Cppcheck 1.46
Cppcheck is an analysis tool for C/C++ code. Unlike C/C++ compilers
and many other analysis tools, it doesn't detect syntax errors. Cppcheck
only detects the types of bugs that the compilers normally fail to detect.
The goal is no false positives.
Supported code and platforms:
You can check non-standard code that includes various compiler
extensions, inline assembly code, etc.
Cppcheck should be compilable by any C++ compiler that handles
the latest C++ standard.
Cppcheck should work on any platform that has sufficient cpu and
Please understand that there are limits of Cppcheck. Cppcheck is
rarely wrong about reported errors. But there are many bugs that it
doesn't detect.
You will find more bugs in your software by testing your software
carefully, than by using Cppcheck. You will find more bugs in your
software by instrumenting your software, than by using Cppcheck. But
Cppcheck can still detect some of the bugs that you miss when testing and
instrumenting your software.
Getting started
First test
Here is a simple code
int main()
char a[10];
a[10] = 0;
return 0;
If you save that into file1.c and
cppcheck file1.c
The output from cppcheck will then be:
Checking file1.c...
[file1.c:4]: (error) Array 'a[10]' index 10 out of bounds
Checking all files in a folder
Normally a program has many sourcefiles. And you want to check
them all. Cppcheck can check all sourcefiles in a directory:
cppcheck path
If "path" is a folder then cppcheck will check all sourcefiles in
this folder.
Checking path/file1.cpp...
1/2 files checked 50% done
Checking path/file2.cpp...
2/2 files checked 100% done
Excluding a file or folder from checking
There is no command to exclude a file or folder from checking. But
you can exclude a file or folder by being more careful when including
files and folders in the checking.
Imagine for example that the folder "src" contain the folders "a",
"b" and "c". To exclude "c" this command can be used:
cppcheck src/a src/b
All files under "src/a" and "src/b" are then checked.
The flag --file-list might also be
The possible severities for messages are:
used when bugs are found
suggestions about defensive programming to prevent
stylistic issues related to code cleanup (unused functions,
redundant code, constness, and such)
suggestions for making the code faster
The performance messages are based on 'common knowledge'. It is
not certain that fixing performance messages will make any measurable
difference in speed. Fixing performance messages generally doesn't make
your code more readable.
Enable messages
By default only error messages are shown.
Through the --enable command more checks can be
Stylistic issues
With --enable=style you enable most
warning, style and
performance messages.
Here is a simple code example:
void f(int x)
int i;
if (x == 0)
i = 0;
There are no bugs in that code so Cppcheck won't report anything
by default. To enable the stylistic messages, use the --enable=style
cppcheck --enable=style file3.c
The output from Cppcheck is now:
Checking file3.c...
[file3.c:3]: (style) Variable 'i' is assigned a value that is never used
[file3.c:3]: (style) The scope of the variable i can be reduced
Unused functions
This check will try to find unused functions. It is best to use
this when the whole program is checked, so that all usages is seen by
cppcheck --enable=unusedFunction path
Enable all checks
To enable all checks your can use the
--enable=all flag:
cppcheck --enable=all path
Saving results in file
Many times you will want to save the results in a file. You can
use the normal shell redirection for piping error output to a
cppcheck file1.c 2> err.txt
Multithreaded checking
To use 4 threads to check the files in a folder:
cppcheck -j 4 path
Preprocessor configurations
By default Cppcheck will check all preprocessor configurations
(except those that has #error in them). This is the recommended
But if you want to manually limit the checking you can do so with
Beware that only the macros, which are given here and the macros
defined in source files and known header files are considered. That
excludes all the macros defined in some system header files, which are by
default not examined by cppcheck.
The usage: if you, for example, want to limit the checking so the
only configuration to check should be "DEBUG=1;__cplusplus" then something
like this can be used:
cppcheck -DDEBUG=1 -D__cplusplus path
XML output
Cppcheck can generate the output in XML format.
Use the --xml flag when you execute cppcheck:
cppcheck --xml file1.cpp
The xml format is:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<error file="file1.cpp" line="123" id="someError"
severity="error" msg="some error text"/>
filename. Both relative and absolute paths are possible
a number
id of error. These are always valid symbolnames.
either error or style.
warning and performance are
saved as style.
the error message
Reformatting the output
If you want to reformat the output so it looks different you can use
To get Visual Studio compatible output you can use "--template
cppcheck --template vs gui/test.cpp
This output will look like this:
Checking gui/test.cpp...
gui/test.cpp(31): error: Memory leak: b
gui/test.cpp(16): error: Mismatching allocation and deallocation: k
To get gcc compatible output you can use "--template gcc":
cppcheck --template gcc gui/test.cpp
The output will look like this:
Checking gui/test.cpp...
gui/test.cpp:31: error: Memory leak: b
gui/test.cpp:16: error: Mismatching allocation and deallocation: k
You can write your own pattern (for example a comma-separated
cppcheck --template "{file},{line},{severity},{id},{message}" gui/test.cpp
The output will look like this:
Checking gui/test.cpp...
gui/test.cpp,31,error,memleak,Memory leak: b
gui/test.cpp,16,error,mismatchAllocDealloc,Mismatching allocation and deallocation: k
If you want to filter out certain errors you can suppress these.
First you need to create a suppressions file. The format is:
[error id]:[filename]:[line]
[error id]:[filename2]
[error id]
The error id is the id that you want to suppress.
The easiest way to get it is to use the --xml command
line flag. Copy and paste the id string from the xml
Here is an example:
You can then use the suppressions file:
cppcheck --suppressions suppressions.txt src/
Looking for memory leaks and resource leaks is a key feature of
Cppcheck. Cppcheck can detect many common mistakes by default. But through
some tweaking you can improve the checking.
Userdefined allocation/deallocation functions
Cppcheck understands many common allocation and
deallocation functions. But not all.
Here is example code that might leak memory or resources:
void foo(int x)
void *f = CreateFred();
if (x == 1)
If you analyse that with Cppcheck it won't find any leaks:
cppcheck --enable=possibleError fred1.cpp
You can add some custom leaks checking by providing simple
implementations for the allocation and deallocation functions. Write
this in a separate file:
void *CreateFred()
return malloc(100);
void DestroyFred(void *p)
When Cppcheck see this it understands that CreateFred will return
allocated memory and that DestroyFred will deallocate memory.
Now, execute Cppcheck this way:
cppcheck --append=fred.cpp fred1.cpp
The output from cppcheck is:
Checking fred1.cpp...
[fred1.cpp:5]: (error) Memory leak: f
Exception safety
Cppcheck has a few checks that ensure that you don't break the basic
guarantee of exception safety. It doesn't have any checks for the strong
guarantee yet.
Fred::Fred() : a(new int[20]), b(new int[20])
By default cppcheck will not detect any problems in that
To enable the exception safety checking you can use
cppcheck --enable=exceptNew --enable=exceptRealloc fred.cpp
The output will be:
[fred.cpp:3]: (style) Upon exception there is memory leak: a
If an exception occurs when b is allocated,
a will leak.
Here is another example:
int *p;
int a(int sz)
delete [] p;
if (sz <= 0)
throw std::runtime_error("size <= 0");
p = new int[sz];
Check that with Cppcheck:
cppcheck --enable=exceptNew --enable=exceptRealloc except2.cpp
The output from Cppcheck is:
[except2.cpp:7]: (error) Throwing exception in invalid state, p points at deallocated memory
Html report
You can convert the xml output from cppcheck into a html report.
You'll need python and the pygments module
(http://pygments.org/) for this to work. In the Cppcheck source
tree there is a folder "htmlreport" that contains a script that transforms
a Cppcheck xml file into html output.
This command generates the help screen:
htmlreport/cppcheck-htmlreport -h
The output screen says:
Usage: cppcheck-htmlreport [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--file=FILE The cppcheck xml output file to read defects from.
Default is reading from stdin.
The directory where the html report content is written.
Base directory where source code files can be found.
An example usage:
./cppcheck gui/test.cpp --xml 2> err.xml
htmlreport/cppcheck-htmlreport --file=err.xml --report-dir=test1 --source-dir=.
Graphical user interface
A Cppcheck GUI is available.
The main screen is shown immediately when the GUI is
Check source code
Use the Check menu.
Inspecting results
The results are shown in a list.
You can show/hide certain types of messages through the
View menu.
Results can be saved to an xml file that can later be opened. See
Save results to file and Open
The language can be changed at any time by using the
Language menu.
More settings are available in
Project files
The project files are used to store project specific settings.
These settings are:
include folders
preprocessor defines
It isn't recommended to provide the paths to the standard C/C++
headers - Cppcheck has internal knowledge about ANSI C/C++ and it isn't
recommended that this known functionality is redefined. But feel free to
try it.
As you can read in chapter 3 in this manual the default is that
Cppcheck checks all configurations. So only provide preprocessor defines
if you want to limit the checking.