/* * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis * Copyright (C) 2007-2018 Cppcheck team. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "analyzerinfo.h" #include "path.h" #include "utils.h" #include #include #include #include AnalyzerInformation::~AnalyzerInformation() { close(); } static std::string getFilename(const std::string &fullpath) { std::string::size_type pos1 = fullpath.find_last_of("/\\"); pos1 = (pos1 == std::string::npos) ? 0U : (pos1 + 1U); std::string::size_type pos2 = fullpath.rfind('.'); if (pos2 < pos1) pos2 = std::string::npos; if (pos2 != std::string::npos) pos2 = pos2 - pos1; return fullpath.substr(pos1,pos2); } void AnalyzerInformation::writeFilesTxt(const std::string &buildDir, const std::list &sourcefiles, const std::list &fileSettings) { std::map fileCount; const std::string filesTxt(buildDir + "/files.txt"); std::ofstream fout(filesTxt); for (std::list::const_iterator f = sourcefiles.begin(); f != sourcefiles.end(); ++f) { const std::string afile = getFilename(*f); if (fileCount.find(afile) == fileCount.end()) fileCount[afile] = 0; fout << afile << ".a" << (++fileCount[afile]) << "::" << Path::fromNativeSeparators(*f) << '\n'; } for (std::list::const_iterator fs = fileSettings.begin(); fs != fileSettings.end(); ++fs) { const std::string afile = getFilename(fs->filename); if (fileCount.find(afile) == fileCount.end()) fileCount[afile] = 0; fout << afile << ".a" << (++fileCount[afile]) << ":" << fs->cfg << ":" << Path::fromNativeSeparators(fs->filename) << std::endl; } } void AnalyzerInformation::close() { analyzerInfoFile.clear(); if (fout.is_open()) { fout << "\n"; fout.close(); } } static bool skipAnalysis(const std::string &analyzerInfoFile, unsigned long long checksum, std::list *errors) { tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc; const tinyxml2::XMLError error = doc.LoadFile(analyzerInfoFile.c_str()); if (error != tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS) return false; const tinyxml2::XMLElement * const rootNode = doc.FirstChildElement(); if (rootNode == nullptr) return false; const char *attr = rootNode->Attribute("checksum"); if (!attr || attr != std::to_string(checksum)) return false; for (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *e = rootNode->FirstChildElement(); e; e = e->NextSiblingElement()) { if (std::strcmp(e->Name(), "error") == 0) errors->emplace_back(e); } return true; } std::string AnalyzerInformation::getAnalyzerInfoFile(const std::string &buildDir, const std::string &sourcefile, const std::string &cfg) { const std::string files(buildDir + "/files.txt"); std::ifstream fin(files); if (fin.is_open()) { std::string line; const std::string endsWith(':' + cfg + ':' + sourcefile); while (std::getline(fin,line)) { if (line.size() <= endsWith.size() + 2U) continue; if (line.compare(line.size()-endsWith.size(), endsWith.size(), endsWith) != 0) continue; std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << buildDir << '/' << line.substr(0,line.find(':')); return ostr.str(); } } std::string filename = Path::fromNativeSeparators(buildDir); if (!endsWith(filename, '/')) filename += '/'; const std::string::size_type pos = sourcefile.rfind('/'); if (pos == std::string::npos) filename += sourcefile; else filename += sourcefile.substr(pos+1); filename += ".analyzerinfo"; return filename; } bool AnalyzerInformation::analyzeFile(const std::string &buildDir, const std::string &sourcefile, const std::string &cfg, unsigned long long checksum, std::list *errors) { if (buildDir.empty() || sourcefile.empty()) return true; close(); analyzerInfoFile = AnalyzerInformation::getAnalyzerInfoFile(buildDir,sourcefile,cfg); if (skipAnalysis(analyzerInfoFile, checksum, errors)) return false; fout.open(analyzerInfoFile); if (fout.is_open()) { fout << "\n"; fout << "\n"; } else { analyzerInfoFile.clear(); } return true; } void AnalyzerInformation::reportErr(const ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage &msg, bool /*verbose*/) { if (fout.is_open()) fout << msg.toXML() << '\n'; } void AnalyzerInformation::setFileInfo(const std::string &check, const std::string &fileInfo) { if (fout.is_open() && !fileInfo.empty()) fout << " \n" << fileInfo << " \n"; }