Writing Cppcheck rules
Part 3 - Introduction to writing rules with C++
The goal for this article is to introduce how
Cppcheck rules are written with C++. With C++ it is
possible to write more complex rules than is possible with regular
A C++ rule is written in a C++ function.
Rules are organized into Check classes. For instance there is a
class with the name CheckStl that contains various stl
rules. The CheckOther can always be used if no other
class suits you.
When you have added your rule you must recompile Cppcheck before you
can test it.
Division by zero
This simple regular expression will check for division by
cppcheck --rule="/ 0"
Here is the corresponding C++ check:
// Detect division by zero
void CheckOther::divisionByZero()
// Loop through all tokens
for (const Token *tok = _tokenizer->tokens(); tok; tok = tok->next())
// check if there is a division by zero
if (Token::Match(tok, "/ 0"))
// report error
// Report error
void CheckOther::divisionByZeroError()
reportError(tok, // location
Severity::error, // severity
"divisionByZero", // id
"Division by zero"); // message
The Token::Match matches tokens against
expressions. A few rules about Token::Match expressions are:
tokens are either completely matched or not matched at all. The
token "abc" is not matched by "ab".
Spaces are used as separators.
With normal regular expressions there are special meanings for +
* ? ( ). These are just normal characters in
Token::Match patterns.
Condition before deallocation
In the first Writing rules article I described a
rule that looks for redundant conditions. Here is the regular expression
that was shown:
if \( p \) { free \( p \) ; }
The corresponding Token::Match expression
if ( %var% ) { free ( %var% ) ; }
The %var% pattern is used to match any variable
Here is a C++ function:
// Find redundant condition before deallocation
void CheckOther::dealloc()
// Loop through all tokens
for (const Token *tok = _tokenizer->tokens(); tok; tok = tok->next())
// Is there a condition and a deallocation?
if (Token::Match(tok, "if ( %var% ) { free ( %var% ) ; }"))
// Get variable name used in condition:
const std::string varname1 = tok->strAt(2);
// Get variable name used in deallocation:
const std::string varname2 = tok->strAt(7);
// Is the same variable used?
if (varname1 == varname2)
// report warning
// Report warning
void CheckOther::deallocWarning()
reportError(tok, // location
Severity::warning, // severity
"dealloc", // id
"Redundant condition"); // message
The strAt function is used to fetch strings from the token list. The
parameter specifies the token offset. The result for "tok->tokAt(1)" is
the same as for "tok->next()".
Validate function parameters
Sometimes it is known that a function can't handle certain
parameters. Here is an example rule that checks that the parameters for
strtol or strtoul are valid:
// strtol(str, 0, radix) <- radix must be 0 or 2-36
void CheckOther::invalidFunctionUsage()
// Loop through all tokens
for (const Token *tok = _tokenizer->tokens(); tok; tok = tok->next())
// Is there a function call for strtol or strtoul?
if (!Token::Match(tok, "strtol|strtoul ("))
// Locate the third parameter of the function call..
// Counter that counts the parameters.
int param = 1;
// Scan the function call tokens. The "tok->tokAt(2)" returns
// the token after the "("
for (const Token *tok2 = tok->tokAt(2); tok2; tok2 = tok2->next())
// If a "(" is found then jump to the corresponding ")"
if (tok2->str() == "(")
tok2 = tok2->link();
// End of function call.
else if (tok2->str() == ")")
// Found a ",". increment param counter
else if (tok2->str() == ",")
// If the param is 3 then check if the parameter is valid
if (param == 3)
if (Token::Match(tok2, ", %num% )"))
// convert next token into a number
MathLib::bigint radix;
radix = MathLib::toLongNumber(tok2->strAt(1));
// invalid radix?
if (!(radix == 0 || (radix >= 2 && radix <= 36)))
void CheckOther::dangerousUsageStrtolError(const Token *tok)
reportError(tok, // location
Severity::error, // severity
"dangerousUsageStrtol", // id
"Invalid radix"); // message
The link() member function is used to find the corresponding ( ) [ ]
or { } token.
The inner loop is not necessary if you just want to get the last
parameter. This code will check if the last parameter is
// Is there a function call?
if (!Token::Match(tok, "do_something ("))
if (Token::Match(tok->next()->link()->tokAt(-2), "(|, %num% )"))
The pattern (|, can also be written as