About About Cppcheck Om Cppcheck Version %1 Version %1 Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis. Cppcheck - Ett verktyg för statisk analys av C/C++ kod. Copyright © 2007-%1 Cppcheck team. Copyright © 2007-2021 Cppcheck team. Copyright © 2007-2021 Cppcheck team. This program is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 This program is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 Visit Cppcheck homepage at %1 Hemsida: %1 <html><head/><body><p>Many thanks to these libraries that we use:</p><ul style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; -qt-list-indent: 1;"><li style=" margin-top:12px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">pcre</li><li style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">picojson</li><li style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">qt</li><li style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">tinyxml2</li></ul></body></html> ApplicationDialog Add an application Lägg till program Here you can add an application that can open error files. Specify a name for the application, the application executable and command line parameters for the application. The following texts in parameters are replaced with appropriate values when application is executed: (file) - Filename containing the error (line) - Line number containing the error (message) - Error message (severity) - Error severity Example opening a file with Kate and make Kate scroll to the correct line: Executable: kate Parameters: -l(line) (file) Här kan du ange en applikation som kan användas för att visa fel. Ange applikationens namn, körbara fil samt kommandorads parametrar. Följande texter i parametrarna ersätts med motsvarande värden när applikationen körs: (file) - filnamn för källkodsfil (line) - radnummer (message) - felmeddelande (severity) - typ / svårighetsgrad Exempel för att öppna en fil med Kate och ange att Kate skall skrolla till rätt rad: Körbar fil: kate Parametrar: -l(line) (file) &Name: Namn: &Executable: Körbar fil: &Parameters: Parametrar: Browse Bläddra Executable files (*.exe);;All files(*.*) Exekverbara filer (*.exe);;Alla filer(*.*) Select viewer application Välj program Cppcheck Cppcheck You must specify a name, a path and optionally parameters for the application! Du måste ange namn, sökväg samt eventuellt parametrar för applikationen! FileViewDialog Could not find the file: %1 Could not find the file: Kunde inte hitta filen: %1 Cppcheck Cppcheck Could not read the file: %1 Kunde inte läsa filen: %1 HelpDialog Cppcheck GUI help Contents Index Helpfile '%1' was not found Cppcheck Cppcheck LibraryAddFunctionDialog Add function Lägg till funktion Function name(s) Funktion namn Number of arguments Antal argument LibraryDialog Library Editor Library Editor Open Öppna Save Spara Save as Spara som Functions Funktioner Sort Sortera Add Lägg till Filter: Filter: Comments Kommentar noreturn noreturn False False True True Unknown Vet ej return value must be used retur värde måste användas ignore function in leaks checking Ignorera funktionen när cppcheck letar efter läckor Arguments Argument Edit Redigera Library files (*.cfg) Library fil (*.cfg) Open library file Öppna Library fil Cppcheck Cppcheck Cannot open file %1. Can not open file %1. Kunde ej öppna filen %1. Failed to load %1. %2. Cannot save file %1. Can not save file %1. Kunde ej spara filen %1. Save the library as Spara library som LibraryEditArgDialog Edit argument Konfigurera argument <html><head/><body> <p>Is bool value allowed? For instance result from comparison or from '!' operator.</p> <p>Typically, set this if the argument is a pointer, size, etc.</p> <p>Example:</p> <pre> memcmp(x, y, i == 123); // last argument should not have a bool value</pre> </body></html> Är bool värde tillåtet? Exempelvis resultatet från jämförelse eller från ! operatorn. Normalt bör inte bool värde användas om argumentet är en pekare eller en storlek etc. Exempel: memcmp(x, y, i == 123); // sista argumentet bör inte vara ett bool värde Not bool Ej bool <html><head/><body> <p>Is a null parameter value allowed?</p> <p>Typically this should be used on any pointer parameter that does not allow null.</p> <p>Example:</p> <pre> strcpy(x,y); // neither x or y is allowed to be null.</pre> </body></html> Är null värde tillåtet? Klicka i denna om argumentet är en pointer parameter som ej tillåter null. Exempel: strcpy(x,y); // varken x eller y får vara null. Not null Ej null Not uninit Ej uninit String Sträng Format string Format sträng Min size of buffer Minsta storlek för buffer Type Typ None Ingen argvalue argvalue mul mul strlen strlen Arg Arg Arg2 Arg2 and och Valid values Tillåtna värden MainWindow Cppcheck Cppcheck A&nalyze Analysera Standard Standard &File &Arkiv &View &Visa &Toolbars Verktygsfält C++ standard C++ standard &C standard C standard C standard &Edit &Redigera &License... &Licens... A&uthors... &Utvecklat av... &About... &Om... &Files... &Filer... Analyze files Check files Analysera filer Ctrl+F Ctrl+F &Directory... &Katalog... Analyze directory Check directory Analysera mapp Ctrl+D Ctrl+D Ctrl+R Ctrl+R &Stop &Stoppa Stop analysis Stop checking Stoppa analys Esc Esc &Save results to file... &Spara resultat till fil... Ctrl+S Ctrl+S &Quit &Avsluta &Clear results &Töm resultat &Preferences &Inställningar Show errors Visa fel Show warnings Visa varningar Show performance warnings Visa prestanda varningar Show &hidden Visa dolda Information Information Show information messages Visa informations meddelanden Show portability warnings Visa portabilitets varningar Show Cppcheck results Visa Cppcheck resultat Clang Clang Show Clang results Visa Clang resultat &Filter &Filter Filter results Filtrera resultat Windows 32-bit ANSI Windows 32-bit ANSI Windows 32-bit Unicode Windows 32-bit Unicode Unix 32-bit Unix 32-bit Unix 64-bit Unix 64-bit Windows 64-bit Windows 64-bit &Print... Skriv ut... Print the Current Report Skriv ut aktuell rapport Print Pre&view... Förhandsgranska utskrift... Open a Print Preview Dialog for the Current Results Öppnar förhandsgranskning för nuvarande resultat Open library editor Öppna library editor &Check all &Kryssa alla Checking for updates Hide Dölj Filter Filter &Reanalyze modified files &Recheck modified files Analysera om ändrade filer Reanal&yze all files Analysera om alla filer Ctrl+Q Style war&nings Style varningar E&rrors Fel &Uncheck all Kryssa &ur alla Collapse &all Ingen bra översättning! &Fäll ihop alla &Expand all &Expandera alla &Standard &Standard Standard items Standard poster Toolbar Verktygsfält &Categories &Kategorier Error categories Fel kategorier &Open XML... &Öppna XML... Open P&roject File... Öppna Projektfil... Ctrl+Shift+O Sh&ow Scratchpad... Visa Scratchpad... &New Project File... Ny projektfil... Ctrl+Shift+N &Log View Log View Logg vy C&lose Project File Stäng projektfil &Edit Project File... Redigera projektfil... &Statistics Statistik &Warnings Varningar Per&formance warnings Optimerings varningar &Information Information &Portability Portabilitet P&latforms Plattformar C++&11 C++11 C&99 C99 &Posix Posix C&11 C11 &C89 C89 &C++03 C++03 &Library Editor... Library Editor... &Auto-detect language Detektera språk automatiskt &Enforce C++ Tvinga C++ E&nforce C Tvinga C C++14 C++14 Reanalyze and check library Check configuration (defines, includes) C++17 C++17 C++20 C++20 &Contents &Innehåll Categories Kategorier Show style warnings Visa stil varningar Open the help contents Öppna hjälp F1 F1 &Help &Hjälp Quick Filter: Snabbfilter: Select configuration Välj konfiguration Found project file: %1 Do you want to load this project file instead? Hittade projektfil: %1 Vill du ladda denna projektfil istället? File not found Filen hittades ej Bad XML Ogiltig XML Missing attribute Attribut finns ej Bad attribute value Ogiltigt attribut värde Unsupported format Format stöds ej Failed to load the selected library '%1'. %2 Misslyckades att ladda valda library '%1'. %2 License Licens Authors Utvecklare Save the report file Spara rapport XML files (*.xml) XML filer (*.xml) There was a problem with loading the editor application settings. This is probably because the settings were changed between the Cppcheck versions. Please check (and fix) the editor application settings, otherwise the editor program might not start correctly. Det uppstod ett problem när programinställningarna skulle laddas. En trolig orsak är att inställningarna ändrats för olika Cppcheck versioner. Kontrollera programinställningarna. You must close the project file before selecting new files or directories! Du måste stänga projektfilen innan nya filer eller sökvägar kan väljas! The library '%1' contains unknown elements: %2 Library filen '%1' har element som ej hanteras: %2 Duplicate platform type Dubbel plattformstyp Platform type redefined Plattformstyp definieras igen Unknown element Element hanteras ej Unknown issue Något problem Error Fel Failed to load %1. Your Cppcheck installation is broken. You can use --data-dir=<directory> at the command line to specify where this file is located. Please note that --data-dir is supposed to be used by installation scripts and therefore the GUI does not start when it is used, all that happens is that the setting is configured. Misslyckades att ladda %1. Din Cppcheck installation är ej komplett. Du kan använda --data-dir<directory> på kommandoraden för att specificera var denna fil finns. Det är meningen att --data-dir kommandot skall köras under installationen,så GUIt kommer ej visas när --data-dir används allt som händer är att en inställning görs. Open the report file Öppna rapportfilen Text files (*.txt) Text filer (*.txt) CSV files (*.csv) CSV filer (*.csv) Project files (*.cppcheck);;All files(*.*) Projektfiler (*.cppcheck);;Alla filer(*.*) Select Project File Välj projektfil Project: Projekt: No suitable files found to analyze! Inga filer hittades att analysera! C/C++ Source Compile database Visual Studio Visual Studio Borland C++ Builder 6 Select files to analyze Välj filer att analysera Select directory to analyze Välj mapp att analysera Select the configuration that will be analyzed Välj konfiguration som kommer analyseras Found project files from the directory. Do you want to proceed analysis without using any of these project files? Hittade projekt filer i mappen. Vill du fortsätta analysen utan att använda någon av dessa projekt filer? Current results will be cleared. Opening a new XML file will clear current results. Do you want to proceed? Analyzer is running. Do you want to stop the analysis and exit Cppcheck? Analys körs. Vill du stoppa analysen och avsluta Cppcheck? About XML files (*.xml);;Text files (*.txt);;CSV files (*.csv) XML filer (*.xml);;Text filer (*.txt);;CSV filer (*.csv) Build dir '%1' does not exist, create it? Build dir '%1' existerar ej, skapa den? To check the project using addons, you need a build directory. Failed to import '%1', analysis is stopped Misslyckades att importera '%1', analysen stoppas Project files (*.cppcheck) Projekt filer (*.cppcheck) Select Project Filename Välj Projektfil No project file loaded Inget projekt laddat The project file %1 could not be found! Do you want to remove the file from the recently used projects -list? Projektfilen %1 kunde inte hittas! Vill du ta bort filen från 'senast använda projekt'-listan? Install New version available: %1. %2 Cppcheck GUI. Syntax: cppcheck-gui [OPTIONS] [files or paths] Options: -h, --help Print this help -p <file> Open given project file and start checking it -l <file> Open given results xml file -d <directory> Specify the directory that was checked to generate the results xml specified with -l -v, --version Show program version --data-dir=<directory> This option is for installation scripts so they can configure the directory where datafiles are located (translations, cfg). The GUI is not started when this option is used. Cppcheck GUI. Syntax: cppcheck-gui [OPTIONS] [files or paths] Options: -h, --help Print this help -p <file> Open given project file and start checking it -l <file> Open given results xml file -d <directory> Specify the directory that was checked to generate the results xml specified with -l -v, --version Show program version --data-dir=<directory> Specify directory where GUI datafiles are located (translations, cfg) Cppcheck GUI. Syntax: cppcheck-gui [OPTIONS] [files or paths] Options: -h, --help Print this help -p <file> Open given project file and start checking it -l <file> Open given results xml file -d <directory> Specify the directory that was checked to generate the results xml specified with -l -v, --version Show program version --data-dir=<directory> This option is for installation scripts so they can configure the directory where datafiles are located (translations, cfg). The GUI is not started when this option is used. Cppcheck GUI - Command line parameters Cppcheck GUI - Command line parameters NewSuppressionDialog New suppression Error ID File name Line number Symbol name Edit suppression Platforms Native Native Unix 32-bit Unix 32-bit Unix 64-bit Unix 64-bit Windows 32-bit ANSI Windows 32-bit ANSI Windows 32-bit Unicode Windows 32-bit Unicode Windows 64-bit Windows 64-bit ProjectFile Project File Projektfil Paths and Defines Sökvägar och defines Import Project (Visual studio / compile database/ Borland C++ Builder 6) Import Project (Visual studio / compile database) Importera Projekt (Visual Studio / compile database) Defines must be separated by a semicolon. Example: DEF1;DEF2=5;DEF3=int Defines must be separated by a semicolon ';' Defines separeras med semicolon ';' Note: Put your own custom .cfg files in the same folder as the project file. You should see them above. Obs: Lägg dina egna .cfg filer i samma folder som projekt filen. De skall isåfall visas ovan. ... ... <html><head/><body><p>You have a choice:</p><p> * Analyze all Debug and Release configurations</p><p> * Only analyze the first matching Debug configuration</p><p><br/></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Du har ett val:</p><p> * Analysera alla Debug och Release konfigurationer</p><p> * Analysera bara den första matchande Debug konfigurationen</p><p><br/></p></body></html> Browse... Analyze all Visual Studio configurations Analysera alla Visual Studio konfigurationer Selected VS Configurations Paths: Sökvägar: Add... Lägg till... Edit Redigera Remove Ta bort Undefines: Undefines must be separated by a semicolon. Example: UNDEF1;UNDEF2;UNDEF3 Include Paths: Include sökvägar: This is a workfolder that Cppcheck will use for various purposes. Clang (experimental) If you want to design your classes to be as flexible and robust as possible then the public interface must be very robust. Cppcheck will asumme that arguments can take *any* value. Check code in headers (should be ON normally. if you want a limited quick analysis then turn this OFF) Max recursion in template instantiation Filepaths in warnings will be relative to this path If tags are added, you will be able to right click on warnings and set one of these tags. You can manually categorize warnings. Exclude source files Exclude folder... Exclude file... MISRA rule texts <html><head/><body><p>Copy/paste the text from Appendix A &quot;Summary of guidelines&quot; from the MISRA C 2012 pdf to a text file.</p></body></html> Cert C++ Bug hunting (Premium) External tools Up Upp Down Ned Platform Analysis Parser Cppcheck (built in) Check that each class has a safe public interface Limit analysis Check code in unused templates (should be ON normally, however in theory you can safely ignore warnings in unused templates) Check code in unused templates (slower and less accurate analysis) Max CTU depth Warning options Root path: Bas sökväg: Warning tags (separated by semicolon) Varnings taggar (separerade med semikolon) Cppcheck build dir (whole program analysis, incremental analysis, statistics, etc) Cppcheck build dir (whole program analys, incremental analys, statistik, etc) Types and Functions Libraries Libraries Suppressions Suppressions Add Lägg till Addons Addons Note: Addons require <a href="https://www.python.org/">Python</a> being installed. Y2038 Y2038 Thread safety Tråd säkerhet Coding standards Kodstandarder Misra C 2012 Cert C CERT-INT35-C: int precision (if size equals precision, you can leave empty) Misra C++ 2008 Autosar Bug hunting Clang analyzer Clang analyzer Clang-tidy Clang-tidy Defines: Defines: ProjectFileDialog Project file: %1 Projektfil: %1 Clang-tidy (not found) Select Cppcheck build dir Välj Cppcheck build dir Select include directory Välj include sökväg Source files All files Exclude file Select MISRA rule texts file MISRA rule texts file (%1) Select a directory to check Välj mapp att analysera Visual Studio Visual Studio Compile database Borland C++ Builder 6 Import Project Importera Projekt Select directory to ignore Välj sökväg att ignorera QObject Unknown language specified! Okänt språk valt! Language file %1 not found! Language file %1.qm not found! Språk filen %1 hittades ej! Failed to load translation for language %1 from file %2 Failed to load translation for language %1 from file %2.qm Misslyckades med att ladda översättningen för %1 från filen %2 line %1: Unhandled element %2 line %1: Mandatory attribute '%2' missing in '%3' (Not found) Thin ExtraLight Light Normal Medium DemiBold Bold ExtraBold Black Editor Foreground Color Editor Background Color Highlight Background Color Line Number Foreground Color Line Number Background Color Keyword Foreground Color Keyword Font Weight Class Foreground Color Class ForegroundColor Class Font Weight Quote Foreground Color Quote Font Weight Comment Foreground Color Comment Font Weight Symbol Foreground Color Symbol Background Color Symbol Font Weight Set to Default Light Set to Default Dark QPlatformTheme OK OK Cancel Avbryt Close Stäng Save Spara ResultsTree File Fil Severity Typ Line Rad Summary Sammanfattning Undefined file Odefinierad fil Copy Could not find file: Please select the folder '%1' Select Directory '%1' Please select the directory where file is located. debug debug note note Recheck Analysera om Hide Dölj Hide all with id Dölj alla med id Suppress selected id(s) Stäng av valda id Open containing folder Öppna mapp Tag Tag No tag Ingen tag Cppcheck Cppcheck No editor application configured. Configure the editor application for Cppcheck in preferences/Applications. Configure the text file viewer program in Cppcheck preferences/Applications. Ingen editor konfigurerad. Konfigurera program i inställningar/program. No default editor application selected. Please select the default editor application in preferences/Applications. Ingen standard editor vald. Vänligen välj standard editor i inställningar/Program. Could not find the file! Kunde inte hitta filen! Could not start %1 Please check the application path and parameters are correct. Kunde inte starta %1 Kontrollera att sökvägen och parametrarna är korrekta. Select Directory Välj mapp Id Id Inconclusive Inconclusive Since date Sedan datum style stil error fel warning varning performance prestanda portability portabilitet information information ResultsView Print Report Skriv ut rapport No errors found, nothing to print. Inga fel hittades, inget att skriva ut. %p% (%1 of %2 files checked) %p% (%1 av %2 filer analyserade) Cppcheck Cppcheck No errors found. Inga fel hittades. Errors were found, but they are configured to be hidden. To toggle what kind of errors are shown, open view menu. Fel hittades, men de visas ej. För att ställa in vilka fel som skall visas använd visa menyn. Failed to read the report. Misslyckades att läsa rapporten. XML format version 1 is no longer supported. XML format version 1 stöds ej längre. First included by Först inkluderad av Id Id Bug hunting analysis is incomplete Clear Log Copy this Log entry Copy complete Log Failed to save the report. Misslyckades med att spara rapporten. Results Resultat Analysis Log Analys Log Warning Details Varningsdetaljer ScratchPad Scratchpad Scratchpad Copy or write some C/C++ code here: Optionally enter a filename (mainly for automatic language detection) and click on "Check": filename Filnamn Check Analysera Settings Preferences Inställningar General Allmänt Add... Lägg till... Number of threads: Antal trådar: Ideal count: Optimalt värde: Force checking all #ifdef configurations Check all #ifdef configurations Kontrollera alla #ifdef konfigurationer Show full path of files Visa den fulla sökvägen för filer Show "No errors found" message when no errors found Visa "Inga fel hittades" meddelande när inga fel hittas Display error Id in column "Id" Visa meddelande id i kolumn "Id" Enable inline suppressions Använd inline suppressions Check for inconclusive errors also Kör inconclusive analys Show statistics on check completion Visa statistik när analys är klar Check for updates Show internal warnings in log Visa interna fel i loggen Addons Addons Python binary (leave this empty to use python in the PATH) Python binär fil (lämna tom för att använda python i PATH) ... ... MISRA addon MISRA rule texts file <html><head/><body><p>Copy/paste the text from Appendix A &quot;Summary of guidelines&quot; from the MISRA C 2012 pdf to a text file.</p></body></html> Clang Clang Clang path (leave empty to use system PATH) Clang sökväg (lämna tom för att använda PATH) Visual Studio headers Visual Studio headers <html><head/><body><p>Paths to Visual Studio headers, separated by semicolon ';'.</p><p>You can open a Visual Studio command prompt, write &quot;SET INCLUDE&quot;. Then copy/paste the paths.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Sökvägar till Visual Studio headers, separerade med semikolon ';'.</p><p>Du kan öppna en Visual Studio command prompt, och skriva &quot;SET INCLUDE&quot;. Sedan kopiera och klistra in sökvägarna.</p></body></html> Code Editor Code Editor Style System Style Default Light Style Default Dark Style Custom Remove Ta bort Applications Program Edit... Redigera... Set as default Sätt förvald Reports Rapporter Save all errors when creating report Spara alla fel Save full path to files in reports Spara fulla sökvägar Language Språk SettingsDialog N/A Ej tillgängligt The executable file "%1" is not available Add a new application Lägg till program Modify an application Ändra program [Default] [Vald] [Default] [Förvald] Select python binary Välj python binär Select MISRA File Select clang path Välj Clang sökväg StatsDialog Statistics Statistik Project Projekt Project: Projekt: Paths: Sökvägar: Include paths: Include sökvägar: Defines: Defines: Undefines: Previous Scan Föregående analys Path Selected: Vald sökväg: Number of Files Scanned: Antal analyserade filer: Scan Duration: Analys tid: Errors: Fel: Warnings: Varningar: Stylistic warnings: Stil varningar: Portability warnings: Portabilitets varningar: Performance issues: Prestanda varningar: Information messages: Informations meddelanden: History Historik File: Fil: Copy to Clipboard Kopiera Pdf Export Pdf Export 1 day 1 dag %1 days %1 dagar 1 hour 1 timme %1 hours %1 timmar 1 minute 1 minut %1 minutes %1 minuter 1 second 1 sekund %1 seconds %1 sekunder 0.%1 seconds 0.%1 sekunder and och Export PDF Exportera PDF Project Settings Projekt inställningar Paths Sökvägar Include paths Include sökvägar Defines Definitioner Undefines Path selected Vald sökväg Number of files scanned Antal analyserade filer Scan duration Tid Errors Fel File: Fil: No cppcheck build dir Ingen Cppcheck build dir Warnings Varningar Style warnings Stil varningar Portability warnings Portabilitetsvarningar Performance warnings Prestanda varningar Information messages Informationsmeddelanden ThreadResult %1 of %2 files checked %1 av %2 filer analyserade TranslationHandler Failed to change the user interface language: %1 The user interface language has been reset to English. Open the Preferences-dialog to select any of the available languages. Misslyckades att ändra språk: %1 Språket har nollställts till Engelska. Öppna Preferences och välj något av de tillgängliga språken. Cppcheck Cppcheck TxtReport inconclusive inconclusive toFilterString All supported files (%1) All files (%1)