/* * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis * Copyright (C) 2007-2023 Cppcheck team. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "cppcheck.h" #include "addoninfo.h" #include "check.h" #include "checkunusedfunctions.h" #include "clangimport.h" #include "color.h" #include "ctu.h" #include "errortypes.h" #include "filesettings.h" #include "library.h" #include "path.h" #include "platform.h" #include "preprocessor.h" #include "standards.h" #include "suppressions.h" #include "timer.h" #include "token.h" #include "tokenize.h" #include "tokenlist.h" #include "utils.h" #include "valueflow.h" #include "version.h" #include <algorithm> #include <cassert> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdint> #include <cstring> #include <cctype> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <exception> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> // <- TEMPORARY #include <new> #include <set> #include <sstream> // IWYU pragma: keep #include <stdexcept> #include <string> #include <unordered_set> #include <utility> #include <vector> #ifndef _WIN32 #include <unistd.h> #else #include <process.h> #endif #include "json.h" #include <simplecpp.h> #include "xml.h" #ifdef HAVE_RULES #ifdef _WIN32 #define PCRE_STATIC #endif #include <pcre.h> #endif class SymbolDatabase; static constexpr char Version[] = CPPCHECK_VERSION_STRING; static constexpr char ExtraVersion[] = ""; static constexpr char FILELIST[] = "cppcheck-addon-ctu-file-list"; static TimerResults s_timerResults; // CWE ids used static const CWE CWE398(398U); // Indicator of Poor Code Quality // File deleter namespace { class FilesDeleter { public: FilesDeleter() = default; ~FilesDeleter() { for (const std::string& fileName: mFilenames) std::remove(fileName.c_str()); } void addFile(const std::string& fileName) { mFilenames.push_back(fileName); } private: std::vector<std::string> mFilenames; }; } static std::string cmdFileName(std::string f) { f = Path::toNativeSeparators(f); if (f.find(' ') != std::string::npos) return "\"" + f + "\""; return f; } static std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string &str, const std::string &sep=" ") { std::vector<std::string> ret; for (std::string::size_type startPos = 0U; startPos < str.size();) { startPos = str.find_first_not_of(sep, startPos); if (startPos == std::string::npos) break; if (str[startPos] == '\"') { const std::string::size_type endPos = str.find('\"', startPos + 1); ret.push_back(str.substr(startPos + 1, endPos - startPos - 1)); startPos = (endPos < str.size()) ? (endPos + 1) : endPos; continue; } const std::string::size_type endPos = str.find(sep, startPos + 1); ret.push_back(str.substr(startPos, endPos - startPos)); startPos = endPos; } return ret; } static int getPid() { #ifndef _WIN32 return getpid(); #else return _getpid(); #endif } static std::string getDumpFileName(const Settings& settings, const std::string& filename) { if (!settings.dumpFile.empty()) return settings.dumpFile; std::string extension; if (settings.dump) extension = ".dump"; else extension = "." + std::to_string(getPid()) + ".dump"; if (!settings.dump && !settings.buildDir.empty()) return AnalyzerInformation::getAnalyzerInfoFile(settings.buildDir, filename, emptyString) + extension; return filename + extension; } static std::string getCtuInfoFileName(const std::string &dumpFile) { return dumpFile.substr(0, dumpFile.size()-4) + "ctu-info"; } static void createDumpFile(const Settings& settings, const std::string& filename, std::ofstream& fdump, std::string& dumpFile) { if (!settings.dump && settings.addons.empty()) return; dumpFile = getDumpFileName(settings, filename); fdump.open(dumpFile); if (!fdump.is_open()) return; { std::ofstream fout(getCtuInfoFileName(dumpFile)); } std::string language; switch (settings.enforcedLang) { case Settings::Language::C: language = " language=\"c\""; break; case Settings::Language::CPP: language = " language=\"cpp\""; break; case Settings::Language::None: if (Path::isCPP(filename)) language = " language=\"cpp\""; else if (Path::isC(filename)) language = " language=\"c\""; break; } fdump << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"; fdump << "<dumps" << language << ">\n"; fdump << " <platform" << " name=\"" << settings.platform.toString() << '\"' << " char_bit=\"" << settings.platform.char_bit << '\"' << " short_bit=\"" << settings.platform.short_bit << '\"' << " int_bit=\"" << settings.platform.int_bit << '\"' << " long_bit=\"" << settings.platform.long_bit << '\"' << " long_long_bit=\"" << settings.platform.long_long_bit << '\"' << " pointer_bit=\"" << (settings.platform.sizeof_pointer * settings.platform.char_bit) << '\"' << "/>" << '\n'; } static std::string detectPython(const CppCheck::ExecuteCmdFn &executeCommand) { #ifdef _WIN32 const char *py_exes[] = { "python3.exe", "python.exe" }; #else const char *py_exes[] = { "python3", "python" }; #endif for (const char* py_exe : py_exes) { std::string out; #ifdef _MSC_VER // FIXME: hack to avoid debug assertion with _popen() in executeCommand() for non-existing commands const std::string cmd = std::string(py_exe) + " --version >NUL"; if (system(cmd.c_str()) != 0) { // TODO: get more detailed error? break; } #endif if (executeCommand(py_exe, split("--version"), "2>&1", out) == EXIT_SUCCESS && startsWith(out, "Python ") && std::isdigit(out[7])) { return py_exe; } } return ""; } static std::vector<picojson::value> executeAddon(const AddonInfo &addonInfo, const std::string &defaultPythonExe, const std::string &file, const std::string &premiumArgs, const CppCheck::ExecuteCmdFn &executeCommand) { const std::string redirect = "2>&1"; std::string pythonExe; if (!addonInfo.executable.empty()) pythonExe = addonInfo.executable; else if (!addonInfo.python.empty()) pythonExe = cmdFileName(addonInfo.python); else if (!defaultPythonExe.empty()) pythonExe = cmdFileName(defaultPythonExe); else { // store in static variable so we only look this up once static const std::string detectedPythonExe = detectPython(executeCommand); if (detectedPythonExe.empty()) throw InternalError(nullptr, "Failed to auto detect python"); pythonExe = detectedPythonExe; } std::string args; if (addonInfo.executable.empty()) args = cmdFileName(addonInfo.runScript) + " " + cmdFileName(addonInfo.scriptFile); args += std::string(args.empty() ? "" : " ") + "--cli" + addonInfo.args; if (!premiumArgs.empty() && !addonInfo.executable.empty()) args += " " + premiumArgs; const bool is_file_list = (file.find(FILELIST) != std::string::npos); const std::string fileArg = (is_file_list ? " --file-list " : " ") + cmdFileName(file); args += fileArg; std::string result; if (const int exitcode = executeCommand(pythonExe, split(args), redirect, result)) { std::string message("Failed to execute addon '" + addonInfo.name + "' - exitcode is " + std::to_string(exitcode)); std::string details = pythonExe + " " + args; if (result.size() > 2) { details += "\nOutput:\n"; details += result; const auto pos = details.find_last_not_of("\n\r"); if (pos != std::string::npos) details.resize(pos + 1); } throw InternalError(nullptr, message, details); } std::vector<picojson::value> addonResult; // Validate output.. std::istringstream istr(result); std::string line; while (std::getline(istr, line)) { // TODO: also bail out? if (line.empty()) { //std::cout << "addon '" << addonInfo.name << "' result contains empty line" << std::endl; continue; } // TODO: get rid of this if (startsWith(line,"Checking ")) { //std::cout << "addon '" << addonInfo.name << "' result contains 'Checking ' line" << std::endl; continue; } if (line[0] != '{') { //std::cout << "addon '" << addonInfo.name << "' result is not a JSON" << std::endl; result.erase(result.find_last_not_of('\n') + 1, std::string::npos); // Remove trailing newlines throw InternalError(nullptr, "Failed to execute '" + pythonExe + " " + args + "'. " + result); } //std::cout << "addon '" << addonInfo.name << "' result is " << line << std::endl; // TODO: make these failures? picojson::value res; const std::string err = picojson::parse(res, line); if (!err.empty()) { //std::cout << "addon '" << addonInfo.name << "' result is not a valid JSON (" << err << ")" << std::endl; continue; } if (!res.is<picojson::object>()) { //std::cout << "addon '" << addonInfo.name << "' result is not a JSON object" << std::endl; continue; } addonResult.emplace_back(std::move(res)); } // Valid results return addonResult; } static std::string getDefinesFlags(const std::string &semicolonSeparatedString) { std::string flags; for (const std::string &d: split(semicolonSeparatedString, ";")) flags += "-D" + d + " "; return flags; } CppCheck::CppCheck(ErrorLogger &errorLogger, bool useGlobalSuppressions, ExecuteCmdFn executeCommand) : mErrorLogger(errorLogger) , mUseGlobalSuppressions(useGlobalSuppressions) , mExecuteCommand(std::move(executeCommand)) {} CppCheck::~CppCheck() { while (!mFileInfo.empty()) { delete mFileInfo.back(); mFileInfo.pop_back(); } if (mPlistFile.is_open()) { mPlistFile << ErrorLogger::plistFooter(); mPlistFile.close(); } } const char * CppCheck::version() { return Version; } const char * CppCheck::extraVersion() { return ExtraVersion; } static bool reportClangErrors(std::istream &is, const std::function<void(const ErrorMessage&)>& reportErr, std::vector<ErrorMessage> &warnings) { std::string line; while (std::getline(is, line)) { if (line.empty() || line[0] == ' ' || line[0] == '`' || line[0] == '-') continue; std::string::size_type pos3 = line.find(": error: "); if (pos3 == std::string::npos) pos3 = line.find(": fatal error:"); if (pos3 == std::string::npos) pos3 = line.find(": warning:"); if (pos3 == std::string::npos) continue; // file:line:column: error: .... const std::string::size_type pos2 = line.rfind(':', pos3 - 1); const std::string::size_type pos1 = line.rfind(':', pos2 - 1); if (pos1 >= pos2 || pos2 >= pos3) continue; const std::string filename = line.substr(0, pos1); const std::string linenr = line.substr(pos1+1, pos2-pos1-1); const std::string colnr = line.substr(pos2+1, pos3-pos2-1); const std::string msg = line.substr(line.find(':', pos3+1) + 2); const std::string locFile = Path::toNativeSeparators(filename); ErrorMessage::FileLocation loc; loc.setfile(locFile); loc.line = strToInt<int>(linenr); loc.column = strToInt<unsigned int>(colnr); ErrorMessage errmsg({std::move(loc)}, locFile, Severity::error, msg, "syntaxError", Certainty::normal); if (line.compare(pos3, 10, ": warning:") == 0) { warnings.push_back(std::move(errmsg)); continue; } reportErr(errmsg); return true; } return false; } unsigned int CppCheck::check(const std::string &path) { if (mSettings.clang) { if (!mSettings.quiet) mErrorLogger.reportOut(std::string("Checking ") + path + "...", Color::FgGreen); const std::string lang = Path::isCPP(path) ? "-x c++" : "-x c"; const std::string analyzerInfo = mSettings.buildDir.empty() ? std::string() : AnalyzerInformation::getAnalyzerInfoFile(mSettings.buildDir, path, emptyString); const std::string clangcmd = analyzerInfo + ".clang-cmd"; const std::string clangStderr = analyzerInfo + ".clang-stderr"; const std::string clangAst = analyzerInfo + ".clang-ast"; std::string exe = mSettings.clangExecutable; #ifdef _WIN32 // append .exe if it is not a path if (Path::fromNativeSeparators(mSettings.clangExecutable).find('/') == std::string::npos) { exe += ".exe"; } #endif std::string flags(lang + " "); if (Path::isCPP(path) && !mSettings.standards.stdValue.empty()) flags += "-std=" + mSettings.standards.stdValue + " "; for (const std::string &i: mSettings.includePaths) flags += "-I" + i + " "; flags += getDefinesFlags(mSettings.userDefines); const std::string args2 = "-fsyntax-only -Xclang -ast-dump -fno-color-diagnostics " + flags + path; const std::string redirect2 = analyzerInfo.empty() ? std::string("2>&1") : ("2> " + clangStderr); if (!mSettings.buildDir.empty()) { std::ofstream fout(clangcmd); fout << exe << " " << args2 << " " << redirect2 << std::endl; } else if (mSettings.verbose && !mSettings.quiet) { mErrorLogger.reportOut(exe + " " + args2); } std::string output2; if (mExecuteCommand(exe,split(args2),redirect2,output2) != EXIT_SUCCESS || output2.find("TranslationUnitDecl") == std::string::npos) { std::cerr << "Failed to execute '" << exe << " " << args2 << " " << redirect2 << "'" << std::endl; return 0; } // Ensure there are not syntax errors... std::vector<ErrorMessage> compilerWarnings; if (!mSettings.buildDir.empty()) { std::ifstream fin(clangStderr); auto reportError = [this](const ErrorMessage& errorMessage) { reportErr(errorMessage); }; if (reportClangErrors(fin, reportError, compilerWarnings)) return 0; } else { std::istringstream istr(output2); auto reportError = [this](const ErrorMessage& errorMessage) { reportErr(errorMessage); }; if (reportClangErrors(istr, reportError, compilerWarnings)) return 0; } if (!mSettings.buildDir.empty()) { std::ofstream fout(clangAst); fout << output2 << std::endl; } try { std::istringstream ast(output2); Tokenizer tokenizer(&mSettings, this); tokenizer.list.appendFileIfNew(path); clangimport::parseClangAstDump(&tokenizer, ast); ValueFlow::setValues(tokenizer.list, const_cast<SymbolDatabase&>(*tokenizer.getSymbolDatabase()), this, &mSettings, &s_timerResults); if (mSettings.debugnormal) tokenizer.printDebugOutput(1); checkNormalTokens(tokenizer); // create dumpfile std::ofstream fdump; std::string dumpFile; createDumpFile(mSettings, path, fdump, dumpFile); if (fdump.is_open()) { fdump << "<dump cfg=\"\">\n"; for (const ErrorMessage& errmsg: compilerWarnings) fdump << " <clang-warning file=\"" << toxml(errmsg.callStack.front().getfile()) << "\" line=\"" << errmsg.callStack.front().line << "\" column=\"" << errmsg.callStack.front().column << "\" message=\"" << toxml(errmsg.shortMessage()) << "\"/>\n"; fdump << " <standards>\n"; fdump << " <c version=\"" << mSettings.standards.getC() << "\"/>\n"; fdump << " <cpp version=\"" << mSettings.standards.getCPP() << "\"/>\n"; fdump << " </standards>\n"; tokenizer.dump(fdump); fdump << "</dump>\n"; fdump << "</dumps>\n"; fdump.close(); } // run addons executeAddons(dumpFile, path); } catch (const InternalError &e) { const ErrorMessage errmsg = ErrorMessage::fromInternalError(e, nullptr, path, "Bailing out from analysis: Processing Clang AST dump failed"); reportErr(errmsg); } catch (const TerminateException &) { // Analysis is terminated return mExitCode; } catch (const std::exception &e) { internalError(path, std::string("Processing Clang AST dump failed: ") + e.what()); } return mExitCode; } return checkFile(Path::simplifyPath(path), emptyString); } unsigned int CppCheck::check(const std::string &path, const std::string &content) { std::istringstream iss(content); return checkFile(Path::simplifyPath(path), emptyString, &iss); } unsigned int CppCheck::check(const FileSettings &fs) { CppCheck temp(mErrorLogger, mUseGlobalSuppressions, mExecuteCommand); temp.mSettings = mSettings; if (!temp.mSettings.userDefines.empty()) temp.mSettings.userDefines += ';'; if (mSettings.clang) temp.mSettings.userDefines += fs.defines; else temp.mSettings.userDefines += fs.cppcheckDefines(); temp.mSettings.includePaths = fs.includePaths; temp.mSettings.userUndefs.insert(fs.undefs.cbegin(), fs.undefs.cend()); if (fs.standard.find("++") != std::string::npos) temp.mSettings.standards.setCPP(fs.standard); else if (!fs.standard.empty()) temp.mSettings.standards.setC(fs.standard); if (fs.platformType != Platform::Type::Unspecified) temp.mSettings.platform.set(fs.platformType); if (mSettings.clang) { temp.mSettings.includePaths.insert(temp.mSettings.includePaths.end(), fs.systemIncludePaths.cbegin(), fs.systemIncludePaths.cend()); return temp.check(Path::simplifyPath(fs.filename)); } const unsigned int returnValue = temp.checkFile(Path::simplifyPath(fs.filename), fs.cfg); mSettings.nomsg.addSuppressions(temp.mSettings.nomsg.getSuppressions()); return returnValue; } static simplecpp::TokenList createTokenList(const std::string& filename, std::vector<std::string>& files, simplecpp::OutputList* outputList, std::istream* fileStream) { if (fileStream) return {*fileStream, files, filename, outputList}; return {filename, files, outputList}; } unsigned int CppCheck::checkFile(const std::string& filename, const std::string &cfgname, std::istream* fileStream) { mExitCode = 0; FilesDeleter filesDeleter; if (Settings::terminated()) return mExitCode; const Timer fileTotalTimer(mSettings.showtime == SHOWTIME_MODES::SHOWTIME_FILE_TOTAL, filename); if (!mSettings.quiet) { std::string fixedpath = Path::simplifyPath(filename); fixedpath = Path::toNativeSeparators(fixedpath); mErrorLogger.reportOut(std::string("Checking ") + fixedpath + ' ' + cfgname + std::string("..."), Color::FgGreen); if (mSettings.verbose) { mErrorLogger.reportOut("Defines:" + mSettings.userDefines); std::string undefs; for (const std::string& U : mSettings.userUndefs) { if (!undefs.empty()) undefs += ';'; undefs += ' ' + U; } mErrorLogger.reportOut("Undefines:" + undefs); std::string includePaths; for (const std::string &I : mSettings.includePaths) includePaths += " -I" + I; mErrorLogger.reportOut("Includes:" + includePaths); mErrorLogger.reportOut(std::string("Platform:") + mSettings.platform.toString()); } } if (mPlistFile.is_open()) { mPlistFile << ErrorLogger::plistFooter(); mPlistFile.close(); } CheckUnusedFunctions checkUnusedFunctions(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); try { Preprocessor preprocessor(mSettings, this); std::set<std::string> configurations; simplecpp::OutputList outputList; std::vector<std::string> files; simplecpp::TokenList tokens1 = createTokenList(filename, files, &outputList, fileStream); // If there is a syntax error, report it and stop const auto output_it = std::find_if(outputList.cbegin(), outputList.cend(), [](const simplecpp::Output &output){ return Preprocessor::hasErrors(output); }); if (output_it != outputList.cend()) { const simplecpp::Output &output = *output_it; std::string file = Path::fromNativeSeparators(output.location.file()); if (mSettings.relativePaths) file = Path::getRelativePath(file, mSettings.basePaths); const ErrorMessage::FileLocation loc1(file, output.location.line, output.location.col); std::list<ErrorMessage::FileLocation> callstack(1, loc1); ErrorMessage errmsg(callstack, "", Severity::error, output.msg, "syntaxError", Certainty::normal); reportErr(errmsg); return mExitCode; } if (mSettings.library.markupFile(filename)) { Tokenizer tokenizer(&mSettings, this, &preprocessor); tokenizer.createTokens(std::move(tokens1)); checkUnusedFunctions.getFileInfo(&tokenizer, &mSettings); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (!preprocessor.loadFiles(tokens1, files)) return mExitCode; if (!mSettings.plistOutput.empty()) { std::string filename2; if (filename.find('/') != std::string::npos) filename2 = filename.substr(filename.rfind('/') + 1); else filename2 = filename; const std::size_t fileNameHash = std::hash<std::string> {}(filename); filename2 = mSettings.plistOutput + filename2.substr(0, filename2.find('.')) + "_" + std::to_string(fileNameHash) + ".plist"; mPlistFile.open(filename2); mPlistFile << ErrorLogger::plistHeader(version(), files); } std::string dumpProlog; if (mSettings.dump || !mSettings.addons.empty()) { dumpProlog += " <rawtokens>\n"; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) { dumpProlog += " <file index=\""; dumpProlog += std::to_string(i); dumpProlog += "\" name=\""; dumpProlog += ErrorLogger::toxml(files[i]); dumpProlog += "\"/>\n"; } for (const simplecpp::Token *tok = tokens1.cfront(); tok; tok = tok->next) { dumpProlog += " <tok "; dumpProlog += "fileIndex=\""; dumpProlog += std::to_string(tok->location.fileIndex); dumpProlog += "\" "; dumpProlog += "linenr=\""; dumpProlog += std::to_string(tok->location.line); dumpProlog += "\" "; dumpProlog +="column=\""; dumpProlog += std::to_string(tok->location.col); dumpProlog += "\" "; dumpProlog += "str=\""; dumpProlog += ErrorLogger::toxml(tok->str()); dumpProlog += "\""; dumpProlog += "/>\n"; } dumpProlog += " </rawtokens>\n"; } // Parse comments and then remove them preprocessor.inlineSuppressions(tokens1, mSettings.nomsg); if (mSettings.dump || !mSettings.addons.empty()) { std::ostringstream oss; mSettings.nomsg.dump(oss); dumpProlog += oss.str(); } tokens1.removeComments(); preprocessor.removeComments(); if (!mSettings.buildDir.empty()) { // Get toolinfo std::ostringstream toolinfo; toolinfo << CPPCHECK_VERSION_STRING; toolinfo << (mSettings.severity.isEnabled(Severity::warning) ? 'w' : ' '); toolinfo << (mSettings.severity.isEnabled(Severity::style) ? 's' : ' '); toolinfo << (mSettings.severity.isEnabled(Severity::performance) ? 'p' : ' '); toolinfo << (mSettings.severity.isEnabled(Severity::portability) ? 'p' : ' '); toolinfo << (mSettings.severity.isEnabled(Severity::information) ? 'i' : ' '); toolinfo << mSettings.userDefines; mSettings.nomsg.dump(toolinfo); // Calculate hash so it can be compared with old hash / future hashes const std::size_t hash = preprocessor.calculateHash(tokens1, toolinfo.str()); std::list<ErrorMessage> errors; if (!mAnalyzerInformation.analyzeFile(mSettings.buildDir, filename, cfgname, hash, errors)) { while (!errors.empty()) { reportErr(errors.front()); errors.pop_front(); } return mExitCode; // known results => no need to reanalyze file } } // write dump file xml prolog std::ofstream fdump; std::string dumpFile; createDumpFile(mSettings, filename, fdump, dumpFile); if (fdump.is_open()) { fdump << dumpProlog; if (!mSettings.dump) filesDeleter.addFile(dumpFile); } // Get directives preprocessor.setDirectives(tokens1); preprocessor.simplifyPragmaAsm(&tokens1); preprocessor.setPlatformInfo(&tokens1); // Get configurations.. if ((mSettings.checkAllConfigurations && mSettings.userDefines.empty()) || mSettings.force) { Timer t("Preprocessor::getConfigs", mSettings.showtime, &s_timerResults); configurations = preprocessor.getConfigs(tokens1); } else { configurations.insert(mSettings.userDefines); } if (mSettings.checkConfiguration) { for (const std::string &config : configurations) (void)preprocessor.getcode(tokens1, config, files, true); return 0; } #ifdef HAVE_RULES // Run define rules on raw code const auto rules_it = std::find_if(mSettings.rules.cbegin(), mSettings.rules.cend(), [](const Settings::Rule& rule) { return rule.tokenlist == "define"; }); if (rules_it != mSettings.rules.cend()) { std::string code; const std::list<Directive> &directives = preprocessor.getDirectives(); for (const Directive &dir : directives) { if (startsWith(dir.str,"#define ") || startsWith(dir.str,"#include ")) code += "#line " + std::to_string(dir.linenr) + " \"" + dir.file + "\"\n" + dir.str + '\n'; } Tokenizer tokenizer2(&mSettings, this); std::istringstream istr2(code); tokenizer2.list.createTokens(istr2); executeRules("define", tokenizer2); } #endif if (!mSettings.force && configurations.size() > mSettings.maxConfigs) { if (mSettings.severity.isEnabled(Severity::information)) { tooManyConfigsError(Path::toNativeSeparators(filename),configurations.size()); } else { mTooManyConfigs = true; } } std::set<unsigned long long> hashes; int checkCount = 0; bool hasValidConfig = false; std::list<std::string> configurationError; for (const std::string &currCfg : configurations) { // bail out if terminated if (Settings::terminated()) break; // Check only a few configurations (default 12), after that bail out, unless --force // was used. if (!mSettings.force && ++checkCount > mSettings.maxConfigs) break; if (!mSettings.userDefines.empty()) { mCurrentConfig = mSettings.userDefines; const std::vector<std::string> v1(split(mSettings.userDefines, ";")); for (const std::string &cfg: split(currCfg, ";")) { if (std::find(v1.cbegin(), v1.cend(), cfg) == v1.cend()) { mCurrentConfig += ";" + cfg; } } } else { mCurrentConfig = currCfg; } if (mSettings.preprocessOnly) { Timer t("Preprocessor::getcode", mSettings.showtime, &s_timerResults); std::string codeWithoutCfg = preprocessor.getcode(tokens1, mCurrentConfig, files, true); t.stop(); if (startsWith(codeWithoutCfg,"#file")) codeWithoutCfg.insert(0U, "//"); std::string::size_type pos = 0; while ((pos = codeWithoutCfg.find("\n#file",pos)) != std::string::npos) codeWithoutCfg.insert(pos+1U, "//"); pos = 0; while ((pos = codeWithoutCfg.find("\n#endfile",pos)) != std::string::npos) codeWithoutCfg.insert(pos+1U, "//"); pos = 0; while ((pos = codeWithoutCfg.find(Preprocessor::macroChar,pos)) != std::string::npos) codeWithoutCfg[pos] = ' '; reportOut(codeWithoutCfg); continue; } Tokenizer tokenizer(&mSettings, this, &preprocessor); if (mSettings.showtime != SHOWTIME_MODES::SHOWTIME_NONE) tokenizer.setTimerResults(&s_timerResults); try { // Create tokens, skip rest of iteration if failed { Timer timer("Tokenizer::createTokens", mSettings.showtime, &s_timerResults); simplecpp::TokenList tokensP = preprocessor.preprocess(tokens1, mCurrentConfig, files, true); tokenizer.createTokens(std::move(tokensP)); } hasValidConfig = true; // locations macros mLocationMacros.clear(); for (const Token* tok = tokenizer.tokens(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (!tok->getMacroName().empty()) mLocationMacros[Location(files[tok->fileIndex()], tok->linenr())].emplace(tok->getMacroName()); } // If only errors are printed, print filename after the check if (!mSettings.quiet && (!mCurrentConfig.empty() || checkCount > 1)) { std::string fixedpath = Path::simplifyPath(filename); fixedpath = Path::toNativeSeparators(fixedpath); mErrorLogger.reportOut("Checking " + fixedpath + ": " + mCurrentConfig + "...", Color::FgGreen); } if (!tokenizer.tokens()) continue; // skip rest of iteration if just checking configuration if (mSettings.checkConfiguration) continue; // Check raw tokens checkRawTokens(tokenizer); // Simplify tokens into normal form, skip rest of iteration if failed if (!tokenizer.simplifyTokens1(mCurrentConfig)) continue; // dump xml if --dump if ((mSettings.dump || !mSettings.addons.empty()) && fdump.is_open()) { fdump << "<dump cfg=\"" << ErrorLogger::toxml(mCurrentConfig) << "\">" << std::endl; fdump << " <standards>" << std::endl; fdump << " <c version=\"" << mSettings.standards.getC() << "\"/>" << std::endl; fdump << " <cpp version=\"" << mSettings.standards.getCPP() << "\"/>" << std::endl; fdump << " </standards>" << std::endl; preprocessor.dump(fdump); tokenizer.dump(fdump); fdump << "</dump>" << std::endl; } // Need to call this even if the hash will skip this configuration mSettings.nomsg.markUnmatchedInlineSuppressionsAsChecked(tokenizer); // Skip if we already met the same simplified token list if (mSettings.force || mSettings.maxConfigs > 1) { const std::size_t hash = tokenizer.list.calculateHash(); if (hashes.find(hash) != hashes.end()) { if (mSettings.debugwarnings) purgedConfigurationMessage(filename, mCurrentConfig); continue; } hashes.insert(hash); } // Check normal tokens checkNormalTokens(tokenizer); // Analyze info.. if (!mSettings.buildDir.empty()) checkUnusedFunctions.parseTokens(tokenizer, filename.c_str(), &mSettings); #ifdef HAVE_RULES // handling of "simple" rules has been removed. if (hasRule("simple")) throw InternalError(nullptr, "Handling of \"simple\" rules has been removed in Cppcheck. Use --addon instead."); #endif } catch (const simplecpp::Output &o) { // #error etc during preprocessing configurationError.push_back((mCurrentConfig.empty() ? "\'\'" : mCurrentConfig) + " : [" + o.location.file() + ':' + std::to_string(o.location.line) + "] " + o.msg); --checkCount; // don't count invalid configurations if (!hasValidConfig && currCfg == *configurations.rbegin()) { // If there is no valid configuration then report error.. std::string file = Path::fromNativeSeparators(o.location.file()); if (mSettings.relativePaths) file = Path::getRelativePath(file, mSettings.basePaths); const ErrorMessage::FileLocation loc1(file, o.location.line, o.location.col); std::list<ErrorMessage::FileLocation> callstack(1, loc1); ErrorMessage errmsg(callstack, filename, Severity::error, o.msg, "preprocessorErrorDirective", Certainty::normal); reportErr(errmsg); } continue; } catch (const TerminateException &) { // Analysis is terminated return mExitCode; } catch (const InternalError &e) { ErrorMessage errmsg = ErrorMessage::fromInternalError(e, &tokenizer.list, filename); reportErr(errmsg); } } if (!hasValidConfig && configurations.size() > 1 && mSettings.severity.isEnabled(Severity::information)) { std::string msg; msg = "This file is not analyzed. Cppcheck failed to extract a valid configuration. Use -v for more details."; msg += "\nThis file is not analyzed. Cppcheck failed to extract a valid configuration. The tested configurations have these preprocessor errors:"; for (const std::string &s : configurationError) msg += '\n' + s; const std::string locFile = Path::toNativeSeparators(filename); ErrorMessage::FileLocation loc; loc.setfile(locFile); ErrorMessage errmsg({std::move(loc)}, locFile, Severity::information, msg, "noValidConfiguration", Certainty::normal); reportErr(errmsg); } // dumped all configs, close root </dumps> element now if (fdump.is_open()) { fdump << "</dumps>" << std::endl; fdump.close(); } executeAddons(dumpFile, Path::simplifyPath(filename)); } catch (const TerminateException &) { // Analysis is terminated return mExitCode; } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) { internalError(filename, std::string("Checking file failed: ") + e.what()); } catch (const std::bad_alloc &) { internalError(filename, "Checking file failed: out of memory"); } catch (const InternalError &e) { const ErrorMessage errmsg = ErrorMessage::fromInternalError(e, nullptr, filename, "Bailing out from analysis: Checking file failed"); reportErr(errmsg); } if (!mSettings.buildDir.empty()) { mAnalyzerInformation.setFileInfo("CheckUnusedFunctions", checkUnusedFunctions.analyzerInfo()); mAnalyzerInformation.close(); } // In jointSuppressionReport mode, unmatched suppressions are // collected after all files are processed if (!mSettings.useSingleJob() && (mSettings.severity.isEnabled(Severity::information) || mSettings.checkConfiguration)) { Suppressions::reportUnmatchedSuppressions(mSettings.nomsg.getUnmatchedLocalSuppressions(filename, isUnusedFunctionCheckEnabled()), *this); } mErrorList.clear(); if (mSettings.showtime == SHOWTIME_MODES::SHOWTIME_FILE || mSettings.showtime == SHOWTIME_MODES::SHOWTIME_TOP5_FILE) printTimerResults(mSettings.showtime); return mExitCode; } // TODO: replace with ErrorMessage::fromInternalError() void CppCheck::internalError(const std::string &filename, const std::string &msg) { const std::string fullmsg("Bailing out from analysis: " + msg); const ErrorMessage::FileLocation loc1(filename, 0, 0); std::list<ErrorMessage::FileLocation> callstack(1, loc1); ErrorMessage errmsg(callstack, emptyString, Severity::error, fullmsg, "internalError", Certainty::normal); mErrorLogger.reportErr(errmsg); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CppCheck - A function that checks a raw token list //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CppCheck::checkRawTokens(const Tokenizer &tokenizer) { #ifdef HAVE_RULES // Execute rules for "raw" code executeRules("raw", tokenizer); #else (void)tokenizer; #endif } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CppCheck - A function that checks a normal token list //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CppCheck::checkNormalTokens(const Tokenizer &tokenizer) { // TODO: this should actually be the behavior if only "--enable=unusedFunction" is specified - see #10648 const char* unusedFunctionOnly = std::getenv("UNUSEDFUNCTION_ONLY"); const bool doUnusedFunctionOnly = unusedFunctionOnly && (std::strcmp(unusedFunctionOnly, "1") == 0); const std::time_t maxTime = mSettings.checksMaxTime > 0 ? std::time(nullptr) + mSettings.checksMaxTime : 0; // call all "runChecks" in all registered Check classes // cppcheck-suppress shadowFunction - TODO: fix this for (Check *check : Check::instances()) { if (Settings::terminated()) return; if (maxTime > 0 && std::time(nullptr) > maxTime) { if (mSettings.debugwarnings) { ErrorMessage::FileLocation loc; loc.setfile(tokenizer.list.getFiles()[0]); ErrorMessage errmsg({std::move(loc)}, emptyString, Severity::debug, "Checks maximum time exceeded", "checksMaxTime", Certainty::normal); reportErr(errmsg); } return; } if (doUnusedFunctionOnly && dynamic_cast<CheckUnusedFunctions*>(check) == nullptr) continue; Timer timerRunChecks(check->name() + "::runChecks", mSettings.showtime, &s_timerResults); check->runChecks(tokenizer, this); } if (mSettings.clang) // TODO: Use CTU for Clang analysis return; if (mSettings.useSingleJob() || !mSettings.buildDir.empty()) { // Analyse the tokens.. CTU::FileInfo *fi1 = CTU::getFileInfo(&tokenizer); if (fi1) { if (mSettings.useSingleJob()) mFileInfo.push_back(fi1); if (!mSettings.buildDir.empty()) mAnalyzerInformation.setFileInfo("ctu", fi1->toString()); } // cppcheck-suppress shadowFunction - TODO: fix this for (const Check *check : Check::instances()) { if (doUnusedFunctionOnly && dynamic_cast<const CheckUnusedFunctions*>(check) == nullptr) continue; Check::FileInfo *fi = check->getFileInfo(&tokenizer, &mSettings); if (fi != nullptr) { if (mSettings.useSingleJob()) mFileInfo.push_back(fi); if (!mSettings.buildDir.empty()) mAnalyzerInformation.setFileInfo(check->name(), fi->toString()); } } } #ifdef HAVE_RULES executeRules("normal", tokenizer); #endif } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef HAVE_RULES bool CppCheck::hasRule(const std::string &tokenlist) const { return std::any_of(mSettings.rules.cbegin(), mSettings.rules.cend(), [&](const Settings::Rule& rule) { return rule.tokenlist == tokenlist; }); } static const char * pcreErrorCodeToString(const int pcreExecRet) { switch (pcreExecRet) { case PCRE_ERROR_NULL: return "Either code or subject was passed as NULL, or ovector was NULL " "and ovecsize was not zero (PCRE_ERROR_NULL)"; case PCRE_ERROR_BADOPTION: return "An unrecognized bit was set in the options argument (PCRE_ERROR_BADOPTION)"; case PCRE_ERROR_BADMAGIC: return "PCRE stores a 4-byte \"magic number\" at the start of the compiled code, " "to catch the case when it is passed a junk pointer and to detect when a " "pattern that was compiled in an environment of one endianness is run in " "an environment with the other endianness. This is the error that PCRE " "gives when the magic number is not present (PCRE_ERROR_BADMAGIC)"; case PCRE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_NODE: return "While running the pattern match, an unknown item was encountered in the " "compiled pattern. This error could be caused by a bug in PCRE or by " "overwriting of the compiled pattern (PCRE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_NODE)"; case PCRE_ERROR_NOMEMORY: return "If a pattern contains back references, but the ovector that is passed " "to pcre_exec() is not big enough to remember the referenced substrings, " "PCRE gets a block of memory at the start of matching to use for this purpose. " "If the call via pcre_malloc() fails, this error is given. The memory is " "automatically freed at the end of matching. This error is also given if " "pcre_stack_malloc() fails in pcre_exec(). " "This can happen only when PCRE has been compiled with " "--disable-stack-for-recursion (PCRE_ERROR_NOMEMORY)"; case PCRE_ERROR_NOSUBSTRING: return "This error is used by the pcre_copy_substring(), pcre_get_substring(), " "and pcre_get_substring_list() functions (see below). " "It is never returned by pcre_exec() (PCRE_ERROR_NOSUBSTRING)"; case PCRE_ERROR_MATCHLIMIT: return "The backtracking limit, as specified by the match_limit field in a pcre_extra " "structure (or defaulted) was reached. " "See the description above (PCRE_ERROR_MATCHLIMIT)"; case PCRE_ERROR_CALLOUT: return "This error is never generated by pcre_exec() itself. " "It is provided for use by callout functions that want to yield a distinctive " "error code. See the pcrecallout documentation for details (PCRE_ERROR_CALLOUT)"; case PCRE_ERROR_BADUTF8: return "A string that contains an invalid UTF-8 byte sequence was passed as a subject, " "and the PCRE_NO_UTF8_CHECK option was not set. If the size of the output vector " "(ovecsize) is at least 2, the byte offset to the start of the the invalid UTF-8 " "character is placed in the first element, and a reason code is placed in the " "second element. The reason codes are listed in the following section. For " "backward compatibility, if PCRE_PARTIAL_HARD is set and the problem is a truncated " "UTF-8 character at the end of the subject (reason codes 1 to 5), " "PCRE_ERROR_SHORTUTF8 is returned instead of PCRE_ERROR_BADUTF8"; case PCRE_ERROR_BADUTF8_OFFSET: return "The UTF-8 byte sequence that was passed as a subject was checked and found to " "be valid (the PCRE_NO_UTF8_CHECK option was not set), but the value of " "startoffset did not point to the beginning of a UTF-8 character or the end of " "the subject (PCRE_ERROR_BADUTF8_OFFSET)"; case PCRE_ERROR_PARTIAL: return "The subject string did not match, but it did match partially. See the " "pcrepartial documentation for details of partial matching (PCRE_ERROR_PARTIAL)"; case PCRE_ERROR_BADPARTIAL: return "This code is no longer in use. It was formerly returned when the PCRE_PARTIAL " "option was used with a compiled pattern containing items that were not supported " "for partial matching. From release 8.00 onwards, there are no restrictions on " "partial matching (PCRE_ERROR_BADPARTIAL)"; case PCRE_ERROR_INTERNAL: return "An unexpected internal error has occurred. This error could be caused by a bug " "in PCRE or by overwriting of the compiled pattern (PCRE_ERROR_INTERNAL)"; case PCRE_ERROR_BADCOUNT: return "This error is given if the value of the ovecsize argument is negative " "(PCRE_ERROR_BADCOUNT)"; case PCRE_ERROR_RECURSIONLIMIT: return "The internal recursion limit, as specified by the match_limit_recursion " "field in a pcre_extra structure (or defaulted) was reached. " "See the description above (PCRE_ERROR_RECURSIONLIMIT)"; case PCRE_ERROR_DFA_UITEM: return "PCRE_ERROR_DFA_UITEM"; case PCRE_ERROR_DFA_UCOND: return "PCRE_ERROR_DFA_UCOND"; case PCRE_ERROR_DFA_WSSIZE: return "PCRE_ERROR_DFA_WSSIZE"; case PCRE_ERROR_DFA_RECURSE: return "PCRE_ERROR_DFA_RECURSE"; case PCRE_ERROR_NULLWSLIMIT: return "PCRE_ERROR_NULLWSLIMIT"; case PCRE_ERROR_BADNEWLINE: return "An invalid combination of PCRE_NEWLINE_xxx options was " "given (PCRE_ERROR_BADNEWLINE)"; case PCRE_ERROR_BADOFFSET: return "The value of startoffset was negative or greater than the length " "of the subject, that is, the value in length (PCRE_ERROR_BADOFFSET)"; case PCRE_ERROR_SHORTUTF8: return "This error is returned instead of PCRE_ERROR_BADUTF8 when the subject " "string ends with a truncated UTF-8 character and the PCRE_PARTIAL_HARD option is set. " "Information about the failure is returned as for PCRE_ERROR_BADUTF8. " "It is in fact sufficient to detect this case, but this special error code for " "PCRE_PARTIAL_HARD precedes the implementation of returned information; " "it is retained for backwards compatibility (PCRE_ERROR_SHORTUTF8)"; case PCRE_ERROR_RECURSELOOP: return "This error is returned when pcre_exec() detects a recursion loop " "within the pattern. Specifically, it means that either the whole pattern " "or a subpattern has been called recursively for the second time at the same " "position in the subject string. Some simple patterns that might do this " "are detected and faulted at compile time, but more complicated cases, " "in particular mutual recursions between two different subpatterns, " "cannot be detected until run time (PCRE_ERROR_RECURSELOOP)"; case PCRE_ERROR_JIT_STACKLIMIT: return "This error is returned when a pattern that was successfully studied " "using a JIT compile option is being matched, but the memory available " "for the just-in-time processing stack is not large enough. See the pcrejit " "documentation for more details (PCRE_ERROR_JIT_STACKLIMIT)"; case PCRE_ERROR_BADMODE: return "This error is given if a pattern that was compiled by the 8-bit library " "is passed to a 16-bit or 32-bit library function, or vice versa (PCRE_ERROR_BADMODE)"; case PCRE_ERROR_BADENDIANNESS: return "This error is given if a pattern that was compiled and saved is reloaded on a " "host with different endianness. The utility function pcre_pattern_to_host_byte_order() " "can be used to convert such a pattern so that it runs on the new host (PCRE_ERROR_BADENDIANNESS)"; case PCRE_ERROR_DFA_BADRESTART: return "PCRE_ERROR_DFA_BADRESTART"; #if PCRE_MAJOR >= 8 && PCRE_MINOR >= 32 case PCRE_ERROR_BADLENGTH: return "This error is given if pcre_exec() is called with a negative value for the length argument (PCRE_ERROR_BADLENGTH)"; case PCRE_ERROR_JIT_BADOPTION: return "This error is returned when a pattern that was successfully studied using a JIT compile " "option is being matched, but the matching mode (partial or complete match) does not correspond " "to any JIT compilation mode. When the JIT fast path function is used, this error may be " "also given for invalid options. See the pcrejit documentation for more details (PCRE_ERROR_JIT_BADOPTION)"; #endif } return ""; } void CppCheck::executeRules(const std::string &tokenlist, const Tokenizer &tokenizer) { // There is no rule to execute if (!hasRule(tokenlist)) return; // Write all tokens in a string that can be parsed by pcre std::ostringstream ostr; for (const Token *tok = tokenizer.tokens(); tok; tok = tok->next()) ostr << " " << tok->str(); const std::string str(ostr.str()); for (const Settings::Rule &rule : mSettings.rules) { if (rule.pattern.empty() || rule.id.empty() || rule.severity == Severity::none || rule.tokenlist != tokenlist) continue; if (!mSettings.quiet) { reportOut("Processing rule: " + rule.pattern, Color::FgGreen); } const char *pcreCompileErrorStr = nullptr; int erroffset = 0; pcre * const re = pcre_compile(rule.pattern.c_str(),0,&pcreCompileErrorStr,&erroffset,nullptr); if (!re) { if (pcreCompileErrorStr) { const std::string msg = "pcre_compile failed: " + std::string(pcreCompileErrorStr); const ErrorMessage errmsg(std::list<ErrorMessage::FileLocation>(), emptyString, Severity::error, msg, "pcre_compile", Certainty::normal); reportErr(errmsg); } continue; } // Optimize the regex, but only if PCRE_CONFIG_JIT is available #ifdef PCRE_CONFIG_JIT const char *pcreStudyErrorStr = nullptr; pcre_extra * const pcreExtra = pcre_study(re, PCRE_STUDY_JIT_COMPILE, &pcreStudyErrorStr); // pcre_study() returns NULL for both errors and when it can not optimize the regex. // The last argument is how one checks for errors. // It is NULL if everything works, and points to an error string otherwise. if (pcreStudyErrorStr) { const std::string msg = "pcre_study failed: " + std::string(pcreStudyErrorStr); const ErrorMessage errmsg(std::list<ErrorMessage::FileLocation>(), emptyString, Severity::error, msg, "pcre_study", Certainty::normal); reportErr(errmsg); // pcre_compile() worked, but pcre_study() returned an error. Free the resources allocated by pcre_compile(). pcre_free(re); continue; } #else const pcre_extra * const pcreExtra = nullptr; #endif int pos = 0; int ovector[30]= {0}; while (pos < (int)str.size()) { const int pcreExecRet = pcre_exec(re, pcreExtra, str.c_str(), (int)str.size(), pos, 0, ovector, 30); if (pcreExecRet < 0) { const std::string errorMessage = pcreErrorCodeToString(pcreExecRet); if (!errorMessage.empty()) { const ErrorMessage errmsg(std::list<ErrorMessage::FileLocation>(), emptyString, Severity::error, std::string("pcre_exec failed: ") + errorMessage, "pcre_exec", Certainty::normal); reportErr(errmsg); } break; } const unsigned int pos1 = (unsigned int)ovector[0]; const unsigned int pos2 = (unsigned int)ovector[1]; // jump to the end of the match for the next pcre_exec pos = (int)pos2; // determine location.. ErrorMessage::FileLocation loc; loc.setfile(tokenizer.list.getSourceFilePath()); loc.line = 0; std::size_t len = 0; for (const Token *tok = tokenizer.tokens(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { len = len + 1U + tok->str().size(); if (len > pos1) { loc.setfile(tokenizer.list.getFiles().at(tok->fileIndex())); loc.line = tok->linenr(); break; } } const std::list<ErrorMessage::FileLocation> callStack(1, loc); // Create error message std::string summary; if (rule.summary.empty()) summary = "found '" + str.substr(pos1, pos2 - pos1) + "'"; else summary = rule.summary; const ErrorMessage errmsg(callStack, tokenizer.list.getSourceFilePath(), rule.severity, summary, rule.id, Certainty::normal); // Report error reportErr(errmsg); } pcre_free(re); #ifdef PCRE_CONFIG_JIT // Free up the EXTRA PCRE value (may be NULL at this point) if (pcreExtra) { pcre_free_study(pcreExtra); } #endif } } #endif void CppCheck::executeAddons(const std::string& dumpFile, const std::string& file0) { if (!dumpFile.empty()) { std::vector<std::string> f{dumpFile}; executeAddons(f, file0); } } void CppCheck::executeAddons(const std::vector<std::string>& files, const std::string& file0) { if (mSettings.addons.empty() || files.empty()) return; FilesDeleter filesDeleter; std::string fileList; if (files.size() >= 2 || endsWith(files[0], ".ctu-info")) { fileList = Path::getPathFromFilename(files[0]) + FILELIST + std::to_string(getPid()); filesDeleter.addFile(fileList); std::ofstream fout(fileList); for (const std::string& f: files) fout << f << std::endl; } // ensure all addons have already been resolved - TODO: remove when settings are const after creation assert(mSettings.addonInfos.size() == mSettings.addons.size()); for (const AddonInfo &addonInfo : mSettings.addonInfos) { if (addonInfo.name != "misra" && !addonInfo.ctu && endsWith(files.back(), ".ctu-info")) continue; const std::vector<picojson::value> results = executeAddon(addonInfo, mSettings.addonPython, fileList.empty() ? files[0] : fileList, mSettings.premiumArgs, mExecuteCommand); const bool misraC2023 = mSettings.premiumArgs.find("--misra-c-2023") != std::string::npos; for (const picojson::value& res : results) { // TODO: get rid of copy? // this is a copy so we can access missing fields and get a default value picojson::object obj = res.get<picojson::object>(); ErrorMessage errmsg; if (obj.count("file") > 0) { std::string fileName = obj["file"].get<std::string>(); const int64_t lineNumber = obj["linenr"].get<int64_t>(); const int64_t column = obj["column"].get<int64_t>(); errmsg.callStack.emplace_back(std::move(fileName), lineNumber, column); } else if (obj.count("loc") > 0) { for (const picojson::value &locvalue: obj["loc"].get<picojson::array>()) { picojson::object loc = locvalue.get<picojson::object>(); std::string fileName = loc["file"].get<std::string>(); const int64_t lineNumber = loc["linenr"].get<int64_t>(); const int64_t column = loc["column"].get<int64_t>(); const std::string info = loc["info"].get<std::string>(); errmsg.callStack.emplace_back(std::move(fileName), info, lineNumber, column); } } errmsg.id = obj["addon"].get<std::string>() + "-" + obj["errorId"].get<std::string>(); if (misraC2023 && startsWith(errmsg.id, "misra-c2012-")) errmsg.id = "misra-c2023-" + errmsg.id.substr(12); const std::string text = obj["message"].get<std::string>(); errmsg.setmsg(text); const std::string severity = obj["severity"].get<std::string>(); errmsg.severity = severityFromString(severity); if (errmsg.severity == Severity::none) { if (!endsWith(errmsg.id, "-logChecker")) continue; } else if (!mSettings.severity.isEnabled(errmsg.severity)) continue; errmsg.file0 = file0; reportErr(errmsg); } } } void CppCheck::executeAddonsWholeProgram(const std::list<std::pair<std::string, std::size_t>> &files) { if (mSettings.addons.empty()) return; std::vector<std::string> ctuInfoFiles; for (const auto &f: files) { const std::string &dumpFileName = getDumpFileName(mSettings, f.first); ctuInfoFiles.push_back(getCtuInfoFileName(dumpFileName)); } try { executeAddons(ctuInfoFiles, ""); } catch (const InternalError& e) { const ErrorMessage errmsg = ErrorMessage::fromInternalError(e, nullptr, "", "Bailing out from analysis: Whole program analysis failed"); reportErr(errmsg); } if (mSettings.buildDir.empty()) { for (const std::string &f: ctuInfoFiles) std::remove(f.c_str()); } } Settings &CppCheck::settings() { return mSettings; } void CppCheck::tooManyConfigsError(const std::string &file, const int numberOfConfigurations) { if (!mSettings.severity.isEnabled(Severity::information) && !mTooManyConfigs) return; mTooManyConfigs = false; if (mSettings.severity.isEnabled(Severity::information) && file.empty()) return; std::list<ErrorMessage::FileLocation> loclist; if (!file.empty()) { loclist.emplace_back(file); } std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Too many #ifdef configurations - cppcheck only checks " << mSettings.maxConfigs; if (numberOfConfigurations > mSettings.maxConfigs) msg << " of " << numberOfConfigurations << " configurations. Use --force to check all configurations.\n"; if (file.empty()) msg << " configurations. Use --force to check all configurations. For more details, use --enable=information.\n"; msg << "The checking of the file will be interrupted because there are too many " "#ifdef configurations. Checking of all #ifdef configurations can be forced " "by --force command line option or from GUI preferences. However that may " "increase the checking time."; if (file.empty()) msg << " For more details, use --enable=information."; ErrorMessage errmsg(loclist, emptyString, Severity::information, msg.str(), "toomanyconfigs", CWE398, Certainty::normal); reportErr(errmsg); } void CppCheck::purgedConfigurationMessage(const std::string &file, const std::string& configuration) { mTooManyConfigs = false; if (mSettings.severity.isEnabled(Severity::information) && file.empty()) return; std::list<ErrorMessage::FileLocation> loclist; if (!file.empty()) { loclist.emplace_back(file); } ErrorMessage errmsg(loclist, emptyString, Severity::information, "The configuration '" + configuration + "' was not checked because its code equals another one.", "purgedConfiguration", Certainty::normal); reportErr(errmsg); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CppCheck::reportErr(const ErrorMessage &msg) { if (msg.severity == Severity::none && (msg.id == "logChecker" || endsWith(msg.id, "-logChecker"))) { mErrorLogger.reportErr(msg); return; } if (!mSettings.library.reportErrors(msg.file0)) return; const std::string errmsg = msg.toString(mSettings.verbose); if (errmsg.empty()) return; // Alert only about unique errors if (std::find(mErrorList.cbegin(), mErrorList.cend(), errmsg) != mErrorList.cend()) return; if (!mSettings.buildDir.empty()) mAnalyzerInformation.reportErr(msg); std::set<std::string> macroNames; if (!msg.callStack.empty()) { const std::string &file = msg.callStack.back().getfile(false); int lineNumber = msg.callStack.back().line; const auto it = mLocationMacros.find(Location(file, lineNumber)); if (it != mLocationMacros.cend()) macroNames = it->second; } // TODO: only convert if necessary const auto errorMessage = Suppressions::ErrorMessage::fromErrorMessage(msg, macroNames); if (mSettings.nomsg.isSuppressed(errorMessage, mUseGlobalSuppressions)) { return; } if (!mSettings.nofail.isSuppressed(errorMessage) && !mSettings.nomsg.isSuppressed(errorMessage)) { mExitCode = 1; } mErrorList.push_back(errmsg); mErrorLogger.reportErr(msg); // check if plistOutput should be populated and the current output file is open and the error is not suppressed if (!mSettings.plistOutput.empty() && mPlistFile.is_open() && !mSettings.nomsg.isSuppressed(errorMessage)) { // add error to plist output file mPlistFile << ErrorLogger::plistData(msg); } } void CppCheck::reportOut(const std::string &outmsg, Color c) { mErrorLogger.reportOut(outmsg, c); } void CppCheck::reportProgress(const std::string &filename, const char stage[], const std::size_t value) { mErrorLogger.reportProgress(filename, stage, value); } void CppCheck::getErrorMessages(ErrorLogger &errorlogger) { Settings s; s.severity.enable(Severity::warning); s.severity.enable(Severity::style); s.severity.enable(Severity::portability); s.severity.enable(Severity::performance); s.severity.enable(Severity::information); CppCheck cppcheck(errorlogger, true, nullptr); cppcheck.purgedConfigurationMessage(emptyString,emptyString); cppcheck.mTooManyConfigs = true; cppcheck.tooManyConfigsError(emptyString,0U); // TODO: add functions to get remaining error messages // call all "getErrorMessages" in all registered Check classes for (std::list<Check *>::const_iterator it = Check::instances().cbegin(); it != Check::instances().cend(); ++it) (*it)->getErrorMessages(&errorlogger, &s); Preprocessor::getErrorMessages(&errorlogger, &s); } void CppCheck::analyseClangTidy(const FileSettings &fileSettings) { std::string allIncludes; for (const std::string &inc : fileSettings.includePaths) { allIncludes = allIncludes + "-I\"" + inc + "\" "; } const std::string allDefines = getDefinesFlags(fileSettings.defines); #ifdef _WIN32 constexpr char exe[] = "clang-tidy.exe"; #else constexpr char exe[] = "clang-tidy"; #endif const std::string args = "-quiet -checks=*,-clang-analyzer-*,-llvm* \"" + fileSettings.filename + "\" -- " + allIncludes + allDefines; std::string output; if (const int exitcode = mExecuteCommand(exe, split(args), emptyString, output)) { std::cerr << "Failed to execute '" << exe << "' (exitcode: " << std::to_string(exitcode) << ")" << std::endl; return; } // parse output and create error messages std::istringstream istr(output); std::string line; if (!mSettings.buildDir.empty()) { const std::string analyzerInfoFile = AnalyzerInformation::getAnalyzerInfoFile(mSettings.buildDir, fileSettings.filename, emptyString); std::ofstream fcmd(analyzerInfoFile + ".clang-tidy-cmd"); fcmd << istr.str(); } while (std::getline(istr, line)) { if (line.find("error") == std::string::npos && line.find("warning") == std::string::npos) continue; std::size_t endColumnPos = line.find(": error:"); if (endColumnPos == std::string::npos) { endColumnPos = line.find(": warning:"); } const std::size_t endLinePos = line.rfind(':', endColumnPos-1); const std::size_t endNamePos = line.rfind(':', endLinePos - 1); const std::size_t endMsgTypePos = line.find(':', endColumnPos + 2); const std::size_t endErrorPos = line.rfind('[', std::string::npos); if (endLinePos==std::string::npos || endNamePos==std::string::npos || endMsgTypePos==std::string::npos || endErrorPos==std::string::npos) continue; const std::string lineNumString = line.substr(endNamePos + 1, endLinePos - endNamePos - 1); const std::string columnNumString = line.substr(endLinePos + 1, endColumnPos - endLinePos - 1); const std::string messageString = line.substr(endMsgTypePos + 1, endErrorPos - endMsgTypePos - 1); const std::string errorString = line.substr(endErrorPos, line.length()); std::string fixedpath = Path::simplifyPath(line.substr(0, endNamePos)); const int64_t lineNumber = strToInt<int64_t>(lineNumString); const int64_t column = strToInt<int64_t>(columnNumString); fixedpath = Path::toNativeSeparators(fixedpath); ErrorMessage errmsg; errmsg.callStack.emplace_back(fixedpath, lineNumber, column); errmsg.id = "clang-tidy-" + errorString.substr(1, errorString.length() - 2); if (errmsg.id.find("performance") != std::string::npos) errmsg.severity = Severity::performance; else if (errmsg.id.find("portability") != std::string::npos) errmsg.severity = Severity::portability; else if (errmsg.id.find("cert") != std::string::npos || errmsg.id.find("misc") != std::string::npos || errmsg.id.find("unused") != std::string::npos) errmsg.severity = Severity::warning; else errmsg.severity = Severity::style; errmsg.file0 = fixedpath; errmsg.setmsg(messageString); reportErr(errmsg); } } bool CppCheck::analyseWholeProgram() { bool errors = false; // Init CTU CTU::maxCtuDepth = mSettings.maxCtuDepth; // Analyse the tokens CTU::FileInfo ctu; for (const Check::FileInfo *fi : mFileInfo) { const CTU::FileInfo *fi2 = dynamic_cast<const CTU::FileInfo *>(fi); if (fi2) { ctu.functionCalls.insert(ctu.functionCalls.end(), fi2->functionCalls.cbegin(), fi2->functionCalls.cend()); ctu.nestedCalls.insert(ctu.nestedCalls.end(), fi2->nestedCalls.cbegin(), fi2->nestedCalls.cend()); } } // cppcheck-suppress shadowFunction - TODO: fix this for (Check *check : Check::instances()) errors |= check->analyseWholeProgram(&ctu, mFileInfo, mSettings, *this); // TODO: ctu return errors && (mExitCode > 0); } void CppCheck::analyseWholeProgram(const std::string &buildDir, const std::list<std::pair<std::string, std::size_t>> &files, const std::list<FileSettings>& fileSettings) { executeAddonsWholeProgram(files); // TODO: pass FileSettings if (buildDir.empty()) { removeCtuInfoFiles(files, fileSettings); return; } if (mSettings.checks.isEnabled(Checks::unusedFunction)) CheckUnusedFunctions::analyseWholeProgram(mSettings, this, buildDir); std::list<Check::FileInfo*> fileInfoList; CTU::FileInfo ctuFileInfo; // Load all analyzer info data.. const std::string filesTxt(buildDir + "/files.txt"); std::ifstream fin(filesTxt); std::string filesTxtLine; while (std::getline(fin, filesTxtLine)) { const std::string::size_type firstColon = filesTxtLine.find(':'); if (firstColon == std::string::npos) continue; const std::string::size_type lastColon = filesTxtLine.rfind(':'); if (firstColon == lastColon) continue; const std::string xmlfile = buildDir + '/' + filesTxtLine.substr(0,firstColon); //const std::string sourcefile = filesTxtLine.substr(lastColon+1); tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc; const tinyxml2::XMLError error = doc.LoadFile(xmlfile.c_str()); if (error != tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS) continue; const tinyxml2::XMLElement * const rootNode = doc.FirstChildElement(); if (rootNode == nullptr) continue; for (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *e = rootNode->FirstChildElement(); e; e = e->NextSiblingElement()) { if (std::strcmp(e->Name(), "FileInfo") != 0) continue; const char *checkClassAttr = e->Attribute("check"); if (!checkClassAttr) continue; if (std::strcmp(checkClassAttr, "ctu") == 0) { ctuFileInfo.loadFromXml(e); continue; } // cppcheck-suppress shadowFunction - TODO: fix this for (const Check *check : Check::instances()) { if (checkClassAttr == check->name()) fileInfoList.push_back(check->loadFileInfoFromXml(e)); } } } // Set CTU max depth CTU::maxCtuDepth = mSettings.maxCtuDepth; // Analyse the tokens // cppcheck-suppress shadowFunction - TODO: fix this for (Check *check : Check::instances()) check->analyseWholeProgram(&ctuFileInfo, fileInfoList, mSettings, *this); for (Check::FileInfo *fi : fileInfoList) delete fi; } bool CppCheck::isUnusedFunctionCheckEnabled() const { return (mSettings.useSingleJob() && mSettings.checks.isEnabled(Checks::unusedFunction)); } void CppCheck::removeCtuInfoFiles(const std::list<std::pair<std::string, std::size_t>> &files, const std::list<FileSettings>& fileSettings) { if (mSettings.buildDir.empty()) { for (const auto& f: files) { const std::string &dumpFileName = getDumpFileName(mSettings, f.first); const std::string &ctuInfoFileName = getCtuInfoFileName(dumpFileName); std::remove(ctuInfoFileName.c_str()); } for (const auto& fs: fileSettings) { const std::string &dumpFileName = getDumpFileName(mSettings, fs.filename); const std::string &ctuInfoFileName = getCtuInfoFileName(dumpFileName); std::remove(ctuInfoFileName.c_str()); } } } // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction - only used in tests void CppCheck::resetTimerResults() { s_timerResults.reset(); } void CppCheck::printTimerResults(SHOWTIME_MODES mode) { s_timerResults.showResults(mode); }