@echo off REM A simple script to build different cppcheck targets from project root REM folder. This script can be run from VS prompt or Qt prompt. REM REM Usage: build <target> [release|debug] REM where <target> is any of cppcheck/gui/tests/all REM release or debug is the configuration REM all-target builds both cppcheck and gui. REM REM Run the command before build.bat to enable rules using pcre: REM set HAVE_RULES=yes REM REM TODO: REM - run tests too if "%1" == "" goto help REM QT prompt sets QMAKESPEC if "%QMAKESPEC%" == "" ( REM parse qmakespec to see if it's some msvc if "%QMAKESPEC:~6,4%" == "msvc" ( set MAKE=nmake ) else ( set MAKE=mingw32-make ) ) else ( set MAKE=nmake ) if "%2" == "" set TARGET=release if "%2" == "release" set TARGET=release if "%2" == "debug" set TARGET=debug if "%1" == "cppcheck" goto cppcheck if "%1" == "gui" goto gui if "%1" == "tests" goto tests if "%1" == "all" goto cppcheck goto help :cppcheck cd cli qmake -config %TARGET% HAVE_RULES=%HAVE_RULES% %MAKE% cd .. if "%1" == "all" goto gui goto end :gui cd gui qmake -config %TARGET% HAVE_RULES=%HAVE_RULES% %MAKE% lrelease gui.pro cd .. goto end :tests cd test qmake -config %TARGET% HAVE_RULES=%HAVE_RULES% %MAKE% cd .. goto end :help echo "Syntax: build <target> [debug|release]" echo " where <target> is any of cppcheck/gui/tests/all" echo " debug or release define used configuration" echo " all- target builds both cppcheck and gui. :end