import subprocess import os import sys CMD = None EXPECTED = None SEGFAULT = False FILE = None BACKUPFILE = None for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if arg.startswith('--cmd='): CMD = arg[arg.find('=')+1:] elif arg.startswith('--expected='): EXPECTED = arg[arg.find('=')+1:] elif arg.startswith('--file='): FILE = arg[arg.find('=')+1:] BACKUPFILE = FILE + '.bak' elif arg == '--segfault': SEGFAULT = True if CMD is None: print('Abort: No --cmd') sys.exit(1) if SEGFAULT == False and EXPECTED is None: print('Abort: No --expected') sys.exit(1) if FILE is None: print('Abort: No --file') sys.exit(1) print('CMD='+CMD) if SEGFAULT: print('EXPECTED=SEGFAULT') else: print('EXPECTED='+EXPECTED) print('FILE='+FILE) def runtool(): p = subprocess.Popen(CMD.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) comm = p.communicate() if SEGFAULT: if p.returncode != 0: return True elif p.returncode == 0: out = comm[0] + '\n' + comm[1] if (out.find('error:') < 0) and (out.find(EXPECTED) > 0): return True return False def writefile(filename, filedata): f = open(filename, 'wt') for line in filedata: f.write(line) f.close() def replaceandrun(what, filedata, i, line): print(what + ' ' + str(i+1) + '/' + str(len(filedata)) + '..') bak = filedata[i] filedata[i] = line writefile(FILE, filedata) if runtool() == True: print('pass') writefile(BACKUPFILE, filedata) return True print('fail') filedata[i] = bak return False def replaceandrun2(what, filedata, i, line1, line2): print(what + ' ' + str(i+1) + '/' + str(len(filedata)) + '..') bak1 = filedata[i] bak2 = filedata[i+1] filedata[i] = line1 filedata[i+1] = line2 writefile(FILE, filedata) if runtool() == True: print('pass') writefile(BACKUPFILE, filedata) else: print('fail') filedata[i] = bak1 filedata[i+1] = bak2 def clearandrun(what, filedata, i1, i2): print(what + ' ' + str(i1+1) + '/' + str(len(filedata)) + '..') filedata2 = list(filedata) i = i1 while i <= i2 and i < len(filedata2): filedata2[i] = '' i = i + 1 writefile(FILE, filedata2) if runtool() == True: print('pass') writefile(BACKUPFILE, filedata2) return filedata2 print('fail') return filedata def removecomments(filedata): for i in range(len(filedata)): line = filedata[i] if line.find('//') >= 0: replaceandrun('remove comment', filedata, i, line[:line.find('//')].rstrip()) def checkpar(line): par = 0 for c in line: if c=='(' or c=='[': par = par + 1 elif c==')' or c==']': par = par - 1 if par<0: return False return par == 0 def combinelines(filedata): if len(filedata) < 3: return lines = [] for i in range(len(filedata)-1): fd1 = filedata[i].rstrip() if fd1.endswith(','): fd2 = filedata[i+1].lstrip() if fd2 != '': lines.append(i) chunksize = len(lines) while chunksize > 10: i = 0 while i < len(lines): i1 = i i2 = i + chunksize i = i2 if i2 > len(lines): i2 = len(lines) filedata2 = list(filedata) for line in lines[i1:i2]: filedata2[line] = filedata2[line].rstrip() + filedata2[line+1].lstrip() filedata2[line+1] = '' if replaceandrun('combine lines', filedata2, lines[i1]+1, ''): filedata = filedata2 lines[i1:i2] = [] i = i1 chunksize = chunksize / 2 for line in lines: fd1 = filedata[line].rstrip() fd2 = filedata[line+1].lstrip() replaceandrun2('combine lines', filedata, line, fd1+fd2, '') def removeline(filedata): stmt = True for i in range(len(filedata)): line = filedata[i] strippedline = line.strip() if len(strippedline) == 0: continue if stmt and strippedline[-1]==';' and checkpar(line) and line.find('{')<0 and line.find('}')<0: replaceandrun('remove line', filedata, i, '') elif stmt and strippedline.find('{') > 0 and strippedline.find('}') == len(strippedline) - 1: replaceandrun('remove line', filedata, i, '') if ';{}'.find(strippedline[-1]) >= 0: stmt = True else: stmt = False def removeincludes(filedata): for i in range(len(filedata)): if filedata[i].startswith('#include '): replaceandrun('remove #include', filedata, i, '') def removeemptyblocks(filedata): if len(filedata) < 3: return i = 0 while i < len(filedata): if filedata[i].strip() == '': filedata.pop(i) else: i = i + 1 for i in range(len(filedata)-1): fd1 = filedata[i].rstrip() fd2 = filedata[i+1].strip() if checkpar(fd1) and fd1.endswith('{') and fd2 == '}': replaceandrun2('remove block', filedata, i, '', '') def removeblocks(filedata): if len(filedata) < 3: return filedata for i in range(len(filedata)): strippedline = filedata[i].strip() if len(strippedline)==0: continue if strippedline[-1] != '}' and strippedline[-1] != ';': continue i1 = i + 1 while i1 < len(filedata) and filedata[i1].startswith('#'): i1 = i1 + 1 i2 = i1 indent = 0 while i2 < len(filedata): for c in filedata[i2]: if c == '}': indent = indent - 1 if indent <= 0: break elif c == '{': indent = indent + 1 i2 = i2 + 1 if i2 == i1 or i2 >= len(filedata): continue if filedata[i2].strip() != '}' and filedata[i2].strip() != '};': continue if indent < 0: i2 = i2 - 1 filedata = clearandrun('remove codeblock', filedata, i1, i2) return filedata def removenamespaces(filedata): if len(filedata) < 3: return filedata stmt = True for i in range(len(filedata)): line = filedata[i] strippedline = line.strip() if len(strippedline) == 0: continue stmt1 = stmt if ';{}'.find(strippedline[-1]) >= 0: stmt = True else: stmt = False if stmt1 == False: continue if strippedline.find('}') < 0 and strippedline.find('{') == len(strippedline)-1: i2 = i + 1 indent = 1 while i2 < len(filedata) and indent > 0: #print(str(i2)+':'+str(level)+':'+filedata[i2]) for c in filedata[i2]: if c == '}': indent = indent - 1 if indent <= 0: break elif c == '{': indent = indent + 1 i2 = i2 + 1 if indent == 0 and (filedata[i2-1].strip().endswith('}') or filedata[i2-1].strip().endswith('};')): #print(str(i)+';'+str(i2)) filedata = clearandrun('remove codeblock', filedata, i, i2-1) return filedata # reduce.. print('Make sure error can be reproduced...') if runtool() == False: print("Cannot reproduce") sys.exit(1) f = open(FILE, 'rt') filedata = f.readlines() f.close() writefile(BACKUPFILE, filedata) while True: filedata1 = list(filedata) print('remove comments...') removecomments(filedata) print('remove includes...') removeincludes(filedata) print('remove empty blocks...') removeemptyblocks(filedata) print('remove blocks...') filedata = removeblocks(filedata) print('combine lines..') combinelines(filedata) print('remove namespaces...') filedata = removenamespaces(filedata) print('remove line...') removeline(filedata) # if filedata and filedata2 are identical then stop if len(filedata1) == len(filedata): i = 0 while i < len(filedata1): if filedata[i] != filedata1[i]: break if i == len(filedata1): break writefile(FILE, filedata)