/* * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis * Copyright (C) 2007-2022 Cppcheck team. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ // The preprocessor that Cppcheck uses is a bit special. Instead of generating // the code for a known configuration, it generates the code for each configuration. #include "errortypes.h" #include "platform.h" #include "preprocessor.h" #include "settings.h" #include "suppressions.h" #include "testsuite.h" #include "testutils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class ErrorLogger; class TestPreprocessor : public TestFixture { public: TestPreprocessor() : TestFixture("TestPreprocessor") , preprocessor0(settings0, this) { settings0.severity.enable(Severity::information); } class OurPreprocessor : public Preprocessor { public: static std::string expandMacros(const char code[], ErrorLogger *errorLogger = nullptr) { std::istringstream istr(code); simplecpp::OutputList outputList; std::vector files; const simplecpp::TokenList tokens1 = simplecpp::TokenList(istr, files, "file.cpp", &outputList); std::map filedata; simplecpp::TokenList tokens2(files); simplecpp::preprocess(tokens2, tokens1, files, filedata, simplecpp::DUI(), &outputList); if (errorLogger) { static Settings settings; Preprocessor p(settings, errorLogger); p.reportOutput(outputList, true); } return tokens2.stringify(); } }; private: Settings settings0; Preprocessor preprocessor0; void run() override { // The bug that started the whole work with the new preprocessor TEST_CASE(Bug2190219); TEST_CASE(error1); // #error => don't extract any code TEST_CASE(error2); // #error if symbol is not defined TEST_CASE(error3); TEST_CASE(error4); // #2919 - wrong filename is reported TEST_CASE(error5); TEST_CASE(error6); TEST_CASE(error7); TEST_CASE(error8); // #10170 -> previous #if configurations TEST_CASE(setPlatformInfo); // Handling include guards (don't create extra configuration for it) TEST_CASE(includeguard1); TEST_CASE(includeguard2); TEST_CASE(if0); TEST_CASE(if1); TEST_CASE(elif); TEST_CASE(if_cond1); TEST_CASE(if_cond2); TEST_CASE(if_cond3); TEST_CASE(if_cond4); TEST_CASE(if_cond5); TEST_CASE(if_cond6); TEST_CASE(if_cond8); TEST_CASE(if_cond9); TEST_CASE(if_cond10); TEST_CASE(if_cond11); TEST_CASE(if_cond12); TEST_CASE(if_cond13); TEST_CASE(if_cond14); TEST_CASE(if_or_1); TEST_CASE(if_or_2); TEST_CASE(if_macro_eq_macro); // #3536 TEST_CASE(ticket_3675); TEST_CASE(ticket_3699); TEST_CASE(ticket_4922); // #4922 // Macros.. TEST_CASE(macro_simple1); TEST_CASE(macro_simple2); TEST_CASE(macro_simple3); TEST_CASE(macro_simple4); TEST_CASE(macro_simple5); TEST_CASE(macro_simple6); TEST_CASE(macro_simple7); TEST_CASE(macro_simple8); TEST_CASE(macro_simple9); TEST_CASE(macro_simple10); TEST_CASE(macro_simple11); TEST_CASE(macro_simple12); TEST_CASE(macro_simple13); TEST_CASE(macro_simple14); TEST_CASE(macro_simple15); TEST_CASE(macro_simple16); // #4703: Macro parameters not trimmed TEST_CASE(macro_simple17); // #5074: isExpandedMacro not set TEST_CASE(macro_simple18); // (1e-7) TEST_CASE(macroInMacro1); TEST_CASE(macroInMacro2); TEST_CASE(macro_linenumbers); TEST_CASE(macro_nopar); TEST_CASE(macro_incdec); // separate ++ and -- with space when expanding such macro: '#define M(X) A-X' TEST_CASE(macro_switchCase); TEST_CASE(macro_NULL); // skip #define NULL .. it is replaced in the tokenizer TEST_CASE(string1); TEST_CASE(string2); TEST_CASE(string3); TEST_CASE(preprocessor_undef); TEST_CASE(defdef); // Defined multiple times TEST_CASE(preprocessor_doublesharp); TEST_CASE(preprocessor_include_in_str); TEST_CASE(va_args_1); //TEST_CASE(va_args_2); invalid code TEST_CASE(va_args_3); TEST_CASE(va_args_4); TEST_CASE(va_args_5); TEST_CASE(multi_character_character); TEST_CASE(stringify); TEST_CASE(stringify2); TEST_CASE(stringify3); TEST_CASE(stringify4); TEST_CASE(stringify5); TEST_CASE(ifdefwithfile); TEST_CASE(pragma); TEST_CASE(pragma_asm_1); TEST_CASE(pragma_asm_2); TEST_CASE(endifsemicolon); TEST_CASE(missing_doublequote); TEST_CASE(handle_error); TEST_CASE(dup_defines); TEST_CASE(define_part_of_func); TEST_CASE(conditionalDefine); TEST_CASE(macro_parameters); TEST_CASE(newline_in_macro); TEST_CASE(ifdef_ifdefined); // define and then ifdef TEST_CASE(define_if1); TEST_CASE(define_if2); TEST_CASE(define_if3); TEST_CASE(define_if4); // #4079 - #define X +123 TEST_CASE(define_if5); // #4516 - #define B (A & 0x00f0) TEST_CASE(define_if6); // #4863 - #define B (A?-1:1) TEST_CASE(define_ifdef); TEST_CASE(define_ifndef1); TEST_CASE(define_ifndef2); TEST_CASE(ifndef_define); TEST_CASE(undef_ifdef); TEST_CASE(endfile); TEST_CASE(redundant_config); TEST_CASE(invalid_define_1); // #2605 - hang for: '#define =' TEST_CASE(invalid_define_2); // #4036 - hang for: '#define () {(int f(x) }' // inline suppression, missingInclude/missingIncludeSystem TEST_CASE(inline_suppression_for_missing_include); TEST_CASE(inline_suppression_for_missing_include_check_config); // Using -D to predefine symbols TEST_CASE(predefine1); TEST_CASE(predefine2); TEST_CASE(predefine3); TEST_CASE(predefine4); TEST_CASE(predefine5); // automatically define __cplusplus TEST_CASE(predefine6); // automatically define __STDC_VERSION__ TEST_CASE(invalidElIf); // #2942 segfault // Preprocessor::getConfigs TEST_CASE(getConfigs1); TEST_CASE(getConfigs2); TEST_CASE(getConfigs3); TEST_CASE(getConfigs4); TEST_CASE(getConfigs5); TEST_CASE(getConfigs7); TEST_CASE(getConfigs7a); TEST_CASE(getConfigs7b); TEST_CASE(getConfigs7c); TEST_CASE(getConfigs7d); TEST_CASE(getConfigs7e); TEST_CASE(getConfigs8); // #if A==1 => cfg: A=1 TEST_CASE(getConfigs10); // #5139 TEST_CASE(getConfigs11); // #9832 - include guards TEST_CASE(getConfigsError); TEST_CASE(getConfigsD1); TEST_CASE(getConfigsU1); TEST_CASE(getConfigsU2); TEST_CASE(getConfigsU3); TEST_CASE(getConfigsU4); TEST_CASE(getConfigsU5); TEST_CASE(getConfigsU6); TEST_CASE(getConfigsU7); TEST_CASE(validateCfg1); TEST_CASE(validateCfg2); TEST_CASE(if_sizeof); TEST_CASE(invalid_ifs); // #5909 TEST_CASE(garbage); TEST_CASE(wrongPathOnErrorDirective); TEST_CASE(testDirectiveIncludeTypes); TEST_CASE(testDirectiveIncludeLocations); TEST_CASE(testDirectiveIncludeComments); TEST_CASE(testMissingInclude); TEST_CASE(testMissingIncludeCheckConfig); } void preprocess(const char* code, std::map& actual, const char filename[] = "file.c") { errout.str(""); std::istringstream istr(code); simplecpp::OutputList outputList; std::vector files; simplecpp::TokenList tokens(istr, files, filename, &outputList); tokens.removeComments(); preprocessor0.simplifyPragmaAsm(&tokens); const std::set configs(preprocessor0.getConfigs(tokens)); preprocessor0.setDirectives(tokens); for (const std::string & config : configs) { try { const std::string &cfgcode = preprocessor0.getcode(tokens, config, files, std::string(code).find("#file") != std::string::npos); actual[config] = cfgcode; } catch (const simplecpp::Output &) { actual[config] = ""; } catch (...) {} } } std::string getConfigsStr(const char filedata[], const char *arg = nullptr) { Settings settings; if (arg && std::strncmp(arg,"-D",2)==0) settings.userDefines = arg + 2; if (arg && std::strncmp(arg,"-U",2)==0) settings.userUndefs.insert(arg+2); Preprocessor preprocessor(settings, this); std::vector files; std::istringstream istr(filedata); simplecpp::TokenList tokens(istr,files); tokens.removeComments(); const std::set configs = preprocessor.getConfigs(tokens); std::string ret; for (const std::string & config : configs) ret += config + '\n'; return ret; } void Bug2190219() { const char filedata[] = "#ifdef __cplusplus\n" "cpp\n" "#else\n" "c\n" "#endif"; { // Preprocess => actual result.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual, "file.cpp"); // Compare results.. ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, actual.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS("\ncpp", actual[""]); } { // Ticket #7102 - skip __cplusplus in C code // Preprocess => actual result.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual, "file.c"); // Compare results.. ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, actual.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n\nc", actual[""]); } } void error1() { const char filedata[] = "#ifdef A\n" ";\n" "#else\n" "#error abcd\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nA\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void error2() { const char filedata1[] = "#ifndef A\n" "#error\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("A\n", getConfigsStr(filedata1)); const char filedata2[] = "#if !A\n" "#error\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("A\n", getConfigsStr(filedata2)); } void error3() { errout.str(""); Settings settings; settings.userDefines = "__cplusplus"; Preprocessor preprocessor(settings, this); const std::string code("#error hello world!\n"); preprocessor.getcode(code, "X", "test.c"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.c:1]: (error) #error hello world!\n", errout.str()); } // Ticket #2919 - wrong filename reported for #error void error4() { // In included file { errout.str(""); Settings settings; settings.userDefines = "TEST"; Preprocessor preprocessor(settings, this); const std::string code("#file \"ab.h\"\n#error hello world!\n#endfile"); preprocessor.getcode(code, "TEST", "test.c"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[ab.h:1]: (error) #error hello world!\n", errout.str()); } // After including a file { errout.str(""); Settings settings; settings.userDefines = "TEST"; Preprocessor preprocessor(settings, this); const std::string code("#file \"ab.h\"\n\n#endfile\n#error aaa"); preprocessor.getcode(code, "TEST", "test.c"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.c:2]: (error) #error aaa\n", errout.str()); } } void error5() { errout.str(""); Settings settings; settings.userDefines = "FOO"; settings.force = true; // No message if --force is given Preprocessor preprocessor(settings, this); const std::string code("#error hello world!\n"); preprocessor.getcode(code, "X", "test.c"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); } void error6() { const char filedata1[] = "#ifdef A\n" "#else\n" "#error 1\n" "#endif\n" "#ifdef B\n" "#else\n" "#error 2\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nA\nA;B\nB\n", getConfigsStr(filedata1)); const char filedata2[] = "#ifndef A\n" "#error 1\n" "#endif\n" "#ifndef B\n" "#error 2\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("A;B\n", getConfigsStr(filedata2)); const char filedata3[] = "#if !A\n" "#error 1\n" "#endif\n" "#if !B\n" "#error 2\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("A;B\n", getConfigsStr(filedata3)); } void error7() { // #8074 const char filedata[] = "#define A\n" "\n" "#if defined(B)\n" "#else\n" "#error \"1\"\n" "#endif\n" "\n" "#if defined(A)\n" "#else\n" "#error \"2\"\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nB\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void error8() { const char filedata[] = "#ifdef A\n" "#ifdef B\n" "#endif\n" "#else\n" "#endif\n" "\n" "#ifndef C\n" "#error aa\n" "#endif"; ASSERT_EQUALS("A;B;C\nA;C\nC\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void setPlatformInfo() { Settings settings; Preprocessor preprocessor(settings, this); // read code with simplecpp.. const char filedata[] = "#if sizeof(long) == 4\n" "1\n" "#else\n" "2\n" "#endif\n"; std::istringstream istr(filedata); std::vector files; simplecpp::TokenList tokens(istr, files, "test.c"); // preprocess code with unix32 platform.. settings.platform(Settings::PlatformType::Unix32); preprocessor.setPlatformInfo(&tokens); ASSERT_EQUALS("\n1", preprocessor.getcode(tokens, "", files, false)); // preprocess code with unix64 platform.. settings.platform(Settings::PlatformType::Unix64); preprocessor.setPlatformInfo(&tokens); ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n\n2", preprocessor.getcode(tokens, "", files, false)); } void includeguard1() { // Handling include guards.. const char filedata[] = "#file \"abc.h\"\n" "#ifndef abcH\n" "#define abcH\n" "#endif\n" "#endfile\n" "#ifdef ABC\n" "#endif"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nABC\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void includeguard2() { // Handling include guards.. const char filedata[] = "#file \"abc.h\"\n" "foo\n" "#ifdef ABC\n" "\n" "#endif\n" "#endfile\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nABC\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void ifdefwithfile() { // Handling include guards.. const char filedata[] = "#ifdef ABC\n" "#file \"abc.h\"\n" "class A{};/*\n\n\n\n\n\n\n*/\n" "#endfile\n" "#endif\n" "int main() {}\n"; // Preprocess => actual result.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); // Expected configurations: "" and "ABC" ASSERT_EQUALS(2, actual.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n\nint main ( ) { }", actual[""]); ASSERT_EQUALS("\n#line 1 \"abc.h\"\nclass A { } ;\n#line 4 \"file.c\"\n int main ( ) { }", actual["ABC"]); } void if0() { const char filedata[] = " # if /* comment */ 0 // comment\n" "#ifdef WIN32\n" "#endif\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void if1() { const char filedata[] = " # if /* comment */ 1 // comment\n" "ABC\n" " # endif \n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void elif() { { const char filedata[] = "#if DEF1\n" "ABC\n" "#elif DEF2\n" "DEF\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nDEF1\nDEF2\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } { const char filedata[] = "#if(defined DEF1)\n" "ABC\n" "#elif(defined DEF2)\n" "DEF\n" "#else\n" "GHI\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nDEF1\nDEF2\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } } void if_cond1() { const char filedata[] = "#if LIBVER>100\n" " A\n" "#else\n" " B\n" "#endif\n"; TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS("\nLIBVER=101\n", "\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void if_cond2() { const char filedata[] = "#ifdef A\n" "a\n" "#endif\n" "#if defined(A) && defined(B)\n" "ab\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nA\nA;B\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); if_cond2b(); if_cond2c(); if_cond2d(); if_cond2e(); } void if_cond2b() { const char filedata[] = "#ifndef A\n" "!a\n" "#ifdef B\n" "b\n" "#endif\n" "#else\n" "a\n" "#endif\n"; TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS("\nA;B\n", "\nA\nB\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void if_cond2c() { const char filedata[] = "#ifndef A\n" "!a\n" "#ifdef B\n" "b\n" "#else\n" "!b\n" "#endif\n" "#else\n" "a\n" "#endif\n"; TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS("\nA\nA;B\n", "\nA\nB\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void if_cond2d() { const char filedata[] = "#ifndef A\n" "!a\n" "#ifdef B\n" "b\n" "#else\n" "!b\n" "#endif\n" "#else\n" "a\n" "#ifdef B\n" "b\n" "#else\n" "!b\n" "#endif\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nA\nA;B\nB\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void if_cond2e() { const char filedata[] = "#if !defined(A)\n" "!a\n" "#elif !defined(B)\n" "!b\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nA\nB\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void if_cond3() { const char filedata[] = "#ifdef A\n" "a\n" "#if defined(B) && defined(C)\n" "abc\n" "#endif\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nA\nA;B;C\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void if_cond4() { { const char filedata[] = "#define A\n" "#define B\n" "#if defined A || defined B\n" "ab\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } { const char filedata[] = "#if A\n" "{\n" "#if (defined(B))\n" "foo();\n" "#endif\n" "}\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nA\nA;B\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } { const char filedata[] = "#define A\n" "#define B\n" "#if (defined A) || defined (B)\n" "ab\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } { const char filedata[] = "#if (A)\n" "foo();\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nA\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } { const char filedata[] = "#if! A\n" "foo();\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nA=0\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } } void if_cond5() { const char filedata[] = "#if defined(A) && defined(B)\n" "ab\n" "#endif\n" "cd\n" "#if defined(B) && defined(A)\n" "ef\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nA;B\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void if_cond6() { const char filedata[] = "\n" "#if defined(A) && defined(B))\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nA;B\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void if_cond8() { const char filedata[] = "#if defined(A) + defined(B) + defined(C) != 1\n" "#endif\n"; TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS("\nA\n", "\nA;B;C\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void if_cond9() { const char filedata[] = "#if !defined _A\n" "abc\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n_A\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void if_cond10() { const char filedata[] = "#if !defined(a) && !defined(b)\n" "#if defined(and)\n" "#endif\n" "#endif\n"; // Preprocess => don't crash.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); } void if_cond11() { const char filedata[] = "#if defined(L_fixunssfdi) && LIBGCC2_HAS_SF_MODE\n" "#if LIBGCC2_HAS_DF_MODE\n" "#elif FLT_MANT_DIG < W_TYPE_SIZE\n" "#endif\n" "#endif\n"; std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); } void if_cond12() { const char filedata[] = "#define A (1)\n" "#if A == 1\n" ";\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void if_cond13() { const char filedata[] = "#if ('A' == 0x41)\n" "123\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void if_cond14() { const char filedata[] = "#if !(A)\n" "123\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void if_or_1() { const char filedata[] = "#if defined(DEF_10) || defined(DEF_11)\n" "a1;\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nDEF_10;DEF_11\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void if_or_2() { const char filedata[] = "#if X || Y\n" "a1;\n" "#endif\n"; TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS("\nX;Y\n", "\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void if_macro_eq_macro() { const char *code = "#define A B\n" "#define B 1\n" "#define C 1\n" "#if A == C\n" "Wilma\n" "#else\n" "Betty\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n", getConfigsStr(code)); } void ticket_3675() { const char* code = "#ifdef YYSTACKSIZE\n" "#define YYMAXDEPTH YYSTACKSIZE\n" "#else\n" "#define YYSTACKSIZE YYMAXDEPTH\n" "#endif\n" "#if YYDEBUG\n" "#endif\n"; std::map actual; preprocess(code, actual); // There's nothing to assert. It just needs to not hang. } void ticket_3699() { const char* code = "#define INLINE __forceinline\n" "#define inline __forceinline\n" "#define __forceinline inline\n" "#if !defined(_WIN32)\n" "#endif\n" "INLINE inline __forceinline\n"; std::map actual; preprocess(code, actual); // First, it must not hang. Second, inline must becomes inline, and __forceinline must become __forceinline. ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n\n\n\n$__forceinline $inline $__forceinline", actual[""]); } void ticket_4922() { // #4922 const char* code = "__asm__ \n" "{ int extern __value) 0; (double return (\"\" } extern\n" "__typeof __finite (__finite) __finite __inline \"__GI___finite\");"; std::map actual; preprocess(code, actual); } void macro_simple1() const { { const char filedata[] = "#define AAA(aa) f(aa)\n" "AAA(5);\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nf ( 5 ) ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } { const char filedata[] = "#define AAA(aa) f(aa)\n" "AAA (5);\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nf ( 5 ) ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } } void macro_simple2() const { const char filedata[] = "#define min(x,y) x 0 ) return 1 ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } void macro_simple5() const { const char filedata[] = "#define ABC if( temp > 0 ) return 1;\n" "\n" "void foo()\n" "{\n" " int temp = 0;\n" " ABC\n" "}\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\nvoid foo ( )\n{\nint temp = 0 ;\nif ( temp > 0 ) return 1 ;\n}", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } void macro_simple6() const { const char filedata[] = "#define ABC (a+b+c)\n" "ABC\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n( a + b + c )", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } void macro_simple7() const { const char filedata[] = "#define ABC(str) str\n" "ABC(\"(\")\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\"(\"", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } void macro_simple8() const { const char filedata[] = "#define ABC 123\n" "#define ABCD 1234\n" "ABC ABCD\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n123 1234", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } void macro_simple9() const { const char filedata[] = "#define ABC(a) f(a)\n" "ABC( \"\\\"\" );\n" "ABC( \"g\" );\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nf ( \"\\\"\" ) ;\nf ( \"g\" ) ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } void macro_simple10() const { const char filedata[] = "#define ABC(t) t x\n" "ABC(unsigned long);\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nunsigned long x ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } void macro_simple11() const { const char filedata[] = "#define ABC(x) delete x\n" "ABC(a);\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\ndelete a ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } void macro_simple12() const { const char filedata[] = "#define AB ab.AB\n" "AB.CD\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nab . AB . CD", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } void macro_simple13() const { const char filedata[] = "#define TRACE(x)\n" "TRACE(;if(a))\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } void macro_simple14() const { const char filedata[] = "#define A \" a \"\n" "printf(A);\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nprintf ( \" a \" ) ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } void macro_simple15() const { const char filedata[] = "#define FOO\"foo\"\n" "FOO\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\"foo\"", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } void macro_simple16() const { // # 4703 const char filedata[] = "#define MACRO( A, B, C ) class A##B##C##Creator {};\n" "MACRO( B\t, U , G )"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nclass BUGCreator { } ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } void macro_simple17() const { // # 5074 - the Token::isExpandedMacro() doesn't always indicate properly if token comes from macro // It would probably be OK if the generated code was // "\n123+$123" since the first 123 comes from the source code const char filedata[] = "#define MACRO(A) A+123\n" "MACRO(123)"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n123 + 123", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } void macro_simple18() const { // (1e-7) const char filedata1[] = "#define A (1e-7)\n" "a=A;"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\na = ( 1e-7 ) ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata1)); const char filedata2[] = "#define A (1E-7)\n" "a=A;"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\na = ( 1E-7 ) ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata2)); const char filedata3[] = "#define A (1e+7)\n" "a=A;"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\na = ( 1e+7 ) ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata3)); const char filedata4[] = "#define A (1.e+7)\n" "a=A;"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\na = ( 1.e+7 ) ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata4)); const char filedata5[] = "#define A (1.7f)\n" "a=A;"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\na = ( 1.7f ) ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata5)); const char filedata6[] = "#define A (.1)\n" "a=A;"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\na = ( .1 ) ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata6)); const char filedata7[] = "#define A (1.)\n" "a=A;"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\na = ( 1. ) ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata7)); const char filedata8[] = "#define A (8.0E+007)\n" "a=A;"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\na = ( 8.0E+007 ) ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata8)); } void macroInMacro1() const { { const char filedata[] = "#define A(m) long n = m; n++;\n" "#define B(n) A(n)\n" "B(0)\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\nlong n = 0 ; n ++ ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } { const char filedata[] = "#define A B\n" "#define B 3\n" "A\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n3", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } { const char filedata[] = "#define BC(b, c...) 0##b * 0##c\n" "#define ABC(a, b...) a + BC(b)\n" "\n" "ABC(1);\n" // <- too few parameters "ABC(2,3);\n" "ABC(4,5,6);\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n\n1 + 0 * 0 ;\n2 + 03 * 0 ;\n4 + 05 * 06 ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } { const char filedata[] = "#define A 4\n" "#define B(a) a,A\n" "B(2);\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n2 , 4 ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } { const char filedata[] = "#define A(x) (x)\n" "#define B )A(\n" "#define C )A(\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } { const char filedata[] = "#define A(x) (x*2)\n" "#define B A(\n" "foo B(i));\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\nfoo ( ( i ) * 2 ) ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } { const char filedata[] = "#define foo foo\n" "foo\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nfoo", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } { const char filedata[] = "#define B(A1, A2) } while (0)\n" "#define A(name) void foo##name() { do { B(1, 2); }\n" "A(0)\n" "A(1)\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\nvoid foo0 ( ) { do { } while ( 0 ) ; }\nvoid foo1 ( ) { do { } while ( 0 ) ; }", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } { const char filedata[] = "#define B(x) (\n" "#define A() B(xx)\n" "B(1) A() ) )\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n( ( ) )", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } { const char filedata[] = "#define PTR1 (\n" "#define PTR2 PTR1 PTR1\n" "int PTR2 PTR2 foo )))) = 0;\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\nint ( ( ( ( foo ) ) ) ) = 0 ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } { const char filedata[] = "#define PTR1 (\n" "PTR1 PTR1\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n( (", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } } void macroInMacro2() const { const char filedata[] = "#define A(x) a##x\n" "#define B 0\n" "A(B)\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\naB", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } void macro_linenumbers() const { const char filedata[] = "#define AAA(a)\n" "AAA(5\n" "\n" ")\n" "int a;\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "int a ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } void macro_nopar() const { const char filedata[] = "#define AAA( ) { NULL }\n" "AAA()\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n{ NULL }", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } void macro_incdec() const { const char filedata[] = "#define M1(X) 1+X\n" "#define M2(X) 2-X\n" "M1(+1) M2(-1)\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n1 + + 1 2 - - 1", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } void macro_switchCase() const { { // Make sure "case 2" doesn't become "case2" const char filedata[] = "#define A( b ) " "switch( a ){ " "case 2: " " break; " "}\n" "A( 5 );\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nswitch ( a ) { case 2 : break ; } ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } { // Make sure "2 BB" doesn't become "2BB" const char filedata[] = "#define A() AA : 2 BB\n" "A();\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nAA : 2 BB ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } { const char filedata[] = "#define A }\n" "#define B() A\n" "#define C( a ) B() break;\n" "{C( 2 );\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n\n{ } break ; ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } { const char filedata[] = "#define A }\n" "#define B() A\n" "#define C( a ) B() _break;\n" "{C( 2 );\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n\n{ } _break ; ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } { const char filedata[] = "#define A }\n" "#define B() A\n" "#define C( a ) B() 5;\n" "{C( 2 );\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n\n{ } 5 ; ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } } void macro_NULL() const { // See ticket #4482 - UB when passing NULL to variadic function ASSERT_EQUALS("\n0", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros("#define null 0\nnull")); TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS("\nNULL", "\n0", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros("#define NULL 0\nNULL")); // TODO: Let the tokenizer handle NULL? } void string1() { const char filedata[] = "int main()" "{" " const char *a = \"#define A\";" "}\n"; // Preprocess => actual result.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); // Compare results.. ASSERT_EQUALS(1, actual.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS("int main ( ) { const char * a = \"#define A\" ; }", actual[""]); } void string2() const { const char filedata[] = "#define AAA 123\n" "str = \"AAA\"\n"; // Compare results.. ASSERT_EQUALS("\nstr = \"AAA\"", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } void string3() const { const char filedata[] = "str(\";\");\n"; // Compare results.. ASSERT_EQUALS("str ( \";\" ) ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } void preprocessor_undef() { { const char filedata[] = "#define AAA int a;\n" "#undef AAA\n" "#define AAA char b=0;\n" "AAA\n"; // Compare results.. ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n\nchar b = 0 ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } { // ticket #403 const char filedata[] = "#define z p[2]\n" "#undef z\n" "int z;\n" "z = 0;\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\nint z ;\nz = 0 ;", preprocessor0.getcode(filedata, "", "")); } } void defdef() const { const char filedata[] = "#define AAA 123\n" "#define AAA 456\n" "#define AAA 789\n" "AAA\n"; // Compare results.. ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n\n789", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } void preprocessor_doublesharp() const { // simple testcase without ## const char filedata1[] = "#define TEST(var,val) var = val\n" "TEST(foo,20);\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nfoo = 20 ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata1)); // simple testcase with ## const char filedata2[] = "#define TEST(var,val) var##_##val = val\n" "TEST(foo,20);\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nfoo_20 = 20 ;", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata2)); // concat macroname const char filedata3[] = "#define ABCD 123\n" "#define A(B) A##B\n" "A(BCD)\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n123", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata3)); // Ticket #1802 - inner ## must be expanded before outer macro const char filedata4[] = "#define A(B) A##B\n" "#define a(B) A(B)\n" "a(A(B))\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\nAAB", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata4)); // Ticket #1802 - inner ## must be expanded before outer macro const char filedata5[] = "#define AB(A,B) A##B\n" "#define ab(A,B) AB(A,B)\n" "ab(a,AB(b,c))\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\nabc", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata5)); // Ticket #1802 const char filedata6[] = "#define AB_(A,B) A ## B\n" "#define AB(A,B) AB_(A,B)\n" "#define ab(suf) AB(X, AB_(_, suf))\n" "#define X x\n" "ab(y)\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n\n\nx_y", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata6)); } void preprocessor_include_in_str() { const char filedata[] = "int main()\n" "{\n" "const char *a = \"#include \";\n" "return 0;\n" "}\n"; // Preprocess => actual result.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); // Compare results.. ASSERT_EQUALS(1, actual.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS("int main ( )\n{\nconst char * a = \"#include \" ;\nreturn 0 ;\n}", actual[""]); } void va_args_1() const { const char filedata[] = "#define DBG(fmt...) printf(fmt)\n" "DBG(\"[0x%lx-0x%lx)\", pstart, pend);\n"; // Preprocess.. std::string actual = OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata); ASSERT_EQUALS("\nprintf ( \"[0x%lx-0x%lx)\" , pstart , pend ) ;", actual); } /* void va_args_2() const { const char filedata[] = "#define DBG(fmt, args...) printf(fmt, ## args)\n" "DBG(\"hello\");\n"; // Preprocess.. std::string actual = OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata); // invalid code ASSERT_EQUALS("\nprintf ( \"hello\" ) ;", actual); } */ void va_args_3() const { const char filedata[] = "#define FRED(...) { fred(__VA_ARGS__); }\n" "FRED(123)\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n{ fred ( 123 ) ; }", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } void va_args_4() const { const char filedata[] = "#define FRED(name, ...) name (__VA_ARGS__)\n" "FRED(abc, 123)\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nabc ( 123 )", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } void va_args_5() const { const char filedata1[] = "#define A(...) #__VA_ARGS__\n" "A(123)\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\"123\"", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata1)); const char filedata2[] = "#define A(X,...) X(#__VA_ARGS__)\n" "A(f,123)\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nf ( \"123\" )", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata2)); } void multi_character_character() { const char filedata[] = "#define FOO 'ABCD'\n" "int main()\n" "{\n" "if( FOO == 0 );\n" "return 0;\n" "}\n"; // Preprocess => actual result.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); // Compare results.. ASSERT_EQUALS(1, actual.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS("\nint main ( )\n{\nif ( $'ABCD' == 0 ) ;\nreturn 0 ;\n}", actual[""]); } void stringify() const { const char filedata[] = "#define STRINGIFY(x) #x\n" "STRINGIFY(abc)\n"; // expand macros.. std::string actual = OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata); ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\"abc\"", actual); } void stringify2() const { const char filedata[] = "#define A(x) g(#x)\n" "A(abc);\n"; // expand macros.. std::string actual = OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata); ASSERT_EQUALS("\ng ( \"abc\" ) ;", actual); } void stringify3() const { const char filedata[] = "#define A(x) g(#x)\n" "A( abc);\n"; // expand macros.. std::string actual = OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata); ASSERT_EQUALS("\ng ( \"abc\" ) ;", actual); } void stringify4() const { const char filedata[] = "#define A(x) #x\n" "1 A(\n" "abc\n" ") 2\n"; // expand macros.. std::string actual = OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata); ASSERT_EQUALS("\n1 \"abc\"\n\n2", actual); } void stringify5() const { const char filedata[] = "#define A(x) a(#x,x)\n" "A(foo(\"\\\"\"))\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\na ( \"foo(\\\"\\\\\\\"\\\")\" , foo ( \"\\\"\" ) )", OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata)); } void pragma() { const char filedata[] = "#pragma once\n" "void f()\n" "{\n" "}\n"; // Preprocess => actual result.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); // Compare results.. ASSERT_EQUALS(1, actual.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS("\nvoid f ( )\n{\n}", actual[""]); } void pragma_asm_1() { const char filedata[] = "#pragma asm\n" " mov r1, 11\n" "#pragma endasm\n" "aaa\n" "#pragma asm foo\n" " mov r1, 11\n" "#pragma endasm bar\n" "bbb"; // Preprocess => actual result.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); // Compare results.. ASSERT_EQUALS(1, actual.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS("asm ( )\n;\n\naaa\nasm ( ) ;\n\n\nbbb", actual[""]); } void pragma_asm_2() { const char filedata[] = "#pragma asm\n" " mov @w1, 11\n" "#pragma endasm ( temp=@w1 )\n" "bbb"; // Preprocess => actual result.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); // Compare results.. ASSERT_EQUALS(1, actual.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS("asm ( )\n;\n\nbbb", actual[""]); } void endifsemicolon() { const char filedata[] = "void f() {\n" "#ifdef A\n" "#endif;\n" "}\n"; // Preprocess => actual result.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); // Compare results.. ASSERT_EQUALS(2, actual.size()); const std::string expected("void f ( ) {\n\n\n}"); ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, actual[""]); ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, actual["A"]); } void handle_error() { { const char filedata[] = "#define A \n" "#define B don't want to \\\n" "more text\n" "void f()\n" "{\n" " char a = 'a'; // '\n" "}\n"; // Preprocess => actual result.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); ASSERT_EQUALS("", actual[""]); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); } } void missing_doublequote() { { const char filedata[] = "#define a\n" "#ifdef 1\n" "\"\n" "#endif\n"; // expand macros.. errout.str(""); const std::string actual(OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata, this)); ASSERT_EQUALS("", actual); ASSERT_EQUALS("[file.cpp:3]: (error) No pair for character (\"). Can't process file. File is either invalid or unicode, which is currently not supported.\n", errout.str()); } { const char filedata[] = "#file \"abc.h\"\n" "#define a\n" "\"\n" "#endfile\n"; // expand macros.. errout.str(""); const std::string actual(OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata, this)); ASSERT_EQUALS("", actual); ASSERT_EQUALS("[abc.h:2]: (error) No pair for character (\"). Can't process file. File is either invalid or unicode, which is currently not supported.\n", errout.str()); } { const char filedata[] = "#file \"abc.h\"\n" "#define a\n" "#endfile\n" "\"\n"; // expand macros.. errout.str(""); const std::string actual(OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata, this)); ASSERT_EQUALS("", actual); ASSERT_EQUALS("[file.cpp:2]: (error) No pair for character (\"). Can't process file. File is either invalid or unicode, which is currently not supported.\n", errout.str()); } { const char filedata[] = "#define A 1\n" "#define B \"\n" "int a = A;\n"; // expand macros.. errout.str(""); const std::string actual(OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata, this)); ASSERT_EQUALS("", actual); ASSERT_EQUALS("[file.cpp:2]: (error) No pair for character (\"). Can't process file. File is either invalid or unicode, which is currently not supported.\n", errout.str()); } { const char filedata[] = "void foo()\n" "{\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "int a = 0;\n" "printf(Text\");\n" "}\n"; // expand macros.. errout.str(""); OurPreprocessor::expandMacros(filedata, this); ASSERT_EQUALS("[file.cpp:7]: (error) No pair for character (\"). Can't process file. File is either invalid or unicode, which is currently not supported.\n", errout.str()); } } void define_part_of_func() { const char filedata[] = "#define A g(\n" "void f() {\n" " A );\n" " }\n"; // Preprocess => actual result.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); // Compare results.. ASSERT_EQUALS(1, actual.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS("\nvoid f ( ) {\n$g $( ) ;\n}", actual[""]); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); } void conditionalDefine() { const char filedata[] = "#ifdef A\n" "#define N 10\n" "#else\n" "#define N 20\n" "#endif\n" "N"; // Preprocess => actual result.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); // Compare results.. ASSERT_EQUALS(2, actual.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n\n\n\n$20", actual[""]); ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n\n\n\n$10", actual["A"]); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); } void macro_parameters() { errout.str(""); const char filedata[] = "#define BC(a, b, c, arg...) \\\n" "AB(a, b, c, ## arg)\n" "\n" "void f()\n" "{\n" " BC(3);\n" "}\n"; // Preprocess => actual result.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); // Compare results.. ASSERT_EQUALS(1, actual.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS("", actual[""]); ASSERT_EQUALS("[file.c:6]: (error) failed to expand 'BC', Wrong number of parameters for macro 'BC'.\n", errout.str()); } void newline_in_macro() { const char filedata[] = "#define ABC(str) printf( str )\n" "void f()\n" "{\n" " ABC(\"\\n\");\n" "}\n"; // Preprocess => actual result.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); // Compare results.. ASSERT_EQUALS(1, actual.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS("\nvoid f ( )\n{\n$printf $( \"\\n\" $) ;\n}", actual[""]); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); } void ifdef_ifdefined() { const char filedata[] = "#ifdef ABC\n" "A\n" "#endif\t\n" "#if defined ABC\n" "A\n" "#endif\n"; // Preprocess => actual result.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); // Compare results.. ASSERT_EQUALS("", actual[""]); ASSERT_EQUALS("\nA\n\n\nA", actual["ABC"]); ASSERT_EQUALS(2, actual.size()); } void define_if1() { { const char filedata[] = "#define A 0\n" "#if A\n" "FOO\n" "#endif"; ASSERT_EQUALS("", preprocessor0.getcode(filedata,"","")); } { const char filedata[] = "#define A 1\n" "#if A==1\n" "FOO\n" "#endif"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\nFOO", preprocessor0.getcode(filedata,"","")); } } void define_if2() { const char filedata[] = "#define A 22\n" "#define B A\n" "#if (B==A) || (B==C)\n" "FOO\n" "#endif"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n\nFOO", preprocessor0.getcode(filedata,"","")); } void define_if3() { const char filedata[] = "#define A 0\n" "#if (A==0)\n" "FOO\n" "#endif"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\nFOO", preprocessor0.getcode(filedata,"","")); } void define_if4() { const char filedata[] = "#define X +123\n" "#if X==123\n" "FOO\n" "#endif"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\nFOO", preprocessor0.getcode(filedata,"","")); } void define_if5() { // #4516 - #define B (A & 0x00f0) { const char filedata[] = "#define A 0x0010\n" "#define B (A & 0x00f0)\n" "#if B==0x0010\n" "FOO\n" "#endif"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n\nFOO", preprocessor0.getcode(filedata,"","")); } { const char filedata[] = "#define A 0x00f0\n" "#define B (16)\n" "#define C (B & A)\n" "#if C==0x0010\n" "FOO\n" "#endif"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n\n\nFOO", preprocessor0.getcode(filedata,"","")); } { const char filedata[] = "#define A (1+A)\n" // don't hang for recursive macros "#if A==1\n" "FOO\n" "#endif"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\nFOO", preprocessor0.getcode(filedata,"","")); } } void define_if6() { // #4516 - #define B (A?1:-1) const char filedata[] = "#ifdef A\n" "#define B (A?1:-1)\n" "#endif\n" "\n" "#if B < 0\n" "123\n" "#endif\n" "\n" "#if B >= 0\n" "456\n" "#endif\n"; const std::string actualA0 = preprocessor0.getcode(filedata, "A=0", "test.c"); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, actualA0.find("123") != std::string::npos); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, actualA0.find("456") != std::string::npos); const std::string actualA1 = preprocessor0.getcode(filedata, "A=1", "test.c"); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, actualA1.find("123") != std::string::npos); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, actualA1.find("456") != std::string::npos); } void define_ifdef() { { const char filedata[] = "#define ABC\n" "#ifndef ABC\n" "A\n" "#else\n" "B\n" "#endif\n"; // Preprocess => actual result.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); // Compare results.. ASSERT_EQUALS(1, (int)actual.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n\n\nB", actual[""]); } { const char filedata[] = "#define A 1\n" "#ifdef A\n" "A\n" "#endif\n"; // Preprocess => actual result.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); // Compare results.. ASSERT_EQUALS(1, (int)actual.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n$1", actual[""]); } { const char filedata[] = "#define A 1\n" "#if A==1\n" "A\n" "#endif\n"; // Preprocess => actual result.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); // Compare results.. ASSERT_EQUALS(1, (int)actual.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n$1", actual[""]); } { const char filedata[] = "#define A 1\n" "#if A>0\n" "A\n" "#endif\n"; // Preprocess => actual result.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); // Compare results.. ASSERT_EQUALS(1, (int)actual.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n$1", actual[""]); } { const char filedata[] = "#define A 1\n" "#if 0\n" "#undef A\n" "#endif\n" "A\n"; // Preprocess => actual result.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); // Compare results.. ASSERT_EQUALS(1, (int)actual.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n\n\n$1", actual[""]); } } void define_ifndef1() { const char filedata[] = "#define A(x) (x)\n" "#ifndef A\n" ";\n" "#endif\n"; // Preprocess => actual result.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); // Compare results.. ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, actual.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS("", actual[""]); } void define_ifndef2() { const char filedata[] = "#ifdef A\n" "#define B char\n" "#endif\n" "#ifndef B\n" "#define B int\n" "#endif\n" "B me;\n"; // Preprocess => actual result.. ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n\n\n\n\n$int me ;", preprocessor0.getcode(filedata, "", "a.cpp")); ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n\n\n\n\n$char me ;", preprocessor0.getcode(filedata, "A", "a.cpp")); } void ifndef_define() { const char filedata[] = "#ifndef A\n" "#define A(x) x\n" "#endif\n" "A(123);"; // Preprocess => actual result.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, actual.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n\n123 ;", actual[""]); } void undef_ifdef() { const char filedata[] = "#undef A\n" "#ifdef A\n" "123\n" "#endif\n"; // Preprocess => actual result.. ASSERT_EQUALS("", preprocessor0.getcode(filedata, "", "a.cpp")); ASSERT_EQUALS("", preprocessor0.getcode(filedata, "A", "a.cpp")); } void redundant_config() { const char filedata[] = "int main() {\n" "#ifdef FOO\n" "#ifdef BAR\n" " std::cout << 1;\n" "#endif\n" "#endif\n" "\n" "#ifdef BAR\n" "#ifdef FOO\n" " std::cout << 2;\n" "#endif\n" "#endif\n" "}\n"; // Preprocess => actual result.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); // Compare results.. ASSERT_EQUALS(4, (int)actual.size()); ASSERT(actual.find("") != actual.end()); ASSERT(actual.find("BAR") != actual.end()); ASSERT(actual.find("FOO") != actual.end()); ASSERT(actual.find("BAR;FOO") != actual.end()); } void endfile() { const char filedata[] = "char a[] = \"#endfile\";\n" "char b[] = \"#endfile\";\n" "#include \"notfound.h\"\n"; // Preprocess => actual result.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); // Compare results.. ASSERT_EQUALS("char a [ ] = \"#endfile\" ;\nchar b [ ] = \"#endfile\" ;", actual[""]); ASSERT_EQUALS(1, (int)actual.size()); } void dup_defines() { const char filedata[] = "#ifdef A\n" "#define B\n" "#if defined(B) && defined(A)\n" "a\n" "#else\n" "b\n" "#endif\n" "#endif\n"; // Preprocess => actual result.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); // B will always be defined if A is defined; the following test // cases should be fixed whenever this other bug is fixed ASSERT_EQUALS(2U, actual.size()); ASSERT_EQUALS_MSG(true, (actual.find("A") != actual.end()), "A is expected to be checked but it was not checked"); ASSERT_EQUALS_MSG(true, (actual.find("A;A;B") == actual.end()), "A;A;B is expected to NOT be checked but it was checked"); } void invalid_define_1() { std::map actual; preprocess("#define =\n", actual); // don't hang } void invalid_define_2() { // #4036 std::map actual; preprocess("#define () {(int f(x) }\n", actual); // don't hang } void inline_suppression_for_missing_include_internal(bool checkConfig) { Preprocessor::missingIncludeFlag = false; Preprocessor::missingSystemIncludeFlag = false; Settings settings; settings.checkConfiguration = checkConfig; settings.inlineSuppressions = true; settings.severity.clear(); // --check-config needs to report this regardless of the emanled checks if (!checkConfig) settings.checks.enable(Checks::missingInclude); Preprocessor preprocessor(settings, this); const std::string code("// cppcheck-suppress missingInclude\n" "#include \"missing.h\"\n" "// cppcheck-suppress missingIncludeSystem\n" "#include \n"); // Don't report that the include is missing errout.str(""); preprocessor.getcode(code, "", "test.c"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, Preprocessor::missingIncludeFlag); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, Preprocessor::missingSystemIncludeFlag); auto suppressions = settings.nomsg.getSuppressions(); ASSERT_EQUALS(2, suppressions.size()); auto suppr = suppressions.front(); suppressions.pop_front(); ASSERT_EQUALS("missingInclude", suppr.errorId); ASSERT_EQUALS("test.c", suppr.fileName); ASSERT_EQUALS(2, suppr.lineNumber); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, suppr.checked); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, suppr.matched); suppr = suppressions.front(); suppressions.pop_front(); ASSERT_EQUALS("missingIncludeSystem", suppr.errorId); ASSERT_EQUALS("test.c", suppr.fileName); ASSERT_EQUALS(4, suppr.lineNumber); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, suppr.checked); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, suppr.matched); } void inline_suppression_for_missing_include() { inline_suppression_for_missing_include_internal(false); } void inline_suppression_for_missing_include_check_config() { inline_suppression_for_missing_include_internal(true); } void predefine1() { const std::string src("#if defined X || Y\n" "Fred & Wilma\n" "#endif\n"); std::string actual = preprocessor0.getcode(src, "X=1", "test.c"); ASSERT_EQUALS("\nFred & Wilma", actual); } void predefine2() { const std::string src("#if defined(X) && Y\n" "Fred & Wilma\n" "#endif\n"); { std::string actual = preprocessor0.getcode(src, "X=1", "test.c"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", actual); } { std::string actual = preprocessor0.getcode(src, "X=1;Y=2", "test.c"); ASSERT_EQUALS("\nFred & Wilma", actual); } } void predefine3() { // #2871 - define in source is not used if -D is used const char code[] = "#define X 1\n" "#define Y X\n" "#if (X == Y)\n" "Fred & Wilma\n" "#endif\n"; const std::string actual = preprocessor0.getcode(code, "TEST", "test.c"); ASSERT_EQUALS("\n\n\nFred & Wilma", actual); } void predefine4() { // #3577 const char code[] = "char buf[X];\n"; const std::string actual = preprocessor0.getcode(code, "X=123", "test.c"); ASSERT_EQUALS("char buf [ $123 ] ;", actual); } void predefine5() { // #3737, #5119 - automatically define __cplusplus // #3737... const char code[] = "#ifdef __cplusplus\n123\n#endif"; ASSERT_EQUALS("", preprocessor0.getcode(code, "", "test.c")); ASSERT_EQUALS("\n123", preprocessor0.getcode(code, "", "test.cpp")); } void predefine6() { // automatically define __STDC_VERSION__ const char code[] = "#ifdef __STDC_VERSION__\n123\n#endif"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n123", preprocessor0.getcode(code, "", "test.c")); ASSERT_EQUALS("", preprocessor0.getcode(code, "", "test.cpp")); } void invalidElIf() { // #2942 - segfault const char code[] = "#elif (){\n"; const std::string actual = preprocessor0.getcode(code, "TEST", "test.c"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", actual); } void getConfigs1() { const char filedata[] = "#ifdef WIN32 \n" " abcdef\n" "#else \n" " qwerty\n" "#endif \n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nWIN32\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void getConfigs2() { const char filedata[] = "# ifndef WIN32\n" " \" # ifdef WIN32\" // a comment\n" " # else \n" " qwerty\n" " # endif \n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nWIN32\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void getConfigs3() { const char filedata[] = "#ifdef ABC\n" "a\n" "#ifdef DEF\n" "b\n" "#endif\n" "c\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nABC\nABC;DEF\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void getConfigs4() { const char filedata[] = "#ifdef ABC\n" "A\n" "#endif\t\n" "#ifdef ABC\n" "A\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nABC\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void getConfigs5() { const char filedata[] = "#ifdef ABC\n" "A\n" "#else\n" "B\n" "#ifdef DEF\n" "C\n" "#endif\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nABC\nDEF\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void getConfigs7() { const char filedata[] = "#ifdef ABC\n" "A\n" "#ifdef ABC\n" "B\n" "#endif\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nABC\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void getConfigs7a() { const char filedata[] = "#ifndef ABC\n" "A\n" "#ifndef ABC\n" "B\n" "#endif\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void getConfigs7b() { const char filedata[] = "#ifndef ABC\n" "A\n" "#ifdef ABC\n" "B\n" "#endif\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nABC\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void getConfigs7c() { const char filedata[] = "#ifdef ABC\n" "A\n" "#ifndef ABC\n" "B\n" "#endif\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nABC\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void getConfigs7d() { const char filedata[] = "#if defined(ABC)\n" "A\n" "#if defined(ABC)\n" "B\n" "#endif\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nABC\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void getConfigs7e() { const char filedata[] = "#ifdef ABC\n" "#file \"test.h\"\n" "#ifndef test_h\n" "#define test_h\n" "#ifdef ABC\n" "#endif\n" "#endif\n" "#endfile\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nABC\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void getConfigs8() { const char filedata[] = "#if A == 1\n" "1\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nA=1\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void getConfigs10() { // Ticket #5139 const char filedata[] = "#define foo a.foo\n" "#define bar foo\n" "#define baz bar+0\n" "#if 0\n" "#endif"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void getConfigs11() { // #9832 - include guards const char filedata[] = "#file \"test.h\"\n" "#if !defined(test_h)\n" "#define test_h\n" "123\n" "#endif\n" "#endfile\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void getConfigsError() { const char filedata1[] = "#ifndef X\n" "#error \"!X\"\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("X\n", getConfigsStr(filedata1)); const char filedata2[] = "#ifdef X\n" "#ifndef Y\n" "#error \"!Y\"\n" "#endif\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nX;Y\nY\n", getConfigsStr(filedata2)); } void getConfigsD1() { const char filedata[] = "#ifdef X\n" "#else\n" "#ifdef Y\n" "#endif\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n", getConfigsStr(filedata, "-DX")); ASSERT_EQUALS("\nX\nY\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void getConfigsU1() { const char filedata[] = "#ifdef X\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n", getConfigsStr(filedata, "-UX")); ASSERT_EQUALS("\nX\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void getConfigsU2() { const char filedata[] = "#ifndef X\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n", getConfigsStr(filedata, "-UX")); ASSERT_EQUALS("\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); // no #else } void getConfigsU3() { const char filedata[] = "#ifndef X\n" "Fred & Wilma\n" "#else\n" "Barney & Betty\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n", getConfigsStr(filedata, "-UX")); ASSERT_EQUALS("\nX\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void getConfigsU4() { const char filedata[] = "#if defined(X) || defined(Y) || defined(Z)\n" "#else\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nY;Z\n", getConfigsStr(filedata, "-UX")); ASSERT_EQUALS("\nX;Y;Z\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void getConfigsU5() { const char filedata[] = "#if X==1\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n", getConfigsStr(filedata, "-UX")); ASSERT_EQUALS("\nX=1\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void getConfigsU6() { const char filedata[] = "#if X==0\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nX=0\n", getConfigsStr(filedata, "-UX")); ASSERT_EQUALS("\nX=0\n", getConfigsStr(filedata)); } void getConfigsU7() { const char code[] = "#ifndef Y\n" "#else\n" "#endif\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\nY\n", getConfigsStr(code, "-DX")); } void validateCfg1() { Preprocessor preprocessor(settings0, this); std::vector files(1, "test.c"); simplecpp::MacroUsage macroUsage(files, false); macroUsage.useLocation.fileIndex = 0; macroUsage.useLocation.line = 1; macroUsage.macroName = "X"; std::list macroUsageList(1, macroUsage); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, preprocessor.validateCfg("", macroUsageList)); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, preprocessor.validateCfg("X",macroUsageList)); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, preprocessor.validateCfg("A=42;X", macroUsageList)); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, preprocessor.validateCfg("X=1", macroUsageList)); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, preprocessor.validateCfg("Y", macroUsageList)); macroUsageList.front().macroValueKnown = true; // #8404 ASSERT_EQUALS(true, preprocessor.validateCfg("X", macroUsageList)); } void validateCfg2() { const char filedata[] = "#ifdef ABC\n" "#endif\n" "int i = ABC;"; std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual, "file.cpp"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[file.cpp:3]: (information) Skipping configuration 'ABC' since the value of 'ABC' is unknown. Use -D if you want to check it. You can use -U to skip it explicitly.\n", errout.str()); } void if_sizeof() { // #4071 static const char* code = "#if sizeof(unsigned short) == 2\n" "Fred & Wilma\n" "#elif sizeof(unsigned short) == 4\n" "Fred & Wilma\n" "#else\n" "#endif"; std::map actual; preprocess(code, actual); ASSERT_EQUALS("\nFred & Wilma", actual[""]); } void invalid_ifs() { const char filedata[] = "#ifdef\n" "#endif\n" "#ifdef !\n" "#endif\n" "#if defined\n" "#endif\n" "#define f(x) x\n" "#if f(2\n" "#endif\n" "int x;\n"; // Preprocess => don't crash.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); } void garbage() { const char filedata[] = "V\n" "#define X b #endif #line 0 \"x\" ;\n" "#if ! defined ( Y ) #endif"; // Preprocess => don't crash.. std::map actual; preprocess(filedata, actual); } void wrongPathOnErrorDirective() { errout.str(""); Settings settings; settings.userDefines = "foo"; Preprocessor preprocessor(settings, this); const std::string code("#error hello world!\n"); preprocessor.getcode(code, "X", "./././test.c"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.c:1]: (error) #error hello world!\n", errout.str()); } void testDirectiveIncludeTypes() { const char filedata[] = "#define macro some definition\n" "#undef macro\n" "#ifdef macro\n" "#elif some (complex) condition\n" "#else\n" "#endif\n" "#if some other condition\n" "#pragma some proprietary content\n" "#\n" /* may appear in old C code */ "#ident some text\n" /* may appear in old C code */ "#unknownmacro some unpredictable text\n" "#warning some warning message\n" "#error some error message\n"; const char dumpdata[] = " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n"; std::ostringstream ostr; Preprocessor preprocessor(settings0, this); preprocessor.getcode(filedata, "", "test.c"); preprocessor.dump(ostr); ASSERT_EQUALS(dumpdata, ostr.str()); } void testDirectiveIncludeLocations() { const char filedata[] = "#define macro1 val\n" "#file \"inc1.h\"\n" "#define macro2 val\n" "#file \"inc2.h\"\n" "#define macro3 val\n" "#endfile\n" "#define macro4 val\n" "#endfile\n" "#define macro5 val\n"; const char dumpdata[] = " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n"; std::ostringstream ostr; Preprocessor preprocessor(settings0, this); preprocessor.getcode(filedata, "", "test.c"); preprocessor.dump(ostr); ASSERT_EQUALS(dumpdata, ostr.str()); } void testDirectiveIncludeComments() { const char filedata[] = "#ifdef macro2 /* this will be removed */\n" "#else /* this will be removed too */\n" "#endif /* this will also be removed */\n"; const char dumpdata[] = " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n"; std::ostringstream ostr; Preprocessor preprocessor(settings0, this); preprocessor.getcode(filedata, "", "test.c"); preprocessor.dump(ostr); ASSERT_EQUALS(dumpdata, ostr.str()); } void testMissingInclude() { Preprocessor::missingIncludeFlag = false; Preprocessor::missingSystemIncludeFlag = false; Settings settings; settings.severity.clear(); settings.checks.enable(Checks::missingInclude); Preprocessor preprocessor(settings, this); ScopedFile header("header.h", ""); ScopedFile header2("header2.h", ""); std::string code("#include \"missing.h\"\n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "#include \"header2.h\""); errout.str(""); preprocessor.getcode(code, "", "test.c"); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, Preprocessor::missingIncludeFlag); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, Preprocessor::missingSystemIncludeFlag); // the expected messages are emited outside of the Preprocessor ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); Preprocessor::missingIncludeFlag = false; Preprocessor::missingSystemIncludeFlag = false; } void testMissingIncludeCheckConfig() { Preprocessor::missingIncludeFlag = false; Preprocessor::missingSystemIncludeFlag = false; Settings settings; settings.checkConfiguration = true; settings.severity.clear(); // needs to be reported regardless of enabled checks Preprocessor preprocessor(settings, this); ScopedFile header("header.h", ""); ScopedFile header2("header2.h", ""); std::string code("#include \"missing.h\"\n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "#include \"header2.h\""); errout.str(""); preprocessor.getcode(code, "", "test.c"); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, Preprocessor::missingIncludeFlag); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, Preprocessor::missingSystemIncludeFlag); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.c:1]: (information) Include file: \"missing.h\" not found.\n" "[test.c:3]: (information) Include file: not found. Please note: Cppcheck does not need standard library headers to get proper results.\n", errout.str()); Preprocessor::missingIncludeFlag = false; Preprocessor::missingSystemIncludeFlag = false; } }; REGISTER_TEST(TestPreprocessor)