parent, result, settings); } else if (value1.isIntValue() && value2.isIntValue()) { result.intvalue = value1.intvalue == value2.intvalue; setTokenValue(parent, result, settings); } } break; case '!': if (parent->str() == "!=") { if ((value1.isIntValue() && value2.isTokValue()) || (value1.isTokValue() && value2.isIntValue())) { result.intvalue = 1; setTokenValue(parent, result, settings); } else if (value1.isIntValue() && value2.isIntValue()) { result.intvalue = value1.intvalue != value2.intvalue; setTokenValue(parent, result, settings); } } break; case '>': { const bool f = value1.isFloatValue() || value2.isFloatValue(); if (!f && !value1.isIntValue() && !value2.isIntValue()) break; if (parent->str() == ">") result.intvalue = f ? (floatValue1 > floatValue2) : (value1.intvalue > value2.intvalue); else if (parent->str() == ">=") result.intvalue = f ? (floatValue1 >= floatValue2) : (value1.intvalue >= value2.intvalue); else if (!f && parent->str() == ">>" && value1.intvalue >= 0 && value2.intvalue >= 0 && value2.intvalue < MathLib::bigint_bits) result.intvalue = value1.intvalue >> value2.intvalue; else break; setTokenValue(parent, result, settings); break; } case '<': { const bool f = value1.isFloatValue() || value2.isFloatValue(); if (!f && !value1.isIntValue() && !value2.isIntValue()) break; if (parent->str() == "<") result.intvalue = f ? (floatValue1 < floatValue2) : (value1.intvalue < value2.intvalue); else if (parent->str() == "<=") result.intvalue = f ? (floatValue1 <= floatValue2) : (value1.intvalue <= value2.intvalue); else if (!f && parent->str() == "<<" && value1.intvalue >= 0 && value2.intvalue >= 0 && value2.intvalue < MathLib::bigint_bits) result.intvalue = value1.intvalue << value2.intvalue; else break; setTokenValue(parent, result, settings); break; } case '&': if (!value1.isIntValue() || !value2.isIntValue()) break; if (parent->str() == "&") result.intvalue = value1.intvalue & value2.intvalue; else result.intvalue = value1.intvalue && value2.intvalue; setTokenValue(parent, result, settings); break; case '|': if (!value1.isIntValue() || !value2.isIntValue()) break; if (parent->str() == "|") result.intvalue = value1.intvalue | value2.intvalue; else result.intvalue = value1.intvalue || value2.intvalue; setTokenValue(parent, result, settings); break; case '^': if (!value1.isIntValue() || !value2.isIntValue()) break; result.intvalue = value1.intvalue ^ value2.intvalue; setTokenValue(parent, result, settings); break; default: // unhandled operator, do nothing break; } } } } } // ! else if (parent->str() == "!") { for (const ValueFlow::Value &val : tok->values()) { if (!val.isIntValue()) continue; ValueFlow::Value v(val); v.intvalue = !v.intvalue; setTokenValue(parent, v, settings); } } // ~ else if (parent->str() == "~") { for (const ValueFlow::Value &val : tok->values()) { if (!val.isIntValue()) continue; ValueFlow::Value v(val); v.intvalue = ~v.intvalue; int bits = 0; if (settings && tok->valueType() && tok->valueType()->sign == ValueType::Sign::UNSIGNED && tok->valueType()->pointer == 0) { if (tok->valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::INT) bits = settings->int_bit; else if (tok->valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::LONG) bits = settings->long_bit; } if (bits > 0 && bits < MathLib::bigint_bits) v.intvalue &= (((MathLib::biguint)1)<isUnaryOp("-")) { for (const ValueFlow::Value &val : tok->values()) { if (!val.isIntValue() && !val.isFloatValue()) continue; ValueFlow::Value v(val); if (v.isIntValue()) v.intvalue = -v.intvalue; else v.floatValue = -v.floatValue; setTokenValue(parent, v, settings); } } // Array element else if (parent->str() == "[" && parent->isBinaryOp()) { for (const ValueFlow::Value &value1 : parent->astOperand1()->values()) { if (!value1.isTokValue()) continue; for (const ValueFlow::Value &value2 : parent->astOperand2()->values()) { if (!value2.isIntValue()) continue; if (value1.varId == 0U || value2.varId == 0U || (value1.varId == value2.varId && value1.varvalue == value2.varvalue)) { ValueFlow::Value result(0); result.condition = value1.condition ? value1.condition : value2.condition; result.setInconclusive(value1.isInconclusive() | value2.isInconclusive()); result.varId = (value1.varId != 0U) ? value1.varId : value2.varId; result.varvalue = (result.varId == value1.varId) ? value1.intvalue : value2.intvalue; if (value1.valueKind == value2.valueKind) result.valueKind = value1.valueKind; if (value1.tokvalue->tokType() == Token::eString) { const std::string s = value1.tokvalue->strValue(); const MathLib::bigint index = value2.intvalue; if (index == s.size()) { result.intvalue = 0; setTokenValue(parent, result, settings); } else if (index >= 0 && index < s.size()) { result.intvalue = s[index]; setTokenValue(parent, result, settings); } } else if (value1.tokvalue->str() == "{") { MathLib::bigint index = value2.intvalue; const Token *element = value1.tokvalue->next(); while (index > 0 && element->str() != "}") { if (element->str() == ",") --index; if (Token::Match(element, "[{}()[]]")) break; element = element->next(); } if (Token::Match(element, "%num% [,}]")) { result.intvalue = MathLib::toLongNumber(element->str()); setTokenValue(parent, result, settings); } } } } } } else if (Token::Match(parent, ":: %name%") && parent->astOperand2() == tok) { setTokenValue(parent, value, settings); } } static void setTokenValueCast(Token *parent, const ValueType &valueType, const ValueFlow::Value &value, const Settings *settings) { if (valueType.pointer) setTokenValue(parent,value,settings); else if (valueType.type == ValueType::Type::CHAR) setTokenValue(parent, castValue(value, valueType.sign, settings->char_bit), settings); else if (valueType.type == ValueType::Type::SHORT) setTokenValue(parent, castValue(value, valueType.sign, settings->short_bit), settings); else if (valueType.type == ValueType::Type::INT) setTokenValue(parent, castValue(value, valueType.sign, settings->int_bit), settings); else if (valueType.type == ValueType::Type::LONG) setTokenValue(parent, castValue(value, valueType.sign, settings->long_bit), settings); else if (valueType.type == ValueType::Type::LONGLONG) setTokenValue(parent, castValue(value, valueType.sign, settings->long_long_bit), settings); else if (value.isIntValue()) { const long long charMax = settings->signedCharMax(); const long long charMin = settings->signedCharMin(); if (charMin <= value.intvalue && value.intvalue <= charMax) { // unknown type, but value is small so there should be no truncation etc setTokenValue(parent,value,settings); } } } static nonneg int getSizeOfType(const Token *typeTok, const Settings *settings) { const std::string &typeStr = typeTok->str(); if (typeStr == "char") return 1; else if (typeStr == "short") return settings->sizeof_short; else if (typeStr == "int") return settings->sizeof_int; else if (typeStr == "long") return typeTok->isLong() ? settings->sizeof_long_long : settings->sizeof_long; else if (typeStr == "wchar_t") return settings->sizeof_wchar_t; else return 0; } size_t ValueFlow::getSizeOf(const ValueType &vt, const Settings *settings) { if (vt.pointer) return settings->sizeof_pointer; else if (vt.type == ValueType::Type::CHAR) return 1; else if (vt.type == ValueType::Type::SHORT) return settings->sizeof_short; else if (vt.type == ValueType::Type::WCHAR_T) return settings->sizeof_wchar_t; else if (vt.type == ValueType::Type::INT) return settings->sizeof_int; else if (vt.type == ValueType::Type::LONG) return settings->sizeof_long; else if (vt.type == ValueType::Type::LONGLONG) return settings->sizeof_long_long; else if (vt.type == ValueType::Type::FLOAT) return settings->sizeof_float; else if (vt.type == ValueType::Type::DOUBLE) return settings->sizeof_double; return 0; } // Handle various constants.. static Token * valueFlowSetConstantValue(Token *tok, const Settings *settings, bool cpp) { if ((tok->isNumber() && MathLib::isInt(tok->str())) || (tok->tokType() == Token::eChar)) { ValueFlow::Value value(MathLib::toLongNumber(tok->str())); if (!tok->isTemplateArg()) value.setKnown(); setTokenValue(tok, value, settings); } else if (tok->isNumber() && MathLib::isFloat(tok->str())) { ValueFlow::Value value; value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::FLOAT; value.floatValue = MathLib::toDoubleNumber(tok->str()); if (!tok->isTemplateArg()) value.setKnown(); setTokenValue(tok, value, settings); } else if (tok->enumerator() && tok->enumerator()->value_known) { ValueFlow::Value value(tok->enumerator()->value); if (!tok->isTemplateArg()) value.setKnown(); setTokenValue(tok, value, settings); } else if (tok->str() == "NULL" || (cpp && tok->str() == "nullptr")) { ValueFlow::Value value(0); if (!tok->isTemplateArg()) value.setKnown(); setTokenValue(tok, value, settings); } else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "sizeof (")) { const Token *tok2 = tok->tokAt(2); // skip over tokens to find variable or type while (Token::Match(tok2, "%name% ::|.|[")) { if (tok2->next()->str() == "[") tok2 = tok2->linkAt(1)->next(); else tok2 = tok2->tokAt(2); } if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "sizeof ( *")) { const ValueType *vt = tok->tokAt(2)->valueType(); const size_t sz = vt ? ValueFlow::getSizeOf(*vt, settings) : 0; if (sz > 0) { ValueFlow::Value value(sz); if (!tok2->isTemplateArg() && settings->platformType != cppcheck::Platform::Unspecified) value.setKnown(); setTokenValue(tok->next(), value, settings); } } else if (tok2->enumerator() && tok2->enumerator()->scope) { long long size = settings->sizeof_int; const Token * type = tok2->enumerator()->scope->enumType; if (type) { size = getSizeOfType(type, settings); } ValueFlow::Value value(size); if (!tok2->isTemplateArg() && settings->platformType != cppcheck::Platform::Unspecified) value.setKnown(); setTokenValue(tok, value, settings); setTokenValue(tok->next(), value, settings); } else if (tok2->type() && tok2->type()->isEnumType()) { long long size = settings->sizeof_int; if (tok2->type()->classScope) { const Token * type = tok2->type()->classScope->enumType; if (type) { size = getSizeOfType(type, settings); } } ValueFlow::Value value(size); if (!tok2->isTemplateArg() && settings->platformType != cppcheck::Platform::Unspecified) value.setKnown(); setTokenValue(tok, value, settings); setTokenValue(tok->next(), value, settings); } else if (Token::Match(tok, "sizeof ( %var% ) / sizeof (") && tok->next()->astParent() == tok->tokAt(4)) { // Get number of elements in array const Token *sz1 = tok->tokAt(2); const Token *sz2 = tok->tokAt(7); const int varid1 = sz1->varId(); if (varid1 && sz1->variable() && sz1->variable()->isArray() && !sz1->variable()->dimensions().empty() && sz1->variable()->dimensionKnown(0) && (Token::Match(sz2, "* %varid% )", varid1) || Token::Match(sz2, "%varid% [ 0 ] )", varid1))) { ValueFlow::Value value(sz1->variable()->dimension(0)); if (!tok2->isTemplateArg() && settings->platformType != cppcheck::Platform::Unspecified) value.setKnown(); setTokenValue(tok->tokAt(4), value, settings); } } else if (Token::Match(tok2, "%var% )")) { const Variable *var = tok2->variable(); // only look for single token types (no pointers or references yet) if (var && var->typeStartToken() == var->typeEndToken()) { // find the size of the type size_t size = 0; if (var->isEnumType()) { size = settings->sizeof_int; if (var->type()->classScope && var->type()->classScope->enumType) size = getSizeOfType(var->type()->classScope->enumType, settings); } else if (var->valueType()) { size = ValueFlow::getSizeOf(*var->valueType(), settings); } else if (!var->type()) { size = getSizeOfType(var->typeStartToken(), settings); } // find the number of elements size_t count = 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < var->dimensions().size(); ++i) { if (var->dimensionKnown(i)) count *= var->dimension(i); else count = 0; } if (size && count > 0) { ValueFlow::Value value(count * size); if (settings->platformType != cppcheck::Platform::Unspecified) value.setKnown(); setTokenValue(tok, value, settings); setTokenValue(tok->next(), value, settings); } } } else if (tok2->tokType() == Token::eString) { size_t sz = Token::getStrSize(tok2, settings); if (sz > 0) { ValueFlow::Value value(sz); value.setKnown(); setTokenValue(const_cast(tok->next()), value, settings); } } else if (tok2->tokType() == Token::eChar) { nonneg int sz = 0; if (cpp && settings->standards.cpp >= Standards::CPP20 && tok2->isUtf8()) sz = 1; else if (tok2->isUtf16()) sz = 2; else if (tok2->isUtf32()) sz = 4; else if (tok2->isLong()) sz = settings->sizeof_wchar_t; else if ((tok2->isCChar() && !cpp) || (tok2->isCMultiChar())) sz = settings->sizeof_int; else sz = 1; if (sz > 0) { ValueFlow::Value value(sz); value.setKnown(); setTokenValue(tok->next(), value, settings); } } else if (!tok2->type()) { const ValueType &vt = ValueType::parseDecl(tok2,settings); const size_t sz = ValueFlow::getSizeOf(vt, settings); if (sz > 0) { ValueFlow::Value value(sz); if (!tok2->isTemplateArg() && settings->platformType != cppcheck::Platform::Unspecified) value.setKnown(); setTokenValue(tok->next(), value, settings); } } // skip over enum tok = tok->linkAt(1); } return tok->next(); } static void valueFlowNumber(TokenList *tokenlist) { for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok;) { tok = valueFlowSetConstantValue(tok, tokenlist->getSettings(), tokenlist->isCPP()); } if (tokenlist->isCPP()) { for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->isName() && !tok->varId() && Token::Match(tok, "false|true")) { ValueFlow::Value value(tok->str() == "true"); if (!tok->isTemplateArg()) value.setKnown(); setTokenValue(tok, value, tokenlist->getSettings()); } else if (Token::Match(tok, "[(,] NULL [,)]")) { // NULL function parameters are not simplified in the // normal tokenlist ValueFlow::Value value(0); if (!tok->isTemplateArg()) value.setKnown(); setTokenValue(tok->next(), value, tokenlist->getSettings()); } } } } static void valueFlowString(TokenList *tokenlist) { for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->tokType() == Token::eString) { ValueFlow::Value strvalue; strvalue.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::TOK; strvalue.tokvalue = tok; strvalue.setKnown(); setTokenValue(tok, strvalue, tokenlist->getSettings()); } } } static void valueFlowArray(TokenList *tokenlist) { std::map constantArrays; for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->varId() > 0U) { // array const std::map::const_iterator it = constantArrays.find(tok->varId()); if (it != constantArrays.end()) { ValueFlow::Value value; value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::TOK; value.tokvalue = it->second; value.setKnown(); setTokenValue(tok, value, tokenlist->getSettings()); } // pointer = array else if (tok->variable() && tok->variable()->isArray() && Token::simpleMatch(tok->astParent(), "=") && tok == tok->astParent()->astOperand2() && tok->astParent()->astOperand1() && tok->astParent()->astOperand1()->variable() && tok->astParent()->astOperand1()->variable()->isPointer()) { ValueFlow::Value value; value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::TOK; value.tokvalue = tok; value.setKnown(); setTokenValue(tok, value, tokenlist->getSettings()); } continue; } if (Token::Match(tok, "const %type% %var% [ %num%| ] = {")) { const Token *vartok = tok->tokAt(2); const Token *rhstok = vartok->next()->link()->tokAt(2); constantArrays[vartok->varId()] = rhstok; tok = rhstok->link(); continue; } else if (Token::Match(tok, "const char %var% [ %num%| ] = %str% ;")) { const Token *vartok = tok->tokAt(2); const Token *strtok = vartok->next()->link()->tokAt(2); constantArrays[vartok->varId()] = strtok; tok = strtok->next(); continue; } } } static bool isNonZero(const Token *tok) { return tok && (!tok->hasKnownIntValue() || tok->values().front().intvalue != 0); } static const Token *getOtherOperand(const Token *tok) { if (!tok) return nullptr; if (!tok->astParent()) return nullptr; if (tok->astParent()->astOperand1() != tok) return tok->astParent()->astOperand1(); if (tok->astParent()->astOperand2() != tok) return tok->astParent()->astOperand2(); return nullptr; } static void valueFlowArrayBool(TokenList *tokenlist) { for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->hasKnownIntValue()) continue; const Variable *var = nullptr; bool known = false; std::list::const_iterator val = std::find_if(tok->values().begin(), tok->values().end(), std::mem_fn(&ValueFlow::Value::isTokValue)); if (val == tok->values().end()) { var = tok->variable(); known = true; } else { var = val->tokvalue->variable(); known = val->isKnown(); } if (!var) continue; if (!var->isArray() || var->isArgument() || var->isStlType()) continue; if (isNonZero(getOtherOperand(tok)) && Token::Match(tok->astParent(), "%comp%")) continue; // TODO: Check for function argument if ((astIsBool(tok->astParent()) && !Token::Match(tok->astParent(), "(|%name%")) || (tok->astParent() && Token::Match(tok->astParent()->previous(), "if|while|for ("))) { ValueFlow::Value value{1}; if (known) value.setKnown(); setTokenValue(tok, value, tokenlist->getSettings()); } } } static void valueFlowPointerAlias(TokenList *tokenlist) { for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { // not address of if (!tok->isUnaryOp("&")) continue; // parent should be a '=' if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok->astParent(), "=")) continue; // child should be some buffer or variable const Token *vartok = tok->astOperand1(); while (vartok) { if (vartok->str() == "[") vartok = vartok->astOperand1(); else if (vartok->str() == "." || vartok->str() == "::") vartok = vartok->astOperand2(); else break; } if (!(vartok && vartok->variable() && !vartok->variable()->isPointer())) continue; ValueFlow::Value value; value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::TOK; value.tokvalue = tok; setTokenValue(tok, value, tokenlist->getSettings()); } } static void valueFlowPointerAliasDeref(TokenList *tokenlist) { for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (!tok->isUnaryOp("*")) continue; if (!astIsPointer(tok->astOperand1())) continue; const Token* lifeTok = nullptr; ErrorPath errorPath; for (const ValueFlow::Value& v:tok->astOperand1()->values()) { if (!v.isLocalLifetimeValue()) continue; lifeTok = v.tokvalue; errorPath = v.errorPath; } if (!lifeTok) continue; if (lifeTok->varId() == 0) continue; const Variable * var = lifeTok->variable(); if (!var) continue; if (!var->isConst() && isVariableChanged(lifeTok->next(), tok, lifeTok->varId(), !var->isLocal(), tokenlist->getSettings(), tokenlist->isCPP())) continue; for (const ValueFlow::Value& v:lifeTok->values()) { if (v.isLifetimeValue()) continue; ValueFlow::Value value = v; value.errorPath.insert(value.errorPath.begin(), errorPath.begin(), errorPath.end()); setTokenValue(tok, value, tokenlist->getSettings()); } } } static void valueFlowBitAnd(TokenList *tokenlist) { for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->str() != "&") continue; if (tok->hasKnownValue()) continue; if (!tok->astOperand1() || !tok->astOperand2()) continue; MathLib::bigint number; if (MathLib::isInt(tok->astOperand1()->str())) number = MathLib::toLongNumber(tok->astOperand1()->str()); else if (MathLib::isInt(tok->astOperand2()->str())) number = MathLib::toLongNumber(tok->astOperand2()->str()); else continue; int bit = 0; while (bit <= (MathLib::bigint_bits - 2) && ((((MathLib::bigint)1) << bit) < number)) ++bit; if ((((MathLib::bigint)1) << bit) == number) { setTokenValue(tok, ValueFlow::Value(0), tokenlist->getSettings()); setTokenValue(tok, ValueFlow::Value(number), tokenlist->getSettings()); } } } static void valueFlowSameExpressions(TokenList *tokenlist) { for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->hasKnownValue()) continue; if (!tok->astOperand1() || !tok->astOperand2()) continue; if (tok->astOperand1()->isLiteral() || tok->astOperand2()->isLiteral()) continue; if (!astIsIntegral(tok->astOperand1(), false) && !astIsIntegral(tok->astOperand2(), false)) continue; ValueFlow::Value val; if (Token::Match(tok, "==|>=|<=|/")) { val = ValueFlow::Value(1); val.setKnown(); } if (Token::Match(tok, "!=|>|<|%|-")) { val = ValueFlow::Value(0); val.setKnown(); } if (!val.isKnown()) continue; if (isSameExpression(tokenlist->isCPP(), false, tok->astOperand1(), tok->astOperand2(), tokenlist->getSettings()->library, true, true, &val.errorPath)) { setTokenValue(tok, val, tokenlist->getSettings()); } } } static void valueFlowTerminatingCondition(TokenList *tokenlist, SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings) { const bool cpp = symboldatabase->isCPP(); typedef std::pair Condition; for (const Scope * scope : symboldatabase->functionScopes) { bool skipFunction = false; std::vector conds; for (const Token* tok = scope->bodyStart; tok != scope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->isIncompleteVar()) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, "Skipping function due to incomplete variable " + tok->str()); skipFunction = true; break; } if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok, "if (")) continue; // Skip known values if (tok->next()->hasKnownValue()) continue; const Token * condTok = tok->next(); if (!Token::simpleMatch(condTok->link(), ") {")) continue; const Token * blockTok = condTok->link()->tokAt(1); // Check if the block terminates early if (!isEscapeScope(blockTok, tokenlist)) continue; // Check if any variables are modified in scope bool bail = false; for (const Token * tok2=condTok->next(); tok2 != condTok->link(); tok2 = tok2->next()) { const Variable * var = tok2->variable(); if (!var) continue; if (!var->scope()) continue; const Token * endToken = var->scope()->bodyEnd; if (!var->isLocal() && !var->isConst() && !var->isArgument()) { bail = true; break; } if (var->isStatic() && !var->isConst()) { bail = true; break; } if (!var->isConst() && var->declEndToken() && isVariableChanged(var->declEndToken()->next(), endToken, tok2->varId(), false, settings, cpp)) { bail = true; break; } } if (bail) continue; // TODO: Handle multiple conditions if (Token::Match(condTok->astOperand2(), "%oror%|%or%|&|&&")) continue; const Scope * condScope = nullptr; for (const Scope * parent = condTok->scope(); parent; parent = parent->nestedIn) { if (parent->type == Scope::eIf || parent->type == Scope::eWhile || parent->type == Scope::eSwitch) { condScope = parent; break; } } conds.emplace_back(condTok->astOperand2(), condScope); } if (skipFunction) break; for (Condition cond:conds) { if (!cond.first) continue; Token *const startToken = cond.first->findExpressionStartEndTokens().second->next(); for (Token* tok = startToken; tok != scope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) { if (!Token::Match(tok, "%comp%")) continue; // Skip known values if (tok->hasKnownValue()) continue; if (cond.second) { bool bail = true; for (const Scope * parent = tok->scope()->nestedIn; parent; parent = parent->nestedIn) { if (parent == cond.second) { bail = false; break; } } if (bail) continue; } ErrorPath errorPath; if (isOppositeCond(true, cpp, tok, cond.first, settings->library, true, true, &errorPath)) { ValueFlow::Value val(1); val.setKnown(); val.condition = cond.first; val.errorPath = errorPath; val.errorPath.emplace_back(cond.first, "Assuming condition '" + cond.first->expressionString() + "' is false"); setTokenValue(tok, val, tokenlist->getSettings()); } else if (isSameExpression(cpp, true, tok, cond.first, settings->library, true, true, &errorPath)) { ValueFlow::Value val(0); val.setKnown(); val.condition = cond.first; val.errorPath = errorPath; val.errorPath.emplace_back(cond.first, "Assuming condition '" + cond.first->expressionString() + "' is false"); setTokenValue(tok, val, tokenlist->getSettings()); } } } } } static bool getExpressionRange(const Token *expr, MathLib::bigint *minvalue, MathLib::bigint *maxvalue) { if (expr->hasKnownIntValue()) { if (minvalue) *minvalue = expr->values().front().intvalue; if (maxvalue) *maxvalue = expr->values().front().intvalue; return true; } if (expr->str() == "&" && expr->astOperand1() && expr->astOperand2()) { MathLib::bigint vals[4]; bool lhsHasKnownRange = getExpressionRange(expr->astOperand1(), &vals[0], &vals[1]); bool rhsHasKnownRange = getExpressionRange(expr->astOperand2(), &vals[2], &vals[3]); if (!lhsHasKnownRange && !rhsHasKnownRange) return false; if (!lhsHasKnownRange || !rhsHasKnownRange) { if (minvalue) *minvalue = lhsHasKnownRange ? vals[0] : vals[2]; if (maxvalue) *maxvalue = lhsHasKnownRange ? vals[1] : vals[3]; } else { if (minvalue) *minvalue = vals[0] & vals[2]; if (maxvalue) *maxvalue = vals[1] & vals[3]; } return true; } if (expr->str() == "%" && expr->astOperand1() && expr->astOperand2()) { MathLib::bigint vals[4]; if (!getExpressionRange(expr->astOperand2(), &vals[2], &vals[3])) return false; if (vals[2] <= 0) return false; bool lhsHasKnownRange = getExpressionRange(expr->astOperand1(), &vals[0], &vals[1]); if (lhsHasKnownRange && vals[0] < 0) return false; // If lhs has unknown value, it must be unsigned if (!lhsHasKnownRange && (!expr->astOperand1()->valueType() || expr->astOperand1()->valueType()->sign != ValueType::Sign::UNSIGNED)) return false; if (minvalue) *minvalue = 0; if (maxvalue) *maxvalue = vals[3] - 1; return true; } return false; } static void valueFlowRightShift(TokenList *tokenList, const Settings* settings) { for (Token *tok = tokenList->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->str() != ">>") continue; if (tok->hasKnownValue()) continue; if (!tok->astOperand1() || !tok->astOperand2()) continue; if (!tok->astOperand2()->hasKnownValue()) continue; const MathLib::bigint rhsvalue = tok->astOperand2()->values().front().intvalue; if (rhsvalue < 0) continue; if (!tok->astOperand1()->valueType() || !tok->astOperand1()->valueType()->isIntegral()) continue; if (!tok->astOperand2()->valueType() || !tok->astOperand2()->valueType()->isIntegral()) continue; MathLib::bigint lhsmax=0; if (!getExpressionRange(tok->astOperand1(), nullptr, &lhsmax)) continue; if (lhsmax < 0) continue; int lhsbits; if ((tok->astOperand1()->valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::CHAR) || (tok->astOperand1()->valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::SHORT) || (tok->astOperand1()->valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::WCHAR_T) || (tok->astOperand1()->valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::BOOL) || (tok->astOperand1()->valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::INT)) lhsbits = settings->int_bit; else if (tok->astOperand1()->valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::LONG) lhsbits = settings->long_bit; else if (tok->astOperand1()->valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::LONGLONG) lhsbits = settings->long_long_bit; else continue; if (rhsvalue >= lhsbits || rhsvalue >= MathLib::bigint_bits || (1ULL << rhsvalue) <= lhsmax) continue; ValueFlow::Value val(0); val.setKnown(); setTokenValue(tok, val, tokenList->getSettings()); } } static void valueFlowOppositeCondition(SymbolDatabase *symboldatabase, const Settings *settings) { for (const Scope &scope : symboldatabase->scopeList) { if (scope.type != Scope::eIf) continue; Token *tok = const_cast(scope.classDef); if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok, "if (")) continue; const Token *cond1 = tok->next()->astOperand2(); if (!cond1 || !cond1->isComparisonOp()) continue; const bool cpp = symboldatabase->isCPP(); Token *tok2 = tok->linkAt(1); while (Token::simpleMatch(tok2, ") {")) { tok2 = tok2->linkAt(1); if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok2, "} else { if (")) break; Token *ifOpenBraceTok = tok2->tokAt(4); Token *cond2 = ifOpenBraceTok->astOperand2(); if (!cond2 || !cond2->isComparisonOp()) continue; if (isOppositeCond(true, cpp, cond1, cond2, settings->library, true, true)) { ValueFlow::Value value(1); value.setKnown(); setTokenValue(cond2, value, settings); } tok2 = ifOpenBraceTok->link(); } } } static void valueFlowGlobalConstVar(TokenList* tokenList, const Settings *settings) { // Get variable values... std::map vars; for (const Token* tok = tokenList->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (!tok->variable()) continue; // Initialization... if (tok == tok->variable()->nameToken() && !tok->variable()->isVolatile() && !tok->variable()->isArgument() && tok->variable()->isConst() && tok->valueType() && tok->valueType()->isIntegral() && tok->valueType()->pointer == 0 && tok->valueType()->constness == 1 && Token::Match(tok, "%name% =") && tok->next()->astOperand2() && tok->next()->astOperand2()->hasKnownIntValue()) { vars[tok->variable()] = tok->next()->astOperand2()->values().front(); } } // Set values.. for (Token* tok = tokenList->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (!tok->variable()) continue; std::map::const_iterator var = vars.find(tok->variable()); if (var == vars.end()) continue; setTokenValue(tok, var->second, settings); } } static void valueFlowGlobalStaticVar(TokenList *tokenList, const Settings *settings) { // Get variable values... std::map vars; for (const Token *tok = tokenList->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (!tok->variable()) continue; // Initialization... if (tok == tok->variable()->nameToken() && tok->variable()->isStatic() && !tok->variable()->isConst() && tok->valueType() && tok->valueType()->isIntegral() && tok->valueType()->pointer == 0 && tok->valueType()->constness == 0 && Token::Match(tok, "%name% =") && tok->next()->astOperand2() && tok->next()->astOperand2()->hasKnownIntValue()) { vars[tok->variable()] = tok->next()->astOperand2()->values().front(); } else { // If variable is written anywhere in TU then remove it from vars if (!tok->astParent()) continue; if (Token::Match(tok->astParent(), "++|--|&") && !tok->astParent()->astOperand2()) vars.erase(tok->variable()); else if (tok->astParent()->isAssignmentOp()) { if (tok == tok->astParent()->astOperand1()) vars.erase(tok->variable()); else if (tokenList->isCPP() && Token::Match(tok->astParent()->tokAt(-2), "& %name% =")) vars.erase(tok->variable()); } else if (isLikelyStreamRead(tokenList->isCPP(), tok->astParent())) { vars.erase(tok->variable()); } else if (Token::Match(tok->astParent(), "[(,]")) vars.erase(tok->variable()); } } // Set values.. for (Token *tok = tokenList->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (!tok->variable()) continue; std::map::const_iterator var = vars.find(tok->variable()); if (var == vars.end()) continue; setTokenValue(tok, var->second, settings); } } static void valueFlowForward(Token* startToken, const Token* endToken, const Token* exprTok, std::list values, const bool constValue, const bool subFunction, TokenList* const tokenlist, ErrorLogger* const errorLogger, const Settings* settings); static void valueFlowReverse(TokenList *tokenlist, Token *tok, const Token * const varToken, ValueFlow::Value val, ValueFlow::Value val2, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings) { const MathLib::bigint num = val.intvalue; const Variable * const var = varToken->variable(); if (!var) return; const int varid = varToken->varId(); const Token * const startToken = var->nameToken(); for (Token *tok2 = tok->previous(); ; tok2 = tok2->previous()) { if (!tok2 || tok2 == startToken || (tok2->str() == "{" && tok2->scope()->type == Scope::ScopeType::eFunction)) { break; } if (tok2->varId() == varid) { if (tok2->hasKnownValue()) break; // bailout: assignment if (Token::Match(tok2->previous(), "!!* %name% =")) { Token* assignTok = const_cast(tok2->next()->astOperand2()); if (!assignTok->hasKnownValue()) { setTokenValue(assignTok, val, settings); const std::string info = "Assignment from '" + assignTok->expressionString() + "'"; val.errorPath.emplace_back(assignTok, info); std::list values = {val}; if (val2.condition) { val2.errorPath.emplace_back(assignTok, info); setTokenValue(assignTok, val2, settings); values.push_back(val2); } const Token* startForwardToken = nextAfterAstRightmostLeaf(tok2->next()); const Token* endForwardToken = tok->scope() ? tok->scope()->bodyEnd : tok; valueFlowForward(const_cast(startForwardToken), endForwardToken, assignTok, values, false, false, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "assignment of " + tok2->str()); break; } // increment/decrement int inc = 0; if (Token::Match(tok2->previous(), "[;{}] %name% ++|-- ;")) inc = (tok2->strAt(1)=="++") ? -1 : 1; else if (Token::Match(tok2->tokAt(-2), "[;{}] ++|-- %name% ;")) inc = (tok2->strAt(-1)=="++") ? -1 : 1; else if (Token::Match(tok2->previous(), "++|-- %name%") || Token::Match(tok2, "%name% ++|--")) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "increment/decrement of " + tok2->str()); break; } if (inc != 0) { val.intvalue += inc; const std::string info(tok2->str() + " is " + std::string(inc==1 ? "decremented" : "incremented") + ", before this " + (inc==1?"decrement":"increment") + " the value is " + val.infoString()); val.errorPath.emplace_back(tok2, info); } // compound assignment if (Token::Match(tok2->previous(), "[;{}] %var% %assign%") && tok2->next()->str() != "=") { const Token * const assignToken = tok2->next(); const Token * const rhsToken = assignToken->astOperand2(); if (!rhsToken || !rhsToken->hasKnownIntValue()) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "compound assignment, rhs value is not known"); break; } const MathLib::bigint rhsValue = rhsToken->values().front().intvalue; if (assignToken->str() == "+=") val.intvalue -= rhsValue; else if (assignToken->str() == "-=") val.intvalue += rhsValue; else if (assignToken->str() == "*=" && rhsValue != 0) val.intvalue /= rhsValue; else { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "compound assignment " + tok2->str()); break; } const std::string info("Compound assignment '" + assignToken->str() + "', before assignment value is " + val.infoString()); val.errorPath.emplace_back(tok2, info); } // bailout: variable is used in rhs in assignment to itself if (bailoutSelfAssignment(tok2)) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "variable " + tok2->str() + " is used in rhs in assignment to itself"); break; } if (Token::Match(tok2->previous(), "sizeof|.")) { const Token *prev = tok2->previous(); while (Token::Match(prev,"%name%|.") && prev->str() != "sizeof") prev = prev->previous(); if (prev && prev->str() == "sizeof") continue; } // assigned by subfunction? bool inconclusive = false; if (isVariableChangedByFunctionCall(tok2, std::max(val.indirect, val2.indirect), settings, &inconclusive)) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "possible assignment of " + tok2->str() + " by subfunction"); break; } // Impossible values can't be inconclusive if (val.isImpossible() || val2.isImpossible()) break; val.setInconclusive(inconclusive); val2.setInconclusive(inconclusive); // skip if variable is conditionally used in ?: expression if (const Token *parent = skipValueInConditionalExpression(tok2)) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "no simplification of " + tok2->str() + " within " + (Token::Match(parent,"[?:]") ? "?:" : parent->str()) + " expression"); continue; } // do-while condition, break in the loop body { const Token *parent = tok2->astParent(); while (parent && !Token::simpleMatch(parent->previous(), "while (")) parent = parent->astParent(); if (parent && Token::simpleMatch(parent->tokAt(-2), "} while (") && Token::simpleMatch(parent->linkAt(-2)->previous(), "do {")) { bool breakBailout = false; for (const Token *iftok = parent->linkAt(-2); iftok != parent; iftok = iftok->next()) { if (!Token::simpleMatch(iftok, "if (")) continue; if (!Token::simpleMatch(iftok->linkAt(1), ") { break")) continue; ProgramMemory programMemory; programMemory.setIntValue(varid, num); if (conditionIsTrue(iftok->next()->astOperand2(), programMemory)) { breakBailout = true; break; } } if (breakBailout) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "no simplification of " + tok2->str() + " in do-while condition since there is a break in the loop body"); break; } } } setTokenValue(tok2, val, settings); if (val2.condition) setTokenValue(tok2,val2, settings); if (tok2 == var->nameToken()) break; } // skip sizeof etc.. if (tok2->str() == ")" && Token::Match(tok2->link()->previous(), "sizeof|typeof|typeid (")) tok2 = tok2->link(); // goto label if (Token::Match(tok2, "[;{}] %name% :")) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2->next(), "variable " + var->name() + " stopping on goto label"); break; } if (tok2->str() == "}") { const Token *vartok = Token::findmatch(tok2->link(), "%varid%", tok2, varid); while (Token::Match(vartok, "%name% = %num% ;") && !vartok->tokAt(2)->getValue(num)) vartok = Token::findmatch(vartok->next(), "%varid%", tok2, varid); if (vartok) { if (settings->debugwarnings) { std::string errmsg = "variable "; errmsg += var->name() + " "; errmsg += "stopping on }"; bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, errmsg); } break; } else { tok2 = tok2->link(); } } else if (tok2->str() == "{") { // if variable is assigned in loop don't look before the loop if (tok2->previous() && (Token::simpleMatch(tok2->previous(), "do") || (tok2->strAt(-1) == ")" && Token::Match(tok2->linkAt(-1)->previous(), "for|while (")))) { const Token *start = tok2; const Token *end = start->link(); if (isVariableChanged(start,end,varid,var->isGlobal(),settings, tokenlist->isCPP())) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "variable " + var->name() + " is assigned in loop. so valueflow analysis bailout when start of loop is reached."); break; } } // Global variable : stop when leaving the function scope if (!var->isLocal()) { if (!Token::Match(tok2->previous(), ")|else|do {")) break; if ((tok2->previous()->str() == ")") && !Token::Match(tok2->linkAt(-1)->previous(), "if|for|while (")) break; } } else if (tok2->str() == ";") { const Token *parent = tok2->previous(); while (parent && !Token::Match(parent, "return|break|continue|goto")) parent = parent->astParent(); // reaching a break/continue/return if (parent) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "variable " + var->name() + " stopping on " + parent->str()); break; } } if (Token::Match(tok2, "%name% (") && !Token::simpleMatch(tok2->linkAt(1), ") {")) { // bailout: global non-const variables if (!(var->isLocal() || var->isArgument()) && !var->isConst()) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, "global variable " + var->name()); return; } } } } static bool isConditionKnown(const Token* tok, bool then) { const char* op = "||"; if (then) op = "&&"; const Token* parent = tok->astParent(); while (parent && parent->str() == op) parent = parent->astParent(); return (parent && parent->str() == "("); } static void valueFlowBeforeCondition(TokenList *tokenlist, SymbolDatabase *symboldatabase, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings) { for (const Scope * scope : symboldatabase->functionScopes) { for (Token* tok = const_cast(scope->bodyStart); tok != scope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) { MathLib::bigint num = 0; const Token *vartok = nullptr; if (tok->isComparisonOp() && tok->astOperand1() && tok->astOperand2()) { if (tok->astOperand1()->isName() && tok->astOperand2()->hasKnownIntValue()) { vartok = tok->astOperand1(); num = tok->astOperand2()->values().front().intvalue; } else if (tok->astOperand1()->hasKnownIntValue() && tok->astOperand2()->isName()) { vartok = tok->astOperand2(); num = tok->astOperand1()->values().front().intvalue; } else { continue; } } else if (Token::Match(tok->previous(), "if|while ( %name% %oror%|&&|)") || Token::Match(tok, "%oror%|&& %name% %oror%|&&|)")) { vartok = tok->next(); num = 0; } else if (Token::Match(tok, "[!?]") && Token::Match(tok->astOperand1(), "%name%")) { vartok = tok->astOperand1(); num = 0; } else { continue; } int varid = vartok->varId(); const Variable * const var = vartok->variable(); if (varid == 0U || !var) continue; if (tok->str() == "?" && tok->isExpandedMacro()) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, "variable " + var->name() + ", condition is defined in macro"); continue; } // bailout: for/while-condition, variable is changed in while loop for (const Token *tok2 = tok; tok2; tok2 = tok2->astParent()) { if (tok2->astParent() || tok2->str() != "(" || !Token::simpleMatch(tok2->link(), ") {")) continue; // Variable changed in 3rd for-expression if (Token::simpleMatch(tok2->previous(), "for (")) { if (tok2->astOperand2() && tok2->astOperand2()->astOperand2() && isVariableChanged(tok2->astOperand2()->astOperand2(), tok2->link(), varid, var->isGlobal(), settings, tokenlist->isCPP())) { varid = 0U; if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, "variable " + var->name() + " used in loop"); } } // Variable changed in loop code if (Token::Match(tok2->previous(), "for|while (")) { const Token * const start = tok2->link()->next(); const Token * const end = start->link(); if (isVariableChanged(start,end,varid,var->isGlobal(),settings, tokenlist->isCPP())) { varid = 0U; if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, "variable " + var->name() + " used in loop"); } } // if,macro => bailout else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok2->previous(), "if (") && tok2->previous()->isExpandedMacro()) { varid = 0U; if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, "variable " + var->name() + ", condition is defined in macro"); } } if (varid == 0U) continue; // extra logic for unsigned variables 'i>=1' => possible value can also be 0 if (Token::Match(tok, "<|>")) { if (num != 0) continue; if (!var->typeStartToken()->isUnsigned()) continue; } ValueFlow::Value val(tok, num); val.varId = varid; ValueFlow::Value val2; if (num==1U && Token::Match(tok,"<=|>=")) { if (var->typeStartToken()->isUnsigned()) { val2 = ValueFlow::Value(tok,0); val2.varId = varid; } } Token* startTok = tok->astParent() ? tok->astParent() : tok->previous(); valueFlowReverse(tokenlist, startTok, vartok, val, val2, errorLogger, settings); } } } static void removeValues(std::list &values, const std::list &valuesToRemove) { for (std::list::iterator it = values.begin(); it != values.end();) { const bool found = std::any_of(valuesToRemove.cbegin(), valuesToRemove.cend(), [=](const ValueFlow::Value &v2) { return it->intvalue == v2.intvalue; }); if (found) values.erase(it++); else ++it; } } static void valueFlowAST(Token *tok, nonneg int varid, const ValueFlow::Value &value, const Settings *settings) { if (!tok) return; if (tok->varId() == varid) setTokenValue(tok, value, settings); valueFlowAST(tok->astOperand1(), varid, value, settings); if (tok->str() == "&&" && tok->astOperand1() && tok->astOperand1()->getValue(0)) { ProgramMemory pm; pm.setValue(varid,value); if (conditionIsFalse(tok->astOperand1(), pm)) return; } else if (tok->str() == "||" && tok->astOperand1()) { const std::list &values = tok->astOperand1()->values(); const bool nonzero = std::any_of(values.cbegin(), values.cend(), [=](const ValueFlow::Value &v) { return v.intvalue != 0; }); if (!nonzero) return; ProgramMemory pm; pm.setValue(varid,value); if (conditionIsTrue(tok->astOperand1(), pm)) return; } valueFlowAST(tok->astOperand2(), varid, value, settings); } /** if known variable is changed in loop body, change it to a possible value */ static bool handleKnownValuesInLoop(const Token *startToken, const Token *endToken, std::list *values, nonneg int varid, bool globalvar, const Settings *settings) { const bool isChanged = isVariableChanged(startToken, endToken, varid, globalvar, settings, true); if (!isChanged) return false; lowerToPossible(*values); return isChanged; } static bool evalAssignment(ValueFlow::Value &lhsValue, const std::string &assign, const ValueFlow::Value &rhsValue) { if (lhsValue.isIntValue()) { if (assign == "+=") lhsValue.intvalue += rhsValue.intvalue; else if (assign == "-=") lhsValue.intvalue -= rhsValue.intvalue; else if (assign == "*=") lhsValue.intvalue *= rhsValue.intvalue; else if (assign == "/=") { if (rhsValue.intvalue == 0) return false; else lhsValue.intvalue /= rhsValue.intvalue; } else if (assign == "%=") { if (rhsValue.intvalue == 0) return false; else lhsValue.intvalue %= rhsValue.intvalue; } else if (assign == "&=") lhsValue.intvalue &= rhsValue.intvalue; else if (assign == "|=") lhsValue.intvalue |= rhsValue.intvalue; else if (assign == "^=") lhsValue.intvalue ^= rhsValue.intvalue; else return false; } else if (lhsValue.isFloatValue()) { if (assign == "+=") lhsValue.floatValue += rhsValue.intvalue; else if (assign == "-=") lhsValue.floatValue -= rhsValue.intvalue; else if (assign == "*=") lhsValue.floatValue *= rhsValue.intvalue; else if (assign == "/=") lhsValue.floatValue /= rhsValue.intvalue; else return false; } else { return false; } return true; } // Check if its an alias of the variable or is being aliased to this variable static bool isAliasOf(const Variable * var, const Token *tok, nonneg int varid, const std::list& values) { if (tok->varId() == varid) return false; if (tok->varId() == 0) return false; if (isAliasOf(tok, varid)) return true; if (!var->isPointer()) return false; // Search through non value aliases for (const ValueFlow::Value &val : values) { if (!val.isNonValue()) continue; if (val.isInconclusive()) continue; if (val.isLifetimeValue() && !val.isLocalLifetimeValue()) continue; if (val.isLifetimeValue() && val.lifetimeKind != ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Address) continue; if (!Token::Match(val.tokvalue, ".|&|*|%var%")) continue; if (astHasVar(val.tokvalue, tok->varId())) return true; } return false; } static std::set getIndirections(const std::list& values) { std::set result; std::transform(values.begin(), values.end(), std::inserter(result, result.end()), [](const ValueFlow::Value& v) { return std::max(0, v.indirect); }); return result; } static void valueFlowForwardExpression(Token* startToken, const Token* endToken, const Token* exprTok, const std::list& values, const TokenList* const tokenlist, const Settings* settings) { FwdAnalysis fwdAnalysis(tokenlist->isCPP(), settings->library); for (const FwdAnalysis::KnownAndToken read : fwdAnalysis.valueFlow(exprTok, startToken, endToken)) { for (const ValueFlow::Value& value : values) { // Don't set inconclusive values if (value.isInconclusive()) continue; ValueFlow::Value v = value; if (v.isImpossible()) { if (read.known) continue; } else if (!read.known) { v.valueKind = ValueFlow::Value::ValueKind::Possible; } setTokenValue(const_cast(read.token), v, settings); } } } static bool valueFlowForwardVariable(Token* const startToken, const Token* const endToken, const Variable* const var, const nonneg int varid, std::list values, const bool constValue, const bool subFunction, TokenList* const tokenlist, ErrorLogger* const errorLogger, const Settings* const settings) { int indentlevel = 0; int number_of_if = 0; int varusagelevel = -1; bool returnStatement = false; // current statement is a return, stop analysis at the ";" bool read = false; // is variable value read? if (values.empty()) return true; for (Token *tok2 = startToken; tok2 && tok2 != endToken; tok2 = tok2->next()) { if (values.empty()) return true; if (indentlevel >= 0 && tok2->str() == "{") ++indentlevel; else if (indentlevel >= 0 && tok2->str() == "}") { --indentlevel; if (indentlevel <= 0 && isReturnScope(tok2, &settings->library) && Token::Match(tok2->link()->previous(), "else|) {")) { const Token *condition = tok2->link(); const bool iselse = Token::simpleMatch(condition->tokAt(-2), "} else {"); if (iselse) condition = condition->linkAt(-2); if (condition && Token::simpleMatch(condition->previous(), ") {")) condition = condition->linkAt(-1)->astOperand2(); else condition = nullptr; if (!condition) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout( tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "variable " + var->name() + " valueFlowForwardVariable, bailing out since it's unknown if conditional return is executed"); return false; } bool bailoutflag = false; const Token * const start1 = iselse ? tok2->link()->linkAt(-2) : nullptr; for (std::list::iterator it = values.begin(); it != values.end();) { if (!iselse && conditionIsTrue(condition, getProgramMemory(condition->astParent(), varid, *it))) { bailoutflag = true; break; } if (iselse && conditionIsFalse(condition, getProgramMemory(condition->astParent(), varid, *it))) { bailoutflag = true; break; } if (iselse && it->isPossible() && isVariableChanged(start1, start1->link(), varid, var->isGlobal(), settings, tokenlist->isCPP())) values.erase(it++); else ++it; } if (bailoutflag) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "variable " + var->name() + " valueFlowForwardVariable, conditional return is assumed to be executed"); return false; } if (values.empty()) return true; } else if (indentlevel <= 0 && Token::simpleMatch(tok2->link()->previous(), "else {") && !isReturnScope(tok2->link()->tokAt(-2), &settings->library) && isVariableChanged(tok2->link(), tok2, varid, var->isGlobal(), settings, tokenlist->isCPP())) { lowerToPossible(values); } } // skip lambda functions // TODO: handle lambda functions if (tok2->str() == "[" && findLambdaEndToken(tok2)) { Token *lambdaEndToken = const_cast(findLambdaEndToken(tok2)); if (isVariableChanged(lambdaEndToken->link(), lambdaEndToken, varid, var->isGlobal(), settings, tokenlist->isCPP())) return false; // Don't skip lambdas for lifetime values if (!std::all_of(values.begin(), values.end(), std::mem_fn(&ValueFlow::Value::isLifetimeValue))) { tok2 = lambdaEndToken; continue; } } if (Token::Match(tok2, "[;{}] %name% :") || tok2->str() == "case") { lowerToPossible(values); tok2 = tok2->tokAt(2); continue; } else if ((var->isGlobal() || tok2->str() == "asm") && Token::Match(tok2, "%name% (") && Token::Match(tok2->linkAt(1), ") !!{")) { return false; } // Skip sizeof etc else if (Token::Match(tok2, "sizeof|typeof|typeid (")) tok2 = tok2->linkAt(1); else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok2, "else {")) { // Should scope be skipped because variable value is checked? const Token *condition = tok2->linkAt(-1); condition = condition ? condition->linkAt(-1) : nullptr; condition = condition ? condition->astOperand2() : nullptr; const bool skipelse = std::any_of(values.cbegin(), values.cend(), [=](const ValueFlow::Value &v) { return conditionIsTrue(condition, getProgramMemory(tok2, varid, v)); }); if (skipelse) { tok2 = tok2->linkAt(1); continue; } } else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok2, "do {")) { const Token *start = tok2->next(); const Token *end = start->link(); if (Token::simpleMatch(end, "} while (")) end = end->linkAt(2); if (isVariableChanged(start, end, varid, var->isGlobal(), settings, tokenlist->isCPP())) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "variable " + var->name() + " valueFlowForwardVariable, assignment in do-while"); return false; } handleKnownValuesInLoop(start, end, &values, varid, var->isGlobal(), settings); } // conditional block of code that assigns variable.. else if (!tok2->varId() && Token::Match(tok2, "%name% (") && Token::simpleMatch(tok2->linkAt(1), ") {")) { // is variable changed in condition? for (int i:getIndirections(values)) { Token* tokChanged = findVariableChanged(tok2->next(), tok2->next()->link(), i, varid, var->isGlobal(), settings, tokenlist->isCPP()); if (tokChanged != nullptr) { // Set the value before bailing if (tokChanged->varId() == varid) { for (const ValueFlow::Value &v : values) { if (!v.isNonValue()) continue; setTokenValue(tokChanged, v, settings); } } values.remove_if([&](const ValueFlow::Value& v) { return v.indirect == i; }); } } if (values.empty()) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "variable " + var->name() + " valueFlowForwardVariable, assignment in condition"); return false; } // if known variable is changed in loop body, change it to a possible value.. if (Token::Match(tok2, "for|while")) { if (handleKnownValuesInLoop(tok2, tok2->linkAt(1)->linkAt(1), &values, varid, var->isGlobal(), settings)) number_of_if++; } // Set values in condition for (Token* tok3 = tok2->tokAt(2); tok3 != tok2->next()->link(); tok3 = tok3->next()) { if (tok3->varId() == varid) { for (const ValueFlow::Value &v : values) setTokenValue(tok3, v, settings); } else if (Token::Match(tok3, "%oror%|&&|?|;")) { break; } } const Token * const condTok = tok2->next()->astOperand2(); const bool condAlwaysTrue = (condTok && condTok->hasKnownIntValue() && condTok->values().front().intvalue != 0); const bool condAlwaysFalse = (condTok && condTok->hasKnownIntValue() && condTok->values().front().intvalue == 0); // Should scope be skipped because variable value is checked? std::list truevalues; std::list falsevalues; for (const ValueFlow::Value &v : values) { if (condAlwaysTrue) { truevalues.push_back(v); continue; } if (condAlwaysFalse) { falsevalues.push_back(v); continue; } // TODO: Compute program from tokvalue first ProgramMemory programMemory = getProgramMemory(tok2, varid, v); const bool isTrue = conditionIsTrue(condTok, programMemory); const bool isFalse = conditionIsFalse(condTok, programMemory); if (isTrue) truevalues.push_back(v); if (isFalse) falsevalues.push_back(v); } if (!truevalues.empty() || !falsevalues.empty()) { // '{' const Token * const startToken1 = tok2->linkAt(1)->next(); bool vfresult = valueFlowForwardVariable(startToken1->next(), startToken1->link(), var, varid, truevalues, constValue, subFunction, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); if (!condAlwaysFalse && isVariableChanged(startToken1, startToken1->link(), varid, var->isGlobal(), settings, tokenlist->isCPP())) { removeValues(values, truevalues); lowerToPossible(values); } // goto '}' tok2 = startToken1->link(); if (isEscapeScope(startToken1, tokenlist, true) || !vfresult) { if (condAlwaysTrue) return false; removeValues(values, truevalues); } if (Token::simpleMatch(tok2, "} else {")) { const Token * const startTokenElse = tok2->tokAt(2); vfresult = valueFlowForwardVariable(startTokenElse->next(), startTokenElse->link(), var, varid, falsevalues, constValue, subFunction, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); if (!condAlwaysTrue && isVariableChanged(startTokenElse, startTokenElse->link(), varid, var->isGlobal(), settings, tokenlist->isCPP())) { removeValues(values, falsevalues); lowerToPossible(values); } // goto '}' tok2 = startTokenElse->link(); if (isEscapeScope(startTokenElse, tokenlist, true) || !vfresult) { if (condAlwaysFalse) return false; removeValues(values, falsevalues); } } if (values.empty()) return false; continue; } Token * const start = tok2->linkAt(1)->next(); Token * const end = start->link(); const bool varusage = (indentlevel >= 0 && constValue && number_of_if == 0U) ? isVariableChanged(start,end,varid,var->isGlobal(),settings, tokenlist->isCPP()) : (nullptr != Token::findmatch(start, "%varid%", end, varid)); if (!read) { read = bool(nullptr != Token::findmatch(tok2, "%varid% !!=", end, varid)); } if (varusage) { varusagelevel = indentlevel; if (indentlevel < 0 && tok2->str() == "switch") return false; // TODO: don't check noreturn scopes if (read && (number_of_if > 0U || Token::findmatch(tok2, "%varid%", start, varid))) { // Set values in condition const Token * const condend = tok2->linkAt(1); for (Token *condtok = tok2; condtok != condend; condtok = condtok->next()) { if (condtok->varId() == varid) { for (const ValueFlow::Value &v : values) setTokenValue(condtok, v, settings); } if (Token::Match(condtok, "%oror%|&&|?|;")) break; } if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "variable " + var->name() + " is assigned in conditional code"); return false; } if (var->isStatic()) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "variable " + var->name() + " bailout when conditional code that contains var is seen"); return false; } // Forward known values in the else branch if (Token::simpleMatch(end, "} else {")) { std::list knownValues; std::copy_if(values.begin(), values.end(), std::back_inserter(knownValues), std::mem_fn(&ValueFlow::Value::isKnown)); valueFlowForwardVariable(end->tokAt(2), end->linkAt(2), var, varid, knownValues, constValue, subFunction, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } // Remove conditional values std::list::iterator it; for (it = values.begin(); it != values.end();) { if (it->condition || it->conditional || it->isImpossible()) values.erase(it++); else { it->changeKnownToPossible(); ++it; } } } // stop after conditional return scopes that are executed if (isReturnScope(end, &settings->library)) { std::list::iterator it; for (it = values.begin(); it != values.end();) { if (conditionIsTrue(tok2->next()->astOperand2(), getProgramMemory(tok2, varid, *it))) values.erase(it++); else ++it; } if (values.empty()) return false; } // noreturn scopes.. if ((number_of_if > 0 || Token::findmatch(tok2, "%varid%", start, varid)) && (isEscapeScope(start, tokenlist) || (Token::simpleMatch(end,"} else {") && isEscapeScope(end->tokAt(2), tokenlist)))) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "variable " + var->name() + ". noreturn conditional scope."); return false; } if (isVariableChanged(start, end, varid, var->isGlobal(), settings, tokenlist->isCPP())) { if ((!read || number_of_if == 0) && Token::simpleMatch(tok2, "if (") && !(Token::simpleMatch(end, "} else {") && isEscapeScope(end->tokAt(2), tokenlist))) { ++number_of_if; tok2 = end; } else { // loop that conditionally set variable and then break => either loop condition is // redundant or the variable can be unchanged after the loop. bool loopCondition = false; if (Token::simpleMatch(tok2, "while (") && Token::Match(tok2->next()->astOperand2(), "%op%")) loopCondition = true; else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok2, "for (") && Token::simpleMatch(tok2->next()->astOperand2(), ";") && Token::simpleMatch(tok2->next()->astOperand2()->astOperand2(), ";") && Token::Match(tok2->next()->astOperand2()->astOperand2()->astOperand1(), "%op%")) loopCondition = true; bool bail = true; if (loopCondition) { const Token *tok3 = Token::findmatch(start, "%varid%", end, varid); if (Token::Match(tok3, "%varid% =", varid) && tok3->scope()->bodyEnd && Token::Match(tok3->scope()->bodyEnd->tokAt(-3), "[;}] break ;") && !Token::findmatch(tok3->next(), "%varid%", end, varid)) { bail = false; tok2 = end; } } if (bail) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "variable " + var->name() + " is assigned in conditional code"); return false; } } } } else if (Token::Match(tok2, "assert|ASSERT (") && Token::simpleMatch(tok2->linkAt(1), ") ;")) { const Token * const arg = tok2->next()->astOperand2(); if (arg != nullptr && arg->str() != ",") { // Should scope be skipped because variable value is checked? for (std::list::iterator it = values.begin(); it != values.end();) { if (conditionIsFalse(arg, getProgramMemory(tok2, varid, *it))) values.erase(it++); else ++it; } } } else if (tok2->str() == "}" && indentlevel == varusagelevel) { ++number_of_if; // Set "conditional" flag for all values removeImpossible(values); std::list::iterator it; for (it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); ++it) { it->conditional = true; it->changeKnownToPossible(); } if (Token::simpleMatch(tok2,"} else {")) tok2 = tok2->linkAt(2); } else if (Token::Match(tok2, "break|continue|goto")) { const Scope *scope = tok2->scope(); if (indentlevel > 0) { const Token *tok3 = tok2->tokAt(2); int indentlevel2 = indentlevel; while (indentlevel2 > 0 && tok3->str() == "}" && Token::Match(tok3->link()->previous(), "!!)")) { indentlevel2--; tok3 = tok3->next(); if (tok3 && tok3->str() == ";") tok3 = tok3->next(); } if (indentlevel2 > 0) continue; scope = tok3->scope(); indentlevel = 0; } if (tok2->str() == "break") { if (scope && scope->type == Scope::eSwitch) { tok2 = const_cast(scope->bodyEnd); if (tok2 == endToken) break; --indentlevel; lowerToPossible(values); continue; } } if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "variable " + var->name() + ". noreturn conditional scope."); return false; } else if (indentlevel <= 0 && Token::Match(tok2, "return|throw|setjmp|longjmp")) returnStatement = true; else if (returnStatement && tok2->str() == ";") return false; // If a ? is seen and it's known that the condition is true/false.. else if (tok2->str() == "?") { if (subFunction && (astIsPointer(tok2->astOperand1()) || astIsIntegral(tok2->astOperand1(), false))) { tok2 = const_cast(nextAfterAstRightmostLeaf(tok2)); if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "variable " + var->name() + " valueFlowForwardVariable, skip ternary in subfunctions"); continue; } const Token *condition = tok2->astOperand1(); Token *op2 = tok2->astOperand2(); if (!condition || !op2) // Ticket #6713 continue; if (condition->hasKnownIntValue()) { const ValueFlow::Value &condValue = condition->values().front(); Token *expr = (condValue.intvalue != 0) ? op2->astOperand1() : op2->astOperand2(); for (const ValueFlow::Value &v : values) valueFlowAST(expr, varid, v, settings); if (isVariableChangedByFunctionCall(expr, 0, varid, settings, nullptr)) lowerToPossible(values, 0); if (isVariableChangedByFunctionCall(expr, 1, varid, settings, nullptr)) lowerToPossible(values, 1); } else { if (number_of_if >= 1) { // is variable used in conditional code? the value is not known if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "variable " + var->name() + " valueFlowForwardVariable, number_of_if"); return false; } for (const ValueFlow::Value &v : values) { const ProgramMemory programMemory(getProgramMemory(tok2, varid, v)); if (conditionIsTrue(condition, programMemory)) valueFlowAST(op2->astOperand1(), varid, v, settings); else if (conditionIsFalse(condition, programMemory)) valueFlowAST(op2->astOperand2(), varid, v, settings); else valueFlowAST(op2, varid, v, settings); } const Token * const expr0 = op2->astOperand1() ? op2->astOperand1() : tok2->astOperand1(); const Token * const expr1 = op2->astOperand2(); const std::pair startEnd0 = expr0->findExpressionStartEndTokens(); const std::pair startEnd1 = expr1->findExpressionStartEndTokens(); const bool changed0 = isVariableChanged(startEnd0.first, startEnd0.second->next(), varid, var->isGlobal(), settings, tokenlist->isCPP()); const bool changed1 = isVariableChanged(startEnd1.first, startEnd1.second->next(), varid, var->isGlobal(), settings, tokenlist->isCPP()); if (changed0 && changed1) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "variable " + var->name() + " valueFlowForwardVariable, changed in both : expressions"); return false; } if (changed0 || changed1) lowerToPossible(values); } // Skip conditional expressions.. const Token * const questionToken = tok2; while (tok2->astOperand1() || tok2->astOperand2()) { if (tok2->astOperand2()) tok2 = tok2->astOperand2(); else if (tok2->isUnaryPreOp()) tok2 = tok2->astOperand1(); else break; } tok2 = tok2->next(); if (isVariableChanged(questionToken, questionToken->astOperand2(), varid, false, settings, tokenlist->isCPP()) && isVariableChanged(questionToken->astOperand2(), tok2, varid, false, settings, tokenlist->isCPP())) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "variable " + var->name() + " valueFlowForwardVariable, assignment in condition"); return false; } } else if (tok2->varId() == varid) { // compound assignment, known value in rhs if (Token::Match(tok2->previous(), "!!* %name% %assign%") && tok2->next()->str() != "=" && tok2->next()->astOperand2() && tok2->next()->astOperand2()->hasKnownIntValue()) { const ValueFlow::Value &rhsValue = tok2->next()->astOperand2()->values().front(); const std::string &assign = tok2->next()->str(); std::list::iterator it; // Erase values that are not int values.. for (it = values.begin(); it != values.end();) { if (!evalAssignment(*it, assign, rhsValue)) { it = values.erase(it); } else { const std::string info("Compound assignment '" + assign + "', assigned value is " + it->infoString()); it->errorPath.emplace_back(tok2, info); ++it; } } if (values.empty()) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "compound assignment of " + tok2->str()); return false; } } // bailout: assignment else if (Token::Match(tok2->previous(), "!!* %name% %assign%")) { // simplify rhs std::stack rhs; rhs.push(tok2->next()->astOperand2()); while (!rhs.empty()) { Token *rtok = rhs.top(); rhs.pop(); if (!rtok) continue; if (rtok->str() == "(" && Token::Match(rtok->astOperand1(), "sizeof|typeof|typeid")) continue; if (Token::Match(rtok, "++|--|?|:|;|,")) continue; if (rtok->varId() == varid) { for (const ValueFlow::Value &v : values) setTokenValue(rtok, v, settings); } rhs.push(rtok->astOperand1()); rhs.push(rtok->astOperand2()); } if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "assignment of " + tok2->str()); return false; } // bailout: possible assignment using >> if (isLikelyStreamRead(tokenlist->isCPP(), tok2->previous())) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "Possible assignment of " + tok2->str() + " using " + tok2->strAt(-1)); return false; } // skip if variable is conditionally used in ?: expression if (const Token *parent = skipValueInConditionalExpression(tok2)) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "no simplification of " + tok2->str() + " within " + (Token::Match(parent,"[?:]") ? "?:" : parent->str()) + " expression"); const Token *astTop = parent->astTop(); if (Token::simpleMatch(astTop->astOperand1(), "for (")) tok2 = astTop->link(); // bailout if address of var is taken.. if (tok2->astParent() && tok2->astParent()->isUnaryOp("&")) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "Taking address of " + tok2->str()); return false; } continue; } { // Is variable usage protected by && || ?: const Token *tok3 = tok2; const Token *parent = tok3->astParent(); while (parent && !Token::Match(parent, "%oror%|&&|:")) { tok3 = parent; parent = parent->astParent(); } const bool conditional = parent && (parent->str() == ":" || parent->astOperand2() == tok3); for (const ValueFlow::Value &v : values) { if (!conditional || !v.conditional) setTokenValue(tok2, v, settings); } } // increment/decrement if (Token::Match(tok2->previous(), "++|-- %name%") || Token::Match(tok2, "%name% ++|--")) { std::list::iterator it; // Erase values that are not int values.. for (it = values.begin(); it != values.end();) { if (!it->isIntValue()) it = values.erase(it); else ++it; } if (values.empty()) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "increment/decrement of " + tok2->str()); return false; } const bool pre = Token::Match(tok2->previous(), "++|--"); Token * const op = pre ? tok2->previous() : tok2->next(); const bool inc = (op->str() == "++"); // Perform increment/decrement.. for (it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); ++it) { if (!pre) setTokenValue(op, *it, settings); it->intvalue += (inc ? 1 : -1); if (pre) setTokenValue(op, *it, settings); const std::string info(tok2->str() + " is " + std::string(inc ? "incremented" : "decremented") + "', new value is " + it->infoString()); it->errorPath.emplace_back(tok2, info); } } // bailout if address of var is taken.. if (tok2->astParent() && tok2->astParent()->isUnaryOp("&")) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "Taking address of " + tok2->str()); return false; } // bailout if reference is created.. if (tok2->astParent() && Token::Match(tok2->astParent()->tokAt(-2), "& %name% =")) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "Reference of " + tok2->str()); return false; } // bailout if its stream.. if (isLikelyStream(tokenlist->isCPP(), tok2)) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "Stream used: " + tok2->str()); return false; } // assigned by subfunction? for (int i:getIndirections(values)) { bool inconclusive = false; if (isVariableChangedByFunctionCall(tok2, i, settings, &inconclusive)) { values.remove_if([&](const ValueFlow::Value& v) { return v.indirect <= i; }); } if (inconclusive) lowerToInconclusive(values, settings, i); } if (values.empty()) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "possible assignment of " + tok2->str() + " by subfunction"); return false; } if (tok2->strAt(1) == "." && tok2->next()->originalName() != "->") { lowerToInconclusive(values, settings); if (!settings->inconclusive) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "possible assignment of " + tok2->str() + " by member function"); return false; } } // Variable changed for (int i:getIndirections(values)) { // Remove uninitialized values if modified if (isVariableChanged(tok2, i, settings, tokenlist->isCPP())) values.remove_if([&](const ValueFlow::Value& v) { return v.isUninitValue() && v.indirect <= i; }); } } else if (isAliasOf(var, tok2, varid, values) && isVariableChanged(tok2, 0, settings, tokenlist->isCPP())) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "Alias variable was modified."); // Bail at the end of the statement if its in an assignment const Token * top = tok2->astTop(); if (Token::Match(top, "%assign%") && astHasToken(top->astOperand1(), tok2)) returnStatement = true; else return false; } // Lambda function if (Token::simpleMatch(tok2, "= [") && Token::simpleMatch(tok2->linkAt(1), "] (") && Token::simpleMatch(tok2->linkAt(1)->linkAt(1), ") {")) { const Token *bodyStart = tok2->linkAt(1)->linkAt(1)->next(); if (isVariableChanged(bodyStart, bodyStart->link(), varid, var->isGlobal(), settings, tokenlist->isCPP())) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "valueFlowForwardVariable, " + var->name() + " is changed in lambda function"); return false; } } } return true; } static const Token* parseBinaryIntOp(const Token* expr, MathLib::bigint& known) { if (!expr) return nullptr; if (!expr->astOperand1() || !expr->astOperand2()) return nullptr; const Token* knownTok = nullptr; const Token* varTok = nullptr; if (expr->astOperand1()->hasKnownIntValue() && !expr->astOperand2()->hasKnownIntValue()) { varTok = expr->astOperand2(); knownTok = expr->astOperand1(); } else if (expr->astOperand2()->hasKnownIntValue() && !expr->astOperand1()->hasKnownIntValue()) { varTok = expr->astOperand1(); knownTok = expr->astOperand2(); } if (knownTok) known = knownTok->values().front().intvalue; return varTok; } template void transformIntValues(std::list& values, F f) { std::transform(values.begin(), values.end(), values.begin(), [&](ValueFlow::Value x) { if (x.isIntValue()) x.intvalue = f(x.intvalue); return x; }); } static const Token* solveExprValues(const Token* expr, std::list& values) { MathLib::bigint intval; const Token* binaryTok = parseBinaryIntOp(expr, intval); if (binaryTok && expr->str().size() == 1) { switch (expr->str()[0]) { case '+': { transformIntValues(values, [&](MathLib::bigint x) { return x - intval; }); return solveExprValues(binaryTok, values); } case '*': { transformIntValues(values, [&](MathLib::bigint x) { return x / intval; }); return solveExprValues(binaryTok, values); } case '^': { transformIntValues(values, [&](MathLib::bigint x) { return x ^ intval; }); return solveExprValues(binaryTok, values); } } } return expr; } static void valueFlowForward(Token* startToken, const Token* endToken, const Token* exprTok, std::list values, const bool constValue, const bool subFunction, TokenList* const tokenlist, ErrorLogger* const errorLogger, const Settings* settings) { const Token* expr = solveExprValues(exprTok, values); if (Token::Match(expr, "%var%") && expr->variable()) { valueFlowForwardVariable(startToken, endToken, expr->variable(), expr->varId(), values, constValue, subFunction, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } else { valueFlowForwardExpression(startToken, endToken, expr, values, tokenlist, settings); } } static std::vector findReturns(const Function* f) { std::vector result; const Scope* scope = f->functionScope; if (!scope) return result; for (const Token* tok = scope->bodyStart->next(); tok && tok != scope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->str() == "{" && tok->scope() && (tok->scope()->type == Scope::eLambda || tok->scope()->type == Scope::eClass)) { tok = tok->link(); continue; } if (Token::simpleMatch(tok->astParent(), "return")) { result.push_back(tok); } // Skip lambda functions since the scope may not be set correctly const Token* lambdaEndToken = findLambdaEndToken(tok); if (lambdaEndToken) { tok = lambdaEndToken; } } return result; } static int getArgumentPos(const Variable *var, const Function *f) { auto arg_it = std::find_if(f->argumentList.begin(), f->argumentList.end(), [&](const Variable &v) { return v.nameToken() == var->nameToken(); }); if (arg_it == f->argumentList.end()) return -1; return std::distance(f->argumentList.begin(), arg_it); } std::string lifetimeType(const Token *tok, const ValueFlow::Value *val) { std::string result; if (!val) return "object"; switch (val->lifetimeKind) { case ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Lambda: result = "lambda"; break; case ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Iterator: result = "iterator"; break; case ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Object: case ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Address: if (astIsPointer(tok)) result = "pointer"; else result = "object"; break; } return result; } std::string lifetimeMessage(const Token *tok, const ValueFlow::Value *val, ErrorPath &errorPath) { const Token *tokvalue = val ? val->tokvalue : nullptr; const Variable *tokvar = tokvalue ? tokvalue->variable() : nullptr; const Token *vartok = tokvar ? tokvar->nameToken() : nullptr; std::string type = lifetimeType(tok, val); std::string msg = type; if (vartok) { errorPath.emplace_back(vartok, "Variable created here."); const Variable * var = vartok->variable(); if (var) { switch (val->lifetimeKind) { case ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Object: case ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Address: if (type == "pointer") msg += " to local variable"; else msg += " that points to local variable"; break; case ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Lambda: msg += " that captures local variable"; break; case ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Iterator: msg += " to local container"; break; } msg += " '" + var->name() + "'"; } } return msg; } ValueFlow::Value getLifetimeObjValue(const Token *tok) { ValueFlow::Value result; auto pred = [](const ValueFlow::Value &v) { if (!v.isLocalLifetimeValue()) return false; if (v.isInconclusive()) return false; if (!v.tokvalue->variable()) return false; return true; }; auto it = std::find_if(tok->values().begin(), tok->values().end(), pred); if (it == tok->values().end()) return result; result = *it; // There should only be one lifetime if (std::find_if(std::next(it), tok->values().end(), pred) != tok->values().end()) return result; return result; } std::vector getLifetimeTokens(const Token* tok, ValueFlow::Value::ErrorPath errorPath, int depth) { if (!tok) return std::vector {}; const Variable *var = tok->variable(); if (depth < 0) return {{tok, std::move(errorPath)}}; if (var && var->declarationId() == tok->varId()) { if (var->isReference() || var->isRValueReference()) { if (!var->declEndToken()) return {{tok, true, std::move(errorPath)}}; if (var->isArgument()) { errorPath.emplace_back(var->declEndToken(), "Passed to reference."); return {{tok, true, std::move(errorPath)}}; } else if (Token::simpleMatch(var->declEndToken(), "=")) { errorPath.emplace_back(var->declEndToken(), "Assigned to reference."); const Token *vartok = var->declEndToken()->astOperand2(); if (vartok == tok || (var->isConst() && isTemporary(true, vartok, nullptr))) return {{tok, true, std::move(errorPath)}}; if (vartok) return getLifetimeTokens(vartok, std::move(errorPath), depth - 1); } else { return std::vector {}; } } } else if (Token::Match(tok->previous(), "%name% (")) { const Function *f = tok->previous()->function(); if (f) { if (!Function::returnsReference(f)) return {{tok, std::move(errorPath)}}; std::vector result; std::vector returns = findReturns(f); for (const Token* returnTok : returns) { if (returnTok == tok) continue; for (LifetimeToken& lt : getLifetimeTokens(returnTok, std::move(errorPath), depth - 1)) { const Token* argvarTok = lt.token; const Variable* argvar = argvarTok->variable(); if (!argvar) continue; if (argvar->isArgument() && (argvar->isReference() || argvar->isRValueReference())) { int n = getArgumentPos(argvar, f); if (n < 0) return std::vector {}; const Token* argTok = getArguments(tok->previous()).at(n); lt.errorPath.emplace_back(returnTok, "Return reference."); lt.errorPath.emplace_back(tok->previous(), "Called function passing '" + argTok->str() + "'."); std::vector arglts = LifetimeToken::setInconclusive( getLifetimeTokens(argTok, std::move(lt.errorPath), depth - 1), returns.size() > 1); result.insert(result.end(), arglts.begin(), arglts.end()); } } } return result; } else if (Token::Match(tok->tokAt(-2), ". %name% (") && astIsContainer(tok->tokAt(-2)->astOperand1())) { const Library::Container* library = getLibraryContainer(tok->tokAt(-2)->astOperand1()); Library::Container::Yield y = library->getYield(tok->previous()->str()); if (y == Library::Container::Yield::AT_INDEX || y == Library::Container::Yield::ITEM) { errorPath.emplace_back(tok->previous(), "Accessing container."); return LifetimeToken::setAddressOf( getLifetimeTokens(tok->tokAt(-2)->astOperand1(), std::move(errorPath), depth - 1), false); } } } else if (Token::Match(tok, ".|::|[")) { const Token *vartok = tok; while (vartok) { if (vartok->str() == "[" || vartok->originalName() == "->") vartok = vartok->astOperand1(); else if (vartok->str() == "." || vartok->str() == "::") vartok = vartok->astOperand2(); else break; } if (!vartok) return {{tok, std::move(errorPath)}}; const Variable *tokvar = vartok->variable(); if (!astIsContainer(vartok) && !(tokvar && tokvar->isArray() && !tokvar->isArgument()) && (Token::Match(vartok->astParent(), "[|*") || vartok->astParent()->originalName() == "->")) { for (const ValueFlow::Value &v : vartok->values()) { if (!v.isLocalLifetimeValue()) continue; errorPath.insert(errorPath.end(), v.errorPath.begin(), v.errorPath.end()); return getLifetimeTokens(v.tokvalue, std::move(errorPath)); } } else { return LifetimeToken::setAddressOf(getLifetimeTokens(vartok, std::move(errorPath)), !(astIsContainer(vartok) && Token::simpleMatch(vartok->astParent(), "["))); } } return {{tok, std::move(errorPath)}}; } static const Token* getLifetimeToken(const Token* tok, ValueFlow::Value::ErrorPath& errorPath, bool* addressOf = nullptr) { std::vector lts = getLifetimeTokens(tok); if (lts.size() != 1) return nullptr; if (lts.front().inconclusive) return nullptr; if (addressOf) *addressOf = lts.front().addressOf; errorPath.insert(errorPath.end(), lts.front().errorPath.begin(), lts.front().errorPath.end()); return lts.front().token; } const Variable* getLifetimeVariable(const Token* tok, ValueFlow::Value::ErrorPath& errorPath, bool* addressOf) { const Token* tok2 = getLifetimeToken(tok, errorPath, addressOf); if (tok2 && tok2->variable()) return tok2->variable(); return nullptr; } static bool isNotLifetimeValue(const ValueFlow::Value& val) { return !val.isLifetimeValue(); } static bool isLifetimeOwned(const ValueType *vt, const ValueType *vtParent) { if (!vtParent) return false; if (!vt) { if (vtParent->type == ValueType::CONTAINER) return true; return false; } if (vt->type != ValueType::UNKNOWN_TYPE && vtParent->type != ValueType::UNKNOWN_TYPE) { if (vt->pointer != vtParent->pointer) return true; if (vt->type != vtParent->type) { if (vtParent->type == ValueType::RECORD) return true; if (vtParent->type == ValueType::CONTAINER) return true; } } return false; } static bool isLifetimeBorrowed(const ValueType *vt, const ValueType *vtParent) { if (!vtParent) return false; if (!vt) return false; if (vt->type != ValueType::UNKNOWN_TYPE && vtParent->type != ValueType::UNKNOWN_TYPE) { if (vtParent->pointer > vt->pointer) return true; if (vtParent->pointer < vt->pointer && vtParent->isIntegral()) return true; } return false; } bool isLifetimeBorrowed(const Token *tok, const Settings *settings) { if (!tok) return true; if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, ",")) return true; if (!tok->astParent()) return true; if (!Token::Match(tok->astParent()->previous(), "%name% (") && !Token::simpleMatch(tok->astParent(), ",")) { if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok, "{")) { const ValueType *vt = tok->valueType(); const ValueType *vtParent = tok->astParent()->valueType(); if (isLifetimeBorrowed(vt, vtParent)) return true; if (isLifetimeOwned(vt, vtParent)) return false; } const Type *t = Token::typeOf(tok); const Type *parentT = Token::typeOf(tok->astParent()); if (t && parentT && t->classDef && parentT->classDef && t->classDef != parentT->classDef) { return false; } } else if (Token::Match(tok->astParent()->tokAt(-3), "%var% . push_back|push_front|insert|push (") && astIsContainer(tok->astParent()->tokAt(-3))) { const ValueType *vt = tok->valueType(); const ValueType *vtCont = tok->astParent()->tokAt(-3)->valueType(); if (!vtCont->containerTypeToken) return true; ValueType vtParent = ValueType::parseDecl(vtCont->containerTypeToken, settings); if (isLifetimeBorrowed(vt, &vtParent)) return true; if (isLifetimeOwned(vt, &vtParent)) return false; } return true; } static void valueFlowLifetimeFunction(Token *tok, TokenList *tokenlist, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings); static void valueFlowLifetimeConstructor(Token *tok, TokenList *tokenlist, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings); static void valueFlowForwardLifetime(Token * tok, TokenList *tokenlist, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings) { Token *parent = tok->astParent(); while (parent && (parent->isArithmeticalOp() || parent->str() == ",")) parent = parent->astParent(); if (!parent) return; // Assignment if (parent->str() == "=" && (!parent->astParent() || Token::simpleMatch(parent->astParent(), ";"))) { const Variable *var = getLHSVariable(parent); if (!var) return; const Token * endOfVarScope = nullptr; if (!var->isLocal()) endOfVarScope = tok->scope()->bodyEnd; else endOfVarScope = var->typeStartToken()->scope()->bodyEnd; // Rhs values.. if (!parent->astOperand2() || parent->astOperand2()->values().empty()) return; if (!isLifetimeBorrowed(parent->astOperand2(), settings)) return; std::list values = parent->astOperand2()->values(); // Static variable initialisation? if (var->isStatic() && var->nameToken() == parent->astOperand1()) lowerToPossible(values); // Skip RHS const Token *nextExpression = nextAfterAstRightmostLeaf(parent); // Only forward lifetime values values.remove_if(&isNotLifetimeValue); valueFlowForwardVariable(const_cast(nextExpression), endOfVarScope, var, var->declarationId(), values, false, false, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); if (tok->astTop() && Token::simpleMatch(tok->astTop()->previous(), "for (") && Token::simpleMatch(tok->astTop()->link(), ") {")) { Token *start = tok->astTop()->link()->next(); valueFlowForwardVariable( start, start->link(), var, var->declarationId(), values, false, false, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } // Constructor } else if (Token::simpleMatch(parent, "{") && !isScopeBracket(parent)) { valueFlowLifetimeConstructor(parent, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); valueFlowForwardLifetime(parent, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); // Function call } else if (Token::Match(parent->previous(), "%name% (")) { valueFlowLifetimeFunction(parent->previous(), tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); valueFlowForwardLifetime(parent, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); // Variable } else if (tok->variable()) { const Variable *var = tok->variable(); if (!var->typeStartToken() || !var->typeStartToken()->scope()) return; const Token *endOfVarScope = var->typeStartToken()->scope()->bodyEnd; std::list values = tok->values(); const Token *nextExpression = nextAfterAstRightmostLeaf(parent); // Only forward lifetime values values.remove_if(&isNotLifetimeValue); valueFlowForwardVariable(const_cast(nextExpression), endOfVarScope, var, var->declarationId(), values, false, false, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } } struct LifetimeStore { const Token *argtok; std::string message; ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind type; ErrorPath errorPath; bool inconclusive; LifetimeStore() : argtok(nullptr), message(), type(), errorPath(), inconclusive(false) {} LifetimeStore(const Token *argtok, const std::string &message, ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind type = ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Object, bool inconclusive = false) : argtok(argtok), message(message), type(type), errorPath(), inconclusive(inconclusive) {} static LifetimeStore fromFunctionArg(const Function * f, Token *tok, const Variable *var, TokenList *tokenlist, ErrorLogger *errorLogger) { if (!var) return LifetimeStore{}; if (!var->isArgument()) return LifetimeStore{}; int n = getArgumentPos(var, f); if (n < 0) return LifetimeStore{}; std::vector args = getArguments(tok); if (n >= args.size()) { if (tokenlist->getSettings()->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, "Argument mismatch: Function '" + tok->str() + "' returning lifetime from argument index " + std::to_string(n) + " but only " + std::to_string(args.size()) + " arguments are available."); return LifetimeStore{}; } const Token *argtok2 = args[n]; return LifetimeStore{argtok2, "Passed to '" + tok->str() + "'.", ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Object}; } template void byRef(Token *tok, TokenList *tokenlist, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings, Predicate pred) const { if (!settings->inconclusive && inconclusive) return; if (!argtok) return; for (const LifetimeToken& lt : getLifetimeTokens(argtok)) { if (!settings->inconclusive && lt.inconclusive) continue; ErrorPath er = errorPath; er.insert(er.end(), lt.errorPath.begin(), lt.errorPath.end()); if (!lt.token) return; if (!pred(lt.token)) return; er.emplace_back(argtok, message); ValueFlow::Value value; value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::LIFETIME; value.lifetimeScope = ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeScope::Local; value.tokvalue = lt.token; value.errorPath = std::move(er); value.lifetimeKind = type; value.setInconclusive(lt.inconclusive || inconclusive); // Don't add the value a second time if (std::find(tok->values().begin(), tok->values().end(), value) != tok->values().end()) return; setTokenValue(tok, value, tokenlist->getSettings()); valueFlowForwardLifetime(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } } void byRef(Token *tok, TokenList *tokenlist, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings) const { byRef(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings, [](const Token *) { return true; }); } template void byVal(Token *tok, TokenList *tokenlist, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings, Predicate pred) const { if (!settings->inconclusive && inconclusive) return; if (!argtok) return; if (argtok->values().empty()) { ErrorPath er; er.emplace_back(argtok, message); const Variable *var = getLifetimeVariable(argtok, er); if (var && var->isArgument()) { ValueFlow::Value value; value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::LIFETIME; value.lifetimeScope = ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeScope::Argument; value.tokvalue = var->nameToken(); value.errorPath = er; value.lifetimeKind = type; value.setInconclusive(inconclusive); // Don't add the value a second time if (std::find(tok->values().begin(), tok->values().end(), value) != tok->values().end()) return; setTokenValue(tok, value, tokenlist->getSettings()); valueFlowForwardLifetime(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } } for (const ValueFlow::Value &v : argtok->values()) { if (!v.isLifetimeValue()) continue; const Token *tok3 = v.tokvalue; for (const LifetimeToken& lt : getLifetimeTokens(tok3)) { if (!settings->inconclusive && lt.inconclusive) continue; ErrorPath er = v.errorPath; er.insert(er.end(), lt.errorPath.begin(), lt.errorPath.end()); if (!lt.token) return; if (!pred(lt.token)) return; er.emplace_back(argtok, message); er.insert(er.end(), errorPath.begin(), errorPath.end()); ValueFlow::Value value; value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::LIFETIME; value.lifetimeScope = v.lifetimeScope; value.tokvalue = lt.token; value.errorPath = std::move(er); value.lifetimeKind = type; value.setInconclusive(lt.inconclusive || v.isInconclusive() || inconclusive); // Don't add the value a second time if (std::find(tok->values().begin(), tok->values().end(), value) != tok->values().end()) continue; setTokenValue(tok, value, tokenlist->getSettings()); valueFlowForwardLifetime(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } } } void byVal(Token *tok, TokenList *tokenlist, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings) const { byVal(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings, [](const Token *) { return true; }); } template void byDerefCopy(Token *tok, TokenList *tokenlist, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings, Predicate pred) const { if (!settings->inconclusive && inconclusive) return; if (!argtok) return; for (const ValueFlow::Value &v : argtok->values()) { if (!v.isLifetimeValue()) continue; const Token *tok2 = v.tokvalue; ErrorPath er = v.errorPath; const Variable *var = getLifetimeVariable(tok2, er); er.insert(er.end(), errorPath.begin(), errorPath.end()); if (!var) continue; for (const Token *tok3 = tok; tok3 && tok3 != var->declEndToken(); tok3 = tok3->previous()) { if (tok3->varId() == var->declarationId()) { LifetimeStore{tok3, message, type, inconclusive} .byVal(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings, pred); break; } } } } void byDerefCopy(Token *tok, TokenList *tokenlist, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings) const { byDerefCopy(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings, [](const Token *) { return true; }); } }; static void valueFlowLifetimeFunction(Token *tok, TokenList *tokenlist, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings) { if (!Token::Match(tok, "%name% (")) return; if (Token::Match(tok->tokAt(-2), "std :: ref|cref|tie|front_inserter|back_inserter")) { for (const Token *argtok : getArguments(tok)) { LifetimeStore{argtok, "Passed to '" + tok->str() + "'.", ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Object} .byRef( tok->next(), tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } } else if (Token::Match(tok->tokAt(-2), "std :: make_tuple|tuple_cat|make_pair|make_reverse_iterator|next|prev|move")) { for (const Token *argtok : getArguments(tok)) { LifetimeStore{argtok, "Passed to '" + tok->str() + "'.", ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Object} .byVal( tok->next(), tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } } else if (Token::Match(tok->tokAt(-2), "%var% . push_back|push_front|insert|push|assign") && astIsContainer(tok->tokAt(-2))) { Token *vartok = tok->tokAt(-2); std::vector args = getArguments(tok); std::size_t n = args.size(); if (n > 1 && Token::typeStr(args[n - 2]) == Token::typeStr(args[n - 1]) && (((astIsIterator(args[n - 2]) && astIsIterator(args[n - 1])) || (astIsPointer(args[n - 2]) && astIsPointer(args[n - 1]))))) { LifetimeStore{args.back(), "Added to container '" + vartok->str() + "'.", ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Object} .byDerefCopy( vartok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } else if (!args.empty() && isLifetimeBorrowed(args.back(), settings)) { LifetimeStore{args.back(), "Added to container '" + vartok->str() + "'.", ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Object} .byVal( vartok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } } else if (tok->function()) { const Function *f = tok->function(); if (Function::returnsReference(f)) return; std::vector returns = findReturns(f); const bool inconclusive = returns.size() > 1; for (const Token* returnTok : returns) { if (returnTok == tok) continue; const Variable *returnVar = returnTok->variable(); if (returnVar && returnVar->isArgument() && (returnVar->isConst() || !isVariableChanged(returnVar, settings, tokenlist->isCPP()))) { LifetimeStore ls = LifetimeStore::fromFunctionArg(f, tok, returnVar, tokenlist, errorLogger); ls.inconclusive = inconclusive; ls.byVal(tok->next(), tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } for (const ValueFlow::Value &v : returnTok->values()) { if (!v.isLifetimeValue()) continue; if (!v.tokvalue) continue; const Variable *var = v.tokvalue->variable(); LifetimeStore ls = LifetimeStore::fromFunctionArg(f, tok, var, tokenlist, errorLogger); if (!ls.argtok) continue; ls.inconclusive = inconclusive; ls.errorPath = v.errorPath; ls.errorPath.emplace_front(returnTok, "Return " + lifetimeType(returnTok, &v) + "."); if (var->isReference() || var->isRValueReference()) { ls.byRef(tok->next(), tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } else if (v.isArgumentLifetimeValue()) { ls.byVal(tok->next(), tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } } } } } static void valueFlowLifetimeConstructor(Token* tok, const Type* t, TokenList* tokenlist, ErrorLogger* errorLogger, const Settings* settings) { if (!t) return; if (!Token::Match(tok, "(|{")) return; const Scope* scope = t->classScope; if (!scope) return; // Only support aggregate constructors for now if (scope->numConstructors == 0 && t->derivedFrom.empty() && (t->isClassType() || t->isStructType())) { std::vector args = getArguments(tok); std::size_t i = 0; for (const Variable& var : scope->varlist) { if (i >= args.size()) break; const Token* argtok = args[i]; LifetimeStore ls{ argtok, "Passed to constructor of '" + t->name() + "'.", ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Object}; if (var.isReference() || var.isRValueReference()) { ls.byRef(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } else { ls.byVal(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } i++; } } } static void valueFlowLifetimeConstructor(Token* tok, TokenList* tokenlist, ErrorLogger* errorLogger, const Settings* settings) { if (!Token::Match(tok, "(|{")) return; Token* parent = tok->astParent(); while (Token::simpleMatch(parent, ",")) parent = parent->astParent(); if (Token::simpleMatch(parent, "{") && (astIsContainer(parent->astParent()) || astIsPointer(parent->astParent()))) { valueFlowLifetimeConstructor(tok, Token::typeOf(parent->previous()), tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "{") && (astIsContainer(parent) || astIsPointer(parent))) { std::vector args = getArguments(tok); for (const Token *argtok : args) { LifetimeStore ls{argtok, "Passed to initializer list.", ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Object}; ls.byVal(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } } else if (const Type* t = Token::typeOf(tok->previous())) { valueFlowLifetimeConstructor(tok, t, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } } struct Lambda { explicit Lambda(const Token * tok) : capture(nullptr), arguments(nullptr), returnTok(nullptr), bodyTok(nullptr) { if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok, "[") || !tok->link()) return; capture = tok; if (Token::simpleMatch(capture->link(), "] (")) { arguments = capture->link()->next(); } const Token * afterArguments = arguments ? arguments->link()->next() : capture->link()->next(); if (afterArguments && afterArguments->originalName() == "->") { returnTok = afterArguments->next(); bodyTok = Token::findsimplematch(returnTok, "{"); } else if (Token::simpleMatch(afterArguments, "{")) { bodyTok = afterArguments; } } const Token * capture; const Token * arguments; const Token * returnTok; const Token * bodyTok; bool isLambda() const { return capture && bodyTok; } }; static bool isDecayedPointer(const Token *tok, const Settings *settings) { if (!tok) return false; if (astIsPointer(tok->astParent()) && !Token::simpleMatch(tok->astParent(), "return")) return true; if (Token::Match(tok->astParent(), "%cop%")) return true; if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok->astParent(), "return")) return false; return astIsPointer(tok->astParent()); } static void valueFlowLifetime(TokenList *tokenlist, SymbolDatabase*, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings) { for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (!tok->scope()) continue; if (tok->scope()->type == Scope::eGlobal) continue; Lambda lam(tok); // Lamdas if (lam.isLambda()) { const Scope * bodyScope = lam.bodyTok->scope(); std::set scopes; auto isCapturingVariable = [&](const Token *varTok) { const Variable *var = varTok->variable(); if (!var) return false; if (!var->isLocal() && !var->isArgument()) return false; const Scope *scope = var->scope(); if (!scope) return false; if (scopes.count(scope) > 0) return false; if (scope->isNestedIn(bodyScope)) return false; scopes.insert(scope); return true; }; // TODO: Handle explicit capture bool captureByRef = Token::Match(lam.capture, "[ & ]"); bool captureByValue = Token::Match(lam.capture, "[ = ]"); for (const Token * tok2 = lam.bodyTok; tok2 != lam.bodyTok->link(); tok2 = tok2->next()) { ErrorPath errorPath; if (captureByRef) { LifetimeStore{tok2, "Lambda captures variable by reference here.", ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Lambda} .byRef( tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings, isCapturingVariable); } else if (captureByValue) { LifetimeStore{tok2, "Lambda captures variable by value here.", ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Lambda} .byVal( tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings, isCapturingVariable); } } } // address of else if (tok->isUnaryOp("&")) { for (const LifetimeToken& lt : getLifetimeTokens(tok->astOperand1())) { if (!settings->inconclusive && lt.inconclusive) continue; ErrorPath errorPath = lt.errorPath; errorPath.emplace_back(tok, "Address of variable taken here."); ValueFlow::Value value; value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::LIFETIME; value.lifetimeScope = ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeScope::Local; value.tokvalue = lt.token; value.errorPath = std::move(errorPath); if (astIsPointer(lt.token) || !Token::Match(lt.token->astParent(), ".|[")) value.lifetimeKind = ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Address; value.setInconclusive(lt.inconclusive); setTokenValue(tok, value, tokenlist->getSettings()); valueFlowForwardLifetime(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } } // container lifetimes else if (astIsContainer(tok)) { Token * parent = astParentSkipParens(tok); if (!Token::Match(parent, ". %name% (")) continue; LifetimeStore ls; if (astIsIterator(parent->tokAt(2))) ls = LifetimeStore{tok, "Iterator to container is created here.", ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Iterator}; else if (astIsPointer(parent->tokAt(2)) || Token::Match(parent->next(), "data|c_str")) ls = LifetimeStore{tok, "Pointer to container is created here.", ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeKind::Object}; else continue; // Dereferencing if (tok->isUnaryOp("*") || parent->originalName() == "->") ls.byDerefCopy(parent->tokAt(2), tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); else ls.byRef(parent->tokAt(2), tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } // Check constructors else if (Token::Match(tok, "=|return|%type%|%var% {")) { valueFlowLifetimeConstructor(tok->next(), tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } // Check function calls else if (Token::Match(tok, "%name% (")) { valueFlowLifetimeFunction(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } // Check variables else if (tok->variable()) { ErrorPath errorPath; const Variable * var = getLifetimeVariable(tok, errorPath); if (!var) continue; if (var->nameToken() == tok) continue; if (var->isArray() && !var->isStlType() && !var->isArgument() && isDecayedPointer(tok, settings)) { errorPath.emplace_back(tok, "Array decayed to pointer here."); ValueFlow::Value value; value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::LIFETIME; value.lifetimeScope = ValueFlow::Value::LifetimeScope::Local; value.tokvalue = var->nameToken(); value.errorPath = errorPath; setTokenValue(tok, value, tokenlist->getSettings()); valueFlowForwardLifetime(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } } } } static bool isStdMoveOrStdForwarded(Token * tok, ValueFlow::Value::MoveKind * moveKind, Token ** varTok = nullptr) { if (tok->str() != "std") return false; ValueFlow::Value::MoveKind kind = ValueFlow::Value::MoveKind::NonMovedVariable; Token * variableToken = nullptr; if (Token::Match(tok, "std :: move ( %var% )")) { variableToken = tok->tokAt(4); kind = ValueFlow::Value::MoveKind::MovedVariable; } else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "std :: forward <")) { const Token * const leftAngle = tok->tokAt(3); Token * rightAngle = leftAngle->link(); if (Token::Match(rightAngle, "> ( %var% )")) { variableToken = rightAngle->tokAt(2); kind = ValueFlow::Value::MoveKind::ForwardedVariable; } } if (!variableToken) return false; if (variableToken->strAt(2) == ".") // Only partially moved return false; if (moveKind != nullptr) *moveKind = kind; if (varTok != nullptr) *varTok = variableToken; return true; } static bool isOpenParenthesisMemberFunctionCallOfVarId(const Token * openParenthesisToken, nonneg int varId) { const Token * varTok = openParenthesisToken->tokAt(-3); return Token::Match(varTok, "%varid% . %name% (", varId) && varTok->next()->originalName() == emptyString; } static const Token * findOpenParentesisOfMove(const Token * moveVarTok) { const Token * tok = moveVarTok; while (tok && tok->str() != "(") tok = tok->previous(); return tok; } static const Token * findEndOfFunctionCallForParameter(const Token * parameterToken) { if (!parameterToken) return nullptr; const Token * parent = parameterToken->astParent(); while (parent && !parent->isOp() && parent->str() != "(") parent = parent->astParent(); if (!parent) return nullptr; return nextAfterAstRightmostLeaf(parent); } static void valueFlowAfterMove(TokenList *tokenlist, SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings) { if (!tokenlist->isCPP() || settings->standards.cpp < Standards::CPP11) return; for (const Scope * scope : symboldatabase->functionScopes) { if (!scope) continue; const Token * start = scope->bodyStart; if (scope->function) { const Token * memberInitializationTok = scope->function->constructorMemberInitialization(); if (memberInitializationTok) start = memberInitializationTok; } for (Token* tok = const_cast(start); tok != scope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) { Token * varTok; if (Token::Match(tok, "%var% . reset|clear (") && tok->next()->originalName() == emptyString) { varTok = tok; ValueFlow::Value value; value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::MOVED; value.moveKind = ValueFlow::Value::MoveKind::NonMovedVariable; value.errorPath.emplace_back(tok, "Calling " + tok->next()->expressionString() + " makes " + tok->str() + " 'non-moved'"); value.setKnown(); std::list values; values.push_back(value); const Variable *var = varTok->variable(); if (!var || (!var->isLocal() && !var->isArgument())) continue; const int varId = varTok->varId(); const Token * const endOfVarScope = var->typeStartToken()->scope()->bodyEnd; setTokenValue(varTok, value, settings); valueFlowForwardVariable( varTok->next(), endOfVarScope, var, varId, values, false, false, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); continue; } ValueFlow::Value::MoveKind moveKind; if (!isStdMoveOrStdForwarded(tok, &moveKind, &varTok)) continue; const int varId = varTok->varId(); // x is not MOVED after assignment if code is: x = ... std::move(x) .. ; const Token *parent = tok->astParent(); while (parent && parent->str() != "=" && parent->str() != "return" && !(parent->str() == "(" && isOpenParenthesisMemberFunctionCallOfVarId(parent, varId))) parent = parent->astParent(); if (parent && (parent->str() == "return" || // MOVED in return statement parent->str() == "(")) // MOVED in self assignment, isOpenParenthesisMemberFunctionCallOfVarId == true continue; if (parent && parent->astOperand1() && parent->astOperand1()->varId() == varId) continue; const Variable *var = varTok->variable(); if (!var) continue; const Token * const endOfVarScope = var->typeStartToken()->scope()->bodyEnd; ValueFlow::Value value; value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::MOVED; value.moveKind = moveKind; if (moveKind == ValueFlow::Value::MoveKind::MovedVariable) value.errorPath.emplace_back(tok, "Calling std::move(" + varTok->str() + ")"); else // if (moveKind == ValueFlow::Value::ForwardedVariable) value.errorPath.emplace_back(tok, "Calling std::forward(" + varTok->str() + ")"); value.setKnown(); std::list values; values.push_back(value); const Token * openParentesisOfMove = findOpenParentesisOfMove(varTok); const Token * endOfFunctionCall = findEndOfFunctionCallForParameter(openParentesisOfMove); if (endOfFunctionCall) valueFlowForwardVariable(const_cast(endOfFunctionCall), endOfVarScope, var, varId, values, false, false, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } } } static void valueFlowForwardAssign(Token * const tok, const Variable * const var, std::list values, const bool constValue, const bool init, TokenList * const tokenlist, ErrorLogger * const errorLogger, const Settings * const settings) { const Token * const endOfVarScope = var->typeStartToken()->scope()->bodyEnd; if (std::any_of(values.begin(), values.end(), std::mem_fn(&ValueFlow::Value::isLifetimeValue))) { valueFlowForwardLifetime(tok, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); values.remove_if(std::mem_fn(&ValueFlow::Value::isLifetimeValue)); } if (!var->isPointer() && !var->isSmartPointer()) values.remove_if(std::mem_fn(&ValueFlow::Value::isTokValue)); if (tok->astParent()) { for (std::list::iterator it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); ++it) { const std::string info = "Assignment '" + tok->astParent()->expressionString() + "', assigned value is " + it->infoString(); it->errorPath.emplace_back(tok, info); } } if (tokenlist->isCPP() && Token::Match(var->typeStartToken(), "bool|_Bool")) { std::list::iterator it; for (it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); ++it) { if (it->isIntValue()) it->intvalue = (it->intvalue != 0); if (it->isTokValue()) it ->intvalue = (it->tokvalue != nullptr); } } // Static variable initialisation? if (var->isStatic() && init) lowerToPossible(values); // Skip RHS const Token * nextExpression = tok->astParent() ? nextAfterAstRightmostLeaf(tok->astParent()) : tok->next(); if (std::any_of(values.begin(), values.end(), std::mem_fn(&ValueFlow::Value::isTokValue))) { std::list tokvalues; std::copy_if(values.begin(), values.end(), std::back_inserter(tokvalues), std::mem_fn(&ValueFlow::Value::isTokValue)); valueFlowForwardVariable(const_cast(nextExpression), endOfVarScope, var, var->declarationId(), tokvalues, constValue, false, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); values.remove_if(std::mem_fn(&ValueFlow::Value::isTokValue)); } for (ValueFlow::Value& value:values) value.tokvalue = tok; valueFlowForwardVariable(const_cast(nextExpression), endOfVarScope, var, var->declarationId(), values, constValue, false, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } static std::list truncateValues(std::list values, const ValueType *valueType, const Settings *settings) { if (!valueType || !valueType->isIntegral()) return values; const size_t sz = ValueFlow::getSizeOf(*valueType, settings); for (ValueFlow::Value &value : values) { if (value.isFloatValue()) { value.intvalue = value.floatValue; value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::INT; } if (value.isIntValue() && sz > 0 && sz < 8) { const MathLib::biguint unsignedMaxValue = (1ULL << (sz * 8)) - 1ULL; const MathLib::biguint signBit = 1ULL << (sz * 8 - 1); value.intvalue &= unsignedMaxValue; if (valueType->sign == ValueType::Sign::SIGNED && (value.intvalue & signBit)) value.intvalue |= ~unsignedMaxValue; } } return values; } static bool isLiteralNumber(const Token *tok, bool cpp) { return tok->isNumber() || tok->str() == "NULL" || (cpp && Token::Match(tok, "false|true|nullptr")); } static void valueFlowAfterAssign(TokenList *tokenlist, SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings) { for (const Scope * scope : symboldatabase->functionScopes) { std::set aliased; for (Token* tok = const_cast(scope->bodyStart); tok != scope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) { // Alias if (tok->isUnaryOp("&")) { aliased.insert(tok->astOperand1()->varId()); continue; } // Assignment if ((tok->str() != "=") || (tok->astParent())) continue; // Lhs should be a variable if (!tok->astOperand1() || !tok->astOperand1()->varId() || tok->astOperand1()->hasKnownValue()) continue; const int varid = tok->astOperand1()->varId(); if (aliased.find(varid) != aliased.end()) continue; const Variable *var = tok->astOperand1()->variable(); if (!var || (!var->isLocal() && !var->isGlobal() && !var->isArgument())) continue; // Rhs values.. if (!tok->astOperand2() || tok->astOperand2()->values().empty()) continue; std::list values = truncateValues(tok->astOperand2()->values(), tok->astOperand1()->valueType(), settings); const bool constValue = isLiteralNumber(tok->astOperand2(), tokenlist->isCPP()); const bool init = var->nameToken() == tok->astOperand1(); valueFlowForwardAssign(tok->astOperand2(), var, values, constValue, init, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } } } static void valueFlowSetConditionToKnown(const Token* tok, std::list& values, bool then) { if (values.empty()) return; if (then && !Token::Match(tok, "==|!|(")) return; if (!then && !Token::Match(tok, "!=|%var%|(")) return; if (isConditionKnown(tok, then)) changePossibleToKnown(values); } static bool isBreakScope(const Token* const endToken) { if (!Token::simpleMatch(endToken, "}")) return false; if (!Token::simpleMatch(endToken->link(), "{")) return false; return Token::findmatch(endToken->link(), "break|goto", endToken); } static ValueFlow::Value asImpossible(ValueFlow::Value v) { v.invertRange(); v.setImpossible(); return v; } static void insertImpossible(std::list& values, const std::list& input) { std::transform(input.begin(), input.end(), std::back_inserter(values), &asImpossible); } static std::vector getExprVariables(const Token* expr, const TokenList* tokenlist, const SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase, const Settings* settings) { std::vector result; FwdAnalysis fwdAnalysis(tokenlist->isCPP(), settings->library); std::set varids = fwdAnalysis.getExprVarIds(expr); std::transform(varids.begin(), varids.end(), std::back_inserter(result), [&](int id) { return symboldatabase->getVariableFromVarId(id); }); return result; } struct ValueFlowConditionHandler { struct Condition { const Token *vartok; std::list true_values; std::list false_values; Condition() : vartok(nullptr), true_values(), false_values() {} }; std::function& values, bool constValue)> forward; std::function parse; void afterCondition(TokenList *tokenlist, SymbolDatabase *symboldatabase, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings) const { for (const Scope *scope : symboldatabase->functionScopes) { std::set aliased; for (Token *tok = const_cast(scope->bodyStart); tok != scope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) { if (Token::Match(tok, "if|while|for (")) continue; if (Token::Match(tok, "= & %var% ;")) aliased.insert(tok->tokAt(2)->varId()); const Token* top = tok->astTop(); if (!top) continue; if (!Token::Match(top->previous(), "if|while|for (") && !Token::Match(tok->astParent(), "&&|%oror%")) continue; Condition cond = parse(tok); if (!cond.vartok) continue; if (cond.true_values.empty() || cond.false_values.empty()) continue; if (exprDependsOnThis(cond.vartok)) continue; std::vector vars = getExprVariables(cond.vartok, tokenlist, symboldatabase, settings); if (std::any_of(vars.begin(), vars.end(), [](const Variable* var) { return !var; })) continue; if (!vars.empty() && (vars.front())) if (std::any_of(vars.begin(), vars.end(), [&](const Variable* var) { return var && aliased.find(var->declarationId()) != aliased.end(); })) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, cond.vartok, "variable is aliased so we just skip all valueflow after condition"); continue; } if (Token::Match(tok->astParent(), "%oror%|&&")) { Token *parent = tok->astParent(); const std::string &op(parent->str()); if (parent->astOperand1() == tok && ((op == "&&" && Token::Match(tok, "==|>=|<=|!")) || (op == "||" && Token::Match(tok, "%name%|!=")))) { for (; parent && parent->str() == op; parent = parent->astParent()) { std::stack tokens; tokens.push(parent->astOperand2()); bool assign = false; while (!tokens.empty()) { Token *rhstok = tokens.top(); tokens.pop(); if (!rhstok) continue; tokens.push(rhstok->astOperand1()); tokens.push(rhstok->astOperand2()); if (isSameExpression( tokenlist->isCPP(), false, cond.vartok, rhstok, settings->library, true, false)) setTokenValue(rhstok, cond.true_values.front(), settings); else if (Token::Match(rhstok, "++|--|=") && isSameExpression(tokenlist->isCPP(), false, cond.vartok, rhstok->astOperand1(), settings->library, true, false)) { assign = true; break; } } if (assign) break; while (parent->astParent() && parent == parent->astParent()->astOperand2()) parent = parent->astParent(); } } } if (top && Token::Match(top->previous(), "if|while (") && !top->previous()->isExpandedMacro()) { // does condition reassign variable? if (tok != top->astOperand2() && Token::Match(top->astOperand2(), "%oror%|&&") && isVariablesChanged(top, top->link(), 0, vars, settings, tokenlist->isCPP())) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, "assignment in condition"); continue; } std::list thenValues; std::list elseValues; if (!Token::Match(tok, "!=|=") && tok != cond.vartok) { thenValues.insert(thenValues.end(), cond.true_values.begin(), cond.true_values.end()); if (isConditionKnown(tok, false)) insertImpossible(elseValues, cond.false_values); } if (!Token::Match(tok, "==|!")) { elseValues.insert(elseValues.end(), cond.false_values.begin(), cond.false_values.end()); if (isConditionKnown(tok, true)) insertImpossible(thenValues, cond.true_values); } // start token of conditional code Token* startTokens[] = {nullptr, nullptr}; // if astParent is "!" we need to invert codeblock { const Token *tok2 = tok; while (tok2->astParent()) { const Token *parent = tok2->astParent(); while (parent && parent->str() == "&&") parent = parent->astParent(); if (parent && (parent->str() == "!" || Token::simpleMatch(parent, "== false"))) { std::swap(thenValues, elseValues); } tok2 = parent; } } // determine startToken(s) if (Token::simpleMatch(top->link(), ") {")) startTokens[0] = top->link()->next(); if (Token::simpleMatch(top->link()->linkAt(1), "} else {")) startTokens[1] = top->link()->linkAt(1)->tokAt(2); int changeBlock = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { const Token *const startToken = startTokens[i]; if (!startToken) continue; std::list& values = (i == 0 ? thenValues : elseValues); valueFlowSetConditionToKnown(tok, values, i == 0); // TODO: The endToken should not be startTokens[i]->link() in the valueFlowForwardVariable call if (forward(startTokens[i], startTokens[i]->link(), cond.vartok, values, true)) changeBlock = i; changeKnownToPossible(values); } // TODO: Values changed in noreturn blocks should not bail if (changeBlock >= 0 && !Token::simpleMatch(top->previous(), "while (")) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, startTokens[changeBlock]->link(), "valueFlowAfterCondition: " + cond.vartok->expressionString() + " is changed in conditional block"); continue; } // After conditional code.. if (Token::simpleMatch(top->link(), ") {")) { Token *after = top->link()->linkAt(1); std::string unknownFunction; if (settings->library.isScopeNoReturn(after, &unknownFunction)) { if (settings->debugwarnings && !unknownFunction.empty()) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, after, "possible noreturn scope"); continue; } bool dead_if = isReturnScope(after, &settings->library) || (tok->astParent() && Token::simpleMatch(tok->astParent()->previous(), "while (") && !isBreakScope(after)); bool dead_else = false; if (Token::simpleMatch(after, "} else {")) { after = after->linkAt(2); if (Token::simpleMatch(after->tokAt(-2), ") ; }")) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, after, "possible noreturn scope"); continue; } dead_else = isReturnScope(after, &settings->library); } if (dead_if && dead_else) continue; std::list values; if (dead_if) { values = elseValues; } else if (dead_else) { values = thenValues; } else { std::copy_if(thenValues.begin(), thenValues.end(), std::back_inserter(values), std::mem_fn(&ValueFlow::Value::isPossible)); std::copy_if(elseValues.begin(), elseValues.end(), std::back_inserter(values), std::mem_fn(&ValueFlow::Value::isPossible)); } if (!values.empty()) { if ((dead_if || dead_else) && !Token::Match(tok->astParent(), "&&|&")) { valueFlowSetConditionToKnown(tok, values, true); valueFlowSetConditionToKnown(tok, values, false); } // TODO: constValue could be true if there are no assignments in the conditional blocks and // perhaps if there are no && and no || in the condition bool constValue = false; forward(after, top->scope()->bodyEnd, cond.vartok, values, constValue); } } } } } } }; static void valueFlowAfterCondition(TokenList *tokenlist, SymbolDatabase *symboldatabase, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings) { ValueFlowConditionHandler handler; handler.forward = [&](Token* start, const Token* stop, const Token* vartok, const std::list& values, bool constValue) { valueFlowForward(start->next(), stop, vartok, values, constValue, false, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); std::vector vars = getExprVariables(vartok, tokenlist, symboldatabase, settings); return isVariablesChanged(start, stop, 0, vars, settings, tokenlist->isCPP()); }; handler.parse = [&](const Token *tok) { ValueFlowConditionHandler::Condition cond; ValueFlow::Value true_value; ValueFlow::Value false_value; const Token *vartok = parseCompareInt(tok, true_value, false_value); if (vartok) { if (vartok->str() == "=" && vartok->astOperand1() && vartok->astOperand2()) vartok = vartok->astOperand1(); cond.true_values.push_back(true_value); cond.false_values.push_back(false_value); cond.vartok = vartok; return cond; } if (tok->str() == "!") { vartok = tok->astOperand1(); } else if (tok->astParent() && (Token::Match(tok->astParent(), "%oror%|&&") || Token::Match(tok->astParent()->previous(), "if|while ("))) { if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "=")) vartok = tok->astOperand1(); else if (!Token::Match(tok, "%comp%|%assign%")) vartok = tok; } if (!vartok) return cond; cond.true_values.emplace_back(tok, 0LL); cond.false_values.emplace_back(tok, 0LL); cond.vartok = vartok; return cond; }; handler.afterCondition(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings); } static bool isInBounds(const ValueFlow::Value& value, MathLib::bigint x) { if (value.intvalue == x) return true; if (value.bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Lower && value.intvalue > x) return false; if (value.bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Upper && value.intvalue < x) return false; // Checking for equality is not necessary since we already know the value is not equal if (value.bound == ValueFlow::Value::Bound::Point) return false; return true; } static const ValueFlow::Value* proveNotEqual(const std::list& values, MathLib::bigint x) { const ValueFlow::Value* result = nullptr; for (const ValueFlow::Value& value : values) { if (value.valueType != ValueFlow::Value::INT) continue; if (result && !isInBounds(value, result->intvalue)) continue; if (value.isImpossible()) { if (value.intvalue == x) return &value; if (!isInBounds(value, x)) continue; result = &value; } else { if (value.intvalue == x) return nullptr; if (!isInBounds(value, x)) continue; result = nullptr; } } return result; } static void valueFlowInferCondition(TokenList* tokenlist, const Settings* settings) { for (Token* tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (!tok->astParent()) continue; if (tok->hasKnownValue()) continue; if (Token::Match(tok, "%var%") && (Token::Match(tok->astParent(), "?|&&|!|%oror%") || Token::Match(tok->astParent()->previous(), "if|while ("))) { const ValueFlow::Value* result = proveNotEqual(tok->values(), 0); if (!result) continue; ValueFlow::Value value = *result; value.intvalue = 1; value.setKnown(); setTokenValue(tok, value, settings); } else if (Token::Match(tok, "==|!=")) { MathLib::bigint val = 0; const Token* varTok = nullptr; if (tok->astOperand1()->hasKnownIntValue()) { val = tok->astOperand1()->values().front().intvalue; varTok = tok->astOperand2(); } else if (tok->astOperand2()->hasKnownIntValue()) { val = tok->astOperand2()->values().front().intvalue; varTok = tok->astOperand1(); } if (!varTok) continue; if (varTok->hasKnownIntValue()) continue; const ValueFlow::Value* result = proveNotEqual(varTok->values(), val); if (!result) continue; ValueFlow::Value value = *result; value.intvalue = tok->str() == "!="; value.setKnown(); setTokenValue(tok, value, settings); } } } static bool valueFlowForLoop1(const Token *tok, int * const varid, MathLib::bigint * const num1, MathLib::bigint * const num2, MathLib::bigint * const numAfter) { tok = tok->tokAt(2); if (!Token::Match(tok, "%type%| %var% =")) return false; const Token * const vartok = Token::Match(tok, "%var% =") ? tok : tok->next(); *varid = vartok->varId(); tok = vartok->tokAt(2); const Token * const num1tok = Token::Match(tok, "%num% ;") ? tok : nullptr; if (num1tok) *num1 = MathLib::toLongNumber(num1tok->str()); while (Token::Match(tok, "%name%|%num%|%or%|+|-|*|/|&|[|]|(")) tok = (tok->str() == "(") ? tok->link()->next() : tok->next(); if (!tok || tok->str() != ";") return false; tok = tok->next(); const Token *num2tok = nullptr; if (Token::Match(tok, "%varid% <|<=|!=", vartok->varId())) { tok = tok->next(); num2tok = tok->astOperand2(); if (num2tok && num2tok->str() == "(" && !num2tok->astOperand2()) num2tok = num2tok->astOperand1(); if (!Token::Match(num2tok, "%num% ;|%oror%")) // TODO: || enlarges the scope of the condition, so it should not cause FP, but it should no lnger be part of this pattern as soon as valueFlowForLoop2 can handle an unknown RHS of || better num2tok = nullptr; } if (!num2tok) return false; *num2 = MathLib::toLongNumber(num2tok->str()) - ((tok->str()=="<=") ? 0 : 1); *numAfter = *num2 + 1; if (!num1tok) *num1 = *num2; while (tok && tok->str() != ";") tok = tok->next(); if (!Token::Match(tok, "; %varid% ++ ) {", vartok->varId()) && !Token::Match(tok, "; ++ %varid% ) {", vartok->varId())) return false; return true; } static bool valueFlowForLoop2(const Token *tok, ProgramMemory *memory1, ProgramMemory *memory2, ProgramMemory *memoryAfter) { // for ( firstExpression ; secondExpression ; thirdExpression ) const Token *firstExpression = tok->next()->astOperand2()->astOperand1(); const Token *secondExpression = tok->next()->astOperand2()->astOperand2()->astOperand1(); const Token *thirdExpression = tok->next()->astOperand2()->astOperand2()->astOperand2(); ProgramMemory programMemory; MathLib::bigint result(0); bool error = false; execute(firstExpression, &programMemory, &result, &error); if (error) return false; execute(secondExpression, &programMemory, &result, &error); if (result == 0) // 2nd expression is false => no looping return false; if (error) { // If a variable is reassigned in second expression, return false bool reassign = false; visitAstNodes(secondExpression, [&](const Token *t) { if (t->str() == "=" && t->astOperand1() && programMemory.hasValue(t->astOperand1()->varId())) // TODO: investigate what variable is assigned. reassign = true; return reassign ? ChildrenToVisit::done : ChildrenToVisit::op1_and_op2; }); if (reassign) return false; } ProgramMemory startMemory(programMemory); ProgramMemory endMemory; int maxcount = 10000; while (result != 0 && !error && --maxcount > 0) { endMemory = programMemory; execute(thirdExpression, &programMemory, &result, &error); if (!error) execute(secondExpression, &programMemory, &result, &error); } memory1->swap(startMemory); if (!error) { memory2->swap(endMemory); memoryAfter->swap(programMemory); } return true; } static void valueFlowForLoopSimplify(Token * const bodyStart, const nonneg int varid, bool globalvar, const MathLib::bigint value, TokenList *tokenlist, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings) { const Token * const bodyEnd = bodyStart->link(); // Is variable modified inside for loop if (isVariableChanged(bodyStart, bodyEnd, varid, globalvar, settings, tokenlist->isCPP())) return; for (Token *tok2 = bodyStart->next(); tok2 != bodyEnd; tok2 = tok2->next()) { if (tok2->varId() == varid) { const Token * parent = tok2->astParent(); while (parent) { const Token * const p = parent; parent = parent->astParent(); if (!parent || parent->str() == ":") break; if (parent->str() == "?") { if (parent->astOperand2() != p) parent = nullptr; break; } } if (parent) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "For loop variable " + tok2->str() + " stopping on ?"); continue; } ValueFlow::Value value1(value); value1.varId = tok2->varId(); setTokenValue(tok2, value1, settings); } if (Token::Match(tok2, "%oror%|&&")) { const ProgramMemory programMemory(getProgramMemory(tok2->astTop(), varid, ValueFlow::Value(value))); if ((tok2->str() == "&&" && !conditionIsTrue(tok2->astOperand1(), programMemory)) || (tok2->str() == "||" && !conditionIsFalse(tok2->astOperand1(), programMemory))) { // Skip second expression.. const Token *parent = tok2; while (parent && parent->str() == tok2->str()) parent = parent->astParent(); // Jump to end of condition if (parent && parent->str() == "(") { tok2 = parent->link(); // cast if (Token::simpleMatch(tok2, ") (")) tok2 = tok2->linkAt(1); } } } if ((tok2->str() == "&&" && conditionIsFalse(tok2->astOperand1(), getProgramMemory(tok2->astTop(), varid, ValueFlow::Value(value)))) || (tok2->str() == "||" && conditionIsTrue(tok2->astOperand1(), getProgramMemory(tok2->astTop(), varid, ValueFlow::Value(value))))) break; else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok2, ") {") && Token::findmatch(tok2->link(), "%varid%", tok2, varid)) { if (Token::findmatch(tok2, "continue|break|return", tok2->linkAt(1), varid)) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "For loop variable bailout on conditional continue|break|return"); break; } if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "For loop variable skipping conditional scope"); tok2 = tok2->next()->link(); if (Token::simpleMatch(tok2, "} else {")) { if (Token::findmatch(tok2, "continue|break|return", tok2->linkAt(2), varid)) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "For loop variable bailout on conditional continue|break|return"); break; } tok2 = tok2->linkAt(2); } } else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok2, ") {")) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok2, "For loop skipping {} code"); tok2 = tok2->linkAt(1); if (Token::simpleMatch(tok2, "} else {")) tok2 = tok2->linkAt(2); } } } static void valueFlowForLoopSimplifyAfter(Token *fortok, nonneg int varid, const MathLib::bigint num, TokenList *tokenlist, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings) { const Token *vartok = nullptr; for (const Token *tok = fortok; tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->varId() == varid) { vartok = tok; break; } } if (!vartok || !vartok->variable()) return; const Variable *var = vartok->variable(); const Token *endToken = nullptr; if (var->isLocal()) endToken = var->typeStartToken()->scope()->bodyEnd; else endToken = fortok->scope()->bodyEnd; std::list values; values.emplace_back(num); values.back().errorPath.emplace_back(fortok,"After for loop, " + var->name() + " has value " + values.back().infoString()); valueFlowForwardVariable( fortok->linkAt(1)->linkAt(1)->next(), endToken, var, varid, values, false, false, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } static void valueFlowForLoop(TokenList *tokenlist, SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings) { for (const Scope &scope : symboldatabase->scopeList) { if (scope.type != Scope::eFor) continue; Token* tok = const_cast(scope.classDef); Token* const bodyStart = const_cast(scope.bodyStart); if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok->next()->astOperand2(), ";") || !Token::simpleMatch(tok->next()->astOperand2()->astOperand2(), ";")) continue; int varid(0); MathLib::bigint num1(0), num2(0), numAfter(0); if (valueFlowForLoop1(tok, &varid, &num1, &num2, &numAfter)) { if (num1 <= num2) { valueFlowForLoopSimplify(bodyStart, varid, false, num1, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); valueFlowForLoopSimplify(bodyStart, varid, false, num2, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); valueFlowForLoopSimplifyAfter(tok, varid, numAfter, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } else valueFlowForLoopSimplifyAfter(tok, varid, num1, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } else { ProgramMemory mem1, mem2, memAfter; if (valueFlowForLoop2(tok, &mem1, &mem2, &memAfter)) { std::map::const_iterator it; for (it = mem1.values.begin(); it != mem1.values.end(); ++it) { if (!it->second.isIntValue()) continue; valueFlowForLoopSimplify(bodyStart, it->first, false, it->second.intvalue, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } for (it = mem2.values.begin(); it != mem2.values.end(); ++it) { if (!it->second.isIntValue()) continue; valueFlowForLoopSimplify(bodyStart, it->first, false, it->second.intvalue, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } for (it = memAfter.values.begin(); it != memAfter.values.end(); ++it) { if (!it->second.isIntValue()) continue; valueFlowForLoopSimplifyAfter(tok, it->first, it->second.intvalue, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } } } } } static void valueFlowInjectParameter(TokenList* tokenlist, ErrorLogger* errorLogger, const Settings* settings, const Variable* arg, const Scope* functionScope, const std::list& argvalues) { // Is argument passed by value or const reference, and is it a known non-class type? if (arg->isReference() && !arg->isConst() && !arg->isClass()) return; // Set value in function scope.. const int varid2 = arg->declarationId(); if (!varid2) return; valueFlowForwardVariable(const_cast(functionScope->bodyStart->next()), functionScope->bodyEnd, arg, varid2, argvalues, false, true, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } static void valueFlowSwitchVariable(TokenList *tokenlist, SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings) { for (const Scope &scope : symboldatabase->scopeList) { if (scope.type != Scope::ScopeType::eSwitch) continue; if (!Token::Match(scope.classDef, "switch ( %var% ) {")) continue; const Token *vartok = scope.classDef->tokAt(2); const Variable *var = vartok->variable(); if (!var) continue; // bailout: global non-const variables if (!(var->isLocal() || var->isArgument()) && !var->isConst()) { if (settings->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, vartok, "switch variable " + var->name() + " is global"); continue; } for (Token *tok = scope.bodyStart->next(); tok != scope.bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->str() == "{") { tok = tok->link(); continue; } if (Token::Match(tok, "case %num% :")) { std::list values; values.emplace_back(MathLib::toLongNumber(tok->next()->str())); values.back().condition = tok; const std::string info("case " + tok->next()->str() + ": " + vartok->str() + " is " + tok->next()->str() + " here."); values.back().errorPath.emplace_back(tok, info); bool known = false; if ((Token::simpleMatch(tok->previous(), "{") || Token::simpleMatch(tok->tokAt(-2), "break ;")) && !Token::Match(tok->tokAt(3), ";| case")) known = true; while (Token::Match(tok->tokAt(3), ";| case %num% :")) { known = false; tok = tok->tokAt(3); if (!tok->isName()) tok = tok->next(); values.emplace_back(MathLib::toLongNumber(tok->next()->str())); values.back().condition = tok; const std::string info2("case " + tok->next()->str() + ": " + vartok->str() + " is " + tok->next()->str() + " here."); values.back().errorPath.emplace_back(tok, info2); } for (std::list::const_iterator val = values.begin(); val != values.end(); ++val) { valueFlowReverse(tokenlist, const_cast(scope.classDef), vartok, *val, ValueFlow::Value(), errorLogger, settings); } if (vartok->variable()->scope()) { if (known) values.back().setKnown(); // FIXME We must check if there is a return. See #9276 /* valueFlowForwardVariable(tok->tokAt(3), vartok->variable()->scope()->bodyEnd, vartok->variable(), vartok->varId(), values, values.back().isKnown(), false, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); */ } } } } } static void setTokenValues(Token *tok, const std::list &values, const Settings *settings) { for (const ValueFlow::Value &value : values) { if (value.isIntValue()) setTokenValue(tok, value, settings); } } static bool evaluate(const Token *expr, const std::vector> &values, std::list *result) { if (!expr) return false; // strlen(arg).. if (expr->str() == "(" && Token::Match(expr->previous(), "strlen ( %name% )")) { const Token *arg = expr->next(); if (arg->str().compare(0,3,"arg") != 0 || arg->str().size() != 4) return false; const char n = arg->str()[3]; if (n < '1' || n - '1' >= values.size()) return false; for (const ValueFlow::Value &argvalue : values[n - '1']) { if (argvalue.isTokValue() && argvalue.tokvalue->tokType() == Token::eString) { ValueFlow::Value res(argvalue); // copy all "inconclusive", "condition", etc attributes // set return value.. res.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::INT; res.tokvalue = nullptr; res.intvalue = Token::getStrLength(argvalue.tokvalue); result->emplace_back(std::move(res)); } } return !result->empty(); } // unary operands if (expr->astOperand1() && !expr->astOperand2()) { std::list opvalues; if (!evaluate(expr->astOperand1(), values, &opvalues)) return false; if (expr->str() == "+") { result->swap(opvalues); return true; } if (expr->str() == "-") { for (ValueFlow::Value v: opvalues) { if (v.isIntValue()) { v.intvalue = -v.intvalue; result->emplace_back(std::move(v)); } } return true; } return false; } // binary/ternary operands if (expr->astOperand1() && expr->astOperand2()) { std::list lhsValues, rhsValues; if (!evaluate(expr->astOperand1(), values, &lhsValues)) return false; if (expr->str() != "?" && !evaluate(expr->astOperand2(), values, &rhsValues)) return false; for (const ValueFlow::Value &val1 : lhsValues) { if (!val1.isIntValue()) continue; if (expr->str() == "?") { rhsValues.clear(); const Token *expr2 = val1.intvalue ? expr->astOperand2()->astOperand1() : expr->astOperand2()->astOperand2(); if (!evaluate(expr2, values, &rhsValues)) continue; result->insert(result->end(), rhsValues.begin(), rhsValues.end()); continue; } for (const ValueFlow::Value &val2 : rhsValues) { if (!val2.isIntValue()) continue; if (val1.varId != 0 && val2.varId != 0) { if (val1.varId != val2.varId || val1.varvalue != val2.varvalue) continue; } if (expr->str() == "+") result->emplace_back(ValueFlow::Value(val1.intvalue + val2.intvalue)); else if (expr->str() == "-") result->emplace_back(ValueFlow::Value(val1.intvalue - val2.intvalue)); else if (expr->str() == "*") result->emplace_back(ValueFlow::Value(val1.intvalue * val2.intvalue)); else if (expr->str() == "/" && val2.intvalue != 0) result->emplace_back(ValueFlow::Value(val1.intvalue / val2.intvalue)); else if (expr->str() == "%" && val2.intvalue != 0) result->emplace_back(ValueFlow::Value(val1.intvalue % val2.intvalue)); else if (expr->str() == "&") result->emplace_back(ValueFlow::Value(val1.intvalue & val2.intvalue)); else if (expr->str() == "|") result->emplace_back(ValueFlow::Value(val1.intvalue | val2.intvalue)); else if (expr->str() == "^") result->emplace_back(ValueFlow::Value(val1.intvalue ^ val2.intvalue)); else if (expr->str() == "==") result->emplace_back(ValueFlow::Value(val1.intvalue == val2.intvalue)); else if (expr->str() == "!=") result->emplace_back(ValueFlow::Value(val1.intvalue != val2.intvalue)); else if (expr->str() == "<") result->emplace_back(ValueFlow::Value(val1.intvalue < val2.intvalue)); else if (expr->str() == ">") result->emplace_back(ValueFlow::Value(val1.intvalue > val2.intvalue)); else if (expr->str() == ">=") result->emplace_back(ValueFlow::Value(val1.intvalue >= val2.intvalue)); else if (expr->str() == "<=") result->emplace_back(ValueFlow::Value(val1.intvalue <= val2.intvalue)); else if (expr->str() == "&&") result->emplace_back(ValueFlow::Value(val1.intvalue && val2.intvalue)); else if (expr->str() == "||") result->emplace_back(ValueFlow::Value(val1.intvalue || val2.intvalue)); else if (expr->str() == "<<") result->emplace_back(ValueFlow::Value(val1.intvalue << val2.intvalue)); else if (expr->str() == ">>") result->emplace_back(ValueFlow::Value(val1.intvalue >> val2.intvalue)); else return false; combineValueProperties(val1, val2, &result->back()); } } return !result->empty(); } if (expr->str().compare(0,3,"arg")==0) { *result = values[expr->str()[3] - '1']; return true; } if (expr->isNumber()) { result->emplace_back(ValueFlow::Value(MathLib::toLongNumber(expr->str()))); result->back().setKnown(); return true; } else if (expr->tokType() == Token::eChar) { result->emplace_back(ValueFlow::Value(MathLib::toLongNumber(expr->str()))); result->back().setKnown(); return true; } return false; } static std::list getFunctionArgumentValues(const Token *argtok) { std::list argvalues(argtok->values()); removeImpossible(argvalues); if (argvalues.empty() && Token::Match(argtok, "%comp%|%oror%|&&|!")) { argvalues.emplace_back(0); argvalues.emplace_back(1); } return argvalues; } static void valueFlowLibraryFunction(Token *tok, const std::string &returnValue, const Settings *settings) { std::vector> argValues; for (const Token *argtok : getArguments(tok->previous())) { argValues.emplace_back(getFunctionArgumentValues(argtok)); if (argValues.back().empty()) return; } if (returnValue.find("arg") != std::string::npos && argValues.empty()) return; TokenList tokenList(settings); { const std::string code = "return " + returnValue + ";"; std::istringstream istr(code); if (!tokenList.createTokens(istr)) return; } // combine operators, set links, etc.. std::stack lpar; for (Token *tok2 = tokenList.front(); tok2; tok2 = tok2->next()) { if (Token::Match(tok2, "[!<>=] =")) { tok2->str(tok2->str() + "="); tok2->deleteNext(); } else if (tok2->str() == "(") lpar.push(tok2); else if (tok2->str() == ")") { if (lpar.empty()) return; Token::createMutualLinks(lpar.top(), tok2); lpar.pop(); } } if (!lpar.empty()) return; // Evaluate expression tokenList.createAst(); std::list results; if (evaluate(tokenList.front()->astOperand1(), argValues, &results)) setTokenValues(tok, results, settings); } static void valueFlowSubFunction(TokenList* tokenlist, ErrorLogger* errorLogger, const Settings* settings) { for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (!Token::Match(tok, "%name% (")) continue; const Function * const calledFunction = tok->function(); if (!calledFunction) { // library function? const std::string& returnValue(settings->library.returnValue(tok)); if (!returnValue.empty()) valueFlowLibraryFunction(tok->next(), returnValue, settings); continue; } const Scope * const calledFunctionScope = calledFunction->functionScope; if (!calledFunctionScope) continue; // TODO: Rewrite this. It does not work well to inject 1 argument at a time. const std::vector &callArguments = getArguments(tok); for (int argnr = 0U; argnr < callArguments.size(); ++argnr) { const Token *argtok = callArguments[argnr]; // Get function argument const Variable * const argvar = calledFunction->getArgumentVar(argnr); if (!argvar) break; // passing value(s) to function std::list argvalues(getFunctionArgumentValues(argtok)); // Don't forward lifetime values argvalues.remove_if(std::mem_fn(&ValueFlow::Value::isLifetimeValue)); // Don't forward values, this is handled by CTU. We also had a FP #9347 argvalues.remove_if(std::mem_fn(&ValueFlow::Value::isUninitValue)); if (argvalues.empty()) continue; // Error path.. for (ValueFlow::Value &v : argvalues) { const std::string nr = MathLib::toString(argnr + 1) + getOrdinalText(argnr + 1); v.errorPath.emplace_back(argtok, "Calling function '" + calledFunction->name() + "', " + nr + " argument '" + argtok->expressionString() + "' value is " + v.infoString()); } // passed values are not "known".. lowerToPossible(argvalues); valueFlowInjectParameter(tokenlist, errorLogger, settings, argvar, calledFunctionScope, argvalues); // FIXME: We need to rewrite the valueflow analysis to better handle multiple arguments if (!argvalues.empty()) break; } } } static void valueFlowFunctionDefaultParameter(TokenList *tokenlist, SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings) { if (!tokenlist->isCPP()) return; for (const Scope* scope : symboldatabase->functionScopes) { const Function* function = scope->function; if (!function) continue; for (std::size_t arg = function->minArgCount(); arg < function->argCount(); arg++) { const Variable* var = function->getArgumentVar(arg); if (var && var->hasDefault() && Token::Match(var->nameToken(), "%var% = %num%|%str% [,)]")) { const std::list &values = var->nameToken()->tokAt(2)->values(); std::list argvalues; for (const ValueFlow::Value &value : values) { ValueFlow::Value v(value); v.defaultArg = true; v.changeKnownToPossible(); if (v.isPossible()) argvalues.push_back(v); } if (!argvalues.empty()) valueFlowInjectParameter(tokenlist, errorLogger, settings, var, scope, argvalues); } } } } static bool isKnown(const Token * tok) { return tok && tok->hasKnownIntValue(); } static void valueFlowFunctionReturn(TokenList *tokenlist, ErrorLogger *errorLogger) { for (Token *tok = tokenlist->back(); tok; tok = tok->previous()) { if (tok->str() != "(" || !tok->astOperand1() || !tok->astOperand1()->function()) continue; if (tok->hasKnownValue()) continue; // Arguments.. std::vector parvalues; if (tok->astOperand2()) { const Token *partok = tok->astOperand2(); while (partok && partok->str() == "," && isKnown(partok->astOperand2())) partok = partok->astOperand1(); if (!isKnown(partok)) continue; parvalues.push_back(partok->values().front().intvalue); partok = partok->astParent(); while (partok && partok->str() == ",") { parvalues.push_back(partok->astOperand2()->values().front().intvalue); partok = partok->astParent(); } if (partok != tok) continue; } // Get scope and args of function const Function * const function = tok->astOperand1()->function(); const Scope * const functionScope = function->functionScope; if (!functionScope || !Token::simpleMatch(functionScope->bodyStart, "{ return")) { if (functionScope && tokenlist->getSettings()->debugwarnings && Token::findsimplematch(functionScope->bodyStart, "return", functionScope->bodyEnd)) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, "function return; nontrivial function body"); continue; } ProgramMemory programMemory; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < parvalues.size(); ++i) { const Variable * const arg = function->getArgumentVar(i); if (!arg || !Token::Match(arg->typeStartToken(), "%type% %name% ,|)")) { if (tokenlist->getSettings()->debugwarnings) bailout(tokenlist, errorLogger, tok, "function return; unhandled argument type"); programMemory.clear(); break; } programMemory.setIntValue(arg->declarationId(), parvalues[i]); } if (programMemory.empty() && !parvalues.empty()) continue; // Determine return value of subfunction.. MathLib::bigint result = 0; bool error = false; execute(functionScope->bodyStart->next()->astOperand1(), &programMemory, &result, &error); if (!error) { ValueFlow::Value v(result); if (function->hasVirtualSpecifier()) v.setPossible(); else v.setKnown(); setTokenValue(tok, v, tokenlist->getSettings()); } } } static void valueFlowUninit(TokenList *tokenlist, SymbolDatabase * /*symbolDatabase*/, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings) { for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (!Token::Match(tok,"[;{}] %type%")) continue; if (!tok->scope()->isExecutable()) continue; const Token *vardecl = tok->next(); bool stdtype = false; bool pointer = false; while (Token::Match(vardecl, "%name%|::|*") && vardecl->varId() == 0) { stdtype |= vardecl->isStandardType(); pointer |= vardecl->str() == "*"; vardecl = vardecl->next(); } // if (!stdtype && !pointer) // continue; if (!Token::Match(vardecl, "%var% ;")) continue; if (Token::Match(vardecl, "%varid% ; %varid% =", vardecl->varId())) continue; const Variable *var = vardecl->variable(); if (!var || var->nameToken() != vardecl) continue; if ((!var->isPointer() && var->type() && var->type()->needInitialization != Type::NeedInitialization::True) || !var->isLocal() || var->isStatic() || var->isExtern() || var->isReference() || var->isThrow()) continue; if (!var->type() && !stdtype && !pointer) continue; ValueFlow::Value uninitValue; uninitValue.setKnown(); uninitValue.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::UNINIT; uninitValue.tokvalue = vardecl; std::list values; values.push_back(uninitValue); const bool constValue = true; const bool subFunction = false; valueFlowForwardVariable(vardecl->next(), vardecl->scope()->bodyEnd, var, vardecl->varId(), values, constValue, subFunction, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } } static bool hasContainerSizeGuard(const Token *tok, nonneg int containerId) { for (; tok && tok->astParent(); tok = tok->astParent()) { const Token *parent = tok->astParent(); if (tok != parent->astOperand2()) continue; if (!Token::Match(parent, "%oror%|&&|?")) continue; // is container found in lhs? bool found = false; visitAstNodes(parent->astOperand1(), [&](const Token *t) { if (t->varId() == containerId) found = true; return found ? ChildrenToVisit::done : ChildrenToVisit::op1_and_op2; }); if (found) return true; } return false; } static bool isContainerSize(const Token* tok) { if (!Token::Match(tok, "%var% . %name% (")) return false; if (!astIsContainer(tok)) return false; if (tok->valueType()->container && tok->valueType()->container->getYield(tok->strAt(2)) == Library::Container::Yield::SIZE) return true; if (Token::Match(tok->tokAt(2), "size|length ( )")) return true; return false; } static bool isContainerEmpty(const Token* tok) { if (!Token::Match(tok, "%var% . %name% (")) return false; if (!astIsContainer(tok)) return false; if (tok->valueType()->container && tok->valueType()->container->getYield(tok->strAt(2)) == Library::Container::Yield::EMPTY) return true; if (Token::simpleMatch(tok->tokAt(2), "empty ( )")) return true; return false; } static bool isContainerSizeChanged(nonneg int varId, const Token *start, const Token *end, int depth = 20); static bool isContainerSizeChangedByFunction(const Token *tok, int depth = 20) { if (!tok->valueType() || !tok->valueType()->container) return false; // If we are accessing an element then we are not changing the container size if (Token::Match(tok, "%name% . %name% (")) { Library::Container::Yield yield = tok->valueType()->container->getYield(tok->strAt(2)); if (yield != Library::Container::Yield::NO_YIELD) return false; } if (Token::simpleMatch(tok->astParent(), "[")) return false; // address of variable const bool addressOf = tok->valueType()->pointer || (tok->astParent() && tok->astParent()->isUnaryOp("&")); int narg; const Token * ftok = getTokenArgumentFunction(tok, narg); if (!ftok) return false; // not a function => variable not changed const Function * fun = ftok->function(); if (fun) { const Variable *arg = fun->getArgumentVar(narg); if (arg) { if (!arg->isReference() && !addressOf) return false; if (arg->isConst()) return false; const Scope * scope = fun->functionScope; if (scope) { // Argument not used if (!arg->nameToken()) return false; if (depth > 0) return isContainerSizeChanged(arg->declarationId(), scope->bodyStart, scope->bodyEnd, depth - 1); } // Don't know => Safe guess return true; } } bool inconclusive = false; const bool isChanged = isVariableChangedByFunctionCall(tok, 0, nullptr, &inconclusive); return (isChanged || inconclusive); } static void valueFlowContainerReverse(Token *tok, nonneg int containerId, const ValueFlow::Value &value, const Settings *settings) { while (nullptr != (tok = tok->previous())) { if (Token::Match(tok, "[{}]")) break; if (Token::Match(tok, "return|break|continue")) break; if (tok->varId() != containerId) continue; if (Token::Match(tok, "%name% =")) break; if (isContainerSizeChangedByFunction(tok)) break; if (!tok->valueType() || !tok->valueType()->container) break; if (Token::Match(tok, "%name% . %name% (") && tok->valueType()->container->getAction(tok->strAt(2)) != Library::Container::Action::NO_ACTION) break; if (!hasContainerSizeGuard(tok, containerId)) setTokenValue(tok, value, settings); } } static void valueFlowContainerForward(Token *tok, nonneg int containerId, ValueFlow::Value value, const Settings *settings, bool cpp) { while (nullptr != (tok = tok->next())) { if (Token::Match(tok, "[{}]")) break; if (Token::Match(tok, "while|for (")) { const Token *start = tok->linkAt(1)->next(); if (!Token::simpleMatch(start->link(), "{")) break; if (isContainerSizeChanged(containerId, start, start->link())) break; } if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, ") {") && Token::Match(tok->link()->previous(), "while|for|if (")) { const Token *start = tok->next(); if (isContainerSizeChanged(containerId, start, start->link())) break; tok = start->link(); if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "} else {")) { start = tok->tokAt(2); if (isContainerSizeChanged(containerId, start, start->link())) break; tok = start->link(); } } if (tok->varId() != containerId) continue; if (Token::Match(tok, "%name% =")) break; if (Token::Match(tok, "%name% +=")) { if (!tok->valueType() || !tok->valueType()->container || !tok->valueType()->container->stdStringLike) break; const Token *rhs = tok->next()->astOperand2(); if (rhs->tokType() == Token::eString) value.intvalue += Token::getStrLength(rhs); else if (rhs->valueType() && rhs->valueType()->container && rhs->valueType()->container->stdStringLike) { bool found = false; for (const ValueFlow::Value &rhsval : rhs->values()) { if (rhsval.isKnown() && rhsval.isContainerSizeValue()) { value.intvalue += rhsval.intvalue; found = true; } } if (!found) break; } else break; } if (isLikelyStreamRead(cpp, tok->astParent())) break; if (isContainerSizeChangedByFunction(tok)) break; if (!tok->valueType() || !tok->valueType()->container) break; if (Token::Match(tok, "%name% . %name% (") && tok->valueType()->container->getAction(tok->strAt(2)) != Library::Container::Action::NO_ACTION) break; if (!hasContainerSizeGuard(tok, containerId)) setTokenValue(tok, value, settings); } } static bool isContainerSizeChanged(nonneg int varId, const Token *start, const Token *end, int depth) { for (const Token *tok = start; tok != end; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->varId() != varId) continue; if (!tok->valueType() || !tok->valueType()->container) return true; if (Token::Match(tok, "%name% %assign%|<<")) return true; if (Token::Match(tok, "%name% . %name% (")) { Library::Container::Action action = tok->valueType()->container->getAction(tok->strAt(2)); switch (action) { case Library::Container::Action::RESIZE: case Library::Container::Action::CLEAR: case Library::Container::Action::PUSH: case Library::Container::Action::POP: case Library::Container::Action::CHANGE: case Library::Container::Action::INSERT: case Library::Container::Action::ERASE: case Library::Container::Action::CHANGE_INTERNAL: return true; case Library::Container::Action::NO_ACTION: // might be unknown action return true; case Library::Container::Action::FIND: case Library::Container::Action::CHANGE_CONTENT: break; }; } if (isContainerSizeChangedByFunction(tok, depth)) return true; } return false; } static void valueFlowSmartPointer(TokenList *tokenlist, ErrorLogger * errorLogger, const Settings *settings) { for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (!tok->scope()) continue; if (!tok->scope()->isExecutable()) continue; if (!tok->variable()) continue; const Variable * var = tok->variable(); if (!var->isSmartPointer()) continue; if (var->nameToken() == tok) { if (Token::Match(tok, "%var% (|{") && tok->next()->astOperand2() && tok->next()->astOperand2()->str() != ",") { Token * inTok = tok->next()->astOperand2(); std::list values = inTok->values(); const bool constValue = inTok->isNumber(); valueFlowForwardAssign(inTok, var, values, constValue, true, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } else if (Token::Match(tok, "%var% ;")) { std::list values; ValueFlow::Value v(0); v.setKnown(); values.push_back(v); valueFlowForwardAssign(tok, var, values, false, true, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } } else if (Token::Match(tok, "%var% . reset (") && tok->next()->originalName() != "->") { if (Token::simpleMatch(tok->tokAt(3), "( )")) { std::list values; ValueFlow::Value v(0); v.setKnown(); values.push_back(v); valueFlowForwardAssign(tok->tokAt(4), var, values, false, false, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } else { tok->removeValues(std::mem_fn(&ValueFlow::Value::isIntValue)); Token * inTok = tok->tokAt(3)->astOperand2(); if (!inTok) continue; std::list values = inTok->values(); const bool constValue = inTok->isNumber(); valueFlowForwardAssign(inTok, var, values, constValue, false, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } } else if (Token::Match(tok, "%var% . release ( )") && tok->next()->originalName() != "->") { std::list values; ValueFlow::Value v(0); v.setKnown(); values.push_back(v); valueFlowForwardAssign(tok->tokAt(4), var, values, false, false, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } } } static void valueFlowContainerSize(TokenList *tokenlist, SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase, ErrorLogger * /*errorLogger*/, const Settings *settings) { // declaration for (const Variable *var : symboldatabase->variableList()) { if (!var || !var->isLocal() || var->isPointer() || var->isReference()) continue; if (!var->valueType() || !var->valueType()->container) continue; if (!Token::Match(var->nameToken(), "%name% ;")) continue; if (var->nameToken()->hasKnownValue()) continue; ValueFlow::Value value(0); if (var->valueType()->container->size_templateArgNo >= 0) { if (var->dimensions().size() == 1 && var->dimensions().front().tok && var->dimensions().front().tok->hasKnownIntValue()) value.intvalue = var->dimensions().front().tok->getKnownIntValue(); else continue; } value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE; value.setKnown(); valueFlowContainerForward(var->nameToken()->next(), var->declarationId(), value, settings, tokenlist->isCPP()); } // after assignment for (const Scope *functionScope : symboldatabase->functionScopes) { for (const Token *tok = functionScope->bodyStart; tok != functionScope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) { if (Token::Match(tok, "%name%|;|{|} %var% = %str% ;")) { const Token *containerTok = tok->next(); if (containerTok && containerTok->valueType() && containerTok->valueType()->container && containerTok->valueType()->container->stdStringLike) { ValueFlow::Value value(Token::getStrLength(containerTok->tokAt(2))); value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE; value.setKnown(); valueFlowContainerForward(containerTok->next(), containerTok->varId(), value, settings, tokenlist->isCPP()); } } } } // conditional conditionSize for (const Scope &scope : symboldatabase->scopeList) { if (scope.type != Scope::ScopeType::eIf) // TODO: while continue; for (const Token *tok = scope.classDef; tok && tok->str() != "{"; tok = tok->next()) { if (!tok->isName() || !tok->valueType() || tok->valueType()->type != ValueType::CONTAINER || !tok->valueType()->container) continue; const Token *conditionToken; MathLib::bigint intval; if (Token::Match(tok, "%name% . %name% (")) { if (tok->valueType()->container->getYield(tok->strAt(2)) == Library::Container::Yield::SIZE) { const Token *parent = tok->tokAt(3)->astParent(); if (!parent || !parent->isComparisonOp() || !parent->astOperand2()) continue; if (parent->astOperand1()->hasKnownIntValue()) intval = parent->astOperand1()->values().front().intvalue; else if (parent->astOperand2()->hasKnownIntValue()) intval = parent->astOperand2()->values().front().intvalue; else continue; conditionToken = parent; } else if (tok->valueType()->container->getYield(tok->strAt(2)) == Library::Container::Yield::EMPTY) { conditionToken = tok->tokAt(3); intval = 0; } else { continue; } } else if (tok->valueType()->container->stdStringLike && Token::Match(tok, "%name% ==|!= %str%") && tok->next()->astOperand2() == tok->tokAt(2)) { intval = Token::getStrLength(tok->tokAt(2)); conditionToken = tok->next(); } else { continue; } ValueFlow::Value value(conditionToken, intval); value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE; // possible value before condition valueFlowContainerReverse(const_cast(scope.classDef), tok->varId(), value, settings); } } } static void valueFlowContainerAfterCondition(TokenList *tokenlist, SymbolDatabase *symboldatabase, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings) { ValueFlowConditionHandler handler; handler.forward = [&](Token* start, const Token* stop, const Token* vartok, const std::list& values, bool) { // TODO: Forward multiple values if (values.empty()) return false; const Variable* var = vartok->variable(); if (!var) return false; valueFlowContainerForward(start, var->declarationId(), values.front(), settings, tokenlist->isCPP()); return isContainerSizeChanged(var->declarationId(), start, stop); }; handler.parse = [&](const Token *tok) { ValueFlowConditionHandler::Condition cond; ValueFlow::Value true_value; ValueFlow::Value false_value; const Token *vartok = parseCompareInt(tok, true_value, false_value); if (vartok) { vartok = vartok->tokAt(-3); if (!isContainerSize(vartok)) return cond; true_value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::CONTAINER_SIZE; false_value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::CONTAINER_SIZE; cond.true_values.push_back(true_value); cond.false_values.push_back(false_value); cond.vartok = vartok; return cond; } // Empty check if (tok->str() == "(") { vartok = tok->tokAt(-3); // TODO: Handle .size() if (!isContainerEmpty(vartok)) return cond; const Token *parent = tok->astParent(); while (parent) { if (Token::Match(parent, "%comp%|!")) return cond; parent = parent->astParent(); } ValueFlow::Value value(tok, 0LL); value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE; cond.true_values.emplace_back(value); cond.false_values.emplace_back(std::move(value)); cond.vartok = vartok; return cond; } // String compare if (Token::Match(tok, "==|!=")) { const Token *strtok = nullptr; if (Token::Match(tok->astOperand1(), "%str%")) { strtok = tok->astOperand1(); vartok = tok->astOperand2(); } else if (Token::Match(tok->astOperand2(), "%str%")) { strtok = tok->astOperand2(); vartok = tok->astOperand1(); } if (!strtok) return cond; if (!astIsContainer(vartok)) return cond; ValueFlow::Value value(tok, Token::getStrLength(strtok)); value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE; cond.false_values.emplace_back(value); cond.true_values.emplace_back(std::move(value)); cond.vartok = vartok; return cond; } return cond; }; handler.afterCondition(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings); } static void valueFlowFwdAnalysis(const TokenList *tokenlist, const Settings *settings) { for (const Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->str() != "=" || !tok->astOperand1() || !tok->astOperand2()) continue; if (!tok->scope()->isExecutable()) continue; if (!tok->astOperand2()->hasKnownIntValue()) continue; ValueFlow::Value v(tok->astOperand2()->values().front()); v.errorPath.emplace_back(tok, tok->astOperand1()->expressionString() + " is assigned value " + MathLib::toString(v.intvalue)); const Token *startToken = tok->findExpressionStartEndTokens().second->next(); const Scope *functionScope = tok->scope(); while (functionScope->nestedIn && functionScope->nestedIn->isExecutable()) functionScope = functionScope->nestedIn; const Token *endToken = functionScope->bodyEnd; valueFlowForwardExpression(const_cast(startToken), endToken, tok->astOperand1(), {v}, tokenlist, settings); } } static void valueFlowDynamicBufferSize(TokenList *tokenlist, SymbolDatabase *symboldatabase, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings) { for (const Scope *functionScope : symboldatabase->functionScopes) { for (const Token *tok = functionScope->bodyStart; tok != functionScope->bodyEnd; tok = tok->next()) { if (!Token::Match(tok, "[;{}] %var% =")) continue; if (!tok->next()->variable()) continue; const Token *rhs = tok->tokAt(2)->astOperand2(); while (rhs && rhs->isCast()) rhs = rhs->astOperand2() ? rhs->astOperand2() : rhs->astOperand1(); if (!rhs) continue; if (!Token::Match(rhs->previous(), "%name% (")) continue; const Library::AllocFunc *allocFunc = settings->library.getAllocFuncInfo(rhs->previous()); if (!allocFunc) allocFunc = settings->library.getReallocFuncInfo(rhs->previous()); if (!allocFunc || allocFunc->bufferSize == Library::AllocFunc::BufferSize::none) continue; const std::vector args = getArguments(rhs->previous()); const Token * const arg1 = (args.size() >= allocFunc->bufferSizeArg1) ? args[allocFunc->bufferSizeArg1 - 1] : nullptr; const Token * const arg2 = (args.size() >= allocFunc->bufferSizeArg2) ? args[allocFunc->bufferSizeArg2 - 1] : nullptr; MathLib::bigint sizeValue = -1; switch (allocFunc->bufferSize) { case Library::AllocFunc::BufferSize::none: break; case Library::AllocFunc::BufferSize::malloc: if (arg1 && arg1->hasKnownIntValue()) sizeValue = arg1->getKnownIntValue(); break; case Library::AllocFunc::BufferSize::calloc: if (arg1 && arg2 && arg1->hasKnownIntValue() && arg2->hasKnownIntValue()) sizeValue = arg1->getKnownIntValue() * arg2->getKnownIntValue(); break; case Library::AllocFunc::BufferSize::strdup: if (arg1 && arg1->hasKnownValue()) { const ValueFlow::Value &value = arg1->values().back(); if (value.isTokValue() && value.tokvalue->tokType() == Token::eString) sizeValue = Token::getStrLength(value.tokvalue) + 1; // Add one for the null terminator } break; }; if (sizeValue < 0) continue; ValueFlow::Value value(sizeValue); value.errorPath.emplace_back(tok->tokAt(2), "Assign " + tok->strAt(1) + ", buffer with size " + MathLib::toString(sizeValue)); value.valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::BUFFER_SIZE; value.setKnown(); const std::list values{value}; valueFlowForwardVariable(const_cast(rhs), functionScope->bodyEnd, tok->next()->variable(), tok->next()->varId(), values, true, false, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } } } static bool getMinMaxValues(const ValueType *vt, const cppcheck::Platform &platform, MathLib::bigint *minValue, MathLib::bigint *maxValue) { if (!vt || !vt->isIntegral() || vt->pointer) return false; int bits; switch (vt->type) { case ValueType::Type::BOOL: bits = 1; break; case ValueType::Type::CHAR: bits = platform.char_bit; break; case ValueType::Type::SHORT: bits = platform.short_bit; break; case ValueType::Type::INT: bits = platform.int_bit; break; case ValueType::Type::LONG: bits = platform.long_bit; break; case ValueType::Type::LONGLONG: bits = platform.long_long_bit; break; default: return false; }; if (bits == 1) { *minValue = 0; *maxValue = 1; } else if (bits < 62) { if (vt->sign == ValueType::Sign::UNSIGNED) { *minValue = 0; *maxValue = (1LL << bits) - 1; } else { *minValue = -(1LL << (bits - 1)); *maxValue = (1LL << (bits - 1)) - 1; } } else if (bits == 64) { if (vt->sign == ValueType::Sign::UNSIGNED) { *minValue = 0; *maxValue = LLONG_MAX; // todo max unsigned value } else { *minValue = LLONG_MIN; *maxValue = LLONG_MAX; } } else { return false; } return true; } static bool getMinMaxValues(const std::string &typestr, const Settings *settings, MathLib::bigint *minvalue, MathLib::bigint *maxvalue) { TokenList typeTokens(settings); std::istringstream istr(typestr+";"); if (!typeTokens.createTokens(istr)) return false; typeTokens.simplifyPlatformTypes(); typeTokens.simplifyStdType(); const ValueType &vt = ValueType::parseDecl(typeTokens.front(), settings); return getMinMaxValues(&vt, *settings, minvalue, maxvalue); } static void valueFlowSafeFunctions(TokenList *tokenlist, SymbolDatabase *symboldatabase, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings) { for (const Scope *functionScope : symboldatabase->functionScopes) { if (!functionScope->bodyStart) continue; const Function *function = functionScope->function; if (!function) continue; const bool safe = function->isSafe(settings); const bool all = safe && settings->platformType != cppcheck::Platform::PlatformType::Unspecified; for (const Variable &arg : function->argumentList) { if (!arg.nameToken() || !arg.valueType()) continue; if (arg.valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::CONTAINER) { if (!safe) continue; std::list argValues; argValues.emplace_back(0); argValues.back().valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE; argValues.back().errorPath.emplace_back(arg.nameToken(), "Assuming " + arg.name() + " is empty"); argValues.back().safe = true; argValues.emplace_back(1000000); argValues.back().valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE; argValues.back().errorPath.emplace_back(arg.nameToken(), "Assuming " + arg.name() + " size is 1000000"); argValues.back().safe = true; for (const ValueFlow::Value &value : argValues) valueFlowContainerForward(const_cast(functionScope->bodyStart), arg.declarationId(), value, settings, tokenlist->isCPP()); continue; } MathLib::bigint low, high; bool isLow = arg.nameToken()->getCppcheckAttribute(TokenImpl::CppcheckAttributes::Type::LOW, &low); bool isHigh = arg.nameToken()->getCppcheckAttribute(TokenImpl::CppcheckAttributes::Type::HIGH, &high); if (!isLow && !isHigh && !all) continue; const bool safeLow = !isLow; const bool safeHigh = !isHigh; if ((!isLow || !isHigh) && all) { MathLib::bigint minValue, maxValue; if (getMinMaxValues(arg.valueType(), *settings, &minValue, &maxValue)) { if (!isLow) low = minValue; if (!isHigh) high = maxValue; isLow = isHigh = true; } else if (arg.valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::FLOAT || arg.valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::DOUBLE || arg.valueType()->type == ValueType::Type::LONGDOUBLE) { std::list argValues; argValues.emplace_back(0); argValues.back().valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::FLOAT; argValues.back().floatValue = isLow ? low : -1E25f; argValues.back().errorPath.emplace_back(arg.nameToken(), "Safe checks: Assuming argument has value " + MathLib::toString(argValues.back().floatValue)); argValues.back().safe = true; argValues.emplace_back(0); argValues.back().valueType = ValueFlow::Value::ValueType::FLOAT; argValues.back().floatValue = isHigh ? high : 1E25f; argValues.back().errorPath.emplace_back(arg.nameToken(), "Safe checks: Assuming argument has value " + MathLib::toString(argValues.back().floatValue)); argValues.back().safe = true; valueFlowForwardVariable(const_cast(functionScope->bodyStart->next()), functionScope->bodyEnd, &arg, arg.declarationId(), argValues, false, false, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); continue; } } std::list argValues; if (isLow) { argValues.emplace_back(low); argValues.back().errorPath.emplace_back(arg.nameToken(), std::string(safeLow ? "Safe checks: " : "") + "Assuming argument has value " + MathLib::toString(low)); argValues.back().safe = safeLow; } if (isHigh) { argValues.emplace_back(high); argValues.back().errorPath.emplace_back(arg.nameToken(), std::string(safeHigh ? "Safe checks: " : "") + "Assuming argument has value " + MathLib::toString(high)); argValues.back().safe = safeHigh; } if (!argValues.empty()) valueFlowForwardVariable(const_cast(functionScope->bodyStart->next()), functionScope->bodyEnd, &arg, arg.declarationId(), argValues, false, false, tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); } } } static void valueFlowUnknownFunctionReturn(TokenList *tokenlist, const Settings *settings) { if (settings->checkUnknownFunctionReturn.empty()) return; for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (!tok->astParent() || tok->str() != "(") continue; if (!Token::Match(tok->previous(), "%name%")) continue; if (settings->checkUnknownFunctionReturn.find(tok->previous()->str()) == settings->checkUnknownFunctionReturn.end()) continue; std::vector unknownValues = settings->library.unknownReturnValues(tok->astOperand1()); if (unknownValues.empty()) continue; // Get min/max values for return type const std::string &typestr = settings->library.returnValueType(tok->previous()); MathLib::bigint minvalue, maxvalue; if (!getMinMaxValues(typestr, settings, &minvalue, &maxvalue)) continue; for (MathLib::bigint value : unknownValues) { if (value < minvalue) value = minvalue; else if (value > maxvalue) value = maxvalue; setTokenValue(const_cast(tok), ValueFlow::Value(value), settings); } } } ValueFlow::Value::Value(const Token* c, long long val) : valueType(INT), bound(Bound::Point), intvalue(val), tokvalue(nullptr), floatValue(0.0), moveKind(MoveKind::NonMovedVariable), varvalue(val), condition(c), varId(0U), safe(false), conditional(false), defaultArg(false), indirect(0), lifetimeKind(LifetimeKind::Object), lifetimeScope(LifetimeScope::Local), valueKind(ValueKind::Possible) { errorPath.emplace_back(c, "Assuming that condition '" + c->expressionString() + "' is not redundant"); } std::string ValueFlow::Value::infoString() const { switch (valueType) { case INT: return MathLib::toString(intvalue); case TOK: return tokvalue->str(); case FLOAT: return MathLib::toString(floatValue); case MOVED: return ""; case UNINIT: return ""; case BUFFER_SIZE: case CONTAINER_SIZE: return "size=" + MathLib::toString(intvalue); case LIFETIME: return "lifetime=" + tokvalue->str(); }; throw InternalError(nullptr, "Invalid ValueFlow Value type"); } const ValueFlow::Value *ValueFlow::valueFlowConstantFoldAST(Token *expr, const Settings *settings) { if (expr && expr->values().empty()) { valueFlowConstantFoldAST(expr->astOperand1(), settings); valueFlowConstantFoldAST(expr->astOperand2(), settings); valueFlowSetConstantValue(expr, settings, true /* TODO: this is a guess */); } return expr && expr->hasKnownValue() ? &expr->values().front() : nullptr; } static std::size_t getTotalValues(TokenList *tokenlist) { std::size_t n = 1; for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) n += tok->values().size(); return n; } void ValueFlow::setValues(TokenList *tokenlist, SymbolDatabase* symboldatabase, ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings) { for (Token *tok = tokenlist->front(); tok; tok = tok->next()) tok->clearValueFlow(); valueFlowNumber(tokenlist); valueFlowString(tokenlist); valueFlowArray(tokenlist); valueFlowUnknownFunctionReturn(tokenlist, settings); valueFlowGlobalConstVar(tokenlist, settings); valueFlowGlobalStaticVar(tokenlist, settings); valueFlowPointerAlias(tokenlist); valueFlowLifetime(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings); valueFlowFunctionReturn(tokenlist, errorLogger); valueFlowBitAnd(tokenlist); valueFlowSameExpressions(tokenlist); valueFlowFwdAnalysis(tokenlist, settings); std::size_t values = 0; std::size_t n = 4; while (n > 0 && values < getTotalValues(tokenlist)) { values = getTotalValues(tokenlist); valueFlowPointerAliasDeref(tokenlist); valueFlowArrayBool(tokenlist); valueFlowRightShift(tokenlist, settings); valueFlowOppositeCondition(symboldatabase, settings); valueFlowTerminatingCondition(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings); valueFlowBeforeCondition(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings); valueFlowAfterMove(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings); valueFlowAfterAssign(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings); valueFlowAfterCondition(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings); valueFlowInferCondition(tokenlist, settings); valueFlowSwitchVariable(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings); valueFlowForLoop(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings); valueFlowSubFunction(tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); valueFlowFunctionDefaultParameter(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings); valueFlowUninit(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings); if (tokenlist->isCPP()) { valueFlowSmartPointer(tokenlist, errorLogger, settings); valueFlowContainerSize(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings); valueFlowContainerAfterCondition(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings); } valueFlowSafeFunctions(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings); n--; } valueFlowDynamicBufferSize(tokenlist, symboldatabase, errorLogger, settings); } std::string ValueFlow::eitherTheConditionIsRedundant(const Token *condition) { if (!condition) return "Either the condition is redundant"; if (condition->str() == "case") { std::string expr; for (const Token *tok = condition; tok && tok->str() != ":"; tok = tok->next()) { expr += tok->str(); if (Token::Match(tok, "%name%|%num% %name%|%num%")) expr += ' '; } return "Either the switch case '" + expr + "' is redundant"; } return "Either the condition '" + condition->expressionString() + "' is redundant"; }