#!/usr/bin/env python # # MISRA C 2012 checkers # # Example usage of this addon (scan a sourcefile main.cpp) # cppcheck --dump main.cpp # python misra.py --rule-texts= main.cpp.dump # # Limitations: This addon is released as open source. Rule texts can't be freely # distributed. https://www.misra.org.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=56&t=1189 # # The MISRA standard documents may be obtained from https://www.misra.org.uk # # Total number of rules: 143 from __future__ import print_function import cppcheckdata import sys import re import os import argparse ruleTexts = {} suppressRules = {} typeBits = { 'CHAR': None, 'SHORT': None, 'INT': None, 'LONG': None, 'LONG_LONG': None, 'POINTER': None } VERIFY = False QUIET = False SHOW_SUMMARY = True VERIFY_EXPECTED = [] VERIFY_ACTUAL = [] VIOLATIONS = [] def printStatus(*args, **kwargs): if not QUIET: print(*args, **kwargs) def reportError(location, num1, num2): if VERIFY: VERIFY_ACTUAL.append(str(location.linenr) + ':' + str(num1) + '.' + str(num2)) elif num1 in suppressRules and num2 in suppressRules[num1]: # ignore error return else: num = num1 * 100 + num2 id = 'misra-c2012-' + str(num1) + '.' + str(num2) if num in ruleTexts: errmsg = ruleTexts[num] + ' [' + id + ']' elif len(ruleTexts) == 0: errmsg = 'misra violation (use --rule-texts= to get proper output) [' + id + ']' else: return sys.stderr.write('[' + location.file + ':' + str(location.linenr) + '] (style): ' + errmsg + '\n') VIOLATIONS.append(errmsg) def simpleMatch(token, pattern): for p in pattern.split(' '): if not token or token.str != p: return False token = token.next return True def rawlink(rawtoken): if rawtoken.str == '}': indent = 0 while rawtoken: if rawtoken.str == '}': indent = indent + 1 elif rawtoken.str == '{': indent = indent - 1 if indent == 0: break rawtoken = rawtoken.previous else: rawtoken = None return rawtoken KEYWORDS = { 'auto', 'break', 'case', 'char', 'const', 'continue', 'default', 'do', 'double', 'else', 'enum', 'extern', 'float', 'for', 'goto', 'if', 'int', 'long', 'register', 'return', 'short', 'signed', 'sizeof', 'static', 'struct', 'switch', 'typedef', 'union', 'unsigned', 'void', 'volatile', 'while' } def getEssentialTypeCategory(expr): if not expr: return None if expr.valueType and expr.valueType.typeScope: return "enum<" + expr.valueType.typeScope.className + ">" if expr.variable: typeToken = expr.variable.typeStartToken while typeToken: if typeToken.valueType: if typeToken.valueType.type in {'bool'}: return typeToken.valueType.type if typeToken.valueType.type in {'float', 'double', 'long double'}: return "float" if typeToken.valueType.sign: return typeToken.valueType.sign typeToken = typeToken.next if expr.valueType: return expr.valueType.sign return None def getEssentialCategorylist(operand1, operand2): if not operand1 or not operand2: return None, None if (operand1.str in {'++', '--'} or operand2.str in {'++', '--'}): return None, None if (operand1.valueType.pointer or operand2.valueType.pointer): return None, None e1 = getEssentialTypeCategory(operand1) e2 = getEssentialTypeCategory(operand2) return e1, e2 def getEssentialType(expr): if not expr: return None if expr.variable: typeToken = expr.variable.typeStartToken while typeToken and typeToken.isName: if typeToken.str in {'char', 'short', 'int', 'long', 'float', 'double'}: return typeToken.str typeToken = typeToken.next elif expr.astOperand1 and expr.astOperand2 and expr.str in {'+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '&', '|', '^'}: e1 = getEssentialType(expr.astOperand1) e2 = getEssentialType(expr.astOperand2) if not e1 or not e2: return None types = ['bool', 'char', 'short', 'int', 'long', 'long long'] try: i1 = types.index(e1) i2 = types.index(e2) if i2 >= i1: return types[i2] return types[i1] except ValueError: return None return None def bitsOfEssentialType(expr): type = getEssentialType(expr) if type is None: return 0 if type == 'char': return typeBits['CHAR'] if type == 'short': return typeBits['SHORT'] if type == 'int': return typeBits['INT'] if type == 'long': return typeBits['LONG'] if type == 'long long': return typeBits['LONG_LONG'] return 0 def isCast(expr): if not expr or expr.str != '(' or not expr.astOperand1 or expr.astOperand2: return False if simpleMatch(expr, '( )'): return False return True def isFunctionCall(expr): if not expr: return False if expr.str != '(' or not expr.astOperand1: return False if expr.astOperand1 != expr.previous: return False if expr.astOperand1.str in KEYWORDS: return False return True def countSideEffects(expr): if not expr or expr.str in {',', ';'}: return 0 ret = 0 if expr.str in {'++', '--', '='}: ret = 1 return ret + countSideEffects(expr.astOperand1) + countSideEffects(expr.astOperand2) def getForLoopExpressions(forToken): if not forToken or forToken.str != 'for': return None lpar = forToken.next if not lpar or lpar.str != '(': return None if not lpar.astOperand2 or lpar.astOperand2.str != ';': return None if not lpar.astOperand2.astOperand2 or lpar.astOperand2.astOperand2.str != ';': return None return [lpar.astOperand2.astOperand1, lpar.astOperand2.astOperand2.astOperand1, lpar.astOperand2.astOperand2.astOperand2] def hasFloatComparison(expr): if not expr: return False if expr.isLogicalOp: return hasFloatComparison(expr.astOperand1) or hasFloatComparison(expr.astOperand2) if expr.isComparisonOp: # TODO: Use ValueType return cppcheckdata.astIsFloat(expr.astOperand1) or cppcheckdata.astIsFloat(expr.astOperand2) return False def hasSideEffectsRecursive(expr): if not expr: return False if expr.str == '=' and expr.astOperand1 and expr.astOperand1.str == '[': prev = expr.astOperand1.previous if prev and (prev.str == '{' or prev.str == '{'): return hasSideEffectsRecursive(expr.astOperand2) if expr.str == '=' and expr.astOperand1 and expr.astOperand1.str == '.': e = expr.astOperand1 while e and e.str == '.' and e.astOperand2: e = e.astOperand1 if e and e.str == '.': return False if expr.str in {'++', '--', '='}: return True # Todo: Check function calls return hasSideEffectsRecursive(expr.astOperand1) or hasSideEffectsRecursive(expr.astOperand2) def isBoolExpression(expr): if not expr: return False if expr.valueType and (expr.valueType.type == 'bool' or expr.valueType.bits == 1): return True return expr.str in ['!', '==', '!=', '<', '<=', '>', '>=', '&&', '||', '0', '1'] def isConstantExpression(expr): if expr.isNumber: return True if expr.isName: return False if simpleMatch(expr.previous, 'sizeof ('): return True if expr.astOperand1 and not isConstantExpression(expr.astOperand1): return False if expr.astOperand2 and not isConstantExpression(expr.astOperand2): return False return True def isUnsignedInt(expr): # TODO this function is very incomplete. use ValueType? if not expr: return False if expr.isNumber: return 'u' in expr.str or 'U' in expr.str if expr.str in {'+', '-', '*', '/', '%'}: return isUnsignedInt(expr.astOperand1) or isUnsignedInt(expr.astOperand2) return False def getPrecedence(expr): if not expr: return 16 if not expr.astOperand1 or not expr.astOperand2: return 16 if expr.str in {'*', '/', '%'}: return 12 if expr.str in {'+', '-'}: return 11 if expr.str in {'<<', '>>'}: return 10 if expr.str in {'<', '>', '<=', '>='}: return 9 if expr.str in {'==', '!='}: return 8 if expr.str == '&': return 7 if expr.str == '^': return 6 if expr.str == '|': return 5 if expr.str == '&&': return 4 if expr.str == '||': return 3 if expr.str in {'?', ':'}: return 2 if expr.isAssignmentOp: return 1 if expr.str == ',': return 0 return -1 def findRawLink(token): tok1 = None tok2 = None forward = False if token.str in '{([': tok1 = token.str tok2 = '})]'['{(['.find(token.str)] forward = True elif token.str in '})]': tok1 = token.str tok2 = '{(['['})]'.find(token.str)] forward = False else: return None # try to find link indent = 0 while token: if token.str == tok1: indent = indent + 1 elif token.str == tok2: if indent <= 1: return token indent = indent - 1 if forward is True: token = token.next else: token = token.previous # raw link not found return None def numberOfParentheses(tok1, tok2): while tok1 and tok1 != tok2: if tok1.str == '(' or tok1.str == ')': return False tok1 = tok1.next return tok1 == tok2 def findGotoLabel(gotoToken): label = gotoToken.next.str tok = gotoToken.next.next while tok: if tok.str == '}' and tok.scope.type == 'Function': break if tok.str == label and tok.next.str == ':': return tok tok = tok.next return None def findInclude(directives, header): for directive in directives: if directive.str == '#include ' + header: return directive return None # Get function arguments def getArgumentsRecursive(tok, arguments): if tok is None: return if tok.str == ',': getArgumentsRecursive(tok.astOperand1, arguments) getArgumentsRecursive(tok.astOperand2, arguments) else: arguments.append(tok) def getArguments(ftok): arguments = [] getArgumentsRecursive(ftok.astOperand2, arguments) return arguments def isHexDigit(c): return (c >= '0' and c <= '9') or (c >= 'a' and c <= 'f') or (c >= 'A' and c >= 'F') def isOctalDigit(c): return (c >= '0' and c <= '7') def isNoReturnScope(tok): if tok is None or tok.str != '}': return False if tok.previous is None or tok.previous.str != ';': return False if simpleMatch(tok.previous.previous, 'break ;'): return True prev = tok.previous.previous while prev and prev.str not in ';{}': if prev.str in '])': prev = prev.link prev = prev.previous if prev and prev.next.str in ['throw', 'return']: return True return False def misra_3_1(rawTokens): for token in rawTokens: if token.str.startswith('/*') or token.str.startswith('//'): if '//' in token.str[2:] or '/*' in token.str[2:]: reportError(token, 3, 1) def misra_4_1(rawTokens): for token in rawTokens: if token.str[0] != '"': continue pos = 1 while pos < len(token.str) - 2: pos1 = pos pos = pos + 1 if token.str[pos1] != '\\': continue if token.str[pos1 + 1] == '\\': pos = pos1 + 2 continue if token.str[pos1 + 1] == 'x': if not isHexDigit(token.str[pos1 + 2]): reportError(token, 4, 1) continue if not isHexDigit(token.str[pos1 + 3]): reportError(token, 4, 1) continue elif isOctalDigit(token.str[pos1 + 1]): if not isOctalDigit(token.str[pos1 + 2]): reportError(token, 4, 1) continue if not isOctalDigit(token.str[pos1 + 2]): reportError(token, 4, 1) continue else: continue c = token.str[pos1 + 4] if c != '"' and c != '\\': reportError(token, 4, 1) def misra_5_1(data): scopeVars = {} for var in data.variables: if var.isArgument: continue if var.nameToken.scope not in scopeVars: scopeVars[var.nameToken.scope] = [] scopeVars[var.nameToken.scope].append(var) for scope in scopeVars: for i, variable1 in enumerate(scopeVars[scope]): for variable2 in scopeVars[scope][i + 1:]: if (variable1.isExtern and variable2.isExtern and variable1.nameToken.str[:31] == variable2.nameToken.str[:31] and variable1.Id != variable2.Id): if int(variable1.nameToken.linenr) > int(variable2.nameToken.linenr): reportError(variable1.nameToken, 5, 1) else: reportError(variable2.nameToken, 5, 1) def misra_5_2(data): scopeVars = {} for var in data.variables: if var.nameToken.scope not in scopeVars: scopeVars.setdefault(var.nameToken.scope, {})["varlist"] = [] scopeVars.setdefault(var.nameToken.scope, {})["scopelist"] = [] scopeVars[var.nameToken.scope]["varlist"].append(var) for scope in data.scopes: if scope.nestedIn and scope.className: if scope.nestedIn not in scopeVars: scopeVars.setdefault(scope.nestedIn, {})["varlist"] = [] scopeVars.setdefault(scope.nestedIn, {})["scopelist"] = [] scopeVars[scope.nestedIn]["scopelist"].append(scope) for scope in scopeVars: if len(scopeVars[scope]["varlist"]) <= 1: continue for i, variable1 in enumerate(scopeVars[scope]["varlist"]): for variable2 in scopeVars[scope]["varlist"][i + 1:]: if variable1.isArgument and variable2.isArgument: continue if variable1.isExtern and variable2.isExtern: continue if (variable1.nameToken.str[:31] == variable2.nameToken.str[:31] and variable1.Id != variable2.Id): if int(variable1.nameToken.linenr) > int(variable2.nameToken.linenr): reportError(variable1.nameToken, 5, 2) else: reportError(variable2.nameToken, 5, 2) for innerscope in scopeVars[scope]["scopelist"]: if (variable1.nameToken.str[:31] == innerscope.className[:31]): if int(variable1.nameToken.linenr) > int(innerscope.bodyStart.linenr): reportError(variable1.nameToken, 5, 2) else: reportError(innerscope.bodyStart, 5, 2) if len(scopeVars[scope]["scopelist"]) <= 1: continue for i, scopename1 in enumerate(scopeVars[scope]["scopelist"]): for scopename2 in scopeVars[scope]["scopelist"][i + 1:]: if (scopename1.className[:31] == scopename2.className[:31]): if int(scopename1.bodyStart.linenr) > int(scopename2.bodyStart.linenr): reportError(scopename1.bodyStart, 5, 2) else: reportError(scopename2.bodyStart, 5, 2) def misra_5_3(data): enum = [] scopeVars = {} for var in data.variables: if var.nameToken.scope not in scopeVars: scopeVars[var.nameToken.scope] = [] scopeVars[var.nameToken.scope].append(var) for innerScope in data.scopes: if innerScope.type == "Enum": enum_token = innerScope.bodyStart.next while enum_token != innerScope.bodyEnd: if enum_token.values and enum_token.isName: enum.append(enum_token.str) enum_token = enum_token.next continue if innerScope not in scopeVars: continue if innerScope.type == "Global": continue for innerVar in scopeVars[innerScope]: outerScope = innerScope.nestedIn while outerScope: if outerScope not in scopeVars: outerScope = outerScope.nestedIn continue for outerVar in scopeVars[outerScope]: if innerVar.nameToken.str[:31] == outerVar.nameToken.str[:31]: if outerVar.isArgument and outerScope.type == "Global" and not innerVar.isArgument: continue if int(innerVar.nameToken.linenr) > int(outerVar.nameToken.linenr): reportError(innerVar.nameToken, 5, 3) else: reportError(outerVar.nameToken, 5, 3) outerScope = outerScope.nestedIn for scope in data.scopes: if (scope.className and innerVar.nameToken.str[:31] == scope.className[:31]): if int(innerVar.nameToken.linenr) > int(scope.bodyStart.linenr): reportError(innerVar.nameToken, 5, 3) else: reportError(scope.bodyStart, 5, 3) for e in enum: if scope.className and innerVar.nameToken.str[:31] == e[:31]: if int(innerVar.nameToken.linenr) > int(innerScope.bodyStart.linenr): reportError(innerVar.nameToken, 5, 3) else: reportError(innerScope.bodyStart, 5, 3) for e in enum: for scope in data.scopes: if (scope.className and scope.className[:31] == e[:31]): reportError(scope.bodyStart, 5, 3) def misra_5_4(data): macro = {} compile_name = re.compile(r'#define ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)') compile_param = re.compile(r'#define ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)[\(]([a-zA-Z0-9_, ]+)[\)]') for dir in data.directives: res1 = compile_name.match(dir.str) if res1: if dir not in macro: macro.setdefault(dir, {})["name"] = [] macro.setdefault(dir, {})["params"] = [] macro[dir]["name"] = res1.group(1) res2 = compile_param.match(dir.str) if res2: res_gp2 = res2.group(2).split(",") res_gp2 = [macroname.replace(" ", "") for macroname in res_gp2] macro[dir]["params"].extend(res_gp2) for mvar in macro: if len(macro[mvar]["params"]) > 0: for i, macroparam1 in enumerate(macro[mvar]["params"]): for j, macroparam2 in enumerate(macro[mvar]["params"]): if j > i and macroparam1[:31] == macroparam2[:31]: reportError(mvar, 5, 4) for x, m_var1 in enumerate(macro): for y, m_var2 in enumerate(macro): if x < y and macro[m_var1]["name"][:31] == macro[m_var2]["name"][:31]: if m_var1.linenr > m_var2.linenr: reportError(m_var1, 5, 4) else: reportError(m_var2, 5, 4) for param in macro[m_var2]["params"]: if macro[m_var1]["name"][:31] == param[:31]: if m_var1.linenr > m_var2.linenr: reportError(m_var1, 5, 4) else: reportError(m_var2, 5, 4) def misra_5_5(data): macroNames = [] compiled = re.compile(r'#define ([A-Za-z0-9_]+)') for dir in data.directives: res = compiled.match(dir.str) if res: macroNames.append(res.group(1)) for var in data.variables: for macro in macroNames: if var.nameToken.str[:31] == macro[:31]: reportError(var.nameToken, 5, 5) for scope in data.scopes: for macro in macroNames: if scope.className and scope.className[:31] == macro[:31]: reportError(scope.bodyStart, 5, 5) def misra_7_1(rawTokens): compiled = re.compile(r'^0[0-7]+$') for tok in rawTokens: if compiled.match(tok.str): reportError(tok, 7, 1) def misra_7_3(rawTokens): compiled = re.compile(r'^[0-9.uU]+l') for tok in rawTokens: if compiled.match(tok.str): reportError(tok, 7, 3) def misra_8_11(data): for var in data.variables: if var.isExtern and simpleMatch(var.nameToken.next, '[ ]') and var.nameToken.scope.type == 'Global': reportError(var.nameToken, 8, 11) def misra_8_12(data): for scope in data.scopes: enum = [] implicit_enum = [] if scope.type != 'Enum': continue e_token = scope.bodyStart.next while e_token != scope.bodyEnd: if e_token.values: enum.append(e_token.str) if (e_token.values and e_token.isName and e_token.next.str != "="): for v in e_token.values: implicit_enum.append(v.intvalue) e_token = e_token.next for implicit_enum_value in implicit_enum: if str(implicit_enum_value) in enum: reportError(scope.bodyStart, 8, 12) def misra_8_14(rawTokens): for token in rawTokens: if token.str == 'restrict': reportError(token, 8, 14) def misra_9_5(rawTokens): for token in rawTokens: if simpleMatch(token, '[ ] = { ['): reportError(token, 9, 5) def misra_10_1(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if not token.isOp: continue e1 = getEssentialTypeCategory(token.astOperand1) e2 = getEssentialTypeCategory(token.astOperand2) if not e1 or not e2: continue if token.str in ['<<', '>>']: if e1 != 'unsigned': reportError(token, 10, 1) elif e2 != 'unsigned' and not token.astOperand2.isNumber: reportError(token, 10, 1) def misra_10_4(data): op = {'+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '&', '|', '^', '+=', '-=', '?', ':'} for token in data.tokenlist: if token.str not in op and not token.isComparisonOp: continue if not token.astOperand1 or not token.astOperand2: continue if not token.astOperand1.valueType or not token.astOperand2.valueType: continue if ((token.astOperand1.str in op or token.astOperand1.isComparisonOp) and (token.astOperand2.str in op or token.astOperand1.isComparisonOp)): e1, e2 = getEssentialCategorylist(token.astOperand1.astOperand2, token.astOperand2.astOperand1) elif token.astOperand1.str in op or token.astOperand1.isComparisonOp: e1, e2 = getEssentialCategorylist(token.astOperand1.astOperand2, token.astOperand2) elif token.astOperand2.str in op or token.astOperand2.isComparisonOp: e1, e2 = getEssentialCategorylist(token.astOperand1, token.astOperand2.astOperand1) else: e1, e2 = getEssentialCategorylist(token.astOperand1, token.astOperand2) if token.str == "+=" or token.str == "+": if e1 == "char" and (e2 == "signed" or e2 == "unsigned"): continue if e2 == "char" and (e1 == "signed" or e1 == "unsigned"): continue if token.str == "-=" or token.str == "-": if e1 == "char" and (e2 == "signed" or e2 == "unsigned"): continue if e1 and e2 and (e1.find('Anonymous') != -1 and (e2 == "signed" or e2 == "unsigned")): continue if e1 and e2 and (e2.find('Anonymous') != -1 and (e1 == "signed" or e1 == "unsigned")): continue if e1 and e2 and e1 != e2: reportError(token, 10, 4) def misra_10_6(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if token.str != '=' or not token.astOperand1 or not token.astOperand2: continue vt1 = token.astOperand1.valueType vt2 = token.astOperand2.valueType if not vt1 or vt1.pointer > 0: continue if not vt2 or vt2.pointer > 0: continue try: intTypes = ['char', 'short', 'int', 'long', 'long long'] index1 = intTypes.index(vt1.type) e = getEssentialType(token.astOperand2) if not e: continue index2 = intTypes.index(e) if index1 > index2: reportError(token, 10, 6) except ValueError: pass def misra_10_8(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if not isCast(token): continue if not token.valueType or token.valueType.pointer > 0: continue if not token.astOperand1.valueType or token.astOperand1.valueType.pointer > 0: continue if not token.astOperand1.astOperand1: continue try: intTypes = ['char', 'short', 'int', 'long', 'long long'] index1 = intTypes.index(token.valueType.type) e = getEssentialType(token.astOperand1) if not e: continue index2 = intTypes.index(e) if index1 > index2: reportError(token, 10, 8) except ValueError: pass def misra_11_3(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if not isCast(token): continue vt1 = token.valueType vt2 = token.astOperand1.valueType if not vt1 or not vt2: continue if vt1.type == 'void' or vt2.type == 'void': continue if (vt1.pointer > 0 and vt1.type == 'record' and vt2.pointer > 0 and vt2.type == 'record' and vt1.typeScopeId != vt2.typeScopeId): reportError(token, 11, 3) elif (vt1.pointer == vt2.pointer and vt1.pointer > 0 and vt1.type != vt2.type and vt1.type != 'char'): reportError(token, 11, 3) def misra_11_4(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if not isCast(token): continue vt1 = token.valueType vt2 = token.astOperand1.valueType if not vt1 or not vt2: continue if vt2.pointer > 0 and vt1.pointer == 0 and (vt1.isIntegral() or vt1.isEnum()) and vt2.type != 'void': reportError(token, 11, 4) elif vt1.pointer > 0 and vt2.pointer == 0 and (vt2.isIntegral() or vt2.isEnum())and vt1.type != 'void': reportError(token, 11, 4) def misra_11_5(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if not isCast(token): if token.astOperand1 and token.astOperand2 and token.str == "=" and token.next.str != "(": vt1 = token.astOperand1.valueType vt2 = token.astOperand2.valueType if not vt1 or not vt2: continue if vt1.pointer > 0 and vt1.type != 'void' and vt2.pointer == vt1.pointer and vt2.type == 'void': reportError(token, 11, 5) continue if token.astOperand1.astOperand1 and token.astOperand1.astOperand1.str in {'malloc', 'calloc', 'realloc', 'free'}: continue vt1 = token.valueType vt2 = token.astOperand1.valueType if not vt1 or not vt2: continue if vt1.pointer > 0 and vt1.type != 'void' and vt2.pointer == vt1.pointer and vt2.type == 'void': reportError(token, 11, 5) def misra_11_6(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if not isCast(token): continue if token.astOperand1.astOperand1: continue vt1 = token.valueType vt2 = token.astOperand1.valueType if not vt1 or not vt2: continue if vt1.pointer == 1 and vt1.type == 'void' and vt2.pointer == 0 and token.astOperand1.str != "0": reportError(token, 11, 6) elif vt1.pointer == 0 and vt2.pointer == 1 and vt2.type == 'void': reportError(token, 11, 6) def misra_11_7(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if not isCast(token): continue vt1 = token.valueType vt2 = token.astOperand1.valueType if not vt1 or not vt2: continue if token.astOperand1.astOperand1: continue if (vt2.pointer > 0 and vt1.pointer == 0 and not vt1.isIntegral() and not vt1.isEnum() and vt2.type != 'void'): reportError(token, 11, 7) elif (vt1.pointer > 0 and vt2.pointer == 0 and not vt2.isIntegral() and not vt2.isEnum() and vt1.type != 'void'): reportError(token, 11, 7) def misra_11_8(data): # TODO: reuse code in CERT-EXP05 for token in data.tokenlist: if isCast(token): # C-style cast if not token.valueType: continue if not token.astOperand1.valueType: continue if token.valueType.pointer == 0: continue if token.astOperand1.valueType.pointer == 0: continue const1 = token.valueType.constness const2 = token.astOperand1.valueType.constness if (const1 % 2) < (const2 % 2): reportError(token, 11, 8) elif token.str == '(' and token.astOperand1 and token.astOperand2 and token.astOperand1.function: # Function call function = token.astOperand1.function arguments = getArguments(token) for argnr, argvar in function.argument.items(): if argnr < 1 or argnr > len(arguments): continue if not argvar.isPointer: continue argtok = arguments[argnr - 1] if not argtok.valueType: continue if argtok.valueType.pointer == 0: continue const1 = argvar.isConst const2 = arguments[argnr - 1].valueType.constness if (const1 % 2) < (const2 % 2): reportError(token, 11, 8) def misra_11_9(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if token.astOperand1 and token.astOperand2 and token.str in ["=", "==", "!=", "?", ":"]: vt1 = token.astOperand1.valueType vt2 = token.astOperand2.valueType if not vt1 or not vt2: continue if vt1.pointer > 0 and vt2.pointer == 0 and token.astOperand2.str == "NULL": continue if (token.astOperand2.values and vt1.pointer > 0 and vt2.pointer == 0 and token.astOperand2.values): for val in token.astOperand2.values: if val.intvalue == 0: reportError(token, 11, 9) def misra_12_1_sizeof(rawTokens): state = 0 compiled = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z_]') for tok in rawTokens: if tok.str.startswith('//') or tok.str.startswith('/*'): continue if tok.str == 'sizeof': state = 1 elif state == 1: if compiled.match(tok.str): state = 2 else: state = 0 elif state == 2: if tok.str in {'+', '-', '*', '/', '%'}: reportError(tok, 12, 1) else: state = 0 def misra_12_1(data): for token in data.tokenlist: p = getPrecedence(token) if p < 2 or p > 12: continue p1 = getPrecedence(token.astOperand1) if p < p1 <= 12 and numberOfParentheses(token.astOperand1, token): reportError(token, 12, 1) continue p2 = getPrecedence(token.astOperand2) if p < p2 <= 12 and numberOfParentheses(token, token.astOperand2): reportError(token, 12, 1) continue def misra_12_2(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if not (token.str in {'<<', '>>'}): continue if (not token.astOperand2) or (not token.astOperand2.values): continue maxval = 0 for val in token.astOperand2.values: if val.intvalue and val.intvalue > maxval: maxval = val.intvalue if maxval == 0: continue sz = bitsOfEssentialType(token.astOperand1) if sz <= 0: continue if maxval >= sz: reportError(token, 12, 2) def misra_12_3(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if token.str != ',' or token.scope.type == 'Enum' or \ token.scope.type == 'Class' or token.scope.type == 'Global': continue if token.astParent and token.astParent.str in ['(', ',', '{']: continue reportError(token, 12, 3) def misra_12_4(data): if typeBits['INT'] == 16: max_uint = 0xffff elif typeBits['INT'] == 32: max_uint = 0xffffffff else: return for token in data.tokenlist: if (not isConstantExpression(token)) or (not isUnsignedInt(token)): continue if not token.values: continue for value in token.values: if value.intvalue < 0 or value.intvalue > max_uint: reportError(token, 12, 4) break def misra_13_1(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if not simpleMatch(token, '= {'): continue init = token.next if hasSideEffectsRecursive(init): reportError(init, 13, 1) def misra_13_3(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if token.str not in {'++', '--'}: continue astTop = token while astTop.astParent and astTop.astParent.str not in {',', ';'}: astTop = astTop.astParent if countSideEffects(astTop) >= 2: reportError(astTop, 13, 3) def misra_13_4(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if token.str != '=': continue if not token.astParent: continue if token.astOperand1.str == '[' and token.astOperand1.previous.str in {'{', ','}: continue if not (token.astParent.str in [',', ';']): reportError(token, 13, 4) def misra_13_5(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if token.isLogicalOp and hasSideEffectsRecursive(token.astOperand2): reportError(token, 13, 5) def misra_13_6(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if token.str == 'sizeof' and hasSideEffectsRecursive(token.next): reportError(token, 13, 6) def misra_14_1(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if token.str != 'for': continue exprs = getForLoopExpressions(token) if exprs and hasFloatComparison(exprs[1]): reportError(token, 14, 1) def misra_14_2(data): for token in data.tokenlist: expressions = getForLoopExpressions(token) if not expressions: continue if expressions[0] and not expressions[0].isAssignmentOp: reportError(token, 14, 2) elif hasSideEffectsRecursive(expressions[1]): reportError(token, 14, 2) def misra_14_4(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if token.str != '(': continue if not token.astOperand1 or not (token.astOperand1.str in ['if', 'while']): continue if not isBoolExpression(token.astOperand2): reportError(token, 14, 4) def misra_15_1(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if token.str == "goto": reportError(token, 15, 1) def misra_15_2(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if token.str != 'goto': continue if (not token.next) or (not token.next.isName): continue if not findGotoLabel(token): reportError(token, 15, 2) def misra_15_3(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if token.str != 'goto': continue if (not token.next) or (not token.next.isName): continue tok = findGotoLabel(token) if not tok: continue scope = token.scope while scope and scope != tok.scope: scope = scope.nestedIn if not scope: reportError(token, 15, 3) def misra_15_5(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if token.str == 'return' and token.scope.type != 'Function': reportError(token, 15, 5) def misra_15_6(rawTokens): state = 0 indent = 0 tok1 = None for token in rawTokens: if token.str in ['if', 'for', 'while']: if simpleMatch(token.previous, '# if'): continue if simpleMatch(token.previous, "} while"): # is there a 'do { .. } while'? start = rawlink(token.previous) if start and simpleMatch(start.previous, 'do {'): continue if state == 2: reportError(tok1, 15, 6) state = 1 indent = 0 tok1 = token elif token.str == 'else': if simpleMatch(token.previous, '# else'): continue if simpleMatch(token, 'else if'): continue if state == 2: reportError(tok1, 15, 6) state = 2 indent = 0 tok1 = token elif state == 1: if indent == 0 and token.str != '(': state = 0 continue if token.str == '(': indent = indent + 1 elif token.str == ')': if indent == 0: state = 0 elif indent == 1: state = 2 indent = indent - 1 elif state == 2: if token.str.startswith('//') or token.str.startswith('/*'): continue state = 0 if token.str != '{': reportError(tok1, 15, 6) def misra_15_7(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if not simpleMatch(token, '}'): continue if not token.scope.type == 'If': continue if not token.scope.nestedIn.type == 'Else': continue if not token.next.str == 'else': reportError(token, 15, 7) # TODO add 16.1 rule def misra_16_2(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if token.str == 'case' and token.scope.type != 'Switch': reportError(token, 16, 2) def misra_16_3(rawTokens): STATE_NONE = 0 # default state, not in switch case/default block STATE_BREAK = 1 # break/comment is seen but not its ';' STATE_OK = 2 # a case/default is allowed (we have seen 'break;'/'comment'/'{'/attribute) state = STATE_NONE for token in rawTokens: if token.str == 'break' or token.str == 'return' or token.str == 'throw': state = STATE_BREAK elif token.str == ';': if state == STATE_BREAK: state = STATE_OK else: state = STATE_NONE elif token.str.startswith('/*') or token.str.startswith('//'): if 'fallthrough' in token.str.lower(): state = STATE_OK elif simpleMatch(token, '[ [ fallthrough ] ] ;'): state = STATE_BREAK elif token.str == '{': state = STATE_OK elif token.str == '}' and state == STATE_OK: # is this {} an unconditional block of code? link = findRawLink(token) if (link is None) or (link.previous is None) or (link.previous.str not in ':;{}'): state = STATE_NONE elif token.str == 'case' or token.str == 'default': if state != STATE_OK: reportError(token, 16, 3) state = STATE_OK def misra_16_4(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if token.str != 'switch': continue if not simpleMatch(token, 'switch ('): continue if not simpleMatch(token.next.link, ') {'): continue startTok = token.next.link.next tok = startTok.next while tok and tok.str != '}': if tok.str == '{': tok = tok.link elif tok.str == 'default': break tok = tok.next if tok and tok.str != 'default': reportError(token, 16, 4) def misra_16_5(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if token.str != 'default': continue if token.previous and token.previous.str == '{': continue tok2 = token while tok2: if tok2.str in {'}', 'case'}: break if tok2.str == '{': tok2 = tok2.link tok2 = tok2.next if tok2 and tok2.str == 'case': reportError(token, 16, 5) def misra_16_6(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if not (simpleMatch(token, 'switch (') and simpleMatch(token.next.link, ') {')): continue tok = token.next.link.next.next count = 0 while tok: if tok.str in ['break', 'return', 'throw']: count = count + 1 elif tok.str == '{': tok = tok.link if isNoReturnScope(tok): count = count + 1 elif tok.str == '}': break tok = tok.next if count < 2: reportError(token, 16, 6) def misra_16_7(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if simpleMatch(token, 'switch (') and isBoolExpression(token.next.astOperand2): reportError(token, 16, 7) def misra_17_1(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if isFunctionCall(token) and token.astOperand1.str in {'va_list', 'va_arg', 'va_start', 'va_end', 'va_copy'}: reportError(token, 17, 1) elif token.str == 'va_list': reportError(token, 17, 1) def misra_17_6(rawTokens): for token in rawTokens: if simpleMatch(token, '[ static'): reportError(token, 17, 6) def misra_17_8(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if not (token.isAssignmentOp or (token.str in {'++', '--'})): continue if not token.astOperand1: continue var = token.astOperand1.variable if var and var.isArgument: reportError(token, 17, 8) def misra_18_5(data): for var in data.variables: if not var.isPointer: continue typetok = var.nameToken count = 0 while typetok: if typetok.str == '*': count = count + 1 elif not typetok.isName: break typetok = typetok.previous if count > 2: reportError(var.nameToken, 18, 5) def misra_18_8(data): for var in data.variables: if not var.isArray or not var.isLocal: continue # TODO Array dimensions are not available in dump, must look in tokens typetok = var.nameToken.next if not typetok or typetok.str != '[': continue if not isConstantExpression(typetok.astOperand2): reportError(var.nameToken, 18, 8) def misra_19_2(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if token.str == 'union': reportError(token, 19, 2) def misra_20_1(data): for directive in data.directives: if not directive.str.startswith('#include'): continue for token in data.tokenlist: if token.file != directive.file: continue if int(token.linenr) < int(directive.linenr): reportError(directive, 20, 1) break def misra_20_2(data): for directive in data.directives: if not directive.str.startswith('#include '): continue for pattern in {'\\', '//', '/*', "'"}: if pattern in directive.str: reportError(directive, 20, 2) break def misra_20_3(rawTokens): linenr = -1 for token in rawTokens: if token.str.startswith('/') or token.linenr == linenr: continue linenr = token.linenr if not simpleMatch(token, '# include'): continue headerToken = token.next.next if not headerToken or not (headerToken.str.startswith('<') or headerToken.str.startswith('"')): reportError(token, 20, 3) def misra_20_4(data): for directive in data.directives: res = re.search(r'#define ([a-z][a-z0-9_]+)', directive.str) if res and (res.group(1) in KEYWORDS): reportError(directive, 20, 4) def misra_20_5(data): for directive in data.directives: if directive.str.startswith('#undef '): reportError(directive, 20, 5) def misra_20_13(data): for directive in data.directives: dir = directive.str if dir.find(' ') > 0: dir = dir[:dir.find(' ')] if dir.find('(') > 0: dir = dir[:dir.find('(')] if dir not in ['#define', '#elif', '#else', '#endif', '#error', '#if', '#ifdef', '#ifndef', '#include', '#pragma', '#undef', '#warning']: reportError(directive, 20, 13) def misra_20_14(data): # stack for #if blocks. contains the #if directive until the corresponding #endif is seen. # the size increases when there are inner #if directives. ifStack = [] for directive in data.directives: if directive.str.startswith('#if ') or directive.str.startswith('#ifdef ') or directive.str.startswith('#ifndef '): ifStack.append(directive) elif directive.str == '#else' or directive.str.startswith('#elif '): if len(ifStack) == 0: reportError(directive, 20, 14) ifStack.append(directive) elif directive.file != ifStack[-1].file: reportError(directive, 20, 14) elif directive.str == '#endif': if len(ifStack) == 0: reportError(directive, 20, 14) elif directive.file != ifStack[-1].file: reportError(directive, 20, 14) ifStack.pop() def misra_21_3(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if isFunctionCall(token) and (token.astOperand1.str in {'malloc', 'calloc', 'realloc', 'free'}): reportError(token, 21, 3) def misra_21_4(data): directive = findInclude(data.directives, '') if directive: reportError(directive, 21, 4) def misra_21_5(data): directive = findInclude(data.directives, '') if directive: reportError(directive, 21, 5) def misra_21_6(data): dir_stdio = findInclude(data.directives, '') dir_wchar = findInclude(data.directives, '') if dir_stdio: reportError(dir_stdio, 21, 6) if dir_wchar: reportError(dir_wchar, 21, 6) def misra_21_7(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if isFunctionCall(token) and (token.astOperand1.str in {'atof', 'atoi', 'atol', 'atoll'}): reportError(token, 21, 7) def misra_21_8(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if isFunctionCall(token) and (token.astOperand1.str in {'abort', 'exit', 'getenv', 'system'}): reportError(token, 21, 8) def misra_21_9(data): for token in data.tokenlist: if (token.str in {'bsearch', 'qsort'}) and token.next and token.next.str == '(': reportError(token, 21, 9) def misra_21_10(data): directive = findInclude(data.directives, '') if directive: reportError(directive, 21, 10) for token in data.tokenlist: if (token.str == 'wcsftime') and token.next and token.next.str == '(': reportError(token, 21, 10) def misra_21_11(data): directive = findInclude(data.directives, '') if directive: reportError(directive, 21, 11) def setSuppressionList(suppressionlist): num1 = 0 num2 = 0 global suppressRules rule_pattern = re.compile(r'([0-9]+).([0-9]+)') strlist = suppressionlist.split(",") # build ignore list suppressRules = {} for item in strlist: res = rule_pattern.match(item) if res: num1 = int(res.group(1)) num2 = int(res.group(2)) if num1 in suppressRules: suppressRules[num1][num2] = True else: suppressRules[num1] = {num2: True} def loadRuleTexts(filename): num1 = 0 num2 = 0 appendixA = False ruleText = False global ruleTexts Rule_pattern = re.compile(r'^Rule ([0-9]+).([0-9]+)') Choice_pattern = re.compile(r'^[ ]*(Advisory|Required|Mandatory)$') xA_Z_pattern = re.compile(r'^[#A-Z].*') a_z_pattern = re.compile(r'^[a-z].*') for line in open(filename, 'rt'): line = line.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '') if len(line) == 0: if ruleText: num1 = 0 num2 = 0 ruleText = False continue if not appendixA: if line.find('Appendix A') >= 0 and line.find('Summary of guidelines') >= 10: appendixA = True continue if line.find('Appendix B') >= 0: break res = Rule_pattern.match(line) if res: num1 = int(res.group(1)) num2 = int(res.group(2)) ruleText = False continue if Choice_pattern.match(line): ruleText = False elif xA_Z_pattern.match(line): if ruleText: num2 = num2 + 1 num = num1 * 100 + num2 ruleTexts[num] = line ruleText = True elif ruleText and a_z_pattern.match(line): num = num1 * 100 + num2 ruleTexts[num] = ruleTexts[num] + ' ' + line continue def generateTable(): numberOfRules = {} numberOfRules[1] = 3 numberOfRules[2] = 7 numberOfRules[3] = 2 numberOfRules[4] = 2 numberOfRules[5] = 9 numberOfRules[6] = 2 numberOfRules[7] = 4 numberOfRules[8] = 14 numberOfRules[9] = 5 numberOfRules[10] = 8 numberOfRules[11] = 9 numberOfRules[12] = 4 numberOfRules[13] = 6 numberOfRules[14] = 4 numberOfRules[15] = 7 numberOfRules[16] = 7 numberOfRules[17] = 8 numberOfRules[18] = 8 numberOfRules[19] = 2 numberOfRules[20] = 14 numberOfRules[21] = 12 numberOfRules[22] = 6 # what rules are handled by this addon? addon = [] compiled = re.compile(r'[ ]+misra_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)[(].*') for line in open('__file__'): res = compiled.match(line) if res is None: continue addon.append(res.group(1) + '.' + res.group(2)) # rules handled by cppcheck cppcheck = ['1.3', '2.1', '2.2', '2.4', '2.6', '8.3', '12.2', '13.2', '13.6', '17.5', '18.1', '18.6', '20.6', '22.1', '22.2', '22.4', '22.6'] # rules that can be checked with compilers # compiler = ['1.1', '1.2'] # print table for i1 in range(1, 23): for i2 in range(1, numberOfRules[i1] + 1): num = str(i1) + '.' + str(i2) s = '' if num in addon: s = 'X (Addon)' elif num in cppcheck: s = 'X (Cppcheck)' num = num + ' ' print(num[:8] + s) sys.exit(1) def parseDump(dumpfile): data = cppcheckdata.parsedump(dumpfile) typeBits['CHAR'] = data.platform.char_bit typeBits['SHORT'] = data.platform.short_bit typeBits['INT'] = data.platform.int_bit typeBits['LONG'] = data.platform.long_bit typeBits['LONG_LONG'] = data.platform.long_long_bit typeBits['POINTER'] = data.platform.pointer_bit if VERIFY: for tok in data.rawTokens: if tok.str.startswith('//') and 'TODO' not in tok.str: compiled = re.compile(r'[0-9]+\.[0-9]+') for word in tok.str[2:].split(' '): if compiled.match(word): VERIFY_EXPECTED.append(str(tok.linenr) + ':' + word) else: printStatus('Checking ' + dumpfile + '...') cfgNumber = 0 for cfg in data.configurations: cfgNumber = cfgNumber + 1 if len(data.configurations) > 1: printStatus('Checking ' + dumpfile + ', config "' + cfg.name + '"...') if cfgNumber == 1: misra_3_1(data.rawTokens) misra_4_1(data.rawTokens) misra_5_1(cfg) misra_5_2(cfg) misra_5_3(cfg) misra_5_4(cfg) misra_5_5(cfg) # 6.1 require updates in Cppcheck (type info for bitfields are lost) # 6.2 require updates in Cppcheck (type info for bitfields are lost) if cfgNumber == 1: misra_7_1(data.rawTokens) misra_7_3(data.rawTokens) misra_8_11(cfg) misra_8_12(cfg) if cfgNumber == 1: misra_8_14(data.rawTokens) misra_9_5(data.rawTokens) misra_10_1(cfg) misra_10_4(cfg) misra_10_6(cfg) misra_10_8(cfg) misra_11_3(cfg) misra_11_4(cfg) misra_11_5(cfg) misra_11_6(cfg) misra_11_7(cfg) misra_11_8(cfg) misra_11_9(cfg) if cfgNumber == 1: misra_12_1_sizeof(data.rawTokens) misra_12_1(cfg) misra_12_2(cfg) misra_12_3(cfg) misra_12_4(cfg) misra_13_1(cfg) misra_13_3(cfg) misra_13_4(cfg) misra_13_5(cfg) misra_13_6(cfg) misra_14_1(cfg) misra_14_2(cfg) misra_14_4(cfg) misra_15_1(cfg) misra_15_2(cfg) misra_15_3(cfg) misra_15_5(cfg) if cfgNumber == 1: misra_15_6(data.rawTokens) misra_15_7(cfg) misra_16_2(cfg) if cfgNumber == 1: misra_16_3(data.rawTokens) misra_16_4(cfg) misra_16_5(cfg) misra_16_6(cfg) misra_16_7(cfg) misra_17_1(cfg) if cfgNumber == 1: misra_17_6(data.rawTokens) misra_17_8(cfg) misra_18_5(cfg) misra_18_8(cfg) misra_19_2(cfg) misra_20_1(cfg) misra_20_2(cfg) if cfgNumber == 1: misra_20_3(data.rawTokens) misra_20_4(cfg) misra_20_5(cfg) misra_20_13(cfg) misra_20_14(cfg) misra_21_3(cfg) misra_21_4(cfg) misra_21_5(cfg) misra_21_6(cfg) misra_21_7(cfg) misra_21_8(cfg) misra_21_9(cfg) misra_21_10(cfg) misra_21_11(cfg) # 22.4 is already covered by Cppcheck writeReadOnlyFile exitCode = 0 if VERIFY: for expected in VERIFY_EXPECTED: if expected not in VERIFY_ACTUAL: print('Expected but not seen: ' + expected) exitCode = 1 for actual in VERIFY_ACTUAL: if actual not in VERIFY_EXPECTED: print('Not expected: ' + actual) exitCode = 1 else: if len(VIOLATIONS) > 0: if SHOW_SUMMARY: print("\nRule violations found: %d\n" % (len(VIOLATIONS))) exitCode = 1 sys.exit(exitCode) RULE_TEXTS_HELP = '''Path to text file of MISRA rules If you have the tool 'pdftotext' you might be able to generate this textfile with such command: pdftotext MISRA_C_2012.pdf MISRA_C_2012.txt Otherwise you can more or less copy/paste the chapter Appendix A Summary of guidelines from the MISRA pdf. You can buy the MISRA pdf from http://www.misra.org.uk/ Format: <..arbitrary text..> Appendix A Summary of guidelines Rule 1.1 Rule text for 1.1 Rule 1.2 Rule text for 1.2 <...> ''' SUPPRESS_RULES_HELP = '''MISRA rules to suppress (comma-separated) For example, if you'd like to suppress rules 15.1, 11.3, and 20.13, run: python misra.py --suppress-rules 15.1,11.3,20.13 ... ''' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("--rule-texts", type=str, help=RULE_TEXTS_HELP) parser.add_argument("--suppress-rules", type=str, help=SUPPRESS_RULES_HELP) parser.add_argument("--quiet", help="Only print something when there is an error", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--no-summary", help="Hide summary of violations", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-verify", help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-generate-table", help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action="store_true") parser.add_argument("file", help="Path of dump file from cppcheck") args = parser.parse_args() if args.generate_table: generateTable() else: if args.verify: VERIFY = True if args.rule_texts: filename = os.path.normpath(args.rule_texts) if not os.path.isfile(filename): print('Fatal error: file is not found: ' + filename) sys.exit(1) loadRuleTexts(filename) if args.suppress_rules: setSuppressionList(args.suppress_rules) if args.quiet: QUIET = True if args.no_summary: SHOW_SUMMARY = False if args.file: parseDump(args.file)