#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Server for 'donate-cpu.py' # Runs only under Python 3. import collections import glob import json import os import socket import re import datetime import time import traceback from threading import Thread import sys import urllib.request import urllib.parse import urllib.error import logging import logging.handlers import operator import html as html_lib from urllib.parse import urlparse # Version scheme (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH) should orientate on "Semantic Versioning" https://semver.org/ # Every change in this script should result in increasing the version number accordingly (exceptions may be cosmetic # changes) SERVER_VERSION = "1.3.42" OLD_VERSION = '2.11' HEAD_MARKER = 'head results:' INFO_MARKER = 'info messages:' # Set up logging logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Logging to console handler_stream = logging.StreamHandler() logger.addHandler(handler_stream) # Log errors to a rotating file logfile = sys.path[0] if logfile: logfile += '/' logfile += 'donate-cpu-server.log' handler_file = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(filename=logfile, maxBytes=100*1024, backupCount=1) handler_file.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(message)s')) handler_file.setLevel(logging.ERROR) logger.addHandler(handler_file) def print_ts(msg) -> None: dt = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') print('[{}] {}'.format(dt, msg)) # Set up an exception hook for all uncaught exceptions so they can be logged def handle_uncaught_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): if issubclass(exc_type, KeyboardInterrupt): sys.__excepthook__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) return logging.error("Uncaught exception", exc_info=(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)) sys.excepthook = handle_uncaught_exception def strDateTime() -> str: return datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') def dateTimeFromStr(datestr: str) -> datetime.datetime: return datetime.datetime.strptime(datestr, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') def overviewReport() -> str: html = '\n' html += '
\n' + fmt('Package', 'Date Time', OLD_VERSION, 'Head', 'Diff', link=False) + '\n' # Write report for latest results for filename in latestResults: if not os.path.isfile(filename): continue package = filename[filename.rfind('/')+1:] current_year = datetime.date.today().year datestr = None count = ['0', '0'] lost = 0 added = 0 for line in open(filename, 'rt'): line = line.strip() if datestr is None and line.startswith(str(current_year) + '-') or line.startswith(str(current_year - 1) + '-'): datestr = line #elif line.startswith('cppcheck:'): # cppcheck = line[9:] elif line.startswith('count: '): count = line.split(' ')[1:] elif line.startswith('head ') and not line.startswith('head results:'): added += 1 elif line.startswith(OLD_VERSION + ' '): lost += 1 diff = '' if lost > 0: diff += '-' + str(lost) if added > 0: diff += '+' + str(added) html += fmt(package, datestr, count[1], count[0], diff) + '\n' html += '\n' return html def crashReport(results_path: str, query_params: dict): pkgs = '' if query_params.get('pkgs') == '1' else None html = '\n' html += '
\n' html += '' + fmt('Package', 'Date Time', OLD_VERSION, 'Head', link=False) + '\n' current_year = datetime.date.today().year stack_traces = {} for filename in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(results_path + '/*'))): if not os.path.isfile(filename) or filename.endswith('.diff'): continue with open(filename, 'rt') as file_: datestr = None package_url = None for line in file_: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('cppcheck: '): if OLD_VERSION not in line: # Package results seem to be too old, skip break else: # Current package, parse on continue if datestr is None and line.startswith(str(current_year) + '-') or line.startswith(str(current_year - 1) + '-'): datestr = line elif pkgs is not None and package_url is None and line.startswith('ftp://'): package_url = line elif line.startswith('count:'): if line.find('Crash') < 0: break package = filename[filename.rfind('/')+1:] counts = line.split(' ') c_version = '' if counts[2] == 'Crash!': c_version = 'Crash' c_head = '' if counts[1] == 'Crash!': c_head = 'Crash' html += fmt(package, datestr, c_version, c_head) + '\n' if c_head != 'Crash': break if package_url is not None: pkgs += '{}\n'.format(package_url) elif line.find(' received signal ') != -1: crash_line = next(file_, '').strip() location_index = crash_line.rfind(' at ') if location_index > 0: code_line = next(file_, '').strip() else: code_line = '' stack_trace = [] while True: l = next(file_, '') if not l.strip(): break # #0 0x00007ffff71cbf67 in raise () from /lib64/libc.so.6 m = re.search(r'(?P\n' html += '#\d+) .* in (?P .+)\(.*\) from (?P .*)$', l) if m: #print('0 - {} - {} - {}'.format(m.group('number'), m.group('function'), m.group('binary'))) stack_trace.append(m.group('number') + ' ' + m.group('function') + '(...) from ' + m.group('binary')) continue # #11 0x00000000006f2414 in valueFlowNumber (tokenlist=tokenlist@entry=0x7fffffffc610) at build/valueflow.cpp:2503 m = re.search(r'(?P #\d+) .* in (?P .+?) \(.*\) at (?P .*)$', l) if m: #print('1 - {} - {} - {}'.format(m.group('number'), m.group('function'), m.group('location'))) stack_trace.append(m.group('number') + ' ' + m.group('function') + '(...) at ' + m.group('location')) continue # #18 ForwardTraversal::updateRecursive (this=0x7fffffffb3c0, tok=0x14668a0) at build/forwardanalyzer.cpp:415 m = re.search(r'(?P #\d+) (?P .+)\(.*\) at (?P .*)$', l) if m: #print('2 - {} - {} - {}'.format(m.group('number'), m.group('function'), m.group('location'))) stack_trace.append(m.group('number') + ' ' + m.group('function') + '(...) at ' + m.group('location')) continue print_ts('{} - unmatched stack frame - {}'.format(package, l)) break key = hash(' '.join(stack_trace)) if key in stack_traces: stack_traces[key]['code_line'] = code_line stack_traces[key]['stack_trace'] = stack_trace stack_traces[key]['n'] += 1 stack_traces[key]['packages'].append(package) else: stack_traces[key] = {'stack_trace': stack_trace, 'n': 1, 'code_line': code_line, 'packages': [package], 'crash_line': crash_line} break html += '
\n' html += 'Stack traces\n' for stack_trace in sorted(list(stack_traces.values()), key=lambda x: x['n'], reverse=True): html += 'Packages: ' + ' '.join(['' + p + '' for p in stack_trace['packages']]) + '\n' html += html_lib.escape(stack_trace['crash_line']) + '\n' html += html_lib.escape(stack_trace['code_line']) + '\n' html += html_lib.escape('\n'.join(stack_trace['stack_trace'])) + '\n\n' html += '\n' html += '\n' if pkgs is not None: return pkgs, 'text/plain' return html, 'text/html' def timeoutReport(results_path: str) -> str: html = '\n' html += '
\n' html += '' + fmt('Package', 'Date Time', OLD_VERSION, 'Head', link=False) + '\n' current_year = datetime.date.today().year for filename in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(results_path + '/*'))): if not os.path.isfile(filename) or filename.endswith('.diff'): continue with open(filename, 'rt') as file_: datestr = None for line in file_: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('cppcheck: '): if OLD_VERSION not in line: # Package results seem to be too old, skip break else: # Current package, parse on continue if datestr is None and line.startswith(str(current_year) + '-') or line.startswith(str(current_year - 1) + '-'): datestr = line elif line.startswith('count:'): if line.find('TO!') < 0: break package = filename[filename.rfind('/')+1:] counts = line.split(' ') c2 = '' if counts[2] == 'TO!': c2 = 'Timeout' c1 = '' if counts[1] == 'TO!': c1 = 'Timeout' html += fmt(package, datestr, c2, c1) + '\n' break html += '\n' html += '\n' return html def staleReport(results_path: str) -> str: html = '\n' html += '
\n' html += '' + fmt('Package', 'Date Time', link=False) + '\n' current_year = datetime.date.today().year for filename in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(results_path + '/*'))): if not os.path.isfile(filename) or filename.endswith('.diff'): continue for line in open(filename, 'rt'): line = line.strip() if line.startswith(str(current_year) + '-') or line.startswith(str(current_year - 1) + '-'): datestr = line else: continue dt = dateTimeFromStr(datestr) diff = datetime.datetime.now() - dt if diff.days < 30: continue package = filename[filename.rfind('/')+1:] html += fmt(package, datestr) + '\n' break html += '\n' html += '\n' return html def diffReportFromDict(out: dict, today: str) -> str: html = '
\n' html += 'MessageID ' + OLD_VERSION + ' Head\n' sum0 = 0 sum1 = 0 for messageId in sorted(out.keys()): line = messageId + ' ' counts = out[messageId] sum0 += counts[0] sum1 += counts[1] if counts[0] > 0: c = str(counts[0]) while len(line) < 40 - len(c): line += ' ' line += c + ' ' if counts[1] > 0: c = str(counts[1]) while len(line) < 48 - len(c): line += ' ' line += c line = '' + messageId + '' + line[line.find(' '):] html += line + '\n' # Sum html += '================================================\n' line = '' while len(line) < 40 - len(str(sum0)): line += ' ' line += str(sum0) + ' ' while len(line) < 48 - len(str(sum1)): line += ' ' line += str(sum1) html += line + '\n' html += '\n' return html def diffReport(resultsPath: str) -> str: out = {} outToday = {} today = strDateTime()[:10] for filename in sorted(glob.glob(resultsPath + '/*.diff')): if not os.path.isfile(filename): continue with open(filename, 'rt') as f: data = json.loads(f.read()) uploadedToday = data['date'] == today for messageId in data['sums']: sums = data['sums'][messageId] if OLD_VERSION not in sums: continue if messageId not in out: out[messageId] = [0, 0] out[messageId][0] += sums[OLD_VERSION] out[messageId][1] += sums['head'] if uploadedToday: if messageId not in outToday: outToday[messageId] = [0, 0] outToday[messageId][0] += sums[OLD_VERSION] outToday[messageId][1] += sums['head'] html = '\n' html += '
\n' html += 'MessageID Count\n' sumTotal = 0 for messageId in sorted(out.keys()): line = messageId + ' ' counts = out[messageId] sumTotal += counts if counts > 0: c = str(counts) while len(line) < 48 - len(c): line += ' ' line += c + ' ' line = '' + messageId + '' + line[line.find(' '):] html += line + '\n' # Sum html += '================================================\n' line = '' while len(line) < 48 - len(str(sumTotal)): line += ' ' line += str(sumTotal) + ' ' html += line + '\n' html += '\n' return html def summaryReport(resultsPath: str, name: str, prefix: str, marker: str) -> str: out = {} outToday = {} today = strDateTime()[:10] for filename in sorted(glob.glob(resultsPath + '/*')): if not os.path.isfile(filename) or filename.endswith('.diff'): continue uploadedToday = False firstLine = True inResults = False for line in open(filename, 'rt'): if firstLine: if line.startswith(today): uploadedToday = True firstLine = False continue line = line.strip() if line.startswith('cppcheck: '): if OLD_VERSION not in line: # Package results seem to be too old, skip break else: # Current package, parse on continue if line.startswith(marker): inResults = True continue if line.startswith('diff:'): if inResults: break if not inResults: continue if not line.endswith(']'): continue if ': note: ' in line: # notes normally do not contain message ids but can end with ']' continue message_id_start_pos = line.rfind('[') if message_id_start_pos <= 0: continue messageId = line[message_id_start_pos+1:len(line)-1] if ' ' in messageId: # skip invalid messageIds continue if messageId not in out: out[messageId] = 0 out[messageId] += 1 if uploadedToday: if messageId not in outToday: outToday[messageId] = 0 outToday[messageId] += 1 html = '\n' html += '
\n' column_width = [40, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10] html += '' html += fmt('Package', 'Date Time', OLD_VERSION, 'Head', 'Factor', link=False, column_width=column_width) html += '\n' current_year = datetime.date.today().year data = {} total_time_base = 0.0 total_time_head = 0.0 for filename in glob.glob(resultPath + '/*'): if not os.path.isfile(filename) or filename.endswith('.diff'): continue datestr = None package_url = None for line in open(filename, 'rt'): line = line.strip() if line.startswith('cppcheck: '): if OLD_VERSION not in line: # Package results seem to be too old, skip break else: # Current package, parse on continue if datestr is None and line.startswith(str(current_year) + '-') or line.startswith(str(current_year - 1) + '-'): datestr = line continue elif pkgs is not None and package_url is None and line.startswith('ftp://'): package_url = line if not line.startswith('elapsed-time:'): continue split_line = line.split() time_base = float(split_line[2]) time_head = float(split_line[1]) if time_base < 0.0 or time_head < 0.0: # ignore results with crashes / errors for the time report break if time_base == 0.0 and time_head == 0.0: # no difference possible break total_time_base += time_base total_time_head += time_head if time_base == time_head: # no difference break if time_base > 0.0 and time_head > 0.0: time_factor = time_head / time_base elif time_base == 0.0: # the smallest possible value is 0.1 so treat that as an increase of 100% # on top of the existing 100% (treating the base 0.0 as such). time_factor = 1.0 + (time_head * 10) else: time_factor = 0.0 suspicious_time_difference = False if show_gt and time_factor > factor: suspicious_time_difference = True elif not show_gt and time_factor < factor: suspicious_time_difference = True if suspicious_time_difference: pkg_name = filename[len(resultPath)+1:] data[pkg_name] = (datestr, split_line[2], split_line[1], time_factor) if package_url is not None: pkgs += '{}\n'.format(package_url) break sorted_data = sorted(data.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1][3], reverse=show_gt) sorted_dict = collections.OrderedDict(sorted_data) for key in sorted_dict: html += fmt(key, sorted_dict[key][0], sorted_dict[key][1], sorted_dict[key][2], '{:.2f}'.format(sorted_dict[key][3]), column_width=column_width) + '\n' html += '\n' html += '(listed above are all suspicious timings with a factor ' html += '>' if show_gt else '<' html += ' {}'.format(format(factor, '.2f')) html += ')\n' html += '\n' if total_time_base > 0.0: total_time_factor = total_time_head / total_time_base else: total_time_factor = 0.0 html += 'Time for all packages (not just the ones listed above):\n' html += fmt('Total time:', '', '{:.1f}'.format(total_time_base), '{:.1f}'.format(total_time_head), '{:.2f}'.format(total_time_factor), link=False, column_width=column_width) html += '\n' html += '\n' html += '\n' if pkgs is not None: return pkgs, 'text/plain' return html, 'text/html' def timeReportSlow(resultPath: str) -> str: title = 'Time report (slowest)' html = '\n' html += '
\n' html += '' html += fmt('Package', 'Date Time', OLD_VERSION, 'Head', link=False) html += '\n' current_year = datetime.date.today().year data = {} for filename in glob.glob(resultPath + '/*'): if not os.path.isfile(filename) or filename.endswith('.diff'): continue datestr = None for line in open(filename, 'rt'): line = line.strip() if line.startswith('cppcheck: '): if OLD_VERSION not in line: # Package results seem to be too old, skip break else: # Current package, parse on continue if datestr is None and line.startswith(str(current_year) + '-') or line.startswith(str(current_year - 1) + '-'): datestr = line continue elif line.startswith('count:'): count_head = line.split()[1] if count_head == 'TO!': # ignore results with timeouts break continue if not line.startswith('elapsed-time:'): continue split_line = line.split() time_base = float(split_line[2]) time_head = float(split_line[1]) if time_base < 0.0 or time_head < 0.0: # ignore results with crashes / errors break pkg_name = filename[len(resultPath)+1:] data[pkg_name] = (datestr, split_line[2], split_line[1], time_head) break sorted_data = sorted(data.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1][3]) if len(data) > 100: first_key, _ = sorted_data[0] # remove the entry with the lowest run-time del data[first_key] sorted_data = sorted(data.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1][3], reverse=True) sorted_dict = collections.OrderedDict(sorted_data) for key in sorted_dict: html += fmt(key, sorted_dict[key][0], sorted_dict[key][1], sorted_dict[key][2]) + '\n' html += '\n' html += '\n' return html def check_library_report(result_path: str, message_id: str) -> str: if message_id not in ('checkLibraryNoReturn', 'checkLibraryFunction', 'checkLibraryUseIgnore', 'checkLibraryCheckType', 'valueFlowBailoutIncompleteVar'): error_message = 'Invalid value ' + message_id + ' for message_id parameter.' print_ts(error_message) return error_message if message_id == 'valueFlowBailoutIncompleteVar': metric = 'variables' m_column = 'Variable' metric_link = 'incomplete_var' elif message_id == 'checkLibraryCheckType': metric = 'types' m_column = 'Type' metric_link = 'check_library' else: metric = 'functions' m_column = 'Function' metric_link = 'check_library' functions_shown_max = 5000 html = '\n' html += '
\n' column_widths = [10, 100] html += '' html += 'Count'.rjust(column_widths[0]) + ' ' + m_column html += '\n' function_counts = {} for filename in glob.glob(result_path + '/*'): if not os.path.isfile(filename) or filename.endswith('.diff'): continue info_messages = False for line in open(filename, 'rt'): if line.startswith('cppcheck: '): if OLD_VERSION not in line: # Package results seem to be too old, skip break else: # Current package, parse on continue if message_id != 'valueFlowBailoutIncompleteVar': if line == 'info messages:\n': info_messages = True if not info_messages: continue if line.endswith('[' + message_id + ']\n'): if message_id == 'valueFlowBailoutIncompleteVar': marker = 'incomplete variable ' function_name = line[(line.find(marker) + len(marker)):line.rfind('[') - 1] elif message_id == 'checkLibraryFunction': marker = 'for function ' function_name = line[(line.find(marker) + len(marker)):line.rfind('[') - 1] elif message_id == 'checkLibraryCheckType': marker = 'configuration for ' function_name = line[(line.find(marker) + len(marker)):line.rfind('[') - 1] else: marker = ': Function ' function_name = line[(line.find(marker) + len(marker)):line.rfind('should have') - 1] function_counts[function_name] = function_counts.setdefault(function_name, 0) + 1 function_details_list = [] for function_name, count in sorted(list(function_counts.items()), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True): if len(function_details_list) >= functions_shown_max: break function_details_list.append(str(count).rjust(column_widths[0]) + ' ' + '' + function_name + '\n') html += ''.join(function_details_list) html += '\n' html += '\n' return html # Lists all checkLibrary* messages regarding the given function name def check_library_function_name(result_path: str, function_name: str, is_var: bool=False) -> str: if is_var: id = '[valueFlowBailoutIncompleteVar' else: function_name = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(function_name) if function_name.endswith('()'): id = '[checkLibrary' else: id = '[checkLibraryCheckType]' output_lines_list = [] for filename in glob.glob(result_path + '/*'): if not os.path.isfile(filename) or filename.endswith('.diff'): continue info_messages = False url = None cppcheck_options = None for line in open(filename, 'rt'): if line.startswith('ftp://'): url = line continue if line.startswith('cppcheck-options:'): cppcheck_options = line continue if not is_var: if line == 'info messages:\n': info_messages = True continue if not info_messages: continue if id in line: if (' ' + function_name + ' ') in line: if url: output_lines_list.append(url) url = None if cppcheck_options: output_lines_list.append(cppcheck_options) cppcheck_options = None output_lines_list.append(line) return ''.join(output_lines_list) def sendAll(connection: socket.socket, text: str) -> None: data = text.encode('utf-8', 'ignore') while data: num = connection.send(data) if num < len(data): data = data[num:] else: data = None def httpGetResponse(connection: socket.socket, data: str, contentType: str) -> None: resp = 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n' resp += 'Connection: close\r\n' resp += 'Content-length: ' + str(len(data)) + '\r\n' resp += 'Content-type: ' + contentType + '\r\n\r\n' resp += data sendAll(connection, resp) class HttpClientThread(Thread): def __init__(self, connection: socket.socket, cmd: str, resultPath: str, latestResults: list) -> None: Thread.__init__(self) self.connection = connection self.cmd = cmd[:cmd.find('\r\n')] self.resultPath = resultPath self.infoPath = os.path.join(self.resultPath, 'info_output') self.latestResults = latestResults # TODO: use a proper parser @staticmethod def parse_req(cmd): req_parts = cmd.split(' ') if len(req_parts) != 3 or req_parts[0] != 'GET' or not req_parts[2].startswith('HTTP'): return None, None url_obj = urlparse(req_parts[1]) return url_obj.path, dict(urllib.parse.parse_qsl(url_obj.query)) def run(self): try: cmd = self.cmd print_ts(cmd) url, queryParams = self.parse_req(cmd) if url is None: print_ts('invalid request: {}'.format(cmd)) self.connection.close() return if url == '/': html = overviewReport() httpGetResponse(self.connection, html, 'text/html') elif url == '/latest.html': html = latestReport(self.latestResults) httpGetResponse(self.connection, html, 'text/html') elif url == '/crash.html': text, mime = crashReport(self.resultPath, queryParams) httpGetResponse(self.connection, text, mime) elif url == '/timeout.html': html = timeoutReport(self.resultPath) httpGetResponse(self.connection, html, 'text/html') elif url == '/stale.html': html = staleReport(self.resultPath) httpGetResponse(self.connection, html, 'text/html') elif url == '/diff.html': html = diffReport(self.resultPath) httpGetResponse(self.connection, html, 'text/html') elif url.startswith('/difftoday-'): messageId = url[len('/difftoday-'):] text = diffMessageIdTodayReport(self.resultPath, messageId) httpGetResponse(self.connection, text, 'text/plain') elif url.startswith('/diff-'): messageId = url[len('/diff-'):] text = diffMessageIdReport(self.resultPath, messageId) httpGetResponse(self.connection, text, 'text/plain') elif url == '/head.html': html = headReport(self.resultPath) httpGetResponse(self.connection, html, 'text/html') elif url == '/headinfo.html': html = infoReport(self.infoPath) httpGetResponse(self.connection, html, 'text/html') elif url.startswith('/headtoday-'): messageId = url[len('/headtoday-'):] text = headMessageIdTodayReport(self.resultPath, messageId) httpGetResponse(self.connection, text, 'text/plain') elif url.startswith('/headinfotoday-'): messageId = url[len('/headinfotoday-'):] text = infoMessageIdTodayReport(self.infoPath, messageId) httpGetResponse(self.connection, text, 'text/plain') elif url.startswith('/head-'): messageId = url[len('/head-'):] text = headMessageIdReport(self.resultPath, messageId, queryParams) httpGetResponse(self.connection, text, 'text/plain') elif url.startswith('/headinfo-'): messageId = url[len('/headinfo-'):] text = infoMessageIdReport(self.infoPath, messageId, queryParams) httpGetResponse(self.connection, text, 'text/plain') elif url == '/time_lt.html': text, mime = timeReport(self.resultPath, False, queryParams) httpGetResponse(self.connection, text, mime) elif url == '/time_gt.html': text, mime = timeReport(self.resultPath, True, queryParams) httpGetResponse(self.connection, text, mime) elif url == '/time_slow.html': text = timeReportSlow(self.resultPath) httpGetResponse(self.connection, text, 'text/html') elif url == '/check_library_function_report.html': text = check_library_report(self.infoPath, message_id='checkLibraryFunction') httpGetResponse(self.connection, text, 'text/html') elif url == '/check_library_noreturn_report.html': text = check_library_report(self.infoPath, message_id='checkLibraryNoReturn') httpGetResponse(self.connection, text, 'text/html') elif url == '/check_library_use_ignore_report.html': text = check_library_report(self.infoPath, message_id='checkLibraryUseIgnore') httpGetResponse(self.connection, text, 'text/html') elif url == '/check_library_check_type_report.html': text = check_library_report(self.infoPath, message_id='checkLibraryCheckType') httpGetResponse(self.connection, text, 'text/html') elif url.startswith('/check_library-'): function_name = url[len('/check_library-'):] text = check_library_function_name(self.infoPath, function_name) httpGetResponse(self.connection, text, 'text/plain') elif url == '/value_flow_bailout_incomplete_var.html': text = check_library_report(self.resultPath, message_id='valueFlowBailoutIncompleteVar') httpGetResponse(self.connection, text, 'text/html') elif url.startswith('/incomplete_var-'): var_name = url[len('/incomplete_var-'):] text = check_library_function_name(self.resultPath, var_name, True) httpGetResponse(self.connection, text, 'text/plain') else: filename = resultPath + url if not os.path.isfile(filename): print_ts('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found') self.connection.send(b'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n\r\n') else: with open(filename, 'rt') as f: data = f.read() httpGetResponse(self.connection, data, 'text/plain') except: tb = "".join(traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2])) print_ts(tb) httpGetResponse(self.connection, tb, 'text/plain') finally: time.sleep(1) self.connection.close() def read_data(connection, cmd, pos_nl, max_data_size, check_done, cmd_name, timeout=10): data = cmd[pos_nl+1:] t = 0.0 try: while (len(data) < max_data_size) and (not check_done or not data.endswith('\nDONE')) and (timeout > 0 and t < timeout): bytes_received = connection.recv(1024) if bytes_received: try: text_received = bytes_received.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') except UnicodeDecodeError as e: print_ts('Error: Decoding failed ({}): {}'.format(cmd_name, e)) data = None break t = 0.0 data += text_received elif not check_done: break else: time.sleep(0.2) t += 0.2 connection.close() except socket.error as e: print_ts('Socket error occurred ({}): {}'.format(cmd_name, e)) data = None if timeout > 0 and t >= timeout: print_ts('Timeout occurred ({}).'.format(cmd_name)) data = None return data def server(server_address_port: int, packages: list, packageIndex: int, resultPath: str) -> None: socket.setdefaulttimeout(30) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) server_address = ('', server_address_port) sock.bind(server_address) sock.listen(1) latestResults = [] if os.path.isfile('latest.txt'): with open('latest.txt', 'rt') as f: latestResults = f.read().strip().split(' ') print_ts('version ' + SERVER_VERSION) print_ts('listening on port ' + str(server_address_port)) while True: # wait for a connection print_ts('waiting for a connection') connection, client_address = sock.accept() try: bytes_received = connection.recv(128) cmd = bytes_received.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') except socket.error: connection.close() continue except UnicodeDecodeError as e: connection.close() print_ts('Error: Decoding failed: ' + str(e)) continue pos_nl = cmd.find('\n') if pos_nl < 1: print_ts('No newline found in data.') continue firstLine = cmd[:pos_nl] if re.match('[a-zA-Z0-9./ ]+', firstLine) is None: print_ts('Unsupported characters found in command: {}'.format(firstLine)) connection.close() continue if cmd.startswith('GET /'): newThread = HttpClientThread(connection, cmd, resultPath, latestResults) newThread.start() elif cmd == 'GetCppcheckVersions\n': reply = 'head ' + OLD_VERSION print_ts('GetCppcheckVersions: ' + reply) connection.send(reply.encode('utf-8', 'ignore')) connection.close() elif cmd == 'get\n': while True: pkg = packages[packageIndex] packageIndex += 1 if packageIndex >= len(packages): packageIndex = 0 if pkg is not None: break with open('package-index.txt', 'wt') as f: f.write(str(packageIndex) + '\n') print_ts('get:' + pkg) connection.send(pkg.encode('utf-8', 'ignore')) connection.close() elif cmd.startswith('write\nftp://') or cmd.startswith('write\nhttp://'): data = read_data(connection, cmd, pos_nl, max_data_size=2 * 1024 * 1024, check_done=True, cmd_name='write') if data is None: continue pos = data.find('\n') if pos == -1: print_ts('No newline found in data. Ignoring result data.') continue if pos < 10: print_ts('Data is less than 10 characters. Ignoring result data.') continue url = data[:pos] print_ts('write:' + url) # save data res = re.match(r'ftp://.*pool/main/[^/]+/([^/]+)/[^/]*tar.(gz|bz2|xz)', url) if res is None: res = re.match(r'https?://cppcheck\.sf\.net/([a-z]+).tgz', url) if res is None: print_ts('res is None. Ignoring result data.') continue if url not in packages: print_ts('Url is not in packages. Ignoring result data.') continue # Verify that head was compared to correct OLD_VERSION versions_found = False old_version_wrong = False for line in data.split('\n', 20): if line.startswith('cppcheck: '): versions_found = True if OLD_VERSION not in line.split(): print_ts('Compared to wrong old version. Should be ' + OLD_VERSION + '. Versions compared: ' + line + '. Ignoring result data.') old_version_wrong = True break if not versions_found: print_ts('Cppcheck versions missing in result data. Ignoring result data.') continue if old_version_wrong: print_ts('Unexpected old version. Ignoring result data.') continue print_ts('results added for package ' + res.group(1)) filename = os.path.join(resultPath, res.group(1)) with open(filename, 'wt') as f: f.write(strDateTime() + '\n' + data) # track latest added results.. if len(latestResults) >= 20: latestResults = latestResults[1:] latestResults.append(filename) with open('latest.txt', 'wt') as f: f.write(' '.join(latestResults)) # generate package.diff.. generate_package_diff_statistics(filename) elif cmd.startswith('write_info\nftp://') or cmd.startswith('write_info\nhttp://'): data = read_data(connection, cmd, pos_nl, max_data_size=1024 * 1024, check_done=True, cmd_name='write_info') if data is None: continue pos = data.find('\n') if pos == -1: print_ts('No newline found in data. Ignoring information data.') continue if pos < 10: print_ts('Data is less than 10 characters. Ignoring information data.') continue url = data[:pos] print_ts('write_info:' + url) # save data res = re.match(r'ftp://.*pool/main/[^/]+/([^/]+)/[^/]*tar.(gz|bz2|xz)', url) if res is None: res = re.match(r'https://cppcheck\.sf\.net/([a-z]+).tgz', url) if res is None: print_ts('res is None. Ignoring information data.') continue if url not in packages: print_ts('Url is not in packages. Ignoring information data.') continue print_ts('adding info output for package ' + res.group(1)) info_path = resultPath + '/' + 'info_output' if not os.path.exists(info_path): os.mkdir(info_path) filename = info_path + '/' + res.group(1) with open(filename, 'wt') as f: f.write(strDateTime() + '\n' + data) elif cmd == 'getPackagesCount\n': packages_count = str(len(packages)) connection.send(packages_count.encode('utf-8', 'ignore')) connection.close() print_ts('getPackagesCount: ' + packages_count) continue elif cmd.startswith('getPackageIdx'): request_idx = abs(int(cmd[len('getPackageIdx:'):])) if request_idx < len(packages): pkg = packages[request_idx] connection.send(pkg.encode('utf-8', 'ignore')) connection.close() print_ts('getPackageIdx: ' + pkg) else: connection.close() print_ts('getPackageIdx: index is out of range') continue elif cmd.startswith('write_nodata\nftp://'): data = read_data(connection, cmd, pos_nl, max_data_size=8 * 1024, check_done=False, cmd_name='write_nodata') if data is None: continue pos = data.find('\n') if pos == -1: print_ts('No newline found in data. Ignoring no-data data.') continue if pos < 10: print_ts('Data is less than 10 characters ({}). Ignoring no-data data.'.format(pos)) continue url = data[:pos] startIdx = packageIndex currentIdx = packageIndex while True: if packages[currentIdx] == url: packages[currentIdx] = None print_ts('write_nodata:' + url) with open('packages_nodata.txt', 'at') as f: f.write(url + '\n') break if currentIdx == 0: currentIdx = len(packages) - 1 else: currentIdx -= 1 if currentIdx == startIdx: print_ts('write_nodata:' + url + ' - package not found') break connection.close() else: if pos_nl < 0: print_ts('invalid command: "' + firstLine + '"') else: lines = cmd.split('\n') s = '\\n'.join(lines[:2]) if len(lines) > 2: s += '...' print_ts('invalid command: "' + s + '"') connection.close() if __name__ == "__main__": workPath = '/var/daca@home' if not os.path.isdir(workPath): workPath = os.path.expanduser('~/daca@home') os.chdir(workPath) print_ts('work path: ' + workPath) resultPath = workPath + '/donated-results' if not os.path.isdir(resultPath): print_ts("fatal: result path '{}' is missing".format(resultPath)) sys.exit(1) with open('packages.txt', 'rt') as f: packages = [val.strip() for val in f.readlines()] print_ts('packages: {}'.format(len(packages))) if os.path.isfile('packages_nodata.txt'): with open('packages_nodata.txt', 'rt') as f: packages_nodata = [val.strip() for val in f.readlines()] packages_nodata.sort() print_ts('packages_nodata: {}'.format(len(packages_nodata))) print_ts('removing packages with no files to process'.format(len(packages_nodata))) packages_nodata_clean = [] for pkg_n in packages_nodata: if pkg_n in packages: packages.remove(pkg_n) packages_nodata_clean.append(pkg_n) packages_nodata_diff = len(packages_nodata) - len(packages_nodata_clean) if packages_nodata_diff: with open('packages_nodata.txt', 'wt') as f: for pkg in packages_nodata_clean: f.write(pkg + '\n') print_ts('removed {} packages from packages_nodata.txt'.format(packages_nodata_diff)) print_ts('packages: {}'.format(len(packages))) if len(packages) == 0: print_ts('fatal: there are no packages') sys.exit(1) packageIndex = 0 if os.path.isfile('package-index.txt'): with open('package-index.txt', 'rt') as f: packageIndex = int(f.read()) if packageIndex < 0 or packageIndex >= len(packages): packageIndex = 0 server_address_port = 8000 if '--test' in sys.argv[1:]: server_address_port = 8001 try: server(server_address_port, packages, packageIndex, resultPath) except socket.timeout: print_ts('Timeout!')