 * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis
 * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Daniel Marjamäki and Cppcheck team.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/

#include "../src/tokenize.h"
#include "../src/checkmemoryleak.h"
#include "testsuite.h"

#include <sstream>

extern std::ostringstream errout;

class TestMemleak : private TestFixture
    TestMemleak() : TestFixture("TestMemleak")
    { }

    void run()

    CheckMemoryLeak::AllocType functionReturnType(const char code[])
        // Tokenize..
        Tokenizer tokenizer;
        std::istringstream istr(code);
        tokenizer.tokenize(istr, "test.cpp");

        return ((const CheckMemoryLeak *)0)->functionReturnType(tokenizer.tokens());

    void testFunctionReturnType()
            const char code[] = "const char *foo()\n"
                                "{ return 0; }";
            ASSERT_EQUALS(CheckMemoryLeak::No, functionReturnType(code));

            const char code[] = "Fred *newFred()\n"
                                "{ return new Fred; }";
            ASSERT_EQUALS(CheckMemoryLeak::New, functionReturnType(code));

            const char code[] = "char *foo()\n"
                                "{ return new char[100]; }";
            ASSERT_EQUALS(CheckMemoryLeak::NewArray, functionReturnType(code));

            const char code[] = "char *foo()\n"
                                "    char *p = new char[100];\n"
                                "    return p;\n"
            ASSERT_EQUALS(CheckMemoryLeak::NewArray, functionReturnType(code));

static TestMemleak testMemleak;

class TestMemleakInFunction : public TestFixture
    TestMemleakInFunction() : TestFixture("TestMemleakInFunction")
    { }

    void check(const char code[], bool showAll = false)
        // Tokenize..
        Tokenizer tokenizer;
        std::istringstream istr(code);
        tokenizer.tokenize(istr, "test.cpp");

        // Clear the error buffer..

        // Check for memory leaks..
        Settings settings;
        settings._debug = true;
        settings._showAll = showAll;
        CheckMemoryLeakInFunction checkMemoryLeak(&tokenizer, &settings, this);

    void run()
        TEST_CASE(simple9);     // Bug 2435468 - member function "free"
        TEST_CASE(simple10);    // fclose in a if condition





        TEST_CASE(if6);     // Bug 2432631
        TEST_CASE(if7);     // Bug 2401436
        TEST_CASE(if8);     // Bug 2458532
        TEST_CASE(if9);     // if (realloc)
        TEST_CASE(if10);    // else if (realloc)

        TEST_CASE(forwhile8);       // Bug 2429936



        TEST_CASE(ret5);        // Bug 2458436 - return use


        TEST_CASE(func8);       // Using callback
        TEST_CASE(func9);       // Embedding the function call in a if-condition
        TEST_CASE(func10);      // Bug 2458510 - Function pointer
        TEST_CASE(func11);      // Bug 2458510 - Function pointer









        // Using deallocated memory:
        // * It is ok to take the address to deallocated memory
        // * It is not ok to dereference a pointer to deallocated memory

        // free a free'd pointer

        TEST_CASE(all1);                // Extra checking when --all is given

        TEST_CASE(malloc_constant_1);     // Check that the malloc constant matches the type

        // Calls to unknown functions.. they may throw exception, quit the program, etc

        // VCL..


        // Using the function "exit"





    void simple1()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    int *a = new int[10];\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (error) Memory leak: a\n", errout.str());

        // ticket #346
        check("void f()\n"
              "    int * const a = new int[10];\n"
              "    const int * const b = new int[10];\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:5]: (error) Memory leak: a\n[test.cpp:5]: (error) Memory leak: b\n",

    void simple2()
        check("Fred *NewFred()\n"
              "    Fred *f = new Fred;\n"
              "    return f;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void simple3()
        check("static char *f()\n"
              "    char *s = new char[100];\n"
              "    return (char *)s;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void simple4()
        check("static char *f()\n"
              "    char *s = new char[100];\n"
              "    return 0;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (error) Memory leak: s\n", errout.str());

    void simple5()
        check("static char *f()\n"
              "    struct *str = new strlist;\n"
              "    return &str->s;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void simple6()
        check("static void f()\n"
              "    char *str = strdup(\"hello\");\n"
              "    char *str2 = (char *)str;\n"
              "    free(str2);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void simple7()
        // A garbage collector may delete f automaticly
        check("class Fred;\n"
              "void foo()\n"
              "    Fred *f = new Fred;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void simple8()
        check("char * foo ()\n"
              "    char *str = strdup(\"abc\");\n"
              "    if (somecondition)\n"
              "        for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)\n"
              "        { }\n"
              "    return str;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void simple9()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    MyClass *c = new MyClass();\n"
              "    c->free(c);\n"
              "    delete c;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void simple10()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    FILE * f = fopen(fname, str);\n"
              "    if ( fclose(f) != NULL );\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void simple11()
        check("void Fred::aaa()\n"
              "{ }\n"
              "void Fred::foo()\n"
              "    char *s = NULL;\n"
              "    if (a)\n"
              "        s = malloc(10);\n"
              "    else if (b)\n"
              "        s = malloc(10);\n"
              "    else\n"
              "        f();\n"
              "    g(s);\n"
              "    if (c)\n"
              "        h(s);\n"
              "    free(s);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void simple12()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    char *s;\n"
              "    foo(s);\n"
              "    s = malloc(100);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:6]: (error) Memory leak: s\n", errout.str());

    void new_nothrow()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    int *p = new(std::nothrow) int;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (error) Memory leak: p\n", errout.str());

        check("void f()\n"
              "    using std::nothrow;\n"
              "    int *p = new(nothrow) int;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:5]: (error) Memory leak: p\n", errout.str());

        check("void f()\n"
              "    int *p = new(std::nothrow) int[10];\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (error) Memory leak: p\n", errout.str());

        check("void f()\n"
              "    using namespace std;\n"
              "    int *p = new(nothrow) int[10];\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:5]: (error) Memory leak: p\n", errout.str());

        check("void f()\n"
              "    int *p = new(std::nothrow) int;\n"
              "    delete [] p;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (error) Mismatching allocation and deallocation: p\n", errout.str());

        check("void f()\n"
              "    int *p = new(std::nothrow) int[10];\n"
              "    delete p;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (error) Mismatching allocation and deallocation: p\n", errout.str());

    void staticvar()
        check("int f()\n"
              "    static char *s = 0;\n"
              "    free(s);\n"
              "    s = malloc(100);\n"
              "    return 123;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void alloc_alloc_1()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *str;\n"
              "    str = new char[10];\n"
              "    str = new char[20];\n"
              "    delete [] str;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:5]: (error) Memory leak: str\n", errout.str());

    void use1()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *str;\n"
              "    if (somecondition)\n"
              "        str = strdup(\"abc\");\n"
              "    if (somecondition)\n"
              "        DeleteString(str);\n"

        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void use2()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *str = strdup(\"abc\");\n"
              "    if ( abc ) { memset(str, 0, 3); }\n"
              "    *somestr = str;\n"

        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void ifelse1()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    int *a = new int[10];\n"
              "    if (a)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        delete [] a;\n"
              "    }\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void ifelse2()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    char *str = strdup(\"hello\");\n"
              "    if (somecondition)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        return;\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    free(str);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:6]: (error) Memory leak: str\n", errout.str());

    void ifelse3()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    char *str = strdup(\"hello\");\n"
              "    if (a==b)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        free(str);\n"
              "        return;\n"
              "    }\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

        check("void f()\n"
              "    char *str = strdup(\"hello\");\n"
              "    if (a==b)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        free(str);\n"
              "        return;\n"
              "    }\n"
              "}\n", true);
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:9]: (possible error) Memory leak: str\n", errout.str());

    void ifelse4()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    char *str = new char[10];\n"
              "    if (a==b)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        delete [] str;\n"
              "        return;\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    delete [] str;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void ifelse5()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    char *str;\n"
              "    if (somecondition)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        str = new char[100];\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    else\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        return;\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    delete [] str;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void ifelse6()
        check("static char *f()\n"
              "    char *s = new char[100];\n"
              "    if ( a == b )\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        return s;\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    return NULL;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:8]: (error) Memory leak: s\n", errout.str());

    void ifelse7()
        check("static char *f()\n"
              "    char *s;\n"
              "    if ( abc )\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        s = new char[10];\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    return s;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void ifelse8()
        check("static char *f()\n"
              "    char *s = new char[10];\n"
              "    if ( s )\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        return s;\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    return 0;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void ifelse9()
        check("static char *f()\n"
              "    char *s = new char[10];\n"
              "    if ( ghfgf )\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        delete [] s;\n"
              "    }\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void ifelse10()
        check("static char *f()\n"
              "    char *s = new char[10];\n"
              "    if ( ghfgf )\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        str[0] = s;\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    else\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        str[0] = s;\n"
              "    }\n"
              "}\n", true);
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void if1()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    struct abc *p = new abc;\n"
              "    p->a = new char[100];\n"
              "    if ( ! p->a )\n"
              "        return;\n"
              "    foo(p);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:6]: (error) Memory leak: p\n", errout.str());

    void if2()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    struct smp_alt_module *smp;\n"
              "    smp = kzalloc(sizeof(*smp), GFP_KERNEL);\n"
              "    if (NULL == smp)\n"
              "        return;\n"
              "    kfree( smp );\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void if3()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    char *s = new char[100];\n"
              "    if (0 != s)\n"
              "        foo(s);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void if4()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    char *s;\n"
              "    bool b = true;\n"
              "    if (b && (s = malloc(256)))\n"
              "        ;\n"
              "    if (b)\n"
              "        free(s);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void if5()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    char *p = malloc(256);\n"
              "    if (somecondition && !p)\n"
              "        return;\n"
              "    free(p);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void if6()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    FILE *a = 0;\n"
              "    a = fopen(\"test.txt\", \"rw\");\n"
              "    if( a == 0 )\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        a = fopen(\"test.txt\", \"r\");\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    fclose( a );\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void if7()
        check("void f( bool b )\n"
              "    int *a=0;\n"
              "    if( b )\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        a = new int[10];\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    if( b )\n"
              "        delete [] a;\n"
              "    else {}\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void if8()
        check("static void f(int i)\n"
              "    char *c = malloc(50);\n"
              "    if (i == 1)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        free(c);\n"
              "        return;\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    if (i == 2)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        return;\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    free(c);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:11]: (error) Memory leak: c\n", errout.str());

    void if9()
        check("static void f()\n"
              "    char *buf = NULL, *tmp;\n"
              "    if (!(tmp = realloc(buf, 50)))\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        free(buf);\n"
              "        return NULL;\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    buf = tmp;\n"
              "    return buf;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void if10()
        check("static void f()\n"
              "    char *buf = malloc(10);\n"
              "    if (aa)\n"
              "        ;\n"
              "    else if (buf = realloc(buf, 100))\n"
              "        ;\n"
              "    free(buf);\n"
        TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:6]: (error) Memory leak: buf\n", errout.str());

    void if11()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    int *x = new int[10];\n"
              "    if (x == 0 || aa)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        return 1;\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    delete [] x;\n"
              "}\n", true);
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:6]: (error) Memory leak: x\n", errout.str());

    void forwhile1()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    char *str = strdup(\"hello\");\n"
              "    while (condition)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        if (condition)\n"
              "        {\n"
              "            break;\n"
              "        }\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    free(str);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void forwhile2()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    for (int i = 0; i < j; i++)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        char *str = strdup(\"hello\");\n"
              "        if (condition)\n"
              "            continue;\n"
              "        free(str);\n"
              "    }\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:7]: (error) Memory leak: str\n", errout.str());

    void forwhile3()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    char *str = 0;\n"
              "    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        str = strdup(\"hello\");\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    free(str);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (error) Memory leak: str\n", errout.str());

    void forwhile4()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    char *str = 0;\n"
              "    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        str = strdup(\"hello\");\n"
              "        if (str) { }\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    free(str);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (error) Memory leak: str\n", errout.str());

    void forwhile5()
        check("void f(const char **a)\n"
              "    char *str = 0;\n"
              "    for (int i = 0; i < 10 && !str; ++i)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        str = strdup(a[i]);\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    return str;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void forwhile6()
        check("void f(const char **a)\n"
              "    char *str = 0;\n"
              "    for (int i = 0; i < 10 && !str; ++i)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        str = strdup(a[i]);\n"
              "    }\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:8]: (error) Memory leak: str\n", errout.str());

    void forwhile7()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    for (int i = 0; i < j; i++)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        char *str = strdup(\"hello\");\n"
              "        if (condition)\n"
              "            break;\n"
              "        free(str);\n"
              "    }\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:7]: (error) Memory leak: str\n", errout.str());

    void forwhile8()
        check("char *f()\n"
              "    char *a = 0;\n"
              "    int i = 0;\n"
              "    for( ;; )\n"
              "    {\n"
              "    ++i;\n"
              "    a = realloc( a, i );\n"
              "    if( !a )\n"
              "        return 0;\n"
              "    if( i > 10 )\n"
              "        break;\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    return a;\n"
        TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:10]: (error) Memory leak: a\n", errout.str());

    void forwhile9()
        check("char *f()\n"
              "    char *a = 0;\n"
              "    int i = 0;\n"
              "    for(i = 0 ;i < 50 ; i++)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        if(func1(i))\n"
              "            continue;\n"
              "        a = realloc( a, i );\n"
              "        if(func2(i))\n"
              "            continue;\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    return a;\n"
              "}\n", true);
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void forwhile10()
        check("char *f()\n"
              "    char *a = 0;\n"
              "    int i = 0;\n"
              "    for(i = 0; i < 50; i++)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        if(func1(i))\n"
              "            continue;\n"
              "        a = realloc( a, i );\n"
              "        if(func2(i))\n"
              "            return;\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    return a;\n"
              "}\n", true);
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:11]: (error) Memory leak: a\n", errout.str());

    void forwhile11()
        check("int main()\n"
              "    FILE *stream=NULL;\n"
              "    while((stream = fopen(name,\"r\")) == NULL)\n"
              "    { }\n"
              "    if(stream!=NULL) fclose(stream);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void dowhile1()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    char *str = strdup(\"abc\");\n"
              "    do\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        str = strdup(\"def\");\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    while (!str);\n"
              "    return str;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:6]: (error) Memory leak: str\n", errout.str());

    void switch1()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    char *str = new char[10];\n"
              "    switch (abc)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        case 1:\n"
              "            break;\n"
              "    };\n"
              "    delete [] str;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void switch2()
        const std::string code("void f()\n"
                               "    char *str = new char[10];\n"
                               "    switch (abc)\n"
                               "    {\n"
                               "        case 1:\n"
                               "            delete [] str;\n"
                               "            break;\n"
                               "        default:\n"
                               "            break;\n"
                               "    };\n"
        check(code.c_str(), false);
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());
        check(code.c_str(), true);
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:12]: (possible error) Memory leak: str\n", errout.str());

    void switch3()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    char *str = new char[10];\n"
              "    while (abc)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        switch (def)\n"
              "        {\n"
              "            default:\n"
              "                return;\n"
              "        }\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    delete [] str;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:9]: (error) Memory leak: str\n", errout.str());

    void ret1()
        check("char *f( char **str )\n"
              "    char *ret = malloc( 10 );\n"
              "    return *str = ret;\n"

        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void ret2()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    struct ABC *abc = new ABC;\n"
              "    abc->a = new char[10];\n"
              "    if ( ! abc->a )\n"
              "        return;\n"
              "    delete [] abc->a;\n"
              "    delete abc;\n"

        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:6]: (error) Memory leak: abc\n", errout.str());

    void ret3()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    FILE *filep = fopen(\"myfile.txt\",\"w\");\n"

        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (error) Resource leak: filep\n", errout.str());

    void ret4()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    FILE *p = popen( \"ls -l\", \"r\");\n"

        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (error) Resource leak: p\n", errout.str());

    void ret5()
        check("static char * f()\n"
              "    char *c = new char[50];\n"
              "    return (c ? c : NULL);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void ret6()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *c = new char[50];\n"
              "    return strcpy(c, \"foo\");\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void ret7()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *c = new char[50];\n"
              "    return memcpy(c, \"foo\",4);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void ret8()
        check("char *foo()\n"
              "    char *c = new char[50];\n"
              "    return ((char *)(c+1));\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void mismatch1()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    int *a = new int[10];\n"
              "    free(a);\n"
              "}\n", true);
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (error) Mismatching allocation and deallocation: a\n", errout.str());

    void mismatch2()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    FILE *fp;\n"
              "    fp = fopen();\n"
              "    fclose(fp);\n"
              "    fp = popen();\n"
              "    pclose(fp);\n"
              "}\n", false);
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void mismatch3()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    FILE *fp;\n"
              "    if (abc) fp = fopen();\n"
              "    else fp = popen();\n"
              "    if (abc) fclose(fp);\n"
              "    else pclose(fp);\n"
              "}\n", false);
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void mismatch4()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    char *p = 0;\n"
              "    for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        delete p;\n"
              "        p = new char[100];\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    delete [] p;\n"
              "}\n", false);
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:7]: (error) Mismatching allocation and deallocation: p\n", errout.str());

    // function calls

    void func1()
        check("static void f()\n"
              "    char *p = new char[100];\n"
              "    foo(p);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void func2()
        check("static void f()\n"
              "    char *p = new char[100];\n"
              "    foo.add(p);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void func3()
        check("static void foo(const char *str)\n"
              "{ }\n"
              "static void f()\n"
              "    char *p = new char[100];\n"
              "    foo(p);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:8]: (error) Memory leak: p\n", errout.str());

    void func4()
        check("static void foo(char *str)\n"
              "    delete [] str;\n"
              "static void f()\n"
              "    char *p = new char[100];\n"
              "    foo(p);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void func5()
        check("static void foo(char *str)\n"
              "    delete str;\n"
              "static void f()\n"
              "    char *p = new char[100];\n"
              "    foo(p);\n"
              "}\n", true);
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:9] -> [test.cpp:3]: (error) Mismatching allocation and deallocation: str\n",

    void func6()
        check("static void foo(char *str)\n"
              "    goto abc;\n"
              "static void f()\n"
              "    char *p = new char[100];\n"
              "    foo(p);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:10]: (error) Memory leak: p\n", errout.str());

    void func7()
        check("static void foo(char *str)\n"
              "    if (abc)\n"
              "        return;"
              "    delete [] str;\n"
              "static void f()\n"
              "    char *p = new char[100];\n"
              "    foo(p);\n"
        TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:11]: (error) Memory leak: p\n", errout.str());

    void func8()
        check("static void foo()\n"
              "    char *str = new char[100];"
              "    (*release)(str);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void func9()
        check("int b()\n"
              "    return 0;\n"
              "void a()\n"
              "    char *a = new char[10];\n"
              "    if (b())\n"
              "        return;\n"
              "    delete [] a;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void func10()
        check("static void f(void (*fnc)(char*))\n"
              "    char *c = malloc(50);\n"
              "    (fnc)(c);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void func11()
        check("static void f(struct1 *s1)\n"
              "    char *c = malloc(50);\n"
              "    (s1->fnc)(c);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void func12()
        check("void add_list(struct mmtimer *n)\n"
              "    rb_link_node(&n->list, parent, link);\n"
              "int foo()\n"
              "    struct mmtimer *base;\n"
              "    base = kmalloc(sizeof(struct mmtimer), GFP_KERNEL);\n"
              "    if (base == NULL)\n"
              "        return -ENOMEM;\n"
              "    add_list(base);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void func13()
        check("static void f()\n"
              "    char *p = malloc(100);\n"
              "    foo(&p);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void func14()
        // It is not known what the "foo" that only takes one parameter does..
        check("static void foo(char *a, char *b)\n"
              "    free(a);\n"
              "    free(b);\n"
              "static void f()\n"
              "    char *p = malloc(100);\n"
              "    foo(p);\n"
              "    free(p);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void func15()
        check("static void a()\n"
              "{ return true; }\n"
              "static void b()\n"
              "    char *p = malloc(100);\n"
              "    if (a()) return;\n"    // <- memory leak
              "    free(p);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:7]: (error) Memory leak: p\n", errout.str());

    void allocfunc1()
        check("static char *a()\n"
              "    return new char[100];\n"
              "static void b()\n"
              "    char *p = a();\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS(std::string("[test.cpp:8]: (error) Memory leak: p\n"), errout.str());

    void throw1()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *str = new char[10];\n"
              "    if ( ! abc )\n"
              "        throw 123;\n"
              "    delete [] str;\n"

        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:5]: (error) Memory leak: str\n", errout.str());

    void throw2()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *str = 0;\n"
              "    try\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        str = new char[100];\n"
              "        if ( somecondition )\n"
              "            throw exception;\n"
              "        delete [] str;\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    catch ( ... )\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        delete [] str;\n"
              "    }\n"

        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void linux_list_1()
        check("struct AB\n"
              "    int a;\n"
              "    int b;\n"
              "void foo()\n"
              "    struct AB *ab = new AB;\n"
              "    func(&ab->a);\n"

        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void sizeof1()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    struct s_t s1;\n"
              "    struct s_t cont *p = &s1;\n"
              "    struct s_t *s2;\n"
              "    memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));\n"
              "    s2 = (struct s_t *) malloc(sizeof(*s2));\n"
              "    if (s2->value != 0)\n"
              "        return;\n"
              "    free(s2);\n"
              "    return;\n"

        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:12]: (error) Memory leak: s2\n", errout.str());

    void realloc1()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *a = (char *)malloc(10);\n"
              "    a = realloc(a, 100);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:5]: (error) Memory leak: a\n", errout.str());

    void realloc2()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *a = (char *)malloc(10);\n"
              "    a = (char *)realloc(a, 100);\n"
              "    free(a);\n"

        TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:5]: (error) Memory leak: a\n", errout.str());

    void realloc3()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *a = 0;\n"
              "    if ((a = realloc(a, 100)) == NULL)\n"
              "        return;\n"
              "    free(a);\n"

        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void realloc4()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    static char *a = 0;\n"
              "    if ((a = realloc(a, 100)) == NULL)\n"
              "        return;\n"
              "    free(a);\n"

        TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:5]: (error) Memory leak: a\n", errout.str());

    void assign()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *a = (char *)malloc(10);\n"
              "    a = 0;\n"
              "    free(a);\n"

        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (error) Memory leak: a\n", errout.str());

        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *a = (char *)malloc(10);\n"
              "    char *p = a;\n"
              "    free(p);\n"

        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *a = (char *)malloc(10);\n"
              "    char *p = a + 1;\n"
              "    free(p);\n"

        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *a = (char *)malloc(10);\n"
              "    a += 10;\n"
              "    free(a - 10);\n"

        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *a = (char *)malloc(10);\n"
              "    a = (void *)a + 10;\n"
              "    free(a - 10);\n"

        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *a = new char[100];\n"
              "    list += a;\n"

        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void varid()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *p = malloc(100);\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        char *p = 0;\n"
              "        delete p;\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    free(p);\n"
        TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void cast1()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *a = reinterpret_cast<char *>(malloc(10));\n"

        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (error) Memory leak: a\n", errout.str());

    void cast2()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *a = malloc(10);\n"
              "    free((void *)a);\n"

        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void cast3()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *a = malloc(10);\n"
              "    free(reinterpret_cast<void *>(a));\n"

        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void dealloc_use()
        // It is ok to take the address..
        check("void f()\n"
              "    char *s = new char[100];\n"
              "    delete [] s;\n"
              "    p = s;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

        check("void f()\n"
              "    char *s = new char[100];\n"
              "    delete [] s;\n"
              "    foo(s);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

        // The pointer to the pointer is valid..
        check("void f()\n"
              "    char *str;\n"
              "    free(str);\n"
              "    foo(&str);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *str = 0;\n"
              "    free(str);\n"
              "    f1(&str);\n"
              "    f2(str);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

        // Dereferencing the freed pointer is not ok..
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *str = malloc(10);\n"
              "    free(str);\n"
              "    char c = *str;\n"
        TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:5]: (error) Dereferencing 'str' after it is deallocated / released\n", errout.str());

        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *str = malloc(10);\n"
              "    free(str);\n"
              "    char c = str[10];\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:5]: (error) Dereferencing 'str' after it is deallocated / released\n", errout.str());

        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *str = malloc(10);\n"
              "    free(str);\n"
              "    str[10] = 0;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:5]: (error) Dereferencing 'str' after it is deallocated / released\n", errout.str());

    void freefree1()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *str = malloc(100);\n"
              "    free(str);\n"
              "    free(str);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:5]: (error) Deallocating a deallocated pointer: str\n", errout.str());

    void freefree2()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    FILE *fd = fopen(\"test.txt\", \"wb\");\n"
              "    fprintf(fd, \"test\");\n"
              "    fclose(fd);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void strcpy_result_assignment()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *p1 = malloc(10);\n"
              "    char *p2 = strcpy(p1, \"a\");\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void strcat_result_assignment()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    char *p = malloc(10);\n"
              "    p[0] = 0;\n"
              "    p = strcat( p, \"a\" );\n"
              "    free( p );\n"
              "    return 0;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void all1()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    Fred *f = new Fred;\n"
              "}\n", false);
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

        check("void foo()\n"
              "    Fred *f = new Fred;\n"
              "}\n", true);
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (possible error) Memory leak: f\n", errout.str());

    void malloc_constant_1()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    int *p = malloc(3);\n"
              "    free(p);\n"
              "}\n", false);
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (error) The given size 3 is mismatching\n", errout.str());

    void unknownFunction1()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    int *p = new int[100];\n"
              "    if (abc)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        delete [] p;\n"
              "        ThrowException();\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    delete [] p;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void unknownFunction2()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    int *p = new int[100];\n"
              "    if (abc)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        delete [] p;\n"
              "        ThrowException();\n"
              "    }\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:9]: (error) Memory leak: p\n", errout.str());

        check("void foo()\n"
              "    int *p = new int[100];\n"
              "    p = g();\n"
              "    delete [] p;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (error) Memory leak: p\n", errout.str());

    void unknownFunction3()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    int *p = new int[100];\n"
              "    ThrowException();\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:5]: (error) Memory leak: p\n", errout.str());

    void unknownFunction4()
        check("void foo()\n"
              "    int *p = new int[100];\n"
              "    a();\n"
              "    if (b) return;\n"
              "    delete [] p;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:5]: (error) Memory leak: p\n", errout.str());

    void unknownFunction5()
        check("static void foo()\n"
              "    char *p = NULL;\n"
              "    if( a )\n"
              "        p = malloc(100);\n"
              "    if( a )\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        FREENULL(p);\n"
              "        FREENULL();\n"
              "    }\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void checkvcl(const char code[], const char _autoDealloc[])
        // Tokenize..
        Tokenizer tokenizer;
            std::istringstream istr(code);
            tokenizer.tokenize(istr, "test.cpp");

        // Clear the error buffer..

        // Check for memory leaks..
        Settings settings;
        settings._debug = true;
        settings._showAll = true;

            std::istringstream istr(_autoDealloc);

        CheckMemoryLeakInFunction checkMemoryLeak(&tokenizer, &settings, this);

    void vcl1()
        checkvcl("void Form1::foo()\n"
                 "    TEdit *Edit1 = new TEdit(this);\n"
                 "}\n", "TEdit\n");
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void vcl2()
        checkvcl("class Fred\n"
                 "    TButton *button;\n"
                 "    Fred();\n"
                 "    button = new TButton(this);\n"
                 "}\n", "TButton\n");
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void autoptr1()
        check("std::auto_ptr<int> foo()\n"
              "    int *i = new int;\n"
              "    return std::auto_ptr<int>(i);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void if_with_and()
        check("void f()\n"
              "  char *a = new char[10];\n"
              "  if (!a && b() )\n"
              "    return;\n"
              "  delete [] a;\n"
              "}\n", true);
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

        check("void f()\n"
              "  char *a = new char[10];\n"
              "  if (b() && !a )\n"
              "    return;\n"
              "  delete [] a;\n"
              "}\n", true);
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void assign_pclose()
        check("void f()\n"
              "  FILE *f = popen (\"test\", \"w\");\n"
              "  int a = pclose(f);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void exit1()
        // Ticket #297
        check("void f()\n"
              "    char *out = new char[100];\n"
              "    if (c())\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        delete [] out;\n"
              "        exit(0);\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    delete [] out;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void exit2()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    char *out = new char[100];\n"
              "    exit(0);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

        check("void f()\n"
              "    char *out = new char[100];\n"
              "    if( out ) {}\n"
              "    exit(0);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void exit3()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    char *p = malloc(100);\n"
              "    if (p)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        exit(0);\n"
              "    }\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void exit4()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    char *p = malloc(100);\n"
              "    if (x)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        exit(0);\n"
              "    }\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:8]: (error) Memory leak: p\n", errout.str());

    void stdstring()
        check("void f(std::string foo)\n"
              "    char *out = new char[11];\n"
              "    memset(&(out[0]), 0, 1);\n"

        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:5]: (error) Memory leak: out\n", errout.str());

    void strndup_function()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    char *out = strndup(\"text\", 3);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (error) Memory leak: out\n", errout.str());

    void tmpfile_function()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    FILE *f = tmpfile();\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (error) Resource leak: f\n", errout.str());

        check("void f()\n"
              "    FILE *f = tmpfile();\n"
              "    if (!f)\n"
              "        return;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:6]: (error) Resource leak: f\n", errout.str());

        check("void f()\n"
              "    FILE *f = tmpfile();\n"
              "    fclose(f);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

        check("void f()\n"
              "    FILE *f = tmpfile();\n"
              "    if (!f)\n"
              "        return;\n"
              "    fclose(f);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

        check("FILE *f()\n"
              "    return tmpfile();\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void fcloseall_function()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    FILE *f = fopen(fname, str);\n"
              "    fcloseall();\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

        check("void f()\n"
              "    FILE *f = tmpfile();\n"
              "    fcloseall();\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void open_function()
        check("void f(const char *path)\n"
              "    int fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);\n"
              "}\n", true);
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (error) Resource leak: fd\n", errout.str());

        check("void f(const char *path)\n"
              "    int fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);\n"
              "    if (fd == -1)\n"
              "       return;\n"
              "    close(fd);\n"
              "}\n", true);
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

        check("void f(const char *path)\n"
              "    int fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);\n"
              "    if (fd < 0)\n"
              "       return;\n"
              "    close(fd);\n"
              "}\n", true);
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void creat_function()
        check("void f(const char *path)\n"
              "    int fd = creat(path, S_IRWXU);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (error) Resource leak: fd\n", errout.str());

    void close_function()
        check("void f(const char *path)\n"
              "    int fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);\n"
              "    close(fd);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

        check("void f(const char *path)\n"
              "    int fd = creat(path, S_IRWXU);\n"
              "    close(fd);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

        check("void f(const char *path)\n"
              "    int fd = creat(path, S_IRWXU);\n"
              "    if (close(fd) < 0) {\n"
              "        perror(\"close\");\n"
              "    }\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void fd_functions()
        check("void f(const char *path)\n"
              "    int fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);\n"
              "    read(fd, buf, count);\n"
              "    readv(fd, iov, iovcnt);\n"
              "    readahead(fd, offset, count);\n"
              "    pread(fd, buf, count, offset);\n"
              "    write(fd, buf, count);\n"
              "    writev(fd, iov, iovcnt);\n"
              "    pwrite(fd, buf, count, offset);\n"
              "    ioctl(fd, request);\n"
              "    posix_fallocate(fd, offset, len);\n"
              "    posix_fadvise(fd, offset, len, advise);\n"
              "    fsync(fd);\n"
              "    fdatasync(fd);\n"
              "    sync_file_range(fd, offset, nbytes, flags);\n"
              "    lseek(fd, offset, whence);\n"
              "    fcntl(fd, cmd);\n"
              "    flock(fd, op);\n"
              "    lockf(fd, cmd, len);\n"
              "    ftruncate(fd, len);\n"
              "    fstat(fd, buf);\n"
              "    fchmod(fd, mode);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:24]: (error) Resource leak: fd\n", errout.str());

    void opendir_function()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    DIR *f = opendir(\".\");\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (error) Resource leak: f\n", errout.str());

    void fdopendir_function()
        check("void f(int fd)\n"
              "    DIR *f = fdopendir(fd);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (error) Resource leak: f\n", errout.str());

    void closedir_function()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    DIR *f = opendir(\".\");\n"
              "    closedir(f);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

        check("void f(int fd)\n"
              "    DIR *f = fdopendir(fd);\n"
              "    closedir(f);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

        check("void foo()\n"
              "    DIR * f = opendir(dirname);\n"
              "    if (closedir(f));\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void dir_functions()
        check("void f()\n"
              "    DIR *f = opendir(dir);\n"
              "    readdir(f);\n;"
              "    readdir_r(f, entry, res);\n;"
              "    rewinddir(f);\n;"
              "    telldir(f);\n;"
              "    seekdir(f, 2)\n;"
              "    scandir(f, namelist, filter, comp);\n;"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:10]: (error) Resource leak: f\n", errout.str());

    void file_functions()
        check("void f()\n"
              "FILE *f = fopen(fname, str);\n"
              "fread(ptr, 10, 1, in);\n"
              "fwrite(ptr, 10, 1, in);\n"
              "setbuf(in, buf);\n"
              "setbuffer(in, buf, 100);\n"
              "setvbuf(in, buf, _IOLBF, 0);\n"
              "fseek(in, 10, SEEK_SET);\n"
              "fseeko(in, 10, SEEK_SET);\n"
              "fsetpos(in, 0);\n"
              "fgetpos(in, 10);\n"
              "fprintf(in, \"text\\n\");\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:22]: (error) Resource leak: f\n", errout.str());

    void getc_function()
            check("void f()\n"
                  "    int c;\n"
                  "    FILE *fin1a = fopen (\"FILE.txt\", \"r\");\n"
                  "    while ( (c = getc (fin1a)) != EOF)\n"
                  "    { }\n"
            ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:6]: (error) Resource leak: fin1a\n", errout.str());

            check("void f()\n"
                  "    int c;\n"
                  "    FILE *fin1b = fopen(\"FILE.txt\", \"r\");\n"
                  "    c = getc(fin1b);\n"
            ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:6]: (error) Resource leak: fin1b\n", errout.str());

    void pointer_to_pointer()
        check("void f(char **data)\n"
              "    char *c = new char[12];\n"
              "    *c = 0;\n"
              "    *data = c;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void dealloc_and_alloc_in_func()
        check("char *f( const char *x )\n"
              "  delete [] x;\n"
              "  return new char[10];\n"
              "int main()\n"
              "  char *a=0;\n"
              "  a = f( a );\n"
              "  a[0] = 1;\n"
              "  delete [] a;\n"
              "  return 0;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

static TestMemleakInFunction testMemleakInFunction;

class TestMemleakInClass : public TestFixture
    TestMemleakInClass() : TestFixture("TestMemleakInClass")
    { }

    void check(const char code[], bool showAll = false)
        // Tokenize..
        Tokenizer tokenizer;
        std::istringstream istr(code);
        tokenizer.tokenize(istr, "test.cpp");

        // Clear the error buffer..

        // Check for memory leaks..
        Settings settings;
        settings._debug = true;
        settings._showAll = showAll;
        CheckMemoryLeakInClass checkMemoryLeak(&tokenizer, &settings, this);

    void run()


    void class1()
        check("class Fred\n"
              "    char *str1;\n"
              "    char *str2;\n"
              "    Fred();\n"
              "    ~Fred();\n"
              "    str1 = new char[10];\n"
              "    str2 = new char[10];\n"
              "    delete [] str2;\n"
              "}\n", true);

        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (possible error) Memory leak: Fred::str1\n", errout.str());

    void class2()
        check("class Fred\n"
              "    char *str1;\n"
              "    Fred();\n"
              "    ~Fred();\n"
              "    str1 = new char[10];\n"
              "    free(str1);\n"
              "}\n", true);

        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:17]: (error) Mismatching allocation and deallocation: Fred::str1\n", errout.str());

    void class3()
        check("class Token;\n"
              "class Tokenizer\n"
              "    Token *_tokens;\n"
              "    Tokenizer();\n"
              "    ~Tokenizer();\n"
              "    void deleteTokens(Token *tok);\n"
              "    _tokens = new Token;\n"
              "    deleteTokens(_tokens);\n"
              "void Tokenizer::deleteTokens(Token *tok)\n"
              "    while (tok)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        Token *next = tok->next();\n"
              "        delete tok;\n"
              "        tok = next;\n"
              "    }\n"
              "}\n", true);

        TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void class4()
        check("struct ABC;\n"
              "class Fred\n"
              "    void addAbc(ABC *abc);\n"
              "    void click();\n"
              "void Fred::addAbc(ABC* abc)\n"
              "    AbcPosts->Add(abc);\n"
              "void Fred::click()\n"
              "    ABC *p = new ABC;\n"
              "    addAbc( p );\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void class6()
        check("class Fred\n"
              "    void foo();\n"
              "void Fred::foo()\n"
              "    char *str = new char[100];\n"
              "    delete [] str;\n"
              "    hello();\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void class7()
        check("class Fred\n"
              "    int *i;\n"
              "    Fred();\n"
              "    ~Fred();\n"
              "    this->i = new int;\n"
              "    delete this->i;\n"
              "}\n", true);
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void class8()
        check("class A\n"
              "    void a();\n"
              "    void doNothing() { }\n"
              "void A::a()\n"
              "    int* c = new int(1);\n"
              "    delete c;\n"
              "    doNothing(c);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void class9()
        check("class A\n"
              "    int * p;\n"
              "    A();\n"
              "    ~A();\n"
              "{ p = new int; }\n"
              "{ delete (p); }\n", true);
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void class10()
        check("class A\n"
              "    int * p;\n"
              "    A() { p = new int; }\n"
              "};\n", true);
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (possible error) Memory leak: A::p\n", errout.str());

    void class11()
        check("class A\n"
              "    int * p;\n"
              "    A();\n"
              "A::A() : p(new int[10])\n"
              "{ }", true);
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (possible error) Memory leak: A::p\n", errout.str());

    void free_member_in_sub_func()
        // Member function
        check("class Tokenizer\n"
              "    Tokenizer();\n"
              "    ~Tokenizer();\n"
              "    int *_tokens;\n"
              "    static void deleteTokens(int *tok);\n"
              "     _tokens = new int;\n"
              "    deleteTokens(_tokens);\n"
              "    _tokens = 0;\n"
              "void Tokenizer::deleteTokens(int *tok)\n"
              "    delete tok;\n"
              "}\n", true);
        TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

        // Global function
        check("void deleteTokens(int *tok)\n"
              "    delete tok;\n"
              "class Tokenizer\n"
              "    Tokenizer();\n"
              "    ~Tokenizer();\n"
              "    int *_tokens;\n"
              "     _tokens = new int;\n"
              "    deleteTokens(_tokens);\n"
              "    _tokens = 0;\n"
              "}\n", true);
        TODO_ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

static TestMemleakInClass testMemleakInClass;

class TestMemleakStructMember : public TestFixture
    TestMemleakStructMember() : TestFixture("TestMemleakStructMember")
    { }

    void check(const char code[])
        // Tokenize..
        Tokenizer tokenizer;
        std::istringstream istr(code);
        tokenizer.tokenize(istr, "test.cpp");

        // Clear the error buffer..

        // Check for memory leaks..
        Settings settings;
        CheckMemoryLeakStructMember checkMemoryLeakStructMember(&tokenizer, &settings, this);

    void run()
        // testing that errors are detected

        // handle / bail out when "goto" is found

        // Don't report errors if the struct is returned

        // assignments

        // Failed allocation

        // Deallocating in a function

        // Handle if-else

    void err()
        check("static void foo()\n"
              "    struct ABC *abc = malloc(sizeof(struct ABC));\n"
              "    abc->a = malloc(10);\n"
              "    free(abc);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:5]: (error) Memory leak: abc.a\n", errout.str());

        check("static void foo()\n"
              "    struct ABC *abc = malloc(sizeof(struct ABC));\n"
              "    abc->a = malloc(10);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:5]: (error) Memory leak: abc.a\n", errout.str());

        check("static ABC * foo()\n"
              "    ABC *abc = malloc(sizeof(ABC));\n"
              "    abc->a = malloc(10);\n"
              "    abc->b = malloc(10);\n"
              "    if (abc->b == 0)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        return 0;\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    return abc;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:8]: (error) Memory leak: abc.a\n", errout.str());

        check("static void foo(int a)\n"
              "    ABC *abc = malloc(sizeof(ABC));\n"
              "    abc->a = malloc(10);\n"
              "    if (a == 1)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        free(abc->a);\n"
              "        return;\n"
              "    }\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:10]: (error) Memory leak: abc.a\n", errout.str());

    void goto_()
        check("static void foo()\n"
              "    struct ABC *abc = malloc(sizeof(struct ABC));\n"
              "    abc->a = malloc(10);\n"
              "    if (abc->a)\n"
              "    { goto out; }\n"
              "    free(abc);\n"
              "    return;\n"
              "    free(abc->a);\n"
              "    free(abc);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void ret()
        check("static ABC * foo()\n"
              "    struct ABC *abc = malloc(sizeof(struct ABC));\n"
              "    abc->a = malloc(10);\n"
              "    return abc;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

        check("static void foo(struct ABC *abc)\n"
              "    abc->a = malloc(10);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void assign()
        check("static void foo()\n"
              "    struct ABC *abc = abc1;\n"
              "    abc->a = malloc(10);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

        check("static void foo()\n"
              "    struct ABC *abc;\n"
              "    abc1 = abc = malloc(sizeof(ABC));\n"
              "    abc->a = malloc(10);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

        check("static void foo()\n"
              " struct msn_entry *ptr;\n"
              " ptr = malloc(sizeof(struct msn_entry));\n"
              " ptr->msn = malloc(100);\n"
              " back = ptr;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());


    void failedAllocation()
        check("static struct ABC * foo()\n"
              "    struct ABC *abc = malloc(sizeof(struct ABC));\n"
              "    abc->a = malloc(10);\n"
              "    if (!abc->a)\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        free(abc);\n"
              "        return 0;\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    return abc;\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void function()
        // Not found function => assume that the function may deallocate
        check("static void foo()\n"
              "    struct ABC *abc = malloc(sizeof(struct ABC));\n"
              "    abc->a = malloc(10);\n"
              "    func(abc);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

    void ifelse()
        check("static void foo()\n"
              "    struct ABC *abc = malloc(sizeof(struct ABC));\n"
              "    if (x)"
              "    {\n"
              "        abc->a = malloc(10);\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    else\n"
              "    {\n"
              "        free(abc);\n"
              "        return;\n"
              "    }\n"
              "    free(abc->a);\n"
              "    free(abc);\n"
        ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str());

static TestMemleakStructMember testMemleakStructMember;