/* * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis * Copyright (C) 2007-2021 Cppcheck team. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef astutilsH #define astutilsH //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <functional> #include <set> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "errortypes.h" #include "utils.h" class Function; class Library; class Settings; class Token; class Variable; enum class ChildrenToVisit { none, op1, op2, op1_and_op2, done // found what we looked for, don't visit any more children }; /** * Visit AST nodes recursively. The order is not "well defined" */ void visitAstNodes(const Token *ast, std::function<ChildrenToVisit(const Token *)> visitor); void visitAstNodes(Token *ast, std::function<ChildrenToVisit(Token *)> visitor); const Token* findAstNode(const Token* ast, const std::function<bool(const Token*)>& pred); const Token* findExpression(const nonneg int exprid, const Token* start, const Token* end, const std::function<bool(const Token*)>& pred); std::vector<const Token*> astFlatten(const Token* tok, const char* op); bool astHasToken(const Token* root, const Token * tok); bool astHasVar(const Token * tok, nonneg int varid); /** Is expression a 'signed char' if no promotion is used */ bool astIsSignedChar(const Token *tok); /** Is expression a 'char' if no promotion is used? */ bool astIsUnknownSignChar(const Token *tok); /** Is expression of integral type? */ bool astIsIntegral(const Token *tok, bool unknown); bool astIsUnsigned(const Token* tok); /** Is expression of floating point type? */ bool astIsFloat(const Token *tok, bool unknown); /** Is expression of boolean type? */ bool astIsBool(const Token *tok); bool astIsPointer(const Token *tok); bool astIsSmartPointer(const Token* tok); bool astIsIterator(const Token *tok); bool astIsContainer(const Token *tok); /** * Get canonical type of expression. const/static/etc are not included and neither *&. * For example: * Expression type Return * std::string std::string * int * int * static const int int * std::vector<T> std::vector */ std::string astCanonicalType(const Token *expr); /** Is given syntax tree a variable comparison against value */ const Token * astIsVariableComparison(const Token *tok, const std::string &comp, const std::string &rhs, const Token **vartok=nullptr); bool isTemporary(bool cpp, const Token* tok, const Library* library, bool unknown = false); const Token* previousBeforeAstLeftmostLeaf(const Token* tok); Token* previousBeforeAstLeftmostLeaf(Token* tok); const Token * nextAfterAstRightmostLeaf(const Token * tok); Token* nextAfterAstRightmostLeaf(Token* tok); Token* astParentSkipParens(Token* tok); const Token* astParentSkipParens(const Token* tok); const Token* getParentMember(const Token * tok); const Token* getParentLifetime(const Token* tok); bool astIsLHS(const Token* tok); bool astIsRHS(const Token* tok); Token* getCondTok(Token* tok); const Token* getCondTok(const Token* tok); Token* getCondTokFromEnd(Token* endBlock); const Token* getCondTokFromEnd(const Token* endBlock); /// For a "break" token, locate the next token to execute. The token will /// be either a "}" or a ";". const Token *findNextTokenFromBreak(const Token *breakToken); /** * Extract for loop values: loopvar varid, init value, step value, last value (inclusive) */ bool extractForLoopValues(const Token *forToken, nonneg int * const varid, bool * const knownInitValue, long long * const initValue, bool * const partialCond, long long * const stepValue, long long * const lastValue); bool precedes(const Token * tok1, const Token * tok2); bool exprDependsOnThis(const Token* expr, nonneg int depth = 0); struct ReferenceToken { const Token* token; ErrorPath errors; }; std::vector<ReferenceToken> followAllReferences(const Token* tok, bool inconclusive = true, ErrorPath errors = ErrorPath{}, int depth = 20); const Token* followReferences(const Token* tok, ErrorPath* errors = nullptr); bool isSameExpression(bool cpp, bool macro, const Token *tok1, const Token *tok2, const Library& library, bool pure, bool followVar, ErrorPath* errors=nullptr); bool isEqualKnownValue(const Token * const tok1, const Token * const tok2); bool isDifferentKnownValues(const Token * const tok1, const Token * const tok2); /** * Is token used a boolean, that is to say cast to a bool, or used as a condition in a if/while/for */ bool isUsedAsBool(const Token * const tok); /** * Are two conditions opposite * @param isNot do you want to know if cond1 is !cond2 or if cond1 and cond2 are non-overlapping. true: cond1==!cond2 false: cond1==true => cond2==false * @param cpp c++ file * @param cond1 condition1 * @param cond2 condition2 * @param library files data * @param pure boolean */ bool isOppositeCond(bool isNot, bool cpp, const Token * const cond1, const Token * const cond2, const Library& library, bool pure, bool followVar, ErrorPath* errors=nullptr); bool isOppositeExpression(bool cpp, const Token * const tok1, const Token * const tok2, const Library& library, bool pure, bool followVar, ErrorPath* errors=nullptr); bool isConstExpression(const Token *tok, const Library& library, bool pure, bool cpp); bool isWithoutSideEffects(bool cpp, const Token* tok); bool isUniqueExpression(const Token* tok); bool isEscapeFunction(const Token* ftok, const Library* library); /** Is scope a return scope (scope will unconditionally return) */ bool isReturnScope(const Token* const endToken, const Library* library = nullptr, const Token** unknownFunc = nullptr, bool functionScope = false); /// Return the token to the function and the argument number const Token * getTokenArgumentFunction(const Token * tok, int& argn); /** Is variable changed by function call? * In case the answer of the question is inconclusive, e.g. because the function declaration is not known * the return value is false and the output parameter inconclusive is set to true * * @param tok ast tree * @param varid Variable Id * @param settings program settings * @param inconclusive pointer to output variable which indicates that the answer of the question is inconclusive */ bool isVariableChangedByFunctionCall(const Token *tok, int indirect, nonneg int varid, const Settings *settings, bool *inconclusive); /** Is variable changed by function call? * In case the answer of the question is inconclusive, e.g. because the function declaration is not known * the return value is false and the output parameter inconclusive is set to true * * @param tok token of variable in function call * @param settings program settings * @param inconclusive pointer to output variable which indicates that the answer of the question is inconclusive */ bool isVariableChangedByFunctionCall(const Token *tok, int indirect, const Settings *settings, bool *inconclusive); /** Is variable changed in block of code? */ bool isVariableChanged(const Token *start, const Token *end, const nonneg int exprid, bool globalvar, const Settings *settings, bool cpp, int depth = 20); bool isVariableChanged(const Token *start, const Token *end, int indirect, const nonneg int exprid, bool globalvar, const Settings *settings, bool cpp, int depth = 20); bool isVariableChanged(const Token *tok, int indirect, const Settings *settings, bool cpp, int depth = 20); bool isVariableChanged(const Variable * var, const Settings *settings, bool cpp, int depth = 20); bool isVariablesChanged(const Token* start, const Token* end, int indirect, std::vector<const Variable*> vars, const Settings* settings, bool cpp); bool isThisChanged(const Token* start, const Token* end, int indirect, const Settings* settings, bool cpp); const Token* findVariableChanged(const Token *start, const Token *end, int indirect, const nonneg int exprid, bool globalvar, const Settings *settings, bool cpp, int depth = 20); Token* findVariableChanged(Token *start, const Token *end, int indirect, const nonneg int exprid, bool globalvar, const Settings *settings, bool cpp, int depth = 20); bool isExpressionChanged(const Token* expr, const Token* start, const Token* end, const Settings* settings, bool cpp, int depth = 20); /// If token is an alias if another variable bool isAliasOf(const Token *tok, nonneg int varid, bool* inconclusive = nullptr); bool isAliased(const Variable *var); /** Determines the number of arguments - if token is a function call or macro * @param start token which is supposed to be the function/macro name. * \return Number of arguments */ int numberOfArguments(const Token *start); /** * Get arguments (AST) */ std::vector<const Token *> getArguments(const Token *ftok); int getArgumentPos(const Variable* var, const Function* f); const Token *findLambdaStartToken(const Token *last); /** * find lambda function end token * \param first The [ token * \return nullptr or the } */ const Token *findLambdaEndToken(const Token *first); Token* findLambdaEndToken(Token* first); bool isLikelyStream(bool cpp, const Token *stream); /** * do we see a likely write of rhs through overloaded operator * s >> x; * a & x; */ bool isLikelyStreamRead(bool cpp, const Token *op); bool isCPPCast(const Token* tok); bool isConstVarExpression(const Token *tok, const char * skipMatch = nullptr); const Variable *getLHSVariable(const Token *tok); std::vector<const Variable*> getLHSVariables(const Token* tok); bool isScopeBracket(const Token* tok); bool isNullOperand(const Token *expr); bool isGlobalData(const Token *expr, bool cpp); /** * Forward data flow analysis for checks * - unused value * - redundant assignment * - valueflow analysis */ class FwdAnalysis { public: FwdAnalysis(bool cpp, const Library &library) : mCpp(cpp), mLibrary(library), mWhat(What::Reassign), mValueFlowKnown(true) {} bool hasOperand(const Token *tok, const Token *lhs) const; /** * Check if "expr" is reassigned. The "expr" can be a tree (x.y[12]). * @param expr Symbolic expression to perform forward analysis for * @param startToken First token in forward analysis * @param endToken Last token in forward analysis * @return Token where expr is reassigned. If it's not reassigned then nullptr is returned. */ const Token *reassign(const Token *expr, const Token *startToken, const Token *endToken); /** * Check if "expr" is used. The "expr" can be a tree (x.y[12]). * @param expr Symbolic expression to perform forward analysis for * @param startToken First token in forward analysis * @param endToken Last token in forward analysis * @return true if expr is used. */ bool unusedValue(const Token *expr, const Token *startToken, const Token *endToken); struct KnownAndToken { bool known; const Token *token; }; std::vector<KnownAndToken> valueFlow(const Token *expr, const Token *startToken, const Token *endToken); /** Is there some possible alias for given expression */ bool possiblyAliased(const Token *expr, const Token *startToken) const; std::set<nonneg int> getExprVarIds(const Token* expr, bool* localOut = nullptr, bool* unknownVarIdOut = nullptr) const; private: static bool isEscapedAlias(const Token* expr); /** Result of forward analysis */ struct Result { enum class Type { NONE, READ, WRITE, BREAK, RETURN, BAILOUT } type; explicit Result(Type type) : type(type), token(nullptr) {} Result(Type type, const Token *token) : type(type), token(token) {} const Token *token; }; struct Result check(const Token *expr, const Token *startToken, const Token *endToken); struct Result checkRecursive(const Token *expr, const Token *startToken, const Token *endToken, const std::set<nonneg int> &exprVarIds, bool local, bool inInnerClass, int depth=0); // Is expression a l-value global data? bool isGlobalData(const Token *expr) const; const bool mCpp; const Library &mLibrary; enum class What { Reassign, UnusedValue, ValueFlow } mWhat; std::vector<KnownAndToken> mValueFlow; bool mValueFlowKnown; }; #endif // astutilsH