========= Cppcheck ========= About The original name of this program is "C++check". The name was changed to "cppcheck" (a google search is more successful now). Compiling Any C++ compiler should work. The Makefile works under Linux. To make it work under Windows with DJGPP, change "g++" to "gxx". Usage The syntax is: cppcheck [--all] [--quiet] [--style] [--verbose] [--force] [file or path] [file or path] The error messages will be printed to stderr. Example (Check all files. Use all checks): cppcheck --style --all ./ To output error messages to a file use this syntax (works both on Windows and Linux): cppcheck file.cpp 2> err.txt Recommendations When the "--all" flag is given you may get a lot of error messages. Webpage http://www.sf.net/projects/cppcheck