if (BUILD_GUI) list(APPEND qt_components Core Gui Widgets PrintSupport LinguistTools Help) if (WITH_QCHART) list(APPEND qt_components Charts) endif() if (BUILD_TESTS) list(APPEND qt_components Test) endif() if (USE_QT6) find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS ${qt_components} QUIET) endif() if (NOT Qt6Core_FOUND) find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS ${qt_components} REQUIRED) set(QT_VERSION "${Qt5Core_VERSION_STRING}") else() # detect faulty Qt6 installation by jurplel/install-qt-action@v2 if (WITH_QCHART AND NOT Qt6Charts_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "QtCharts not found") endif() set(QT_VERSION "${Qt6Core_VERSION_STRING}") if (NOT QT_VERSION) message(WARNING "'Qt6Core_VERSION_STRING' is not set - using 6.0.0 as fallback") set(QT_VERSION "6.0.0") endif() if (MSVC) # disable Visual Studio C++ memory leak detection since it causes compiler errors with Qt 6 # D:\a\cppcheck\Qt\6.2.4\msvc2019_64\include\QtCore/qhash.h(179,15): warning C4003: not enough arguments for function-like macro invocation 'free' [D:\a\cppcheck\cppcheck\build\gui\cppcheck-gui.vcxproj] # D:\a\cppcheck\Qt\6.2.4\msvc2019_64\include\QtCore/qhash.h(179,15): error C2059: syntax error: ',' [D:\a\cppcheck\cppcheck\build\gui\cppcheck-gui.vcxproj] # this is supposed to be fixed according to the following tickets but it still happens # https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-40575 # https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-86395 set(DISABLE_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC ON) endif() endif() endif() if (HAVE_RULES) find_path(PCRE_INCLUDE pcre.h) find_library(PCRE_LIBRARY pcre) if (NOT PCRE_LIBRARY OR NOT PCRE_INCLUDE) message(FATAL_ERROR "pcre dependency for RULES has not been found") endif() endif() set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR ON) find_package(PythonInterp 3 QUIET) if (NOT PYTHONINTERP_FOUND) set(PYTHONINTERP_FOUND "") find_package(PythonInterp 2.7 QUIET) if (NOT PYTHONINTERP_FOUND) message(WARNING "No python interpreter found. Therefore, the match compiler is switched off.") set(USE_MATCHCOMPILER_OPT "Off") endif() endif() if (NOT USE_BUNDLED_TINYXML2) find_package(tinyxml2 QUIET) if (TARGET tinyxml2::tinyxml2) set(tinyxml2_LIBRARIES "tinyxml2::tinyxml2") set(tinyxml2_INCLUDE_DIRS $) else() find_library(tinyxml2_LIBRARIES tinyxml2) find_path(tinyxml2_INCLUDE_DIRS tinyxml2.h) if (NOT tinyxml2_LIBRARIES AND NOT tinyxml2_INCLUDE_DIRS) message(FATAL_ERROR "tinyxml2 has not been found") else() set(tinyxml2_FOUND 1) endif() endif() endif() find_package(Threads REQUIRED) if (USE_BOOST) find_package(Boost COMPONENTS container QUIET) endif() find_program(LIBXML2_XMLLINT_EXECUTABLE xmllint)