#!/bin/sh # Script for setting up everything that is needed and then running donate-cpu-server.py as # a local server for testing. # To start a real server instead of a local one simply remove the "--test" parameter. # You can move this script to another location but then you have to set this path accordingly. cppcheck_tools_path=.. # Paths that should not be changed: dacaathome_path=~/daca@home donatedresults_path=${dacaathome_path}/donated-results if [ ! -d "${dacaathome_path}" ] then mkdir "${dacaathome_path}" fi if [ ! -d "${donatedresults_path}" ] then mkdir "${donatedresults_path}" fi if [ ! -f "${dacaathome_path}/packages.txt" ] then python "${cppcheck_tools_path}/daca2-getpackages.py" > "${dacaathome_path}/packages.txt" fi while : do python "${cppcheck_tools_path}/donate-cpu-server.py" --test done