/* * Cppcheck - A tool for static C/C++ code analysis * Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Cppcheck team. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef checkstlH #define checkstlH //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "config.h" #include "check.h" /// @addtogroup Checks /// @{ /** @brief %Check STL usage (invalidation of iterators, mismatching containers, etc) */ class CPPCHECKLIB CheckStl : public Check { public: /** This constructor is used when registering the CheckClass */ CheckStl() : Check(myName()) { } /** This constructor is used when running checks. */ CheckStl(const Tokenizer *tokenizer, const Settings *settings, ErrorLogger *errorLogger) : Check(myName(), tokenizer, settings, errorLogger) { } /** Simplified checks. The token list is simplified. */ void runSimplifiedChecks(const Tokenizer *tokenizer, const Settings *settings, ErrorLogger *errorLogger) { if (!tokenizer->isCPP()) return; CheckStl checkStl(tokenizer, settings, errorLogger); checkStl.stlOutOfBounds(); checkStl.iterators(); checkStl.mismatchingContainers(); checkStl.erase(); checkStl.pushback(); checkStl.stlBoundaries(); checkStl.if_find(); checkStl.string_c_str(); checkStl.checkAutoPointer(); checkStl.uselessCalls(); checkStl.checkDereferenceInvalidIterator(); // Style check checkStl.size(); checkStl.redundantCondition(); checkStl.missingComparison(); checkStl.readingEmptyStlContainer(); } /** * Finds errors like this: * for (unsigned ii = 0; ii <= foo.size(); ++ii) */ void stlOutOfBounds(); /** * Finds errors like this: * for (it = foo.begin(); it != bar.end(); ++it) */ void iterators(); /** * Mismatching containers: * std::find(foo.begin(), bar.end(), x) */ void mismatchingContainers(); /** * Dangerous usage of erase. The iterator is invalidated by erase so * it is bad to dereference it after the erase. */ void erase(); void eraseCheckLoopVar(const Scope &scope, const Variable *var); /** * Dangerous usage of push_back and insert */ void pushback(); /** * bad condition.. "it < alist.end()" */ void stlBoundaries(); /** if (a.find(x)) - possibly incorrect condition */ void if_find(); /** * Suggest using empty() instead of checking size() against zero for containers. * Item 4 from Scott Meyers book "Effective STL". */ void size(); /** * Check for redundant condition 'if (ints.find(1) != ints.end()) ints.remove(123);' * */ void redundantCondition(); /** * @brief Missing inner comparison, when incrementing iterator inside loop * Dangers: * - may increment iterator beyond end * - may unintentionally skip elements in list/set etc */ void missingComparison(); /** Check for common mistakes when using the function string::c_str() */ void string_c_str(); /** @brief %Check for use and copy auto pointer */ void checkAutoPointer(); /** @brief %Check calls that using them is useless */ void uselessCalls(); /** @brief %Check for dereferencing an iterator that is invalid */ void checkDereferenceInvalidIterator(); /** * Dereferencing an erased iterator * @param erased token where the erase occurs * @param deref token where the dereference occurs * @param itername iterator name */ void dereferenceErasedError(const Token* erased, const Token* deref, const std::string &itername); /** @brief Reading from empty stl container */ void readingEmptyStlContainer(); private: bool isIterator(const Variable *var) const; void readingEmptyStlContainer_parseUsage(const Token* tok, const Library::Container* container, std::map<unsigned int, const Library::Container*>& empty, bool noerror); void missingComparisonError(const Token *incrementToken1, const Token *incrementToken2); void string_c_strThrowError(const Token *tok); void string_c_strError(const Token *tok); void string_c_strReturn(const Token *tok); void string_c_strParam(const Token *tok, unsigned int number); void stlOutOfBoundsError(const Token *tok, const std::string &num, const std::string &var, bool at); void invalidIteratorError(const Token *tok, const std::string &iteratorName); void iteratorsError(const Token *tok, const std::string &container1, const std::string &container2); void mismatchingContainersError(const Token *tok); void invalidIteratorError(const Token *tok, const std::string &func, const std::string &iterator_name); void invalidPointerError(const Token *tok, const std::string &func, const std::string &pointer_name); void stlBoundariesError(const Token *tok); void if_findError(const Token *tok, bool str); void sizeError(const Token *tok); void redundantIfRemoveError(const Token *tok); void autoPointerError(const Token *tok); void autoPointerContainerError(const Token *tok); void autoPointerArrayError(const Token *tok); void autoPointerMallocError(const Token *tok, const std::string& allocFunction); void uselessCallsReturnValueError(const Token *tok, const std::string &varname, const std::string &function); void uselessCallsSwapError(const Token *tok, const std::string &varname); void uselessCallsSubstrError(const Token *tok, bool empty); void uselessCallsEmptyError(const Token *tok); void uselessCallsRemoveError(const Token *tok, const std::string& function); void dereferenceInvalidIteratorError(const Token* deref, const std::string &iterName); void readingEmptyStlContainerError(const Token *tok); void getErrorMessages(ErrorLogger *errorLogger, const Settings *settings) const { CheckStl c(nullptr, settings, errorLogger); c.invalidIteratorError(nullptr, "iterator"); c.iteratorsError(nullptr, "container1", "container2"); c.mismatchingContainersError(nullptr); c.dereferenceErasedError(nullptr, nullptr, "iter"); c.stlOutOfBoundsError(nullptr, "i", "foo", false); c.invalidIteratorError(nullptr, "push_back|push_front|insert", "iterator"); c.invalidPointerError(nullptr, "push_back", "pointer"); c.stlBoundariesError(nullptr); c.if_findError(nullptr, false); c.if_findError(nullptr, true); c.string_c_strError(nullptr); c.string_c_strReturn(nullptr); c.string_c_strParam(nullptr, 0); c.sizeError(nullptr); c.missingComparisonError(nullptr, 0); c.redundantIfRemoveError(nullptr); c.autoPointerError(nullptr); c.autoPointerContainerError(nullptr); c.autoPointerArrayError(nullptr); c.autoPointerMallocError(nullptr, "malloc"); c.uselessCallsReturnValueError(nullptr, "str", "find"); c.uselessCallsSwapError(nullptr, "str"); c.uselessCallsSubstrError(nullptr, false); c.uselessCallsEmptyError(nullptr); c.uselessCallsRemoveError(nullptr, "remove"); c.dereferenceInvalidIteratorError(nullptr, "i"); c.readingEmptyStlContainerError(nullptr); } static std::string myName() { return "STL usage"; } std::string classInfo() const { return "Check for invalid usage of STL:\n" "- out of bounds errors\n" "- misuse of iterators when iterating through a container\n" "- mismatching containers in calls\n" "- dereferencing an erased iterator\n" "- for vectors: using iterator/pointer after push_back has been used\n" "- optimisation: use empty() instead of size() to guarantee fast code\n" "- suspicious condition when using find\n" "- redundant condition\n" "- common mistakes when using string::c_str()\n" "- using auto pointer (auto_ptr)\n" "- useless calls of string and STL functions\n" "- dereferencing an invalid iterator\n" "- reading from empty STL container\n"; } }; /// @} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif // checkstlH