/* * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis * Copyright (C) 2007-2022 Cppcheck team. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "importproject.h" #include "path.h" #include "settings.h" #include "standards.h" #include "suppressions.h" #include "token.h" #include "tokenize.h" #include "utils.h" #include #include #include #include // IWYU pragma: keep #include #include #include // IWYU pragma: keep #include #include #include #define PICOJSON_USE_INT64 #include ImportProject::ImportProject() { projectType = Type::UNKNOWN; } void ImportProject::ignorePaths(const std::vector &ipaths) { for (std::list::iterator it = fileSettings.begin(); it != fileSettings.end();) { bool ignore = false; for (std::string i : ipaths) { if (it->filename.size() > i.size() && it->filename.compare(0,i.size(),i)==0) { ignore = true; break; } if (isValidGlobPattern(i) && matchglob(i, it->filename)) { ignore = true; break; } if (!Path::isAbsolute(i)) { i = mPath + i; if (it->filename.size() > i.size() && it->filename.compare(0,i.size(),i)==0) { ignore = true; break; } } } if (ignore) it = fileSettings.erase(it); else ++it; } } void ImportProject::ignoreOtherConfigs(const std::string &cfg) { for (std::list::iterator it = fileSettings.begin(); it != fileSettings.end();) { if (it->cfg != cfg) it = fileSettings.erase(it); else ++it; } } void ImportProject::FileSettings::setDefines(std::string defs) { while (defs.find(";%(") != std::string::npos) { const std::string::size_type pos1 = defs.find(";%("); const std::string::size_type pos2 = defs.find(';', pos1+1); defs.erase(pos1, pos2 == std::string::npos ? pos2 : (pos2-pos1)); } while (defs.find(";;") != std::string::npos) defs.erase(defs.find(";;"),1); while (!defs.empty() && defs[0] == ';') defs.erase(0, 1); while (!defs.empty() && endsWith(defs,';')) defs.erase(defs.size() - 1U); // TODO: Use std::string::pop_back() as soon as travis supports it bool eq = false; for (std::size_t pos = 0; pos < defs.size(); ++pos) { if (defs[pos] == '(' || defs[pos] == '=') eq = true; else if (defs[pos] == ';') { if (!eq) { defs.insert(pos,"=1"); pos += 3; } if (pos < defs.size()) eq = false; } } if (!eq && !defs.empty()) defs += "=1"; defines.swap(defs); } static bool simplifyPathWithVariables(std::string &s, std::map &variables) { std::set expanded; std::string::size_type start = 0; while ((start = s.find("$(")) != std::string::npos) { const std::string::size_type end = s.find(')',start); if (end == std::string::npos) break; const std::string var = s.substr(start+2,end-start-2); if (expanded.find(var) != expanded.end()) break; expanded.insert(var); std::map::const_iterator it1 = variables.find(var); // variable was not found within defined variables if (it1 == variables.end()) { const char *envValue = std::getenv(var.c_str()); if (!envValue) { //! \todo generate a debug/info message about undefined variable break; } variables[var] = std::string(envValue); it1 = variables.find(var); } s.replace(start, end - start + 1, it1->second); } if (s.find("$(") != std::string::npos) return false; s = Path::simplifyPath(Path::fromNativeSeparators(s)); return true; } void ImportProject::FileSettings::setIncludePaths(const std::string &basepath, const std::list &in, std::map &variables) { std::set found; // NOLINTNEXTLINE(performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization) const std::list copyIn(in); includePaths.clear(); for (const std::string &ipath : copyIn) { if (ipath.empty()) continue; if (ipath.compare(0,2,"%(")==0) continue; std::string s(Path::fromNativeSeparators(ipath)); if (!found.insert(s).second) continue; if (s[0] == '/' || (s.size() > 1U && s.compare(1,2,":/") == 0)) { if (!endsWith(s,'/')) s += '/'; includePaths.push_back(std::move(s)); continue; } if (endsWith(s,'/')) // this is a temporary hack, simplifyPath can crash if path ends with '/' s.erase(s.size() - 1U); // TODO: Use std::string::pop_back() as soon as travis supports it if (s.find("$(") == std::string::npos) { s = Path::simplifyPath(basepath + s); } else { if (!simplifyPathWithVariables(s, variables)) continue; } if (s.empty()) continue; includePaths.push_back(s + '/'); } } ImportProject::Type ImportProject::import(const std::string &filename, Settings *settings) { std::ifstream fin(filename); if (!fin.is_open()) return ImportProject::Type::MISSING; mPath = Path::getPathFromFilename(Path::fromNativeSeparators(filename)); if (!mPath.empty() && !endsWith(mPath,'/')) mPath += '/'; const std::vector fileFilters = settings ? settings->fileFilters : std::vector(); if (endsWith(filename, ".json")) { if (importCompileCommands(fin)) { setRelativePaths(filename); return ImportProject::Type::COMPILE_DB; } } else if (endsWith(filename, ".sln")) { if (importSln(fin, mPath, fileFilters)) { setRelativePaths(filename); return ImportProject::Type::VS_SLN; } } else if (endsWith(filename, ".vcxproj")) { std::map variables; if (importVcxproj(filename, variables, emptyString, fileFilters)) { setRelativePaths(filename); return ImportProject::Type::VS_VCXPROJ; } } else if (endsWith(filename, ".bpr")) { if (importBcb6Prj(filename)) { setRelativePaths(filename); return ImportProject::Type::BORLAND; } } else if (settings && endsWith(filename, ".cppcheck")) { if (importCppcheckGuiProject(fin, settings)) { setRelativePaths(filename); return ImportProject::Type::CPPCHECK_GUI; } } else { return ImportProject::Type::UNKNOWN; } return ImportProject::Type::FAILURE; } static std::string readUntil(const std::string &command, std::string::size_type *pos, const char until[]) { std::string ret; bool escapedString = false; bool str = false; bool escape = false; for (; *pos < command.size() && (str || !std::strchr(until, command[*pos])); (*pos)++) { if (escape) escape = false; else if (command[*pos] == '\\') { if (str) escape = true; else if (command[*pos + 1] == '"') { if (escapedString) return ret + "\\\""; escapedString = true; ret += "\\\""; (*pos)++; continue; } } else if (command[*pos] == '\"') str = !str; ret += command[*pos]; } return ret; } static std::string unescape(const std::string &in) { std::string out; bool escape = false; for (const char c: in) { if (escape) { escape = false; if (!std::strchr("\\\"\'",c)) out += "\\"; out += c; } else if (c == '\\') escape = true; else out += c; } return out; } void ImportProject::FileSettings::parseCommand(std::string command) { std::string defs; // Parse command.. std::string::size_type pos = 0; while (std::string::npos != (pos = command.find(' ',pos))) { while (pos < command.size() && command[pos] == ' ') pos++; if (pos >= command.size()) break; if (command[pos] != '/' && command[pos] != '-') continue; pos++; if (pos >= command.size()) break; const char F = command[pos++]; if (std::strchr("DUI", F)) { while (pos < command.size() && command[pos] == ' ') ++pos; } const std::string fval = readUntil(command, &pos, " ="); if (F=='D') { std::string defval = readUntil(command, &pos, " "); defs += fval; if (defval.size() >= 3 && defval.compare(0,2,"=\"")==0 && defval.back()=='\"') defval = "=" + unescape(defval.substr(2, defval.size() - 3)); else if (defval.size() >= 5 && defval.compare(0, 3, "=\\\"") == 0 && endsWith(defval, "\\\"")) defval = "=\"" + unescape(defval.substr(3, defval.size() - 5)) + "\""; if (!defval.empty()) defs += defval; defs += ';'; } else if (F=='U') undefs.insert(fval); else if (F=='I') { std::string i = fval; if (i.size() > 1 && i[0] == '\"' && i.back() == '\"') i = unescape(i.substr(1, i.size() - 2)); if (std::find(includePaths.begin(), includePaths.end(), i) == includePaths.end()) includePaths.push_back(std::move(i)); } else if (F=='s' && fval.compare(0,2,"td") == 0) { ++pos; const std::string stdval = readUntil(command, &pos, " "); standard = stdval; // TODO: use simplecpp::DUI::std instead of specifying it manually if (standard.compare(0, 3, "c++") || standard.compare(0, 5, "gnu++")) { const std::string stddef = simplecpp::getCppStdString(standard); if (stddef.empty()) { // TODO: log error continue; } defs += "__cplusplus="; defs += stddef; defs += ";"; } else if (standard.compare(0, 1, "c") || standard.compare(0, 3, "gnu")) { const std::string stddef = simplecpp::getCStdString(standard); if (stddef.empty()) { // TODO: log error continue; } defs += "__STDC_VERSION__="; defs += stddef; defs += ";"; } } else if (F == 'i' && fval == "system") { ++pos; std::string isystem = readUntil(command, &pos, " "); systemIncludePaths.push_back(std::move(isystem)); } else if (F=='m') { if (fval == "unicode") { defs += "UNICODE"; defs += ";"; } } else if (F=='f') { if (fval == "pic") { defs += "__pic__"; defs += ";"; } else if (fval == "PIC") { defs += "__PIC__"; defs += ";"; } else if (fval == "pie") { defs += "__pie__"; defs += ";"; } else if (fval == "PIE") { defs += "__PIE__"; defs += ";"; } } } setDefines(defs); } bool ImportProject::importCompileCommands(std::istream &istr) { picojson::value compileCommands; istr >> compileCommands; if (!compileCommands.is()) { printError("compilation database is not a JSON array"); return false; } for (const picojson::value &fileInfo : compileCommands.get()) { picojson::object obj = fileInfo.get(); std::string dirpath = Path::fromNativeSeparators(obj["directory"].get()); /* CMAKE produces the directory without trailing / so add it if not * there - it is needed by setIncludePaths() */ if (!endsWith(dirpath, '/')) dirpath += '/'; const std::string directory = dirpath; std::string command; if (obj.count("arguments")) { if (obj["arguments"].is()) { for (const picojson::value& arg : obj["arguments"].get()) { if (arg.is()) { std::string str = arg.get(); if (str.find(" ") != std::string::npos) str = "\"" + str + "\""; command += str + " "; } } } else { printError("'arguments' field in compilation database entry is not a JSON array"); return false; } } else if (obj.count("command")) { if (obj["command"].is()) { command = obj["command"].get(); } else { printError("'command' field in compilation database entry is not a string"); return false; } } else { printError("no 'arguments' or 'command' field found in compilation database entry"); return false; } if (!obj.count("file") || !obj["file"].is()) { printError("skip compilation database entry because it does not have a proper 'file' field"); continue; } const std::string file = Path::fromNativeSeparators(obj["file"].get()); // Accept file? if (!Path::acceptFile(file)) continue; struct FileSettings fs; if (Path::isAbsolute(file)) fs.filename = Path::simplifyPath(file); #ifdef _WIN32 else if (file[0] == '/' && directory.size() > 2 && std::isalpha(directory[0]) && directory[1] == ':') // directory: C:\foo\bar // file: /xy/z.c // => c:/xy/z.c fs.filename = Path::simplifyPath(directory.substr(0,2) + file); #endif else fs.filename = Path::simplifyPath(directory + file); if (!sourceFileExists(fs.filename)) { printError("'" + fs.filename + "' from compilation database does not exist"); return false; } fs.parseCommand(command); // read settings; -D, -I, -U, -std, -m*, -f* std::map variables; fs.setIncludePaths(directory, fs.includePaths, variables); fileSettings.push_back(std::move(fs)); } return true; } bool ImportProject::importSln(std::istream &istr, const std::string &path, const std::vector &fileFilters) { std::string line; if (!std::getline(istr,line)) { printError("Visual Studio solution file is empty"); return false; } if (line.find("Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File") != 0) { // Skip BOM if (!std::getline(istr, line) || line.find("Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File") != 0) { printError("Visual Studio solution file header not found"); return false; } } std::map variables; variables["SolutionDir"] = path; bool found = false; while (std::getline(istr,line)) { if (line.compare(0,8,"Project(")!=0) continue; const std::string::size_type pos = line.find(".vcxproj"); if (pos == std::string::npos) continue; const std::string::size_type pos1 = line.rfind('\"',pos); if (pos1 == std::string::npos) continue; std::string vcxproj(line.substr(pos1+1, pos-pos1+7)); if (!Path::isAbsolute(vcxproj)) vcxproj = path + vcxproj; if (!importVcxproj(Path::fromNativeSeparators(vcxproj), variables, emptyString, fileFilters)) { printError("failed to load '" + vcxproj + "' from Visual Studio solution"); return false; } found = true; } if (!found) { printError("no projects found in Visual Studio solution file"); return false; } return true; } namespace { struct ProjectConfiguration { explicit ProjectConfiguration(const tinyxml2::XMLElement *cfg) : platform(Unknown) { const char *a = cfg->Attribute("Include"); if (a) name = a; for (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *e = cfg->FirstChildElement(); e; e = e->NextSiblingElement()) { if (!e->GetText()) continue; if (std::strcmp(e->Name(),"Configuration")==0) configuration = e->GetText(); else if (std::strcmp(e->Name(),"Platform")==0) { platformStr = e->GetText(); if (platformStr == "Win32") platform = Win32; else if (platformStr == "x64") platform = x64; else platform = Unknown; } } } std::string name; std::string configuration; enum { Win32, x64, Unknown } platform; std::string platformStr; }; struct ItemDefinitionGroup { explicit ItemDefinitionGroup(const tinyxml2::XMLElement *idg, std::string includePaths) : additionalIncludePaths(std::move(includePaths)) { const char *condAttr = idg->Attribute("Condition"); if (condAttr) condition = condAttr; for (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *e1 = idg->FirstChildElement(); e1; e1 = e1->NextSiblingElement()) { if (std::strcmp(e1->Name(), "ClCompile") != 0) continue; enhancedInstructionSet = "StreamingSIMDExtensions2"; for (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *e = e1->FirstChildElement(); e; e = e->NextSiblingElement()) { if (e->GetText()) { if (std::strcmp(e->Name(), "PreprocessorDefinitions") == 0) preprocessorDefinitions = e->GetText(); else if (std::strcmp(e->Name(), "AdditionalIncludeDirectories") == 0) { if (!additionalIncludePaths.empty()) additionalIncludePaths += ';'; additionalIncludePaths += e->GetText(); } else if (std::strcmp(e->Name(), "LanguageStandard") == 0) { if (std::strcmp(e->GetText(), "stdcpp14") == 0) cppstd = Standards::CPP14; else if (std::strcmp(e->GetText(), "stdcpp17") == 0) cppstd = Standards::CPP17; else if (std::strcmp(e->GetText(), "stdcpp20") == 0) cppstd = Standards::CPP20; else if (std::strcmp(e->GetText(), "stdcpplatest") == 0) cppstd = Standards::CPPLatest; } else if (std::strcmp(e->Name(), "EnableEnhancedInstructionSet") == 0) { enhancedInstructionSet = e->GetText(); } } } } } static void replaceAll(std::string &c, const std::string &from, const std::string &to) { std::string::size_type pos; while ((pos = c.find(from)) != std::string::npos) { c.erase(pos,from.size()); c.insert(pos,to); } } bool conditionIsTrue(const ProjectConfiguration &p) const { if (condition.empty()) return true; std::string c = '(' + condition + ");"; replaceAll(c, "$(Configuration)", p.configuration); replaceAll(c, "$(Platform)", p.platformStr); // TODO : Better evaluation Settings s; std::istringstream istr(c); Tokenizer tokenizer(&s, nullptr); tokenizer.tokenize(istr,"vcxproj"); for (const Token *tok = tokenizer.tokens(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->str() == "(" && tok->astOperand1() && tok->astOperand2()) { if (tok->astOperand1()->expressionString() == "Configuration.Contains") return ('\'' + p.configuration + '\'') == tok->astOperand2()->str(); } if (tok->str() == "==" && tok->astOperand1() && tok->astOperand2() && tok->astOperand1()->str() == tok->astOperand2()->str()) return true; } return false; } std::string condition; std::string enhancedInstructionSet; std::string preprocessorDefinitions; std::string additionalIncludePaths; Standards::cppstd_t cppstd = Standards::CPPLatest; }; } static std::list toStringList(const std::string &s) { std::list ret; std::string::size_type pos1 = 0; std::string::size_type pos2; while ((pos2 = s.find(';',pos1)) != std::string::npos) { ret.push_back(s.substr(pos1, pos2-pos1)); pos1 = pos2 + 1; if (pos1 >= s.size()) break; } if (pos1 < s.size()) ret.push_back(s.substr(pos1)); return ret; } static void importPropertyGroup(const tinyxml2::XMLElement *node, std::map *variables, std::string *includePath, bool *useOfMfc) { if (useOfMfc) { for (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *e = node->FirstChildElement(); e; e = e->NextSiblingElement()) { if (std::strcmp(e->Name(), "UseOfMfc") == 0) { *useOfMfc = true; break; } } } const char* labelAttribute = node->Attribute("Label"); if (labelAttribute && std::strcmp(labelAttribute, "UserMacros") == 0) { for (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *propertyGroup = node->FirstChildElement(); propertyGroup; propertyGroup = propertyGroup->NextSiblingElement()) { const std::string name(propertyGroup->Name()); const char *text = propertyGroup->GetText(); (*variables)[name] = std::string(text ? text : ""); } } else if (!labelAttribute) { for (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *propertyGroup = node->FirstChildElement(); propertyGroup; propertyGroup = propertyGroup->NextSiblingElement()) { if (std::strcmp(propertyGroup->Name(), "IncludePath") != 0) continue; const char *text = propertyGroup->GetText(); if (!text) continue; std::string path(text); const std::string::size_type pos = path.find("$(IncludePath)"); if (pos != std::string::npos) path.replace(pos, 14U, *includePath); *includePath = path; } } } static void loadVisualStudioProperties(const std::string &props, std::map *variables, std::string *includePath, const std::string &additionalIncludeDirectories, std::list &itemDefinitionGroupList) { std::string filename(props); // variables can't be resolved if (!simplifyPathWithVariables(filename, *variables)) return; // prepend project dir (if it exists) to transform relative paths into absolute ones if (!Path::isAbsolute(filename) && variables->count("ProjectDir") > 0) filename = Path::getAbsoluteFilePath(variables->at("ProjectDir") + filename); tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc; if (doc.LoadFile(filename.c_str()) != tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS) return; const tinyxml2::XMLElement * const rootnode = doc.FirstChildElement(); if (rootnode == nullptr) return; for (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *node = rootnode->FirstChildElement(); node; node = node->NextSiblingElement()) { if (std::strcmp(node->Name(), "ImportGroup") == 0) { const char *labelAttribute = node->Attribute("Label"); if (labelAttribute == nullptr || std::strcmp(labelAttribute, "PropertySheets") != 0) continue; for (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *importGroup = node->FirstChildElement(); importGroup; importGroup = importGroup->NextSiblingElement()) { if (std::strcmp(importGroup->Name(), "Import") == 0) { const char *projectAttribute = importGroup->Attribute("Project"); if (projectAttribute == nullptr) continue; std::string loadprj(projectAttribute); if (loadprj.find('$') == std::string::npos) { loadprj = Path::getPathFromFilename(filename) + loadprj; } loadVisualStudioProperties(loadprj, variables, includePath, additionalIncludeDirectories, itemDefinitionGroupList); } } } else if (std::strcmp(node->Name(),"PropertyGroup")==0) { importPropertyGroup(node, variables, includePath, nullptr); } else if (std::strcmp(node->Name(),"ItemDefinitionGroup")==0) { itemDefinitionGroupList.emplace_back(node, additionalIncludeDirectories); } } } bool ImportProject::importVcxproj(const std::string &filename, std::map &variables, const std::string &additionalIncludeDirectories, const std::vector &fileFilters) { variables["ProjectDir"] = Path::simplifyPath(Path::getPathFromFilename(filename)); std::list projectConfigurationList; std::list compileList; std::list itemDefinitionGroupList; std::string includePath; bool useOfMfc = false; tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc; const tinyxml2::XMLError error = doc.LoadFile(filename.c_str()); if (error != tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS) { printError(std::string("Visual Studio project file is not a valid XML - ") + tinyxml2::XMLDocument::ErrorIDToName(error)); return false; } const tinyxml2::XMLElement * const rootnode = doc.FirstChildElement(); if (rootnode == nullptr) { printError("Visual Studio project file has no XML root node"); return false; } for (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *node = rootnode->FirstChildElement(); node; node = node->NextSiblingElement()) { if (std::strcmp(node->Name(), "ItemGroup") == 0) { const char *labelAttribute = node->Attribute("Label"); if (labelAttribute && std::strcmp(labelAttribute, "ProjectConfigurations") == 0) { for (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *cfg = node->FirstChildElement(); cfg; cfg = cfg->NextSiblingElement()) { if (std::strcmp(cfg->Name(), "ProjectConfiguration") == 0) { const ProjectConfiguration p(cfg); if (p.platform != ProjectConfiguration::Unknown) { projectConfigurationList.emplace_back(cfg); mAllVSConfigs.insert(p.configuration); } } } } else { for (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *e = node->FirstChildElement(); e; e = e->NextSiblingElement()) { if (std::strcmp(e->Name(), "ClCompile") == 0) { const char *include = e->Attribute("Include"); if (include && Path::acceptFile(include)) compileList.emplace_back(include); } } } } else if (std::strcmp(node->Name(), "ItemDefinitionGroup") == 0) { itemDefinitionGroupList.emplace_back(node, additionalIncludeDirectories); } else if (std::strcmp(node->Name(), "PropertyGroup") == 0) { importPropertyGroup(node, &variables, &includePath, &useOfMfc); } else if (std::strcmp(node->Name(), "ImportGroup") == 0) { const char *labelAttribute = node->Attribute("Label"); if (labelAttribute && std::strcmp(labelAttribute, "PropertySheets") == 0) { for (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *e = node->FirstChildElement(); e; e = e->NextSiblingElement()) { if (std::strcmp(e->Name(), "Import") == 0) { const char *projectAttribute = e->Attribute("Project"); if (projectAttribute) loadVisualStudioProperties(projectAttribute, &variables, &includePath, additionalIncludeDirectories, itemDefinitionGroupList); } } } } } for (const std::string &c : compileList) { const std::string cfilename = Path::simplifyPath(Path::isAbsolute(c) ? c : Path::getPathFromFilename(filename) + c); if (!fileFilters.empty() && !matchglobs(fileFilters, cfilename)) continue; for (const ProjectConfiguration &p : projectConfigurationList) { if (!guiProject.checkVsConfigs.empty()) { bool doChecking = false; for (const std::string& config : guiProject.checkVsConfigs) if (config == p.configuration) { doChecking = true; break; } if (!doChecking) continue; } FileSettings fs; fs.filename = cfilename; fs.cfg = p.name; fs.msc = true; fs.useMfc = useOfMfc; fs.defines = "_WIN32=1"; if (p.platform == ProjectConfiguration::Win32) fs.platformType = cppcheck::Platform::Win32W; else if (p.platform == ProjectConfiguration::x64) { fs.platformType = cppcheck::Platform::Win64; fs.defines += ";_WIN64=1"; } std::string additionalIncludePaths; for (const ItemDefinitionGroup &i : itemDefinitionGroupList) { if (!i.conditionIsTrue(p)) continue; fs.standard = Standards::getCPP(i.cppstd); fs.defines += ';' + i.preprocessorDefinitions; if (i.enhancedInstructionSet == "StreamingSIMDExtensions") fs.defines += ";__SSE__"; else if (i.enhancedInstructionSet == "StreamingSIMDExtensions2") fs.defines += ";__SSE2__"; else if (i.enhancedInstructionSet == "AdvancedVectorExtensions") fs.defines += ";__AVX__"; else if (i.enhancedInstructionSet == "AdvancedVectorExtensions2") fs.defines += ";__AVX2__"; else if (i.enhancedInstructionSet == "AdvancedVectorExtensions512") fs.defines += ";__AVX512__"; additionalIncludePaths += ';' + i.additionalIncludePaths; } fs.setDefines(fs.defines); fs.setIncludePaths(Path::getPathFromFilename(filename), toStringList(includePath + ';' + additionalIncludePaths), variables); fileSettings.push_back(std::move(fs)); } } return true; } bool ImportProject::importBcb6Prj(const std::string &projectFilename) { tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc; const tinyxml2::XMLError error = doc.LoadFile(projectFilename.c_str()); if (error != tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS) { printError(std::string("Borland project file is not a valid XML - ") + tinyxml2::XMLDocument::ErrorIDToName(error)); return false; } const tinyxml2::XMLElement * const rootnode = doc.FirstChildElement(); if (rootnode == nullptr) { printError("Borland project file has no XML root node"); return false; } const std::string& projectDir = Path::simplifyPath(Path::getPathFromFilename(projectFilename)); std::list compileList; std::string includePath; std::string userdefines; std::string sysdefines; std::string cflag1; for (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *node = rootnode->FirstChildElement(); node; node = node->NextSiblingElement()) { if (std::strcmp(node->Name(), "FILELIST") == 0) { for (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *f = node->FirstChildElement(); f; f = f->NextSiblingElement()) { if (std::strcmp(f->Name(), "FILE") == 0) { const char *filename = f->Attribute("FILENAME"); if (filename && Path::acceptFile(filename)) compileList.emplace_back(filename); } } } else if (std::strcmp(node->Name(), "MACROS") == 0) { for (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *m = node->FirstChildElement(); m; m = m->NextSiblingElement()) { if (std::strcmp(m->Name(), "INCLUDEPATH") == 0) { const char *v = m->Attribute("value"); if (v) includePath = v; } else if (std::strcmp(m->Name(), "USERDEFINES") == 0) { const char *v = m->Attribute("value"); if (v) userdefines = v; } else if (std::strcmp(m->Name(), "SYSDEFINES") == 0) { const char *v = m->Attribute("value"); if (v) sysdefines = v; } } } else if (std::strcmp(node->Name(), "OPTIONS") == 0) { for (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *m = node->FirstChildElement(); m; m = m->NextSiblingElement()) { if (std::strcmp(m->Name(), "CFLAG1") == 0) { const char *v = m->Attribute("value"); if (v) cflag1 = v; } } } } std::set cflags; // parse cflag1 and fill the cflags set { std::string arg; for (const char i : cflag1) { if (i == ' ' && !arg.empty()) { cflags.insert(arg); arg.clear(); continue; } arg += i; } if (!arg.empty()) { cflags.insert(arg); } // cleanup: -t is "An alternate name for the -Wxxx switches; there is no difference" // -> Remove every known -txxx argument and replace it with its -Wxxx counterpart. // This way, we know what we have to check for later on. static const std::map synonyms = { { "-tC","-WC" }, { "-tCDR","-WCDR" }, { "-tCDV","-WCDV" }, { "-tW","-W" }, { "-tWC","-WC" }, { "-tWCDR","-WCDR" }, { "-tWCDV","-WCDV" }, { "-tWD","-WD" }, { "-tWDR","-WDR" }, { "-tWDV","-WDV" }, { "-tWM","-WM" }, { "-tWP","-WP" }, { "-tWR","-WR" }, { "-tWU","-WU" }, { "-tWV","-WV" } }; for (std::map::const_iterator i = synonyms.begin(); i != synonyms.end(); ++i) { if (cflags.erase(i->first) > 0) { cflags.insert(i->second); } } } std::string predefines; std::string cppPredefines; // Collecting predefines. See BCB6 help topic "Predefined macros" { cppPredefines += // Defined if you've selected C++ compilation; will increase in later releases. // value 0x0560 (but 0x0564 for our BCB6 SP4) // @see http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Tokyo/en/Predefined_Macros#C.2B.2B_Compiler_Versions_in_Predefined_Macros ";__BCPLUSPLUS__=0x0560" // Defined if in C++ mode; otherwise, undefined. ";__cplusplus=1" // Defined as 1 for C++ files(meaning that templates are supported); otherwise, it is undefined. ";__TEMPLATES__=1" // Defined only for C++ programs to indicate that wchar_t is an intrinsically defined data type. ";_WCHAR_T" // Defined only for C++ programs to indicate that wchar_t is an intrinsically defined data type. ";_WCHAR_T_DEFINED" // Defined in any compiler that has an optimizer. ";__BCOPT__=1" // Version number. // BCB6 is 0x056X (SP4 is 0x0564) // @see http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Tokyo/en/Predefined_Macros#C.2B.2B_Compiler_Versions_in_Predefined_Macros ";__BORLANDC__=0x0560" ";__TCPLUSPLUS__=0x0560" ";__TURBOC__=0x0560"; // Defined if Calling Convention is set to cdecl; otherwise undefined. const bool useCdecl = (cflags.find("-p") == cflags.end() && cflags.find("-pm") == cflags.end() && cflags.find("-pr") == cflags.end() && cflags.find("-ps") == cflags.end()); if (useCdecl) predefines += ";__CDECL=1"; // Defined by default indicating that the default char is unsigned char. Use the -K compiler option to undefine this macro. const bool treatCharAsUnsignedChar = (cflags.find("-K") != cflags.end()); if (treatCharAsUnsignedChar) predefines += ";_CHAR_UNSIGNED=1"; // Defined whenever one of the CodeGuard compiler options is used; otherwise it is undefined. const bool codeguardUsed = (cflags.find("-vGd") != cflags.end() || cflags.find("-vGt") != cflags.end() || cflags.find("-vGc") != cflags.end()); if (codeguardUsed) predefines += ";__CODEGUARD__"; // When defined, the macro indicates that the program is a console application. const bool isConsoleApp = (cflags.find("-WC") != cflags.end()); if (isConsoleApp) predefines += ";__CONSOLE__=1"; // Enable stack unwinding. This is true by default; use -xd- to disable. const bool enableStackUnwinding = (cflags.find("-xd-") == cflags.end()); if (enableStackUnwinding) predefines += ";_CPPUNWIND=1"; // Defined whenever the -WD compiler option is used; otherwise it is undefined. const bool isDLL = (cflags.find("-WD") != cflags.end()); if (isDLL) predefines += ";__DLL__=1"; // Defined when compiling in 32-bit flat memory model. // TODO: not sure how to switch to another memory model or how to read configuration from project file predefines += ";__FLAT__=1"; // Always defined. The default value is 300. You can change the value to 400 or 500 by using the /4 or /5 compiler options. if (cflags.find("-6") != cflags.end()) predefines += ";_M_IX86=600"; else if (cflags.find("-5") != cflags.end()) predefines += ";_M_IX86=500"; else if (cflags.find("-4") != cflags.end()) predefines += ";_M_IX86=400"; else predefines += ";_M_IX86=300"; // Defined only if the -WM option is used. It specifies that the multithread library is to be linked. const bool linkMtLib = (cflags.find("-WM") != cflags.end()); if (linkMtLib) predefines += ";__MT__=1"; // Defined if Calling Convention is set to Pascal; otherwise undefined. const bool usePascalCallingConvention = (cflags.find("-p") != cflags.end()); if (usePascalCallingConvention) predefines += ";__PASCAL__=1"; // Defined if you compile with the -A compiler option; otherwise, it is undefined. const bool useAnsiKeywordExtensions = (cflags.find("-A") != cflags.end()); if (useAnsiKeywordExtensions) predefines += ";__STDC__=1"; // Thread Local Storage. Always true in C++Builder. predefines += ";__TLC__=1"; // Defined for Windows-only code. const bool isWindowsTarget = (cflags.find("-WC") != cflags.end() || cflags.find("-WCDR") != cflags.end() || cflags.find("-WCDV") != cflags.end() || cflags.find("-WD") != cflags.end() || cflags.find("-WDR") != cflags.end() || cflags.find("-WDV") != cflags.end() || cflags.find("-WM") != cflags.end() || cflags.find("-WP") != cflags.end() || cflags.find("-WR") != cflags.end() || cflags.find("-WU") != cflags.end() || cflags.find("-WV") != cflags.end()); if (isWindowsTarget) predefines += ";_Windows"; // Defined for console and GUI applications. // TODO: I'm not sure about the difference to define "_Windows". // From description, I would assume __WIN32__ is only defined for // executables, while _Windows would also be defined for DLLs, etc. // However, in a newly created DLL project, both __WIN32__ and // _Windows are defined. -> treating them the same for now. // Also boost uses __WIN32__ for OS identification. const bool isConsoleOrGuiApp = isWindowsTarget; if (isConsoleOrGuiApp) predefines += ";__WIN32__=1"; } // Include paths may contain variables like "$(BCB)\include" or "$(BCB)\include\vcl". // Those get resolved by ImportProject::FileSettings::setIncludePaths by // 1. checking the provided variables map ("BCB" => "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Borland\\CBuilder6") // 2. checking env variables as a fallback // Setting env is always possible. Configuring the variables via cli might be an addition. // Reading the BCB6 install location from registry in windows environments would also be possible, // but I didn't see any such functionality around the source. Not in favor of adding it only // for the BCB6 project loading. std::map variables; const std::string defines = predefines + ";" + sysdefines + ";" + userdefines; const std::string cppDefines = cppPredefines + ";" + defines; const bool forceCppMode = (cflags.find("-P") != cflags.end()); for (const std::string &c : compileList) { // C++ compilation is selected by file extension by default, so these // defines have to be configured on a per-file base. // // > Files with the .CPP extension compile as C++ files. Files with a .C // > extension, with no extension, or with extensions other than .CPP, // > .OBJ, .LIB, or .ASM compile as C files. // (http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Tokyo/en/BCC32.EXE,_the_C%2B%2B_32-bit_Command-Line_Compiler) // // We can also force C++ compilation for all files using the -P command line switch. const bool cppMode = forceCppMode || Path::getFilenameExtensionInLowerCase(c) == ".cpp"; FileSettings fs; fs.setIncludePaths(projectDir, toStringList(includePath), variables); fs.setDefines(cppMode ? cppDefines : defines); fs.filename = Path::simplifyPath(Path::isAbsolute(c) ? c : projectDir + c); fileSettings.push_back(std::move(fs)); } return true; } static std::string joinRelativePath(const std::string &path1, const std::string &path2) { if (!path1.empty() && !Path::isAbsolute(path2)) return path1 + path2; return path2; } static std::list readXmlStringList(const tinyxml2::XMLElement *node, const std::string &path, const char name[], const char attribute[]) { std::list ret; for (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *child = node->FirstChildElement(); child; child = child->NextSiblingElement()) { if (strcmp(child->Name(), name) != 0) continue; const char *attr = attribute ? child->Attribute(attribute) : child->GetText(); if (attr) ret.push_back(joinRelativePath(path, attr)); } return ret; } static std::string join(const std::list &strlist, const char *sep) { std::string ret; for (const std::string &s : strlist) { ret += (ret.empty() ? "" : sep) + s; } return ret; } static std::string istream_to_string(std::istream &istr) { std::istreambuf_iterator eos; return std::string(std::istreambuf_iterator(istr), eos); } bool ImportProject::importCppcheckGuiProject(std::istream &istr, Settings *settings) { tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc; const std::string xmldata = istream_to_string(istr); const tinyxml2::XMLError error = doc.Parse(xmldata.data(), xmldata.size()); if (error != tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS) { printError(std::string("Cppcheck GUI project file is not a valid XML - ") + tinyxml2::XMLDocument::ErrorIDToName(error)); return false; } const tinyxml2::XMLElement * const rootnode = doc.FirstChildElement(); if (rootnode == nullptr || strcmp(rootnode->Name(), CppcheckXml::ProjectElementName) != 0) { printError("Cppcheck GUI project file has no XML root node"); return false; } const std::string &path = mPath; std::list paths; std::list suppressions; Settings temp; guiProject.analyzeAllVsConfigs.clear(); for (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *node = rootnode->FirstChildElement(); node; node = node->NextSiblingElement()) { if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::RootPathName) == 0 && node->Attribute(CppcheckXml::RootPathNameAttrib)) { temp.basePaths.push_back(joinRelativePath(path, node->Attribute(CppcheckXml::RootPathNameAttrib))); temp.relativePaths = true; } else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::BugHunting) == 0) ; else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::BuildDirElementName) == 0) temp.buildDir = joinRelativePath(path, node->GetText() ? node->GetText() : ""); else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::IncludeDirElementName) == 0) temp.includePaths = readXmlStringList(node, path, CppcheckXml::DirElementName, CppcheckXml::DirNameAttrib); else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::DefinesElementName) == 0) temp.userDefines = join(readXmlStringList(node, "", CppcheckXml::DefineName, CppcheckXml::DefineNameAttrib), ";"); else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::UndefinesElementName) == 0) { for (const std::string &u : readXmlStringList(node, "", CppcheckXml::UndefineName, nullptr)) temp.userUndefs.insert(u); } else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::ImportProjectElementName) == 0) guiProject.projectFile = path + (node->GetText() ? node->GetText() : ""); else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::PathsElementName) == 0) paths = readXmlStringList(node, path, CppcheckXml::PathName, CppcheckXml::PathNameAttrib); else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::ExcludeElementName) == 0) guiProject.excludedPaths = readXmlStringList(node, "", CppcheckXml::ExcludePathName, CppcheckXml::ExcludePathNameAttrib); else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::FunctionContracts) == 0) ; else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::VariableContractsElementName) == 0) ; else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::IgnoreElementName) == 0) guiProject.excludedPaths = readXmlStringList(node, "", CppcheckXml::IgnorePathName, CppcheckXml::IgnorePathNameAttrib); else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::LibrariesElementName) == 0) guiProject.libraries = readXmlStringList(node, "", CppcheckXml::LibraryElementName, nullptr); else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::SuppressionsElementName) == 0) { for (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *child = node->FirstChildElement(); child; child = child->NextSiblingElement()) { if (strcmp(child->Name(), CppcheckXml::SuppressionElementName) != 0) continue; auto read = [](const char *s, const char *def) { return s ? s : def; }; Suppressions::Suppression s; s.errorId = read(child->GetText(), ""); s.fileName = read(child->Attribute("fileName"), ""); if (!s.fileName.empty()) s.fileName = joinRelativePath(path, s.fileName); s.lineNumber = child->IntAttribute("lineNumber", Suppressions::Suppression::NO_LINE); s.symbolName = read(child->Attribute("symbolName"), ""); std::istringstream(read(child->Attribute("hash"), "0")) >> s.hash; suppressions.push_back(std::move(s)); } } else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::VSConfigurationElementName) == 0) guiProject.checkVsConfigs = readXmlStringList(node, emptyString, CppcheckXml::VSConfigurationName, nullptr); else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::PlatformElementName) == 0) guiProject.platform = node->GetText(); else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::AnalyzeAllVsConfigsElementName) == 0) guiProject.analyzeAllVsConfigs = node->GetText(); else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::Parser) == 0) temp.clang = true; else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::AddonsElementName) == 0) temp.addons = readXmlStringList(node, emptyString, CppcheckXml::AddonElementName, nullptr); else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::TagsElementName) == 0) node->Attribute(CppcheckXml::TagElementName); // FIXME: Write some warning else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::ToolsElementName) == 0) { const std::list toolList = readXmlStringList(node, emptyString, CppcheckXml::ToolElementName, nullptr); for (const std::string &toolName : toolList) { if (toolName == CppcheckXml::ClangTidy) temp.clangTidy = true; } } else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::CheckHeadersElementName) == 0) temp.checkHeaders = (strcmp(node->GetText(), "true") == 0); else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::CheckUnusedTemplatesElementName) == 0) temp.checkUnusedTemplates = (strcmp(node->GetText(), "true") == 0); else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::MaxCtuDepthElementName) == 0) temp.maxCtuDepth = std::atoi(node->GetText()); else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::MaxTemplateRecursionElementName) == 0) temp.maxTemplateRecursion = std::atoi(node->GetText()); else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::CheckUnknownFunctionReturn) == 0) ; // TODO else if (strcmp(node->Name(), Settings::SafeChecks::XmlRootName) == 0) { for (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *child = node->FirstChildElement(); child; child = child->NextSiblingElement()) { if (strcmp(child->Name(), Settings::SafeChecks::XmlClasses) == 0) temp.safeChecks.classes = true; else if (strcmp(child->Name(), Settings::SafeChecks::XmlExternalFunctions) == 0) temp.safeChecks.externalFunctions = true; else if (strcmp(child->Name(), Settings::SafeChecks::XmlInternalFunctions) == 0) temp.safeChecks.internalFunctions = true; else if (strcmp(child->Name(), Settings::SafeChecks::XmlExternalVariables) == 0) temp.safeChecks.externalVariables = true; else return false; } } else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::TagWarningsElementName) == 0) ; // TODO // Cppcheck Premium features else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::BughuntingElementName) == 0) temp.premiumArgs += " --bughunting"; else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::CertIntPrecisionElementName) == 0) temp.premiumArgs += std::string(" --cert-c-int-precision=") + (node->GetText() ? node->GetText() : "0"); else if (strcmp(node->Name(), CppcheckXml::CodingStandardsElementName) == 0) { for (const tinyxml2::XMLElement *child = node->FirstChildElement(); child; child = child->NextSiblingElement()) { if (strcmp(child->Name(), CppcheckXml::CodingStandardElementName) == 0 && child->GetText()) temp.premiumArgs += std::string(" --") + child->GetText(); } } else return false; } settings->basePaths = temp.basePaths; settings->relativePaths |= temp.relativePaths; settings->buildDir = temp.buildDir; settings->includePaths = temp.includePaths; settings->userDefines = temp.userDefines; settings->userUndefs = temp.userUndefs; settings->addons = temp.addons; settings->clang = temp.clang; settings->clangTidy = temp.clangTidy; if (!settings->premiumArgs.empty()) settings->premiumArgs += temp.premiumArgs; else if (!temp.premiumArgs.empty()) settings->premiumArgs = temp.premiumArgs.substr(1); for (const std::string &p : paths) guiProject.pathNames.push_back(p); for (const Suppressions::Suppression &supp : suppressions) settings->nomsg.addSuppression(supp); settings->checkHeaders = temp.checkHeaders; settings->checkUnusedTemplates = temp.checkUnusedTemplates; settings->maxCtuDepth = temp.maxCtuDepth; settings->maxTemplateRecursion = temp.maxTemplateRecursion; settings->safeChecks = temp.safeChecks; return true; } void ImportProject::selectOneVsConfig(Settings::PlatformType platform) { std::set filenames; for (std::list::iterator it = fileSettings.begin(); it != fileSettings.end();) { if (it->cfg.empty()) { ++it; continue; } const ImportProject::FileSettings &fs = *it; bool remove = false; if (fs.cfg.compare(0,5,"Debug") != 0) remove = true; if (platform == Settings::Win64 && fs.platformType != platform) remove = true; else if ((platform == Settings::Win32A || platform == Settings::Win32W) && fs.platformType == Settings::Win64) remove = true; else if (fs.platformType != Settings::Win64 && platform == Settings::Win64) remove = true; else if (filenames.find(fs.filename) != filenames.end()) remove = true; if (remove) { it = fileSettings.erase(it); } else { filenames.insert(fs.filename); ++it; } } } std::list ImportProject::getVSConfigs() { return std::list(mAllVSConfigs.begin(), mAllVSConfigs.end()); } void ImportProject::setRelativePaths(const std::string &filename) { if (Path::isAbsolute(filename)) return; const std::vector basePaths{Path::fromNativeSeparators(Path::getCurrentPath())}; for (auto &fs: fileSettings) { fs.filename = Path::getRelativePath(fs.filename, basePaths); for (auto &includePath: fs.includePaths) includePath = Path::getRelativePath(includePath, basePaths); } } void ImportProject::printError(const std::string &message) { std::cout << "cppcheck: error: " << message << std::endl; } bool ImportProject::sourceFileExists(const std::string &file) { return Path::fileExists(file); }