/* * c++check - c/c++ syntax checking * Copyright (C) 2007 Daniel Marjamäki * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see // free #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #include #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool OnlyReportUniqueErrors; std::ostringstream errout; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string FileLine( const TOKEN *tok, Tokenizer *_tokenizer ) { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << "[" << _tokenizer->getFiles()->at(tok->FileIndex) << ":" << tok->linenr << "]"; return ostr.str(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool SameFileName( const char fname1[], const char fname2[] ) { #ifdef __linux__ return bool( strcmp(fname1, fname2) == 0 ); #endif #ifdef __GNUC__ return bool( strcasecmp(fname1, fname2) == 0 ); #endif #ifdef __BORLANDC__ return bool( stricmp(fname1, fname2) == 0 ); #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER return bool( _stricmp(fname1, fname2) == 0 ); #endif } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::list ErrorList; void ReportErr(const std::string &errmsg) { if ( OnlyReportUniqueErrors ) { if ( std::find( ErrorList.begin(), ErrorList.end(), errmsg ) != ErrorList.end() ) return; ErrorList.push_back( errmsg ); } errout << errmsg << std::endl; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool IsName(const char str[]) { return bool(str[0]=='_' || isalpha(str[0])); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool IsNumber(const char str[]) { return bool(isdigit(str[0]) != 0); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool IsStandardType(const char str[]) { if (!str) return false; bool Ret = false; const char *type[] = {"bool","char","short","int","long","float","double",0}; for (int i = 0; type[i]; i++) Ret |= (strcmp(str,type[i])==0); return Ret; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *GetParameterName( const TOKEN *ftok, int par ) { int _par = 1; for ( ; ftok; ftok = ftok->next) { if ( Match(ftok, ",") ) ++_par; if ( par==_par && Match(ftok, "%var% [,)]") ) return ftok->str; } return NULL; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Match(const TOKEN *tok, const char pattern[], const char *varname1[], const char *varname2[]) { if (!tok) return false; const char *p = pattern; while (*p) { // Skip spaces in pattern.. while ( *p == ' ' ) p++; // Extract token from pattern.. char str[50]; char *s = str; while (*p && *p!=' ') { *s = *p; s++; p++; } *s = 0; // No token => Success! if (str[0] == 0) return true; // Any symbolname.. if (strcmp(str,"%var%")==0 || strcmp(str,"%type%")==0) { if (!IsName(tok->str)) return false; } // Variable name.. else if (strcmp(str,"%var1%")==0 || strcmp(str,"%var2%")==0) { const char **varname = (strcmp(str,"%var1%")==0) ? varname1 : varname2; if ( ! varname ) return false; if (strcmp(tok->str, varname[0]) != 0) return false; for ( int i = 1; varname[i]; i++ ) { if ( ! Tokenizer::gettok(tok, 2) ) return false; if ( strcmp(Tokenizer::getstr(tok, 1), ".") ) return false; if ( strcmp(Tokenizer::getstr(tok, 2), varname[i]) ) return false; tok = Tokenizer::gettok(tok, 2); } } else if (strcmp(str,"%num%")==0) { if ( ! IsNumber(tok->str) ) return false; } else if (strcmp(str,"%str%")==0) { if ( tok->str[0] != '\"' ) return false; } // [.. => search for a one-character token.. else if (str[0]=='[' && strchr(str, ']') && tok->str[1] == 0) { *strrchr(str, ']') = 0; if ( strchr( str + 1, tok->str[0] ) == 0 ) return false; } else if (strcmp(str, tok->str) != 0) return false; tok = tok->next; if (!tok) return false; } // The end of the pattern has been reached and nothing wrong has been found return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- const TOKEN *findmatch(const TOKEN *tok, const char pattern[], const char *varname1[], const char *varname2[]) { for ( ; tok; tok = tok->next) { if ( Match(tok, pattern, varname1, varname2) ) return tok; } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void deleteTokens(TOKEN *tok) { while (tok) { TOKEN *next = tok->next; delete tok; tok = next; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------