/* * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis * Copyright (C) 2007-2018 Cppcheck team. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "config.h" #include "cppcheck.h" #include "settings.h" #include "suppressions.h" #include "testsuite.h" #include "threadexecutor.h" #include <cstddef> #include <list> #include <map> #include <string> #include <utility> #include <vector> class TestSuppressions : public TestFixture { public: TestSuppressions() : TestFixture("TestSuppressions") { } private: void run() override { TEST_CASE(suppressionsBadId1); TEST_CASE(suppressionsDosFormat); // Ticket #1836 TEST_CASE(suppressionsFileNameWithColon); // Ticket #1919 - filename includes colon TEST_CASE(suppressionsGlob); TEST_CASE(suppressionsFileNameWithExtraPath); TEST_CASE(suppressionsSettings); TEST_CASE(suppressionsMultiFile); TEST_CASE(suppressionsPathSeparator); TEST_CASE(inlinesuppress); TEST_CASE(inlinesuppress_symbolname); TEST_CASE(inlinesuppress_comment); TEST_CASE(globalSuppressions); // Testing that global suppressions work (#8515) TEST_CASE(inlinesuppress_unusedFunction); // #4210 - unusedFunction TEST_CASE(globalsuppress_unusedFunction); // #4946 TEST_CASE(suppressionWithRelativePaths); // #4733 TEST_CASE(suppressingSyntaxErrors); // #7076 TEST_CASE(suppressingSyntaxErrorsInline); // #5917 TEST_CASE(symbol); TEST_CASE(unusedFunction); TEST_CASE(matchglob); } void suppressionsBadId1() const { Suppressions suppressions; std::istringstream s1("123"); ASSERT_EQUALS("Failed to add suppression. Invalid id \"123\"", suppressions.parseFile(s1)); std::istringstream s2("obsoleteFunctionsrand_r"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", suppressions.parseFile(s2)); } Suppressions::ErrorMessage errorMessage(const std::string &errorId) const { Suppressions::ErrorMessage ret; ret.errorId = errorId; return ret; } Suppressions::ErrorMessage errorMessage(const std::string &errorId, const std::string &file, int line) const { Suppressions::ErrorMessage ret; ret.errorId = errorId; ret.setFileName(file); ret.lineNumber = line; return ret; } void suppressionsDosFormat() const { Suppressions suppressions; std::istringstream s("abc\r\ndef\r\n"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", suppressions.parseFile(s)); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, suppressions.isSuppressed(errorMessage("abc"))); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, suppressions.isSuppressed(errorMessage("def"))); } void suppressionsFileNameWithColon() const { Suppressions suppressions; std::istringstream s("errorid:c:\\foo.cpp\nerrorid:c:\\bar.cpp:12"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", suppressions.parseFile(s)); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, suppressions.isSuppressed(errorMessage("errorid", "c:/foo.cpp", 1111))); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, suppressions.isSuppressed(errorMessage("errorid", "c:/bar.cpp", 10))); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, suppressions.isSuppressed(errorMessage("errorid", "c:/bar.cpp", 12))); } void suppressionsGlob() const { // Check for syntax errors in glob { Suppressions suppressions; std::istringstream s("errorid:**.cpp\n"); ASSERT_EQUALS("Failed to add suppression. Invalid glob pattern '**.cpp'.", suppressions.parseFile(s)); } // Check that globbing works { Suppressions suppressions; std::istringstream s("errorid:x*.cpp\nerrorid:y?.cpp\nerrorid:test.c*"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", suppressions.parseFile(s)); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, suppressions.isSuppressed(errorMessage("errorid", "xyz.cpp", 1))); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, suppressions.isSuppressed(errorMessage("errorid", "xyz.cpp.cpp", 1))); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, suppressions.isSuppressed(errorMessage("errorid", "abc.cpp", 1))); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, suppressions.isSuppressed(errorMessage("errorid", "ya.cpp", 1))); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, suppressions.isSuppressed(errorMessage("errorid", "y.cpp", 1))); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, suppressions.isSuppressed(errorMessage("errorid", "test.c", 1))); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, suppressions.isSuppressed(errorMessage("errorid", "test.cpp", 1))); } // Check that both a filename match and a glob match apply { Suppressions suppressions; std::istringstream s("errorid:x*.cpp\nerrorid:xyz.cpp:1\nerrorid:a*.cpp:1\nerrorid:abc.cpp:2"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", suppressions.parseFile(s)); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, suppressions.isSuppressed(errorMessage("errorid", "xyz.cpp", 1))); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, suppressions.isSuppressed(errorMessage("errorid", "xyz.cpp", 2))); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, suppressions.isSuppressed(errorMessage("errorid", "abc.cpp", 1))); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, suppressions.isSuppressed(errorMessage("errorid", "abc.cpp", 2))); } } void suppressionsFileNameWithExtraPath() const { // Ticket #2797 Suppressions suppressions; suppressions.addSuppressionLine("errorid:./a.c:123"); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, suppressions.isSuppressed(errorMessage("errorid", "a.c", 123))); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, suppressions.isSuppressed(errorMessage("errorid", "x/../a.c", 123))); } void reportSuppressions(const Settings &settings, const std::map<std::string, std::string> &files) { // make it verbose that this check is disabled const bool unusedFunctionCheck = false; if (settings.jointSuppressionReport) { for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator i = files.begin(); i != files.end(); ++i) { reportUnmatchedSuppressions(settings.nomsg.getUnmatchedLocalSuppressions(i->first, unusedFunctionCheck)); } } reportUnmatchedSuppressions(settings.nomsg.getUnmatchedGlobalSuppressions(unusedFunctionCheck)); } // Check the suppression unsigned int checkSuppression(const char code[], const std::string &suppression = emptyString) { std::map<std::string, std::string> files; files["test.cpp"] = code; return checkSuppression(files, suppression); } // Check the suppression for multiple files unsigned int checkSuppression(std::map<std::string, std::string> &files, const std::string &suppression = emptyString) { // Clear the error log errout.str(""); CppCheck cppCheck(*this, true); Settings& settings = cppCheck.settings(); settings.exitCode = 1; settings.inlineSuppressions = true; if (suppression == "unusedFunction") settings.addEnabled("unusedFunction"); settings.addEnabled("information"); settings.jointSuppressionReport = true; if (!suppression.empty()) { std::string r = settings.nomsg.addSuppressionLine(suppression); ASSERT_EQUALS("", r); } unsigned int exitCode = 0; for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator file = files.begin(); file != files.end(); ++file) { exitCode |= cppCheck.check(file->first, file->second); } if (cppCheck.analyseWholeProgram()) exitCode |= settings.exitCode; reportSuppressions(settings, files); return exitCode; } unsigned int checkSuppressionThreads(const char code[], const std::string &suppression = emptyString) { errout.str(""); output.str(""); std::map<std::string, std::size_t> files; files["test.cpp"] = 1; Settings settings; settings.jobs = 1; settings.inlineSuppressions = true; settings.addEnabled("information"); if (!suppression.empty()) { ASSERT_EQUALS("", settings.nomsg.addSuppressionLine(suppression)); } ThreadExecutor executor(files, settings, *this); for (std::map<std::string, std::size_t>::const_iterator i = files.begin(); i != files.end(); ++i) executor.addFileContent(i->first, code); unsigned int exitCode = executor.check(); std::map<std::string, std::string> files_for_report; for (std::map<std::string, std::size_t>::const_iterator file = files.begin(); file != files.end(); ++file) files_for_report[file->first] = ""; reportSuppressions(settings, files_for_report); return exitCode; } void runChecks(unsigned int (TestSuppressions::*check)(const char[], const std::string &)) { // check to make sure the appropriate error is present (this->*check)("void f() {\n" " int a;\n" " a++;\n" "}\n", ""); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (error) Uninitialized variable: a\n", errout.str()); // suppress uninitvar globally (this->*check)("void f() {\n" " int a;\n" " a++;\n" "}\n", "uninitvar"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); // suppress uninitvar globally, without error present (this->*check)("void f() {\n" " int a;\n" " b++;\n" "}\n", "uninitvar"); ASSERT_EQUALS("(information) Unmatched suppression: uninitvar\n", errout.str()); // suppress uninitvar for this file only (this->*check)("void f() {\n" " int a;\n" " a++;\n" "}\n", "uninitvar:test.cpp"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); // suppress uninitvar for this file only, without error present (this->*check)("void f() {\n" " int a;\n" " b++;\n" "}\n", "uninitvar:test.cpp"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp]: (information) Unmatched suppression: uninitvar\n", errout.str()); // suppress all for this file only (this->*check)("void f() {\n" " int a;\n" " a++;\n" "}\n", "*:test.cpp"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); // suppress all for this file only, without error present (this->*check)("void f() {\n" " int a;\n" " b++;\n" "}\n", "*:test.cpp"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp]: (information) Unmatched suppression: *\n", errout.str()); // suppress uninitvar for this file and line (this->*check)("void f() {\n" " int a;\n" " a++;\n" "}\n", "uninitvar:test.cpp:3"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); // suppress uninitvar for this file and line, without error present (this->*check)("void f() {\n" " int a;\n" " b++;\n" "}\n", "uninitvar:test.cpp:3"); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:3]: (information) Unmatched suppression: uninitvar\n", errout.str()); // suppress uninitvar inline (this->*check)("void f() {\n" " int a;\n" " // cppcheck-suppress uninitvar\n" " a++;\n" "}\n", ""); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); // suppress uninitvar inline (this->*check)("void f() {\n" " int a;\n" " // cppcheck-suppress uninitvar\n" "\n" " a++;\n" "}\n", ""); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); // suppress uninitvar inline (this->*check)("void f() {\n" " int a;\n" " /* cppcheck-suppress uninitvar */\n" " a++;\n" "}\n", ""); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); // suppress uninitvar inline (this->*check)("void f() {\n" " int a;\n" " /* cppcheck-suppress uninitvar */\n" "\n" " a++;\n" "}\n", ""); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); // suppress uninitvar inline, with asm before (#6813) (this->*check)("void f() {\n" " __asm {\n" " foo\n" " }" " int a;\n" " // cppcheck-suppress uninitvar\n" " a++;\n" "}", ""); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); // suppress uninitvar inline, without error present (this->*check)("void f() {\n" " int a;\n" " // cppcheck-suppress uninitvar\n" " b++;\n" "}\n", ""); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (information) Unmatched suppression: uninitvar\n", errout.str()); // #5746 - exitcode ASSERT_EQUALS(1U, (this->*check)("int f() {\n" " int a; return a;\n" "}\n", "")); ASSERT_EQUALS(0U, (this->*check)("int f() {\n" " int a; return a;\n" "}\n", "uninitvar")); } void suppressionsSettings() { runChecks(&TestSuppressions::checkSuppression); if (ThreadExecutor::isEnabled()) runChecks(&TestSuppressions::checkSuppressionThreads); } void suppressionsMultiFile() { std::map<std::string, std::string> files; files["abc.cpp"] = "void f() {\n" "}\n"; files["xyz.cpp"] = "void f() {\n" " int a;\n" " a++;\n" "}\n"; // suppress uninitvar for this file and line checkSuppression(files, "uninitvar:xyz.cpp:3"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); } void suppressionsPathSeparator() const { const Suppressions::Suppression s1("*", "test/foo/*"); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, s1.isSuppressed(errorMessage("someid", "test/foo/bar.cpp", 142))); const Suppressions::Suppression s2("abc", "include/1.h"); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, s2.isSuppressed(errorMessage("abc", "include/1.h", 142))); } void inlinesuppress() { Suppressions::Suppression s; std::string msg; ASSERT_EQUALS(false, s.parseComment("/* some text */", &msg)); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, s.parseComment("/* cppcheck-suppress */", &msg)); msg.clear(); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, s.parseComment("/* cppcheck-suppress id */", &msg)); ASSERT_EQUALS("", msg); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, s.parseComment("/* cppcheck-suppress id some text */", &msg)); ASSERT_EQUALS("Bad suppression attribute 'some'. You can write comments in the comment after a ; or //. Valid suppression attributes; symbolName=sym", msg); } void inlinesuppress_symbolname() { Suppressions suppressions; checkSuppression("void f() {\n" " int a;\n" " /* cppcheck-suppress uninitvar symbolName=a */\n" " a++;\n" "}\n", ""); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); checkSuppression("void f() {\n" " int a,b;\n" " /* cppcheck-suppress uninitvar symbolName=b */\n" " a++; b++;\n" "}\n", ""); ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.cpp:4]: (error) Uninitialized variable: a\n", errout.str()); } void inlinesuppress_comment() { Suppressions::Suppression s; std::string errmsg; ASSERT_EQUALS(true, s.parseComment("// cppcheck-suppress abc ; some comment", &errmsg)); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errmsg); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, s.parseComment("// cppcheck-suppress abc // some comment", &errmsg)); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errmsg); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, s.parseComment("// cppcheck-suppress abc -- some comment", &errmsg)); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errmsg); } void globalSuppressions() { // Testing that Cppcheck::useGlobalSuppressions works (#8515) errout.str(""); CppCheck cppCheck(*this, false); // <- do not "use global suppressions". pretend this is a thread that just checks a file. Settings& settings = cppCheck.settings(); settings.nomsg.addSuppressionLine("uninitvar"); settings.exitCode = 1; const char code[] = "int f() { int a; return a; }"; ASSERT_EQUALS(0, cppCheck.check("test.c", code)); // <- no unsuppressed error is seen ASSERT_EQUALS("[test.c:1]: (error) Uninitialized variable: a\n", errout.str()); // <- report error so ThreadExecutor can suppress it and make sure the global suppression is matched. } void inlinesuppress_unusedFunction() const { // #4210, #4946 - wrong report of "unmatchedSuppression" for "unusedFunction" Suppressions suppressions; suppressions.addSuppression(Suppressions::Suppression("unusedFunction", "test.c", 3)); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, !suppressions.getUnmatchedLocalSuppressions("test.c", true).empty()); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, !suppressions.getUnmatchedGlobalSuppressions(true).empty()); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, !suppressions.getUnmatchedLocalSuppressions("test.c", false).empty()); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, !suppressions.getUnmatchedGlobalSuppressions(false).empty()); } void globalsuppress_unusedFunction() const { // #4946 - wrong report of "unmatchedSuppression" for "unusedFunction" Suppressions suppressions; suppressions.addSuppressionLine("unusedFunction:*"); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, !suppressions.getUnmatchedLocalSuppressions("test.c", true).empty()); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, !suppressions.getUnmatchedGlobalSuppressions(true).empty()); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, !suppressions.getUnmatchedLocalSuppressions("test.c", false).empty()); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, !suppressions.getUnmatchedGlobalSuppressions(false).empty()); } void suppressionWithRelativePaths() { // Clear the error log errout.str(""); CppCheck cppCheck(*this, true); Settings& settings = cppCheck.settings(); settings.addEnabled("style"); settings.inlineSuppressions = true; settings.relativePaths = true; settings.basePaths.push_back("/somewhere"); const char code[] = "struct Point\n" "{\n" " // cppcheck-suppress unusedStructMember\n" " int x;\n" " // cppcheck-suppress unusedStructMember\n" " int y;\n" "};"; cppCheck.check("/somewhere/test.cpp", code); ASSERT_EQUALS("",errout.str()); } void suppressingSyntaxErrors() { // syntaxErrors should be suppressable (#7076) std::map<std::string, std::string> files; files["test.cpp"] = "if if\n"; checkSuppression(files, "syntaxError:test.cpp:1"); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); } void suppressingSyntaxErrorsInline() { // syntaxErrors should be suppressable (#5917) std::map<std::string, std::string> files; files["test.cpp"] = "double result(0.0);\n" "_asm\n" "{\n" " // cppcheck-suppress syntaxError\n" " push EAX ; save EAX for callers \n" " mov EAX,Real10 ; get the address pointed to by Real10\n" " fld TBYTE PTR [EAX] ; load an extended real (10 bytes)\n" " fstp QWORD PTR result ; store a double (8 bytes)\n" " pop EAX ; restore EAX\n" "}"; checkSuppression(files, ""); ASSERT_EQUALS("", errout.str()); } void symbol() { Suppressions::Suppression s; s.errorId = "foo"; s.symbolName = "array*"; Suppressions::ErrorMessage errorMsg; errorMsg.errorId = "foo"; errorMsg.setFileName("test.cpp"); errorMsg.lineNumber = 123; errorMsg.symbolNames = ""; ASSERT_EQUALS(false, s.isSuppressed(errorMsg)); errorMsg.symbolNames = "x\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS(false, s.isSuppressed(errorMsg)); errorMsg.symbolNames = "array1\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS(true, s.isSuppressed(errorMsg)); errorMsg.symbolNames = "x\narray2\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS(true, s.isSuppressed(errorMsg)); errorMsg.symbolNames = "array3\nx\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS(true, s.isSuppressed(errorMsg)); } void unusedFunction() { ASSERT_EQUALS(0, checkSuppression("void f() {}", "unusedFunction")); } void matchglob() { ASSERT_EQUALS(true, Suppressions::matchglob("*", "xyz")); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, Suppressions::matchglob("x*", "xyz")); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, Suppressions::matchglob("*z", "xyz")); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, Suppressions::matchglob("*y*", "xyz")); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, Suppressions::matchglob("*y*", "yz")); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, Suppressions::matchglob("*y*", "abc")); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, Suppressions::matchglob("*", "x/y/z")); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, Suppressions::matchglob("*/y/z", "x/y/z")); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, Suppressions::matchglob("?", "xyz")); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, Suppressions::matchglob("x?", "xyz")); ASSERT_EQUALS(false, Suppressions::matchglob("?z", "xyz")); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, Suppressions::matchglob("?y?", "xyz")); ASSERT_EQUALS(true, Suppressions::matchglob("?/?/?", "x/y/z")); } }; REGISTER_TEST(TestSuppressions)