/* * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis * Copyright (C) 2007-2019 Cppcheck team. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "platform.h" #include "settings.h" #include "testsuite.h" #include "token.h" #include "tokenize.h" #include "tokenlist.h" struct InternalError; class TestSimplifyUsing : public TestFixture { public: TestSimplifyUsing() : TestFixture("TestSimplifyUsing") { } private: Settings settings0; Settings settings1; Settings settings2; void run() OVERRIDE { settings0.addEnabled("style"); settings2.addEnabled("style"); TEST_CASE(simplifyUsing1); TEST_CASE(simplifyUsing2); TEST_CASE(simplifyUsing3); TEST_CASE(simplifyUsing4); TEST_CASE(simplifyUsing5); TEST_CASE(simplifyUsing6); TEST_CASE(simplifyUsing7); TEST_CASE(simplifyUsing8); TEST_CASE(simplifyUsing9); TEST_CASE(simplifyUsing10); TEST_CASE(simplifyUsing11); TEST_CASE(simplifyUsing12); TEST_CASE(simplifyUsing13); TEST_CASE(simplifyUsing14); TEST_CASE(simplifyUsing15); TEST_CASE(simplifyUsing16); TEST_CASE(simplifyUsing8970); TEST_CASE(simplifyUsing8971); } std::string tok(const char code[], bool simplify = true, Settings::PlatformType type = Settings::Native, bool debugwarnings = true) { errout.str(""); settings0.inconclusive = true; settings0.debugwarnings = debugwarnings; settings0.platform(type); Tokenizer tokenizer(&settings0, this); std::istringstream istr(code); tokenizer.tokenize(istr, "test.cpp"); if (simplify) tokenizer.simplifyTokenList2(); return tokenizer.tokens()->stringifyList(0, !simplify); } void simplifyUsing1() { const char code[] = "class A\n" "{\n" "public:\n" " using duplicate = wchar_t;\n" " void foo() {}\n" "};\n" "using duplicate = A;\n" "int main()\n" "{\n" " duplicate a;\n" " a.foo();\n" " A::duplicate c = 0;\n" "}"; const char expected[] = "class A " "{ " "public: " "" "void foo ( ) { } " "} ; " "int main ( ) " "{ " "A a ; " "a . foo ( ) ; " "wchar_t c ; c = 0 ; " "}"; ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code, false)); } void simplifyUsing2() { const char code[] = "class A;\n" "using duplicate = A;\n" "class A\n" "{\n" "public:\n" "using duplicate = wchar_t;\n" "duplicate foo() { wchar_t b; return b; }\n" "};"; const char expected[] = "class A ; " "class A " "{ " "public: " "" "wchar_t foo ( ) { wchar_t b ; return b ; } " "} ;"; ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code)); } void simplifyUsing3() { const char code[] = "class A {};\n" "using duplicate = A;\n" "wchar_t foo()\n" "{\n" "using duplicate = wchar_t;\n" "duplicate b;\n" "return b;\n" "}\n" "int main()\n" "{\n" "duplicate b;\n" "}"; const char expected[] = "class A { } ; " "wchar_t foo ( ) " "{ " "" "wchar_t b ; " "return b ; " "} " "int main ( ) " "{ " "A b ; " "}"; ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code)); } void simplifyUsing4() { const char code[] = "using s32 = int;\n" "using u32 = unsigned int;\n" "void f()\n" "{\n" " s32 ivar = -2;\n" " u32 uvar = 2;\n" " return uvar / ivar;\n" "}"; const char expected[] = "void f ( ) " "{ " "int ivar ; ivar = -2 ; " "unsigned int uvar ; uvar = 2 ; " "return uvar / ivar ; " "}"; ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code, false)); } void simplifyUsing5() { const char code[] = "using YY_BUFFER_STATE = struct yy_buffer_state *;\n" "void f()\n" "{\n" " YY_BUFFER_STATE state;\n" "}"; const char expected[] = "void f ( ) " "{ " "struct yy_buffer_state * state ; " "}"; ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code, false)); } void simplifyUsing6() { const char code[] = "namespace VL {\n" " using float_t = float;\n" " inline VL::float_t fast_atan2(VL::float_t y, VL::float_t x){}\n" "}"; const char expected[] = "namespace VL { " "" "float fast_atan2 ( float y , float x ) { } " "}"; ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code, false)); } void simplifyUsing7() { const char code[] = "using abc = int; " "Fred :: abc f ;"; const char expected[] = "Fred :: abc f ;"; ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code, false)); } void simplifyUsing8() { const char code[] = "using INT = int;\n" "using UINT = unsigned int;\n" "using PINT = int *;\n" "using PUINT = unsigned int *;\n" "using RINT = int &;\n" "using RUINT = unsigned int &;\n" "using RCINT = const int &;\n" "using RCUINT = const unsigned int &;\n" "INT ti;\n" "UINT tui;\n" "PINT tpi;\n" "PUINT tpui;\n" "RINT tri;\n" "RUINT trui;\n" "RCINT trci;\n" "RCUINT trcui;"; const char expected[] = "int ti ; " "unsigned int tui ; " "int * tpi ; " "unsigned int * tpui ; " "int & tri ; " "unsigned int & trui ; " "const int & trci ; " "const unsigned int & trcui ;"; ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code, false)); } void simplifyUsing9() { const char code[] = "using S = struct s;\n" "using PS = S *;\n" "using T = struct t { int a; };\n" "using TP = T *;\n" "using U = struct { int a; };\n" "using V = U *;\n" "using W = struct { int a; } *;\n" "S s;\n" "PS ps;\n" "T t;\n" "TP tp;\n" "U u;\n" "V v;\n" "W w;"; const char expected[] = "struct t { int a ; } ; " "struct U { int a ; } ; " "struct Unnamed0 { int a ; } ; " "struct s s ; " "struct s * ps ; " "struct t t ; " "struct t * tp ; " "struct U u ; " "struct U * v ; " "struct Unnamed0 * w ;"; ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code, false)); } void simplifyUsing10() { const char code[] = "using S = union s;\n" "using PS = S *;\n" "using T = union t { int a; float b ; };\n" "using TP = T *;\n" "using U = union { int a; float b; };\n" "using V = U *;\n" "using W = union { int a; float b; } *;\n" "S s;\n" "PS ps;\n" "T t;\n" "TP tp;\n" "U u;\n" "V v;\n" "W w;"; const char expected[] = "union t { int a ; float b ; } ; " "union U { int a ; float b ; } ; " "union Unnamed0 { int a ; float b ; } ; " "union s s ; " "union s * ps ; " "union t t ; " "union t * tp ; " "union U u ; " "union U * v ; " "union Unnamed0 * w ;"; ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code, false)); } void simplifyUsing11() { const char code[] = "using abc = enum { a = 0 , b = 1 , c = 2 };\n" "using XYZ = enum xyz { x = 0 , y = 1 , z = 2 };\n" "abc e1;\n" "XYZ e2;"; const char expected[] = "enum abc { a = 0 , b = 1 , c = 2 } ; " "enum xyz { x = 0 , y = 1 , z = 2 } ; " "enum abc e1 ; " "enum xyz e2 ;"; ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code, false)); } void simplifyUsing12() { const char code[] = "using V1 = vector;\n" "using V2 = std::vector;\n" "using V3 = std::vector >;\n" "using IntListIterator = std::list::iterator;\n" "V1 v1;\n" "V2 v2;\n" "V3 v3;\n" "IntListIterator iter;"; const char expected[] = "vector < int > v1 ; " "std :: vector < int > v2 ; " "std :: vector < std :: vector < int > > v3 ; " "std :: list < int > :: iterator iter ;"; ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code, false)); } void simplifyUsing13() { const char code[] = "using Func = std::pair;\n" "using CallQueue = std::vector;\n" "int main() {\n" " CallQueue q;\n" "}"; const char expected[] = "int main ( ) { " "std :: vector < std :: pair < int ( * ) ( void * ) , void * > > q ; " "}"; ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code, false)); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); } void simplifyUsing14() { const char code[] = "template struct E" "{" " using v = E0)?(N-1):0>;" " using val = typename add::val;" " FP_M(val);" "};" "template struct E " "{" " using nal = typename D<1>::val;" " FP_M(val);" "};"; tok(code, true, Settings::Native, false); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); } void simplifyUsing15() { { const char code[] = "using frame = char [10];\n" "frame f;"; const char expected[] = "char f [ 10 ] ;"; ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code, false)); } { const char code[] = "using frame = unsigned char [10];\n" "frame f;"; const char expected[] = "unsigned char f [ 10 ] ;"; ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code, false)); } } void simplifyUsing16() { const char code[] = "using MOT8 = char;\n" "using CHFOO = MOT8 [4096];\n" "using STRFOO = struct {\n" " CHFOO freem;\n" "};\n" "STRFOO s;"; const char expected[] = "struct STRFOO { " "char freem [ 4096 ] ; " "} ; " "struct STRFOO s ;"; ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code, false)); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); } void simplifyUsing8970() { const char code[] = "using V = std::vector;\n" "struct A {\n" " V p;\n" "};"; const char expected[] = "struct A { " "std :: vector < int > p ; " "} ;"; ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code, false)); } void simplifyUsing8971() { const char code[] = "class A {\n" "public:\n" " using V = std::vector;\n" "};\n" "using V = std::vector;\n" "class I {\n" "private:\n" " A::V v_;\n" " V v2_;\n" "};"; const char expected[] = "class A { " "public: " "} ; " "class I { " "private: " "std :: vector < double > v_ ; " "std :: vector < int > v2_ ; " "} ;"; ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, tok(code, false)); } }; REGISTER_TEST(TestSimplifyUsing)