/* * simplecpp - A simple and high-fidelity C/C++ preprocessor library * Copyright (C) 2016-2022 Daniel Marjamäki. * * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__MINGW32__) #define SIMPLECPP_WINDOWS #define NOMINMAX #endif #include "simplecpp.h" #include <algorithm> #include <cassert> #include <cctype> #include <climits> #include <cstddef> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <ctime> #include <exception> #include <fstream> // IWYU pragma: keep #include <iostream> #include <limits> #include <list> #include <map> #include <set> #include <sstream> // IWYU pragma: keep #include <stack> #include <stdexcept> #include <string> #if __cplusplus >= 201103L #ifdef SIMPLECPP_WINDOWS #include <mutex> #endif #include <unordered_map> #endif #include <utility> #include <vector> #ifdef SIMPLECPP_WINDOWS #include <windows.h> #undef ERROR #endif #if __cplusplus >= 201103L #define OVERRIDE override #define EXPLICIT explicit #else #define OVERRIDE #define EXPLICIT #endif #if (__cplusplus < 201103L) && !defined(__APPLE__) #define nullptr NULL #endif static bool isHex(const std::string &s) { return s.size()>2 && (s.compare(0,2,"0x")==0 || s.compare(0,2,"0X")==0); } static bool isOct(const std::string &s) { return s.size()>1 && (s[0]=='0') && (s[1] >= '0') && (s[1] < '8'); } // TODO: added an undercore since this conflicts with a function of the same name in utils.h from Cppcheck source when building Cppcheck with MSBuild static bool isStringLiteral_(const std::string &s) { return s.size() > 1 && (s[0]=='\"') && (*s.rbegin()=='\"'); } // TODO: added an undercore since this conflicts with a function of the same name in utils.h from Cppcheck source when building Cppcheck with MSBuild static bool isCharLiteral_(const std::string &s) { // char literal patterns can include 'a', '\t', '\000', '\xff', 'abcd', and maybe '' // This only checks for the surrounding '' but doesn't parse the content. return s.size() > 1 && (s[0]=='\'') && (*s.rbegin()=='\''); } static const simplecpp::TokenString DEFINE("define"); static const simplecpp::TokenString UNDEF("undef"); static const simplecpp::TokenString INCLUDE("include"); static const simplecpp::TokenString ERROR("error"); static const simplecpp::TokenString WARNING("warning"); static const simplecpp::TokenString IF("if"); static const simplecpp::TokenString IFDEF("ifdef"); static const simplecpp::TokenString IFNDEF("ifndef"); static const simplecpp::TokenString DEFINED("defined"); static const simplecpp::TokenString ELSE("else"); static const simplecpp::TokenString ELIF("elif"); static const simplecpp::TokenString ENDIF("endif"); static const simplecpp::TokenString PRAGMA("pragma"); static const simplecpp::TokenString ONCE("once"); static const simplecpp::TokenString HAS_INCLUDE("__has_include"); static const simplecpp::TokenString INNER_COMMA(",,"); template<class T> static std::string toString(T t) { // NOLINTNEXTLINE(misc-const-correctness) - false positive std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << t; return ostr.str(); } static long long stringToLL(const std::string &s) { long long ret; const bool hex = isHex(s); const bool oct = isOct(s); std::istringstream istr(hex ? s.substr(2) : oct ? s.substr(1) : s); if (hex) istr >> std::hex; else if (oct) istr >> std::oct; istr >> ret; return ret; } static unsigned long long stringToULL(const std::string &s) { unsigned long long ret; const bool hex = isHex(s); const bool oct = isOct(s); std::istringstream istr(hex ? s.substr(2) : oct ? s.substr(1) : s); if (hex) istr >> std::hex; else if (oct) istr >> std::oct; istr >> ret; return ret; } static bool endsWith(const std::string &s, const std::string &e) { return (s.size() >= e.size()) && std::equal(e.rbegin(), e.rend(), s.rbegin()); } static bool sameline(const simplecpp::Token *tok1, const simplecpp::Token *tok2) { return tok1 && tok2 && tok1->location.sameline(tok2->location); } static bool isAlternativeBinaryOp(const simplecpp::Token *tok, const std::string &alt) { return (tok->name && tok->str() == alt && tok->previous && tok->next && (tok->previous->number || tok->previous->name || tok->previous->op == ')') && (tok->next->number || tok->next->name || tok->next->op == '(')); } static bool isAlternativeUnaryOp(const simplecpp::Token *tok, const std::string &alt) { return ((tok->name && tok->str() == alt) && (!tok->previous || tok->previous->op == '(') && (tok->next && (tok->next->name || tok->next->number))); } static std::string replaceAll(std::string s, const std::string& from, const std::string& to) { for (size_t pos = s.find(from); pos != std::string::npos; pos = s.find(from, pos + to.size())) s.replace(pos, from.size(), to); return s; } const std::string simplecpp::Location::emptyFileName; void simplecpp::Location::adjust(const std::string &str) { if (strpbrk(str.c_str(), "\r\n") == nullptr) { col += str.size(); return; } for (std::size_t i = 0U; i < str.size(); ++i) { col++; if (str[i] == '\n' || str[i] == '\r') { col = 1; line++; if (str[i] == '\r' && (i+1)<str.size() && str[i+1]=='\n') ++i; } } } bool simplecpp::Token::isOneOf(const char ops[]) const { return (op != '\0') && (std::strchr(ops, op) != nullptr); } bool simplecpp::Token::startsWithOneOf(const char c[]) const { return std::strchr(c, string[0]) != nullptr; } bool simplecpp::Token::endsWithOneOf(const char c[]) const { return std::strchr(c, string[string.size() - 1U]) != nullptr; } void simplecpp::Token::printAll() const { const Token *tok = this; while (tok->previous) tok = tok->previous; for (; tok; tok = tok->next) { if (tok->previous) { std::cout << (sameline(tok, tok->previous) ? ' ' : '\n'); } std::cout << tok->str(); } std::cout << std::endl; } void simplecpp::Token::printOut() const { for (const Token *tok = this; tok; tok = tok->next) { if (tok != this) { std::cout << (sameline(tok, tok->previous) ? ' ' : '\n'); } std::cout << tok->str(); } std::cout << std::endl; } // cppcheck-suppress noConstructor - we call init() in the inherited to initialize the private members class simplecpp::TokenList::Stream { public: virtual ~Stream() {} virtual int get() = 0; virtual int peek() = 0; virtual void unget() = 0; virtual bool good() = 0; unsigned char readChar() { unsigned char ch = static_cast<unsigned char>(get()); // For UTF-16 encoded files the BOM is 0xfeff/0xfffe. If the // character is non-ASCII character then replace it with 0xff if (isUtf16) { const unsigned char ch2 = static_cast<unsigned char>(get()); const int ch16 = makeUtf16Char(ch, ch2); ch = static_cast<unsigned char>(((ch16 >= 0x80) ? 0xff : ch16)); } // Handling of newlines.. if (ch == '\r') { ch = '\n'; int ch2 = get(); if (isUtf16) { const int c2 = get(); ch2 = makeUtf16Char(ch2, c2); } if (ch2 != '\n') ungetChar(); } return ch; } unsigned char peekChar() { unsigned char ch = static_cast<unsigned char>(peek()); // For UTF-16 encoded files the BOM is 0xfeff/0xfffe. If the // character is non-ASCII character then replace it with 0xff if (isUtf16) { (void)get(); const unsigned char ch2 = static_cast<unsigned char>(peek()); unget(); const int ch16 = makeUtf16Char(ch, ch2); ch = static_cast<unsigned char>(((ch16 >= 0x80) ? 0xff : ch16)); } // Handling of newlines.. if (ch == '\r') ch = '\n'; return ch; } void ungetChar() { unget(); if (isUtf16) unget(); } protected: void init() { // initialize since we use peek() in getAndSkipBOM() isUtf16 = false; bom = getAndSkipBOM(); isUtf16 = (bom == 0xfeff || bom == 0xfffe); } private: inline int makeUtf16Char(const unsigned char ch, const unsigned char ch2) const { return (bom == 0xfeff) ? (ch<<8 | ch2) : (ch2<<8 | ch); } unsigned short getAndSkipBOM() { const int ch1 = peek(); // The UTF-16 BOM is 0xfffe or 0xfeff. if (ch1 >= 0xfe) { (void)get(); const unsigned short byte = (static_cast<unsigned char>(ch1) << 8); if (peek() >= 0xfe) return byte | static_cast<unsigned char>(get()); unget(); return 0; } // Skip UTF-8 BOM 0xefbbbf if (ch1 == 0xef) { (void)get(); if (peek() == 0xbb) { (void)get(); if (peek() == 0xbf) { (void)get(); return 0; } unget(); } unget(); } return 0; } unsigned short bom; protected: bool isUtf16; }; class StdIStream : public simplecpp::TokenList::Stream { public: // cppcheck-suppress uninitDerivedMemberVar - we call Stream::init() to initialize the private members EXPLICIT StdIStream(std::istream &istr) : istr(istr) { assert(istr.good()); init(); } virtual int get() OVERRIDE { return istr.get(); } virtual int peek() OVERRIDE { return istr.peek(); } virtual void unget() OVERRIDE { istr.unget(); } virtual bool good() OVERRIDE { return istr.good(); } private: std::istream &istr; }; class FileStream : public simplecpp::TokenList::Stream { public: // cppcheck-suppress uninitDerivedMemberVar - we call Stream::init() to initialize the private members EXPLICIT FileStream(const std::string &filename) : file(fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb")) , lastCh(0) , lastStatus(0) { assert(file != nullptr); init(); } ~FileStream() OVERRIDE { fclose(file); file = nullptr; } virtual int get() OVERRIDE { lastStatus = lastCh = fgetc(file); return lastCh; } virtual int peek() OVERRIDE{ // keep lastCh intact const int ch = fgetc(file); unget_internal(ch); return ch; } virtual void unget() OVERRIDE { unget_internal(lastCh); } virtual bool good() OVERRIDE { return lastStatus != EOF; } private: void unget_internal(int ch) { if (isUtf16) { // TODO: use ungetc() as well // UTF-16 has subsequent unget() calls fseek(file, -1, SEEK_CUR); } else ungetc(ch, file); } FileStream(const FileStream&); FileStream &operator=(const FileStream&); FILE *file; int lastCh; int lastStatus; }; simplecpp::TokenList::TokenList(std::vector<std::string> &filenames) : frontToken(nullptr), backToken(nullptr), files(filenames) {} simplecpp::TokenList::TokenList(std::istream &istr, std::vector<std::string> &filenames, const std::string &filename, OutputList *outputList) : frontToken(nullptr), backToken(nullptr), files(filenames) { StdIStream stream(istr); readfile(stream,filename,outputList); } simplecpp::TokenList::TokenList(const std::string &filename, std::vector<std::string> &filenames, OutputList *outputList) : frontToken(nullptr), backToken(nullptr), files(filenames) { FileStream stream(filename); readfile(stream,filename,outputList); } simplecpp::TokenList::TokenList(const TokenList &other) : frontToken(nullptr), backToken(nullptr), files(other.files) { *this = other; } #if __cplusplus >= 201103L simplecpp::TokenList::TokenList(TokenList &&other) : frontToken(nullptr), backToken(nullptr), files(other.files) { *this = std::move(other); } #endif simplecpp::TokenList::~TokenList() { clear(); } simplecpp::TokenList &simplecpp::TokenList::operator=(const TokenList &other) { if (this != &other) { clear(); files = other.files; for (const Token *tok = other.cfront(); tok; tok = tok->next) push_back(new Token(*tok)); sizeOfType = other.sizeOfType; } return *this; } #if __cplusplus >= 201103L simplecpp::TokenList &simplecpp::TokenList::operator=(TokenList &&other) { if (this != &other) { clear(); frontToken = other.frontToken; other.frontToken = nullptr; backToken = other.backToken; other.backToken = nullptr; files = other.files; sizeOfType = std::move(other.sizeOfType); } return *this; } #endif void simplecpp::TokenList::clear() { backToken = nullptr; while (frontToken) { Token * const next = frontToken->next; delete frontToken; frontToken = next; } sizeOfType.clear(); } void simplecpp::TokenList::push_back(Token *tok) { if (!frontToken) frontToken = tok; else backToken->next = tok; tok->previous = backToken; backToken = tok; } void simplecpp::TokenList::dump() const { std::cout << stringify() << std::endl; } std::string simplecpp::TokenList::stringify() const { std::ostringstream ret; Location loc(files); for (const Token *tok = cfront(); tok; tok = tok->next) { if (tok->location.line < loc.line || tok->location.fileIndex != loc.fileIndex) { ret << "\n#line " << tok->location.line << " \"" << tok->location.file() << "\"\n"; loc = tok->location; } while (tok->location.line > loc.line) { ret << '\n'; loc.line++; } if (sameline(tok->previous, tok)) ret << ' '; ret << tok->str(); loc.adjust(tok->str()); } return ret.str(); } static bool isNameChar(unsigned char ch) { return std::isalnum(ch) || ch == '_' || ch == '$'; } static std::string escapeString(const std::string &str) { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << '\"'; for (std::size_t i = 1U; i < str.size() - 1; ++i) { const char c = str[i]; if (c == '\\' || c == '\"' || c == '\'') ostr << '\\'; ostr << c; } ostr << '\"'; return ostr.str(); } static void portabilityBackslash(simplecpp::OutputList *outputList, const std::vector<std::string> &files, const simplecpp::Location &location) { if (!outputList) return; simplecpp::Output err(files); err.type = simplecpp::Output::PORTABILITY_BACKSLASH; err.location = location; err.msg = "Combination 'backslash space newline' is not portable."; outputList->push_back(err); } static bool isStringLiteralPrefix(const std::string &str) { return str == "u" || str == "U" || str == "L" || str == "u8" || str == "R" || str == "uR" || str == "UR" || str == "LR" || str == "u8R"; } void simplecpp::TokenList::lineDirective(unsigned int fileIndex, unsigned int line, Location *location) { if (fileIndex != location->fileIndex || line >= location->line) { location->fileIndex = fileIndex; location->line = line; return; } if (line + 2 >= location->line) { location->line = line; while (cback()->op != '#') deleteToken(back()); deleteToken(back()); return; } } static const std::string COMMENT_END("*/"); void simplecpp::TokenList::readfile(Stream &stream, const std::string &filename, OutputList *outputList) { std::stack<simplecpp::Location> loc; unsigned int multiline = 0U; const Token *oldLastToken = nullptr; Location location(files); location.fileIndex = fileIndex(filename); location.line = 1U; location.col = 1U; while (stream.good()) { unsigned char ch = stream.readChar(); if (!stream.good()) break; if (ch < ' ' && ch != '\t' && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r') ch = ' '; if (ch >= 0x80) { if (outputList) { simplecpp::Output err(files); err.type = simplecpp::Output::UNHANDLED_CHAR_ERROR; err.location = location; std::ostringstream s; s << static_cast<int>(ch); err.msg = "The code contains unhandled character(s) (character code=" + s.str() + "). Neither unicode nor extended ascii is supported."; outputList->push_back(err); } clear(); return; } if (ch == '\n') { if (cback() && cback()->op == '\\') { if (location.col > cback()->location.col + 1U) portabilityBackslash(outputList, files, cback()->location); ++multiline; deleteToken(back()); } else { location.line += multiline + 1; multiline = 0U; } if (!multiline) location.col = 1; if (oldLastToken != cback()) { oldLastToken = cback(); if (!isLastLinePreprocessor()) continue; const std::string lastline(lastLine()); if (lastline == "# file %str%") { const Token *strtok = cback(); while (strtok->comment) strtok = strtok->previous; loc.push(location); location.fileIndex = fileIndex(strtok->str().substr(1U, strtok->str().size() - 2U)); location.line = 1U; } else if (lastline == "# line %num%") { const Token *numtok = cback(); while (numtok->comment) numtok = numtok->previous; lineDirective(location.fileIndex, std::atol(numtok->str().c_str()), &location); } else if (lastline == "# %num% %str%" || lastline == "# line %num% %str%") { const Token *strtok = cback(); while (strtok->comment) strtok = strtok->previous; const Token *numtok = strtok->previous; while (numtok->comment) numtok = numtok->previous; lineDirective(fileIndex(replaceAll(strtok->str().substr(1U, strtok->str().size() - 2U),"\\\\","\\")), std::atol(numtok->str().c_str()), &location); } // #endfile else if (lastline == "# endfile" && !loc.empty()) { location = loc.top(); loc.pop(); } } continue; } if (std::isspace(ch)) { location.col++; continue; } TokenString currentToken; if (cback() && cback()->location.line == location.line && cback()->previous && cback()->previous->op == '#' && isLastLinePreprocessor() && (lastLine() == "# error" || lastLine() == "# warning")) { char prev = ' '; while (stream.good() && (prev == '\\' || (ch != '\r' && ch != '\n'))) { currentToken += ch; prev = ch; ch = stream.readChar(); } stream.ungetChar(); push_back(new Token(currentToken, location)); location.adjust(currentToken); continue; } // number or name if (isNameChar(ch)) { const bool num = std::isdigit(ch); while (stream.good() && isNameChar(ch)) { currentToken += ch; ch = stream.readChar(); if (num && ch=='\'' && isNameChar(stream.peekChar())) ch = stream.readChar(); } stream.ungetChar(); } // comment else if (ch == '/' && stream.peekChar() == '/') { while (stream.good() && ch != '\r' && ch != '\n') { currentToken += ch; ch = stream.readChar(); } const std::string::size_type pos = currentToken.find_last_not_of(" \t"); if (pos < currentToken.size() - 1U && currentToken[pos] == '\\') portabilityBackslash(outputList, files, location); if (currentToken[currentToken.size() - 1U] == '\\') { ++multiline; currentToken.erase(currentToken.size() - 1U); } else { stream.ungetChar(); } } // comment else if (ch == '/' && stream.peekChar() == '*') { currentToken = "/*"; (void)stream.readChar(); ch = stream.readChar(); while (stream.good()) { currentToken += ch; if (currentToken.size() >= 4U && endsWith(currentToken, COMMENT_END)) break; ch = stream.readChar(); } // multiline.. std::string::size_type pos = 0; while ((pos = currentToken.find("\\\n",pos)) != std::string::npos) { currentToken.erase(pos,2); ++multiline; } if (multiline || isLastLinePreprocessor()) { pos = 0; while ((pos = currentToken.find('\n',pos)) != std::string::npos) { currentToken.erase(pos,1); ++multiline; } } } // string / char literal else if (ch == '\"' || ch == '\'') { std::string prefix; if (cback() && cback()->name && isStringLiteralPrefix(cback()->str()) && ((cback()->location.col + cback()->str().size()) == location.col) && (cback()->location.line == location.line)) { prefix = cback()->str(); } // C++11 raw string literal if (ch == '\"' && !prefix.empty() && *cback()->str().rbegin() == 'R') { std::string delim; currentToken = ch; prefix.resize(prefix.size() - 1); ch = stream.readChar(); while (stream.good() && ch != '(' && ch != '\n') { delim += ch; ch = stream.readChar(); } if (!stream.good() || ch == '\n') { if (outputList) { Output err(files); err.type = Output::SYNTAX_ERROR; err.location = location; err.msg = "Invalid newline in raw string delimiter."; outputList->push_back(err); } return; } const std::string endOfRawString(')' + delim + currentToken); while (stream.good() && !(endsWith(currentToken, endOfRawString) && currentToken.size() > 1)) currentToken += stream.readChar(); if (!endsWith(currentToken, endOfRawString)) { if (outputList) { Output err(files); err.type = Output::SYNTAX_ERROR; err.location = location; err.msg = "Raw string missing terminating delimiter."; outputList->push_back(err); } return; } currentToken.erase(currentToken.size() - endOfRawString.size(), endOfRawString.size() - 1U); currentToken = escapeString(currentToken); currentToken.insert(0, prefix); back()->setstr(currentToken); location.adjust(currentToken); if (currentToken.find_first_of("\r\n") == std::string::npos) location.col += 2 + 2 * delim.size(); else location.col += 1 + delim.size(); continue; } currentToken = readUntil(stream,location,ch,ch,outputList); if (currentToken.size() < 2U) // Error is reported by readUntil() return; std::string s = currentToken; std::string::size_type pos; int newlines = 0; while ((pos = s.find_first_of("\r\n")) != std::string::npos) { s.erase(pos,1); newlines++; } if (prefix.empty()) push_back(new Token(s, location)); // push string without newlines else back()->setstr(prefix + s); if (newlines > 0 && isLastLinePreprocessor() && lastLine().compare(0,9,"# define ") == 0) { multiline += newlines; location.adjust(s); } else { location.adjust(currentToken); } continue; } else { currentToken += ch; } if (*currentToken.begin() == '<' && isLastLinePreprocessor() && lastLine() == "# include") { currentToken = readUntil(stream, location, '<', '>', outputList); if (currentToken.size() < 2U) return; } push_back(new Token(currentToken, location)); if (multiline) location.col += currentToken.size(); else location.adjust(currentToken); } combineOperators(); } void simplecpp::TokenList::constFold() { while (cfront()) { // goto last '(' Token *tok = back(); while (tok && tok->op != '(') tok = tok->previous; // no '(', goto first token if (!tok) tok = front(); // Constant fold expression constFoldUnaryNotPosNeg(tok); constFoldMulDivRem(tok); constFoldAddSub(tok); constFoldShift(tok); constFoldComparison(tok); constFoldBitwise(tok); constFoldLogicalOp(tok); constFoldQuestionOp(&tok); // If there is no '(' we are done with the constant folding if (tok->op != '(') break; if (!tok->next || !tok->next->next || tok->next->next->op != ')') break; tok = tok->next; deleteToken(tok->previous); deleteToken(tok->next); } } static bool isFloatSuffix(const simplecpp::Token *tok) { if (!tok || tok->str().size() != 1U) return false; const char c = std::tolower(tok->str()[0]); return c == 'f' || c == 'l'; } void simplecpp::TokenList::combineOperators() { std::stack<bool> executableScope; executableScope.push(false); for (Token *tok = front(); tok; tok = tok->next) { if (tok->op == '{') { if (executableScope.top()) { executableScope.push(true); continue; } const Token *prev = tok->previous; while (prev && prev->isOneOf(";{}()")) prev = prev->previous; executableScope.push(prev && prev->op == ')'); continue; } if (tok->op == '}') { if (executableScope.size() > 1) executableScope.pop(); continue; } if (tok->op == '.') { // ellipsis ... if (tok->next && tok->next->op == '.' && tok->next->location.col == (tok->location.col + 1) && tok->next->next && tok->next->next->op == '.' && tok->next->next->location.col == (tok->location.col + 2)) { tok->setstr("..."); deleteToken(tok->next); deleteToken(tok->next); continue; } // float literals.. if (tok->previous && tok->previous->number && sameline(tok->previous, tok)) { tok->setstr(tok->previous->str() + '.'); deleteToken(tok->previous); if (sameline(tok, tok->next) && (isFloatSuffix(tok->next) || (tok->next && tok->next->startsWithOneOf("AaBbCcDdEeFfPp")))) { tok->setstr(tok->str() + tok->next->str()); deleteToken(tok->next); } } if (tok->next && tok->next->number) { tok->setstr(tok->str() + tok->next->str()); deleteToken(tok->next); } } // match: [0-9.]+E [+-] [0-9]+ const char lastChar = tok->str()[tok->str().size() - 1]; if (tok->number && !isOct(tok->str()) && ((!isHex(tok->str()) && (lastChar == 'E' || lastChar == 'e')) || (isHex(tok->str()) && (lastChar == 'P' || lastChar == 'p'))) && tok->next && tok->next->isOneOf("+-") && tok->next->next && tok->next->next->number) { tok->setstr(tok->str() + tok->next->op + tok->next->next->str()); deleteToken(tok->next); deleteToken(tok->next); } if (tok->op == '\0' || !tok->next || tok->next->op == '\0') continue; if (!sameline(tok,tok->next)) continue; if (tok->location.col + 1U != tok->next->location.col) continue; if (tok->next->op == '=' && tok->isOneOf("=!<>+-*/%&|^")) { if (tok->op == '&' && !executableScope.top()) { // don't combine &= if it is a anonymous reference parameter with default value: // void f(x&=2) int indentlevel = 0; const Token *start = tok; while (indentlevel >= 0 && start) { if (start->op == ')') ++indentlevel; else if (start->op == '(') --indentlevel; else if (start->isOneOf(";{}")) break; start = start->previous; } if (indentlevel == -1 && start) { const Token * const ftok = start; bool isFuncDecl = ftok->name; while (isFuncDecl) { if (!start->name && start->str() != "::" && start->op != '*' && start->op != '&') isFuncDecl = false; if (!start->previous) break; if (start->previous->isOneOf(";{}:")) break; start = start->previous; } isFuncDecl &= start != ftok && start->name; if (isFuncDecl) { // TODO: we could loop through the parameters here and check if they are correct. continue; } } } tok->setstr(tok->str() + "="); deleteToken(tok->next); } else if ((tok->op == '|' || tok->op == '&') && tok->op == tok->next->op) { tok->setstr(tok->str() + tok->next->str()); deleteToken(tok->next); } else if (tok->op == ':' && tok->next->op == ':') { tok->setstr(tok->str() + tok->next->str()); deleteToken(tok->next); } else if (tok->op == '-' && tok->next->op == '>') { tok->setstr(tok->str() + tok->next->str()); deleteToken(tok->next); } else if ((tok->op == '<' || tok->op == '>') && tok->op == tok->next->op) { tok->setstr(tok->str() + tok->next->str()); deleteToken(tok->next); if (tok->next && tok->next->op == '=' && tok->next->next && tok->next->next->op != '=') { tok->setstr(tok->str() + tok->next->str()); deleteToken(tok->next); } } else if ((tok->op == '+' || tok->op == '-') && tok->op == tok->next->op) { if (tok->location.col + 1U != tok->next->location.col) continue; if (tok->previous && tok->previous->number) continue; if (tok->next->next && tok->next->next->number) continue; tok->setstr(tok->str() + tok->next->str()); deleteToken(tok->next); } } } static const std::string COMPL("compl"); static const std::string NOT("not"); void simplecpp::TokenList::constFoldUnaryNotPosNeg(simplecpp::Token *tok) { for (; tok && tok->op != ')'; tok = tok->next) { // "not" might be ! if (isAlternativeUnaryOp(tok, NOT)) tok->op = '!'; // "compl" might be ~ else if (isAlternativeUnaryOp(tok, COMPL)) tok->op = '~'; if (tok->op == '!' && tok->next && tok->next->number) { tok->setstr(tok->next->str() == "0" ? "1" : "0"); deleteToken(tok->next); } else if (tok->op == '~' && tok->next && tok->next->number) { tok->setstr(toString(~stringToLL(tok->next->str()))); deleteToken(tok->next); } else { if (tok->previous && (tok->previous->number || tok->previous->name)) continue; if (!tok->next || !tok->next->number) continue; switch (tok->op) { case '+': tok->setstr(tok->next->str()); deleteToken(tok->next); break; case '-': tok->setstr(tok->op + tok->next->str()); deleteToken(tok->next); break; } } } } void simplecpp::TokenList::constFoldMulDivRem(Token *tok) { for (; tok && tok->op != ')'; tok = tok->next) { if (!tok->previous || !tok->previous->number) continue; if (!tok->next || !tok->next->number) continue; long long result; if (tok->op == '*') result = (stringToLL(tok->previous->str()) * stringToLL(tok->next->str())); else if (tok->op == '/' || tok->op == '%') { const long long rhs = stringToLL(tok->next->str()); if (rhs == 0) throw std::overflow_error("division/modulo by zero"); const long long lhs = stringToLL(tok->previous->str()); if (rhs == -1 && lhs == std::numeric_limits<long long>::min()) throw std::overflow_error("division overflow"); if (tok->op == '/') result = (lhs / rhs); else result = (lhs % rhs); } else continue; tok = tok->previous; tok->setstr(toString(result)); deleteToken(tok->next); deleteToken(tok->next); } } void simplecpp::TokenList::constFoldAddSub(Token *tok) { for (; tok && tok->op != ')'; tok = tok->next) { if (!tok->previous || !tok->previous->number) continue; if (!tok->next || !tok->next->number) continue; long long result; if (tok->op == '+') result = stringToLL(tok->previous->str()) + stringToLL(tok->next->str()); else if (tok->op == '-') result = stringToLL(tok->previous->str()) - stringToLL(tok->next->str()); else continue; tok = tok->previous; tok->setstr(toString(result)); deleteToken(tok->next); deleteToken(tok->next); } } void simplecpp::TokenList::constFoldShift(Token *tok) { for (; tok && tok->op != ')'; tok = tok->next) { if (!tok->previous || !tok->previous->number) continue; if (!tok->next || !tok->next->number) continue; long long result; if (tok->str() == "<<") result = stringToLL(tok->previous->str()) << stringToLL(tok->next->str()); else if (tok->str() == ">>") result = stringToLL(tok->previous->str()) >> stringToLL(tok->next->str()); else continue; tok = tok->previous; tok->setstr(toString(result)); deleteToken(tok->next); deleteToken(tok->next); } } static const std::string NOTEQ("not_eq"); void simplecpp::TokenList::constFoldComparison(Token *tok) { for (; tok && tok->op != ')'; tok = tok->next) { if (isAlternativeBinaryOp(tok,NOTEQ)) tok->setstr("!="); if (!tok->startsWithOneOf("<>=!")) continue; if (!tok->previous || !tok->previous->number) continue; if (!tok->next || !tok->next->number) continue; int result; if (tok->str() == "==") result = (stringToLL(tok->previous->str()) == stringToLL(tok->next->str())); else if (tok->str() == "!=") result = (stringToLL(tok->previous->str()) != stringToLL(tok->next->str())); else if (tok->str() == ">") result = (stringToLL(tok->previous->str()) > stringToLL(tok->next->str())); else if (tok->str() == ">=") result = (stringToLL(tok->previous->str()) >= stringToLL(tok->next->str())); else if (tok->str() == "<") result = (stringToLL(tok->previous->str()) < stringToLL(tok->next->str())); else if (tok->str() == "<=") result = (stringToLL(tok->previous->str()) <= stringToLL(tok->next->str())); else continue; tok = tok->previous; tok->setstr(toString(result)); deleteToken(tok->next); deleteToken(tok->next); } } static const std::string BITAND("bitand"); static const std::string BITOR("bitor"); static const std::string XOR("xor"); void simplecpp::TokenList::constFoldBitwise(Token *tok) { Token * const tok1 = tok; for (const char *op = "&^|"; *op; op++) { const std::string* alternativeOp; if (*op == '&') alternativeOp = &BITAND; else if (*op == '|') alternativeOp = &BITOR; else alternativeOp = &XOR; for (tok = tok1; tok && tok->op != ')'; tok = tok->next) { if (tok->op != *op && !isAlternativeBinaryOp(tok, *alternativeOp)) continue; if (!tok->previous || !tok->previous->number) continue; if (!tok->next || !tok->next->number) continue; long long result; if (*op == '&') result = (stringToLL(tok->previous->str()) & stringToLL(tok->next->str())); else if (*op == '^') result = (stringToLL(tok->previous->str()) ^ stringToLL(tok->next->str())); else /*if (*op == '|')*/ result = (stringToLL(tok->previous->str()) | stringToLL(tok->next->str())); tok = tok->previous; tok->setstr(toString(result)); deleteToken(tok->next); deleteToken(tok->next); } } } static const std::string AND("and"); static const std::string OR("or"); void simplecpp::TokenList::constFoldLogicalOp(Token *tok) { for (; tok && tok->op != ')'; tok = tok->next) { if (tok->name) { if (isAlternativeBinaryOp(tok,AND)) tok->setstr("&&"); else if (isAlternativeBinaryOp(tok,OR)) tok->setstr("||"); } if (tok->str() != "&&" && tok->str() != "||") continue; if (!tok->previous || !tok->previous->number) continue; if (!tok->next || !tok->next->number) continue; int result; if (tok->str() == "||") result = (stringToLL(tok->previous->str()) || stringToLL(tok->next->str())); else /*if (tok->str() == "&&")*/ result = (stringToLL(tok->previous->str()) && stringToLL(tok->next->str())); tok = tok->previous; tok->setstr(toString(result)); deleteToken(tok->next); deleteToken(tok->next); } } void simplecpp::TokenList::constFoldQuestionOp(Token **tok1) { bool gotoTok1 = false; for (Token *tok = *tok1; tok && tok->op != ')'; tok = gotoTok1 ? *tok1 : tok->next) { gotoTok1 = false; if (tok->str() != "?") continue; if (!tok->previous || !tok->next || !tok->next->next) throw std::runtime_error("invalid expression"); if (!tok->previous->number) continue; if (tok->next->next->op != ':') continue; Token * const condTok = tok->previous; Token * const trueTok = tok->next; Token * const falseTok = trueTok->next->next; if (!falseTok) throw std::runtime_error("invalid expression"); if (condTok == *tok1) *tok1 = (condTok->str() != "0" ? trueTok : falseTok); deleteToken(condTok->next); // ? deleteToken(trueTok->next); // : deleteToken(condTok->str() == "0" ? trueTok : falseTok); deleteToken(condTok); gotoTok1 = true; } } void simplecpp::TokenList::removeComments() { Token *tok = frontToken; while (tok) { Token * const tok1 = tok; tok = tok->next; if (tok1->comment) deleteToken(tok1); } } std::string simplecpp::TokenList::readUntil(Stream &stream, const Location &location, const char start, const char end, OutputList *outputList) { std::string ret; ret += start; bool backslash = false; char ch = 0; while (ch != end && ch != '\r' && ch != '\n' && stream.good()) { ch = stream.readChar(); if (backslash && ch == '\n') { ch = 0; backslash = false; continue; } backslash = false; ret += ch; if (ch == '\\') { bool update_ch = false; char next = 0; do { next = stream.readChar(); if (next == '\r' || next == '\n') { ret.erase(ret.size()-1U); backslash = (next == '\r'); update_ch = false; } else if (next == '\\') update_ch = !update_ch; ret += next; } while (next == '\\'); if (update_ch) ch = next; } } if (!stream.good() || ch != end) { clear(); if (outputList) { Output err(files); err.type = Output::SYNTAX_ERROR; err.location = location; err.msg = std::string("No pair for character (") + start + "). Can't process file. File is either invalid or unicode, which is currently not supported."; outputList->push_back(err); } return ""; } return ret; } std::string simplecpp::TokenList::lastLine(int maxsize) const { std::string ret; int count = 0; for (const Token *tok = cback(); ; tok = tok->previous) { if (!sameline(tok, cback())) { break; } if (tok->comment) continue; if (++count > maxsize) return ""; if (!ret.empty()) ret += ' '; // add tokens in reverse for performance reasons if (tok->str()[0] == '\"') ret += "%rts%"; // %str% else if (tok->number) ret += "%mun%"; // %num% else { ret += tok->str(); std::reverse(ret.end() - tok->str().length(), ret.end()); } } std::reverse(ret.begin(), ret.end()); return ret; } bool simplecpp::TokenList::isLastLinePreprocessor(int maxsize) const { const Token* prevTok = nullptr; int count = 0; for (const Token *tok = cback(); ; tok = tok->previous) { if (!sameline(tok, cback())) break; if (tok->comment) continue; if (++count > maxsize) return false; prevTok = tok; } return prevTok && prevTok->str()[0] == '#'; } unsigned int simplecpp::TokenList::fileIndex(const std::string &filename) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) { if (files[i] == filename) return i; } files.push_back(filename); return files.size() - 1U; } namespace simplecpp { class Macro; #if __cplusplus >= 201103L using MacroMap = std::unordered_map<TokenString,Macro>; #else typedef std::map<TokenString,Macro> MacroMap; #endif class Macro { public: explicit Macro(std::vector<std::string> &f) : nameTokDef(nullptr), valueToken(nullptr), endToken(nullptr), files(f), tokenListDefine(f), variadic(false), valueDefinedInCode_(false) {} Macro(const Token *tok, std::vector<std::string> &f) : nameTokDef(nullptr), files(f), tokenListDefine(f), valueDefinedInCode_(true) { if (sameline(tok->previousSkipComments(), tok)) throw std::runtime_error("bad macro syntax"); if (tok->op != '#') throw std::runtime_error("bad macro syntax"); const Token * const hashtok = tok; tok = tok->next; if (!tok || tok->str() != DEFINE) throw std::runtime_error("bad macro syntax"); tok = tok->next; if (!tok || !tok->name || !sameline(hashtok,tok)) throw std::runtime_error("bad macro syntax"); if (!parseDefine(tok)) throw std::runtime_error("bad macro syntax"); } Macro(const std::string &name, const std::string &value, std::vector<std::string> &f) : nameTokDef(nullptr), files(f), tokenListDefine(f), valueDefinedInCode_(false) { const std::string def(name + ' ' + value); std::istringstream istr(def); StdIStream stream(istr); tokenListDefine.readfile(stream); if (!parseDefine(tokenListDefine.cfront())) throw std::runtime_error("bad macro syntax. macroname=" + name + " value=" + value); } Macro(const Macro &other) : nameTokDef(nullptr), files(other.files), tokenListDefine(other.files), valueDefinedInCode_(other.valueDefinedInCode_) { *this = other; } Macro &operator=(const Macro &other) { if (this != &other) { files = other.files; valueDefinedInCode_ = other.valueDefinedInCode_; if (other.tokenListDefine.empty()) parseDefine(other.nameTokDef); else { tokenListDefine = other.tokenListDefine; parseDefine(tokenListDefine.cfront()); } usageList = other.usageList; } return *this; } bool valueDefinedInCode() const { return valueDefinedInCode_; } /** * Expand macro. This will recursively expand inner macros. * @param output destination tokenlist * @param rawtok macro token * @param macros list of macros * @param inputFiles the input files * @return token after macro * @throw Can throw wrongNumberOfParameters or invalidHashHash */ const Token * expand(TokenList * const output, const Token * rawtok, const MacroMap ¯os, std::vector<std::string> &inputFiles) const { std::set<TokenString> expandedmacros; TokenList output2(inputFiles); if (functionLike() && rawtok->next && rawtok->next->op == '(') { // Copy macro call to a new tokenlist with no linebreaks const Token * const rawtok1 = rawtok; TokenList rawtokens2(inputFiles); rawtokens2.push_back(new Token(rawtok->str(), rawtok1->location)); rawtok = rawtok->next; rawtokens2.push_back(new Token(rawtok->str(), rawtok1->location)); rawtok = rawtok->next; int par = 1; while (rawtok && par > 0) { if (rawtok->op == '(') ++par; else if (rawtok->op == ')') --par; else if (rawtok->op == '#' && !sameline(rawtok->previous, rawtok)) throw Error(rawtok->location, "it is invalid to use a preprocessor directive as macro parameter"); rawtokens2.push_back(new Token(rawtok->str(), rawtok1->location)); rawtok = rawtok->next; } bool first = true; if (valueToken && valueToken->str() == rawtok1->str()) first = false; if (expand(&output2, rawtok1->location, rawtokens2.cfront(), macros, expandedmacros, first)) rawtok = rawtok1->next; } else { rawtok = expand(&output2, rawtok->location, rawtok, macros, expandedmacros); } while (output2.cback() && rawtok) { unsigned int par = 0; Token* macro2tok = output2.back(); while (macro2tok) { if (macro2tok->op == '(') { if (par==0) break; --par; } else if (macro2tok->op == ')') ++par; macro2tok = macro2tok->previous; } if (macro2tok) { // macro2tok->op == '(' macro2tok = macro2tok->previous; expandedmacros.insert(name()); } else if (rawtok->op == '(') macro2tok = output2.back(); if (!macro2tok || !macro2tok->name) break; if (output2.cfront() != output2.cback() && macro2tok->str() == this->name()) break; const MacroMap::const_iterator macro = macros.find(macro2tok->str()); if (macro == macros.end() || !macro->second.functionLike()) break; TokenList rawtokens2(inputFiles); const Location loc(macro2tok->location); while (macro2tok) { Token * const next = macro2tok->next; rawtokens2.push_back(new Token(macro2tok->str(), loc)); output2.deleteToken(macro2tok); macro2tok = next; } par = (rawtokens2.cfront() != rawtokens2.cback()) ? 1U : 0U; const Token *rawtok2 = rawtok; for (; rawtok2; rawtok2 = rawtok2->next) { rawtokens2.push_back(new Token(rawtok2->str(), loc)); if (rawtok2->op == '(') ++par; else if (rawtok2->op == ')') { if (par <= 1U) break; --par; } } if (!rawtok2 || par != 1U) break; if (macro->second.expand(&output2, rawtok->location, rawtokens2.cfront(), macros, expandedmacros) != nullptr) break; rawtok = rawtok2->next; } output->takeTokens(output2); for (Token* tok = output->front(); tok; tok = tok->next) { if (tok->str() == INNER_COMMA) tok->setstr(","); } return rawtok; } /** macro name */ const TokenString &name() const { return nameTokDef->str(); } /** location for macro definition */ const Location &defineLocation() const { return nameTokDef->location; } /** how has this macro been used so far */ const std::list<Location> &usage() const { return usageList; } /** is this a function like macro */ bool functionLike() const { return nameTokDef->next && nameTokDef->next->op == '(' && sameline(nameTokDef, nameTokDef->next) && nameTokDef->next->location.col == nameTokDef->location.col + nameTokDef->str().size(); } /** base class for errors */ struct Error { Error(const Location &loc, const std::string &s) : location(loc), what(s) {} const Location location; const std::string what; }; /** Struct that is thrown when macro is expanded with wrong number of parameters */ struct wrongNumberOfParameters : public Error { wrongNumberOfParameters(const Location &loc, const std::string ¯oName) : Error(loc, "Wrong number of parameters for macro \'" + macroName + "\'.") {} }; /** Struct that is thrown when there is invalid ## usage */ struct invalidHashHash : public Error { static inline std::string format(const std::string ¯oName, const std::string &message) { return "Invalid ## usage when expanding \'" + macroName + "\': " + message; } invalidHashHash(const Location &loc, const std::string ¯oName, const std::string &message) : Error(loc, format(macroName, message)) { } static inline invalidHashHash unexpectedToken(const Location &loc, const std::string ¯oName, const Token *tokenA) { return invalidHashHash(loc, macroName, "Unexpected token '"+ tokenA->str()+"'"); } static inline invalidHashHash cannotCombine(const Location &loc, const std::string ¯oName, const Token *tokenA, const Token *tokenB) { return invalidHashHash(loc, macroName, "Combining '"+ tokenA->str()+ "' and '"+ tokenB->str() + "' yields an invalid token."); } static inline invalidHashHash unexpectedNewline(const Location &loc, const std::string ¯oName) { return invalidHashHash(loc, macroName, "Unexpected newline"); } static inline invalidHashHash universalCharacterUB(const Location &loc, const std::string ¯oName, const Token* tokenA, const std::string& strAB) { return invalidHashHash(loc, macroName, "Combining '\\"+ tokenA->str()+ "' and '"+ strAB.substr(tokenA->str().size()) + "' yields universal character '\\" + strAB + "'. This is undefined behavior according to C standard chapter, paragraph 4."); } }; private: /** Create new token where Token::macro is set for replaced tokens */ Token *newMacroToken(const TokenString &str, const Location &loc, bool replaced, const Token *expandedFromToken=nullptr) const { Token *tok = new Token(str,loc); if (replaced) tok->macro = nameTokDef->str(); if (expandedFromToken) tok->setExpandedFrom(expandedFromToken, this); return tok; } bool parseDefine(const Token *nametoken) { nameTokDef = nametoken; variadic = false; if (!nameTokDef) { valueToken = endToken = nullptr; args.clear(); return false; } // function like macro.. if (functionLike()) { args.clear(); const Token *argtok = nameTokDef->next->next; while (sameline(nametoken, argtok) && argtok->op != ')') { if (argtok->str() == "..." && argtok->next && argtok->next->op == ')') { variadic = true; if (!argtok->previous->name) args.push_back("__VA_ARGS__"); argtok = argtok->next; // goto ')' break; } if (argtok->op != ',') args.push_back(argtok->str()); argtok = argtok->next; } if (!sameline(nametoken, argtok)) { endToken = argtok ? argtok->previous : argtok; valueToken = nullptr; return false; } valueToken = argtok ? argtok->next : nullptr; } else { args.clear(); valueToken = nameTokDef->next; } if (!sameline(valueToken, nameTokDef)) valueToken = nullptr; endToken = valueToken; while (sameline(endToken, nameTokDef)) endToken = endToken->next; return true; } unsigned int getArgNum(const TokenString &str) const { unsigned int par = 0; while (par < args.size()) { if (str == args[par]) return par; par++; } return ~0U; } std::vector<const Token *> getMacroParameters(const Token *nameTokInst, bool calledInDefine) const { if (!nameTokInst->next || nameTokInst->next->op != '(' || !functionLike()) return std::vector<const Token *>(); std::vector<const Token *> parametertokens; parametertokens.push_back(nameTokInst->next); unsigned int par = 0U; for (const Token *tok = nameTokInst->next->next; calledInDefine ? sameline(tok, nameTokInst) : (tok != nullptr); tok = tok->next) { if (tok->op == '(') ++par; else if (tok->op == ')') { if (par == 0U) { parametertokens.push_back(tok); break; } --par; } else if (par == 0U && tok->op == ',' && (!variadic || parametertokens.size() < args.size())) parametertokens.push_back(tok); } return parametertokens; } const Token *appendTokens(TokenList *tokens, const Location &rawloc, const Token * const lpar, const MacroMap ¯os, const std::set<TokenString> &expandedmacros, const std::vector<const Token*> ¶metertokens) const { if (!lpar || lpar->op != '(') return nullptr; unsigned int par = 0; const Token *tok = lpar; while (sameline(lpar, tok)) { if (tok->op == '#' && sameline(tok,tok->next) && tok->next->op == '#' && sameline(tok,tok->next->next)) { // A##B => AB tok = expandHashHash(tokens, rawloc, tok, macros, expandedmacros, parametertokens); } else if (tok->op == '#' && sameline(tok, tok->next) && tok->next->op != '#') { tok = expandHash(tokens, rawloc, tok, macros, expandedmacros, parametertokens); } else { if (!expandArg(tokens, tok, rawloc, macros, expandedmacros, parametertokens)) { bool expanded = false; const MacroMap::const_iterator it = macros.find(tok->str()); if (it != macros.end() && expandedmacros.find(tok->str()) == expandedmacros.end()) { const Macro &m = it->second; if (!m.functionLike()) { Token* mtok = tokens->back(); m.expand(tokens, rawloc, tok, macros, expandedmacros); for (mtok = mtok->next; mtok; mtok = mtok->next) { if (mtok->op == ',') mtok->setstr(INNER_COMMA); } expanded = true; } } if (!expanded) { tokens->push_back(new Token(*tok)); if (tok->macro.empty() && (par > 0 || tok->str() != "(")) tokens->back()->macro = name(); } } if (tok->op == '(') ++par; else if (tok->op == ')') { --par; if (par == 0U) break; } tok = tok->next; } } for (Token *tok2 = tokens->front(); tok2; tok2 = tok2->next) tok2->location = lpar->location; return sameline(lpar,tok) ? tok : nullptr; } const Token * expand(TokenList * const output, const Location &loc, const Token * const nameTokInst, const MacroMap ¯os, std::set<TokenString> expandedmacros, bool first=false) const { if (!first) expandedmacros.insert(nameTokInst->str()); usageList.push_back(loc); if (nameTokInst->str() == "__FILE__") { output->push_back(new Token('\"'+loc.file()+'\"', loc)); return nameTokInst->next; } if (nameTokInst->str() == "__LINE__") { output->push_back(new Token(toString(loc.line), loc)); return nameTokInst->next; } if (nameTokInst->str() == "__COUNTER__") { output->push_back(new Token(toString(usageList.size()-1U), loc)); return nameTokInst->next; } const bool calledInDefine = (loc.fileIndex != nameTokInst->location.fileIndex || loc.line < nameTokInst->location.line); std::vector<const Token*> parametertokens1(getMacroParameters(nameTokInst, calledInDefine)); if (functionLike()) { // No arguments => not macro expansion if (nameTokInst->next && nameTokInst->next->op != '(') { output->push_back(new Token(nameTokInst->str(), loc)); return nameTokInst->next; } // Parse macro-call if (variadic) { if (parametertokens1.size() < args.size()) { throw wrongNumberOfParameters(nameTokInst->location, name()); } } else { if (parametertokens1.size() != args.size() + (args.empty() ? 2U : 1U)) throw wrongNumberOfParameters(nameTokInst->location, name()); } } // If macro call uses __COUNTER__ then expand that first TokenList tokensparams(files); std::vector<const Token *> parametertokens2; if (!parametertokens1.empty()) { bool counter = false; for (const Token *tok = parametertokens1[0]; tok != parametertokens1.back(); tok = tok->next) { if (tok->str() == "__COUNTER__") { counter = true; break; } } const MacroMap::const_iterator m = macros.find("__COUNTER__"); if (!counter || m == macros.end()) parametertokens2.swap(parametertokens1); else { const Macro &counterMacro = m->second; unsigned int par = 0; for (const Token *tok = parametertokens1[0]; tok && par < parametertokens1.size(); tok = tok->next) { if (tok->str() == "__COUNTER__") { tokensparams.push_back(new Token(toString(counterMacro.usageList.size()), tok->location)); counterMacro.usageList.push_back(tok->location); } else { tokensparams.push_back(new Token(*tok)); if (tok == parametertokens1[par]) { parametertokens2.push_back(tokensparams.cback()); par++; } } } } } Token * const output_end_1 = output->back(); // expand for (const Token *tok = valueToken; tok != endToken;) { if (tok->op != '#') { // A##B => AB if (sameline(tok, tok->next) && tok->next && tok->next->op == '#' && tok->next->next && tok->next->next->op == '#') { if (!sameline(tok, tok->next->next->next)) throw invalidHashHash::unexpectedNewline(tok->location, name()); TokenList new_output(files); if (!expandArg(&new_output, tok, parametertokens2)) output->push_back(newMacroToken(tok->str(), loc, isReplaced(expandedmacros), tok)); else if (new_output.empty()) // placemarker token output->push_back(newMacroToken("", loc, isReplaced(expandedmacros))); else for (const Token *tok2 = new_output.cfront(); tok2; tok2 = tok2->next) output->push_back(newMacroToken(tok2->str(), loc, isReplaced(expandedmacros), tok2)); tok = tok->next; } else { tok = expandToken(output, loc, tok, macros, expandedmacros, parametertokens2); } continue; } int numberOfHash = 1; const Token *hashToken = tok->next; while (sameline(tok,hashToken) && hashToken->op == '#') { hashToken = hashToken->next; ++numberOfHash; } if (numberOfHash == 4 && tok->next->location.col + 1 == tok->next->next->location.col) { // # ## # => ## output->push_back(newMacroToken("##", loc, isReplaced(expandedmacros))); tok = hashToken; continue; } if (numberOfHash >= 2 && tok->location.col + 1 < tok->next->location.col) { output->push_back(new Token(*tok)); tok = tok->next; continue; } tok = tok->next; if (tok == endToken) { output->push_back(new Token(*tok->previous)); break; } if (tok->op == '#') { // A##B => AB tok = expandHashHash(output, loc, tok->previous, macros, expandedmacros, parametertokens2); } else { // #123 => "123" tok = expandHash(output, loc, tok->previous, macros, expandedmacros, parametertokens2); } } if (!functionLike()) { for (Token *tok = output_end_1 ? output_end_1->next : output->front(); tok; tok = tok->next) { tok->macro = nameTokInst->str(); } } if (!parametertokens1.empty()) parametertokens1.swap(parametertokens2); return functionLike() ? parametertokens2.back()->next : nameTokInst->next; } const Token *recursiveExpandToken(TokenList *output, TokenList &temp, const Location &loc, const Token *tok, const MacroMap ¯os, const std::set<TokenString> &expandedmacros, const std::vector<const Token*> ¶metertokens) const { if (!(temp.cback() && temp.cback()->name && tok->next && tok->next->op == '(')) { output->takeTokens(temp); return tok->next; } if (!sameline(tok, tok->next)) { output->takeTokens(temp); return tok->next; } const MacroMap::const_iterator it = macros.find(temp.cback()->str()); if (it == macros.end() || expandedmacros.find(temp.cback()->str()) != expandedmacros.end()) { output->takeTokens(temp); return tok->next; } const Macro &calledMacro = it->second; if (!calledMacro.functionLike()) { output->takeTokens(temp); return tok->next; } TokenList temp2(files); temp2.push_back(new Token(temp.cback()->str(), tok->location)); const Token * const tok2 = appendTokens(&temp2, loc, tok->next, macros, expandedmacros, parametertokens); if (!tok2) return tok->next; output->takeTokens(temp); output->deleteToken(output->back()); calledMacro.expand(output, loc, temp2.cfront(), macros, expandedmacros); return tok2->next; } const Token *expandToken(TokenList *output, const Location &loc, const Token *tok, const MacroMap ¯os, const std::set<TokenString> &expandedmacros, const std::vector<const Token*> ¶metertokens) const { // Not name.. if (!tok->name) { output->push_back(newMacroToken(tok->str(), loc, true, tok)); return tok->next; } // Macro parameter.. { TokenList temp(files); if (expandArg(&temp, tok, loc, macros, expandedmacros, parametertokens)) { if (tok->str() == "__VA_ARGS__" && temp.empty() && output->cback() && output->cback()->str() == "," && tok->nextSkipComments() && tok->nextSkipComments()->str() == ")") output->deleteToken(output->back()); return recursiveExpandToken(output, temp, loc, tok, macros, expandedmacros, parametertokens); } } // Macro.. const MacroMap::const_iterator it = macros.find(tok->str()); if (it != macros.end() && expandedmacros.find(tok->str()) == expandedmacros.end()) { std::set<std::string> expandedmacros2(expandedmacros); expandedmacros2.insert(tok->str()); const Macro &calledMacro = it->second; if (!calledMacro.functionLike()) { TokenList temp(files); calledMacro.expand(&temp, loc, tok, macros, expandedmacros); return recursiveExpandToken(output, temp, loc, tok, macros, expandedmacros2, parametertokens); } if (!sameline(tok, tok->next) || tok->next->op != '(') { output->push_back(newMacroToken(tok->str(), loc, true, tok)); return tok->next; } TokenList tokens(files); tokens.push_back(new Token(*tok)); const Token * const tok2 = appendTokens(&tokens, loc, tok->next, macros, expandedmacros, parametertokens); if (!tok2) { output->push_back(newMacroToken(tok->str(), loc, true, tok)); return tok->next; } TokenList temp(files); calledMacro.expand(&temp, loc, tokens.cfront(), macros, expandedmacros); return recursiveExpandToken(output, temp, loc, tok2, macros, expandedmacros2, parametertokens); } if (tok->str() == DEFINED) { const Token * const tok2 = tok->next; const Token * const tok3 = tok2 ? tok2->next : nullptr; const Token * const tok4 = tok3 ? tok3->next : nullptr; const Token *defToken = nullptr; const Token *lastToken = nullptr; if (sameline(tok, tok4) && tok2->op == '(' && tok3->name && tok4->op == ')') { defToken = tok3; lastToken = tok4; } else if (sameline(tok,tok2) && tok2->name) { defToken = lastToken = tok2; } if (defToken) { std::string macroName = defToken->str(); if (defToken->next && defToken->next->op == '#' && defToken->next->next && defToken->next->next->op == '#' && defToken->next->next->next && defToken->next->next->next->name && sameline(defToken,defToken->next->next->next)) { TokenList temp(files); if (expandArg(&temp, defToken, parametertokens)) macroName = temp.cback()->str(); if (expandArg(&temp, defToken->next->next->next, parametertokens)) macroName += temp.cback()->str(); else macroName += defToken->next->next->next->str(); lastToken = defToken->next->next->next; } const bool def = (macros.find(macroName) != macros.end()); output->push_back(newMacroToken(def ? "1" : "0", loc, true)); return lastToken->next; } } output->push_back(newMacroToken(tok->str(), loc, true, tok)); return tok->next; } bool expandArg(TokenList *output, const Token *tok, const std::vector<const Token*> ¶metertokens) const { if (!tok->name) return false; const unsigned int argnr = getArgNum(tok->str()); if (argnr >= args.size()) return false; // empty variadic parameter if (variadic && argnr + 1U >= parametertokens.size()) return true; for (const Token *partok = parametertokens[argnr]->next; partok != parametertokens[argnr + 1U]; partok = partok->next) output->push_back(new Token(*partok)); return true; } bool expandArg(TokenList *output, const Token *tok, const Location &loc, const MacroMap ¯os, const std::set<TokenString> &expandedmacros, const std::vector<const Token*> ¶metertokens) const { if (!tok->name) return false; const unsigned int argnr = getArgNum(tok->str()); if (argnr >= args.size()) return false; if (variadic && argnr + 1U >= parametertokens.size()) // empty variadic parameter return true; for (const Token *partok = parametertokens[argnr]->next; partok != parametertokens[argnr + 1U];) { const MacroMap::const_iterator it = macros.find(partok->str()); if (it != macros.end() && !partok->isExpandedFrom(&it->second) && (partok->str() == name() || expandedmacros.find(partok->str()) == expandedmacros.end())) partok = it->second.expand(output, loc, partok, macros, expandedmacros); else { output->push_back(newMacroToken(partok->str(), loc, isReplaced(expandedmacros), partok)); output->back()->macro = partok->macro; partok = partok->next; } } return true; } /** * Expand #X => "X" * @param output destination tokenlist * @param loc location for expanded token * @param tok The # token * @param macros all macros * @param expandedmacros set with expanded macros, with this macro * @param parametertokens parameters given when expanding this macro * @return token after the X */ const Token *expandHash(TokenList *output, const Location &loc, const Token *tok, const MacroMap ¯os, const std::set<TokenString> &expandedmacros, const std::vector<const Token*> ¶metertokens) const { TokenList tokenListHash(files); tok = expandToken(&tokenListHash, loc, tok->next, macros, expandedmacros, parametertokens); std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << '\"'; for (const Token *hashtok = tokenListHash.cfront(); hashtok; hashtok = hashtok->next) ostr << hashtok->str(); ostr << '\"'; output->push_back(newMacroToken(escapeString(ostr.str()), loc, isReplaced(expandedmacros))); return tok; } /** * Expand A##B => AB * The A should already be expanded. Call this when you reach the first # token * @param output destination tokenlist * @param loc location for expanded token * @param tok first # token * @param macros all macros * @param expandedmacros set with expanded macros, with this macro * @param parametertokens parameters given when expanding this macro * @return token after B */ const Token *expandHashHash(TokenList *output, const Location &loc, const Token *tok, const MacroMap ¯os, const std::set<TokenString> &expandedmacros, const std::vector<const Token*> ¶metertokens) const { Token *A = output->back(); if (!A) throw invalidHashHash(tok->location, name(), "Missing first argument"); if (!sameline(tok, tok->next) || !sameline(tok, tok->next->next)) throw invalidHashHash::unexpectedNewline(tok->location, name()); const bool canBeConcatenatedWithEqual = A->isOneOf("+-*/%&|^") || A->str() == "<<" || A->str() == ">>"; const bool canBeConcatenatedStringOrChar = isStringLiteral_(A->str()) || isCharLiteral_(A->str()); if (!A->name && !A->number && A->op != ',' && !A->str().empty() && !canBeConcatenatedWithEqual && !canBeConcatenatedStringOrChar) throw invalidHashHash::unexpectedToken(tok->location, name(), A); Token * const B = tok->next->next; if (!B->name && !B->number && B->op && !B->isOneOf("#=")) throw invalidHashHash::unexpectedToken(tok->location, name(), B); if ((canBeConcatenatedWithEqual && B->op != '=') || (!canBeConcatenatedWithEqual && B->op == '=')) throw invalidHashHash::cannotCombine(tok->location, name(), A, B); // Superficial check; more in-depth would in theory be possible _after_ expandArg if (canBeConcatenatedStringOrChar && (B->number || !B->name)) throw invalidHashHash::cannotCombine(tok->location, name(), A, B); TokenList tokensB(files); const Token *nextTok = B->next; if (canBeConcatenatedStringOrChar) { // It seems clearer to handle this case separately even though the code is similar-ish, but we don't want to merge here. // TODO The question is whether the ## or varargs may still apply, and how to provoke? if (expandArg(&tokensB, B, parametertokens)) { for (Token *b = tokensB.front(); b; b = b->next) b->location = loc; } else { tokensB.push_back(new Token(*B)); tokensB.back()->location = loc; } output->takeTokens(tokensB); } else { std::string strAB; const bool varargs = variadic && !args.empty() && B->str() == args[args.size()-1U]; if (expandArg(&tokensB, B, parametertokens)) { if (tokensB.empty()) strAB = A->str(); else if (varargs && A->op == ',') { strAB = ","; } else { strAB = A->str() + tokensB.cfront()->str(); tokensB.deleteToken(tokensB.front()); } } else { strAB = A->str() + B->str(); } // producing universal character is undefined behavior if (A->previous && A->previous->str() == "\\") { if (strAB[0] == 'u' && strAB.size() == 5) throw invalidHashHash::universalCharacterUB(tok->location, name(), A, strAB); if (strAB[0] == 'U' && strAB.size() == 9) throw invalidHashHash::universalCharacterUB(tok->location, name(), A, strAB); } if (varargs && tokensB.empty() && tok->previous->str() == ",") output->deleteToken(A); else if (strAB != "," && macros.find(strAB) == macros.end()) { A->setstr(strAB); for (Token *b = tokensB.front(); b; b = b->next) b->location = loc; output->takeTokens(tokensB); } else if (sameline(B, nextTok) && sameline(B, nextTok->next) && nextTok->op == '#' && nextTok->next->op == '#') { TokenList output2(files); output2.push_back(new Token(strAB, tok->location)); nextTok = expandHashHash(&output2, loc, nextTok, macros, expandedmacros, parametertokens); output->deleteToken(A); output->takeTokens(output2); } else { output->deleteToken(A); TokenList tokens(files); tokens.push_back(new Token(strAB, tok->location)); // for function like macros, push the (...) if (tokensB.empty() && sameline(B,B->next) && B->next->op=='(') { const MacroMap::const_iterator it = macros.find(strAB); if (it != macros.end() && expandedmacros.find(strAB) == expandedmacros.end() && it->second.functionLike()) { const Token * const tok2 = appendTokens(&tokens, loc, B->next, macros, expandedmacros, parametertokens); if (tok2) nextTok = tok2->next; } } expandToken(output, loc, tokens.cfront(), macros, expandedmacros, parametertokens); for (Token *b = tokensB.front(); b; b = b->next) b->location = loc; output->takeTokens(tokensB); } } return nextTok; } static bool isReplaced(const std::set<std::string> &expandedmacros) { // return true if size > 1 std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it = expandedmacros.begin(); if (it == expandedmacros.end()) return false; ++it; return (it != expandedmacros.end()); } /** name token in definition */ const Token *nameTokDef; /** arguments for macro */ std::vector<TokenString> args; /** first token in replacement string */ const Token *valueToken; /** token after replacement string */ const Token *endToken; /** files */ std::vector<std::string> &files; /** this is used for -D where the definition is not seen anywhere in code */ TokenList tokenListDefine; /** usage of this macro */ mutable std::list<Location> usageList; /** is macro variadic? */ bool variadic; /** was the value of this macro actually defined in the code? */ bool valueDefinedInCode_; }; } namespace simplecpp { #ifdef __CYGWIN__ bool startsWith(const std::string &str, const std::string &s) { return (str.size() >= s.size() && str.compare(0, s.size(), s) == 0); } std::string convertCygwinToWindowsPath(const std::string &cygwinPath) { std::string windowsPath; std::string::size_type pos = 0; if (cygwinPath.size() >= 11 && startsWith(cygwinPath, "/cygdrive/")) { const unsigned char driveLetter = cygwinPath[10]; if (std::isalpha(driveLetter)) { if (cygwinPath.size() == 11) { windowsPath = toupper(driveLetter); windowsPath += ":\\"; // volume root directory pos = 11; } else if (cygwinPath[11] == '/') { windowsPath = toupper(driveLetter); windowsPath += ":"; pos = 11; } } } for (; pos < cygwinPath.size(); ++pos) { unsigned char c = cygwinPath[pos]; if (c == '/') c = '\\'; windowsPath += c; } return windowsPath; } #endif } #ifdef SIMPLECPP_WINDOWS #if __cplusplus >= 201103L using MyMutex = std::mutex; template<class T> using MyLock = std::lock_guard<T>; #else class MyMutex { public: MyMutex() { InitializeCriticalSection(&m_criticalSection); } ~MyMutex() { DeleteCriticalSection(&m_criticalSection); } CRITICAL_SECTION* lock() { return &m_criticalSection; } private: CRITICAL_SECTION m_criticalSection; }; template<typename T> class MyLock { public: explicit MyLock(T& m) : m_mutex(m) { EnterCriticalSection(m_mutex.lock()); } ~MyLock() { LeaveCriticalSection(m_mutex.lock()); } private: MyLock& operator=(const MyLock&); MyLock(const MyLock&); T& m_mutex; }; #endif class RealFileNameMap { public: RealFileNameMap() {} bool getCacheEntry(const std::string& path, std::string& returnPath) { MyLock<MyMutex> lock(m_mutex); const std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator it = m_fileMap.find(path); if (it != m_fileMap.end()) { returnPath = it->second; return true; } return false; } void addToCache(const std::string& path, const std::string& actualPath) { MyLock<MyMutex> lock(m_mutex); m_fileMap[path] = actualPath; } private: std::map<std::string, std::string> m_fileMap; MyMutex m_mutex; }; static RealFileNameMap realFileNameMap; static bool realFileName(const std::string &f, std::string &result) { // are there alpha characters in last subpath? bool alpha = false; for (std::string::size_type pos = 1; pos <= f.size(); ++pos) { const unsigned char c = f[f.size() - pos]; if (c == '/' || c == '\\') break; if (std::isalpha(c)) { alpha = true; break; } } // do not convert this path if there are no alpha characters (either pointless or cause wrong results for . and ..) if (!alpha) return false; // Lookup filename or foldername on file system if (!realFileNameMap.getCacheEntry(f, result)) { WIN32_FIND_DATAA FindFileData; #ifdef __CYGWIN__ const std::string fConverted = simplecpp::convertCygwinToWindowsPath(f); const HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFileExA(fConverted.c_str(), FindExInfoBasic, &FindFileData, FindExSearchNameMatch, NULL, 0); #else HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFileExA(f.c_str(), FindExInfoBasic, &FindFileData, FindExSearchNameMatch, NULL, 0); #endif if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFind) return false; result = FindFileData.cFileName; realFileNameMap.addToCache(f, result); FindClose(hFind); } return true; } static RealFileNameMap realFilePathMap; /** Change case in given path to match filesystem */ static std::string realFilename(const std::string &f) { std::string ret; ret.reserve(f.size()); // this will be the final size if (realFilePathMap.getCacheEntry(f, ret)) return ret; // Current subpath std::string subpath; for (std::string::size_type pos = 0; pos < f.size(); ++pos) { const unsigned char c = f[pos]; // Separator.. add subpath and separator if (c == '/' || c == '\\') { // if subpath is empty just add separator if (subpath.empty()) { ret += c; continue; } const bool isDriveSpecification = (pos == 2 && subpath.size() == 2 && std::isalpha(subpath[0]) && subpath[1] == ':'); // Append real filename (proper case) std::string f2; if (!isDriveSpecification && realFileName(f.substr(0, pos), f2)) ret += f2; else ret += subpath; subpath.clear(); // Append separator ret += c; } else { subpath += c; } } if (!subpath.empty()) { std::string f2; if (realFileName(f,f2)) ret += f2; else ret += subpath; } realFilePathMap.addToCache(f, ret); return ret; } static bool isAbsolutePath(const std::string &path) { if (path.length() >= 3 && path[0] > 0 && std::isalpha(path[0]) && path[1] == ':' && (path[2] == '\\' || path[2] == '/')) return true; return path.length() > 1U && (path[0] == '/' || path[0] == '\\'); } #else #define realFilename(f) f static bool isAbsolutePath(const std::string &path) { return path.length() > 1U && path[0] == '/'; } #endif namespace simplecpp { /** * perform path simplifications for . and .. */ std::string simplifyPath(std::string path) { if (path.empty()) return path; std::string::size_type pos; // replace backslash separators std::replace(path.begin(), path.end(), '\\', '/'); const bool unc(path.compare(0,2,"//") == 0); // replace "//" with "/" pos = 0; while ((pos = path.find("//",pos)) != std::string::npos) { path.erase(pos,1); } // remove "./" pos = 0; while ((pos = path.find("./",pos)) != std::string::npos) { if (pos == 0 || path[pos - 1U] == '/') path.erase(pos,2); else pos += 2; } // remove trailing dot if path ends with "/." if (endsWith(path,"/.")) path.erase(path.size()-1); // simplify ".." pos = 1; // don't simplify ".." if path starts with that while ((pos = path.find("/..", pos)) != std::string::npos) { // not end of path, then string must be "/../" if (pos + 3 < path.size() && path[pos + 3] != '/') { ++pos; continue; } // get previous subpath std::string::size_type pos1 = path.rfind('/', pos - 1U); if (pos1 == std::string::npos) { pos1 = 0; } else { pos1 += 1U; } const std::string previousSubPath = path.substr(pos1, pos - pos1); if (previousSubPath == "..") { // don't simplify ++pos; } else { // remove previous subpath and ".." path.erase(pos1, pos - pos1 + 4); if (path.empty()) path = "."; // update pos pos = (pos1 == 0) ? 1 : (pos1 - 1); } } // Remove trailing '/'? //if (path.size() > 1 && endsWith(path, "/")) // path.erase(path.size()-1); if (unc) path = '/' + path; // cppcheck-suppress duplicateExpressionTernary - platform-dependent implementation return strpbrk(path.c_str(), "*?") == nullptr ? realFilename(path) : path; } } /** Evaluate sizeof(type) */ static void simplifySizeof(simplecpp::TokenList &expr, const std::map<std::string, std::size_t> &sizeOfType) { for (simplecpp::Token *tok = expr.front(); tok; tok = tok->next) { if (tok->str() != "sizeof") continue; simplecpp::Token *tok1 = tok->next; if (!tok1) { throw std::runtime_error("missing sizeof argument"); } simplecpp::Token *tok2 = tok1->next; if (!tok2) { throw std::runtime_error("missing sizeof argument"); } if (tok1->op == '(') { tok1 = tok1->next; while (tok2->op != ')') { tok2 = tok2->next; if (!tok2) { throw std::runtime_error("invalid sizeof expression"); } } } std::string type; for (simplecpp::Token *typeToken = tok1; typeToken != tok2; typeToken = typeToken->next) { if ((typeToken->str() == "unsigned" || typeToken->str() == "signed") && typeToken->next->name) continue; if (typeToken->str() == "*" && type.find('*') != std::string::npos) continue; if (!type.empty()) type += ' '; type += typeToken->str(); } const std::map<std::string, std::size_t>::const_iterator it = sizeOfType.find(type); if (it != sizeOfType.end()) tok->setstr(toString(it->second)); else continue; tok2 = tok2->next; while (tok->next != tok2) expr.deleteToken(tok->next); } } /** Evaluate __has_include(file) */ static std::string openHeader(std::ifstream &f, const simplecpp::DUI &dui, const std::string &sourcefile, const std::string &header, bool systemheader); static void simplifyHasInclude(simplecpp::TokenList &expr, const simplecpp::DUI &dui) { for (simplecpp::Token *tok = expr.front(); tok; tok = tok->next) { if (tok->str() != "__has_include") continue; simplecpp::Token *tok1 = tok->next; if (!tok1) { throw std::runtime_error("missing __has_include argument"); } simplecpp::Token *tok2 = tok1->next; if (!tok2) { throw std::runtime_error("missing __has_include argument"); } if (tok1->op == '(') { tok1 = tok1->next; while (tok2->op != ')') { tok2 = tok2->next; if (!tok2) { throw std::runtime_error("invalid __has_include expression"); } } } const std::string &sourcefile = tok->location.file(); const bool systemheader = (tok1 && tok1->op == '<'); std::string header; if (systemheader) { simplecpp::Token *tok3 = tok1->next; if (!tok3) { throw std::runtime_error("missing __has_include closing angular bracket"); } while (tok3->op != '>') { tok3 = tok3->next; if (!tok3) { throw std::runtime_error("invalid __has_include expression"); } } for (simplecpp::Token *headerToken = tok1->next; headerToken != tok3; headerToken = headerToken->next) header += headerToken->str(); // cppcheck-suppress selfAssignment - platform-dependent implementation header = realFilename(header); } else { header = realFilename(tok1->str().substr(1U, tok1->str().size() - 2U)); } std::ifstream f; const std::string header2 = openHeader(f,dui,sourcefile,header,systemheader); tok->setstr(header2.empty() ? "0" : "1"); tok2 = tok2->next; while (tok->next != tok2) expr.deleteToken(tok->next); } } static const char * const altopData[] = {"and","or","bitand","bitor","compl","not","not_eq","xor"}; static const std::set<std::string> altop(&altopData[0], &altopData[8]); static void simplifyName(simplecpp::TokenList &expr) { for (simplecpp::Token *tok = expr.front(); tok; tok = tok->next) { if (tok->name) { if (altop.find(tok->str()) != altop.end()) { bool alt; if (tok->str() == "not" || tok->str() == "compl") { alt = isAlternativeUnaryOp(tok,tok->str()); } else { alt = isAlternativeBinaryOp(tok,tok->str()); } if (alt) continue; } tok->setstr("0"); } } } /* * Reads at least minlen and at most maxlen digits (inc. prefix) in base base * from s starting at position pos and converts them to a * unsigned long long value, updating pos to point to the first * unused element of s. * Returns ULLONG_MAX if the result is not representable and * throws if the above requirements were not possible to satisfy. */ static unsigned long long stringToULLbounded( const std::string& s, std::size_t& pos, int base = 0, std::ptrdiff_t minlen = 1, std::size_t maxlen = std::string::npos ) { const std::string sub = s.substr(pos, maxlen); const char * const start = sub.c_str(); char* end; const unsigned long long value = std::strtoull(start, &end, base); pos += end - start; if (end - start < minlen) throw std::runtime_error("expected digit"); return value; } /* Converts character literal (including prefix, but not ud-suffix) * to long long value. * * Assumes ASCII-compatible single-byte encoded str for narrow literals * and UTF-8 otherwise. * * For target assumes * - execution character set encoding matching str * - UTF-32 execution wide-character set encoding * - requirements for __STDC_UTF_16__, __STDC_UTF_32__ and __STDC_ISO_10646__ satisfied * - char16_t is 16bit wide * - char32_t is 32bit wide * - wchar_t is 32bit wide and unsigned * - matching char signedness to host * - matching sizeof(int) to host * * For host assumes * - ASCII-compatible execution character set * * For host and target assumes * - CHAR_BIT == 8 * - two's complement * * Implements multi-character narrow literals according to GCC's behavior, * except multi code unit universal character names are not supported. * Multi-character wide literals are not supported. * Limited support of universal character names for non-UTF-8 execution character set encodings. */ long long simplecpp::characterLiteralToLL(const std::string& str) { // default is wide/utf32 bool narrow = false; bool utf8 = false; bool utf16 = false; std::size_t pos; if (!str.empty() && str[0] == '\'') { narrow = true; pos = 1; } else if (str.size() >= 2 && str[0] == 'u' && str[1] == '\'') { utf16 = true; pos = 2; } else if (str.size() >= 3 && str[0] == 'u' && str[1] == '8' && str[2] == '\'') { utf8 = true; pos = 3; } else if (str.size() >= 2 && (str[0] == 'L' || str[0] == 'U') && str[1] == '\'') { pos = 2; } else throw std::runtime_error("expected a character literal"); unsigned long long multivalue = 0; std::size_t nbytes = 0; while (pos + 1 < str.size()) { if (str[pos] == '\'' || str[pos] == '\n') throw std::runtime_error("raw single quotes and newlines not allowed in character literals"); if (nbytes >= 1 && !narrow) throw std::runtime_error("multiple characters only supported in narrow character literals"); unsigned long long value; if (str[pos] == '\\') { pos++; const char escape = str[pos++]; if (pos >= str.size()) throw std::runtime_error("unexpected end of character literal"); switch (escape) { // obscure GCC extensions case '%': case '(': case '[': case '{': // standard escape sequences case '\'': case '"': case '?': case '\\': value = static_cast<unsigned char>(escape); break; case 'a': value = static_cast<unsigned char>('\a'); break; case 'b': value = static_cast<unsigned char>('\b'); break; case 'f': value = static_cast<unsigned char>('\f'); break; case 'n': value = static_cast<unsigned char>('\n'); break; case 'r': value = static_cast<unsigned char>('\r'); break; case 't': value = static_cast<unsigned char>('\t'); break; case 'v': value = static_cast<unsigned char>('\v'); break; // GCC extension for ESC character case 'e': case 'E': value = static_cast<unsigned char>('\x1b'); break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': // octal escape sequences consist of 1 to 3 digits value = stringToULLbounded(str, --pos, 8, 1, 3); break; case 'x': // hexadecimal escape sequences consist of at least 1 digit value = stringToULLbounded(str, pos, 16); break; case 'u': case 'U': { // universal character names have exactly 4 or 8 digits const std::size_t ndigits = (escape == 'u' ? 4 : 8); value = stringToULLbounded(str, pos, 16, ndigits, ndigits); // UTF-8 encodes code points above 0x7f in multiple code units // code points above 0x10ffff are not allowed if (((narrow || utf8) && value > 0x7f) || (utf16 && value > 0xffff) || value > 0x10ffff) throw std::runtime_error("code point too large"); if (value >= 0xd800 && value <= 0xdfff) throw std::runtime_error("surrogate code points not allowed in universal character names"); break; } default: throw std::runtime_error("invalid escape sequence"); } } else { value = static_cast<unsigned char>(str[pos++]); if (!narrow && value >= 0x80) { // Assuming this is a UTF-8 encoded code point. // This decoder may not completely validate the input. // Noncharacters are neither rejected nor replaced. int additional_bytes; if (value >= 0xf5) // higher values would result in code points above 0x10ffff throw std::runtime_error("assumed UTF-8 encoded source, but sequence is invalid"); if (value >= 0xf0) additional_bytes = 3; else if (value >= 0xe0) additional_bytes = 2; else if (value >= 0xc2) // 0xc0 and 0xc1 are always overlong 2-bytes encodings additional_bytes = 1; else throw std::runtime_error("assumed UTF-8 encoded source, but sequence is invalid"); value &= (1 << (6 - additional_bytes)) - 1; while (additional_bytes--) { if (pos + 1 >= str.size()) throw std::runtime_error("assumed UTF-8 encoded source, but character literal ends unexpectedly"); const unsigned char c = str[pos++]; if (((c >> 6) != 2) // ensure c has form 0xb10xxxxxx || (!value && additional_bytes == 1 && c < 0xa0) // overlong 3-bytes encoding || (!value && additional_bytes == 2 && c < 0x90)) // overlong 4-bytes encoding throw std::runtime_error("assumed UTF-8 encoded source, but sequence is invalid"); value = (value << 6) | (c & ((1 << 7) - 1)); } if (value >= 0xd800 && value <= 0xdfff) throw std::runtime_error("assumed UTF-8 encoded source, but sequence is invalid"); if ((utf8 && value > 0x7f) || (utf16 && value > 0xffff) || value > 0x10ffff) throw std::runtime_error("code point too large"); } } if (((narrow || utf8) && value > std::numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max()) || (utf16 && value >> 16) || value >> 32) throw std::runtime_error("numeric escape sequence too large"); multivalue <<= CHAR_BIT; multivalue |= value; nbytes++; } if (pos + 1 != str.size() || str[pos] != '\'') throw std::runtime_error("missing closing quote in character literal"); if (!nbytes) throw std::runtime_error("empty character literal"); // ordinary narrow character literal's value is determined by (possibly signed) char if (narrow && nbytes == 1) return static_cast<char>(multivalue); // while multi-character literal's value is determined by (signed) int if (narrow) return static_cast<int>(multivalue); // All other cases are unsigned. Since long long is at least 64bit wide, // while the literals at most 32bit wide, the conversion preserves all values. return multivalue; } static void simplifyNumbers(simplecpp::TokenList &expr) { for (simplecpp::Token *tok = expr.front(); tok; tok = tok->next) { if (tok->str().size() == 1U) continue; if (tok->str().compare(0,2,"0x") == 0) tok->setstr(toString(stringToULL(tok->str()))); else if (!tok->number && tok->str().find('\'') != std::string::npos) tok->setstr(toString(simplecpp::characterLiteralToLL(tok->str()))); } } static void simplifyComments(simplecpp::TokenList &expr) { for (simplecpp::Token *tok = expr.front(); tok;) { simplecpp::Token * const d = tok; tok = tok->next; if (d->comment) expr.deleteToken(d); } } static long long evaluate(simplecpp::TokenList &expr, const simplecpp::DUI &dui, const std::map<std::string, std::size_t> &sizeOfType) { simplifyComments(expr); simplifySizeof(expr, sizeOfType); simplifyHasInclude(expr, dui); simplifyName(expr); simplifyNumbers(expr); expr.constFold(); // TODO: handle invalid expressions return expr.cfront() && expr.cfront() == expr.cback() && expr.cfront()->number ? stringToLL(expr.cfront()->str()) : 0LL; } static const simplecpp::Token *gotoNextLine(const simplecpp::Token *tok) { const unsigned int line = tok->location.line; const unsigned int file = tok->location.fileIndex; while (tok && tok->location.line == line && tok->location.fileIndex == file) tok = tok->next; return tok; } #ifdef SIMPLECPP_WINDOWS class NonExistingFilesCache { public: NonExistingFilesCache() {} bool contains(const std::string& path) { MyLock<MyMutex> lock(m_mutex); return (m_pathSet.find(path) != m_pathSet.end()); } void add(const std::string& path) { MyLock<MyMutex> lock(m_mutex); m_pathSet.insert(path); } void clear() { MyLock<MyMutex> lock(m_mutex); m_pathSet.clear(); } private: std::set<std::string> m_pathSet; MyMutex m_mutex; }; static NonExistingFilesCache nonExistingFilesCache; #endif static std::string openHeader(std::ifstream &f, const std::string &path) { std::string simplePath = simplecpp::simplifyPath(path); #ifdef SIMPLECPP_WINDOWS if (nonExistingFilesCache.contains(simplePath)) return ""; // file is known not to exist, skip expensive file open call #endif f.open(simplePath.c_str()); if (f.is_open()) return simplePath; #ifdef SIMPLECPP_WINDOWS nonExistingFilesCache.add(simplePath); #endif return ""; } static std::string getRelativeFileName(const std::string &sourcefile, const std::string &header) { if (sourcefile.find_first_of("\\/") != std::string::npos) return simplecpp::simplifyPath(sourcefile.substr(0, sourcefile.find_last_of("\\/") + 1U) + header); return simplecpp::simplifyPath(header); } static std::string openHeaderRelative(std::ifstream &f, const std::string &sourcefile, const std::string &header) { return openHeader(f, getRelativeFileName(sourcefile, header)); } static std::string getIncludePathFileName(const std::string &includePath, const std::string &header) { std::string path = includePath; if (!path.empty() && path[path.size()-1U]!='/' && path[path.size()-1U]!='\\') path += '/'; return path + header; } static std::string openHeaderIncludePath(std::ifstream &f, const simplecpp::DUI &dui, const std::string &header) { for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = dui.includePaths.begin(); it != dui.includePaths.end(); ++it) { std::string simplePath = openHeader(f, getIncludePathFileName(*it, header)); if (!simplePath.empty()) return simplePath; } return ""; } static std::string openHeader(std::ifstream &f, const simplecpp::DUI &dui, const std::string &sourcefile, const std::string &header, bool systemheader) { if (isAbsolutePath(header)) return openHeader(f, header); std::string ret; if (systemheader) { ret = openHeaderIncludePath(f, dui, header); return ret; } ret = openHeaderRelative(f, sourcefile, header); if (ret.empty()) return openHeaderIncludePath(f, dui, header); return ret; } static std::string getFileName(const std::map<std::string, simplecpp::TokenList *> &filedata, const std::string &sourcefile, const std::string &header, const simplecpp::DUI &dui, bool systemheader) { if (filedata.empty()) { return ""; } if (isAbsolutePath(header)) { return (filedata.find(header) != filedata.end()) ? simplecpp::simplifyPath(header) : ""; } const std::string relativeFilename = getRelativeFileName(sourcefile, header); if (!systemheader && filedata.find(relativeFilename) != filedata.end()) return relativeFilename; for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = dui.includePaths.begin(); it != dui.includePaths.end(); ++it) { std::string s = simplecpp::simplifyPath(getIncludePathFileName(*it, header)); if (filedata.find(s) != filedata.end()) return s; } if (systemheader && filedata.find(header) != filedata.end()) return header; return ""; } static bool hasFile(const std::map<std::string, simplecpp::TokenList *> &filedata, const std::string &sourcefile, const std::string &header, const simplecpp::DUI &dui, bool systemheader) { return !getFileName(filedata, sourcefile, header, dui, systemheader).empty(); } std::map<std::string, simplecpp::TokenList*> simplecpp::load(const simplecpp::TokenList &rawtokens, std::vector<std::string> &filenames, const simplecpp::DUI &dui, simplecpp::OutputList *outputList) { #ifdef SIMPLECPP_WINDOWS if (dui.clearIncludeCache) nonExistingFilesCache.clear(); #endif std::map<std::string, simplecpp::TokenList*> ret; std::list<const Token *> filelist; // -include files for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = dui.includes.begin(); it != dui.includes.end(); ++it) { const std::string &filename = realFilename(*it); if (ret.find(filename) != ret.end()) continue; std::ifstream fin(filename.c_str()); if (!fin.is_open()) { if (outputList) { simplecpp::Output err(filenames); err.type = simplecpp::Output::EXPLICIT_INCLUDE_NOT_FOUND; err.location = Location(filenames); err.msg = "Can not open include file '" + filename + "' that is explicitly included."; outputList->push_back(err); } continue; } fin.close(); TokenList *tokenlist = new TokenList(filename, filenames, outputList); if (!tokenlist->front()) { delete tokenlist; continue; } ret[filename] = tokenlist; filelist.push_back(tokenlist->front()); } for (const Token *rawtok = rawtokens.cfront(); rawtok || !filelist.empty(); rawtok = rawtok ? rawtok->next : nullptr) { if (rawtok == nullptr) { rawtok = filelist.back(); filelist.pop_back(); } if (rawtok->op != '#' || sameline(rawtok->previousSkipComments(), rawtok)) continue; rawtok = rawtok->nextSkipComments(); if (!rawtok || rawtok->str() != INCLUDE) continue; const std::string &sourcefile = rawtok->location.file(); const Token * const htok = rawtok->nextSkipComments(); if (!sameline(rawtok, htok)) continue; const bool systemheader = (htok->str()[0] == '<'); const std::string header(realFilename(htok->str().substr(1U, htok->str().size() - 2U))); if (hasFile(ret, sourcefile, header, dui, systemheader)) continue; std::ifstream f; const std::string header2 = openHeader(f,dui,sourcefile,header,systemheader); if (!f.is_open()) continue; f.close(); TokenList *tokens = new TokenList(header2, filenames, outputList); ret[header2] = tokens; if (tokens->front()) filelist.push_back(tokens->front()); } return ret; } static bool preprocessToken(simplecpp::TokenList &output, const simplecpp::Token **tok1, simplecpp::MacroMap ¯os, std::vector<std::string> &files, simplecpp::OutputList *outputList) { const simplecpp::Token * const tok = *tok1; const simplecpp::MacroMap::const_iterator it = macros.find(tok->str()); if (it != macros.end()) { simplecpp::TokenList value(files); try { *tok1 = it->second.expand(&value, tok, macros, files); } catch (simplecpp::Macro::Error &err) { if (outputList) { simplecpp::Output out(files); out.type = simplecpp::Output::SYNTAX_ERROR; out.location = err.location; out.msg = "failed to expand \'" + tok->str() + "\', " + err.what; outputList->push_back(out); } return false; } output.takeTokens(value); } else { if (!tok->comment) output.push_back(new simplecpp::Token(*tok)); *tok1 = tok->next; } return true; } static void getLocaltime(struct tm <ime) { time_t t; time(&t); #ifndef _WIN32 // NOLINTNEXTLINE(misc-include-cleaner) - false positive localtime_r(&t, <ime); #else localtime_s(<ime, &t); #endif } static std::string getDateDefine(const struct tm *timep) { char buf[] = "??? ?? ????"; strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%b %d %Y", timep); return std::string("\"").append(buf).append("\""); } static std::string getTimeDefine(const struct tm *timep) { char buf[] = "??:??:??"; strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%T", timep); return std::string("\"").append(buf).append("\""); } void simplecpp::preprocess(simplecpp::TokenList &output, const simplecpp::TokenList &rawtokens, std::vector<std::string> &files, std::map<std::string, simplecpp::TokenList *> &filedata, const simplecpp::DUI &dui, simplecpp::OutputList *outputList, std::list<simplecpp::MacroUsage> *macroUsage, std::list<simplecpp::IfCond> *ifCond) { #ifdef SIMPLECPP_WINDOWS if (dui.clearIncludeCache) nonExistingFilesCache.clear(); #endif std::map<std::string, std::size_t> sizeOfType(rawtokens.sizeOfType); sizeOfType.insert(std::make_pair("char", sizeof(char))); sizeOfType.insert(std::make_pair("short", sizeof(short))); sizeOfType.insert(std::make_pair("short int", sizeOfType["short"])); sizeOfType.insert(std::make_pair("int", sizeof(int))); sizeOfType.insert(std::make_pair("long", sizeof(long))); sizeOfType.insert(std::make_pair("long int", sizeOfType["long"])); sizeOfType.insert(std::make_pair("long long", sizeof(long long))); sizeOfType.insert(std::make_pair("float", sizeof(float))); sizeOfType.insert(std::make_pair("double", sizeof(double))); sizeOfType.insert(std::make_pair("long double", sizeof(long double))); sizeOfType.insert(std::make_pair("char *", sizeof(char *))); sizeOfType.insert(std::make_pair("short *", sizeof(short *))); sizeOfType.insert(std::make_pair("short int *", sizeOfType["short *"])); sizeOfType.insert(std::make_pair("int *", sizeof(int *))); sizeOfType.insert(std::make_pair("long *", sizeof(long *))); sizeOfType.insert(std::make_pair("long int *", sizeOfType["long *"])); sizeOfType.insert(std::make_pair("long long *", sizeof(long long *))); sizeOfType.insert(std::make_pair("float *", sizeof(float *))); sizeOfType.insert(std::make_pair("double *", sizeof(double *))); sizeOfType.insert(std::make_pair("long double *", sizeof(long double *))); const bool hasInclude = (dui.std.size() == 5 && dui.std.compare(0,3,"c++") == 0 && dui.std >= "c++17"); MacroMap macros; for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = dui.defines.begin(); it != dui.defines.end(); ++it) { const std::string ¯ostr = *it; const std::string::size_type eq = macrostr.find('='); const std::string::size_type par = macrostr.find('('); const std::string macroname = macrostr.substr(0, std::min(eq,par)); if (dui.undefined.find(macroname) != dui.undefined.end()) continue; const std::string lhs(macrostr.substr(0,eq)); const std::string rhs(eq==std::string::npos ? std::string("1") : macrostr.substr(eq+1)); const Macro macro(lhs, rhs, files); macros.insert(std::pair<TokenString,Macro>(macro.name(), macro)); } macros.insert(std::make_pair("__FILE__", Macro("__FILE__", "__FILE__", files))); macros.insert(std::make_pair("__LINE__", Macro("__LINE__", "__LINE__", files))); macros.insert(std::make_pair("__COUNTER__", Macro("__COUNTER__", "__COUNTER__", files))); struct tm ltime = {}; getLocaltime(ltime); macros.insert(std::make_pair("__DATE__", Macro("__DATE__", getDateDefine(<ime), files))); macros.insert(std::make_pair("__TIME__", Macro("__TIME__", getTimeDefine(<ime), files))); if (!dui.std.empty()) { std::string std_def = simplecpp::getCStdString(dui.std); if (!std_def.empty()) { macros.insert(std::make_pair("__STDC_VERSION__", Macro("__STDC_VERSION__", std_def, files))); } else { std_def = simplecpp::getCppStdString(dui.std); if (!std_def.empty()) macros.insert(std::make_pair("__cplusplus", Macro("__cplusplus", std_def, files))); } } // True => code in current #if block should be kept // ElseIsTrue => code in current #if block should be dropped. the code in the #else should be kept. // AlwaysFalse => drop all code in #if and #else enum IfState { True, ElseIsTrue, AlwaysFalse }; std::stack<int> ifstates; ifstates.push(True); std::stack<const Token *> includetokenstack; std::set<std::string> pragmaOnce; includetokenstack.push(rawtokens.cfront()); for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = dui.includes.begin(); it != dui.includes.end(); ++it) { const std::map<std::string, TokenList*>::const_iterator f = filedata.find(*it); if (f != filedata.end()) includetokenstack.push(f->second->cfront()); } std::map<std::string, std::list<Location> > maybeUsedMacros; for (const Token *rawtok = nullptr; rawtok || !includetokenstack.empty();) { if (rawtok == nullptr) { rawtok = includetokenstack.top(); includetokenstack.pop(); continue; } if (rawtok->op == '#' && !sameline(rawtok->previousSkipComments(), rawtok)) { if (!sameline(rawtok, rawtok->next)) { rawtok = rawtok->next; continue; } rawtok = rawtok->next; if (!rawtok->name) { rawtok = gotoNextLine(rawtok); continue; } if (ifstates.size() <= 1U && (rawtok->str() == ELIF || rawtok->str() == ELSE || rawtok->str() == ENDIF)) { if (outputList) { simplecpp::Output err(files); err.type = Output::SYNTAX_ERROR; err.location = rawtok->location; err.msg = "#" + rawtok->str() + " without #if"; outputList->push_back(err); } output.clear(); return; } if (ifstates.top() == True && (rawtok->str() == ERROR || rawtok->str() == WARNING)) { if (outputList) { simplecpp::Output err(rawtok->location.files); err.type = rawtok->str() == ERROR ? Output::ERROR : Output::WARNING; err.location = rawtok->location; for (const Token *tok = rawtok->next; tok && sameline(rawtok,tok); tok = tok->next) { if (!err.msg.empty() && isNameChar(tok->str()[0])) err.msg += ' '; err.msg += tok->str(); } err.msg = '#' + rawtok->str() + ' ' + err.msg; outputList->push_back(err); } if (rawtok->str() == ERROR) { output.clear(); return; } } if (rawtok->str() == DEFINE) { if (ifstates.top() != True) continue; try { const Macro ¯o = Macro(rawtok->previous, files); if (dui.undefined.find(macro.name()) == dui.undefined.end()) { const MacroMap::iterator it = macros.find(macro.name()); if (it == macros.end()) macros.insert(std::pair<TokenString, Macro>(macro.name(), macro)); else it->second = macro; } } catch (const std::runtime_error &) { if (outputList) { simplecpp::Output err(files); err.type = Output::SYNTAX_ERROR; err.location = rawtok->location; err.msg = "Failed to parse #define"; outputList->push_back(err); } output.clear(); return; } } else if (ifstates.top() == True && rawtok->str() == INCLUDE) { TokenList inc1(files); for (const Token *inctok = rawtok->next; sameline(rawtok,inctok); inctok = inctok->next) { if (!inctok->comment) inc1.push_back(new Token(*inctok)); } TokenList inc2(files); if (!inc1.empty() && inc1.cfront()->name) { const Token *inctok = inc1.cfront(); if (!preprocessToken(inc2, &inctok, macros, files, outputList)) { output.clear(); return; } } else { inc2.takeTokens(inc1); } if (!inc2.empty() && inc2.cfront()->op == '<' && inc2.cback()->op == '>') { TokenString hdr; // TODO: Sometimes spaces must be added in the string // Somehow preprocessToken etc must be told that the location should be source location not destination location for (const Token *tok = inc2.cfront(); tok; tok = tok->next) { hdr += tok->str(); } inc2.clear(); inc2.push_back(new Token(hdr, inc1.cfront()->location)); inc2.front()->op = '<'; } if (inc2.empty() || inc2.cfront()->str().size() <= 2U) { if (outputList) { simplecpp::Output err(files); err.type = Output::SYNTAX_ERROR; err.location = rawtok->location; err.msg = "No header in #include"; outputList->push_back(err); } output.clear(); return; } const Token * const inctok = inc2.cfront(); const bool systemheader = (inctok->str()[0] == '<'); const std::string header(realFilename(inctok->str().substr(1U, inctok->str().size() - 2U))); std::string header2 = getFileName(filedata, rawtok->location.file(), header, dui, systemheader); if (header2.empty()) { // try to load file.. std::ifstream f; header2 = openHeader(f, dui, rawtok->location.file(), header, systemheader); if (f.is_open()) { TokenList * const tokens = new TokenList(f, files, header2, outputList); filedata[header2] = tokens; } } if (header2.empty()) { if (outputList) { simplecpp::Output out(files); out.type = Output::MISSING_HEADER; out.location = rawtok->location; out.msg = "Header not found: " + inctok->str(); outputList->push_back(out); } } else if (includetokenstack.size() >= 400) { if (outputList) { simplecpp::Output out(files); out.type = Output::INCLUDE_NESTED_TOO_DEEPLY; out.location = rawtok->location; out.msg = "#include nested too deeply"; outputList->push_back(out); } } else if (pragmaOnce.find(header2) == pragmaOnce.end()) { includetokenstack.push(gotoNextLine(rawtok)); const TokenList * const includetokens = filedata.find(header2)->second; rawtok = includetokens ? includetokens->cfront() : nullptr; continue; } } else if (rawtok->str() == IF || rawtok->str() == IFDEF || rawtok->str() == IFNDEF || rawtok->str() == ELIF) { if (!sameline(rawtok,rawtok->next)) { if (outputList) { simplecpp::Output out(files); out.type = Output::SYNTAX_ERROR; out.location = rawtok->location; out.msg = "Syntax error in #" + rawtok->str(); outputList->push_back(out); } output.clear(); return; } bool conditionIsTrue; if (ifstates.top() == AlwaysFalse || (ifstates.top() == ElseIsTrue && rawtok->str() != ELIF)) conditionIsTrue = false; else if (rawtok->str() == IFDEF) { conditionIsTrue = (macros.find(rawtok->next->str()) != macros.end() || (hasInclude && rawtok->next->str() == HAS_INCLUDE)); maybeUsedMacros[rawtok->next->str()].push_back(rawtok->next->location); } else if (rawtok->str() == IFNDEF) { conditionIsTrue = (macros.find(rawtok->next->str()) == macros.end() && !(hasInclude && rawtok->next->str() == HAS_INCLUDE)); maybeUsedMacros[rawtok->next->str()].push_back(rawtok->next->location); } else { /*if (rawtok->str() == IF || rawtok->str() == ELIF)*/ TokenList expr(files); for (const Token *tok = rawtok->next; tok && tok->location.sameline(rawtok->location); tok = tok->next) { if (!tok->name) { expr.push_back(new Token(*tok)); continue; } if (tok->str() == DEFINED) { tok = tok->next; const bool par = (tok && tok->op == '('); if (par) tok = tok->next; maybeUsedMacros[rawtok->next->str()].push_back(rawtok->next->location); if (tok) { if (macros.find(tok->str()) != macros.end()) expr.push_back(new Token("1", tok->location)); else if (hasInclude && tok->str() == HAS_INCLUDE) expr.push_back(new Token("1", tok->location)); else expr.push_back(new Token("0", tok->location)); } if (par) tok = tok ? tok->next : nullptr; if (!tok || !sameline(rawtok,tok) || (par && tok->op != ')')) { if (outputList) { Output out(rawtok->location.files); out.type = Output::SYNTAX_ERROR; out.location = rawtok->location; out.msg = "failed to evaluate " + std::string(rawtok->str() == IF ? "#if" : "#elif") + " condition"; outputList->push_back(out); } output.clear(); return; } continue; } if (hasInclude && tok->str() == HAS_INCLUDE) { tok = tok->next; const bool par = (tok && tok->op == '('); if (par) tok = tok->next; bool closingAngularBracket = false; if (tok) { const std::string &sourcefile = rawtok->location.file(); const bool systemheader = (tok && tok->op == '<'); std::string header; if (systemheader) { while ((tok = tok->next) && tok->op != '>') header += tok->str(); // cppcheck-suppress selfAssignment - platform-dependent implementation header = realFilename(header); if (tok && tok->op == '>') closingAngularBracket = true; } else { header = realFilename(tok->str().substr(1U, tok->str().size() - 2U)); closingAngularBracket = true; } std::ifstream f; const std::string header2 = openHeader(f,dui,sourcefile,header,systemheader); expr.push_back(new Token(header2.empty() ? "0" : "1", tok->location)); } if (par) tok = tok ? tok->next : nullptr; if (!tok || !sameline(rawtok,tok) || (par && tok->op != ')') || (!closingAngularBracket)) { if (outputList) { Output out(rawtok->location.files); out.type = Output::SYNTAX_ERROR; out.location = rawtok->location; out.msg = "failed to evaluate " + std::string(rawtok->str() == IF ? "#if" : "#elif") + " condition"; outputList->push_back(out); } output.clear(); return; } continue; } maybeUsedMacros[rawtok->next->str()].push_back(rawtok->next->location); const Token *tmp = tok; if (!preprocessToken(expr, &tmp, macros, files, outputList)) { output.clear(); return; } if (!tmp) break; tok = tmp->previous; } try { if (ifCond) { std::string E; for (const simplecpp::Token *tok = expr.cfront(); tok; tok = tok->next) E += (E.empty() ? "" : " ") + tok->str(); const long long result = evaluate(expr, dui, sizeOfType); conditionIsTrue = (result != 0); ifCond->push_back(IfCond(rawtok->location, E, result)); } else { const long long result = evaluate(expr, dui, sizeOfType); conditionIsTrue = (result != 0); } } catch (const std::exception &e) { if (outputList) { Output out(rawtok->location.files); out.type = Output::SYNTAX_ERROR; out.location = rawtok->location; out.msg = "failed to evaluate " + std::string(rawtok->str() == IF ? "#if" : "#elif") + " condition"; if (e.what() && *e.what()) out.msg += std::string(", ") + e.what(); outputList->push_back(out); } output.clear(); return; } } if (rawtok->str() != ELIF) { // push a new ifstate.. if (ifstates.top() != True) ifstates.push(AlwaysFalse); else ifstates.push(conditionIsTrue ? True : ElseIsTrue); } else if (ifstates.top() == True) { ifstates.top() = AlwaysFalse; } else if (ifstates.top() == ElseIsTrue && conditionIsTrue) { ifstates.top() = True; } } else if (rawtok->str() == ELSE) { ifstates.top() = (ifstates.top() == ElseIsTrue) ? True : AlwaysFalse; } else if (rawtok->str() == ENDIF) { ifstates.pop(); } else if (rawtok->str() == UNDEF) { if (ifstates.top() == True) { const Token *tok = rawtok->next; while (sameline(rawtok,tok) && tok->comment) tok = tok->next; if (sameline(rawtok, tok)) macros.erase(tok->str()); } } else if (ifstates.top() == True && rawtok->str() == PRAGMA && rawtok->next && rawtok->next->str() == ONCE && sameline(rawtok,rawtok->next)) { pragmaOnce.insert(rawtok->location.file()); } rawtok = gotoNextLine(rawtok); continue; } if (ifstates.top() != True) { // drop code rawtok = gotoNextLine(rawtok); continue; } bool hash=false, hashhash=false; if (rawtok->op == '#' && sameline(rawtok,rawtok->next)) { if (rawtok->next->op != '#') { hash = true; rawtok = rawtok->next; // skip '#' } else if (sameline(rawtok,rawtok->next->next)) { hashhash = true; rawtok = rawtok->next->next; // skip '#' '#' } } const Location loc(rawtok->location); TokenList tokens(files); if (!preprocessToken(tokens, &rawtok, macros, files, outputList)) { output.clear(); return; } if (hash || hashhash) { std::string s; for (const Token *hashtok = tokens.cfront(); hashtok; hashtok = hashtok->next) s += hashtok->str(); if (hash) output.push_back(new Token('\"' + s + '\"', loc)); else if (output.back()) output.back()->setstr(output.cback()->str() + s); else output.push_back(new Token(s, loc)); } else { output.takeTokens(tokens); } } if (macroUsage) { for (simplecpp::MacroMap::const_iterator macroIt = macros.begin(); macroIt != macros.end(); ++macroIt) { const Macro ¯o = macroIt->second; std::list<Location> usage = macro.usage(); const std::list<Location>& temp = maybeUsedMacros[macro.name()]; usage.insert(usage.end(), temp.begin(), temp.end()); for (std::list<Location>::const_iterator usageIt = usage.begin(); usageIt != usage.end(); ++usageIt) { MacroUsage mu(usageIt->files, macro.valueDefinedInCode()); mu.macroName = macro.name(); mu.macroLocation = macro.defineLocation(); mu.useLocation = *usageIt; macroUsage->push_back(mu); } } } } void simplecpp::cleanup(std::map<std::string, TokenList*> &filedata) { for (std::map<std::string, TokenList*>::iterator it = filedata.begin(); it != filedata.end(); ++it) delete it->second; filedata.clear(); } std::string simplecpp::getCStdString(const std::string &std) { if (std == "c90" || std == "c89" || std == "iso9899:1990" || std == "iso9899:199409" || std == "gnu90" || std == "gnu89") { // __STDC_VERSION__ is not set for C90 although the macro was added in the 1994 amendments return ""; } if (std == "c99" || std == "c9x" || std == "iso9899:1999" || std == "iso9899:199x" || std == "gnu99"|| std == "gnu9x") return "199901L"; if (std == "c11" || std == "c1x" || std == "iso9899:2011" || std == "gnu11" || std == "gnu1x") return "201112L"; if (std == "c17" || std == "c18" || std == "iso9899:2017" || std == "iso9899:2018" || std == "gnu17"|| std == "gnu18") return "201710L"; if (std == "c23" || std == "gnu23" || std == "c2x" || std == "gnu2x") { // supported by GCC 9+ and Clang 9+ // Clang 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 return "201710L" // Clang 14, 15, 16, 17 return "202000L" // Clang 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 do not support "c23" and "gnu23" return "202311L"; } return ""; } std::string simplecpp::getCppStdString(const std::string &std) { if (std == "c++98" || std == "c++03" || std == "gnu++98" || std == "gnu++03") return "199711L"; if (std == "c++11" || std == "gnu++11" || std == "c++0x" || std == "gnu++0x") return "201103L"; if (std == "c++14" || std == "c++1y" || std == "gnu++14" || std == "gnu++1y") return "201402L"; if (std == "c++17" || std == "c++1z" || std == "gnu++17" || std == "gnu++1z") return "201703L"; if (std == "c++20" || std == "c++2a" || std == "gnu++20" || std == "gnu++2a") { // GCC 10 returns "201703L" - correct in 11+ return "202002L"; } if (std == "c++23" || std == "c++2b" || std == "gnu++23" || std == "gnu++2b") { // supported by GCC 11+ and Clang 12+ // GCC 11, 12, 13 return "202100L" // Clang 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 do not support "c++23" and "gnu++23" and return "202101L" // Clang 17, 18 return "202302L" return "202302L"; } if (std == "c++26" || std == "c++2c" || std == "gnu++26" || std == "gnu++2c") { // supported by Clang 17+ return "202400L"; } return ""; } #if (__cplusplus < 201103L) && !defined(__APPLE__) #undef nullptr #endif