/* * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Daniel Marjamäki and Cppcheck team. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "symboldatabase.h" #include "tokenize.h" #include "token.h" #include "settings.h" #include "errorlogger.h" #include "check.h" #include #include #include #include #include //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- SymbolDatabase::SymbolDatabase(const Tokenizer *tokenizer, const Settings *settings, ErrorLogger *errorLogger) : _tokenizer(tokenizer), _settings(settings), _errorLogger(errorLogger) { // fill the classAndStructTypes set.. for (const Token *tok = _tokenizer->tokens(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (Token::Match(tok, "class|struct %var% [:{;]")) classAndStructTypes.insert(tok->next()->str()); } // find all namespaces (class,struct and namespace) SpaceInfo *info = new SpaceInfo(this, NULL, NULL); spaceInfoList.push_back(info); for (const Token *tok = _tokenizer->tokens(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { // Locate next class if (Token::Match(tok, "class|struct|namespace %var% [{:]")) { SpaceInfo *new_info = new SpaceInfo(this, tok, info); const Token *tok2 = tok->tokAt(2); // only create base list for classes and structures if (new_info->isClassOrStruct()) { // goto initial '{' tok2 = initBaseInfo(new_info, tok); } new_info->classStart = tok2; new_info->classEnd = tok2->link(); // make sure we have valid code if (!new_info->classEnd) { delete new_info; break; } info = new_info; // add namespace spaceInfoList.push_back(info); tok = tok2; } else { // check for end of space if (tok == info->classEnd) { info = info->nestedIn; continue; } // check if in class or structure else if (info->type == SpaceInfo::Class || info->type == SpaceInfo::Struct) { const Token *funcStart = 0; const Token *argStart = 0; // What section are we in.. if (tok->str() == "private:") info->access = Private; else if (tok->str() == "protected:") info->access = Protected; else if (tok->str() == "public:") info->access = Public; else if (Token::Match(tok, "public|protected|private %var% :")) { if (tok->str() == "private") info->access = Private; else if (tok->str() == "protected") info->access = Protected; else if (tok->str() == "public") info->access = Public; tok = tok->tokAt(2); } // class function? else if (tok->previous()->str() != "::" && isFunction(tok, &funcStart, &argStart)) { Func function; // save the function definition argument start '(' function.argDef = argStart; // save the access type function.access = info->access; // save the function name location function.tokenDef = funcStart; // operator function if (function.tokenDef->previous()->str() == "operator") { function.isOperator = true; // 'operator =' is special if (function.tokenDef->str() == "=") function.type = Func::OperatorEqual; } // class constructor/destructor else if (function.tokenDef->str() == info->className) { if (function.tokenDef->previous()->str() == "~") function.type = Func::Destructor; else if ((Token::Match(function.tokenDef, "%var% ( const %var% & )") || Token::Match(function.tokenDef, "%var% ( const %var% & %var% )")) && function.tokenDef->strAt(3) == info->className) function.type = Func::CopyConstructor; else function.type = Func::Constructor; if (function.tokenDef->previous()->str() == "explicit") function.isExplicit = true; } // function returning function pointer else if (tok->str() == "(") { function.retFuncPtr = true; } const Token *tok1 = tok; // look for end of previous statement while (tok1->previous() && !Token::Match(tok1->previous(), ";|}|{|public:|protected:|private:")) { // virtual function if (tok1->previous()->str() == "virtual") { function.isVirtual = true; break; } // static function else if (tok1->previous()->str() == "static") { function.isStatic = true; break; } // friend function else if (tok1->previous()->str() == "friend") { function.isFriend = true; break; } tok1 = tok1->previous(); } const Token *end; if (!function.retFuncPtr) end = function.argDef->link(); else end = tok->link()->next()->link(); // const function if (end->next()->str() == "const") function.isConst = true; // pure virtual function if (Token::Match(end, ") const| = 0 ;")) function.isPure = true; // count the number of constructors if (function.type == Func::Constructor || function.type == Func::CopyConstructor) info->numConstructors++; // assume implementation is inline (definition and implementation same) function.token = function.tokenDef; // out of line function if (Token::Match(end, ") const| ;") || Token::Match(end, ") const| = 0 ;")) { // find the function implementation later tok = end->next(); info->functionList.push_back(function); } // inline function else { function.isInline = true; function.hasBody = true; function.arg = function.argDef; info->functionList.push_back(function); const Token *tok2 = funcStart; SpaceInfo *functionOf = info; addNewFunction(&info, &tok2); if (info) info->functionOf = functionOf; tok = tok2; } } // nested class function? else if (tok->previous()->str() == "::" && isFunction(tok, &funcStart, &argStart)) addFunction(&info, &tok, argStart); // friend class declaration? else if (Token::Match(tok, "friend class| %any% ;")) { FriendInfo friendInfo; friendInfo.name = tok->strAt(1) == "class" ? tok->strAt(2) : tok->strAt(1); /** @todo fill this in later after parsing is complete */ friendInfo.spaceInfo = 0; info->friendList.push_back(friendInfo); } } else if (info->type == SpaceInfo::Namespace || info->type == SpaceInfo::Global) { const Token *funcStart = 0; const Token *argStart = 0; // function? if (isFunction(tok, &funcStart, &argStart)) { // has body? if (Token::Match(argStart->link(), ") const| {|:")) { // class function if (tok->previous() && tok->previous()->str() == "::") addFunction(&info, &tok, argStart); // class destructor else if (tok->previous() && tok->previous()->str() == "~" && tok->previous()->previous() && tok->previous()->previous()->str() == "::") addFunction(&info, &tok, argStart); // regular function else { Func function; // save the function definition argument start '(' function.argDef = argStart; // save the access type function.access = Public; // save the function name location function.tokenDef = funcStart; function.token = funcStart; function.isInline = false; function.hasBody = true; function.arg = function.argDef; function.type = Func::Function; SpaceInfo *old_info = info; addNewFunction(&info, &tok); if (info) old_info->functionList.push_back(function); // syntax error else { info = old_info; break; } } } // function returning function pointer with body else if (Token::simpleMatch(argStart->link(), ") ) (") && Token::Match(argStart->link()->tokAt(2)->link(), ") const| {")) { const Token *tok1 = funcStart; SpaceInfo *old_info = info; // class function if (tok1->previous()->str() == "::") addFunction(&info, &tok1, argStart); // regular function else addNewFunction(&info, &tok1); // syntax error? if (!info) info = old_info; tok = tok1; } } } } } std::list::iterator it; // fill in base class info for (it = spaceInfoList.begin(); it != spaceInfoList.end(); ++it) { info = *it; // skip namespaces and functions if (!info->isClassOrStruct()) continue; // finish filling in base class info for (unsigned int i = 0; i < info->derivedFrom.size(); ++i) { std::list::iterator it1; for (it1 = spaceInfoList.begin(); it1 != spaceInfoList.end(); ++it1) { SpaceInfo *spaceInfo = *it1; /** @todo handle derived base classes and namespaces */ if (spaceInfo->type == SpaceInfo::Class || spaceInfo->type == SpaceInfo::Struct) { // do class names match? if (spaceInfo->className == info->derivedFrom[i].name) { // are they in the same namespace or different namespaces with same name? if ((spaceInfo->nestedIn == info->nestedIn) || ((spaceInfo->nestedIn && spaceInfo->nestedIn->type == SpaceInfo::Namespace) && (info->nestedIn && info->nestedIn->type == SpaceInfo::Namespace) && (spaceInfo->nestedIn->className == info->nestedIn->className))) { info->derivedFrom[i].spaceInfo = spaceInfo; break; } } } } } } // fill in variable info for (it = spaceInfoList.begin(); it != spaceInfoList.end(); ++it) { info = *it; // skip functions if (info->type != SpaceInfo::Function) { // find variables info->getVarList(); } } // determine if user defined type needs initialization unsigned int unknowns = 0; // stop checking when there are no unknowns unsigned int retry = 0; // bail if we don't resolve all the variable types for some reason do { unknowns = 0; for (it = spaceInfoList.begin(); it != spaceInfoList.end(); ++it) { info = *it; if (info->isClassOrStruct() && info->needInitialization == SpaceInfo::Unknown) { // check for default constructor bool hasDefaultConstructor = false; std::list::const_iterator func; for (func = info->functionList.begin(); func != info->functionList.end(); ++func) { if (func->type == SymbolDatabase::Func::Constructor) { // check for no arguments: func ( ) if (func->argDef->next() == func->argDef->link()) { hasDefaultConstructor = true; break; } /** check for arguments with default values */ else if (func->argCount() == func->initializedArgCount()) { hasDefaultConstructor = true; break; } } } // User defined types with user defined default constructor doesn't need initialization. // We assume the default constructor initializes everything. // Another check will figure out if the constructor actually initializes everything. if (hasDefaultConstructor) info->needInitialization = SpaceInfo::False; // check each member variable to see if it needs initialization else { bool needInitialization = false; bool unknown = false; std::list::const_iterator var; for (var = info->varlist.begin(); var != info->varlist.end(); ++var) { if (var->isClass) { if (var->type) { // does this type need initialization? if (var->type->needInitialization == SpaceInfo::True) needInitialization = true; else if (var->type->needInitialization == SpaceInfo::Unknown) unknown = true; } } else needInitialization = true; } if (!unknown) { if (needInitialization) info->needInitialization = SpaceInfo::True; else info->needInitialization = SpaceInfo::False; } if (info->needInitialization == SpaceInfo::Unknown) unknowns++; } } } retry++; } while (unknowns && retry < 100); // this shouldn't happen so output a debug warning if (retry == 100 && _settings->debugwarnings) { for (it = spaceInfoList.begin(); it != spaceInfoList.end(); ++it) { info = *it; if (info->isClassOrStruct() && info->needInitialization == SpaceInfo::Unknown) { std::list locationList; ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage::FileLocation loc; loc.line = info->classDef->linenr(); loc.setfile(_tokenizer->file(info->classDef)); locationList.push_back(loc); const ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage errmsg(locationList, Severity::debug, "SymbolDatabase::SymbolDatabase couldn't resolve all user defined types.", "debug"); if (_errorLogger) _errorLogger->reportErr(errmsg); else Check::reportError(errmsg); } } } } SymbolDatabase::~SymbolDatabase() { std::list::iterator it; for (it = spaceInfoList.begin(); it != spaceInfoList.end(); ++it) delete *it; } bool SymbolDatabase::isFunction(const Token *tok, const Token **funcStart, const Token **argStart) const { // function returning function pointer? '... ( ... %var% ( ... ))( ... ) {' if (tok->str() == "(" && tok->link()->previous()->str() == ")" && tok->link()->next() && tok->link()->next()->str() == "(" && tok->link()->next()->link()->next() && Token::Match(tok->link()->next()->link()->next(), "{|;|const|=")) { *funcStart = tok->link()->previous()->link()->previous(); *argStart = tok->link()->previous()->link(); return true; } // regular function? else if (Token::Match(tok, "%var% (") && Token::Match(tok->next()->link(), ") const| ;|{|=|:")) { *funcStart = tok; *argStart = tok->next(); return true; } // simple operator? else if (Token::Match(tok, "operator %any% (") && Token::Match(tok->tokAt(2)->link(), ") const| ;|{|=")) { *funcStart = tok->next(); *argStart = tok->tokAt(2); return true; } // operator[] or operator()? else if (Token::Match(tok, "operator %any% %any% (") && Token::Match(tok->tokAt(3)->link(), ") const| ;|{|=")) { *funcStart = tok->next(); *argStart = tok->tokAt(3); return true; } // operator new/delete []? else if (Token::Match(tok, "operator %any% %any% %any% (") && Token::Match(tok->tokAt(4)->link(), ") const| ;|{|=")) { *funcStart = tok->next(); *argStart = tok->tokAt(4); return true; } // complex user defined operator? else if (Token::Match(tok, "operator %any% %any% %any% %any% (") && Token::Match(tok->tokAt(5)->link(), ") const| ;|{|=")) { *funcStart = tok->next(); *argStart = tok->tokAt(5); return true; } return false; } bool SymbolDatabase::argsMatch(const SpaceInfo *info, const Token *first, const Token *second, const std::string &path, unsigned int depth) const { bool match = false; while (first->str() == second->str()) { // at end of argument list if (first->str() == ")") { match = true; break; } // skip default value assignment else if (first->next()->str() == "=") first = first->tokAt(2); // definition missing variable name else if (first->next()->str() == "," && second->next()->str() != ",") second = second->next(); else if (first->next()->str() == ")" && second->next()->str() != ")") second = second->next(); // function missing variable name else if (second->next()->str() == "," && first->next()->str() != ",") first = first->next(); else if (second->next()->str() == ")" && first->next()->str() != ")") first = first->next(); // argument list has different number of arguments else if (second->str() == ")") break; // variable names are different else if ((Token::Match(first->next(), "%var% ,|)|=") && Token::Match(second->next(), "%var% ,|)")) && (first->next()->str() != second->next()->str())) { // skip variable names first = first->next(); second = second->next(); // skip default value assignment if (first->next()->str() == "=") first = first->tokAt(2); } // variable with class path else if (depth && Token::Match(first->next(), "%var%")) { std::string param = path + first->next()->str(); if (Token::Match(second->next(), param.c_str())) { second = second->tokAt(int(depth) * 2); } else if (depth > 1) { std::string short_path = path; // remove last " :: " short_path.resize(short_path.size() - 4); // remove last name while (!short_path.empty() && short_path[short_path.size() - 1] != ' ') short_path.resize(short_path.size() - 1); param = short_path + first->next()->str(); if (Token::Match(second->next(), param.c_str())) { second = second->tokAt((int(depth) - 1) * 2); } } } // nested class variable else if (depth == 0 && Token::Match(first->next(), "%var%") && second->next()->str() == info->className && second->strAt(2) == "::" && first->next()->str() == second->strAt(3)) { second = second->tokAt(2); } first = first->next(); second = second->next(); } return match; } void SymbolDatabase::addFunction(SpaceInfo **info, const Token **tok, const Token *argStart) { int count = 0; bool added = false; std::string path; unsigned int path_length = 0; const Token *tok1; // skip class/struct name if ((*tok)->previous()->str() == "~") tok1 = (*tok)->tokAt(-3); else tok1 = (*tok)->tokAt(-2); // back up to head of path while (tok1 && tok1->previous() && tok1->previous()->str() == "::") { path = tok1->str() + " :: " + path; tok1 = tok1->tokAt(-2); count++; path_length++; } if (count) { path = tok1->str() + " :: " + path; path_length++; } std::list::iterator it1; // search for match for (it1 = spaceInfoList.begin(); it1 != spaceInfoList.end(); ++it1) { SpaceInfo *info1 = *it1; bool match = false; if (info1->className == tok1->str() && (info1->type != SpaceInfo::Function)) { // do the spaces match (same space) or do their names match (multiple namespaces) if ((*info == info1->nestedIn) || (*info && info1 && (*info)->className == info1->nestedIn->className && !(*info)->className.empty() && (*info)->type == info1->nestedIn->type)) { SpaceInfo *info2 = info1; while (info2 && count > 0) { count--; tok1 = tok1->tokAt(2); info2 = info2->findInNestedList(tok1->str()); } if (count == 0 && info2) { match = true; info1 = info2; } } } if (match) { std::list::iterator func; for (func = info1->functionList.begin(); func != info1->functionList.end(); ++func) { if (!func->hasBody) { if (func->isOperator && (*tok)->str() == "operator" && func->tokenDef->str() == (*tok)->strAt(1)) { if (argsMatch(info1, func->tokenDef->tokAt(2), (*tok)->tokAt(3), path, path_length)) { func->hasBody = true; func->token = (*tok)->next(); func->arg = argStart; } } else if (func->type == SymbolDatabase::Func::Destructor && (*tok)->previous()->str() == "~" && func->tokenDef->str() == (*tok)->str()) { if (argsMatch(info1, func->tokenDef->next(), (*tok)->next(), path, path_length)) { func->hasBody = true; func->token = *tok; func->arg = argStart; } } else if (func->tokenDef->str() == (*tok)->str() && (*tok)->previous()->str() != "~") { if (argsMatch(info1, func->tokenDef->next(), (*tok)->next(), path, path_length)) { // normal function? if (!func->retFuncPtr && (*tok)->next()->link()) { if ((func->isConst && (*tok)->next()->link()->next()->str() == "const") || (!func->isConst && (*tok)->next()->link()->next()->str() != "const")) { func->hasBody = true; func->token = *tok; func->arg = argStart; } } // function returning function pointer? else if (func->retFuncPtr) { // todo check for const func->hasBody = true; func->token = *tok; func->arg = argStart; } } } if (func->hasBody) { addNewFunction(info, tok); if (info) { (*info)->functionOf = info1; added = true; } break; } } } } } // check for class function for unknown class if (!added) addNewFunction(info, tok); } void SymbolDatabase::addNewFunction(SymbolDatabase::SpaceInfo **info, const Token **tok) { const Token *tok1 = *tok; SpaceInfo *new_info = new SpaceInfo(this, tok1, *info); // skip to start of function while (tok1 && tok1->str() != "{") tok1 = tok1->next(); if (tok1) { new_info->classStart = tok1; new_info->classEnd = tok1->link(); // syntax error? if (!new_info->classEnd) { delete new_info; while (tok1->next()) tok1 = tok1->next(); *info = NULL; *tok = tok1; return; } *info = new_info; // add space spaceInfoList.push_back(new_info); *tok = tok1; } } const Token *SymbolDatabase::initBaseInfo(SpaceInfo *info, const Token *tok) { // goto initial '{' const Token *tok2 = tok->tokAt(2); int level = 0; while (tok2 && tok2->str() != "{") { // skip unsupported templates if (tok2->str() == "<") level++; else if (tok2->str() == ">") level--; // check for base classes else if (level == 0 && Token::Match(tok2, ":|,")) { BaseInfo base; tok2 = tok2->next(); if (tok2->str() == "public") { base.access = Public; tok2 = tok2->next(); } else if (tok2->str() == "protected") { base.access = Protected; tok2 = tok2->next(); } else if (tok2->str() == "private") { base.access = Private; tok2 = tok2->next(); } else { if (tok->str() == "class") base.access = Private; else if (tok->str() == "struct") base.access = Public; } // handle derived base classes while (Token::Match(tok2, "%var% ::")) { base.name += tok2->str(); base.name += " :: "; tok2 = tok2->tokAt(2); } base.name += tok2->str(); base.spaceInfo = 0; // don't add unhandled templates if (tok2->next()->str() == "<") { int level1 = 1; while (tok2->next()) { if (tok2->next()->str() == ">") { level1--; if (level == 0) break; } else if (tok2->next()->str() == "<") level1++; tok2 = tok2->next(); } } // save pattern for base class name else { info->derivedFrom.push_back(base); } } tok2 = tok2->next(); } return tok2; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned int SymbolDatabase::Func::argCount() const { unsigned int count = 0; if (argDef->link() != argDef->next()) { count++; for (const Token *tok = argDef->next(); tok && tok->next() && tok->next() != argDef->link(); tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->str() == ",") count++; } } return count; } unsigned int SymbolDatabase::Func::initializedArgCount() const { unsigned int count = 0; if (argDef->link() != argDef->next()) { for (const Token *tok = argDef->next(); tok && tok->next() && tok->next() != argDef->link(); tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->str() == "=") count++; } } return count; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- SymbolDatabase::SpaceInfo::SpaceInfo(SymbolDatabase *check_, const Token *classDef_, SymbolDatabase::SpaceInfo *nestedIn_) : check(check_), classDef(classDef_), classStart(NULL), classEnd(NULL), nestedIn(nestedIn_), numConstructors(0), needInitialization(SpaceInfo::Unknown), functionOf(NULL) { if (!classDef) { type = SpaceInfo::Global; access = Public; } else if (classDef->str() == "class") { type = SpaceInfo::Class; className = classDef->next()->str(); access = Private; } else if (classDef->str() == "struct") { type = SpaceInfo::Struct; className = classDef->next()->str(); access = Public; } else if (classDef->str() == "union") { type = SpaceInfo::Union; className = classDef->next()->str(); access = Public; } else if (classDef->str() == "namespace") { type = SpaceInfo::Namespace; className = classDef->next()->str(); access = Public; } else { type = SpaceInfo::Function; className = classDef->str(); access = Public; } if (nestedIn) nestedIn->nestedList.push_back(this); } bool SymbolDatabase::SpaceInfo::hasDefaultConstructor() const { if (numConstructors) { std::list::const_iterator func; for (func = functionList.begin(); func != functionList.end(); ++func) { if (func->type == Func::Constructor && func->argDef->link() == func->argDef->next()) return true; } } return false; } // Get variable list.. void SymbolDatabase::SpaceInfo::getVarList() { AccessControl varaccess = type == Class ? Private : Public; const Token *start; if (classStart) start = classStart->next(); else start = check->_tokenizer->tokens(); for (const Token *tok = start; tok; tok = tok->next()) { // end of space? if (tok->str() == "}") break; // syntax error? else if (tok->next() == NULL) break; // Is it a function? else if (tok->str() == "{") { tok = tok->link(); // syntax error? if (!tok) return; continue; } // Is it a nested class or structure? else if (Token::Match(tok, "class|struct|union|namespace %type% :|{")) { tok = tok->tokAt(2); while (tok && tok->str() != "{") tok = tok->next(); if (tok) { // skip implementation tok = tok->link(); continue; } else break; } // Borland C++: Skip all variables in the __published section. // These are automatically initialized. else if (tok->str() == "__published:") { for (; tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->str() == "{") tok = tok->link(); if (Token::Match(tok->next(), "private:|protected:|public:")) break; } if (tok) continue; else break; } // "private:" "public:" "protected:" etc else if (tok->str() == "public:") { varaccess = Public; continue; } else if (tok->str() == "protected:") { varaccess = Protected; continue; } else if (tok->str() == "private:") { varaccess = Private; continue; } // Is it a forward declaration? else if (Token::Match(tok, "class|struct|union %var% ;")) { tok = tok->tokAt(2); continue; } // Borland C++: Ignore properties.. else if (tok->str() == "__property") continue; // Search for start of statement.. else if (!tok->previous() || !Token::Match(tok->previous(), ";|{|}|public:|protected:|private:")) continue; else if (Token::Match(tok, ";|{|}")) continue; // This is the start of a statement const Token *vartok = NULL; const Token *typetok = NULL; // Is it const..? bool isConst = false; if (tok->str() == "const") { tok = tok->next(); isConst = true; } // Is it a static variable? const bool isStatic(Token::simpleMatch(tok, "static")); if (isStatic) { tok = tok->next(); } // Is it a mutable variable? const bool isMutable(Token::simpleMatch(tok, "mutable")); if (isMutable) { tok = tok->next(); } // Is it const..? if (tok->str() == "const") { tok = tok->next(); isConst = true; } bool isClass = false; if (Token::Match(tok, "struct|union")) { tok = tok->next(); } if (isVariableDeclaration(tok, vartok, typetok)) { isClass = (!typetok->isStandardType() && vartok->previous()->str() != "*"); tok = vartok->next(); } // If the vartok was set in the if-blocks above, create a entry for this variable.. if (vartok && vartok->str() != "operator") { if (vartok->varId() == 0 && check->_settings->debugwarnings) { std::list locationList; ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage::FileLocation loc; loc.line = vartok->linenr(); loc.setfile(check->_tokenizer->file(vartok)); locationList.push_back(loc); const ErrorLogger::ErrorMessage errmsg(locationList, Severity::debug, "SymbolDatabase::SpaceInfo::getVarList found variable \'" + vartok->str() + "\' with varid 0.", "debug"); if (check->_errorLogger) check->_errorLogger->reportErr(errmsg); else Check::reportError(errmsg); } const SpaceInfo *spaceInfo = NULL; if (typetok) spaceInfo = check->findVarType(this, typetok); addVar(vartok, varaccess, isMutable, isStatic, isConst, isClass, spaceInfo); } } } const Token* skipScopeIdentifiers(const Token* tok) { const Token* ret = tok; if (Token::simpleMatch(ret, "::")) { ret = ret->next(); } while (Token::Match(ret, "%type% :: ")) { ret = ret->tokAt(2); } return ret; } const Token* skipPointers(const Token* tok) { const Token* ret = tok; while (Token::simpleMatch(ret, "*")) { ret = ret->next(); } return ret; } bool SymbolDatabase::SpaceInfo::isVariableDeclaration(const Token* tok, const Token*& vartok, const Token*& typetok) const { const Token* localTypeTok = skipScopeIdentifiers(tok); if (Token::Match(localTypeTok, "%type% < ")) { const Token* closeTok = NULL; bool found = findClosingBracket(localTypeTok->next(), closeTok); if (found) { const Token* localVarTok = skipPointers(closeTok->next()); if (isSimpleVariable(localVarTok) || isArrayVariable(localVarTok)) { vartok = localVarTok; typetok = localTypeTok; } else if (Token::Match(closeTok, "> :: %type% %var% ;")) { vartok = closeTok->tokAt(3); typetok = closeTok->tokAt(2); } } } else if (Token::Match(localTypeTok, "%type%")) { const Token* localVarTok = skipPointers(localTypeTok->next()); if (isSimpleVariable(localVarTok) || isArrayVariable(localVarTok)) { vartok = localVarTok; typetok = localTypeTok; } } return NULL != vartok; } bool SymbolDatabase::SpaceInfo::isSimpleVariable(const Token* tok) const { return Token::Match(tok, "%var% ;"); } bool SymbolDatabase::SpaceInfo::isArrayVariable(const Token* tok) const { return Token::Match(tok, "%var% [") && tok->next()->str() != "operator"; } bool SymbolDatabase::SpaceInfo::findClosingBracket(const Token* tok, const Token*& close) const { bool found = false; if (NULL != tok && tok->str() == "<") { unsigned int depth = 0; for (close = tok; (close != NULL) && (close->str() != ";"); close = close->next()) { if (close->str() == "<") { ++depth; } else if (close->str() == ">") { if (--depth == 0) { found = true; break; } } } } return found; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- const SymbolDatabase::SpaceInfo *SymbolDatabase::findVarType(const SpaceInfo *start, const Token *type) const { std::list::const_iterator it; for (it = spaceInfoList.begin(); it != spaceInfoList.end(); ++it) { const SpaceInfo *info = *it; // skip namespaces and functions if (info->type == SpaceInfo::Namespace || info->type == SpaceInfo::Function || info->type == SpaceInfo::Global) continue; // do the names match? if (info->className == type->str()) { // check if type does not have a namespace if (type->previous()->str() != "::") { const SpaceInfo *parent = start; // check if in same namespace while (parent && parent != info->nestedIn) parent = parent->nestedIn; if (info->nestedIn == parent) return info; } // type has a namespace else { // FIXME check if namespace path matches supplied path return info; } } } return NULL; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- SymbolDatabase::SpaceInfo * SymbolDatabase::SpaceInfo::findInNestedList(const std::string & name) { std::list::iterator it; for (it = nestedList.begin(); it != nestedList.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->className == name) return (*it); } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- const SymbolDatabase::Func *SymbolDatabase::SpaceInfo::getDestructor() const { std::list::const_iterator it; for (it = functionList.begin(); it != functionList.end(); ++it) { if (it->type == Func::Destructor) return &*it; } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned int SymbolDatabase::SpaceInfo::getNestedNonFunctions() const { unsigned int nested = 0; std::list::const_iterator ni; for (ni = nestedList.begin(); ni != nestedList.end(); ++ni) { if ((*ni)->type != SpaceInfo::Function) nested++; } return nested; }