#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys import re import subprocess def readdate(data): if data[:5] == 'DATE ': datepos = 0 else: datepos = data.find('\nDATE ') if datepos >= 0: datepos += 1 if datepos < 0: return None datestr = '' datepos += 5 while True: if datepos >= len(data): return None d = data[datepos] if '0' <= d <= '9': datestr += d elif d == '\n' or d == '\r': if len(datestr) == 8: return datestr[:4] + '-' + datestr[4:6] + '-' + datestr[6:] return None elif d != ' ' and d != '-': return None datepos += 1 def summaryHtml(style, font, severity, categories, totalNumber): font1 = '' font2 = '' if font: font1 = font font2 = '</font>' ret = '<tr> ' ret = ret + '<td ' + style + '>' + font1 + severity + font2 + '</td> ' ret = ret + '<td ' + style + '>' + font1 + str(categories) + font2 + '</td> ' ret = ret + '<td ' + style + '>' + font1 + str(totalNumber) + font2 + '</td> ' ret = ret + '</tr>\n' return ret def diffResults(reportpath): diff = '' count_negatives = 0 count_positives = 0 f = open(reportpath + 'diff.txt', 'wt') for lib in ['', 'lib']: for a in "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz": baseFileName = daca2folder + lib + a + '/results-1.84.txt' headFileName = daca2folder + lib + a + '/results-head.txt' if not os.path.isfile(baseFileName): continue if not os.path.isfile(headFileName): continue print('diffResults:' + lib + a) diffCmd = ['diff', baseFileName, headFileName] p = subprocess.Popen(diffCmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) comm = p.communicate() for line in comm[0].split('\n'): if re.match(r'^> [a-z0-9].+', line): f.write('head: ' + line[2:] + '\n') count_positives += 1 elif re.match(r'^< [a-z0-9].+', line): f.write('1.84: ' + line[2:] + '\n') count_negatives += 1 return count_negatives, count_positives daca2folder = os.path.expanduser('~/daca2/') path = '' for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if arg.startswith('--daca2='): daca2folder = arg[8:] if daca2folder[-1] != '/': daca2folder += '/' else: path = arg if path[-1] != '/': path += '/' count_negatives, count_positives = diffResults(path) mainpage = open(path + 'daca2.html', 'wt') mainpage.write('<!DOCTYPE html>\n') mainpage.write('<html lang="en">\n') mainpage.write('<head>\n') mainpage.write('<meta charset="utf-8">\n') mainpage.write('<title>DACA2</title>\n') mainpage.write('<link rel="stylesheet" href="/site/css/daca2.css">\n') mainpage.write('<script src="/site/js/sorttable.min.js"></script>\n') mainpage.write('</head>\n') mainpage.write('<body>\n') mainpage.write('<h1>DACA2</h1>\n') mainpage.write('<p>Results when running latest (git head) Cppcheck on Debian.</p>\n') mainpage.write('<p>For performance reasons the analysis is limited. Files larger than 1mb are skipped. ' + 'If analysis of a file takes more than 10 minutes it may be stopped.</p>\n') mainpage.write('<p>Show <a href="diff.txt">diff</a> (1.84:' + str(count_negatives) + ', head:' + str(count_positives) + ')</p>\n') mainpage.write('<table class="sortable">\n') mainpage.write( '<tr>' + '<th>Name</th>' + '<th>Date</th>' + '<th>Error</th>' + '<th>Warning</th>' + '<th>Performance</th>' + '<th>Portability</th>' + '<th>Style</th>' + '<th>Crashes</th>' + '<th>VarID 0</th></tr>\n') lastupdate = None recent = [] totalNumber = {} categories = {} for severity in ['error', 'warning', 'style', 'portability', 'performance']: totalNumber[severity] = 0 categories[severity] = [] daca2 = daca2folder pattern = re.compile(r'.*: (error|warning|style|performance|portability):.* \[([a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]+)\]') for lib in [False, True]: for a in "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz": if lib: a = "lib" + a if not os.path.isfile(daca2 + a + '/results-head.txt'): continue f = open(daca2 + a + '/results-head.txt', 'rt') data = f.read() f.close() if 'ftp://' not in data: continue datestr = readdate(data) if datestr: if not lastupdate or datestr > lastupdate: lastupdate = datestr recent = [] if datestr == lastupdate: recent.append(a) else: datestr = '' for line in data.split('\n'): res = pattern.match(line) if res is None: continue severity = res.group(1) messageId = res.group(2) if messageId in ['cppcheckError', 'internalAstError', 'preprocessorErrorDirective', 'syntaxError']: continue totalNumber[severity] = totalNumber[severity] + 1 if messageId not in categories[severity]: categories[severity].append(messageId) mainpage.write( '<tr>' + '<td><a href="daca2-' + a + '.html">' + a + '</a></td>' + '<td>' + datestr + '</td>' + '<td>' + str(data.count(': error:')) + '</td>' + '<td>' + str(data.count(': warning:')) + '</td>' + '<td>' + str(data.count(': performance:')) + '</td>' + '<td>' + str(data.count(': portability:')) + '</td>' + '<td>' + str(data.count(': style:')) + '</td>' + '<td>' + str(data.count('Crash?')) + '</td>' + '<td>' + str(data.count('with varid 0.')) + '</td>' + '</tr>\n') data = data.replace('&', '&') data = data.replace('<', '<') data = data.replace('>', '>') f = open(path + 'daca2-' + a + '.html', 'wt') f.write('<!DOCTYPE html>\n') f.write('<html lang="en">\n') f.write('<head>\n') f.write('<meta charset="utf-8">\n') f.write('<title>DACA2 - ' + a + '</title>\n') f.write('</head>\n') f.write('<body>\n') f.write('<h1>DACA2 - ' + a + '</h1>') f.write('<pre>\n' + data + '</pre>\n') f.write('</body>\n') f.write('</html>\n') f.close() mainpage.write('</table>\n') mainpage.write('<b>Summary</b>\n') mainpage.write('<table>\n') mainpage.write(summaryHtml('style="background-color:#369"', '<font style="color:#eee">', 'Severity', 'Types', 'Amount')) mainpage.write(summaryHtml('style="background-color:#fff"', None, 'Error (there is bug)', len(categories['error']), totalNumber['error'])) mainpage.write(summaryHtml('style="background-color:#ccccff"', None, 'Warning (potential bug)', len(categories['warning']), totalNumber['warning'])) mainpage.write(summaryHtml('style="background-color:#fff"', None, 'Style', len(categories['style']), totalNumber['style'])) mainpage.write(summaryHtml('style="background-color:#ccccff"', None, 'Portability', len(categories['portability']), totalNumber['portability'])) mainpage.write(summaryHtml('style="background-color:#fff"', None, 'Performance', len(categories['performance']), totalNumber['performance'])) mainpage.write('</table>\n') if lastupdate: mainpage.write('<p>Last update: ' + lastupdate + '</p>') allrecent = '' for r in recent: allrecent = allrecent + ' <a href="daca2-' + r + '.html">' + r + '</a>' mainpage.write('<p>Most recently updated:' + allrecent + '</p>') mainpage.write('</body>\n') mainpage.write('</html>\n')