Chapter 8. Exception safety

Cppcheck has a few checks that ensure that you don't break the basic guarantee of exception safety. It doesn't have any checks for the strong guarantee yet.


Fred::Fred() : a(new int[20]), b(new int[20])

By default cppcheck will not detect any problems in that code.

To enable the exception safety checking you can use --enable:

cppcheck --enable=exceptNew --enable=exceptRealloc fred.cpp

The output will be:

[fred.cpp:3]: (style) Upon exception there is memory leak: a

If an exception occurs when b is allocated, a will leak.

Here is another example:

int *p;

int a(int sz)
    delete [] p;
    if (sz <= 0)
        throw std::runtime_error("size <= 0");
    p = new int[sz];

Check that with Cppcheck:

cppcheck --enable=exceptNew --enable=exceptRealloc except2.cpp

The output from Cppcheck is:

[except2.cpp:7]: (error) Throwing exception in invalid state, p points at deallocated memory