lessThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 5): error(requires >= Qt 5 (You used: $$QT_VERSION)) TEMPLATE = app TARGET = cppcheck-gui CONFIG += warn_on debug DEPENDPATH += . \ ../lib INCLUDEPATH += . \ ../lib \ ../externals/z3/include QT += widgets QT += printsupport QT += help # Build online help #onlinehelp.target = online-help.qhc #onlinehelp.commands = qhelpgenerator $$PWD/help/online-help.qhp -o online-help.qch ; qhelpgenerator $$PWD/help/online-help.qhcp -o online-help.qhc #QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += onlinehelp #PRE_TARGETDEPS += online-help.qhc contains(LINKCORE, [yY][eE][sS]) { LIBS += -l../bin/cppcheck-core DEFINES += CPPCHECKLIB_IMPORT } LIBS += -L$$PWD/../externals -L$$PWD/../externals/z3/bin # z3 win32 { LIBS += -llibz3 } else { LIBS += -lz3 } QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -DUSE_Z3 DESTDIR = . RCC_DIR = temp MOC_DIR = temp OBJECTS_DIR = temp UI_DIR = temp isEmpty(QMAKE_CXX) { isEmpty(CXX)) { QMAKE_CXX = gcc } else { QMAKE_CXX = $$(CXX) } } win32 { CONFIG += windows contains(LINKCORE, [yY][eE][sS]) { DESTDIR = ../bin RCC_DIR = temp/generated MOC_DIR = temp/generated OBJECTS_DIR = temp/generated UI_DIR = temp/generated } else { DESTDIR = ../Build/gui RCC_DIR = ../BuildTmp/gui MOC_DIR = ../BuildTmp/gui OBJECTS_DIR = ../BuildTmp/gui UI_DIR = ../BuildTmp/gui } } RESOURCES = gui.qrc FORMS = about.ui \ application.ui \ file.ui \ functioncontractdialog.ui \ helpdialog.ui \ mainwindow.ui \ projectfiledialog.ui \ resultsview.ui \ scratchpad.ui \ settings.ui \ stats.ui \ librarydialog.ui \ libraryaddfunctiondialog.ui \ libraryeditargdialog.ui \ newsuppressiondialog.ui \ variablecontractsdialog.ui TRANSLATIONS = cppcheck_de.ts \ cppcheck_es.ts \ cppcheck_fi.ts \ cppcheck_fr.ts \ cppcheck_it.ts \ cppcheck_ja.ts \ cppcheck_ko.ts \ cppcheck_nl.ts \ cppcheck_ru.ts \ cppcheck_sr.ts \ cppcheck_sv.ts \ cppcheck_zh_CN.ts # Windows-specific options CONFIG += embed_manifest_exe contains(LINKCORE, [yY][eE][sS]) { } else { BASEPATH = ../lib/ include($$PWD/../lib/lib.pri) } win32-msvc* { MSVC_VER = $$(VisualStudioVersion) message($$MSVC_VER) MSVC_VER_SPLIT = $$split(MSVC_VER, .) MSVC_VER_MAJOR = $$first(MSVC_VER_SPLIT) # doesn't compile with older VS versions - assume VS2019 (16.x) is the first working for now !lessThan(MSVC_VER_MAJOR, 16) { message("using precompiled header") CONFIG += precompile_header PRECOMPILED_HEADER = precompiled_qmake.h } } HEADERS += aboutdialog.h \ application.h \ applicationdialog.h \ applicationlist.h \ checkstatistics.h \ checkthread.h \ codeeditstylecontrols.h \ codeeditorstyle.h \ codeeditstyledialog.h \ codeeditor.h \ common.h \ csvreport.h \ erroritem.h \ filelist.h \ fileviewdialog.h \ functioncontractdialog.h \ helpdialog.h \ mainwindow.h \ platforms.h \ printablereport.h \ projectfile.h \ projectfiledialog.h \ report.h \ resultstree.h \ resultsview.h \ scratchpad.h \ settingsdialog.h \ showtypes.h \ statsdialog.h \ threadhandler.h \ threadresult.h \ translationhandler.h \ txtreport.h \ variablecontractsdialog.h \ xmlreport.h \ xmlreportv2.h \ librarydialog.h \ cppchecklibrarydata.h \ libraryaddfunctiondialog.h \ libraryeditargdialog.h \ newsuppressiondialog.h SOURCES += aboutdialog.cpp \ application.cpp \ applicationdialog.cpp \ applicationlist.cpp \ checkstatistics.cpp \ checkthread.cpp \ codeeditorstyle.cpp \ codeeditstylecontrols.cpp \ codeeditstyledialog.cpp \ codeeditor.cpp \ common.cpp \ csvreport.cpp \ erroritem.cpp \ filelist.cpp \ fileviewdialog.cpp \ functioncontractdialog.cpp \ helpdialog.cpp \ main.cpp \ mainwindow.cpp\ platforms.cpp \ printablereport.cpp \ projectfile.cpp \ projectfiledialog.cpp \ report.cpp \ resultstree.cpp \ resultsview.cpp \ scratchpad.cpp \ settingsdialog.cpp \ showtypes.cpp \ statsdialog.cpp \ threadhandler.cpp \ threadresult.cpp \ translationhandler.cpp \ txtreport.cpp \ variablecontractsdialog.cpp \ xmlreport.cpp \ xmlreportv2.cpp \ librarydialog.cpp \ cppchecklibrarydata.cpp \ libraryaddfunctiondialog.cpp \ libraryeditargdialog.cpp \ newsuppressiondialog.cpp win32 { RC_FILE = cppcheck-gui.rc HEADERS += ../lib/version.h contains(LINKCORE, [yY][eE][sS]) { } else { LIBS += -lshlwapi } } contains(QMAKE_CC, gcc) { QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++0x -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -Wcast-qual -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wfloat-equal -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-format-attribute -Wno-long-long -Wpacked -Wredundant-decls -Wundef -Wno-shadow -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-missing-braces -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-multichar } contains(QMAKE_CXX, clang++) { QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++0x -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -Wcast-qual -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wfloat-equal -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-format-attribute -Wno-long-long -Wpacked -Wredundant-decls -Wundef -Wno-shadow -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-missing-braces -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-multichar } contains(HAVE_QCHART, [yY][eE][sS]) { QT += charts DEFINES += HAVE_QCHART } else { message("Charts disabled - to enable it pass HAVE_QCHART=yes to qmake.") }