/* * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Daniel Marjamäki and Cppcheck team. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "resultstree.h" #include "xmlreport.h" ResultsTree::ResultsTree(QSettings &settings, ApplicationList &list) : mSettings(settings), mApplications(list), mContextItem(0), mCheckPath(""), mVisibleErrors(false) { setModel(&mModel); QStringList labels; labels << tr("File") << tr("Severity") << tr("Line") << tr("Message"); mModel.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(labels); setExpandsOnDoubleClick(false); setSortingEnabled(true); LoadSettings(); connect(this, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &)), this, SLOT(QuickStartApplication(const QModelIndex &))); } ResultsTree::~ResultsTree() { SaveSettings(); } QStandardItem *ResultsTree::CreateItem(const QString &name) { QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(name); item->setEditable(false); return item; } void ResultsTree::AddErrorItem(const QString &file, const QString &severity, const QString &message, const QStringList &files, const QVariantList &lines, const QString &id) { Q_UNUSED(file); if (files.isEmpty()) { return; } QString realfile = StripPath(files[0], false); if (realfile.isEmpty()) { realfile = "Undefined file"; } bool hide = !mShowTypes[SeverityToShowType(severity)]; //if there is at least on error that is not hidden, we have a visible error if (!hide) { mVisibleErrors = true; } //Create the base item for the error and ensure it has a proper //file item as a parent QStandardItem *item = AddBacktraceFiles(EnsureFileItem(files[0], hide), realfile, lines[0].toInt(), severity, message, hide, SeverityToIcon(severity)); //Add user data to that item QMap data; data["severity"] = SeverityToShowType(severity); data["message"] = message; data["files"] = files; data["lines"] = lines; data["id"] = id; item->setData(QVariant(data)); //Add backtrace files as children for (int i = 1;i < files.size() && i < lines.size();i++) { AddBacktraceFiles(item, StripPath(files[i], false), lines[i].toInt(), severity, message, hide, ":images/go-down.png"); } //TODO just hide/show current error and it's file //since this does a lot of unnecessary work if (!hide) { ShowFileItem(realfile); } } QStandardItem *ResultsTree::AddBacktraceFiles(QStandardItem *parent, const QString &file, const int line, const QString &severity, const QString &message, const bool hide, const QString &icon) { if (!parent) { return 0; } QList list; list << CreateItem(file); list << CreateItem(severity); list << CreateItem(QString("%1").arg(line)); list << CreateItem(message); QModelIndex index = QModelIndex(); parent->appendRow(list); setRowHidden(parent->rowCount() - 1, parent->index(), hide); if (!icon.isEmpty()) { list[0]->setIcon(QIcon(icon)); } //TODO Does this leak memory? Should items from list be deleted? return list[0]; } ShowTypes ResultsTree::VariantToShowType(const QVariant &data) { int value = data.toInt(); if (value < SHOW_ALL && value > SHOW_ERRORS) { return SHOW_NONE; } return (ShowTypes)value; } ShowTypes ResultsTree::SeverityToShowType(const QString & severity) { if (severity == "all") return SHOW_ALL; if (severity == "error") return SHOW_ERRORS; if (severity == "style") return SHOW_STYLE; if (severity == "security") return SHOW_SECURITY; return SHOW_NONE; } QStandardItem *ResultsTree::FindFileItem(const QString &name) { QList list = mModel.findItems(name); if (list.size() > 0) { return list[0]; } return 0; } void ResultsTree::Clear() { mModel.removeRows(0, mModel.rowCount()); } void ResultsTree::LoadSettings() { for (int i = 0;i < mModel.columnCount();i++) { //mFileTree.columnWidth(i); QString temp = QString(tr("Result column %1 width")).arg(i); setColumnWidth(i, mSettings.value(temp, 800 / mModel.columnCount()).toInt()); } mSaveFullPath = mSettings.value(tr("Save full path"), false).toBool(); mSaveAllErrors = mSettings.value(tr("Save all errors"), false).toBool(); mShowFullPath = mSettings.value(tr("Show full path"), false).toBool(); } void ResultsTree::SaveSettings() { for (int i = 0;i < mModel.columnCount();i++) { QString temp = QString(tr("Result column %1 width")).arg(i); mSettings.setValue(temp, columnWidth(i)); } } void ResultsTree::ShowResults(ShowTypes type, bool show) { if (type != SHOW_NONE && mShowTypes[type] != show) { mShowTypes[type] = show; RefreshTree(); } } void ResultsTree::RefreshTree() { mVisibleErrors = false; //Get the amount of files in the tree int filecount = mModel.rowCount(); for (int i = 0;i < filecount;i++) { //Get file i QStandardItem *file = mModel.item(i, 0); if (!file) { continue; } //Get the amount of errors this file contains int errorcount = file->rowCount(); //By default it shouldn't be visible bool show = false; for (int j = 0;j < errorcount;j++) { //Get the error itself QStandardItem *child = file->child(j, 0); if (!child) { continue; } //Get error's user data QVariant userdata = child->data(); //Convert it to QVariantMap QVariantMap data = userdata.toMap(); //Check if this error should be hidden bool hide = !mShowTypes[VariantToShowType(data["severity"])]; if (!hide) { mVisibleErrors = true; } //Hide/show accordingly setRowHidden(j, file->index(), hide); //If it was shown then the file itself has to be shown aswell if (!hide) { show = true; } } //Show the file if any of it's errors are visible setRowHidden(i, QModelIndex(), !show); } } QStandardItem *ResultsTree::EnsureFileItem(const QString &fullpath, bool hide) { QString name = StripPath(fullpath, false); QStandardItem *item = FindFileItem(name); if (item) { return item; } item = CreateItem(name); item->setIcon(QIcon(":images/text-x-generic.png")); //Add user data to that item QMap data; data["files"] = fullpath; item->setData(QVariant(data)); mModel.appendRow(item); setRowHidden(mModel.rowCount() - 1, QModelIndex(), hide); return item; } void ResultsTree::ShowFileItem(const QString &name) { QStandardItem *item = FindFileItem(name); if (item) { setRowHidden(0, mModel.indexFromItem(item), false); } } void ResultsTree::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent * e) { QModelIndex index = indexAt(e->pos()); if (index.isValid()) { mContextItem = mModel.itemFromIndex(index); //Create a new context menu QMenu menu(this); //Store all applications in a list QList actions; //Create a signal mapper so we don't have to store data to class //member variables QSignalMapper *signalMapper = new QSignalMapper(this); if (mContextItem && mApplications.GetApplicationCount() > 0 && mContextItem->parent()) { //Go through all applications and add them to the context menu for (int i = 0;i < mApplications.GetApplicationCount();i++) { //Create an action for the application QAction *start = new QAction(mApplications.GetApplicationName(i), &menu); //Add it to our list so we can disconnect later on actions << start; //Add it to context menu menu.addAction(start); //Connect the signal to signal mapper connect(start, SIGNAL(triggered()), signalMapper, SLOT(map())); //Add a new mapping signalMapper->setMapping(start, i); } connect(signalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(Context(int))); } // Add menuitems to copy full path/filename to clipboard if (mContextItem) { if (mApplications.GetApplicationCount() > 0) { menu.addSeparator(); } //Create an action for the application QAction *copyfilename = new QAction(tr("Copy filename"), &menu); QAction *copypath = new QAction(tr("Copy full path"), &menu); menu.addAction(copyfilename); menu.addAction(copypath); connect(copyfilename, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(CopyFilename())); connect(copypath, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(CopyFullPath())); } //Start the menu menu.exec(e->globalPos()); if (mContextItem && mApplications.GetApplicationCount() > 0 && mContextItem->parent()) { //Disconnect all signals for (int i = 0;i < actions.size();i++) { disconnect(actions[i], SIGNAL(triggered()), signalMapper, SLOT(map())); } disconnect(signalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(Context(int))); //And remove the signal mapper delete signalMapper; } } } void ResultsTree::StartApplication(QStandardItem *target, int application) { //If there are now application's specified, tell the user about it if (mApplications.GetApplicationCount() == 0) { QMessageBox msg(QMessageBox::Warning, tr("Cppcheck"), tr("You can open this error by specifying applications in program's settings."), QMessageBox::Ok, this); msg.exec(); return; } if (target && application >= 0 && application < mApplications.GetApplicationCount() && target->parent()) { QVariantMap data = target->data().toMap(); QString program = mApplications.GetApplicationPath(application); //TODO Check which line was actually right clicked, now defaults to 0 unsigned int index = 0; //Replace (file) with filename QStringList files = data["files"].toStringList(); if (files.size() > 0) { program.replace("(file)", files[index], Qt::CaseInsensitive); } else { qDebug("Failed to get filename!"); } QVariantList lines = data["lines"].toList(); if (lines.size() > 0) { program.replace("(line)", QString("%1").arg(lines[index].toInt()), Qt::CaseInsensitive); } else { qDebug("Failed to get filenumber!"); } program.replace("(message)", data["message"].toString(), Qt::CaseInsensitive); program.replace("(severity)", data["severity"].toString(), Qt::CaseInsensitive); bool success = QProcess::startDetached(program); if (!success) { QString app = mApplications.GetApplicationName(application); QString text = tr("Could not start ") + app + "\n\n"; text += tr("Please check the application path and parameters are correct."); QMessageBox msgbox(this); msgbox.setWindowTitle("Cppcheck"); msgbox.setText(text); msgbox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Critical); msgbox.exec(); } } } void ResultsTree::CopyFilename() { CopyPath(mContextItem, false); } void ResultsTree::CopyFullPath() { CopyPath(mContextItem, true); } void ResultsTree::Context(int application) { StartApplication(mContextItem, application); } void ResultsTree::QuickStartApplication(const QModelIndex &index) { StartApplication(mModel.itemFromIndex(index), 0); } void ResultsTree::CopyPath(QStandardItem *target, bool fullPath) { if (target) { QVariantMap data = target->data().toMap(); QString pathStr; //Replace (file) with filename QStringList files = data["files"].toStringList(); if (files.size() > 0) { pathStr = files[0]; if (!fullPath) { QFileInfo fi(pathStr); pathStr = fi.fileName(); } } else { qDebug("Failed to get filename!"); } QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); clipboard->setText(pathStr); } } QString ResultsTree::SeverityToIcon(const QString &severity) { if (severity == "all") return ":images/dialog-warning.png"; if (severity == "error") return ":images/dialog-error.png"; if (severity == "style") return ":images/dialog-information.png"; return ""; } void ResultsTree::SaveResults(Report *report) { report->WriteHeader(); for (int i = 0;i < mModel.rowCount();i++) { QStandardItem *item = mModel.item(i, 0); SaveErrors(report, item); } report->WriteFooter(); } void ResultsTree::SaveErrors(Report *report, QStandardItem *item) { if (!item) { return; } //qDebug() << item->text() << "has" << item->rowCount() << "errors"; for (int i = 0;i < item->rowCount();i++) { QStandardItem *error = item->child(i, 0); if (!error) { continue; } if (isRowHidden(i, item->index()) && !mSaveAllErrors) { continue; } //Get error's user data QVariant userdata = error->data(); //Convert it to QVariantMap QVariantMap data = userdata.toMap(); QString line; QString severity = ShowTypeToString(VariantToShowType(data["severity"])); QString message = data["message"].toString(); QString id = data["id"].toString(); QStringList files = data["files"].toStringList(); QVariantList lines = data["lines"].toList(); if (files.size() <= 0 || lines.size() <= 0 || lines.size() != files.size()) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < files.count(); i++) files[i] = StripPath(files[i], true); QStringList linesStr; for (int i = 0; i < lines.count(); i++) linesStr << lines[i].toString(); report->WriteError(files, linesStr, id, severity, message); } } QString ResultsTree::ShowTypeToString(ShowTypes type) { switch (type) { case SHOW_ALL: return "all"; break; case SHOW_STYLE: return "style"; break; case SHOW_SECURITY: return "security"; break; case SHOW_ERRORS: return "error"; break; case SHOW_NONE: return ""; break; } return ""; } void ResultsTree::UpdateSettings(bool showFullPath, bool saveFullPath, bool saveAllErrors) { if (mShowFullPath != showFullPath) { mShowFullPath = showFullPath; RefreshFilePaths(); } mSaveFullPath = saveFullPath; mSaveAllErrors = saveAllErrors; } void ResultsTree::SetCheckDirectory(const QString &dir) { mCheckPath = dir; } QString ResultsTree::StripPath(const QString &path, bool saving) { if ((!saving && mShowFullPath) || (saving && mSaveFullPath)) { return QString(path); } QDir dir(mCheckPath); return dir.relativeFilePath(path); } void ResultsTree::RefreshFilePaths(QStandardItem *item) { if (!item) { return; } //Mark that this file's path hasn't been updated yet bool updated = false; //Loop through all errors within this file for (int i = 0;i < item->rowCount();i++) { //Get error i QStandardItem *error = item->child(i, 0); if (!error) { continue; } //Get error's user data QVariant userdata = error->data(); //Convert it to QVariantMap QVariantMap data = userdata.toMap(); //Get list of files QStringList files = data["files"].toStringList(); //We should always have at least 1 file per error if (files.size() == 0) { continue; } //Update this error's text error->setText(StripPath(files[0], false)); //If this error has backtraces make sure the files list has enough filenames if (error->rowCount() <= files.size() - 1) { //Loop through all files within the error for (int j = 0;j < error->rowCount();j++) { //Get file QStandardItem *file = error->child(j, 0); if (!file) { continue; } //Update file's path file->setText(StripPath(files[j+1], false)); } } //if the main file hasn't been updated yet, update it now if (!updated) { updated = true; item->setText(error->text()); } } } void ResultsTree::RefreshFilePaths() { qDebug("Refreshing file paths"); //Go through all file items (these are parent items that contain the errors) for (int i = 0;i < mModel.rowCount();i++) { RefreshFilePaths(mModel.item(i, 0)); } } bool ResultsTree::HasVisibleResults() const { return mVisibleErrors; } bool ResultsTree::HasResults() const { return mModel.rowCount() > 0; }