import glob import sys import re if len(sys.argv) != 3: print('usage: project resultsfile.txt') sys.exit(1) project = sys.argv[1] resultfile = sys.argv[2] f = open(project + '/true-positives.txt', 'rt') truepositives = f.close() f = open(project + '/false-positives.txt', 'rt') falsepositives = f.close() fin = open(resultfile, 'rt') results = fin.close() out = {} out['untriaged'] = '' out['fn'] = '' out['fp'] = '' out['tp'] = '' numberOfFalsePositives = 0 numberOfTruePositives = 0 numberOfFalseNegatives = 0 for result in results.split('\n'): result = result.strip() res = re.match('\\[(' + project + '.+):([0-9]+)\\]:\s+[(][a-z]+[)] (.+)', result) if res is None: continue filename = linenr = message = css = 'untriaged' classification = 'Untriaged' if result in truepositives: css = 'tp' classification = 'True Positive' numberOfTruePositives += 1 elif result in falsepositives: css = 'fp' classification = 'False Positive' numberOfFalsePositives += 1 href = None html = ' <tr>' html += '<td class=' + css + '>' + filename + '</td>' html += '<td class=' + css + '>' + linenr + '</td>' html += '<td class=' + css + '>' + message + '</td>' if project == 'linux-3.11': href = '' + filename[filename.find('/'):] + '#L' + linenr if href: html += '<td class=' + css + '><a href="' + href + '">' + classification + '</a></td>' else: html += '<td class=' + css + '>' + classification + '</td>' html += '</tr>\n' out[css] += html f = open(project + '/true-positives.txt', 'rt') for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line.find('] -> [') > 0 or line.find('(error)') < 0: continue res = re.match('\\[(' + project + '.+):([0-9]+)\\]:\s+[(][a-z]+[)] (.+)', line) if res is None: continue if line in results: continue numberOfFalseNegatives += 1 filename = linenr = message = classification = 'False Negative' css = 'fn' html = ' <tr>' html += '<td class=' + css + '>' + filename + '</td>' html += '<td class=' + css + '>' + linenr + '</td>' html += '<td class=' + css + '>' + message + '</td>' html += '<td class=' + css + '>' + classification + '</td>' html += '</tr>\n' out[css] += html f.close() project2 = '' if project.find('-') > 0: project2 = project[:project.find('-')] else: project2 = project fout = open('report.html', 'wt') fout.write('<html><head><title>Cppcheck results for ' + project + '</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="theme1.css"></head><body>\n') fout.write('<h1>Cppcheck results for ' + project + '</h1>\n') fout.write('<p>Number of false negatives: ' + str(numberOfFalseNegatives) + '</p>\n') fout.write('<p>Number of true positives: ' + str(numberOfTruePositives) + '</p>\n') fout.write('<p>Number of false positives: ' + str(numberOfFalsePositives) + '</p>\n') fout.write('<table border="0">\n') fout.write('<tr><th>Filename</th><th>Line</th><th>Message</th><th>Classification</th></tr>\n') fout.write(out['fn']) fout.write(out['tp']) fout.write(out['fp']) fout.write(out['untriaged']) fout.write('</table></body></html>') fout.close()