/* * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis * Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Cppcheck team. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifdef CHECK_INTERNAL #include "checkinternal.h" #include "astutils.h" #include "symboldatabase.h" #include "utils.h" #include #include // Register this check class (by creating a static instance of it). // Disabled in release builds namespace { CheckInternal instance; } void CheckInternal::checkTokenMatchPatterns() { const SymbolDatabase *symbolDatabase = _tokenizer->getSymbolDatabase(); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < symbolDatabase->functionScopes.size(); ++i) { const Scope * scope = symbolDatabase->functionScopes[i]; for (const Token* tok = scope->classStart->next(); tok != scope->classEnd; tok = tok->next()) { if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok, "Token :: Match (") && !Token::simpleMatch(tok, "Token :: findmatch (")) continue; const std::string& funcname = tok->strAt(2); // Get pattern string const Token *patternTok = tok->tokAt(4)->nextArgument(); if (!patternTok || patternTok->tokType() != Token::eString) continue; const std::string pattern = patternTok->strValue(); if (pattern.empty()) { simplePatternError(tok, pattern, funcname); continue; } if (pattern.find("||") != std::string::npos || pattern.find(" | ") != std::string::npos || pattern[0] == '|' || (pattern[pattern.length() - 1] == '|' && pattern[pattern.length() - 2] == ' ')) orInComplexPattern(tok, pattern, funcname); // Check for signs of complex patterns if (pattern.find_first_of("[|") != std::string::npos) continue; else if (pattern.find("!!") != std::string::npos) continue; bool complex = false; size_t index = pattern.find('%'); while (index != std::string::npos) { if (pattern.length() <= index + 2) { complex = true; break; } if (pattern[index + 1] == 'o' && pattern[index + 2] == 'r') // %or% or %oror% index = pattern.find('%', index + 1); else { complex = true; break; } index = pattern.find('%', index + 1); } if (!complex) simplePatternError(tok, pattern, funcname); } } } void CheckInternal::checkRedundantTokCheck() { for (const Token *tok = _tokenizer->tokens(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { if (!Token::Match(tok, "&& Token :: simpleMatch|Match|findsimplematch|findmatch (")) continue; // in code like // if (tok->previous() && Token::match(tok->previous(), "bla")) {} // the first tok->previous() check is redundant const Token *astOp1 = tok->astOperand1(); const Token *astOp2 = getArguments(tok->tokAt(3))[0]; if (astOp1->expressionString() == astOp2->expressionString()) { checkRedundantTokCheckError(astOp2); } } } void CheckInternal::checkRedundantTokCheckError(const Token* tok) { reportError(tok, Severity::style, "redundantTokCheck", "Unneccessary check of \"" + (tok? tok->expressionString(): emptyString) + "\", match-function already checks if it is null."); } void CheckInternal::checkTokenSimpleMatchPatterns() { const SymbolDatabase *symbolDatabase = _tokenizer->getSymbolDatabase(); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < symbolDatabase->functionScopes.size(); ++i) { const Scope * scope = symbolDatabase->functionScopes[i]; for (const Token* tok = scope->classStart->next(); tok != scope->classEnd; tok = tok->next()) { if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok, "Token :: simpleMatch (") && !Token::simpleMatch(tok, "Token :: findsimplematch (")) continue; const std::string& funcname = tok->strAt(2); // Get pattern string const Token *patternTok = tok->tokAt(4)->nextArgument(); if (!patternTok || patternTok->tokType() != Token::eString) continue; const std::string pattern = patternTok->strValue(); if (pattern.empty()) { complexPatternError(tok, pattern, funcname); continue; } // Check for [xyz] usage - but exclude standalone square brackets unsigned int char_count = 0; for (std::string::size_type pos = 0; pos < pattern.size(); ++pos) { char c = pattern[pos]; if (c == ' ') { char_count = 0; } else if (c == ']') { if (char_count > 0) { complexPatternError(tok, pattern, funcname); continue; } } else { ++char_count; } } // Check | usage: Count characters before the symbol char_count = 0; for (std::string::size_type pos = 0; pos < pattern.size(); ++pos) { const char c = pattern[pos]; if (c == ' ') { char_count = 0; } else if (c == '|') { if (char_count > 0) { complexPatternError(tok, pattern, funcname); continue; } } else { ++char_count; } } // Check for real errors if (pattern.length() > 1) { for (size_t j = 0; j < pattern.length() - 1; j++) { if (pattern[j] == '%' && pattern[j + 1] != ' ') complexPatternError(tok, pattern, funcname); else if (pattern[j] == '!' && pattern[j + 1] == '!') complexPatternError(tok, pattern, funcname); } } } } } namespace { const std::set knownPatterns = make_container< std::set > () << "%any%" << "%assign%" << "%bool%" << "%char%" << "%comp%" << "%num%" << "%op%" << "%cop%" << "%or%" << "%oror%" << "%str%" << "%type%" << "%name%" << "%var%" << "%varid%"; } void CheckInternal::checkMissingPercentCharacter() { const SymbolDatabase *symbolDatabase = _tokenizer->getSymbolDatabase(); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < symbolDatabase->functionScopes.size(); ++i) { const Scope * scope = symbolDatabase->functionScopes[i]; for (const Token* tok = scope->classStart->next(); tok != scope->classEnd; tok = tok->next()) { if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok, "Token :: Match (") && !Token::simpleMatch(tok, "Token :: findmatch (")) continue; const std::string& funcname = tok->strAt(2); // Get pattern string const Token *patternTok = tok->tokAt(4)->nextArgument(); if (!patternTok || patternTok->tokType() != Token::eString) continue; const std::string pattern = patternTok->strValue(); std::set::const_iterator knownPattern, knownPatternsEnd = knownPatterns.end(); for (knownPattern = knownPatterns.begin(); knownPattern != knownPatternsEnd; ++knownPattern) { const std::string brokenPattern = (*knownPattern).substr(0, (*knownPattern).size() - 1); std::string::size_type pos = 0; while ((pos = pattern.find(brokenPattern, pos)) != std::string::npos) { // Check if it's the full pattern if (pattern.find(*knownPattern, pos) != pos) { // Known whitelist of substrings if ((brokenPattern == "%var" && pattern.find("%varid%", pos) == pos) || (brokenPattern == "%or" && pattern.find("%oror%", pos) == pos)) { ++pos; continue; } missingPercentCharacterError(tok, pattern, funcname); } ++pos; } } } } } void CheckInternal::checkUnknownPattern() { const SymbolDatabase *symbolDatabase = _tokenizer->getSymbolDatabase(); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < symbolDatabase->functionScopes.size(); ++i) { const Scope * scope = symbolDatabase->functionScopes[i]; for (const Token* tok = scope->classStart->next(); tok != scope->classEnd; tok = tok->next()) { if (!Token::simpleMatch(tok, "Token :: Match (") && !Token::simpleMatch(tok, "Token :: findmatch (")) continue; // Get pattern string const Token *patternTok = tok->tokAt(4)->nextArgument(); if (!patternTok || patternTok->tokType() != Token::eString) continue; const std::string pattern = patternTok->strValue(); bool inBrackets = false; for (std::string::size_type j = 0; j < pattern.length() - 1; j++) { if (pattern[j] == '[' && (j == 0 || pattern[j - 1] == ' ')) inBrackets = true; else if (pattern[j] == ']') inBrackets = false; else if (pattern[j] == '%' && pattern[j + 1] != ' ' && pattern[j + 1] != '|' && !inBrackets) { const std::string::size_type end = pattern.find('%', j + 1); if (end != std::string::npos) { const std::string s = pattern.substr(j, end - j + 1); if (knownPatterns.find(s) == knownPatterns.end()) unknownPatternError(tok, s); } } } } } } void CheckInternal::checkRedundantNextPrevious() { const SymbolDatabase *symbolDatabase = _tokenizer->getSymbolDatabase(); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < symbolDatabase->functionScopes.size(); ++i) { const Scope * scope = symbolDatabase->functionScopes[i]; for (const Token* tok = scope->classStart->next(); tok != scope->classEnd; tok = tok->next()) { if (tok->str() != ".") continue; tok = tok->next(); if (Token::Match(tok, "previous ( ) . next|tokAt|strAt|linkAt (") || Token::Match(tok, "next ( ) . previous|tokAt|strAt|linkAt (") || (Token::simpleMatch(tok, "tokAt (") && Token::Match(tok->linkAt(1), ") . previous|next|tokAt|strAt|linkAt|str|link ("))) { const std::string& func1 = tok->str(); const std::string& func2 = tok->linkAt(1)->strAt(2); if ((func2 == "previous" || func2 == "next" || func2 == "str" || func2 == "link") && tok->linkAt(1)->strAt(4) != ")") continue; redundantNextPreviousError(tok, func1, func2); } else if (Token::Match(tok, "next|previous ( ) . next|previous ( ) . next|previous|linkAt|strAt|link|str (")) { const std::string& func1 = tok->str(); const std::string& func2 = tok->strAt(8); if ((func2 == "previous" || func2 == "next" || func2 == "str" || func2 == "link") && tok->strAt(10) != ")") continue; redundantNextPreviousError(tok, func1, func2); } } } } void CheckInternal::checkExtraWhitespace() { const SymbolDatabase *symbolDatabase = _tokenizer->getSymbolDatabase(); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < symbolDatabase->functionScopes.size(); ++i) { const Scope * scope = symbolDatabase->functionScopes[i]; for (const Token* tok = scope->classStart->next(); tok != scope->classEnd; tok = tok->next()) { if (!Token::Match(tok, "Token :: simpleMatch|findsimplematch|Match|findmatch (")) continue; const std::string& funcname = tok->strAt(2); // Get pattern string const Token *patternTok = tok->tokAt(4)->nextArgument(); if (!patternTok || patternTok->tokType() != Token::eString) continue; const std::string pattern = patternTok->strValue(); if (!pattern.empty() && (pattern[0] == ' ' || *pattern.rbegin() == ' ')) extraWhitespaceError(tok, pattern, funcname); // two whitespaces or more if (pattern.find(" ") != std::string::npos) extraWhitespaceError(tok, pattern, funcname); } } } void CheckInternal::multiComparePatternError(const Token* tok, const std::string& pattern, const std::string &funcname) { reportError(tok, Severity::error, "multiComparePatternError", "Bad multicompare pattern (a %cmd% must be first unless it is %or%,%op%,%cop%,%name%,%oror%) inside Token::" + funcname + "() call: \"" + pattern + "\"" ); } void CheckInternal::simplePatternError(const Token* tok, const std::string& pattern, const std::string &funcname) { reportError(tok, Severity::warning, "simplePatternError", "Found simple pattern inside Token::" + funcname + "() call: \"" + pattern + "\"" ); } void CheckInternal::complexPatternError(const Token* tok, const std::string& pattern, const std::string &funcname) { reportError(tok, Severity::error, "complexPatternError", "Found complex pattern inside Token::" + funcname + "() call: \"" + pattern + "\"" ); } void CheckInternal::missingPercentCharacterError(const Token* tok, const std::string& pattern, const std::string& funcname) { reportError(tok, Severity::error, "missingPercentCharacter", "Missing percent end character in Token::" + funcname + "() pattern: \"" + pattern + "\"" ); } void CheckInternal::unknownPatternError(const Token* tok, const std::string& pattern) { reportError(tok, Severity::error, "unknownPattern", "Unknown pattern used: \"" + pattern + "\""); } void CheckInternal::redundantNextPreviousError(const Token* tok, const std::string& func1, const std::string& func2) { reportError(tok, Severity::style, "redundantNextPrevious", "Call to 'Token::" + func1 + "()' followed by 'Token::" + func2 + "()' can be simplified."); } void CheckInternal::orInComplexPattern(const Token* tok, const std::string& pattern, const std::string &funcname) { reportError(tok, Severity::error, "orInComplexPattern", "Token::" + funcname + "() pattern \"" + pattern + "\" contains \"||\" or \"|\". Replace it by \"%oror%\" or \"%or%\"."); } void CheckInternal::extraWhitespaceError(const Token* tok, const std::string& pattern, const std::string &funcname) { reportError(tok, Severity::warning, "extraWhitespaceError", "Found extra whitespace inside Token::" + funcname + "() call: \"" + pattern + "\"" ); } #endif // #ifdef CHECK_INTERNAL