/* * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis * Copyright (C) 2007-2023 Cppcheck team. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "vfvalue.h" #include "errortypes.h" #include "token.h" #include <sstream> #include <string> namespace ValueFlow { Value::Value(const Token *c, long long val, Bound b) : valueType(ValueType::INT), bound(b), intvalue(val), tokvalue(nullptr), floatValue(0.0), varvalue(val), condition(c), varId(0), safe(false), conditional(false), macro(false), defaultArg(false), indirect(0), moveKind(MoveKind::NonMovedVariable), path(0), wideintvalue(0), subexpressions(), capturetok(nullptr), lifetimeKind(LifetimeKind::Object), lifetimeScope(LifetimeScope::Local), valueKind(ValueKind::Possible) { errorPath.emplace_back(c, "Assuming that condition '" + c->expressionString() + "' is not redundant"); } void Value::assumeCondition(const Token *tok) { condition = tok; errorPath.emplace_back(tok, "Assuming that condition '" + tok->expressionString() + "' is not redundant"); } std::string Value::toString() const { std::stringstream ss; if (this->isImpossible()) ss << "!"; if (this->bound == Bound::Lower) ss << ">="; if (this->bound == Bound::Upper) ss << "<="; switch (this->valueType) { case ValueType::INT: ss << this->intvalue; break; case ValueType::TOK: ss << this->tokvalue->str(); break; case ValueType::FLOAT: ss << this->floatValue; break; case ValueType::MOVED: ss << toString(this->moveKind); break; case ValueType::UNINIT: ss << "Uninit"; break; case ValueType::BUFFER_SIZE: case ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE: ss << "size=" << this->intvalue; break; case ValueType::ITERATOR_START: ss << "start=" << this->intvalue; break; case ValueType::ITERATOR_END: ss << "end=" << this->intvalue; break; case ValueType::LIFETIME: ss << "lifetime[" << toString(this->lifetimeKind) << "]=(" << this->tokvalue->expressionString() << ")"; break; case ValueType::SYMBOLIC: ss << "symbolic=(" << this->tokvalue->expressionString(); if (this->intvalue > 0) ss << "+" << this->intvalue; else if (this->intvalue < 0) ss << "-" << -this->intvalue; ss << ")"; break; } if (this->indirect > 0) for (int i = 0; i < this->indirect; i++) ss << "*"; if (this->path > 0) ss << "@" << this->path; return ss.str(); } std::string Value::infoString() const { switch (valueType) { case ValueType::INT: return MathLib::toString(intvalue); case ValueType::TOK: return tokvalue->str(); case ValueType::FLOAT: return MathLib::toString(floatValue); case ValueType::MOVED: return "<Moved>"; case ValueType::UNINIT: return "<Uninit>"; case ValueType::BUFFER_SIZE: case ValueType::CONTAINER_SIZE: return "size=" + MathLib::toString(intvalue); case ValueType::ITERATOR_START: return "start=" + MathLib::toString(intvalue); case ValueType::ITERATOR_END: return "end=" + MathLib::toString(intvalue); case ValueType::LIFETIME: return "lifetime=" + tokvalue->str(); case ValueType::SYMBOLIC: std::string result = "symbolic=" + tokvalue->expressionString(); if (intvalue > 0) result += "+" + MathLib::toString(intvalue); else if (intvalue < 0) result += "-" + MathLib::toString(-intvalue); return result; } throw InternalError(nullptr, "Invalid ValueFlow Value type"); } const char *Value::toString(MoveKind moveKind) { switch (moveKind) { case MoveKind::NonMovedVariable: return "NonMovedVariable"; case MoveKind::MovedVariable: return "MovedVariable"; case MoveKind::ForwardedVariable: return "ForwardedVariable"; } return ""; } const char *Value::toString(LifetimeKind lifetimeKind) { switch (lifetimeKind) { case LifetimeKind::Object: return "Object"; case LifetimeKind::SubObject: return "SubObject"; case LifetimeKind::Lambda: return "Lambda"; case LifetimeKind::Iterator: return "Iterator"; case LifetimeKind::Address: return "Address"; } return ""; } bool Value::sameToken(const Token *tok1, const Token *tok2) { if (tok1 == tok2) return true; if (!tok1) return false; if (tok1->exprId() == 0 || tok2->exprId() == 0) return false; return tok1->exprId() == tok2->exprId(); } const char *Value::toString(LifetimeScope lifetimeScope) { switch (lifetimeScope) { case LifetimeScope::Local: return "Local"; case LifetimeScope::Argument: return "Argument"; case LifetimeScope::SubFunction: return "SubFunction"; case LifetimeScope::ThisPointer: return "ThisPointer"; case LifetimeScope::ThisValue: return "ThisValue"; } return ""; } const char *Value::toString(Bound bound) { switch (bound) { case Bound::Point: return "Point"; case Bound::Upper: return "Upper"; case Bound::Lower: return "Lower"; } return ""; } Value Value::unknown() { Value v; v.valueType = ValueType::UNINIT; return v; } }