/* * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Daniel Marjamäki, Reijo Tomperi, Nicolas Le Cam, * Leandro Penz, Kimmo Varis * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see extern std::ostringstream errout; // A test tokenizer where protected functions are made public class OpenTokenizer : public Tokenizer { public: OpenTokenizer(const char code[]) : Tokenizer() { std::istringstream istr(code); tokenize(istr, "test.cpp"); } virtual ~OpenTokenizer() { } bool elseif_() { return elseif(); } }; class TestSimplifyTokens : public TestFixture { public: TestSimplifyTokens() : TestFixture("TestSimplifyTokens") { } private: void run() { TEST_CASE(cast0); TEST_CASE(sizeof1); TEST_CASE(iftruefalse); TEST_CASE(combine_strings); TEST_CASE(double_plus); TEST_CASE(redundant_plus); TEST_CASE(parantheses1); TEST_CASE(elseif1); } std::string tok(const char code[]) { std::istringstream istr(code); Tokenizer tokenizer; tokenizer.tokenize(istr, "test.cpp"); tokenizer.simplifyTokenList(); std::string ret; for (const Token *tok = tokenizer.tokens(); tok; tok = tok->next()) { ret += tok->str() + " "; } return ret; } void cast0() { const char code1[] = " if ( p == (char *)0 ) "; const char code2[] = " if ( p == 0 ) "; ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code1), tok(code2)); } void sizeof1() { const char code1[] = " struct ABC *abc = malloc(sizeof(*abc)); "; const char code2[] = " struct ABC *abc = malloc(100); "; const char code3[] = " struct ABC *abc = malloc(sizeof *abc ); "; ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code1), tok(code2)); ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code3)); } void iftruefalse() { { const char code1[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = false; if( use ) { a=0; } else {a=1;} } "; const char code2[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = false; {a=1;} } "; ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code1)); } { const char code1[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = true; if( use ) { a=0; } else {a=1;} } "; const char code2[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = true; { a=0; } } "; ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code1)); } { const char code1[] = " void f() { int a; int use = 5; if( use ) { a=0; } else {a=1;} } "; const char code2[] = " void f() { int a; int use = 5; { a=0; } } "; ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code1)); } { const char code1[] = " void f() { int a; int use = 0; if( use ) { a=0; } else {a=1;} } "; const char code2[] = " void f() { int a; int use = 0; {a=1;} } "; ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code1)); } { const char code1[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = false; if( use ) a=0; else a=1; int c=1; } "; const char code2[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = false; { a=1; } int c=1; } "; ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code1)); } { const char code1[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = true; if( use ) a=0; else a=1; int c=1; } "; const char code2[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = true; { a=0; } int c=1; } "; ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code1)); } { const char code1[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = false; if( use ) a=0; else if( bb ) a=1; int c=1; } "; const char code2[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = false; { if( bb ) a=1; int c=1; } } "; ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code1)); } { const char code1[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = true; if( use ) a=0; else if( bb ) a=1; int c=1; } "; const char code2[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = true; { a=0;} int c=1; } "; ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code1)); } { const char code1[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = true; if( use ) a=0; else if( bb ) a=1; else if( cc ) a=33; else { gg = 0; } int c=1; } "; const char code2[] = " void f() { int a; bool use = true; { a=0; }int c=1; } "; ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code1)); } { const char code1[] = " void f() { if( aa ) { a=0; } else if( true ) a=1; else { a=2; } } "; const char code2[] = " void f() { if( aa ) { a=0; } else { a=1; } } "; ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code1)); } { const char code1[] = " void f() { if( aa ) { a=0; } else if( false ) a=1; else { a=2; } } "; const char code2[] = " void f() { if( aa ) { a=0; } else { a=2; } } "; ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code1)); } } void combine_strings() { const char code1[] = "void foo()\n" "{\n" "const char *a =\n" "{\n" "\"hello \"\n" "\"world\"\n" "};\n" "}\n"; const char code2[] = "void foo()\n" "{\n" "const char *a =\n" "{\n" "\"hello world\"\n" "};\n" "}\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS(tok(code2), tok(code1)); } void double_plus() { { const char code1[] = "void foo( int a )\n" "{\n" "a++;\n" "a--;\n" "++a;\n" "--a;\n" "}\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a ) { a ++ ; a -- ; ++ a ; -- a ; } ", tok(code1)); } { const char code1[] = "void foo( int a )\n" "{\n" "a=a+a;\n" "}\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a ) { a = a + a ; } ", tok(code1)); } { const char code1[] = "void foo( int a, int b )\n" "{\n" "a=a+++b;\n" "}\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a , int b ) { a = a ++ + b ; } ", tok(code1)); } { const char code1[] = "void foo( int a, int b )\n" "{\n" "a=a---b;\n" "}\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a , int b ) { a = a -- - b ; } ", tok(code1)); } { const char code1[] = "void foo( int a, int b )\n" "{\n" "a=a--+b;\n" "}\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a , int b ) { a = a -- + b ; } ", tok(code1)); } { const char code1[] = "void foo( int a, int b )\n" "{\n" "a=a++-b;\n" "}\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a , int b ) { a = a ++ - b ; } ", tok(code1)); } { const char code1[] = "void foo( int a, int b )\n" "{\n" "a=a+--b;\n" "}\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a , int b ) { a = a + -- b ; } ", tok(code1)); } { const char code1[] = "void foo( int a, int b )\n" "{\n" "a=a-++b;\n" "}\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a , int b ) { a = a - ++ b ; } ", tok(code1)); } } void redundant_plus() { { const char code1[] = "void foo( int a, int b )\n" "{\n" "a=a + + b;\n" "}\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a , int b ) { a = a + b ; } ", tok(code1)); } { const char code1[] = "void foo( int a, int b )\n" "{\n" "a=a + + + b;\n" "}\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a , int b ) { a = a + b ; } ", tok(code1)); } { const char code1[] = "void foo( int a, int b )\n" "{\n" "a=a + - b;\n" "}\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a , int b ) { a = a - b ; } ", tok(code1)); } { const char code1[] = "void foo( int a, int b )\n" "{\n" "a=a - + b;\n" "}\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a , int b ) { a = a - b ; } ", tok(code1)); } { const char code1[] = "void foo( int a, int b )\n" "{\n" "a=a - - b;\n" "}\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a , int b ) { a = a + b ; } ", tok(code1)); } { const char code1[] = "void foo( int a, int b )\n" "{\n" "a=a - + - b;\n" "}\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a , int b ) { a = a + b ; } ", tok(code1)); } { const char code1[] = "void foo( int a, int b )\n" "{\n" "a=a - - - b;\n" "}\n"; ASSERT_EQUALS("void foo ( int a , int b ) { a = a - b ; } ", tok(code1)); } } void parantheses1() { const char code1[] = "<= (10+100);"; ASSERT_EQUALS("<= 110 ; ", tok(code1)); } std::string elseif(const char code[]) { std::istringstream istr(code); OpenTokenizer tokenizer(code); tokenizer.elseif_(); return tokenizer.tokens()->stringifyList(false); } void elseif1() { const char code[] = "else if(ab) { cd } else { ef }gh"; ASSERT_EQUALS("\n1: else { if ( ab ) { cd } else { ef } } gh\n", elseif(code)); } }; REGISTER_TEST(TestSimplifyTokens)