language: cpp compiler: - gcc - clang env: global: # unfortunately we need this to stay within 50min timelimit given by travis. # this also turns off the debug/warning cxxflags - CXXFLAGS=-O2 matrix: - MAKEFLAGS="HAVE_RULES=yes" SRCDIR=build VERIFY=1 - SRCDIR=build VERIFY=1 - MAKEFLAGS="HAVE_RULES=yes" - before_install: # install needed deps - sudo apt-get update -qq - sudo apt-get install -qq python-pygments libqt4-core libqt4-gui libqt4-dev qt4-dev-tools qt4-qmake libxml2-utils libpcre3 script: # compile cppcheck, default build - make -j4 - make test -j4 # compile gui - cd gui - qmake - make -j4 # building gui generates some more files that cppcheck can check, so check the repo *after* building gui - cd ../ - ./cppcheck --error-exitcode=1 -Ilib --enable=style --suppressions-list=.travis_suppressions . - cd ./gui # clean rebuild - git clean -dfx . # can't set this as env flags, so try again with HAVE_RULES=yes - qmake HAVE_RULES=yes - make -j4 - cd ../ # check htmlreport stuff - ./htmlreport/ - cd htmlreport - ./ - cd ../ # check if DESTDIR works TODO: actually execute this - mkdir install_test - make DESTDIR=install_test install # rm everything - git clean -dfx # check what happens if we want to install it to some other dir, - make SRCDIR=build CFGDIR=/usr/share/cppcheck/cfg -j 4 - sudo make SRCDIR=build CFGDIR=/usr/share/cppcheck/cfg install - sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/cppcheck/cfg - sudo install -D ./cfg/* -t /usr/share/cppcheck/cfg # check if it actually works: - /usr/bin/cppcheck ./cli # check if reduce tool compiles - make reduce -j 4 # check if showtime=top5 works - ./tools/ # check the files in cgf dir with xmllint - xmllint --noout cfg/* # check if Makefile needs to be regenerated - git clean -dfx - make dmake - ./dmake # now, if dmake modified the makefile, return false! - git diff --exit-code notifications: irc: channels: - "" template: - "[%{commit} : %{author}] %{message}" - "%{build_url}" skip_join: true