#include "forwardanalyzer.h" #include "astutils.h" #include "settings.h" #include "symboldatabase.h" #include "token.h" #include "valueptr.h" #include <algorithm> #include <functional> struct ForwardTraversal { enum class Progress { Continue, Break, Skip }; ValuePtr<ForwardAnalyzer> analyzer; const Settings* settings; std::pair<bool, bool> evalCond(const Token* tok) { std::vector<int> result = analyzer->evaluate(tok); bool checkThen = std::any_of(result.begin(), result.end(), [](int x) { return x; }); bool checkElse = std::any_of(result.begin(), result.end(), [](int x) { return !x; }); return std::make_pair(checkThen, checkElse); } template<class T, REQUIRES("T must be a Token class", std::is_convertible<T*, const Token*>)> Progress traverseTok(T* tok, std::function<Progress(T*)> f, bool traverseUnknown, T** out = nullptr) { if (Token::Match(tok, "asm|goto|continue|setjmp|longjmp")) return Progress::Break; else if (Token::Match(tok, "return|throw") || isEscapeFunction(tok, &settings->library)) { traverseRecursive(tok->astOperand1(), f, traverseUnknown); traverseRecursive(tok->astOperand2(), f, traverseUnknown); return Progress::Break; } else if (isUnevaluated(tok)) { if (out) *out = tok->link(); return Progress::Skip; } else if (tok->astOperand1() && tok->astOperand2() && Token::Match(tok, "?|&&|%oror%")) { if (traverseConditional(tok, f, traverseUnknown) == Progress::Break) return Progress::Break; if (out) *out = nextAfterAstRightmostLeaf(tok); return Progress::Skip; // Skip lambdas } else if (T* lambdaEndToken = findLambdaEndToken(tok)) { if (checkScope(lambdaEndToken).isModified()) return Progress::Break; if (out) *out = lambdaEndToken; // Skip class scope } else if (tok->str() == "{" && tok->scope() && tok->scope()->isClassOrStruct()) { if (out) *out = tok->link(); } else { if (f(tok) == Progress::Break) return Progress::Break; } return Progress::Continue; } template<class T, REQUIRES("T must be a Token class", std::is_convertible<T*, const Token*>)> Progress traverseRecursive(T* tok, std::function<Progress(T*)> f, bool traverseUnknown, unsigned int recursion=0) { if (!tok) return Progress::Continue; if (recursion > 10000) return Progress::Skip; if (tok->astOperand1() && traverseRecursive(tok->astOperand1(), f, traverseUnknown, recursion+1) == Progress::Break) return Progress::Break; Progress p = traverseTok(tok, f, traverseUnknown); if (p == Progress::Break) return Progress::Break; if (p == Progress::Continue && traverseRecursive(tok->astOperand2(), f, traverseUnknown, recursion+1) == Progress::Break) return Progress::Break; return Progress::Continue; } template<class T, class F, REQUIRES("T must be a Token class", std::is_convertible<T*, const Token*>)> Progress traverseConditional(T* tok, F f, bool traverseUnknown) { if (Token::Match(tok, "?|&&|%oror%") && tok->astOperand1() && tok->astOperand2()) { T* condTok = tok->astOperand1(); T* childTok = tok->astOperand2(); bool checkThen, checkElse; std::tie(checkThen, checkElse) = evalCond(condTok); if (!checkThen && !checkElse) { // Stop if the value is conditional if (!traverseUnknown && analyzer->isConditional()) return Progress::Break; checkThen = true; checkElse = true; } if (Token::simpleMatch(childTok, ":")) { if (checkThen && traverseRecursive(childTok->astOperand1(), f, traverseUnknown) == Progress::Break) return Progress::Break; if (checkElse && traverseRecursive(childTok->astOperand2(), f, traverseUnknown) == Progress::Break) return Progress::Break; } else { if (!checkThen && Token::simpleMatch(tok, "&&")) return Progress::Continue; if (!checkElse && Token::simpleMatch(tok, "||")) return Progress::Continue; if (traverseRecursive(childTok, f, traverseUnknown) == Progress::Break) return Progress::Break; } } return Progress::Continue; } Progress update(Token* tok) { ForwardAnalyzer::Action action = analyzer->analyze(tok); if (!action.isNone()) analyzer->update(tok, action); if (action.isInvalid()) return Progress::Break; return Progress::Continue; } Progress updateTok(Token* tok, Token** out = nullptr) { std::function<Progress(Token*)> f = [this](Token* tok2) { return update(tok2); }; return traverseTok(tok, f, false, out); } Progress updateRecursive(Token* tok) { std::function<Progress(Token*)> f = [this](Token* tok2) { return update(tok2); }; return traverseRecursive(tok, f, false); } template <class T> T* findRange(T* start, const Token* end, std::function<bool(ForwardAnalyzer::Action)> pred) { for (T* tok = start; tok && tok != end; tok = tok->next()) { ForwardAnalyzer::Action action = analyzer->analyze(tok); if (pred(action)) return tok; } return nullptr; } ForwardAnalyzer::Action analyzeRecursive(const Token* start) { ForwardAnalyzer::Action result = ForwardAnalyzer::Action::None; std::function<Progress(const Token *)> f = [&](const Token* tok) { result = analyzer->analyze(tok); if (result.isModified() || result.isInconclusive()) return Progress::Break; return Progress::Continue; }; traverseRecursive(start, f, true); return result; } ForwardAnalyzer::Action analyzeRange(const Token* start, const Token* end) { ForwardAnalyzer::Action result = ForwardAnalyzer::Action::None; for (const Token* tok = start; tok && tok != end; tok = tok->next()) { ForwardAnalyzer::Action action = analyzer->analyze(tok); if (action.isModified() || action.isInconclusive()) return action; result = action; } return result; } void forkScope(Token* endBlock, bool isModified = false) { if (analyzer->updateScope(endBlock, isModified)) { ForwardTraversal ft = *this; ft.updateRange(endBlock->link(), endBlock); } } static bool hasGoto(const Token* endBlock) { return Token::findsimplematch(endBlock->link(), "goto", endBlock); } bool isEscapeScope(const Token* endBlock, bool unknown = false) { const Token* ftok = nullptr; bool r = isReturnScope(endBlock, &settings->library, &ftok); if (!r && ftok) return unknown; return r; } enum class Status { None, Escaped, Modified, Inconclusive, }; ForwardAnalyzer::Action analyzeScope(const Token* endBlock) { return analyzeRange(endBlock->link(), endBlock); } ForwardAnalyzer::Action checkScope(Token* endBlock) { ForwardAnalyzer::Action a = analyzeScope(endBlock); forkScope(endBlock, a.isModified()); return a; } ForwardAnalyzer::Action checkScope(const Token* endBlock) { ForwardAnalyzer::Action a = analyzeScope(endBlock); return a; } Progress updateLoop(Token* endBlock, Token* condTok, Token* initTok = nullptr, Token* stepTok = nullptr) { ForwardAnalyzer::Action bodyAnalysis = analyzeScope(endBlock); ForwardAnalyzer::Action allAnalysis = bodyAnalysis; if (initTok) allAnalysis |= analyzeRecursive(initTok); if (stepTok) allAnalysis |= analyzeRecursive(stepTok); if (allAnalysis.isInconclusive()) { if (!analyzer->lowerToInconclusive()) return Progress::Break; } else if (allAnalysis.isModified()) { if (!analyzer->lowerToPossible()) return Progress::Break; } // Traverse condition after lowering if (condTok && updateRecursive(condTok) == Progress::Break) return Progress::Break; forkScope(endBlock, allAnalysis.isModified()); if (bodyAnalysis.isModified()) { Token* writeTok = findRange(endBlock->link(), endBlock, std::mem_fn(&ForwardAnalyzer::Action::isModified)); const Token* nextStatement = Token::findmatch(writeTok, ";|}", endBlock); if (!Token::Match(nextStatement, ";|} break ;")) return Progress::Break; } else { if (stepTok && updateRecursive(stepTok) == Progress::Break) return Progress::Break; } // TODO: Should we traverse the body? // updateRange(endBlock->link(), endBlock); return Progress::Continue; } Progress updateRange(Token* start, const Token* end) { for (Token* tok = start; tok && tok != end; tok = tok->next()) { Token* next = nullptr; if (tok->link()) { // Skip casts.. if (tok->str() == "(" && !tok->astOperand2() && tok->isCast()) { tok = tok->link(); continue; } // Skip template arguments.. if (tok->str() == "<") { tok = tok->link(); continue; } } // Evaluate RHS of assignment before LHS if (Token* assignTok = assignExpr(tok)) { if (updateRecursive(assignTok->astOperand2()) == Progress::Break) return Progress::Break; if (updateRecursive(assignTok->astOperand1()) == Progress::Break) return Progress::Break; if (update(assignTok) == Progress::Break) return Progress::Break; tok = nextAfterAstRightmostLeaf(assignTok); if (!tok) return Progress::Break; } else if (tok->str() == "break") { const Scope* scope = findBreakScope(tok->scope()); if (!scope) return Progress::Break; tok = skipTo(tok, scope->bodyEnd, end); if (!analyzer->lowerToPossible()) return Progress::Break; // TODO: Don't break, instead move to the outer scope if (!tok) return Progress::Break; } else if (Token::Match(tok, "%name% :") || tok->str() == "case") { if (!analyzer->lowerToPossible()) return Progress::Break; } else if (tok->link() && tok->str() == "}") { if (Token::Match(tok->link()->previous(), ")|else {")) { const bool inElse = Token::simpleMatch(tok->link()->previous(), "else {"); const Token* condTok = getCondTokFromEnd(tok); if (!condTok) return Progress::Break; if (!condTok->hasKnownIntValue()) { if (!analyzer->lowerToPossible()) return Progress::Break; } else if (condTok->values().front().intvalue == !inElse) { return Progress::Break; } analyzer->assume(condTok, !inElse, tok); if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "} else {")) tok = tok->linkAt(2); } else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok->link()->previous(), "try {")) { if (!analyzer->lowerToPossible()) return Progress::Break; } else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok->next(), "else {")) { tok = tok->linkAt(2); } } else if (tok->isControlFlowKeyword() && Token::Match(tok, "if|while|for (") && Token::simpleMatch(tok->next()->link(), ") {")) { Token* endCond = tok->next()->link(); Token* endBlock = endCond->next()->link(); Token* condTok = getCondTok(tok); Token* initTok = getInitTok(tok); if (!condTok) return Progress::Break; if (initTok && updateRecursive(initTok) == Progress::Break) return Progress::Break; if (Token::Match(tok, "for|while (")) { Token* stepTok = getStepTok(tok); if (updateLoop(endBlock, condTok, initTok, stepTok) == Progress::Break) return Progress::Break; tok = endBlock; } else { // Traverse condition if (updateRecursive(condTok) == Progress::Break) return Progress::Break; // Check if condition is true or false bool checkThen, checkElse; std::tie(checkThen, checkElse) = evalCond(condTok); ForwardAnalyzer::Action thenAction = ForwardAnalyzer::Action::None; ForwardAnalyzer::Action elseAction = ForwardAnalyzer::Action::None; bool hasElse = Token::simpleMatch(endBlock, "} else {"); bool bail = false; // Traverse then block bool returnThen = isEscapeScope(endBlock, true); bool returnElse = false; if (checkThen) { if (updateRange(endCond->next(), endBlock) == Progress::Break) return Progress::Break; } else if (!checkElse) { thenAction = checkScope(endBlock); if (hasGoto(endBlock)) bail = true; } // Traverse else block if (hasElse) { returnElse = isEscapeScope(endBlock->linkAt(2), true); if (checkElse) { Progress result = updateRange(endBlock->tokAt(2), endBlock->linkAt(2)); if (result == Progress::Break) return Progress::Break; } else if (!checkThen) { elseAction = checkScope(endBlock->linkAt(2)); if (hasGoto(endBlock)) bail = true; } tok = endBlock->linkAt(2); } else { tok = endBlock; } if (bail) return Progress::Break; if (returnThen && returnElse) return Progress::Break; else if (thenAction.isModified() && elseAction.isModified()) return Progress::Break; else if ((returnThen || returnElse) && (thenAction.isModified() || elseAction.isModified())) return Progress::Break; // Conditional return if (returnThen && !hasElse) { if (checkThen) { return Progress::Break; } else { if (analyzer->isConditional()) return Progress::Break; analyzer->assume(condTok, false); } } if (thenAction.isInconclusive() || elseAction.isInconclusive()) { if (!analyzer->lowerToInconclusive()) return Progress::Break; } else if (thenAction.isModified() || elseAction.isModified()) { if (!hasElse && analyzer->isConditional()) return Progress::Break; if (!analyzer->lowerToPossible()) return Progress::Break; analyzer->assume(condTok, elseAction.isModified()); } } } else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "try {")) { Token* endBlock = tok->next()->link(); ForwardAnalyzer::Action a = analyzeScope(endBlock); if (updateRange(tok->next(), endBlock) == Progress::Break) return Progress::Break; if (a.isModified()) analyzer->lowerToPossible(); tok = endBlock; } else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "do {")) { Token* endBlock = tok->next()->link(); if (updateLoop(endBlock, nullptr) == Progress::Break) return Progress::Break; tok = endBlock; } else if (Token::Match(tok, "assert|ASSERT (")) { const Token* condTok = tok->next()->astOperand2(); bool checkThen, checkElse; std::tie(checkThen, checkElse) = evalCond(condTok); if (checkElse) return Progress::Break; if (!checkThen) analyzer->assume(condTok, true, tok); } else if (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "switch (")) { if (updateRecursive(tok->next()->astOperand2()) == Progress::Break) return Progress::Break; return Progress::Break; } else { if (updateTok(tok, &next) == Progress::Break) return Progress::Break; if (next) tok = next; } // Prevent infinite recursion if (tok->next() == start) break; } return Progress::Continue; } static bool isUnevaluated(const Token* tok) { if (Token::Match(tok->previous(), "sizeof|decltype (")) return true; return false; } static Token* assignExpr(Token* tok) { while (tok->astParent() && astIsLHS(tok)) { if (Token::Match(tok->astParent(), "%assign%")) return tok->astParent(); tok = tok->astParent(); } return nullptr; } static const Scope* findBreakScope(const Scope* scope) { while (scope && scope->type != Scope::eWhile && scope->type != Scope::eFor && scope->type != Scope::eSwitch) scope = scope->nestedIn; return scope; } static Token* skipTo(Token* tok, const Token* dest, const Token* end = nullptr) { if (end && dest->index() > end->index()) return nullptr; int i = dest->index() - tok->index(); if (i > 0) return tok->tokAt(dest->index() - tok->index()); return nullptr; } static bool isConditional(const Token* tok) { const Token* parent = tok->astParent(); while (parent && !Token::Match(parent, "%oror%|&&|:")) { tok = parent; parent = parent->astParent(); } return parent && (parent->str() == ":" || parent->astOperand2() == tok); } static Token* getInitTok(Token* tok) { if (!tok) return nullptr; if (Token::Match(tok, "%name% (")) return getInitTok(tok->next()); if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok, "(")) return nullptr; if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok->astOperand2(), ";")) return nullptr; if (Token::simpleMatch(tok->astOperand2()->astOperand1(), ";")) return nullptr; return tok->astOperand2()->astOperand1(); } static Token* getStepTok(Token* tok) { if (!tok) return nullptr; if (Token::Match(tok, "%name% (")) return getStepTok(tok->next()); if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok, "(")) return nullptr; if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok->astOperand2(), ";")) return nullptr; if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok->astOperand2()->astOperand2(), ";")) return nullptr; return tok->astOperand2()->astOperand2()->astOperand2(); } }; void valueFlowGenericForward(Token* start, const Token* end, const ValuePtr<ForwardAnalyzer>& fa, const Settings* settings) { ForwardTraversal ft{fa, settings}; ft.updateRange(start, end); }