# Donate CPU client library import shutil import os import subprocess import sys import socket import time import re import signal import tarfile import shlex # Version scheme (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH) should orientate on "Semantic Versioning" https://semver.org/ # Every change in this script should result in increasing the version number accordingly (exceptions may be cosmetic # changes) CLIENT_VERSION = "1.3.1" # Timeout for analysis with Cppcheck in seconds CPPCHECK_TIMEOUT = 60 * 60 # Return code that is used to mark a timed out analysis RETURN_CODE_TIMEOUT = -999 def check_requirements(): result = True for app in ['g++', 'git', 'make', 'wget', 'gdb']: try: subprocess.call([app, '--version']) except OSError: print(app + ' is required') result = False return result def get_cppcheck(cppcheck_path, work_path): print('Get Cppcheck..') for i in range(5): if os.path.exists(cppcheck_path): try: os.chdir(cppcheck_path) try: subprocess.check_call(['git', 'checkout', '-f', 'main']) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: subprocess.check_call(['git', 'checkout', '-f', 'master']) subprocess.check_call(['git', 'pull']) subprocess.check_call(['git', 'checkout', 'origin/main', '-b', 'main']) subprocess.check_call(['git', 'pull']) except: print('Failed to update Cppcheck sources! Retrying..') time.sleep(10) continue else: try: subprocess.check_call(['git', 'clone', 'https://github.com/danmar/cppcheck.git', cppcheck_path]) except: print('Failed to clone, will try again in 10 minutes..') time.sleep(600) continue time.sleep(2) return True if os.path.exists(cppcheck_path): print('Failed to update Cppcheck sources, trying a fresh clone..') try: os.chdir(work_path) shutil.rmtree(cppcheck_path) get_cppcheck(cppcheck_path, work_path) except: print('Failed to remove Cppcheck folder, please manually remove ' + work_path) return False return False def get_cppcheck_info(cppcheck_path): try: os.chdir(cppcheck_path) return subprocess.check_output(['git', 'show', "--pretty=%h (%ci)", 'HEAD', '--no-patch', '--no-notes']).decode('utf-8').strip() except: return '' def compile_version(work_path, jobs, version): if os.path.isfile(work_path + '/' + version + '/cppcheck'): return True os.chdir(work_path + '/cppcheck') subprocess.call(['git', 'checkout', version]) subprocess.call(['make', 'clean']) subprocess.call(['make', jobs, 'MATCHCOMPILER=yes', 'CXXFLAGS=-O2 -g']) if os.path.isfile(work_path + '/cppcheck/cppcheck'): os.mkdir(work_path + '/' + version) destPath = work_path + '/' + version + '/' subprocess.call(['cp', '-R', work_path + '/cppcheck/cfg', destPath]) subprocess.call(['cp', 'cppcheck', destPath]) subprocess.call(['git', 'checkout', 'main']) try: subprocess.call([work_path + '/' + version + '/cppcheck', '--version']) except OSError: return False return True def compile_cppcheck(cppcheck_path, jobs): print('Compiling Cppcheck..') try: os.chdir(cppcheck_path) subprocess.call(['make', jobs, 'MATCHCOMPILER=yes', 'CXXFLAGS=-O2 -g']) subprocess.call([cppcheck_path + '/cppcheck', '--version']) except OSError: return False return True def get_cppcheck_versions(server_address): print('Connecting to server to get Cppcheck versions..') try: with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as sock: sock.connect(server_address) sock.send(b'GetCppcheckVersions\n') versions = sock.recv(256) except socket.error as err: print('Failed to get cppcheck versions: ' + str(err)) return None return versions.decode('utf-8').split() def get_packages_count(server_address): print('Connecting to server to get count of packages..') try: with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as sock: sock.connect(server_address) sock.send(b'getPackagesCount\n') packages = int(sock.recv(64)) except socket.error as err: print('Failed to get count of packages: ' + str(err)) return None return packages def get_package(server_address, package_index=None): package = b'' while not package: print('Connecting to server to get assigned work..') try: with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as sock: sock.connect(server_address) if package_index is None: sock.send(b'get\n') else: request = 'getPackageIdx:' + str(package_index) + '\n' sock.send(request.encode()) package = sock.recv(256) except socket.error: print("network or server might be temporarily down.. will try again in 30 seconds..") time.sleep(30) return package.decode('utf-8') def handle_remove_readonly(func, path, exc): import stat if not os.access(path, os.W_OK): # Is the error an access error ? os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWUSR) func(path) def remove_tree(folderName): if not os.path.exists(folderName): return count = 5 while count > 0: count -= 1 try: shutil.rmtree(folderName, onerror=handle_remove_readonly) break except OSError as err: time.sleep(30) if count == 0: print('Failed to cleanup {}: {}'.format(folderName, err)) sys.exit(1) def wget(url, destfile, bandwidth_limit): if os.path.exists(destfile): if os.path.isfile(destfile): os.remove(destfile) else: print('Error: ' + destfile + ' exists but it is not a file! Please check the path and delete it manually.') sys.exit(1) wget_call = ['wget', '--tries=10', '--timeout=300', '-O', destfile, url] if bandwidth_limit and isinstance(bandwidth_limit, str): wget_call.append('--limit-rate=' + bandwidth_limit) exitcode = subprocess.call(wget_call) if exitcode != 0: print('wget failed with ' + str(exitcode)) os.remove(destfile) return False if not os.path.isfile(destfile): return False return True def download_package(work_path, package, bandwidth_limit): print('Download package ' + package) destfile = work_path + '/temp.tgz' if not wget(package, destfile, bandwidth_limit): return None return destfile def unpack_package(work_path, tgz): print('Unpacking..') temp_path = work_path + '/temp' remove_tree(temp_path) os.mkdir(temp_path) os.chdir(temp_path) found = False if tarfile.is_tarfile(tgz): with tarfile.open(tgz) as tf: for member in tf: if member.name.startswith(('/', '..')): # Skip dangerous file names continue elif member.name.lower().endswith(('.c', '.cpp', '.cxx', '.cc', '.c++', '.h', '.hpp', '.h++', '.hxx', '.hh', '.tpp', '.txx', '.qml', '.sln', '.vcproj', '.vcxproj')): try: tf.extract(member.name) found = True except OSError: pass except AttributeError: pass os.chdir(work_path) return found def has_include(path, includes): re_includes = [re.escape(inc) for inc in includes] re_expr = '^[ \t]*#[ \t]*include[ \t]*(' + '|'.join(re_includes) + ')' for root, _, files in os.walk(path): for name in files: filename = os.path.join(root, name) try: with open(filename, 'rt', errors='ignore') as f: filedata = f.read() if re.search(re_expr, filedata, re.MULTILINE): return True except IOError: pass return False def run_command(cmd): print(cmd) startTime = time.time() p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, preexec_fn=os.setsid) try: comm = p.communicate(timeout=CPPCHECK_TIMEOUT) return_code = p.returncode except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: os.killpg(os.getpgid(p.pid), signal.SIGTERM) # Send the signal to all the process groups comm = p.communicate() return_code = RETURN_CODE_TIMEOUT stop_time = time.time() stdout = comm[0].decode(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') stderr = comm[1].decode(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') elapsed_time = stop_time - startTime return return_code, stdout, stderr, elapsed_time def scan_package(work_path, cppcheck_path, jobs, libraries): print('Analyze..') os.chdir(work_path) libs = '' for library in libraries: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(cppcheck_path, 'cfg', library + '.cfg')): libs += '--library=' + library + ' ' # Reference for GNU C: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cpp/Common-Predefined-Macros.html options = libs + jobs + ' --showtime=top5 --check-library --inconclusive --enable=style,information --template=daca2 -rp=temp' if os.path.isfile('temp/tortoisesvn/TortoiseSVN.sln'): options = options.replace('--library=posix ', '') options = options.replace('--library=gnu ', '') options = '--library=windows ' + options options += ' --platform=win64 --project=temp/tortoisesvn/TortoiseSVN.sln' else: options += ' -D__GNUC__ --platform=unix64 temp' cppcheck_cmd = cppcheck_path + '/cppcheck' + ' ' + options cmd = 'nice ' + cppcheck_cmd returncode, stdout, stderr, elapsed_time = run_command(cmd) sig_num = -1 sig_msg = 'Internal error: Child process crashed with signal ' sig_pos = stderr.find(sig_msg) if sig_pos != -1: sig_start_pos = sig_pos + len(sig_msg) sig_num = int(stderr[sig_start_pos:stderr.find(' ', sig_start_pos)]) print('cppcheck finished with ' + str(returncode) + ('' if sig_num == -1 else ' (signal ' + str(sig_num) + ')')) if returncode == RETURN_CODE_TIMEOUT: print('Timeout!') return returncode, stdout, '', elapsed_time, options, '' # generate stack trace for SIGSEGV, SIGABRT, SIGILL, SIGFPE, SIGBUS if returncode in (-11, -6, -4, -8, -7) or sig_num in (11, 6, 4, 8, 7): print('Crash!') stacktrace = '' if cppcheck_path == 'cppcheck': # re-run within gdb to get a stacktrace cmd = 'gdb --batch --eval-command=run --eval-command="bt 50" --return-child-result --args ' + cppcheck_cmd + " -j1" dummy, stdout, stderr, elapsed_time = run_command(cmd) gdb_pos = stdout.find(" received signal") if not gdb_pos == -1: last_check_pos = stdout.rfind('Checking ', 0, gdb_pos) if last_check_pos == -1: stacktrace = stdout[gdb_pos:] else: stacktrace = stdout[last_check_pos:] return returncode, stacktrace, '', returncode, options, '' if returncode != 0: print('Error!') if returncode > 0: returncode = -100-returncode return returncode, stdout, '', returncode, options, '' if stderr.find('Internal error: Child process crashed with signal ') > 0: print('Error!') s = 'Internal error: Child process crashed with signal ' pos1 = stderr.find(s) pos2 = stderr.find(' [cppcheckError]', pos1) signr = int(stderr[pos1+len(s):pos2]) return -signr, '', '', -signr, options, '' if stderr.find('#### ThreadExecutor') > 0: print('Thread!') return -222, '', '', -222, options, '' information_messages_list = [] issue_messages_list = [] count = 0 for line in stderr.split('\n'): if ': information: ' in line: information_messages_list.append(line + '\n') elif line: issue_messages_list.append(line + '\n') if re.match(r'.*:[0-9]+:.*\]$', line): count += 1 print('Number of issues: ' + str(count)) # Collect timing information stdout_lines = stdout.split('\n') timing_info_list = [] overall_time_found = False max_timing_lines = 6 current_timing_lines = 0 for reverse_line in reversed(stdout_lines): if reverse_line.startswith('Overall time:'): overall_time_found = True if overall_time_found: if not reverse_line or current_timing_lines >= max_timing_lines: break timing_info_list.insert(0, ' ' + reverse_line + '\n') current_timing_lines += 1 timing_str = ''.join(timing_info_list) return count, ''.join(issue_messages_list), ''.join(information_messages_list), elapsed_time, options, timing_str def split_results(results): ret = [] w = None for line in results.split('\n'): if line.endswith(']') and re.search(r': (error|warning|style|performance|portability|information|debug):', line): if w is not None: ret.append(w.strip()) w = '' if w is not None: w += ' ' * 5 + line + '\n' if w is not None: ret.append(w.strip()) return ret def diff_results(work_path, ver1, results1, ver2, results2): print('Diff results..') ret = '' r1 = sorted(split_results(results1)) r2 = sorted(split_results(results2)) i1 = 0 i2 = 0 while i1 < len(r1) and i2 < len(r2): if r1[i1] == r2[i2]: i1 += 1 i2 += 1 elif r1[i1] < r2[i2]: ret += ver1 + ' ' + r1[i1] + '\n' i1 += 1 else: ret += ver2 + ' ' + r2[i2] + '\n' i2 += 1 while i1 < len(r1): ret += ver1 + ' ' + r1[i1] + '\n' i1 += 1 while i2 < len(r2): ret += ver2 + ' ' + r2[i2] + '\n' i2 += 1 return ret def send_all(connection, data): bytes_ = data.encode('ascii', 'ignore') while bytes_: num = connection.send(bytes_) if num < len(bytes_): bytes_ = bytes_[num:] else: bytes_ = None def upload_results(package, results, server_address): print('Uploading results.. ' + str(len(results)) + ' bytes') max_retries = 4 for retry in range(max_retries): try: with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as sock: sock.connect(server_address) cmd = 'write\n' send_all(sock, cmd + package + '\n' + results + '\nDONE') print('Results have been successfully uploaded.') return True except socket.error as err: print('Upload error: ' + str(err)) if retry < (max_retries - 1): print('Retrying upload in 30 seconds') time.sleep(30) print('Upload permanently failed!') return False def upload_info(package, info_output, server_address): print('Uploading information output.. ' + str(len(info_output)) + ' bytes') max_retries = 3 for retry in range(max_retries): try: with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as sock: sock.connect(server_address) send_all(sock, 'write_info\n' + package + '\n' + info_output + '\nDONE') print('Information output has been successfully uploaded.') return True except socket.error as err: print('Upload error: ' + str(err)) if retry < (max_retries - 1): print('Retrying upload in 30 seconds') time.sleep(30) print('Upload permanently failed!') return False def get_libraries(): libraries = ['posix', 'gnu'] library_includes = {'boost': ['',''], 'cairo': [''], 'cppunit': [''], 'gtk': ['', '', '', ''], 'libcurl': [''], 'libsigc++': ['', '"lua.h"'], 'mfc': ['', '', ''], 'microsoft_atl': [''], 'microsoft_sal': [''], 'motif': ['', '"prtypes.h"'], 'opencv2': ['', '', ''], 'openmp': [''], 'openssl': ['', '"Python.h"'], 'qt': ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''], 'sqlite3': ['', '"sqlite3.h"'], 'tinyxml2': [''], } for library, includes in library_includes.items(): if has_include('temp', includes): libraries.append(library) return libraries my_script_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))[0] jobs = '-j1' stop_time = None work_path = os.path.expanduser('~/cppcheck-' + my_script_name + '-workfolder') package_url = None server_address = ('cppcheck1.osuosl.org', 8000) bandwidth_limit = None max_packages = None do_upload = True