About About Cppcheck A propos Version %1 Version %1 Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis. Cppcheck - Un outil d'analyse statique de code C/C++. This program is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 Ce programme est sous license GNU General Public License version 3 Visit Cppcheck homepage at %1 Visitez le site Cppcheck : %1 Copyright © 2007-2015 Daniel Marjamäki and cppcheck team. ApplicationDialog Add an application Ajouter une application Browse Parcourir Executable files (*.exe);;All files(*.*) Fichier exécutable (*.exe);;Tous les fichiers(*.*) Select viewer application Sélection de l'application Cppcheck &Executable: &Parameters: Here you can add an application that can open error files. Specify a name for the application, the application executable and command line parameters for the application. The following texts in parameters are replaced with appropriate values when application is executed: (file) - Filename containing the error (line) - Line number containing the error (message) - Error message (severity) - Error severity Example opening a file with Kate and make Kate scroll to the correct line: Executable: kate Parameters: -l(line) (file) &Name: You must specify a name, a path and optionally parameters for the application! FileViewDialog Could not find the file: %1 Ne trouve pas le fichier : %1 Cppcheck Could not read the file: %1 Ne peut pas lire le fichier : %1 LibraryAddFunctionDialog Add function Function name(s) Number of arguments LibraryDialog Library Editor Open Save Functions Add noreturn False True Unknown return value must be used ignore function in leaks checking Arguments Edit Library files (*.cfg) Open library file Sort Filter: Comments LibraryEditArgDialog Edit argument <html><head/><body> <p>Is bool value allowed? For instance result from comparison or from '!' operator.</p> <p>Typically, set this if the argument is a pointer, size, etc.</p> <p>Example:</p> <pre> memcmp(x, y, i == 123); // last argument should not have a bool value</pre> </body></html> Not bool <html><head/><body> <p>Is a null parameter value allowed?</p> <p>Typically this should be used on any pointer parameter that does not allow null.</p> <p>Example:</p> <pre> strcpy(x,y); // neither x or y is allowed to be null.</pre> </body></html> Not null Not uninit String Format string Min size of buffer Type None argvalue constant mul strlen Arg Arg2 and Valid values LogView Checking Log Clear Save Log Text files (*.txt *.log);;All files (*.*) Cppcheck Could not open file for writing: "%1" MainWindow Cppcheck &File &Fichier &View &Affichage &Help &Aide &Check &Vérifier &Edit &Édition Standard Standard &License... &License... A&uthors... A&uteur... &About... À &Propos... &Files... &Fichiers... Ctrl+F &Directory... &Répertoires... Ctrl+D &Recheck files &Revérifier les fichiers Ctrl+R &Stop &Arrêter Esc &Save results to file... &Sauvegarder les résultats dans un fichier... Ctrl+S &Quit &Quitter &Clear results &Effacer les résultats &Preferences &Préférences &Check all Tout &cocher &Uncheck all Tout &décocher Collapse &all Tout &réduire &Expand all Tout &afficher &Contents &Contenu Open the help contents Ouvir l'aide F1 No suitable files found to check! Pas de fichiers trouvés ! Select directory to check Sélectionner le répertoire à vérifier License Licence Authors Auteur Save the report file Sauvegarder le rapport XML files (*.xml) Fichier XML (*.xml) Text files (*.txt) Fichier Texte (*.txt) CSV files (*.csv) Fichier CSV (*.csv) Cppcheck - %1 English Anglais Dutch Hollandais Finnish Finlandais Swedish Suédois German Allemand Russian Russe &Toolbars Categories Check files Check directory Stop checking Style warnings Show style warnings Errors Show errors &Standard Standard items Toolbar &Categories Error categories &Open XML... Open P&roject File... &New Project File... &Log View Log View C&lose Project File &Edit Project File... &Statistics Warnings Show warnings Performance warnings Show performance warnings Show &hidden Information Show information messages Portability Show portability warnings You must close the project file before selecting new files or directories! Open the report file Checking is running. Do you want to stop the checking and exit Cppcheck? XML files version 2 (*.xml);;XML files version 1 (*.xml);;Text files (*.txt);;CSV files (*.csv) XML files version 1 (*.xml) XML files version 2 (*.xml) Project files (*.cppcheck);;All files(*.*) Select Project File Select Project Filename No project file loaded Japanese Serbian French There was a problem with loading the editor application settings. This is probably because the settings were changed between the Cppcheck versions. Please check (and fix) the editor application settings, otherwise the editor program might not start correctly. Spanish &Filter Filter results Quick Filter: Found project file: %1 Do you want to load this project file instead? Found project files from the directory. Do you want to proceed checking without using any of these project files? Project: The project file %1 could not be found! Do you want to remove the file from the recently used projects -list? Filter Windows 32-bit ANSI Windows 32-bit Unicode Unix 32-bit Unix 64-bit Windows 64-bit Platforms C++11 C99 Posix Korean Current results will be cleared. Opening a new XML file will clear current results.Do you want to proceed? Italian Show S&cratchpad... Chinese (Simplified) Select files to check Sélectionner les fichiers à vérifier Cppcheck GUI - Command line parameters C++ standard C standard C11 C89 C++03 Error Cppcheck GUI. Syntax: cppcheck-gui [OPTIONS] [files or paths] Options: -h, --help Print this help -p <file> Open given project file and start checking it -l <file> Open given results xml file -d <directory> Specify the directory that was checked to generate the results xml specified with -l -v, --version Show program version --data-dir=<directory> Specify directory where GUI datafiles are located (translations, cfg) Failed to load %1. Your Cppcheck installation is broken. You can use --data-dir=<directory> at the command line to specify where this file is located. File not found Bad XML Missing attribute Bad attribute value Failed to load the selected library '%1'. %2 Unsupported format The library '%1' contains unknown elements: %2 Duplicate platform type Platform type redefined &Print... Print the Current Report Print Pre&view... Open a Print Preview Dialog for the Current Results Library Editor... Open library editor Auto-detect language Enforce C++ Enforce C Platforms Unix 32-bit Unix 64-bit Windows 32-bit ANSI Windows 32-bit Unicode Windows 64-bit Built-in Project Cppcheck Could not read the project file. Could not write the project file. ProjectFile Project File Paths: Defines: Project Add... Edit Remove Includes Include directories: Root: Up Down Exclude Libraries: Suppressions Suppression list: Add Note: Put your own custom .cfg files in the same folder as the project file. You should see them above. Defines must be separated by a semicolon ';' ProjectFileDialog Project file: %1 Select include directory Select directory to ignore Select a directory to check Add Suppression Select error id suppress: QDialogButtonBox OK Cancel Close Save QObject Language file %1 not found! Fichier de langue %1 non trouvé ! Failed to load translation for language %1 from file %2 Erreur lors du chargement de la langue %1 depuis le fichier %2 Unknown language specified! ResultsTree File Fichier Severity Sévérité Line Ligne Undefined file Fichier indéterminé Copy filename Copier nom du fichier Copy full path Copier le chemin complet Copy message Copier le message Cppcheck Could not start %1 Please check the application path and parameters are correct. Ne peut pas démarrer %1 Merci de vérifier que le chemin de l'application et que les paramètres sont corrects. style erreur de style error erreur Summary Hide Could not find the file! Could not find file: %1 Please select the directory where file is located. Select Directory warning performance portability information debug [Inconclusive] No editor application configured. Configure the editor application for Cppcheck in preferences/Applications. No default editor application selected. Please select the default editor application in preferences/Applications. Id Copy message id Hide all with id Open containing folder ResultsView Results Résultats Cppcheck No errors found. Pas d'erreurs trouvées. Errors were found, but they are configured to be hidden. To toggle what kind of errors are shown, open view menu. Des erreurs ont été trouvées mais sont configurées pour rester cachées Pour configurer les erreurs affichées, ouvrez le menu d'affichage. No errors found, nothing to save. Pas d'erreurs trouvées, rien à sauvegarder. Failed to save the report. Erreur lors de la sauvegarde du rapport. Failed to read the report. Summary Message Message %p% (%1 of %2 files checked) Id Print Report No errors found, nothing to print. ScratchPad Scratchpad filename Check Settings Preferences Préférences General Général Number of threads: Nombre de processus : Show full path of files Montrer le chemin complet des fichiers Show "No errors found" message when no errors found Afficher un message "Pas d'erreur trouvée" lorsque aucune erreur est trouvée Applications Applications Reports Rapports Save all errors when creating report Sauvegarder toutes les erreurs lorsqu'un rapport est créé Save full path to files in reports Sauvegarder le chemin complet des fichiers dans les rapports Include paths: Add... Ideal count: Force checking all #ifdef configurations Enable inline suppressions Language Paths Edit Remove Edit... Set as default Advanced &Show inconclusive errors S&how internal warnings in log Display error Id in column "Id" SettingsDialog Add a new application Ajouter une nouvelle application Modify an application Modifier une application N/A Select include directory [Default] StatsDialog Statistics Project Project: Paths: Include paths: Defines: Previous Scan Path Selected: Number of Files Scanned: Scan Duration: Errors: Warnings: Stylistic warnings: Portability warnings: Performance issues: Information messages: Copy to Clipboard 1 day %1 days 1 hour %1 hours 1 minute %1 minutes 1 second %1 seconds 0.%1 seconds and Project Settings Paths Include paths Defines Path selected Number of files scanned Scan duration Errors Warnings Style warnings Portability warnings Performance warnings Information messages ThreadResult %1 of %2 files checked TranslationHandler Failed to change the user interface language: %1 The user interface language has been reset to English. Open the Preferences-dialog to select any of the available languages. Cppcheck TxtReport inconclusive